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Reviews for a few new tricks

By : immo
  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on October 14, 2005
    CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMMO!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Very nice. ^_^ Refreshing chapter. Kind of like a 'oh, in case you happened to forget, time has passed and this happened, but nothing much to worry over, really' sort of feeling. I liked it. I'm still interested in how the monks can periodically break through the barrier to get into the village... but I have a sneaking suspicion that was explained a while ago, and I'm just too tired to think about it. ~_~;; ehhgh...
    Anyhoo. You gave us some interesting things to think about, immo. Like.. whom exactly is spying on Kim and reporting to the monks? *gasp* There is a traitor amongst us.... I don't want to think about who it is. I really, really don't. Because I'm afraid of the answer. 'Say it ain't so, Ma! Say it ain't so!' *tearful eyes*
    As chapter 20 was short-ish, no major qualms or probs. Heh heh... I like the child-like abandon you're writing into Xaio Qing, but I still...question some of the strange innuendo vibes I get from her when it comes to Shego.
    'Come to bed.' o_O;;;; Honestly, immo. I inwardly cringe with fear every time Shego is alone with her. I really do. I think 'Oh, no! Was immo lying to us and Xaio really DOES swing that way, and she really DOES want some Shego lovin'???' Then I take three minutes to calm my racing heart down and say, 'No... immo wouldn't hurt us like that' (^_~ Kim says it so often, it had to rub off some time, right? XD ) and then I carry on reading.
    Woot for cliffhangers. They give you something to look forward to. Wonderfully. The sweet and bitter taste of wanting. *sigh*
    I notice your chapter titles (remember?? ^_^ ) and I enjoy the images that they set up in my mind. It's sort of like asking us 'what could this part be about? How do you want to feel about it?' before every chapter, and I for one really enjoy it. The titles don't detract from the story at all, and help to enhance the feeling of it. Very episodic. It's great. ^_^
    Well... have fun doing what ya' do, and I'll be ever ready and looking forward to the next update. Much love, immo!
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on October 10, 2005
    Hmmm. Xiao Qing.... seems just like a child. Albeit, a very dangerous, powerful child... but still. A child nonetheless. There's a possessiveness of Shego that she obviously has, lording it over both Kim and Shego... there are tons of underlying things that could be read into with just her presence alone and how the girls react to her. I really love how you say very little or make her act this sweet way when she's actually testing and teasing and being mean in reality. Wonderful writing, there. ^_^
    In all honesty, I don't like from a Kigo-shipper's standpoint. I feel threatened and put-off by her very presence, and the reaction she incites from Shego. She also didn't get many respect points from me when she was carving/weaving out of/off of Shego's back. (So many questions about that, immo. Questions I'm sure you set up to be answered later. ^_~) So, yes. I also feel threatened by her simply because she...knows things. She has plans for Shego and Kim, and just from the way she sounds, I'm concerned about them. She may be happy, nearly omnipotent snake goddess lady....but her definition of love doesn't strike me as a very happy definition of love. Thus far, my impression of the Green Snake is that power and control come first: respect her, fear her, pay homage to her; the 'softer' side of things comes second: friendship, caring, true love... and it seems like she doesn't mean to be, she That's just HER. For all her age and power, we still get the sense that she's just playing the lead goddess. Going through the motions while she tries to fill some secret emptiness inside her. That's how I feel about her, anyway. One moment, she's like a child with Shego, the next she's on to her bigger agendas, then the next she's teasing and carrying on with this 'i know something you don't know' type of attitude. (not all at once, of course...over the span of the pages.) So, yeah. Her presence sets me on a whole new level of apprehension and heightens my concern for both Shego and Kim. (As I'm sure you probably wanted, right? ^_~)
    *I had a sudden thought at where the story could be leading*... *gasp* ^_____________^ hee hee...actually, I don't think I want to hazard a guess, because it might be what you're planning and I don't want to spoil the surprise... but... the idea would be ironic if it's what you're going to do. Fitting in to all sorts of happy archetype-al structures... I won't say though. At least, not in this review. =P
    Good luck on pegging down a direction for her. She started off pretty well, if a little flighty, but that's more because you don't have her personality solid yet. I'm sure you'll get it in the next few chapters. XD Anyhoo. More long reviews.... I hope you don't mind them. This was shorter than my first one, wasn't it? lol. I'll keep trying. Fun stuff, immo!
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  • From ANON - Wolf (of Wolf\'s Fairy) on September 29, 2005
    *cries in happiness* Thank you for updating; I love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From AnimeChic1 on September 26, 2005
    God. It sure did take you a while to update. I thought you were just going to leave it where it was on the last chapter...but I am glad you finally did update
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on September 26, 2005
    Anything worth doing is worth doing right, right? Words can't express how pleased/flustered I was at being mentioned. Yayness ^_^ !!! Heh heh... anyhoo... ch. 18's lookin' good... I don't know if it was the formatting style or whatnot with the beginning part intersected with the letter, but it was hard to tell one from the other at first. (The story with the new Team Possible and Kim's letter.) I imagine it might be easier if the letter was done in italics or something, to better show the separation. Unless the way you've got it is the way you wanted it. ^_~
    Chapter 18's title has a minor typo: 'poinr' instead of 'point'... but nothing to get hot and bothered over.
    (I'm going to try and keep this review down since you're so busy. ^_~)
    I really enjoy that Kim is turning the tables and making Shego the flustered one. Often times readers don't really see such a role reversal in fics, it's usually just go, go, go, and one character goes along for the ride. The changes in the characters are done well while still staying true to their personalities, in my opinion. Totally fun stuff.
    And Jim has a puppy named Tigger. It's nice to have a change of scenery once in a while. Adolescence can do odd things to young adults, and it's refreshing to see that the tweebs are no exceptions, especially in the light of the 'loss' of their sister. As an aside, it might be interesting to see, or at least mention some of the trial and error bits Monique had as team leader, just to show a bit of growth for her, and not just 'she flopped into it and was a pro overnight in saving the world.' I think that'd do a bit of rounding out for her, in the eyes of the reader.
    Are you mocking me with the fact that I couldn't translate dialogue with free online dialogue translators? Geeze... and after all the thought I put into my reviews, too.... kidding. I look forward to any sort of notes you decide to add. *Preferably translations of the dialogue that we don't get. HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE* I said this would be shorter, didn't I? I'm sorry, immo. I'll stop now. Much love and looking forward to the next updates. ^_~
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on September 22, 2005
    Oy!! Read through every chapter of a few new tricks, and I just wanted to say it's awesome! The story is well thought out and flows very well, despite some grammar problems and a few tense changes in the story. To be honest, I was a bit wary at first from your summary about Shego disappearing for 3 years and suddenly returning, but it turned out all good when I started reading. The transition of taking Shego and building these whole new facets of her personality are realistic and heart-warming to see. I laughed at certain times in the story where something would just hit me and I'd feel 'that is SO Shego! I can't believe--(whatever it was she'd said or done at the time)', which is a very fulfilling feeling. I slightly minded when you referred to Kim as a teenager, even though it's been three years which would put her somewhere around 18 or something, wouldn't it? Maybe it's just me, though. I kept having flashbacks of teen cheerleader Kim, which didn't fit with the imagery of the story, for me.
    One thing I really, really wished you had would be translations of the tons and tons of Mandarin that everyones' been speaking. It works really well with the idea of Kim being new and not knowing the language, but for my own personal benefit, I wouldn't mind being clued in to what everyone is saying. I tried to do things the easy way and use an online translator, but I haven't been able to find out that translates Chinese to English, bastard things. So, maybe just as a side note or separate footnote or something, you could include translations of the dialogue? Pretty please? That might help... it would help me tons.
    The sheer amounts of background settings and descriptions you have are mind boggling. You keep the pacing well with them without bogging the reader down, but at the same time, each place is memorable, each place means something, and you pull it off very well. I enjoyed reading the places Kim and Shego were, and the original characters and all the other characters are just very realistic and don't feel scripted or redundant or out of place. I had trepidations at first because Shego truly loved Fong when we first see them, and their interactions reflected that unrequieted love in everything they did and said. It was very real, and Kim had just gotten tossed into it, and she was like "wtf?" and I was like "wtf? NO!" followed by sudden spasms of my heart, since Fong was real enough and I empathized enough with her to not want Shego to just drop everything and jump Kim's bones. The growth of the relationship was in logical steps that I could follow, which made the Kigo-y goodness in the past three chapters feel like they really meant something. That you really worked up to something in the story and it wasn't just "okay, here's Kim and Shego's fuckfest, have a blast". I loved that it had meaning, that there were consequences, and that they came together out of the pit of this depression. I had closure with Fong and Shego's relationship, and I walked away from it without hating anyone. It was just something that had to be, and I loved that. I loved that feeling that things were happening beyond the characters involved, and Shego, up to the wedding, up to when she confronted Fong, was still weighing her choices. Still wanted to run away with Fong, though she'd already chosen to let her go. It was heart-wrenching and emotion-wracking and summed up just about everything I'd imagine a person would go through when they loved someone they weren't supposed to, or had to let go of for some higher abstract reasoning.
    Even in Reconciliation (ch.17), we feel the effects of Shego's past with Fong, and how it still hurts, even though she's trying to move passed it. Mixed into this, Kim, with budding (o_O;;) and just now realized feelings for Shego, brought on by that dreamy, blissful, whirlwind night, then having those feelings suddenly wrenched away as the days moved on. Yeah, it would piss me off. Yeah, I'd feel crushed. We think that we're entering in to Kigo fluffness and things can be happier, but things just got more complicated, and it's great! Make us work for the Kigo that we love! You give us so much reason to keep reading them, to keep seeing how things will work out for them, and I for one don't think things are rushed at all throughout the story *though the wedding chapter was a bit rushed, I actually sort of liked it better that way. There was no real reason to prolong it, especially after getting out everything that really needed to be done, so it was fine. Any longer and it might have lost its poignancy or its point in mindless festivities.* (The part where Shego brushes Kim's nose in a silent question really struck a chord at how teeth-numbingly cute it was XD ) I also liked that you don't smut out the sex scenes. You write them with eloquence and taste above and beyond many others, but you don't wuss out. Shego's sensual and lusty and insatiable, and you show it rather than explain it and I commend you for it. It's superb writing, and I agree, sex scenes are hard to pull off tastefully. A person will write this grand story line, nice plot, good characterization, but when they finally get down to the sex part of the story, it's like their brains go to mush and it's all bland, vulgar drivvle about 'fisting vaginas, fucking, etc.etc'. It's like peoples' vocabulary gets raped with a pointy, spiral stick when it comes to sex.
    Thankfully, your sex scenes don't do such things. And for this, I would give you my body. ^_~ Until my girlfriend kicked the crap out of me. =/ But anyhoo... this is probably very long, and I'm not sure if the review will go through, so I will say that I love you (in a non-sexual way,) and I look forward to the next chapters of a few new tricks. Don't keep us in suspense. Find the time to update! *Ting Ting puppy dog eyes* Please??? I may go so far as to learn Chinese or acquire a Chinese friend to translate the dialogue for me. Love ya' laters!
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  • From ANON - lavon on September 13, 2005
    I've just read all the chapters....I'm hooked. It's a really good story, and I want to see what happens! Even with grammatical and/or spelling errors, I still loved it!
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  • From ANON - satara on August 30, 2005
    men this is a cool fic but you need put more kick ass figthing on it and maybe make ron and wade back to the plot, beside that maybe a few more sex ecenes. and most important of all UPLOAD MORE OFTEN, well thas all
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  • From ANON - Danielle on August 27, 2005
    Damn!! i think i like this story out of all of em lol i stayed up till 5:10am reading it. you know
    you got me hooked on this story. SOOOoooo.......what evil twist is there next? WRITE MORE>>PLEASE!!!
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  • From ANON - Merridian on August 26, 2005
    Wow. Awesome story, man. I love how you just keep tying in familiar chinese romance tragedy themes all over the place. An infatuated master distancing herself from her pupil, a two lovers who can't be together because of an arranged marrage, sacrificing one's own happiness for the good of the collective group...the list goes on!

    Keep writing.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 25, 2005
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  • From ANON - twitch on August 24, 2005
    very good story but what happened to chapter 10. keep writing more can't wait for more

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  • From ANON - k-san on August 21, 2005
    Woah. Harsh much? I'm loving the story so far. But, no offense but I think Kim is being too... too fragile and clingy. She probably shouldn't go after Shego so much. She should just keep her distance. Play it cool, you know? I know Kim misses her family and friends, but she should know that Shego would never let her contact them. Kim should focus all her emotions on her training. Also, Shego is really mean, which means you captured her personality. Great Job on the story! Please Update it soon! I am dying to know what Kim is getting trained for and what's gonna happen when the three years is up!
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  • From ANON - kitty on August 14, 2005
    shego was so cold.. good chappie tho
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  • From ANON - Emerald*Dragon on August 08, 2005
    That was... Wow. And you do not suck at sex scenes! (They were very VERY good -_^ )... Please update ASAP.
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