Frenemies With Benefits | By : moviefan Category: -Misc Cartoons > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 111 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing |
(A/N: Ok, so this is a new one for me. I've been thinking about trying my hand at some more lemon writing challenges, and this baby came to mind. I have to admit, I didn't really ship anyone from TADC at first, but ever since a friend of mine, who is also a fan of the show, said something about how they could see Ragatha and Jax being frenemies with benefits, I haven't been able to get the idea between them having that type of relationship out of my head, because yeah, I could definitely see it. Which not only spawned the idea for this story, but also it's name. I'm not particularly happy with the name, but it's what I got. This story was supposed to be a one-shot, but the set-up ended up becoming much longer than I thought, so I figured, what the heck, break it up into two chapters. So that's what I did. The first chapter consists of the set-up and the second chapter will be the lemon itself. which actually ends up working out. If you want just the story set-up and not the actual lemon, then you can stop at the end of this chapter. If you want just the lemon, you can jump right into it in the next chapter, though you will be missing a lot of context. If you want the whole thing, then just read beginning to end. So with that being said, let's get into it.)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Chapter 1: Team BunnyDoll
Well, this was certainly proving to be an interesting adventure. Ever since Pomni had requested that Caine cut back on the horror themes, Gangle asked he provide more “normal” adventures, and Zooble had reminded him of the suggestion box, the childish, godly-like AI ringmaster had attempted to make more of them that were more grounded in reality, so to speak.
This most recent adventure, courtesy of the suggestion box, had actually been Ragatha’s suggestion, but it had taken a turn she hadn’t expected. She had simply written down that they should have a dance competition. And from that, Caine had come up with an adventure called The Duet Dance Competition To Save The Rec Center.
“That’s right!” the eccentric AI declared proudly, as theatric as ever. “Some rich, snobby, tycoons want to come in and knock down the community rec center. The only way to stop them is to beat them in a cliché dance competition. It’s six groups of two dancing it out on stage. One team from your group must take first place in the competition or else you’ll have to say goodbye to the rec center.”
“A dance contest,” said Bubble, “how exciting. So, what are the teams?”
“I’m glad you asked, Bubble,” Caine declared, and snatched his hat off his… giant dentures that served as a head. “The teams of our dancing duets shall be chosen at random. So, let’s see who will be paired up with who.” He reached into his hat and pulled out two pieces of paper. “First up will be Kinger and Gangle for the first team.”
As he spoke each name, the chess piece and the theater mask girl in question were picked up by an unseen force and dropped next to each other, and a spotlight suddenly appeared on them from up above. Caine then pulled out another two names, which ended up being Pomni and Zooble, which left Ragatha and Jax to make up the last team by default.
“And now, let’s meet your challengers!” Caine announced, once the teams were chosen. A curtain suddenly appeared and opened to reveal six different colored mannequin NPCs, the red one paired up with the blue, the yellow with the purple, and the green with the orange. “Each of you will participate in a dance of your choosing before the audience and judges. Whichever team gets the highest score wins, sealing the fate of the rec center, depending on which group that team belongs to. You have the rest of the day to get the routine right before the big dance competition, so practice, practice, practice your little hearts out until then!”
That had been the ringmaster’s initial plan, but much to his irritation, Zooble had once again opted to sit this adventure out.
“It’s difficult enough to move around with a body that has a bunch of different asymmetrical parts that can be disassembled,” the mix-and-match toy complained, “do you really think I’ll stand a chance in a dance competition, no matter how much I practice? I’m not exactly looking forward to falling on my face all day.”
“But what about Pomni!?” Caine argued, motioning towards the jester in question. “You can’t just leave her without a dance partner! How’s she supposed to compete?”
Faced with this dilemma, Pomni tapped her chin in thought, then smiled as an idea came to her. “What if you gave me an NPC for a partner in Zooble’s place? That way Zooble can sit out and I could still compete.”
“Innovation!” Caine declared. “I like it!”
A hopeful look crossed Pomni’s face. “In that case, could I, maybe, be paired up with Gummigoo? The two of us get along pretty well.”
Caine tapped his lower jaw. “Hmm. Well, I was going to let you pair up with the angel from the Mildenhall Manor adventure, but, sure, Gummigoo it is! I’ll have him waiting for you at your destination.” He snapped his fingers and a portal to their newest adventure appeared. “Good luck to you all! The rec center is depending on you! Don’t forget to submit the dance you and your partner are going to do to the judges. No group will be permitted to do the same dance as another, so be sure to submit yours quickly, because it’s first come, first serve.”
As they made their way into the portal, Jax glanced back at Ragatha with that mischievous, golden-tooth grin of his. “Why don’t you let me take care of this. I got the perfect dance for us that will blow away the competition.”
In hindsight, she should have known better than to trust him with something like this. She’d known the purple anthropomorphic rabbit for years now, and he was an immature, notorious prankster and troublemaker. So of course he would use this as an opportunity to mess with her. However, at the time, she didn’t think it would be a big deal to let him choose the dance routine they would be doing for the competition. That is, until the dance choices were locked in and the judges, consisting of the Gloink Queen, the Fudge, Princess Loolilalu, Martha Mildenhall, and Ghostly, announced which dance each team would be performing.
“The Lambada!?” Ragatha shouted at Jax. “You put in that we would be doing the Lambada!?”
Looking entirely too smug and far too full of himself, Jax just nonchalantly pretended to examine his fingernails, which was actually impossible considering he wore gloves that didn’t seem capable of coming off. “What? You and I will win for sure with it; it’s a pretty famous dance.”
Ragatha threw her arms in the air. “Yeah, famous for being known as the ‘forbidden dance’!” Frustrated, she turned away from him and approached the judges. “Excuse me, but is it too late to switch our dance routine?”
“Routine submission has expired!” the Gloink Queen declared. “All participates are to perform the dance they have submitted!”
Grinning broadly, Jax walked up to Ragatha, stopping just short of having his shoulder brush hers. “Darn. Guess we’re stuck with the dance I picked for the competition. You and I will have to practice all day to make sure we’re ready for tonight.”
She rounded on him angrily. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you!?” She poked him in the chest. “You specifically chose this dance just to mess with me!”
Holding up his hands, Jax fixed her with a hurt look. “Why, Raggy, you wound me. You think I would really do something like pick a very intimate dance just so we would have to erotically dance together up close and personal all day before performing it in front of a live audience just to mess with you? I’m truly hurt.”
An annoyed growl escaped her and she crossed her arms. “Just behave yourself,” she grumbled and stormed past him.
Jax just smirked as he turned to follow her and shrugged. “Whatever you say, Doll Face.”
The location of the adventure took place in the actual rec center they were supposed to be competing for to try and save, which also included a dance studio with individual rooms for each team to practice in. After an obligatory, cliché run-in with their NPC competition, where the different colored mannequins arrogantly bragged how they were going to crush the opposition, Ragatha and Jax confined themselves in their designated dance room to start practicing.
“Don’t look so disappointed, Doll Face,” he told her as he inserted a tape into a boom box. “Wasn’t this adventure your idea in the first place?”
Hands on her hips, Ragatha turned away from the mirror wall to glare at him. “Yeah, I thought it’d be fun to have a nice little dance competition, but then you had to go and ruin it, like usual.”
“I don’t know why you’re assuming the worst. Why can’t the two of us just have some fun together?”
“Because I know you, Jax. And fun for you usually means trouble for someone else. And the fact that you chose the Lambada of all things tells me all I need to know.”
“Hey, speaking of which,” Jax said, ignoring the insinuation, “do you even know the moves for it?”
Ragatha’s cheeks visibly colored at his question and she averted her eyes, well, eye since one of them was actually just a button. “I know… a little bit, I guess.”
Looking smug, he raised an eyebrow at her in the mirror. “Oh, and how much is a ‘little bit’?”
Blushing harder, she stomped her foot. “Just… a little bit. Nowhere near enough to win us the contest. I’ve only ever seen it done, ok; I never danced it myself.”
He snickered. “Well then, it’s a good thing we have the whole day to practice. I’m not exactly a master of it myself, so how about we take a look at the training video and see how it’s done.”
He made his way over to the other side of the room, where a TV on a stand rested, and he pushed it into the middle of the room. It had an old VCR player connected to it, upon which a VHS tape rested, containing the words How To - The Lambada printed on it.
As Jax popped the tape in the player, Ragatha glanced over his shoulder at it. “Wait, how did you know that was there?”
Jax looked over his shoulder at her. “What do you mean? I saw the TV and just figured that’s what it was for. Caine always provides us with what we need for these adventures, why would it be any different this time?”
She had to admit, he had a point. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
Jax pressed PLAY and the two of them stepped back as the video started. They watched as two dancers, both mannequins, appeared on screen. A narrator spoke in Caine’s voice began giving instructions on the dance moves as the two dancers began dancing.
Ragatha and Jax watched the video all the way through as the dance was performed at different angles and different speeds as Caine’s voiceover continued to give direction and explain the moves. And to top it all off, at the end of the video, the two dancers performed the dance in full one last time from beginning to end.
“And there you go!” Caine’s voice narrated at the end. “Now you give it a try! Feel free to watch this instructional video again if necessary, and don’t forget, be kind, rewind!”
Jax did just that, hitting the stop button and then rewinding it before glancing at Ragatha, still wearing the same mischievous grin that had been plastered on his face all throughout the video. “So, you ready to give it a shot, or do you want to see it again?”
Blushing slightly at the thought that soon they too would be performing such an intimate dance, Ragatha looked away in embarrassment. “I think I need to see it again.”
The purple rabbit just shrugged and started the video over. They ended up watching it two more times before Jax asked, “So, you good to go yet, or do you need to see it again?”
Red in the cheeks, Ragatha gave a small shrug. “I guess we can give it a shot. Or, I don’t know, maybe one more time won’t hurt.”
Grinning wider than ever, Jax brought his face in close. “What’s wrong, Raggy? You’re not stalling, are you?”
“No, I’m not stalling!” she immediately objected, looking anywhere but at him. “But it can’t hurt to see it at least one more time.”
Now Jax’s grin finally became a somewhat bored look as he moved away from her and sighed loudly. “Look, Doll Face, if we need to, and I’m sure we will, we can always watch it again later, but we should at least try it out and see how well we do, don’t you think? Watching is only going to get us so far.”
A sound of reluctant agreement escaped the ragdoll. “Yeah, I guess so…”
That brought Jax’s grin right back. “Well in that case.” He held out his hand. “May I have this dance, sweet cheeks?”
Blushing harder than ever, Ragatha turned to him and took his offered hand. Jax gave her a yank and pulled her in close, placing his other hand on her lower back. Ragatha’s cheeks grew even hotter as her heart began racing in her chest, and she refused to meet his eyes. Wait, did they even have hearts, or was that just a simulated feeling? It had to be; they didn’t actually have organs. In fact, ever since she got empaled by those candy spikes, she was pretty certain her insides consisted of cotton stuffing.
“Relax, Doll Face,” Jax told her smugly, “we’re just dancing. Nothing to get your hair noodles in a twist about.”
This only made Ragatha blush deeper. She didn’t raise any complaints though, and soon they were having their first run-through. Their first run-through led their second, which became their third, and then their fourth before they ended up watching the video again. And so it went on as they practiced in front of the mirror wall. They ran through the routine a few times, rewatching the video if they forgot any parts and to check their progress to make sure they were getting it right.
Due to the nature of the dance, Ragatha spent a good amount of time blushing and getting flustered. Jax clearly enjoyed every minute of her discomfort, which she knew was the whole reason he had picked this dance in the first place, and she made a mental note to not let him pick anything without running it by her first from now on, no matter how harmless it initially seemed.
But the more they danced, the more she got over her shyness and embarrassment, and any nervousness she did feel, she masked so as not to give him the satisfaction that he was getting to her. And after a few hours of practicing, from which there was no need to take a break from since they didn’t get tired or thirsty, they started getting rather good.
“Hey, watch it, pal!” she told him during one of their run-throughs as his hands got a little too close to certain areas. “Don’t start getting handsy.”
He just snickered. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Doll Face. I’m just dancing here.”
She just gave him a skeptical look, but didn’t push the matter. In his defense, it really could have just been an accidental slip up that just made it seem like he was groping and but he wasn’t actually trying to cop a feel, and he didn’t do it again after her reprimand, so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt this time.
Jax may have been an asshole, but she knew there were some lines he wouldn’t cross. While he did do things that could be painful, like dropping her into the deep frier at Spudsy’s or throwing Pomni off a moving truck, considering none of them could actually be physically harmed, even some of his meaner bullying antics were… tolerated. But still, he knew when to truly not take things too far. He may have been mean, but he was malicious.
Him choosing this dance for them had just been another way to mess with her, because he had wanted to watch her squirm. But Ragatha liked dancing, and after she got over feeling shy from the intimate dance moves, she, admittedly, began to have fun. For as much of a jerk that he was, Jax was a good dancer. But after a few hours of going through the routine more times than Ragatha cared to count and rewatching the video tutorial about three or four dozen more times, she could tell that the novelty had worn off for him and he’d grown tired of the literal song and dance routine.
“There’s still hours before the competition,” he complained as he looked up at the clock hanging over the door. “Why would Caine make it so far off?”
“To give us sufficient time to practice, obviously,” Ragatha stated, pointing out the obvious. “Unlike your intentions, the actual purpose of this adventure is to get good at the dance to win the competition, not just to mess with our partner. Now come on, let’s go through it again, we still don’t have it down.”
“I’m taking a break, Doll Face. As much fun as it’s been going at it with you, we’ve been dancing our a–boink–ses off since we got here.”
Ignoring the censored out swear word, Ragatha placed her hands on her hips. “Then next time don’t pick such a complicated dance for us. Now come on, break’s over. It’s not like we actually get tired and require one.”
He flashed her a grin at that. “Careful, Doll Face, one might think you actually just enjoy dancing up against me.”
She just scoffed at that. “In your dreams. Come on, we’ve got to get this right if we want to win.”
He rolled his eyes, but got up all the same. “No need to take it so seriously, Rags. It’s not like these adventures really matter.”
“Don’t you want to save the rec center?”
“The rec center is likely going to be reduced to ones and zeroes whether we win or not until Caine brings it back when he wants to use it again in a future adventure. And it’s not like we’re the only ones on our side. If we don’t win, one of our friends might. The rec center gets saved as long as it’s not one of those mannequin guys who comes in first.”
She raised an eyebrow at this and smirked. “And since when do you not go for the win?”
This just made him groan, but he reached out and pulled her into position all the same and they resumed practicing. And on and on it went until the time finally came for the competition. Apparently, the rec center also contained a stage in which they were to perform on. Bleachers were filled with Gloinks and default mannequins cheering and clapping as the judges sat at a long table in front of the stage with scoreboards containing the numbers one through ten in front of each of them.
“First up will be Team Red And Blue,” Princess Loolilalu stated, speaking into the microphone. “Will our dancers please come to the stage.”
As the red and blue mannequins made their way onto the stage, Ragatha tapped her chin in thought from where she and Jax stood on the sidelines with the others. “Hey, were we supposed to come up with a team name for ourselves, or was that just the judges calling for them?”
Jax smirked. “Don’t worry about it, Doll Face. I submitted our team’s name when I chose our dance.”
She narrowed her eye at him suspiciously. “It wasn’t something crude or inappropriate, was it?”
He just waved off her concern. “Nah, no point in doing that. Anything bad would just get censored out. You know how it is, toots, no swearing allowed.”
Yes, she knew how it was. Profanity was a big no-no in The Amazing Digital Circus. Any attempts to swear or give an inappropriate gesture would be slapped with one of Caine’s censor bars and have a sound effect drown out whatever profanity was being spoken. That very thing had already happened during their dance practice when Jax had sworn.
As the music came to an end, the red and blue mannequins finished their dance and took a bow before exiting on the opposite side of the stage from where they entered from. The judges gave them their scores, and the results were average. The individual scores were then added together for a total score of 38 points. As the first of the competition, it would be the number to beat until a higher score took its place.
“Next up,” said Princess Loolilalu, glancing at her clipboard, “is Team… uh, Oh-I-Didn’t-Know-We-Were-Supposed-To-Come-Up-With-A-Name-Um-Just-Put-Down-Anything.”
“Oh, I came up with that one,” Kinger said proudly.
Next to him, Gangle glanced up at the chess piece. “That’s not really a name though.”
Kinger turned to his dance partner before slowly blinking at her, and when his eyes opened again, he let out a startled cry. “Oh, Gangle, I didn’t see you there! You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.”
“But I’ve been standing here the whole time.”
“Hey!” Jax called to them impatiently and thrusted his thumb at the stage. “Long team name, you’re up.”
“Yes, of course,” Kinger replied. “Come on, Gangle, let’s show them what we’re made of.”
He took hold of her ribbon arm and hurried towards the stage, leaving his hand behind still gripping the theater mask girl since Gangle hadn’t moved. She looked down at the hand before opening her mouth to call after the chess piece, but then seemed to decide not to and simply followed after him.
As the two teammates headed towards the stage, they walked past Jax, who grinned mischievously. “Break a leg out there.”
“We’ll do our best,” Kinger replied cheerfully, seemingly not having realized that he had left his hand with Gangle.
“No, really,” said Jax. “Break a leg.”
He stuck his foot out as Gangle walked by, causing her to trip over it. She let out a startled yelp as she fell forward and landed flat on her face. When she lifted her head, the broken pieces of her comedy mask fell away, and she looked down at it in dismay. “Aww…”
“Wha– J-Jax, seriously!?” Ragatha cried in outrage.
Still grinning, he glanced at her. “What? I told her to break a leg, not her mask. It’s not my fault if she didn’t listen.”
Kinger looked back. “Gangle, what are you doing? We’re up, let’s go!”
His hand that was still holding her arm released her and lifted her up by the ribbon that served as her back, and with another yelp, she was yanked after the chess piece and onto the stage.
Jax snickered. “This is gonna be a train wreck. Those two will get last place for sure, if they even finish without messing up.”
Ragatha walked up to him with a scowl of disapproval on her face. “Why do you always have to be such an a–boink–shole all the time?”
The rabbit glanced back at her, now looking even more amused. “Wow, Raggy, don’t hear you swear that often. Feeling frustrated for some reason?”
Sighing in exasperation, Ragatha pinched the bridge of her nose. “You’re just unbelievable. Why do you feel the need to act this way? Do you just enjoy making other people miserable?”
“Lighten up, Doll Face,” he told her, giving her cheek a pat, and she swatted his hand away. “Don’t take everything so seriously.”
“No, Jax, I mean it. Why are you like this? Does it make you feel better about yourself or something?”
The smirk left Jax’s face and he now scowled as well. “Ok, I see you’re in a mood. I guess misery really does love company. Way to bring down the roof.”
He began walking off, but Ragatha wasn’t willing to let this go and went after him. “Hey, we’re not done talking about this. What is it with you? You’ve been like this since I’ve known you. Quite frankly, it almost seems like a coping mechanism.”
He didn’t even look back at her as he walked along, shoving his hands in his pocket. “You’re being a real buzzkill right now, Doll Face.”
“Why, because I’m hitting a little too close to home? What is it then? Do you hate our situation here so much that you bring others down to make them even more miserable than you so you can tell yourself that no matter how much you hate things that at least you’re better off than them?”
“Wow, Rags, that’s certainly a thought. Didn’t know you had a degree in psychology.”
“I’m just trying to figure you out. If it is something like that, there are better ways to cope.”
Stopping, he threw a glare at her over his shoulder. “And what about you, Miss People Pleaser? Don’t you get tired of being so d–boink–n nice all the time?”
She seemed taken aback by this. “W-What? What do you mean? I am nice.”
He turned to her and crossed his arms. “No one is that nice, Doll Face, not naturally. You think I don’t recognize an act when I see one? You let your mask slip a bit when you were all whacked out on Spudsy’s stupid sauce though. What was it you said to me that day? Something about hating me but not wanting me to hate you?” He gave her a pointed look. “See, I can psychoanalyze people too.”
Ragatha was blushing again, this time in apparent embarrassment. “I don’t… actually hate you, Jax, just how you act sometimes.” She shook her head. “But we’re talking about you right now. Would it really kill you to be nice to others? Or at least not be a jerk?”
He rolled his eyes. “Why? Just to get on their good side like you always try and do with everyone? Newsflash, Doll Face, you don’t need to bend over backwards for anyone. Like each other or hate each, no one is going anywhere. We’re all stuck with each other, forever.”
With that, he walked past her again, heading back the way he came, and Ragatha once again went after him.
“Is that it then?” she asked. “You think that you can just treat everyone however you want for your own amusement because we can’t leave each other, so it doesn’t matter if they hate you or not, so you use their misery to make yourself feel better?”
He didn’t even bother to look back at her. “You tell me, Dr. Dolly. You’re apparently the self-designated psychiatrist.”
She grumbled irritably. “If you don’t care whether people like you or not, that’s one thing, but do you have to go out of your way to get on everyone’s nerves?” He paused and glanced back at her, now looking bored, but Ragatha continued. “We’re all stuck here, Jax, there’s nothing we can do about that. It’s not ideal, but we’re trying to do the best we can with what we’ve have. And I don’t see why you need to make it harder for everyone by being such a jerk all the–”
He suddenly surprised her by turning around and reaching out. He gripped her chin, and then, before she could react, he leaned in and kissed her. Ragatha’s eye widened in surprise and she stood frozen as Jax’s lips pressed against her own, her mind going completely blank in shock.
The kiss only lasted about ten seconds before Jax pulled back and smirked at her. “Yeah, thought that’d shut you up.”
Then he turned and began walking away again, leaving Ragatha rooted to the spot. She stood there in shock for several long moments before snapping out of her stupor and covering her blushing cheeks with her hands, then looked back at Jax’s retreating form.
“H-Hey, wait. Wait a second!” She hurried to catch up and fell into step behind him. “Wha-Wha… What the hell was that!?”
Jax kept walking without looking back. “It’s called a kiss, Doll Face,” he replied, sounding far too smug. “I assume you know what that is.”
She blushed even harder. “Yes, I know what a kiss is, but why did you kiss me?”
He snickered. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. You just looked so cute all frustrated like that.”
“Jax, you can’t just kiss someone like that out of the blue!”
He stopped walking and glanced back at her with a grin. “Can you blame me? After all that erotic dancing we did all day, I just couldn’t resist.” He cocked his head to the side. “You’re not telling me a little kiss got to you, are you?”
She blushed harder than ever. “I… Well… I…”
Smile widening, Jax turned and moved towards her. Ragatha backed away, but only managed to take a few steps back before her back hit the wall. Jax made the cliché move of getting up close and personal as he slammed his hand against the wall next to her head and leaned in close. Ragatha felt her cheeks heat up even more and her heart began racing.
Jax studied her closely, looking amused. “Tell me, Raggy, if a simple kiss got to you so worked up, what did all our dance sessions do for you? Did they get you all hot and bothered? It is a very sensual and erotic dance.”
Ragatha’s head was reeling from this sudden and drastic turn their conversation had taken. “W-What? No, I… I mean, it was… We were only dancing.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? So it didn’t get to you at all? All those times we were pressed up against each other, moving against each other all sexily.” He blinked and looked up at the empty air before grinning. “Oh, hey, we can say words like ‘sexy’. Guess that doesn’t qualify as swearing. Wonder why I never tried that before.”
But Ragatha didn’t seem to notice the lack of a censor; she was still trying to wrap her head around the situation. In answer to his question though, of course the intimacy and eroticism of the dance had gotten to her, it was only natural, but it had primarily resulted in her feeling embarrassed or shy or flustered, which she had assumed had been Jax’s goal. Given their circumstances within The Amazing Digital Circus and their digital bodies though, she hadn’t exactly thought of it as sexual, no matter how sensual it had been. But now that Jax was pointing it out, the obviousness of it was occurring to her, and she was having a completely different reaction.
“I didn’t…” she muttered quietly. “I mean, I guess it didn’t occur to me that…”
Smile widening, Jax leaned in closer and lowered his voice to a more seductive tone. “What? You never considered it before? We might be different, but we’re still technically human, and we still have human needs. After all these years, have you really never thought of it?” He gave her a suggestive look. “Because I’m going to be honest, I have.”
Ragatha was now feeling so hot she felt like she might pass out, and she instinctively began looking for an escape route to avoid the awkwardness of this conversation. “W-We should probably get back. It should be our turn soon.”
He chuckled at her blatant attempt to divert the conversation. “Don’t change the subject, Doll Face. Yellow and Purple are up right now, and we’ve still got Pomni and her NPC boy-toy and then Orange and Green before us. Really, there’s no need to be embarrassed. It’s perfectly natural, even with our current bodies.” He leaned in closer to speak hotly in her ear. “Or are you telling me that you haven’t touched yourself since coming to this world? Because, honestly, I find that a little hard to believe, even if it wasn’t just experimental on your part. So tell me, did curiosity kill your cat?”
Ragatha knew her face must be beet red right now. Although she would never admit it, he was right. Their digital avatar bodies might be different from their human ones, but yes, they still had the same needs and desires. At least she did, she wasn’t sure about some of her other friends, considering the bodies some of them had, and she had no plans to ask. So yes, as a result, she had indulged in self-gratification in the privacy of her room, but there was no way in hell she was going to admit that to Jax.
“T-That’s… none of your business,” she muttered pathetically, not meeting his eyes.
He snickered at her response. “I’ll take that as a yes.” His eyes suddenly widened with delight. “Hey, you think I can watch you next time?”
“Enough!” she exclaimed and shoved him away. “Why do you have to be so crude?”
He just gave her a knowing grin. “Relax, Doll Face, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Like I said, we all have needs.” He crossed his arms and gave her a suggestive look. “You know, if you want, I could give you a helping hand, if you know what I mean. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.”
Ragatha’s mouth dropped open in shock. Surely he wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying, was he? “What are you…? What are you talking about?”
His grin widened. “What do you think I’m talking about, Doll Face? Go ahead, say it.”
Her cheeks filled with color once more; she really had to stop doing that. “Well, quite frankly, it sounds like you’re suggesting that we… that you and I… uh…”
“Become f–boink–k buddies?” he finished for her, smiling at her discomfort. “So you do have a dirty mind, Raggy. But yeah, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “What do you say, Doll Face? Want to try a reverse Alice In Wonderland and go down the rabbit pole?”
“Jax!” Ragatha exclaimed, looking aghast at his bluntness.
He snickered. “Chill out, Doll Face, we’re both adults here. There’s nothing wrong with us giving each other what we both need. You may be a Raggedy Ann rip-off, but you’re certainly cute enough. I could get off to you.”
“Gee, thanks,” she grumbled, not entirely sure if he was actually complimenting her or not. “But what makes you think I’d be interested in hooking up with an anthropomorphic rabbit?”
Looking completely unbothered by this, Jax nonchalantly began pretending to examine his gloved fingernails. “Hey, you should consider yourself lucky. I could have ended up being a fuzzy, four-armed spider demon or some kind of vampire robot.”
Ragatha raised an eyebrow. “Those were… oddly specific.”
“Just saying, Raggy, I could have turned out way worse than a purple rabbit man, so we should both be grateful for what we have. But the point is, considering that neither of us exactly have human bodies, I don’t think it counts as bestiality if that’s what you were worrying about.”
Ragatha couldn’t believe they were having this conversation. “Unbelievable. You are unbelievable.”
Jax moved in closer and booped her nose. “And you’re dodging the question. It’s really not a big deal, so I don’t know why you’re freaking out about this.”
Red in the face, Ragatha tried to will the warmth out of her cheeks. “E-Even if I was interested, I don’t see how we could do… that since we don’t even have the… equipment for it.”
Jax’s grin was wider than ever. “Speak for yourself, Doll Face, I don’t know about you, but I got the whole package deal, if you catch my meaning.”
Ragatha’s eye widened, but she was now also gripped with genuine curiosity, and her gaze drifted down past his waist without even realizing it. Was Jax really packing, or was he just messing with her again?
Honestly, she had never given it any thought. Each of them had manifested with a new body and upon entering The Amazing Digital Circus. She, being a ragdoll, had the body of one. Naturally, that meant there was nothing between her legs, no genitalia of any kind. The same was obviously true for Gangle and Zooble; a single glance at them was enough to see that. Kinger, she had figured, was simply a full chess piece beneath his royal robes, and she’s just assumed that Jax, Pomni, and Kaufmo were lacking in that department as well.
But even though her lady parts were missing for this body, the sensations down there were still the same. As such, whenever she had gotten in the mood, she had been able to rub herself down to find satisfaction in the privacy of her room. However, she had never given thought to any of the others and any form of arousal they may experience, at least not until now. If Jax really was packing the way he was suggesting, then his suggestion that they take their relationship to such a level was at least plausible, despite her missing bits.
She must have been lost in thought for a while, because Jax felt the need to open his mouth again. “What’s on your mind, Doll Face? You surprised I’m more of a man than you initially thought?”
Ragatha blushed again, because yes, her thoughts had taken that turn thanks to him. “I… I hadn’t really thought about it. I guess I just assumed that… we were basically Barbie and Ken dolls, you know?”
She couldn’t believe she had just said that, and she wished the ground would swallow her up. Jax just seemed to find her unintentional loose tongue amusing and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close.
“Really?” he said in a teasing voice. “Maybe as a literal doll that’s the case for you, but it’s certainly not for me. Did you really not notice anything during some of the times we were dancing together?”
Ragatha shifted uneasily in his hold. “I don’t know. I wasn’t exactly seeking that out.”
He snickered. “Probably because you didn’t know about it. But tell me, now that you know, are you interested? Because I sure am. What do you say? Want to try it out? It’ll be fun.”
She shoved his hands off her waist. “Overlooking the you being a rabbit part, what makes you think I would want to do that with you of all people?”
Crossing his arms in front of him, he gave her a pointed look. “Honestly, I’m kind of your only option, Doll Face. I mean, just look at who else we’ve got. There’s Kinger, but I’m 99.99 percent sure he’s just all smooth chess piece beneath his robes, plus, he’s still technically married; his wife’s just abstracted. Zooble may have interchangeable parts, but I doubt any of those parts are the kind you’re looking for. And by default, I’m pretty sure the only thing Gangle is capable of is the literal bondage part of bondage, if you know what I mean. Honestly, I feel bad for the three of them, they can get all horned up but don’t have the goods to do anything about it like you or I can.”
“Jax!” Ragatha exclaimed, unable to believe how blunt he was being. No, scratch that, she could believe how blunt he was being; it was Jax after all. But… that didn’t change the fact that he was right, even if she had never thought about it before.
“I suppose Pomni is an option,” he continued thoughtfully. “That is, if the two of you are interested in hooking up with another girl, but she seems pretty into her gummy gator trauma crush.”
“Wha– The-The– Don’t call him a trauma crush! That sounds so dark and demeaning.”
He shrugged. “Hey, I call ‘em like I see ‘em. In fact, they probably spent most of their dance practice doing the horizontal tango. Pomni seems resourceful and creative, I’m sure they would have found a way to get the job done.”
Ragatha’s face heated as she suddenly got mental picture of their jester friend and Gummigoo in the act. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. Hey, maybe you could take a leaf out of her book and find a nice NPC to give you some digital lovin’. Or maybe see if Caine or Bubble are interest. I mean, I doubt they would be since they’re AIs, but if they are, I bet they could give you some real good oral action with those big mouths of theirs.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Course, I could do that too.”
“Jax!” Ragatha cried again, covering her face as it turned bright red.
Smirking, he stepped up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Face it, sweetheart, I’m your only option, unless you want to hold out hope that another human with the right parts and functionality shows up someday.”
Still blushing she lowered her hands from her face. “Why are you like this?”
“Come on, I’m just offering to give you what you want. You know, I heard what you said about wishing someone would flirt with you.”
She gave him a confused look. “When did I say that?”
“At Spudsy’s, when you were all doped up on stupid sauce. I told you, it made you more honest than usual. Well, here I am flirting my butt off, Doll Face.”
Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember what he was talking about. Yes, now that she thought about it, she had said that. Her memories from that time were a little fuzzy since she had accidentally splashed stupid sauce in her eye, making her all loopy, but she remembered complaining that she wished that someone would flirt with her after getting frustrated at seeing Pomni interact with Gummigoo, an NPC, instead of spending time with them when she had been trying all this time to be friends with the jester and make her feel welcome. Jax had heard her say that?
“Flirting is one thing,” she said, and shoved his arm off her shoulder, “but you’re being a pervert.” She was only somewhat surprised her insult wasn’t censored out, but then she supposed it wasn’t actually a swear.
He just shrugged. “Nah, I’m just open and honest about what I want.”
She sighed and shook her head. “Unbelievable.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Is it though? Zooble says I like to f–boink–k with people, and they’re right.” Reaching up, he ran his hands through her hair and down her cheek to tilt her chin up with his index finger. “I just want to f–boink–k with you in a different way now too.”
“Oh my God!” Ragatha exclaimed, her hands covering her blushing cheeks.
“Yeah, I can make you scream that, among other things.”
“You are such a b–boink–d sometimes.”
“And proud of it.”
“That’s not something to be proud of.”
He shrugged again. “Agree to disagree, Doll Face. At least I’m never boring. Just remember, I may be a d–boink–k, but I’m also the only one here who has one. So if you ever feel like taking me up on my offer, just ask; I’d be happy to provide. For now though, I think we’re up.”
He walked past her as Ragatha continued to blush where she stood. She became aware of the applause that was going on in the distance and realized that the audience was cheering for whichever dance team had just finished. Jax had said that it was their turn, which meant the green and orange mannequins should have just gone.
But how was she supposed to dance with him now that he had put those thoughts in her head? What more, how was she supposed to dance the Lambada with him now that he had put these thoughts in her head? Never mind that they had already spent the day practicing it, she hadn’t been so… aware of him then as she was now, and a hailstorm of thoughts were now flying through her head.
He had actually suggested that they become fuck buddies. Caine’s censors may have blocked out the profanity, but that’s what he had said. And he had been so blunt about it too. He’d even gone through the unnecessary process of pointing out how if she was looking to hook up with anyone that he was her only real option. And damn it, he was right. And now that he had planted the idea in her head, it had taken root.
Had this been his real goal? When he chose the Lambada for their dance, had it been with this in mind, to steer things in this direction? No, she doubted it. If that had been his intention, he would have made his move early on and used their practice time to make her sweat, figuratively of course since sweating wasn’t something they actually did. So more likely the idea of propositioning her had come later, probably after he had kissed her. Either way, the seed had been planted.
Was he just messing with her though? She honestly wouldn’t put it past him. Just because he said he had the… equipment mean he actually did. Maybe he really was like a Ken doll and was just playing mind games with her, get her curious and heated as to whether he was really packing or not and the potential of what it could mean if he was, only for it not to be true. Yes, a prank like that was right up his alley. Damn him for that if it was the case.
But what if he was being serious? What if he really was suggesting they become friends with benefits. Honestly, Ragatha had never considered it before because she hadn’t thought any of them were capable of it with their digital bodies. Well, she at least was somewhat capable; the benefits of having a humanoid figure she supposed. But while she was a ragdoll, Jax was more… well, more than that. So he may very well be capable of what he claimed.
Still, that didn’t mean that she was going to take him up on his offer. The only one packing or not, he was still a grade-A douchebag, and she had standards. She wasn’t going to sleep with him just because he was the only guy she could sleep with. That wasn’t how this worked. She had more dignity than that. That’s right, he could take his offer and shove it.
“Hey, Doll Face, you going to hang back there all day or what?” he called to her from farther up ahead.
Ragatha blushed as she was pulled out of her thoughts. “Y-Yeah, I’m coming!”
He grinned as she hurried over to him as he waited by stage. “Not yet you’re not, but I can fix that later if you want.”
She blushed even harder. “Uch, are you serious? Is this going to be a new thing with you from now on?”
“Just pointing out what you’re missing,” he teased. “Ball’s in your court though, just say the word and we can let the good times roll. It’s all in good fun after all.”
“A–boink–shole,” she muttered under her breath, willing the heat out of her cheeks.
From out in the stands, the audience slowly quieted down as Princess Loolilalu tapped the microphone. “And now we move on to our final team for the night. The score to beat is 46, so let’s hear it for our last two contestants. Please put your hands together for Team BunnyDoll.”
As the audience cheered, Ragatha’s mouth dropped open and she looked at Jax, who had also chosen their team’s name but hadn’t told it to her. “What? BunnyDoll? That sounds like a shipping name.”
He held up his hands. “I know what you’re thinking, Doll Face, and I swear to you, that was not planned, nor was it my intention when I came up with the name. I was just being lazy and went with something basic; it’s a total coincidence we had the conversation that we just did. If I was going to go down that route, I would have called us Team Jagatha, it’s a little more on the nose.”
She cut her eye at him. “I don’t know if I believe you.”
He dramatically placed a hand over his heart. “You really wound me, Raggy. No benefit of the doubt at all.”
She crossed her arms. “Oh, trust me, there’s plenty of reason to doubt you.”
“Oh, ouch, twist the knife why don’t you.”
Back at the judge’s table, the candy princess cleared her throat. “Um, Team BunnyDoll? Calling Team BunnyDoll.”
“That’s us, Doll Face,” Jax said to Ragatha. “Let’s not keep our public waiting.”
He then waltzed out onto the stage as if he didn’t have a care in the world. A small growl escaped Ragatha at how at ease he was while she was currently fighting back another blush. How was she even capable of blushing anyway? Their digital bodies didn’t work like their real world ones; they didn’t even have any blood in their bodies for its flow to increase to cause a blush to happen in the first place.
But she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know he’d gotten to her. So she took a deep breath and joined him on stage. She stood next to him as he waited for her, looking entirely too smug and wiggled his eyebrows at her. Ragatha refused to look at him as she turned her attention to the judges.
“So,” she said, trying to hide how awkward she felt, “we’re gonna do a dance.”
Next to her, Jax snickered. “They know that already, Doll Face. It’s literally what we’re here for.”
Princess Loolilalu cocked her head to the side. “Uh, right. Um, whenever you’re ready.”
“Music!” Jax suddenly called out. Then he suddenly pulled a rose out and put it between his teeth as he turned to Ragatha and held out his hand. “Shall we?”
Ragatha eyed the rose between his golden teeth. Was he really going with that old cliché? And also, where did he get that rose from and where had he been keeping it?
“Really?” she asked in reference to the rose as the music began playing and she placed her hand in his.
“Mmm-hmm,” he replied smugly and pulled her in close.
And then their dance began. By all accounts, it should have been nothing new. After all, they must have done the dance quite literally over 100 times throughout the day. However, this time was different. This time, Ragatha was more aware of Jax than ever before. As such, as the two of them danced erotically against each other, she couldn’t help certain thoughts from entering her head.
Damn him. Was this really what he wanted? Had he planned on making her think and feel this way in front of everyone? Maybe that had been his real goal? Maybe he had forgone teasing her during their dance practices so she wouldn’t get used to it and thus he could instead make her squirm in front of everyone just to embarrass her. That certainly seemed in character for him.
And squirm she did. As she twisted and turned, as Jax dipped her back, as they moved about chest to chest in such close proximity, she couldn’t stop her body’s reaction to him. She was getting all hot and bothered, just as he had accused her of earlier. But she supposed that’s what happened when you became sexually aware of someone and then found yourself literally wrapped up in a sensual dance with them. She didn’t like that her body was responding to him this way, but respond it did. She was likely playing directly into his hands, and she knew he was loving every second of it.
As Jax spun her around so he could pull her against him with his arms wrapped around her so her back was to his chest, he apparently couldn’t resist whispering hotly in her ear. “You seem a little off your game, Doll Face. You’re much more tense than you were during practice.”
She turned around in his arms and they became pressed up against each other, one of his legs between hers as their hips moved erotically. “And who’s fault is that?”
“Hey, I just put a simple offer on the table that would benefit us both. It’s your choice whether you accept or not.” He dipped her far back and then pulled her upright again. “It’s not my fault if thinking about it ties your panties in a knot.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I’ll bet you’re loving this.”
“Can’t help it if I think you look cute when you get all flustered. Take it as a compliment.”
She blushed again and tried to focus on their dance. She was feeling so distracted that she was getting clumsy and missing some steps. Did the judges notice? Would it affect their score? Not that it really mattered, as this was just one of Caine’s adventures.
As they continued to dance, Ragatha couldn’t prevent her thoughts from taking a certain turn. The dance had them practically rubbing up against each other. No, not practically, they were rubbing up against each other, intimately so; the dance demanded it in order to be done correctly. As such, Ragatha couldn’t help but remember what Jax had said about having a complete package.
She still didn’t know if that was true or if he was just screwing with her. Knowing Jax, she wouldn’t put it past him to make her wonder if he had manly parts while they were engaged in an intimate dance just to see how she would react. He’d get a kick seeing her become all flushed in front of everyone. Hell, it was happening now, and Jax noticed.
“You’re blushing again, Rags,” he teased. “Thinking dirty thoughts?”
“N-No, the spotlights are just really warm,” she responded, saying the first thing that came to mind.
He snickered. “Nice try, Doll Face, but temperature doesn’t affect us like that in this world; you know that. I think you really are having dirty thoughts.”
Knowing he was right about the temperature thing, she went on the defense again. “No dirtier than yours.”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, as it only made him smile more broadly. “Sweetie, you have no idea how dirty my thoughts are right now.”
Feeling her face heat further, she chose not to respond as they continued their dance. But she still couldn’t help but wonder if he had been telling the truth about packing or not. But unless he showed her what was in those overalls of his, she was always going to wonder. Which was probably also part of his plan now that she thought about it. She wouldn’t even put it past him to have put his friends with benefits off on the table with the expectation that she would accept, only to reveal that he was actually like a Ken doll and thus incapable of performing and then laugh at her about it. Not that she ever would accept his offer of course!
But as they danced, another thought suddenly occurred to her. A rather naughty thought. Maybe she could find out another way. Their dance could provide her with the opportunity. They were already rubbing up against each other quite a bit. If she rubbed up against him the right way, she would be able to feel if he had anything down there or not.
Internally, she shook her head. What was she thinking, contemplating doing something like that? Damn Jax, this was his fault for putting these thoughts in her head. He definitely had to have planned this all along, get her curious and aroused with no way to satisfy either unless she humiliated herself by caving into his suggestion. Well, she wasn’t going to fall prey to that. If he was going to play this game with her, then she would play, but by her own rules.
While she kept up with the dance, she began using it to her advantage. She pressed herself up against him a little harder, moved against him a little more firmly and lingeringly, feeling his body against hers. What she was doing caused her to blush even more, but she was the one in control now. At least that’s what she told herself as she rubbed up against him.
She had to keep up with the dance though, and try not to make it obvious what she was doing, to Jax or the audience. She honestly couldn’t believe she was doing this in front of everyone, and she had called Jax a pervert. Fortunately, the dance allowed for the perfect cover, allowing her to get a good feel of his body. She twisted around in his arms again and pressed her backside into his crotch a little more firmly than before, a little more than necessary than what the dance demanded, trying to feel if anything was there or not.
She was trying to be discreet, but she apparently wasn’t doing as good as a job as she hoped, because Jax leaned in again to whisper in her ear. “Are you trying to feel me up, Doll Face?” he asked teasingly. “And you had the nerve to scold me for allegedly getting handsy with you earlier.”
Ragatha nearly tripped over her own feet. He had noticed what she was doing? Great, now he was going to think he had successfully seduced her. She did the only thing she could think of, deny it. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just dancing. I think you’re imagining things that aren’t there.”
And speaking of things that weren’t there, she hadn’t felt anything on him. So that meant he had just been pulling her leg and actually was just like a Ken doll. But of course he was, it had just been a prank; it was Jax after all. She never should have let him get to her. But now she had figured him out and could put this whole thing behind her.
But it seemed he wasn’t done messing with her yet. “It was more along the lines of feeling things rather than imagining them. And from the feel of them, you were the one feeling for something.”
She just smirked, unwilling to let him know he had figured her out, especially since there was evidentially nothing to feel for. “Keep dreaming. But even if I wanted to feel for something, I’m calling your bluff. You don’t have anything down there at all, do you?”
“Ooh, is that a challenge?” He spun her back around to face him. “You seem to be under the impression that, like a human, everything hangs out for me, so to speak. But we aren’t human anymore, are we, Doll Face? I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of male animals who aren’t exactly ‘exposed’. Human men may have external junk, but lots of animals don’t, including rabbits. Things stay, shall we say, tucked inside until we’re ready to go. If you didn’t feel anything in your little search attempt, it’s because I too am retractable, if you know what I mean.”
Ragatha’s eye widened. That, she hadn’t considered, but she couldn’t deny the plausibility; he was an anthropomorphic rabbit after all. And while Jax may be a prankster, somehow she doubted that he had come up with such an explanation in advance.
Jax suddenly twirled her around and dipped her so far back her hair brushed the floor, then abruptly pulled her straight up against him, their faces only inches apart, and he grinned that gold-toothed grin at her. “You know, if you really want to see if I’m telling the truth or not, you don’t have to be sneaky. I’d be happy to show you.”
Ragatha went beet red. Would the judges notice how hard she was blushing? Quite frankly, she wasn’t even sure how she was managing to still be dancing. How much longer was the song anyway? She had lost track of time, and her body almost seemed to be on autopilot after having practiced the routine for so long.
“Ok, you need to chill on the sexual harassment,” she told him, trying to sound stern.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Sexual harassment? The most I’ve done is make some suggestive comments. You’re the one actually trying to feel me up, Doll Face. So if anyone should be complaining about being sexually harassed, it’s me.” Then he grinned at her. “But I’m not complaining. You can sexually harass me all you want.”
Ragatha was now blushing harder than ever. “I-I told you, that’s not what I was doing!”
It was, but she was never going to admit to it, even though he had already caught and called her out on it. And of course he wasn’t complaining, he’d made his intentions about what he wanted very clear, and she was showing way too much interest in his offer.
He chuckled at her response. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart. Course, I could help you with that too if you want.”
She knew he did not mean actually sleeping. “I already said I wasn’t interested.”
He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “You said that, but did you actually mean it? You can be pretty stubborn.” At her glare, he shrugged and twirled her around again. “That’s ok, Doll Face, I can wait. We’ve only got an eternity to spend together. But you know, for someone claiming that they’re not interested, you sure seem to be curious in finding out what I’ve got to see if I can really deliver. I can’t imagine why you would want to find out if you really weren’t interested.” He gave her another twirl before pulling her in close, his hand going to her lower back. “If you really wanna know though, maybe this will answer your question.”
He dipped her back again, and this time he borderline hooked her leg around his waist. Ragatha’s eye widened and a heated gasp escaped her as she felt something press against her that she hadn’t felt when she had been seeking it out herself. No, definitely not a Ken doll. So he was telling the truth, not just about having the equipment, but also of it staying tucked inside until, well, now.
It only lasted for a second before he pulled her back up and they were dancing again, but he now had a very self-satisfied smirk on his face. “So, did that answer your question?”
It did, and she couldn’t even be angry with him about it since he had simply given her proof of what she herself had been feeling around for, even if she had denied it.
“Well?” he pressed when she didn’t answer. “Is your curiosity satisfied?”
“There’s nothing to satisfy,” she said quickly. Then she realized that she may not have worded that the best way. “That came out wrong.”
He wiggled his eyebrows at her again. “Did it? You know, you could just tell me if you want it. I’m not judging.”
She scoffed. “You sure you’re not projecting?”
He pulled her in close again. “Not me. I got no problem admitting that I want you. The question is, Doll Face, what do you want?”
She ignored the warmth she felt in her cheeks. “Right now, for you to stop talking and just dance.”
He chuckled. “Whatever you say, babe.”
“And don’t call me that.”
“Fine, fine, shutting up now.”
And surprisingly, he did. If only her own mind would shut up too. But no, thanks to everything they had been talking about, she had never been more aware of him, or his body. The dirty thoughts wouldn’t be so bad is she could dwell on them later, but no, it was now that they were choosing to dominate her mind. Damn the effects of sexual repression.
Naturally, with so many thoughts filling her head, she couldn’t properly focus on their dancing, and as such, she made several mistakes, tripping over her own feet and stepping on his, or simply making clumsy or uncoordinated movements. Even Jax was making mistakes as well since he seemed intent on teasing her rather than getting the choreography right.
And probably worst of all was the fact that now that he was in the mood, she could feel him every time they ended up pressed against each other. It caused her cheeks to heat more and more every time she felt his arousal, until she was sure that her face was redder than her hair. And Jax was perfectly aware of her predicament. In fact, he found it humorous, and if she didn’t know any better, she would even say he was taking advantage of it just to mess with her even further.
Suddenly, her brow narrowed in determination as her stubbornness won out over pride. Fine, if that was the way he wanted to play, then she would match him. She had tried to play his game on her own terms, but if he was going to make this difficult for her, then she would give him just as hard of a time as he was giving her. After all, seduction worked two ways, so she would give him a taste of his own medicine. It was time to see how he liked it.
As they danced, she began moving her body just a little more sensually than the dance required. She lingered a bit more in certain positions, pressed herself against him a little harder, brushed up against his arousal whenever she could, and allowed her breasts to press up against him beyond the necessary closeness they needed. And to her great satisfaction, she saw Jax’s eyes widened as he realized what she was doing. She did her best to hide her smile though and feigned innocence as she seduced him as much as possible while trying to keep her actions inconspicuous.
“What are you playing at, Raggy?” he growled in a low voice.
She gave a small shrug, pretending she had no idea what he was talking about. “What do you mean?”
He spat out the rose that had still been between his teeth and glared at her. “Don’t toy with me, Doll Face.”
“Sorry, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” And then for the icing on the cake, she threw his own words back at him from earlier. “I’m just dancing here.”
He scowled at her, but said nothing more, and she took it as a win. It was rather satisfying to turn his own game against him. She bet he hadn’t seen that coming. And surprisingly, he didn’t press the matter or retaliate. Perhaps because he was worried that she would take thing up another notch if he did, as he seemed to have been unprepared for her to have turned the tables on him like this. Well, good, he deserved it.
Since he seemed to have gotten the message after that, they continued the rest of the dance as normal. Once they finished though, due to everything that had gone on during it, she knew that it would affect their score, and she was right. While they hadn’t gotten a bad one, it was definitely the lowest of all the scores. Jax certainly didn’t take them ending up in last place well though.
“Are you kidding me?” he grumbled as the judged held up their scores. “How did we get such a bad score?”
Ragatha cut her eye at him. “Maybe because we kept making mistakes since you kept teasing me instead of focusing on the actual dance.”
She knew she was one to talk, but in her defense, he had started. He still narrowed his eyes at her and gave her a pointed look. “That’s real rich coming from the girl who was rubbing up against me to see if I was really packing since she couldn’t just take my word for it.”
Ragatha immediately turned bright red. “I– What? Ah, uh, no, I told you that’s not what I was doing! I was just dancing!”
He rolled his eyes. “Please, Doll Face, we danced together all day. I can tell the difference between you just dancing and you intentionally grinding against me to see what you could feel. And that’s not even getting into your little seduction attempt.”
Her blush deepened. Maybe that hadn’t been such a good idea. “That… I… You… I was not!”
She emphasized this by stomping her foot. It was childish, she knew, and she half expected him to say something along the lines of how she was protesting too much. Before he could though, the other teams came back into the stage as the judges prepared to announce which team was the winner.
“Hey, is everything ok?” Gangle asked in response to Ragatha’s outburst.
Suddenly feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, Ragatha tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. “Fine! Fine! Everything is fine! No problems here! Everything is great!”
Gangle just stared at her strangely for a few seconds before exchanging a bewildered look with Pomni, who pointed at the ragdoll. “Um, Ragatha, are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing! You’re blushing! You’re both blushing! All of you are! I didn’t do anything!”
She knew she was making a fool of herself, and she heard Jax snicker next to her. Gangle and Pomni just shared another confused look before the latter shrugged and they let the matter drop.
From there, the judges read each of the teams’ scores one more time. Jax was irritated enough about him and Ragatha ending up in last place, but he seemed to be even more frustrated over the fact that Kinger and Gangle somehow managed to end up in first place.
“Seriously!? Them!?” Jax cried in outrage. “How the heck did those two beat everyone here?”
“Oh, we danced,” Kinger said simply.
And with him and Gangle’s team having won, the rec center was saved and the adventure was complete. A portal opened for them to return to the circus that they all walked through, with Jax still fuming and Pomni giving a lingering, heartfelt goodbye to Gummigoo before following after the others.
“Welcome back, my dancing do-gooders!” Caine greeted as they reentered the circus. “How was the competition?”
“It was… fun,” Gangle admitted, smiling slightly despite her comedy mask still being broken. She glanced up at her dance partner. “Right, Kinger?”
“Indeed,” the chess piece replied. “Gangle and I came in… um… What was it again?”
“Uh, first.”
“Oh, right, that! It was quite enjoyable. At least, I think it was. What about you, Pomni?”
The jester blinked. “Oh, um, yeah, it surprisingly actually was pretty enjoyable.”
Jax snickered, apparently getting over ending up in last place. “Yeah, I’ll bet it was.”
“Jax,” Ragatha silently scolded him.
Gangle looked at the ragdoll. “How about you, Ragatha? Was it good for you?”
Ragatha turned red at the choice of words Gangle had used. “It was… um, I mean, yes, it was enjoyable, like you guys said.” She heard Jax snicker again and resisted the urge to slap him. “Even though we did come in last place.”
Pomni cocked her head to the side. “We were actually pretty surprised by your dance choice. I mean, the Lambada of things?”
Ragatha held up her hands. “That was not my choice. Jax picked the dance without telling me.”
The purple rabbit just crossed his arms and grinned proudly. “I thought it’d be fun. And, hey, we may have come in last, but I think the whole thing was educational.”
Pomni raised an eyebrow. “Educational?”
“That’s right, educational. Right, Raggy?”
She averted her eye. “That’s… one word for it.”
Jax snickered at that. “In any case, it’s been a long, hard, straining day, if you know what I mean.” He gave Ragatha a suggestive look. “I think I’m going to head to bed. Anyone care to join me?”
His suggestive remarks were not lost to Ragatha, even if they went over the other’s heads. She refused to look at him though as he headed off to their sleeping quarters. No one else seemed interested in going to bed though, and after Zooble rejoined them, they spent the next hour or so socializing.
Eventually, Ragatha did decide to head off to bed. This had been… quite a day, and her head was still reeling. Not just from what she had learned about Jax, but from his suggestion that the two of them become friends with benefits. Not that she planned on taking him up on his offer, but she couldn’t get the idea out of her head now that it was in there, and a maelstrom of possibilities that hadn’t been open to her now were.
She’d never given a thought to the possibility of taking a lover since she came to this world. As Jax himself had pointed out, none of their friends really had the bodies for it; well, most of them anyway. So she hadn’t considered it as a possibility and hadn’t looked at any of them in a sexual light. And as Jax had also pointed out, she still couldn’t for most of them. If she did want a lover though, then Jax really was her only option. Again, not that she planned on accepting his offer.
She just needed to get to bed. A good night’s sleep would surely clear her head. True, they didn’t get tired and didn’t actually need sleep, but they got the same benefits from sleeping as they did in the real world, letting them unwind and allowing their minds to rest and process the events of the day. And Ragatha had a lot she needed to process, preferably while she was unconscious and experiencing dreamless sleep. Because if she did dream, she had a sneaking suspicion as to what kind of dreams they would be given what was on her mind.
With a sigh, she opened her door and stepped inside. She only took a few steps though before letting out a startled cry at the sight of someone on her bed.
“Hey, Raggy,” Jax greeted cockily. He was laying on her bed with his hands behind his head, one of his legs bouncing on top of his bent knee. “About time you decided to hit the hay. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting here? I actually thought you’d come a lot sooner.”
“Jax!” she practically shouted, placing her hands on her hips. “Why are you in my room!? How’d you even get in here?”
He grinned at her. “I’ve got a key, Doll Face. Remember?”
She let out a frustrated growl. “That’s a whole different issue we need to address. What are you doing in my room?”
He dropped his leg off his knee and sat up. “What do you think? I came to see if you changed your mind and wanted to take me up on my offer now that you’ve had some time to think about it.”
Ragatha almost rolled her eye. Of course that’s why he was here, she should have figured. “Is this going to become an ongoing theme with you now?”
His grin widened. “Maybe. Yes. How else am I going to know if you’ve changed your mind unless I keep asking?”
Another growl escaped her. She really should have known. Even if she turned him down every time, he would still keep propositioning her, even if it was for the sole purpose of getting her all flustered. She couldn’t believe she was about to say this, but it would at least get him off her back. Maybe.
“Tell you what,” she said, already blushing, “if I ever do change my mind, I’ll come to you and let you know so you don’t have to keep asking.”
He raised an eyebrow at her, still grinning. “I don’t mind asking.”
“I do!” She pointed at the door. “Now get out of my room! And don’t come back unless I invite you in.”
“Ooh, something to look forward to.” He hopped to his feet. “If milady wishes it.” He then casually walked past her. “By the way, let me know if you see any centipedes crawling around in here.”
A chill ran down Ragatha’s spine. “Centi– Wh– D-Did you put them in my room again!?”
He paused by her door and glanced back at her with a mischievous grin. “Is that what I said? Always thinking the worst of me, Doll Face. I just said to let me know if you see any. But feel free to come sleep in my room if you’re afraid.”
She threw her hands up. “For the love of… Why do you have to keep messing with me like this?”
He cocked his head to the side. “Maybe I just want you to keep thinking about me however I can, and pushing your buttons certainly seems to get the job done. Of course, there are some other buttons of yours I’d like to push too if you’re feeling agreeable.”
“Grr, get out!”
She snatched her pillow off her bed and threw it at him, but Jax quickly ducked out of the room and the pillow bounced off the door. He stuck his head back in a moment later though.
“Whatever you say, sweet cheeks. Sleep tight, and don’t let the possible creepy crawlers keep you up.” He winked at her. “Or your dirty thoughts.”
He then saluted her and ducked out again. Ragatha fumed for a second or two before yanking at her hair and letting out a frustrated scream. He was just so infuriating. Always, always messing with people, always messing with her. Sometimes she just wanted to strangle him, or smack him upside the head, or… or… she didn’t know what!
Even though she knew he was most likely messing with her to have her spend time freaking out and searching for something that wasn’t there, she still spent the next fifteen minutes or so checking her room for any centipedes. And when she was satisfied that there weren’t any, she finally crawled into bed, ready to call it a day.
Only sleep didn’t come. As much as she hated it, her brain wouldn’t shut up about everything that had happened today. From learning about Jax’s anatomy, to all the erotic dancing they did, to that surprise kiss he had given her, to his proposition. That last one brought forth a seemingly never-ending slew of fantasies that refused to leave her head, no matter how much she demanded her brain to stop thinking such thoughts.
Damn Jax. Why did he have to go and put such thoughts in her head? Now she couldn’t stop thinking about him like that. Up until now, she hadn’t been able to see him in a sexual light before, but now, with these truth bombs dropped on her, her mind was racing with possibilities, and nearly all of them were in the gutter. And yes, those thoughts were getting to her.
She spent a good deal of time tossing and turning, constantly pulling up the covers and pushing them away, repeatedly fluffing and turning over her pillow, but sleep simply wouldn’t come. She finally decided to take care of the problem herself if she ever wanted to get some sleep.
Reaching down, she hiked her dress up her body, letting it bunch up around her waist, then she reached down between her legs and trailed her finger over the space between them. A delightful sensation raced through her at her touch. She might not have any genitalia or even an opening to insert her fingers into, but the area was still just as sensitive and pleasing to the touch. She was hairless down there and there was no wetness, despite her arousal, but it felt just as delightful as what she remembered from the real world, perhaps even more so since her anatomy, for lack of a better word, was that of a ragdoll, leaving her with only a space between her legs to rub down.
And rub down she did. Her breathing shifted to panting and small whimpers escaped her as she stroked herself furiously. After today’s events and how worked up and sexually frustrated she was, it didn’t take long, and what passed for an orgasm for her ragdoll body ran through her. She began shivering in delight and a small cry escaped her as smalls jerks went through her.
Despite her lack of gentiles, it was an immensely pleasurable feeling, and not for the first time, she wondered if her lack of lady parts had somehow resulted in all the nerve sensations she would have had from them accumulating in the space between her legs in general, essentially turning it into one large erogenous zone? It certainly felt like it.
In light of her digital body, she was glad that she was still capable of this kind of pleasure, and she truly pitied Zooble, Kinger, and Gangle before briefly wondering if Kaufmo had had all his parts prior to abstracting. All things considered though, she had really gotten lucky in terms of the type of body she had ended up with. And with the satisfaction she had brought herself, she was finally able to relax enough in order to fall asleep.
For all the good it did, as her dreams were assaulted by a number of erotic visions featuring her and a certain purple rabbit until she eventually jolted upright, panting and hot. It took her a few moments to catch her breath, but she was now even more worked up than before she had touched herself, her body aching and wanting. A miserable groan escaped her as she ran her hand over her face.
A quick glance at the clock told her that it was still hours before morning. Not that it really mattered since day or night didn’t matter in this world and none of them actually needed sleep, but more often than not, they all stuck to a regular sleep schedule to give themselves a sense of routine. She could either get up now or try to sleep some more, but either way, she would still have the same problem.
“Uch, alright, fine!” she cried practically shouted out in irritation, feeling her cheeks heat.
Throwing off her covers, she climbed out of bed. There was no need to get changed since she slept in the same dress she always wore since they all really only had one outfit unless an adventure demanded a wardrobe change. But seeing as their clothes never got soiled or dirty or worn out, there was really no need for any other clothes.
As quietly as possible, she tiptoed over to the door, not sure why since their rooms were practically soundproof, and poked her head outside. The hall was brightly lit, like always, and was clear of anyone else. But of course it was, everyone else was asleep. So she crept out of her room and began making her way down the hall to a certain purple rabbit’s room.
(A/N: This is definitely the longest set-up for a lemon I've done thus far that isn't a full-length story, which is why I decided to split it into two chapters instead of keeping it a one-shot. It really worked out perfectly regarding the length of what both chapters ended up being, as my lemon stories have most of the story being the lemon; I mean, that is the point of them. If you don't want the actual lemon, then you can end here and use your imagination for what goes down, but if you want the full lemony goodness, then proceed to the next chapter; it's certainly going to be unique in terms of lemon stories. You'll see wha I mean when you get to it.)
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