Eliza, Your Average Girl | By : WarrenConey Category: +S through Z > Wild Thornberries Views: 1512 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with the series, The Wild Thornberrys - 1998. The following is a non-commissioned work, created for entertainment purposes only. |
Eliza Thornberry was, for the most part, just your average girl with a love of animals and the natural world. Aside from being a bit of a tomboy, with more curiosity than a cat, there was nothing about the eleven-year-old, that was truly unique or fantastic. The only thing about her that was interesting at all, was the fact that she traveled around the world with her family. Her mother and father were naturalists, who documented animals on film for the foundation they worked for. It was her family’s constant interaction with nature, that led to Eliza’s love of animals and the natural world.
She was an odd girl, at times Eliza was fairly sociable, but most of the time she enjoyed being on her own. The fact that her mother and father were usually too busy working to spend time with their kids, was oddly convenient for her. She didn’t have to worry about other people bothering her, since her mother and father were the only people she lived with, aside from her older sibling of course.
Although she sometimes hated to admit it, she did have one other person in her family, her older brother, ‘Devi’. His actual name was, Devon, but everyone called him Devi, even though he complained about the nickname sounding ‘girly’. Devi had fair skin and long wavy blond hair, a handsome face and a fit body, that he always set aside time to care for. He was bold, and a little selfish, but usually a fairly nice person.
Eliza had a love-hate relationship with her brother. The two didn’t have much in common and would sometimes bicker when they were left alone with each other. Devi was a more social person and had only a passing interest in animals and nature. Eliza often wondered, why she had a soft spot for her very different brother. The young redhead, just couldn’t understand why she had any interest in her, fit, handsome and confident, sixteen year old brother.
For now however, her mind was fixed on the task at hand, as she moved around the family’s heavy duty RV, the ‘ComVee’. She planned on exploring the forest that her family was staying near and was gathering everything she might need. Her mother Marianne was also, gathering the things she would need for the filming she would be doing, up in the nearby mountains. Eliza’s father Nigel was already outside, talking with the guides that would be taking them into the mountains in their Jeep. The time was about half past twelve and Devi had only just woken up. He walked out of the back of the ComVee where his bunk was, wearing a pair of gray sweat pants and a white t shirt. His eyes were still only half open and his hair was a golden shaggy mess. He walked up to the small table on the left side of the ComVee and sat down, taking note of his mother and sister as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“So Devi, I see you finally decided to join us.” His mother said she opened a small tote bag. “You missed breakfast.”
“Thought so, I was up late last night.”
“Playing that, Resident Evil 2, of yours. You’re sure that’s not gonna give you nightmares, right?” She asked with parental concern.
“It’s just a game mom.” He insisted. “I heard that new game, Silent Hill, is way more scary.”
“Then you’re not getting it.” She answered plainly, putting a few things in her small bag. “Your father and I have to draw the line somewhere.”
“Humm.” He yawned with a stretch, relaxing in his seat, as he glanced over at his quiet sister.
Eliza had bent over as she rifled through her backpack, searching every pocket for something. She was wearing her trademark yellow dress and the short hem had ridden up her thighs, exposing part of her backside. Her simple white panties had wedged themselves neatly between her petite cheeks. Eliza had light peach skin and soft, light brown freckles sprinkled in different places. The parts of her backside that were visible, were naturally decorated with a few adorable little freckles.
As a sixteen year old boy, the female form was Devi’s biggest interest and flirting with girls, was his favorite hobby. He knew he shouldn’t be eyeing his little sister’s behind, but a part of him wanted to be absolutely certain, just how many freckles he could find on each cheek.
Marianne finished packing her bag and slung it on her shoulder, taking a look at her children. She noticed her son glancing at a bent over Eliza and saw her partially exposed backside. Maybe getting him that new game wouldn’t be so bad for him. She thought. If it helps the poor boy take his mind of girls for a while. “Devi, you really gotta learn to calm down.” Marianne caught his attention with an oddly sympathetic warning, as she stood by his side with a motherly smile.
“Uh, sure.” He looked at her blankly, too embarrassed to know what to say.
“Devon, I need you to listen to me, this is important.” She said looking stern. “If you go into town, you have to be on your best behavior. This is a very strict place and the people here don’t tolerate disrespect.”
“Okay.” He said plainly.
“No, pay attention.” She said, practically staring a hole into him. “If you go into town, you must be polite, you must show respect and you absolutely, must not, flirt with any of the girls, at all. No girls, Devon.” She said sternly, as she started to pat his upper thigh, awkwardly close to his groin. “If you anger these people, they will cut you off, and I don’t mean, ‘at the knees’.” She said, glancing down at his lap before removing her hand. “Do you understand?”
“Yeah...” He sighed looking down at the table. He knew he wasn’t going to have any fun, while they were there.
Marianne caressed his back lovingly. “I know all our traveling has been difficult for you, but your father and I wouldn’t have made you come with us, if we thought it wasn’t going to be good for you. In the short time we’ve been away from home, you and your sister have learned so much more, than any other kids your age.”
“Hooray...” He joked listlessly.
“Hey.” She called for his attention, as she put a hand on his cheek. “We’re only gonna be here for a few days, I promise.”
“I love you.” She told him tenderly, as she moved in and gave her son a kiss.
Eliza was watching with envy. Her mother always had her hands on Eliza’s handsome brother, always giving him hugs and kisses. The kisses looked innocent enough, but Eliza noticed her mother always held her lips on his, for more than a second or so. There were many times, she wished she could be as close with her brother, as her mother was.
“I love you too.” He told her, as she pulled away.
Marianne then turned and looked at her daughter with the same stern look she had given her son. “Eliza, what I said to your brother, goes double for you.”
“What?!” She asked surprised by the stern warning.
“Listen!” Her mother continued firmly. “You are not allowed to go into town without your brother. The girls that live here, are not allowed to go out, unless they have a male escort.”
“Oh...” Eliza sighed, practically withering at the statement. Eliza had been to places like that before, places where women were expected to follow very strict rules.
“If you want to get something in town, you ask your brother to buy it. If you go to town, you let him do the talking, unless someone talks to you, understand?”
“Yeah...” She sighed, realizing she was going to have to rely on her brother for almost everything while they were there. “I understand…”
“Now, it doesn’t mean you can’t go into town, you just have to be on your best behavior.” Her mother assured. “In fact, if you wanted to go to town, now would be the best time. They’re having their annual harvest festival today and the rules are usually more relaxed while it goes on. So if you want to see the town, from now to sunset would be the best time. Just make sure you go with your brother.”
“Alright.” Eliza’s curiosity about the local festival, raised her spirits slightly.
“Okay, your father and I are gonna get going.” Marianne said, turning to leave.
“Hey!” Eliza called for her attention. “Don’t I get a kiss too?” She asked, wanting to test how much affection her mother showed her, compared to her brother.
“Oh... Of course you do.” Marianne said sweetly, walking back to Elisa and giving her the slightest peck on the cheek. “I love you.” She said, before quickly starting off on her way. “If you go into town, remember to behave!” She called back, as she shut the door.
“How come she always treats you better?” Eliza huffed at her brother.
Devi smiled at her. “Because you’re adopted.” He teased with one of his favorite jokes.
“That’s not funny.” She said, sick of a joke that she had heard countless times.
“The truth, seldom is...” He said, shaking his head in faux disappointment.
She stared at him unimpressed for a moment, until she remembered what her mom had told her. “Hey Devi, take me to the festival!”
“Can’t.” He said getting up and walking to the kitchenette in the front. “Haven’t had my breakfast.” He opened one of the top cupboards and pulled out one of the granola bars that their mother kept a ready supply of. He split open the wrapper and took a bite. “After breakfast, I gotta brush my teeth, hmm, get in my workout, take a shower, then I’m probably gonna have to do something for lunch... gonna be a real busy day...” He casually taunted between bites.
“You’re so selfish sometimes!” She huffed.
“What do you expect!?” He snapped back at her. “I don’t wanna hang around a town that’d probably whip me in a field, if I said the wrong thing!”
“You just don’t wanna go, because you can’t put you hands on any of the girls there!”
“Hmm, that’s not the only reason, but it is, the most important one.” He said finishing the bar and putting the wrapper in the nearby trash.
“Devon...” She whined in a childish tone.
“Oh, now it’s ‘Devon’, next it’ll be, ‘you’re my big brother, don’t you care about me?’” He said as he walked back to the table and sat at the edge of the booth, with his feet in the aisle. He took a small, black elastic band from his sweatpants pocket and started pulling his hair up, into a tight bun. He always wore his hair up when he was busy. “I’m gonna brush my teeth and get in my workout, then, after I take my shower and have something decent to eat, maybe, I’ll take you.”
“You’re not gonna take me at all, are you!?”
“Probably not…”
“Aww, come on. What do I have to do to get you to take me, right now?” She pleaded sweetly, getting closer to him.
“You wanna make a deal?” He huffed annoyed. “Fine. You get me a girl that I can do whatever I want with, and I’ll do whatever, you want! I hate it out here.” He sighed deeply. “I haven’t even been able to, look, at a girl, for the past week.”
“You can do you whatever you want, with me.” Eliza blurted out thoughtlessly.
“You... did not, just say that.” Devi said, shocked by his sister’s offer.
“Um!” Her cheeks took a deep pink flush, as she realized what she said. “Ha! Kidding!” She smiled awkwardly as she tried to regain her composure. “I was just kidding, you thought I was serious? Wow, Devi…”
“You can’t lie to me!” He said with a bewildered stare. “You were totally serious! You little pervert!”
“Whatever!” She huffed with an embarrassed red face. “I’m going outside! Forget about the stupid festival!” She turned to leave, but Devi grabbed her hand.
“Wait, I didn’t say no.” He assured with a smile.
“Oh Devon, your own little sister?” She teased, shaking her head with faux disappointment.
“Uhh...” He let go, feeling a little awkward. “Well you’re the one who offered!”
“Yeah, and I meant it.” She grabbed his hand with a smile, trying to look confident. “Take me to the festival and I’ll let you, do some, stuff, with me.”
“Deal.” He agreed as he sat up straight and threw his hands on her hips.
“Ha!” Her body shook in surprise.
“Are you really okay with it?” He asked cautiously.
“Uh, yeah, why not?” She said trying to act casual, in spite of the deep red embarrassment on her cheeks.
“You sure?”
“Sure, go for it.” She said, trembling as she put his hands on his. Eliza was eager to embrace her brother’s interest in her body. Though she was nervous, this being her first physical experience with a boy, she knew it could bring her closer to her brother, in a way that she had wanted for a long time.
He caressed her hips gently through her yellow dress. She was thin and felt a bit boney, her muscles were firm, from the constant exercise she got from exploring the wilderness. He noticed that despite her lack of a supple figure, her body put off a pleasant heat. He reached under her dress, hoping to squeeze the cute, round cheeks, he had glimpsed earlier.
She stopped his hands quickly. “You’re gonna take me to the festival after this, right?” Eliza was aching to let him touch her, but unlike Devi, she still had enough sense left to bargain with.
“Yeah.” He insisted anxiously, ready to agree to anything, so he could relive the impulses of his sixteen year old mind. “I’ll take you right after this, I promise.”
“Okay.” She said letting go. Immediately she felt his hands groping her firm behind. “Oh!” She enjoyed his his hands, they were soft and well cared for, but his grip was firm and masculine. The athletic girl felt weak in her strong, handsome brother’s grasp. “Um?!” She gasped in surprise as Devi pulled her closer. She was right in front of her still seated brother. She gazed down at him, wanting to throw her arms around him and hold him against her flat chest. Her heart bounced with puppy love, she was finally getting the tactile connection that she wanted with her handsome brother, for so long.
He pulled his hands away and looked up at her. “Hey, take your glasses off.” He told her, as he took them off for her.
“Oh? Um, okay.” She said surprised, as he set her glasses on the table next to him.
“Undo your braids.” He insisted. “I wanna see your hair down.”
“You don’t like my braids?” She asked looking a little disappointed.
Devi knew how to speak to girls to get what he wanted, and he knew she was worried he didn’t find her attractive. “Your braids are cute, but I love it when you have your hair down. It’s like when you get out of the shower, no braids, no glasses, nothing but you and a towel, you look kinda hot like that.” Devi lied sweetly. In reality he couldn’t stand her braids and glasses, he though they made her look ‘geeky’.
She smiled down at him, as she pulled the bands off her braids and set them by her glasses. She used her fingers to undo her trademark twin braids. She gave her head a shake feeling attractive, as her hair fell into place naturally. Eliza’s hair wasn’t much different from Devi’s, It was near shoulder length and had a wavy texture. With her hair down and her glasses off, she had a uniquely attractive look. Her fiery orange hair, provided a natural frame for the light skin and soft brown freckles of her adorable face.
“Hmm, you look good like that.” Devi complimented sincerely. He put a hand on her cheek and moved his face toward hers. Eliza closed her eyes, trembling as her brother took her first kiss. He pulled away and caressed her cheek. “You don’t have much practice kissing, do you?”
“Not, really.” She said trying to look calm.
“It’s easy.” He said getting closer. “Start almost straight on.” He said giving her a sweet peck. “When you’re ready, tilt your head a little, so your kisses feel deeper. Don’t aim dead center all the time, try hitting one lip a little more than the other, then switch it up. If you kiss like that, you can make out forever and not get bored.” He took his hand from her cheek and cradled the back of her head. “Ready?”
“Umm-hmm.” She sighed yes, as she closed her eyes anxiously.
He kissed her gently, slowly leading his sister into deeper and more intense kisses. At some point he felt her tongue near his lips. “If you wanna use your tongue, give their lip’s a little lick, if they do it back, then you can open your mouth more and use more tongue.”
“Okay.” She gasped, ready to give his advice a try.
After some shy testing and teasing, the two moved on to deeper and hotter kisses, that teased the insides of each others lips. Devi started to tease her upper lip, more and more, knowing from experience that most girls seemed to like it.
“Hah!” Eliza broke away after a moment. Her hips practically jumped at a tinge of arousal that hit her between her thighs.
“You okay?” He asked, knowing that she was getting turned on by all the kissing.
“Ewww...” Eliza huffed, feeling the moist spot in her panties for the first time.
“Getting wet down there?” He asked with a warm confidence.
“It feels gross.” She complained, as she began to feel less attractive.
“It’s sexy.” He assured, not wanting her to back out of their deal. “It just means you’re really enjoying yourself. Here.” He lifted the hem of her yellow dress and handed it to her. “Let me see your little snatch.”
“Devon...” She whined embarrassed, but unwilling to say no.
He peeled down her panties just enough to expose every bit of her young girlhood. Her vulva was completely hairless and looked slightly puffy, almost babyish. He enjoyed seeing the strand of feminine mucus, stretching down from between her little cleft and sticking to her panties.
“That’s so hot.” He sighed savoring the image. “You’re so smooth down here.” He said surprised. “Did you start your period yet?”
“Um, yeah... I’ve had it for like a year already.” She said feeling awkward talking about it with her brother.
“Have your tits started growing yet?”
“Um, no...” She shied at the word, tits, thinking the slang he used when talking about her body sounded vulgar.
“Well if you’re old enough for your period, then you’re old enough for sex.” He said taking another look at her bare girlhood.
After realizing what he said, Eliza felt a rush of heat through her body. She realized she was indeed old enough for sex. Her heart fluttered at the realization that she was not entirely a child anymore. Then the smart girl finally understood why she was constantly thinking about her handsome brother, the only boy she had any real connection to. She wondered if they would be doing more things like this in the future, seeing as they were both attracted to each other’s bodies. Her mind swam in a sea of new thoughts, she was constantly alone with her brother, the possibilities for them seemed endless to her.
Just then, she felt his hand brush up along her inner thighs. In an instant her legs clamped together like a vice and her hips popped back, out of sheer reflex. “No!” She heard herself say, without even thinking. She was just a little bit, terrified, by the idea of having something put inside of herself, an experience completely alien to her.
“I just wanna touch it.” Devi insisted gently.
“Don’t put anything in.” She huffed with wide eyes.
“Relax, I won’t.” He repeated warmly.
“Come here.” He pulled her close and began kissing her again.
She felt his warm fingers tickle her hot mound, as her brother played them back and forth, gently raking every sensitive part of it. She began to relax as she enjoyed the odd new sensations of having her labia rubbed and grazed.
Devi waited patiently, knowing she would eventually let her guard down. He knew when she started to bring herself to his hand, she would be ready.
After a moment of deep and hot kisses, Devi felt Eliza spread her thighs more. Perfect. He thought.
Devi dragged his fingers all the way back to the very edge of her vulva and her hips followed, wanting for more of his gentle touch. He moved very carefully, placing the tips of his fingers as if he would drag them forward between her vulva. When he felt Eliza try to meet his hand, he raised his whole arm up and firmly as he could, slipping two of his fingers as deep into her tight, wet, opening, as he could.
“Haaa! Devi No!” She broke their kiss in terror and threw her hands down, grabbing onto his arm. She pushed down against his hand as hard as she could, but he held her in place with his other arm. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Devi, It hurts!”
Relax and I’ll take it out. He said calmly.
“Devi, take it out!” She pleaded in fear, as she instinctively struggled.
“Relax first, then I’ll take it out.” He repeated as he held her against him more gently.
“Okay, take it out, take it out!” She insisted as she stopped struggling in his arms.
“Stop squeezing my fingers.” He insisted. “Just relax.”
“Ha, okay.” She said in a shaky voice, as she closed her eyes and tried to calm down.
When he felt her hot inner walls, soften their grip, he gently pulled his fingers out.
“Hahhh...” She let out a ragged sigh. “That hurt!” She reached down to check herself, but Devi quickly grabbed her hands.
“Just leave it alone, you’re fine.” He assured firmly.
“It felt like you split me open!” She said with a fearful look in her eyes.
“You’re fine. Just leave it alone.” He repeated.
“Let go, I wanna make sure you didn’t hurt me!” She huffed.
“You can play with yourself, some other time.” He joked with a warm smile. “Just leave it alone for now.”
“That’s not funny!” She huffed staring daggers at him. “I told you, that hurt!”
“Think about it for a bit.” He said without letting go of her arms. “How does it feel, right now?”
“It’s, sore... It feels like a painful itch...” She complained.
“Are you gonna die?” He teased with a smile.
She put on a sour face, trying to look in control. “Let, go.”
“You knew I was gonna do that.” He said, before letting go of her wrists. “Just leave it alone for a day or two and it’ll be fine.”
“You got what you wanted, take me to the festival.” She huffed, keeping her legs tight together.
“One more thing and then we’ll go.” He assured.
“If you don’t take me, right now, I’m gonna tell mom and dad what you did!” She snapped at him.
“But you didn’t touch me yet.” He said boldly, gambling on whether or not she would actually tell their parents. He patted his lap and she looked down noticing the big bulge in his sweat pants. “Don’t you care about me?”
Eliza felt the rush of arousal again, as she wondered all about her brother’s penis, something that she had never actually seen before. Curiosity took hold and she made up her mind. “Okay, but this is the last thing.” She said trying to sound firm.
“Deal.” Devi said calmly, hiding his relief and excitement, with a smirk.
Eliza stood there awkwardly staring at his bulge. She slowly reached for it but was stopped when Devi grabbed her hand. “Hey, take your dress off for me.”
“I wanna see your tits.”
“Devon, don’t say stuff like that...” She whined at his casual vulgarity.
“Eliza.” He called as he gently caressed her cheek. “Let me see those pretty little nipples of yours.”
She gently brushed his hand away, then grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up and off, in one quick motion. Even though she was nervous and a little annoyed, a part of her still wanted the admiration of her brother.
He looked at her bare chest and loved what he saw. Her skin was peachy and smooth. Her small pink nipples looked delicate and soft, adorning the absolutely slightest of swells on her chest. Eliza hadn’t realized it yet, but her breasts where just barely beginning to come in.
“I thought you said your little grapes weren't growing yet.”
“Are they?” She asked feeling self-conscious. “Ha, are they really called grapes?”
“Only when they’re small.” He smiled warmly. “I bet they’re gonna be nice and big soon, like mom’s.”
The comparison, left Eliza with a tinge of renewed envy for her mother.
He reached out with both hands and gently racked his fingers across her little swells.
She pulled away when she felt his finger tips graze her nipples. “Oh, Devi, that feels weird.”
“You’re okay, and we’re almost done.” He said gently pulling her back. He played his fingers across her chest again giving her the gentlest of teases. After a few more passes, he began teasing her nipples with a few light rubs and eventually a few squeezes and light pinches.
“Oh Devi, that feels good...” She shivered, forgetting all about the reason she was letting him touch her in the first place.
“Glad you like it.” He said as he held her by the hips and moved closer, kissing one of her nipples.
“Hah-hhh!” She gasped in surprise as her whole body went rigid with a spark of pleasure.
“Just relax.” He assured as he tickled her chest with a dozen feathery kisses.
As her blood ran hot and her brother teased her even more, she put her hands behind his head and cradled him against her chest lovingly. In her mind, she was hoping and praying that somehow, the two would never fight again and they could stay this close, forever. Eliza realized she was even closer to her brother, than their mother had ever been, and a part of her felt like she had won some unspoken battle for his attention. “Ohhh... hmm...” She let out the slightest of sounds as her brother played his tongue over her firm, overly sensitive nipples. She would practically flinch every time he flicked at the very tip of her nipples.
He pulled away, moving up to her for another deep kiss, which she happily dove into. As his tongue played with hers, Eliza squeezed her legs together, feeling even more sticky than before. When he broke their kiss, she looked at him with eyes that were half open and heavy with passion. “You can put you fingers in me again, if you want.”
He held her face with both hands. “Remember what I told you, don’t touch that for a few days.” He reminded. “Promise me.”
“I promise.” She huffed hotly.
“Good.” He said pulling her close for a few more light kisses. After a moment he pushed her away.
“Devon, don’t stop.” She practically whimpered.
He leaned back a bit and pulled his sweat pants down just enough to expose the entirety of his jewels to her. “Alright, it’s your turn to touch me.”
“Eliza’s heart was slamming the walls of her chest as she examined every part of her brother’s young manhood. The lust filled redhead reached out and took hold of his smooth, firm member, with one hand. “I like the hair you have down here.” She said, too filled with passion and curiosity to keep her thoughts to herself.
“I got a little hair all over that spot.” Devi told her. “I like to trim it every week, to keep everything neat and clean.”
“Can I touch, your, um, testicles?” She asked, looking embarrassed.
“Hmm...” He was enjoying the sight of her bright red cheeks. “You can touch my balls, just be gentle.”
She reached lower with her free hand and carefully rubbed his his most sensitive parts. “Ha-ha.” Eliza giggled awkwardly. “They really do feel like balls.”
“Ughhh, yeah...” He sighed, as he enjoyed the feel of her surprisingly soft hands, all over his most sensitive places.
Eliza noticed his member felt even firmer and seemed to throb in her hand. “My hands feel good, right?”
“Yeah, they’re way softer than I thought they’d be.”
“I started using lotion like you said I should.” She said feeling oddly proud.
“Good, your outdoors all the time, so you gotta take care of your skin.” He said almost lost in the simple pleasure of her touch.
Eliza gave his penis a gentle tug down, and watched his foreskin fall away to reveal what she considered a ‘pretty’, pink tip. Out of curiosity she put her hand on the tip, just to feel it. “Wow, it’s, squishy.”
“Rub it.”
“Just the tip?” She asked, as she played her hand around it.
“All of it, up and down.”
“Um, even your balls?” She asked sounding shy, even though she hadn’t let go of them since the start.
“Yeah, just be gentle.”
She began stroking her brothers member all the way, from top to bottom, while gently rubbing his balls with the palm of her other hand.
“Ahh, just like that.” Elisa worked his member carefully, obeying every instruction he gave her, without question. After a few minutes of prolonged pleasure, Devi was ready to finish their naughty little exchange. “Eliza.” He called for her attention as he gabbed her hands and pulled them off. Get on your knees for me.
“What?” She looked at him anxiously. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked as she knelt down, still close to his penis.
“You were perfect.” He smiled looking down at her while rubbing himself quickly. I wanna cum on you.
“What?” She asked, having never heard the expression.
“I’m going to, ejaculate, on you.” He said, knowing she knew the technical terms as well as he did.
“You wanna spray your sperm, on me?!” She asked almost shocked, as her lust started fading quickly, at the sound of what she considered to be a bizarre idea.
“Yeah, people do it all the time.” He said grabbing her shoulder and tilting her back a bit. “Just close your mouth and your eyes, I’ll wash it off, right after, I promise.”
She obeyed, shutting her mouth and eyes anxiously, as if she expected to drown if she didn't.
“Hah, hmmm...” He huffed as he worked himself closer to a finish. “Just hold still. Hmmm... Hmmm... Hah, Humm... Oh! Hah-yeah!” He tried not to be loud, as he moaned and let loose a slow barrage of white, hot lust, onto his sister’s face.
“Hmm!” Eliza was startled by the hot sticky stands that leapt onto her face. She squirmed left and right, as the strange sensations moved to her chest. “Mmm! Hmm! Hummm!”
“Hah, you’re okay, you’re fine.” He tried to reassure her, as he finished shaking what he had left, out onto the adorable redhead.
He looked down at her, in love with what he saw. Eliza’s peachy skin was decorated with impressive ivory strands of hot male passion. “Oh you look amazing.” He sighed as he admired the pretty mess of a girl in front of him.
“...I feel, gross...” She complained, feeling disgusted as she came back to her senses. She noticed the sticky fluid on her face quickly turning cold, her own slimy spot between her legs, soaking her panties and the smell of her brothers genitals, all over her hands.
“Ohhh...” Devi sighed, exhausted but relieved as he leaned against the booth. “I think I’m gonna take a quick nap.”
Eliza opened her eyes, furious at what she heard. Her lust was completely gone and the only thing she could think about now, was herself and the deal that was made with her. “You said you were gonna clean me up!” She huffed. “And you said, the moment we were done, we were going to the festival!”
“But I’m tired...” He yawned, barely listening.
Eliza grabbed his sensitive balls with one hand, to get his attention.
“Hey!” He whimpered, practically freezing in terror.
“You’re going to clean me up and take me to the festival, right now!” She said with furious face, comically splattered with strands of white. “Because if you don’t, I’m telling mom and dad you put your fingers in me! And I’ve got the broken skin down there, to prove it!”
“Okay, okay!” He pleaded, grabbing her wrist and hoping she wouldn’t try to hurt him. “I’ll clean you up, I’ll put on some clothes and we’ll go out, right now! You don’t have to do anything crazy, I was just joking.” He said smiling nervously. “Can’t you take a joke?”
“Right, now!” she said unamused.
“Right now, totally, I mean it!”
After Eliza was wiped off and fitted with a change of fresh underwear, her now fully dressed brother, escorted her to the nearby town. Eliza was enthralled by the large town, and it’s unique decorations and many small areas, that held special dances and shows, in celebration of their successful harvests. Her obviously anxious brother, easily caved to every little request to buy food, or festive accessories, or local trinkets. From the afternoon, all the way to sundown, Devi did everything he could to keep his little sister happy. The poor boy, hoped beyond hope, that somehow, his little sister would just forget about what he had done with her.
When the two arrived home, they found their parents had already returned. Eliza told their mother and father all about how she and Devi, spent the whole day in town at the festival. Devi was very quiet, as she told their parents about how well he had treated her that day. All the while she would pass, sly and impish glances at him. For the next few days Eliza would have Devi at her beck and call, and he knew there would be nothing he could do about it.
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