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Reviews for Borealis: A Zutara Story

By : jaded_priceless
  • From Kain on January 27, 2014
    Chapter 229:

    Well it would appear that some people are tarting to clue in on the fact that despite the fact that she screwed up royally, Katara is at least trying her best to help them in these hard times and that her hands are tied in regards to what she can accomplish. She is not looking to be forgiven by them since they have reason to be vexed by her but will nonetheless try to aid them to the best of her abilities. She is in the same boat as them but knows what she can and cannot do. She will weather the insults and do what she feel's she needs to do. It's a shitty situation for everyone involved and I gotta give her props for despite her reputation taking a nosedive she retains her love for helping the helpless.

    chapter 230:

    this was a lovely chapter and I love whenever Katara calls attention to Zuko's moral myopia in regards to his people when it comes to rape. It's understandable since from birth he was raised to one day lead his nation and of course would not want to think of them as monsters. Hi whole relationship with Katara is making him a better person while simultaneously poking holes in everything he has ever known. Good to see that there are some good soldiers who want to do right by the people and not resort to rape and are even willing to court a women to preserve her honor. Pity they are so few in number.

    And holy hell, I don't know how it slipped my mind but if things are this bad at a mere village that has katara AND Zuko trying their best to lessen the peoples suffering, I can't imagine the kind of hell hole Ba Sing Se has become.

    Keep it up.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From Kain on January 14, 2014
    chapter 227

    Heh cute moments.

    I see the sense in katara ensuring that Zuko remains alive as long a possible since if he were to die, she and her friends and quite possibly the rest of the town would be up shits creak without a paddle and subject to untold horrors. Although given that she has compromised herself by starting to legitimately care about Zuko, she might have to speed up the escape plan before she falls too hard.

    You're busting these chapters out pretty quick, keep up the good work.
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  • From Kain on January 13, 2014
    Chapter 226:

    Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, real life has been a pain in the ass. certainly weren't exaggerating when you said that these two were not exactly in the right mental state. That sounds harsh I know but let me explain. It's like there trying to live out some fairy tail in that little room of theirs where the rest of the world just falls away. On one hand it is heartwarming, but on another its very visibly unhealthy since as the longer they stay in their little world of two, the reality of the outside world will hit them all the more harder.

    I will admit that i almost lost my shit in the previous chapter when it looked like Katara was falling hard into Stockholm syndrome and making excuses for Zuko but after a few re reads noticed that was not the case. They have both been dealt a REALLY shitty hand and while Zuko has no other choice but to rack up bad karma, seeing as how the alternative is a messy fate for Katara compliments of his father and/or sister and Katara continues to lose the respect of the citizens who don't know the circumstances.

    I feels like at this point there relationship is

    "hey, if were going to be damned, then lets make the best of it on the way down"

    It's sad, because this can only end in tears.

    Now I am on to the next chapter

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  • From Kain on December 30, 2013
    Interesting letter from Ozai, only he can make a seemingly heartfelt letter sound threatening at the same time........well him and Azula. Must be the insanity factor. Also nothing scarier than monsters who don't think/know they are monsters. Even when he is complementing Zuko he takes shots at him. The whole family is screwed up and when zuko starts to take steps in the right direction his fathers letter pushes him back.

    "Hey, I just want you too know that I love you son.............but if you and your delightful little water wench step out of line........ I will equalize the shit out of you in the most brutal fashion I can think of.......... love ya!!!!.

    Freaking Ozai, I swear.

    I have a bit of a conundrum.........The sex scene between Katar and zuko in the latest be was hot...I mean smoldering backscratchingly painful-good hot......BUT it was also rape and added to Zuko's bad karma which at this point he is better off gelding himself to avoid the reckoning. I loved and raged at that scene and the conflicting emotions are going to cause me to run outside in the pouring rain, howl impotently to the sky and savate kick a poor pedestrian.........and that will be ALL on on that as you go too sleep at night.

    Gahhh this story

    And thank you for the chapter reference...don't know how the hell I missed that one, poor Jin and her mother. But curse you for that tease about the fates of certain characters.

    Things aren't going to go in zuko's favor if he continues to follow this philosophy

    Iroh(who is no saint himself) needs to get his shit in gear and smack this boy upside his skull before he fully becomes like his father and sister.

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  • From Kain on December 27, 2013
    Morality chain*-small correction

    Part 2 of my review since I had to end the previous one prematurely due to being pressed for time.

    More cracks start to show in Azula and I laughed at while she got a girly dress, Katara got armor and Zuko one upped her magnificently. Ozai is quite the oddball lol. Although the more they piss her off the worse she is going to get before she finally goes nuclear on someone.
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  • From Kain on December 27, 2013
    *Foolishly reads chapter whilst driving-never attempt this- and having a cup of piping hot coffee, when this particular passage caught the eye*

    "She doesn’t remember being raped by Azula or that her mother was gang-raped in front of her."

    -end result-

    car flipped ass over end and need I repeat PIPING hot coffee was splashed all over my are soooo sued.

    But in all seriousness it's only a small part of that passage that caught my attention. I remember it being mentioned not too long ago that the mother was gang raped but for the life of me and now I may have to go back and read the earlier chapters, I cannot remember when it was shown or mentioned that Azula actually raped Jin. This story is pretty long and I will admit that I skimmed over some chapters when I started reading this since I got into this story when it was already far ahead and i wanted to catch up so I might have missed a few plot points. Unless it happened not too long ago then I am just blind lol. If you would be so kind as to point out the chapter it was mentioned/occurred in that would be sweet.


    CORDIAL with these motherfuckers.

    Giving these ass clowns love advice and soothing their fear of you!?!?!? Damn girl CAPITALIZE on that shit. Put the fear into their souls, make them think twice before they try to step to you, cause problems in there relationships. Your still in a war and these guys are still your enemies, even if you're prevented from physically dealing with them, slicing away at there mentality is the next best thing. You got their prince quite literally by the balls, if your gonna submit too his attentions, make use of them. Granted you don't know that they are probably the very same soldiers who just got done raping and pillaging, perhaps even some of your fellow captured tribesmen, always remember, these people are not your friends, brothers, sisters, peeps, dudes, fellas, dunnies, comrades, roommates named Jeff who still have not washed the fucking dishes, allies etc etc.

    Ok, now that that's out of the way.....I must address this:

    "Laughs evilly at the femslash comment. If my muse would cooperate to get them out of this city there is another OC coming up that I think you might enjoy. (At least I hope so)"

    ......I believe this Gif will speak for itself on my feelings on the femslash OC:

    although i fear what will happen to the remaining townspeople when they do eventually leave unless reincforcements can come in time. Another thing is In the Canon ending, when the war ended people seemed to be willing to leave the fire nation alone and strive towards peace, but here where things are considerably darker? The fire Nation had better be praying that they win or that the people who's lives they have destroyed grant them a quick death. Even Aang won't be able to pacify the masses, and that's assuming he even wants to if/when he finds out the full horrors of the war and what was done personally to one of his closest friends.

    An Earth kingdom General, an ALLY made believe that he had hurt Katara....Aang lost his shit and wrecked the shit out of the base, some fools took Appa....Aang lost his shit and probably would have killed someone, but Katara brought him back down to earth. Katara is his anchor and the only thing that has been shown to calm him down from the avatar state......and now these people are continuously fucking around with the one person who could prevent Aang from ending them?

    It's a Universal rule: DO.NOT FUCK.with the mortality chain.

    And barring Aang, god help Zuko and anyone else who has harmed Katara or the tribesman when Hakoda gets brought up to speed on things.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-

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  • From ANON - SmilingHoney on December 25, 2013
    OMG, I've spent the last 3 days reading this wonderful story and just caught up to your writing. I love love love the universe you have made. I'm still iffy about how I want this to end. In another fandom we discussed how our fav male character could ever redeem themselves after raping either our fav female character or any female for that matter. Rape is such an ugly thing for women and I think we'd like to read about how a rapist is redeemed and becomes good because it happens so rarely in real life. Another fan commented that the only way for the rapist to redeem themselves is to be killed, but I don't think I could handle reading about Zuko's death. I'm so torn and that's all your fault... I mean talent ;-)

    You've made us feel so much for these 2 characters and their plight. I mean, you held our interest for hundreds of chapters!!!! You have such an amazing talent and I can't wait to see more from you! Thank you for sharing this amazing version with us.
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  • From Kain on December 20, 2013
    Ah, casual threats of murder over a nice meal............reminds me of thanksgiving at my apartment. And yes, Azula's mental state is showing. Love the quick updates by the way. Nice to see Katara showing that she still has claws, even if they have been dulled a bit. Poor Jin, that girl is being pulled through the ringer with these psychos and having her mind frequently jacked with cannot be healthy.

    And thanks for the confirmation on Azula's preferences, I have a weakness for femslash and was just curious.
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  • From Kain on December 17, 2013
    Hmm for once I don't have a threat or a rant.........although it killed me when that scene with the new prisoners being ushered in came up. Women and children.............-twitch-........ they just keep racking up that bad karma.

    And this particular line caught my eye:

    "They were in the hotel lobby when they saw Azula. Her clothes were slightly disheveled, her skin was slightly pinkened and she was sweating."

    It was mentioned briefly in a past chapter that Azula enjoyed the company of women correct? If so did she just come from a "session" and was it consensual? Or does she just have blood poisoning but to a worse degree than Zuko?

    Sucks that Katara is still getting shade from the Earth kingdom citizens although from there perspective it is easy to be pissed at her and lay a lot of what has happened to them at her feet.
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  • From Raa.Maa.Daa.Saa.Hung on December 04, 2013
    SOOO MANY UPDATES!!!! Thank you, Thank you so very much!!!!
    I gland you didn't thought i was nagging too much with my questions/requests on the story, cus I really love how you making the avatar world complete on it. Do you investigate about different cultures to make it so or it's all from your imagination?. Gawshhh you almost kill me with all the floff on the last chapters, no cus I hate, but beacuse It so different from all they are living in the moment, I was very close to TT-TT at the end of it. I know the water tribe warriors the capture are northerners because there was no mention of females on their group, not that I'm ok with rape,but they totally deserve get their ass fuck out of them with the way the treat their women. now the nagging .. I mean questions, it's Bong-Cha one of the twins that Kokoro birthed? When will we know more about Iroh and Toph's quest for "Space Sword"? Will Ty Lee help out the Team Avatar when they try to escape or will she standby Azula (kinda like what may did in the show for Zuko? Will The Zhao twins and Mu follow Zuko if he goes with katara and the others when they escape?will sing se switch sides now that she see frist hand what kind of psycho Azula is (by the way love ur Azula, she is one of my favorites!!!)?I have more questions but For now i think that's enough. Keep the Good work, Hope you have fantastic holidays, and you spend your time full of joy!!!
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  • From ANON - Erika on December 01, 2013
    Omg is that the end?? I need more! Ahhhh!! If this is the last chapter please write an epilogue!! Arghh
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  • From Kain on November 30, 2013
    -reads through chapters 204-214-

    -SLOWLY puts gelding knife least for Zuko-

    The "what could have been" dicussion was sweet and sad at the same time. They both know such a life is not possible and that at least from Katara's side, their is no least yet.

    Chu-Hua continues to be a morally bankrupt creepy twat along with the rest of the ash makers(that is a canon insult). Granted this story has gone in a totally different direction than canon but at some point will Katara ever gain the knowledge of blood bending? Would be quite useful in an escape attempt and a little bit of vengeance.

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  • From Kain on November 19, 2013
    -checks blood pressure-

    proceeds before I began my ran...ahem "review" I would like to get this out of the way first.....

    “My people aren’t bad Katara, they just view things differently than yours do.

    Well, if THAT isn't the fucking understatement of the year!!!

    Read through all 4 updates and had to pause and take a break several times to compose myself. That Major in chapter 200 was a real piece of work. After a good ol rape still considers himself a good man while joking about the rape of the other prisoners and that goes to show you how fucked up these people are. And then hey look there, they are making a mini sanctuary to help the women.....they..just.........raped......yeah. It is the sheer lack of empathy and guilt that pisses me off so much. They rape the women and think it's okay and think that building a little comfort hovel to help ease the women's aches makes them square.

    And man Katara is getting the short end of the stick in all of this. Forced to keep her mouth shut from revealing the truth and gets more shade from the victims than the fire nation are getting. Katara even pointed it out, the female fire nation personnel did jack shit while fellow women were being abused along with some boys and yet it's her that gets flak? I would love to see either her or a victim of the mass rape just rail against the fire nation individuals, whether they are female or male and call them out on their savagery and lack of standards. It may not end well for the poor women but it would be nice for someone to see that Katara is in a similar predicament and give the fire nation some shit. Especially would love to see a raped women explode at one of the female fire nation personnel for their lack of action.

    Now don't let my rage lead you too assume I dislike this story......that couldn't be further from the truth, I adore it. It is just a LARGE percent of a "certain" fire based group that I hate with a passion. I'm still up in the air about Zuko, but at least he is trying and has no taste for rape........except the whole thing with Katara which was tech...nically......necessa..............god DAMN IT NO LONGER UP IN THE AIR.......I will settle for castration with him. Everyone else.....they can burn. You have some serious talent if you can make me react this way damn it lol.

    Nice too see Aang still has some moves but damn is he in the dark on what is going on outside his little prison.

    -waits patiently for next chapter-
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  • From Raa.Maa.Daa.Saa.Hung on November 15, 2013
    It's be very long since I last login and I was glad to found new chapters (and of course you'r fic it's still epic as always).
    So Have a few thing to say, first LOL I din't expected Zhao 1 to be gay, you got me there girl!!. second, It's kind o makes me a evil person, but I really want to twist Jin's neck, a lot of the problen that happening (or about to happen) are thanks to her, seriously were did she left her brain. I think if Song was the one that Zuko found a declare his first, she would have reacted way better, I mean she look like a smart girl.At last, I would really appreciate if you write more about Taruk, you don't have to, but I think It will be awesome if you do. Thanks again for been a fantastic fic writer.
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  • From Kain on October 27, 2013
    chapter 198

    MAN things have gotten dark. With every chapter my hatred for the fire nation in this story increases along with my frustration of Katara. She is a resourceful girl and yet had yet to figure out a way out of her current predicament. It must be painful as hell for her, that the very same soldiers she was giving aid too, just raped innocent people. It's seems like at times she is acquiring a case of Stockholm Syndrome and is making excuses for Zuko's treatment of her and being far to friendly with her fire nation captors just because some of them show her the smallest of kindness. Even the twins aren't good people.

    I just want something, ANYTHING bad to start happening to the Soldiers at this point.........and I may have missed something in the previous chapters but if Katara got to Aang and told him what has happened not only to her but many other innocent people......that would be more than enough too puh hm into the avatar State and fuck some people up.

    -now on to the next chapter for me-
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