Gem Eater | By : sexdottxt Category: +S through Z > Steven Universe Views: 86 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Steven Universe or any of the characters therein. This story is a work of fiction. |
It had felt like an eternity since Connie watched Steven drive off into the sunset. Since that time, she had coped with the absence of her boyfriend as best she could. She was still talking to him online and keeping in touch with him. But it wasn't the same as actually being with him.
That day, she was visiting the Crystal Gems for a reunion. It hadn't been that long, but she was still needing their company. It was a rare day she had a day off from studying and schooling and she was more than happy to take advantage of it. Little Homeworld was as nice to look at, and all the other gems busy at work were a far cry from the menace of Homeworld and the corrupted creatures she used to square off with. But she knew where she was headed.
The Crystal Gems’ temple. It was dusk when she got there, the sky fallen to an amber shade. It reminded her too much of when she and Steven first fused on the sands so long ago. She sighed, remembering that day. How forlorn everything seemed. It had been so much long ago, but it felt like that much longer indeed. She was hoping that she would be able to keep it together.
It was the heat that was bothering her most of all. She remembered how Steven would actually wear a jacket here in Beach City. Not her, not now, right now she was wearing short side stripe shorts and a small little white t-shirt that exposed her midriff and made a great contrast against her dark skin. Back when she first met Steven, she never thought she’d be wearing something like this, but then again, it was for comfort, not to attract attention. Not to mention, she had seen other people around wearing far less, and she had made an effort to ignore all the catcalls. Six months since then, the summer was in.
Didn't keep people from trying to get with her. In the distance she heard Ronaldo calling, "There is a strange creature with peculiar bumps on it's body. It must be a demon from another dimension!" She was almost blindsided by someone getting in front of her, and then she realized it was Kevin. He was smiling and pointing his fingers at her, trying to be a player, only to get shoved aside. "Oooh, hard to get!" he said, still keeping his distance like the poser he was. Not to mention if any of them got handsy, Connie knew she could put them in their place. She sighed though, only wishing Steven would be around to see her like this, and all the fun they could have. She wouldn’t be down for too long. Not when she felt herself being grabbed by someone. Her warrior training under Pearl wasn’t enough to fight back. They were rolling around and then she was on her back upon the sandy floor.
Not that she’d be thinking about it for long. When she saw who it was, she smiled.
“ Do I know you?”
“It’s me, Connie!”
“Really? Wow, how long has it been?”
“Six months.”
“Dang, that long huh?” She got up off her. “I mean that really isn’t that long compared to how long we’ve been alive, but…are you sure you’re Connie?”
“Yeah I’m sure I’m me!” She stood up. “What gives?”
“Oh Amethyst, it’s so good that you’ve found Garnet!”
That was Pearl’s voice, coming from right behind her.
“P, this isn’t Garnet. I mean, do you really think Connie would ever have hair like hers anytime soon?”
“But...Connie would never look like that, I mean…”
Pearl sound totally shocked. Connie didn’t know what her former mentor was implying. She looked at Amethyst, who by now she noticed had a funny look on her face too. Then she burst out laughing.
“What is so funny?” Connie said.
“Sorry, sorry!” said Amethyst. “It’s just that I didn’t recognize you at first either! Not with all this going on up front!” She whistled and then said in a low voice, “And what’s going on in back too…”
Connie blushed. “What are you implying?”
“Oh that voice, it is Connie!” Pearl said, sounding very relieved now. “I was beginning to think you were becoming corrupted Amethyst! But Connie...have you been taking care of yourself lately? I mean you weren’t always go big down there…those things on your chest...and your hips there so...only Garnet has ever had such wide ones...”
Connie turned around to look at Pearl. Her former instructor in the sword was already all flushed but as soon as she got a look at Connie up front, her whole face was colored in a blue tinge. She turned away awkwardly.
“Pearl, is everything okay?”
“Connie! I mean,’s so good to see you again! I this a thing that happens to all you humans? You were never so um...what’s the word?”
Amethyst busted out laughing on the spot. Connie didn’t know if it was at her expense or she was just cackling at Pearl. Either way, Connie started blushing too.
Then Amethyst put her hands around her mouth and shouted, “Hey Peridot, get a load of this! Look at Pearl!”
“Peridot’s here too?” said Connie, looking around. She looked around at all the other gems around her but couldn’t pinpoint her location. Still looking around, it was a shock when she heard the little gem’s voice.
“Intriguing,” said Peridot, who by now was right at her side. Connie looked down on the little gremlin who didn’t even seem to be paying attention to Connie’s face, just looking at her body. “I had no idea that humans could shapeshift in such a way.”
“I didn’t shapeshift.”
“Then how else do you explain these uh...big bumps on your body?”
“I think what she means to say Connie is that you got THICC!” said Amethyst.
“Well that...that’s just a growth spurt okay!” said Connie.
“A growth spurt?” said Peridot, suddenly feeling very jealous being a flat chested green little runt. “What an interesting concept. You must explain it to me...”
“I think the real concept here is Pearl!” said Amethyst. She sidelined next to Connie and said, “I think she likes you.”
“Likes me? You mean…”
“Oh come along Connie!” said Pearl, going up and taking her by the arm. “It’s been so long, we have to celebrate this reunion!”
Connie was surprised by how strongly Pearl was dragging her. For looking like such a frail waif, she had a lot of strength in her. Despite all the time she spent around the gems, she still had yet to realize just how much stronger even the tiniest one was in comparison to your average human. And Pearl was constantly looking back at her with a flighty smile.
Whoa, I think Amethyst is onto something.
Just as Connie had that thought, she felt two hands grab her butt. Looking back, she saw Amethyst fondling her rump. Connie blushed and was about to say something but then she was in the living room of the temple. Then Pearl had her sit down.
Pearl was sitting down alongside her. She was looking down with a nervous smile on her face, and was fidgeting with her hands. Amethyst and Peridot also sat down, the former still laughing while the latter scrutinizing her with a keen eye.
“Guys, are you alright?”
Pearl didn’t answer, just kept on fidgeting. Meanwhile Amethyst leaned forward and said, “So Connie, you still with Steven, or did you finally move on?”
“What? Of course I’m still with Steven!” She sighed. “I really miss him…”
“Well it doesn’t have to be that way.” She traced one of her fingers on Connie’s hand. “If you know what I mean.”
“You can’t be serious…”
Sneaking a side eye at Pearl, who was now looking straight at the purple gem, Amethyst just looked right back at Connie and now playfully moved her fingers on her hand. “Dead serious. Especially with the way you’re dressed.”
“It’s hot around this time of year! And there’s plenty of people all over the beach wearing way less than I am!”
Amethyst took that hand off Connie’s and slammed it into a fist on the table right at Pearl. “Well it’s not fair for poor P over here, is it? Look at her!”
Despite all her progress since the start of Steven’s journey, Pearl was looking like she was going to have a nervous breakdown on the spot. She was doing everything in her power to look away from everyone. Then finally she looked up and said, “Connie, no matter how much you’ve grown as humans tend to do, I WILL not think of you in that way! It would be disrespectful to Steven, who I am sworn to uphold.”
“But Steven ain’t here P,” said Amethyst.
“Interesting,” said Peridot, who was still standing up and looking over Connie. “The last time I saw you, you were not nearly this developed! Not only in the chest and posterior regions, but even here in the lower limbs.”
“What?” said Connie.
“She’s saying you got legs girl!” said Amethyst. “Don’t you think so too, Pearl?”
“Well…” She was still looking away, but there was a blue tinge on her cheeks.
Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Connie was starting to get in on the shenanigans. Felt a bit vain too. Standing up, she flipped her hair back and said, “Am I really that fabulous?”
Finally Pearl broke and standing up said, “Yes, Connie, yes! You’re so beautiful! I never thought my little apprentice would grow up to be so tall and gorgeous and...oh you have no idea how lonely I’ve been!”
“Wow, way TMI Pearl,” said Amethyst.
“And I just...I…”
“Please, for the love of everything, don’t start singing,” mused Peridot.
Amethyst laughed so hard she actually snorted. “Say Connie, did you and Steven ever go the extra mile?”
“That’s even more TMI, Amethyst!” said Connie.
“That’s a no then, P!”
“Connie!” Pearl said, standing up as straight as possible. “As your teacher, and as Steven’s sworn protector, I must make sure you are ready to satisfy him in all ways possible.”
“Satisfy him?” said Connie.
“Yes, satisfy him?” said Peridot. “Curious. I have often heard humans say such things and no verbal definition has ever satisfied me. Perhaps I would need a more visual demonstration to…”
Pearl would satisfy that request alright. Before Peridot could ramble further, Pearl pounced on Connie, pushing her to the floor. That was surprising enough for Connie, but what really took her by surprise was how hard Pearl was kissing her. After how clearly frustrated she was, Pearl locking lips with her didn’t surprise her. What did take her by surprise was Pearl’s tongue actually in her mouth.
She couldn’t really do much but sit there and take it. At that point, Connie was well aware of just how stronger even the weakest gem was compared to your average human. She was learning that again firsthand as Pearl’s tongue deeply explored all over her mouth.
In between one of those deep kisses, Connie gasped. It was enough to bring some notion of reason back to Pearl. She looked down at her former student with concern.
“Oh Connie, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to go that far! It’s just that I’ve been so lonely...”
“Uh, um, it’s okay Pearl,” she said, still a little dazed. “I…”
“Yeah P, she’s with Steven,” said Amethyst. She nudged her with her elbow, the white gem was still on top of Connie. “Better luck next time, huh?” she said, hoping she’d get the hint.
“Oh sorry!” said Pearl, standing up.
Connie stood up right alongside her. Both of them were looking away from each other, still a bit flustered after what happened. Peridot was watching the situation curiously while Amethyst had a big dumb smile on her face. The latter gem scooted on over to the both of them and grabbing their necks, pulled them close together with her in the middle.
“Now isn’t this just romantic?”
“Amethyst, I am a proud gem and I would never fall for a human!”
“Hear that Connie? She doesn’t like you in that way. You’re just there to fill a void in her life.”
“Well I didn’t exactly mean it like that either…”
“Well you didn’t kiss like it was nothing,” said Connie, feeling a little more sassy. “I’ve never been kissed like that before in my whole life!”
Pearl perked up. “Not even by Steven?”
Connie blushed. “N-no…?”
Amethyst was watching the whole scene with bated breath. Finally Connie straightened up. “You know, you’re so much like a mom Pearl. You’ve been more of a mom to me than my actual mom, but I think you should still act like it.”
That had the exact opposite effect of what was intended. “So you’re saying your actual mom never kissed you like that?” she said.
“Of course not!”
“Then as your mother figure, I will take it upon myself to teach you all the ins and outs of the art of pleasure!”
“Say what?”
That was the last thing she said before Pearl pounced on her again. “I am going to mother the shit out of you, Connie! By the time we’re done here, when Steven gets back here, you’re going to make him the happiest he’s ever been so he stays here for the rest of his life!”
Needless to say, Connie couldn’t do much to resist the horny gem on top of her. Pearl was kissing all over her face, licking and sucking on her cheeks, while moving her hands up her shirt to feel up her big tits too. Not to mention she was grinding on top of her too.
“Pearl, come on!” said Connie.
“Don’t you ‘come on’ me!” Pearl said, in between slobbering all over Connie’s face. “It’s not appropriate to be so fast and needy when it comes to sex! You must be slow and gentle.”
Pearl being anything but slow and gentle was very painfully apparent to everyone there. Connie felt it most of all, maybe it was the sheer vigor in the way she was fondling her tits, her nipples were already standing up on end, or getting another mouthful of Pearl’s tongue, but she was getting excited faster than she expected. She could only lick back inside of her mentor’s mouth as best she could.
Pearl caught herself at the last minute. Still on top of Connie, nonetheless she sat herself back up. “Oh Connie, I’m so sorry! I got carried away there…”
Connie breathed hard. The raw feelings of lust were still sitting there on her. The heat in her chest, her nipples standing up on end under her shirt like two big top hats were poking on out against the fabric. She remembered Pearl fondling her so righteously and the wetness only grew in her twat, and the fresh taste of her on her tongue. She sat there, not really looking at anyone.
Then she pushed Pearl back. Standing up, Connie proudly took her shirt off, revealing her dark breasts to everyone there. Pearl and Amethyst’s jaws dropped on the spot, they really had gotten big, and her swollen nipples standing up on end were almost black. Even Peridot was getting an eyeful.
“Sorry P, but I’m feeling real greedy!” said Amethyst, and getting in there, took one of the tits into her mouth.
“Oh no you don’t!” said Pearl, taking the other teat into her mouth.
Connie bit her lip from the sheer bliss of their mouths sucking on her tits. Neither of them were being gentle, Pearl was sucking on them fast, using a whole lot of tongue, while Amethyst did indeed get quite greedy, using her teeth all over her ripe mounds. At the same time, both gems were feeling up Connie hard, her naked torso, her long legs. And it was Pearl who first grabbed her butt.
That made Connie jump up. Feeling giddy at giving her such a reaction, Pearl was still sucking Connie’s tit but gave a side eye to Amethyst who had eyes closed and was absorbed in the way she was eating the other. She gently tapped Amethyst’s shoulder.
Amethyst just looked over at her. Pearl didn’t say anything, just kept staring at her with a mouthful of Connie’s boob, but she cupped Amethyst’s face. The quartz gem actually took the tit out of her mouth, feeling a little touched that Pearl was actually touching her like that, and was in the mood for something else. She looked at Pearl longingly, thinking that maybe she wanted to fuse.
Only for Pearl to suddenly push Amethyst back onto the floor. “Ha! Finder’s keepers bitch!” Pearl said, flipping off Amethyst. Now fully in charge, she shapeshifted so that she was totally naked. Then tearing off Connie’s shorts down her legs and tossing them aside, she picked her up and pushed her up against the wall.
“Bitch!” said Amethyst.
Pearl didn’t respond. She was too busy rubbing up on her protege, rubbing her flat chest all over the human girl’s much bigger tits, their cunts grinding up on each other were so wet, and Connie had wrapped her legs around Pearl’s ass and was holding her. They were real loud with how they were making out.
“Uh-huh,” said Peridot, indifferent to Amethyst’s frustration. She was casually holding up her phone. “Is this another kind of fusion?”
“Yeah something like that,” said Amethyst. “Greg and Rose, uh, Pink, whatever! They did something like that to make Steven.” She blew the long hunk of hair covering up her other eye out of her face. “That bitch.”
“Which one?”
“Actually, I’m not really sure. I mean Pearl’s Pearl. But I’m still pissed about Rose keeping us in the dark.”
“Interesting. I always had ideas about how that might happen. Does that mean Connie and Pearl are going to make a…?”
Amethyst smiled. “Oh no. Not like this anyway.”
At that point, Connie backside was thumping up on the wall. Pearl was getting really rough with her. Connie couldn’t handle it too much and could only hold onto Pearl as hard as she could, wailing out loudly as she took it.
Then she shrieked. Her grasp on Pearl began to falter, and she just lay her head on the gem’s shoulder. Giggling, Pearl gave her a big loud kiss on the cheek. “You’re welcome.” Then she set her down on the floor and joined the other two gems, still totally naked. Sitting next to Amethyst she said, “Your turn.”
Laying down there, Connie was just taking it all in. Amethyst just stood up. “She’s gonna get it real good now.”
Her body flashed to shapeshift so that now she was naked. Then she looked back at the other two gems. “Don’t tell Steven this, but I did something like this to Greg when we both watched Lil Butler for the first time. I wanted to know how something like this felt and he was still mad at Rose for that incident with Vidalia and Marty’s kid, so we both figured, fuck it.”
“Amethyst?” said Pearl.
“I played with his butt, girl!” she said, whipping out her big purple penis.
“Amethyst! That pussy is Steven’s birthright!”
“Hey, it’s what you said right? Finder’s keeper’s.”
Getting down in front of Connie, she grabbed her wide hips, felt her up. “Fuck but you really are hot,” she whispered.
Connie looked up faintly, still feeling that orgasm with Pearl. “Amethyst?” She was surprised to see the short boxy gem totally naked with her.
“Just relax and let your big sis take care of you.”
Connie moaned loud as the phallus began to fit itself inside of her. Taking her time, Amethyst slowly put it inside of her until it was all the way in. She had to breathe hard, Greg’s butt had been tight, but she had no idea Connie’s twat was even tighter than that. The human under her was twitching on the floor.
“Oh man, was that your hymen?” said Amethyst. “I just felt it pop on my penis.” Connie couldn’t do anything, just moan in response. Still wracked by that crazy orgasm with Pearl, she lay there, shaking from feeling it inside her.
Then Amethyst began moving. Slowly at first, it was taking her back just as much as it was Connie. Those wet walls were so tight, and she had to take it in just as much as Connie did. The dark skinned human just sucked in her breath, moaning silently.
She was that much more surprised when Connie took initiative. Lying there, the human girl moved back on Amethyst first real fast, she wanted it, she needed it. Amethyst gasped from the sheer sensations of pleasure, even after humping Pearl up against the wall, Connie was getting into it real good. It wasn’t long before she picked herself up.
“Damn Connie take it easy…” said Amethyst.
“But it feels so good…!” said Connie.
Before Amethyst knew it, Connie was sitting right on top of her, humping her penis. They were both moaning pretty loud, despite how much taller Connie had become, she was still powerless to that gem penis. She had to hold onto the short gem for support.
Connie’s tits were bouncing in front of Amethyst’s face. Just like before, Amethyst sucked all over them, using a mix of her lips and her teeth. But Connie was hardly put off by it and hold held onto her even harder as they continued rocking with each other back and forth.
Pearl’s eye was twitching. “Oh that shameless little hussy! She should definitely know better!”
Peridot seemed indifferent to Pearl, she was still using her phone. “Which one?”
“Ah, well...Amethyst should be respectful and keep her hands to herself. But I can’t believe that Connie would be so frivolous as to fool around with someone else so easily! If she’s going to do such a thing, then at least she should keep it private.”
Peridot rolled her eyes at how dumb Pearl could be. “Interesting. So when Amethyst is done, does that mean that Connie will be...what’s the word for it?”
“Incubated? I don’t know! All I know is that this sort of thing is not proper at all!”
Pearl was still holding her phone up. But when she looked at Pearl, she saw her nipples still pointing out. “Yeah, she’s a real clod isn’t she?”
“Yes she is!”
“Probably the biggest clod in this room.”
“You got that right!”
Peridot snickered. Meanwhile Connie and Amethyst were both really getting into it, the latter was grazing her teeth on Connie’s erect nipples just as the human continued driving herself down deep onto that dick. Even as Amethyst fully went aggressive and bit all over Connie’s sensitive teats and spanked all over her big butt, she went at it even harder.
“Oh Amethyst...I, I’m going to…”
“Me too Connie! Me too!”
Then Amethyst blew her load, the both of them screaming incoherently. Pearl’s eyebrow was twitching at seeing this blatant mutual climax, she could never believe that Amethyst could make someone feel something so intimate. And apparently Connie was feeling it way worse than when she and Pearl did it, because she just straight up collapsed on top of Amethyst.
Amethyst was apparently so tuckered out that she had to crawl out from under Connie. She barely was able to stand, her dick covered in a mix of juices. But as much as doing it had taken it out of her, she still cackled at Pearl’s naked fury. “Did you enjoy the show Pearl? Hey, maybe you want to give me a clean up job?”
Pearl just folded her arms and looked away. Connie on the other hand was not so picky and closing her eyes, took that purple dick straight into her mouth. That only got Amethyst full on blowing over with laughter. She could sense how pissed off Pearl was and wanting to really get a rise out of her, just kept on laughing all the while. Finally unable to take it anymore, Pearl screamed right at Amethyst.
Amethyst stopped laughing, pouting now. “Hey, you didn’t want to play fair Pearl. Remember that finder’s keeper’s bullshit? I was hoping we could take her for a threeway and you pushed me out!”
“Only because I knew you would be rough with her. And you were! What were you thinking?”
There was the sound of a door opening. Peridot looked in that direction to see Garnet standing there with her arms folded. “Uh hey…” said Peridot, trying to calm them down.
“Shut up!” they both said.
“Oh fuck you clods!”
“Enough!” boomed Garnet’s voice. “So my future vision was correct. I saw it all. You need to learn how to calm yourself and respect others,” she said to Pearl, “and you need to be more mindful of your actions,” she said to Amethyst. “Connie is a delicate human. If you want to teach her the arts of pleasure, you must be delicate and gentle.”
They all looked over at Connie then, she lying there, cum pouring out of her pussy. Garnet walked on over to the scene, cool and slow as she usually did. She shapeshifted to be totally naked too, and both Amethyst and Pearl blushed at her sheer nudity. Then getting down on her knees and holding Connie close, she ate her out. Not just directly out of her pussy but also on her inner thighs, making sure to eat up every bit of cum that had gotten inside her.
“So good…” whined Connie.
“You see, this is the proper art of pleasure,” said Garnet. As she continued eating Connie, she moved her hands up and slowly, skillfully, kneaded the outer breasts as well as her nipples. Despite how calm she was being while Amethyst and Pearl had really gotten into it, Connie was whimpering louder than ever.
“Uh sorry Amethyst,” said Pearl. “I didn’t mean to get so carried away.”
“Eh, it’s no biggie.”
“You both are being dumb,” said Peridot. “She is really hot.” They both noticed she was only holding her phone with one hand now, the other was right down her pants, shamelessly fucking herself.
“Oh sorry Peri! We should have figured maybe you wanted to have a chance too…”
“Joke’s on you clods, I LIKE TO WATCH!” she growled, still playing with herself. “Besides, I’m with Lapis now. And we’re so gonna have fun later on.”
“Peridot!” said Pearl. “Have you...been recording us the whole time on your phone?”
“You got that right.” She growled. “Fuck but Lapis isn’t gonna believe this when she sees it.”
At that point, Connie was underneath Garnet, eating out her twat just as her pussy was being gobbled up on. They were both holding each other so gently, but the sounds they were making were anything but romantic. Instead they were being real loud eating each other out.
Garnet winced and made a dull groan. The other three gems knew she just came and Connie was still eating her out. Weakened, Garnet resumed eating her out the best she could.
Finally Garnet had to get off of Connie. She walked away as best she could. Only for a naked Connie to suddenly yank on Garnet’s arm and pull her back. “Oh no, I’m not finished yet,” she said, and hopped on top of her, holding her close. The fusion was making shaky steps as Connie shamelessly humped her.
“Wow,” said Peridot.
Connie was indeed having herself quite the time. Her tongue hanging out, she continued to shamelessly hump Garnet. It got so bad that Garnet actually fell onto her back. Not that that seemed to concern Connie, she was mashing her cunt and their big titties all up over each other, sticking her tongue deep in Garnet’s mouth.
“Oh I’m so proud of her!” said Pearl. “She’s come such a long way.”
“Yeah, this girl is something else,” said Amethyst. “Garnet has future vision and Connie still got her good.”
Finally Garnet grunted and everyone there knew she just came again. Moving Connie off her, she said in her usual stoic tone, "Come my loves." Connie was feeling very satisfied, but got turned on all over again watching her join Amethyst and Pearl. Holding the other two naked ones close, she pulled their faces together and gave each other a long triple kiss.
“Fuck this is so good!” said Peridot, finally climaxing on her own fingers from watching it.
Just then, Connie’s phone went off from within her shorts on the floor.
“Oh that must be Steven!” she said, marching on over to it. Picking it up, she said, “Hello? Uh-huh. Oh Steven, that’s great! I can’t wait to see you again! We’re gonna have so much fun when we get back!” She puckered and made a loud kissy sound and then said, “See you soon!” She hung up and looked at everyone. “Good news! Steven’s coming home!”
“Oh yeah, can’t wait to see my boy again!” said Amethyst.
“Yes, it will be quite nice to see Steven again,” said Pearl. "Now come on Connie, don't be a stingy little bitch." she said, puckering her lips up and making a loud kissy sound herself.
"Yeah, give me some of that!" said Amethyst, sticking her tongue way out.
"And me too," said Garnet, slowly and sensually licking her full lips. Huddling together, all four of them leaned forward on their knees and stuck their tongues out, licking together in a lewd four way kiss for a good several minutes. Peridot got real close and started recording them before she started smacking all their bare asses as she saw fit while giggling Henh-henh-henh! like a little gremlin.
By the time they were done, Connie giggled. “That means we should be doing a lot more training until he gets here," she said, licking her lips.
Finally Garnet stood up and said, “Yes, if we continue to train you, there is a one hundred percent chance Steven will stay and never leave.”
“And then maybe you and him can fuse into Stevonnie,” said Pearl, grinning ear to ear.
“Deep breaths Pearl, you just went crazy,” said Amethyst.
“Oh you’re right, I’m so sorry!”
"Yes, if Stevonnie appears again, I can see Pearl becoming even more clingy than before," said Garnet.
"Well that doesn't sound so bad," said Connie, making eyes at her teacher. The both of them blushed, and made come hither looks to each other. "But I got all sweaty. How about we all take a shower?”
The other three gems laughed as they all took hands with Connie and sprinted into the shower, their asses jiggling with each happy step they took. As soon as the water fired up, they all got their hands on Connie, feeling up her big tits, that juicy ass, and her tight little cunt, washing every inch of her delicious brown body. Peridot only followed close behind, making sure to record every second of it. The only thing that bothered her was that it was so chaotic that even after watching this video up to a hundred times later, she still couldn’t tell who made Connie cum first.
If you enjoyed this story and want to know more about the fics I have yet to make public, check out the Hentai-Foundry link in my bio for more info! And if you like what you see, contact me on Twitter or DeviantArt!
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