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Reviews for a few new tricks

By : immo
  • From ANON - Tunod on November 23, 2005
    Okay. I'll admit it. I've never watched an episode of Kim Possible in my life.

    It says something about your work that it's interesting enough to keep someone with no knowledge of the show or fandom reading it from start to finish. Good job. ^.^_b
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on November 20, 2005
    There is so nothing wrong with meaningless fluff! And, if like me, other readers are hopeless romantics and delight in the joy of tiny touches and random affection, then there is so totally no such thing as meaningless fluff. In fact, that phrase shouldn't even be uttered to the ears of a romantic. ^_~ No fluff is meaningless, immo! I was all warm and fuzzy from start to finish of this chapter. I so love this story. It will be a bitter sweet feeling when it draws to a close, but all good things and all that jazz. XD Anyhoo. There weren't too many spelling errors, I actually only caught three in my avid reading and was lost in the story, being able to perfectly put myself in the story and see everything in my mind's eye. They are as follows: early in the chapter, right after Shego has knocked Kim into the snow, there is a sentence 'Snow feel gently...' instead of 'fell'. Um... I forgot the second one... dammit... and the third one I caught was when Fong was with her baby at dinner, right before the scene break, the word was 'endulging' instead of 'indulging'. And because I'm hard-pressed for time right now and must go forage for dinner before going to work, this is all I can currently write. ^_~ I'm sure anyone else that reads your comments aside from you are probably happy about that, as I tend to talk too much, right? XD lol. Anyhoo! Much love and no ending prematurely, immo! You'd make me sad for weeks. *nodnod* See you laters!
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  • From ANON - Blackestnight on November 20, 2005
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry,.....It just seems like so long since you written. This chapter was Awesome!
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  • From ANON - heart on November 20, 2005
    meaningless fluff?? Heathen. sorry love a little fluff here and there breaks up the angsty stuff in everything. Even I have to put some in my fics every now and then.
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on November 15, 2005
    Woot, immo. ^_~ Very nice chapter, blends everything well, I think. I was wondering how you were going to deal with the barrier and the team, but the point of view from Tigger was a really nice touch. I enjoyed that Rufus and Tigger could see the barrier and pass through it, while to the humans, it was just like the animals disappeared. Take that, technology! Muahaha! Thinking technology can outdo magic...especially centuries old snake demoness magic! Hah!
    Anyhoo... yayness for the togetherness of Kim and Shego once more. I'm sure we can all figure out the 'main reason' why Shego doesn't want even rumors of she and Kim spreading around. O_O Foreshadowing, foreshadowing!
    Also...I got confused. Xian he.... is the mythical bird I've been bugging you about, isn't it? Has he always had a name, and I just missed it in the previous chapters? Last time I checked, we were still referring to him as 'the mythical bird', lol. But yay. If he is, and that's what we're talking about, then Kim noticed him and wants to see him as badly as I do. 'Childish wants' and all that jazz. ^_~
    Forgive me, for it is early for me and I had a stick of string cheese for breakfast and nothing else.
    Drakken's jokes...amoeba... nice quirky touch in reminding us that yes, even though he works for the side of good now, he is still a doofus. Heh. ^_^;;
    One minor thing... I thought Tigger was a really huge German Shepherd, capable of rescuing small children. Doesn't that mean he's...bigger than a puppy? Or does Jim just refer to him as a puppy because he raised Tigger from a puppy? I was slightly confused about that. Puppy, or adult? I have no idea. Totally very minor in the great scheme of things, I just thought the confusion would be a good change of pace from abject and total worship. ^_~
    Ahhh... the tapestry revealed. You have revealed to us two very important things: one, that whatever Xaio Qing is taking from Shego to help make the tapestry, she is not per se pulling scales from Shego's back to make them; and two, that of course we were going to see some incarnation of the lost Black Snake (or White Snake, in the story links you've sent us...o_O;;) in some form or another. The question is: what is the tapestry, and why does Shego feel that it is a desert that will swallow them up? Ah, the questions we must ask ourselves....
    I doth believe that is it for the current moment. Always much love and anticipation for your chapters, immo! Fun stuff!
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  • From ANON - Haladrias on November 11, 2005
    nice, cant wait till the next chapter :)
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  • From ANON - Necrovore on November 07, 2005
    Nice story. I look forward to future chapters.
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  • From ANON - Prophecy on November 04, 2005
    tally_beoulve have you tried to type in your username and password then click login at the bottom of the page.If that doesn't work then I'll tell Triaxx,so he can help you out.
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  • From ANON - Prophecy on November 04, 2005
    This is a cool story.
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  • From ANON - lady-of-tormentdeath on November 03, 2005
    This cahpter was awsome, though I wish there was more to it. Not as big of a lemon as I expected but it was great. I really wished they could love each other and not worry about xiao qing. but I'll just have to wait to see wont I?

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  • From ANON - Blackestnight on November 03, 2005
    Awesome! That's all I have to say...errr and thanks for ending the wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on November 01, 2005
    I don't hate you, immo. =P I haven't been able to log on to the KPSlashboards for a while for some claims I'm already logged on, but it welcomes me as a guest and I can't post. Totally weird. Anyhoo... 'nice day'. Geeze, immo! I like the lull in the tension that was building up. A calm before the storm type of feeling, really. I'm also super happy that Shego has fallen back into that happy place where she can be herself around Kim and not have to worry about Xaio Qing. Blargy snake demoness... she's getting a tad too touchy feely in the flashback scene where she puts her scale on Shego, eh? Not so sisterly now!!! Rawr. Anyhoo. Ima' go see if I can log in now, since it's a different day. Much love, immo!
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  • From ANON - BlackestNight on October 26, 2005
    How could you end it like that! I've been waiting what seems like forever.....err you suck. Just kidding.Please write some more of the story. It is great and I've told all of my friends about it and they love it too.
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  • From ANON - BlackestNight on October 20, 2005
    This has to be one of the best stories I have ever read. The way it was written and the way the characters act seems real. Please write the next chapter quick! This is an awesome story.
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  • From ANON - tally_beoulve on October 18, 2005
    *sigh* More cliffhangers, immo? Will the suspense never end? ^_^ lol. There were a couple of tense changes that happened...err...somewhere in the beginning of the middle part of the story in the scene with Fong and Shego. Really minor, I just thought I'd mention them for the sake of editing and whatnot, yah? XD
    I think it's funny that Xaio Qing would secretly teach Kim an offensive spell, just to irk Shego. That made me laugh, and I just caught it now. XP It's nice to see that Fong and Shego are still harboring emotions from each other (as much as it pains me as a Kigo fan to say so,) since that really strikes home. It's for all the jilted or unrequieted lovers out there, eh, immo? lol. Ahhh...the pain. *sigh*
    A scale with Xaio Qing's power... 'until she grows her own'... hmmm. So many thoughts and ideas could come out of this, but I won't say anything here. I'll go and discuss with madman and everyone on the KPslash board.
    On a side note, I enjoyed that you took a bit of time to tell us how time worked in the village and on Er Mei, and how doing that inadvertantly shows us a bit more of Xaio Qing's power without slapping us in the face and going 'Hey! She's powerful!' like we didn't know. ^_~ I sat back after reading that part and thought about it, and I was all, 'Wow. She's PRACTICING doing that? Dude...' Makes one wonder how much more Bai Su Zheng could do...
    I had a flash of Fruits Basket when Xaio was stepping on the blanket of snakes to go back up to the top of Er Mei, heh heh. Just a bit of imagery that I thought would entertain you if I mentioned it. ^_^
    Mmmm...not much else to mention, I think, other than the progression is going steadily; feels like we're setting up for some much bigger surprise now that Xaio is going back and Shego and Kim can have more screen time together *hooray!* And now, we understand why Shego didn't want to let Kim get too close. But...if that's the case, it still leaves the question of how Xaio felt about Fong, since she asked how she was doing all those chapters ago. Was she doing it to mock Shego, or because...of something else? Because Fong is one of hers, I guess, and Kim isn't. But still. 'You will love no other more than I.' Hmmmm. Someone's insecure much... just kidding. O_O;; Possessive, but not insecure. Much. Heh.
    Things are going to come to head with Shego's guilt eating away at her, and the tapestry having sapped much of her strength. One wonders if that will be how it is for Kim if things continue on with Xaio Qing the way they are. Will Kim be following in Shego's footsteps? Or will Kim be headstrong and heroic and attempt something heroic? That, or try to get 'closer' to Shego again, now that an overbearing someone is hibernating again... Well. Maybe not. Kim did give her word. But... what means more to her? Her word or her heart? Shego's having the same issues... so... I'm just wondering out loud in your review now. Blarg. stuff and joyful things, immo. As ever, always looking forward to your next updates. Much love!
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