Avatar Tales - Tale 1 - First Date | By : Seaman Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > General Views: 1191 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or Avatar nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
First Date
If things had gone more as Jin had hoped…
Zuko, Jin MF, fingering, titjob
The two figures stood awkwardly in the Firelight Fountain plaza, Jin holding the coupons for free tea Zuko had just thrust into her hand; she’d made him nervous and he’d not known what else to do. Unable to look into her eyes, he dropped his gaze to her chest. That did not help his indecision. Several times while they’d been eating he’d been aware of the swell of her breasts above the vee of her outer robe and once, when she’d leaned forward to make a point, it was evident she had no blouse or undergarment under the hip-length green robe, which explained the mesmerizing movements the robe had been making. Now well above the robe’s neckline, he was looking down at the shallow valley of her cleavage which brought to the front of his mind what he’d been trying to ignore the whole evening: Jin was a very pretty girl who liked him. A lot. It had been months since he had thought of a girl as a girl and years since he had seen Mai, the closest thing he’d had to a girlfriend. Just standing next to a young female who was dropping heavy hints she was seeing him as a young male made his heart warm.
“I have something for you, too,” Jin said, tucking away the coupons. She moved in close, and closing her eyes, kissed him lightly on the lips.
It lasted just a moment and as simple a kiss as it was, Zuko felt an electric charge race from the pressure on his lips, straight through his heart to continue on down to below his waist. When Jin released her kiss a scant second later and drew back a hand-width, he automatically followed, brushed her lips with his, then kissed her back. He’d intended to give back more than he’d received but the barest instant after he’d started, the image of Mai’s disapproving face flashed into his mind.
He drew back sharply. As good as Jin’s lips had felt, it was all wrong All the heat was in his face now; he could feel his cheeks and forehead burn. “What’s wrong?” asked Jin, confusion in her eyes.
“It’s complicated. I have to go.”
He turned and started to walk away then felt her grasp the last two fingers of his left hand. He turned back, unable to look into her sad eyes. “What’s her name?”
“Mai,” he heard himself saying softly.
“How long has it been… since you’ve seen her?”
He turned back to face her. “Three years.”
“So she was what, thirteen?”
"Twelve, a year younger than I.”
She was holding both his hands now, hesitantly smiling up at him other but her eyes were still sad. “So-o-o I’m guessing she was your first kiss, but not much more than that.”
Zuko smiled back. “Oh, I saw her naked once. She was four; I was five. I was naked, too.”
Jin laughed. “You’ve known her a long time, then. Did you get caught? Kids playing ‘show me’ almost always do.”
“Yeah, by my mother. She gave me a stern talking to about how grown-up things are best left for grown-ups. It was effective. For eight years we did nothing but pecks on the cheek at birthdays and such, then about the time I was told what boys and girls could do together we had our first real kiss. It made me melt. Shortly after that I… had to leave home and I haven’t seen her since.”
“But you still love her?”
“Yes, I think so, but I don’t know for sure if she still loves me.”
“She’s a lucky girl, then, Most guys our age are horny enough to poke someone who shows the slightest sign of welcoming it, especially if they’re not sure about the girl back home.”
“I-I-I… You’re very tempting but it wouldn’t be right. Especially not to you.”
She dropped his hands and reached up to caress his brow on the right side, way from the scar. “Lee, I’m fifteen and… experienced. I would have liked to have sex with you tonight but if that’s too much, I still would like more than kissing.” She moved her hands to his waist and pulled him close; he could feel her warmth. “If you’re willing, we can do what I’d hoped to do when I’d worked up the courage to ask you out.”
“I, uh…”
“Come on, ya big dope. Why do you think I didn’t bind my boobs or wear a blouse this evening? I want to; you know part of you wants to. I have no illusions or fantasies about our future. Let us pleasure each other… short of you sticking your cock in me.”
A little shocked at her blunt language, he let her lead him by the hand away from the square toward what looked like an alleyway. Surprisingly, the other end opened into a park with a winding path lit by lamps on tall poles. After passing several, Jin stopped by one of the poles and let go of Zuko’s hand. Then gathering up her robe, she dropped to her knees and bent over to crawl between two bushes, showing an astonishing amount of thigh as she disappeared from view. Not knowing what else to do, Zuko dropped and crawled after her. When he emerged on the other side, Jin was facing him on her knees, arms open in invitation. She was in an open space about two arm spans in diameter surrounded by bushes. The lamp on the pole cast its light downward making the area surprisingly bright. The grass was long and soft under his knees, feeling much like a firm cotton comforter.
“I lied when I said the plaza was my favorite place in the city; it’s actually second. This I found after a lot of looking,” she said as he approached. “There are a lot of hidden spots like this – I think the park’s designer had trysting a lot on his mind – but this one’s the best lit. Or would you rather explore me by touch alone, thinking I look like a four year-old girl?”
Involuntarily, Zuko glanced down at the cleavage she was again showing; she must have pulled at the robe’s shoulders for it was the most yet. “You look nothing at all like a four year-old girl.”
With a chuckle, she pulled him close. “I don’t feel like one, either.” He could feel the softness of her full breasts against his chest, then her hand on his ass as she pulled him closer. After hesitating a moment he returned the favor on her own butt, marveling at how the round flesh filled his hand; the other was around her back at the shoulder blade. They both pulled in tight, and he could feel her warmth from thigh to shoulder. Eyes closed, lips slightly open, Jin raised her head, inviting another kiss.
Zuko obliged her, much more hungrily than their two kisses some minutes before. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and he caressed it with his own. The two began breathing heavily but refused to break the kiss for several long moments, until gasping, they broke and drew back a bit to smile at each other.
“It’s a lot better when you mean it,” Jim commented. “Take your hand off my ass.”
Startled, Zuko zipped the offending member up her back to join the other one at her shoulder. “I’m sorry! I thought—”
“—Shoosh, shoosh,” she interrupted his apology. “I wasn’t angry at all.” She reached over her shoulder to take his right hand by the wrist and bring it over to her front and left it at the bottom of the blouse’s vee. “I thought you’d like something more interesting.” The warm skin between her breasts was indeed, more interesting but he’d only enjoyed the sensation a few seconds when she grabbed his almost forgotten ass in both hands and squeezed. Leaning back a bit, she looked down at his hand. “Go ahead. You know what to do.”
Zuko pushed his hand under her robe, following the curve of her pendulous left breast’s underside. When it filled his hand, he pushed the soft weight upward and watched the flesh shift under the embroidered cloth. “Your hand feels so good; I’d think you’ve handled a girl’s treasures before; was Mai curvy at twelve?”
“No,” Zuko murmured as he slid hid hand upward. “Not that I had the courage then to find out. You feel so soft anything but a gentle touch would be too much.” The soft point of her nipple passed under his index finger, then middle, then ring, getting stiffer at each step until it fairly poked up between his ring and little fingers. He squeezed the firm nubbin between his fingers then pulled his hand toward himself so that it slipped towards his fingertips. Moving his hand back down, he deliberately touched the rounded point with each fingertip until it was back under his index finger. He gently pinched it between finger and thumb, rolling the hard tuber, making Jin suck in her breath.
“Oh, Lee, your hand feels so good,” she murmured softly, then released his ass to bring up her hands to his chest and push him backwards. He braced himself with his free hand then reluctantly released her breast to use his right hand as well, as she bore him backwards and down. When he was flat on his back, she crawled towards him, straddling his legs then sitting with her rump squarely on his hips before leaning forward. He was, by now quite erect and could feel her warmth on his stiff penis but was quite distracted by what loomed before him. Within her partially opened blouse her breasts moved, affording him glimpses of the nipples on either side.
Seeing his glance flick from side to side, Jin smiled. “You like what you see?” Without waiting for an answer she untied the belt at her waist, dropped it, then opened her robe wide. “Say hello to the girls.” Zuko stared open-mouthed at the way Jin’s breasts moved as she shrugged her arms out of the robe’s sleeves and tossed it aside.
Zuko had discovered in Uncle’s luggage a deck of cards with the pips squeezed into the corners to allow room for pictures, pictures of extremely nude women, a few even bigger up top than Jin. Those were just pictures though, and didn’t show the magically fascinating way a woman’s unfettered tits moved. The heat was back in his loins again and he felt his cock twitch under his clothing.
“Ooh, I felt that,” chuckled Jin and she ground against him. “We’re not going to go all the way though, no matter how tempting. Mai would be sad.”
“No, she’d be mad, then a few seconds later, I’d be dead.”
“That would make me sad then, seeing you lie there, dead.”
“And probably… dismembered; she’s good with knives.”
Jin rose onto her knees and hands. “Enough temptation then before we get carried away.” This brought her dangling breasts over his face and he took them both in his hands, studying his first real breasts closely. The nipples were a reddish brown and quite prominent, erect on crinkled areolae. He manipulated the soft flesh paying particular attention to those firm bullets as Jin whispered, “Oh, yes-s-s-s. So good.”
She reached down to his waist, untied the belt she found there and cast it aside. Spreading his robe open, one at a time, she worked his arms free of the sleeves, making him release her breasts the minimum time possible on each side. Zuko felt the soft summer air on his bare chest as he resumed massaging Jin’s boobs. Several minutes of mammary bliss followed until Jin shifted again, bringing her chest even closer to Zuko’s face. “Kiss me there,” she requested quietly.
She’d said “kiss” but after long conversations with Uncle on the art of pleasing a woman, Zuko knew what she’d meant He grasped her left breast in both hands and maneuvered it until the nipple brushed his lips. Making a tiny “O” of his lips he sucked just the firm point between them, stopping when the areola touched. Reducing the suction let her nipple slide out just a bit before he drew it back in again. Another cycle and he sucked harder, making it stretch deeper, and he touched the tip with his tongue, making Jin gasp. Another deep suck and release, then with the third, he opened his lips to take in the whole areola and let the nipple slide deep into his mouth. He mashed her flesh between tongue and the roof of his mouth, making her moan. Again he sucked, eliciting another moan, higher in pitch. With a third she said, “Oh, Lee-e-e.”
She pulled back pulling her soft flesh from his mouth. He watched her breast, stretch and recoil, making the extended nipple bounce once. “You say you’ve never done this before?” she asked quizzically.
“Never. Uncle’s a dirty old man and he gives good advice.”
“You must thank him for me, then,” Jin replied and offered her right breast. When he started sucking, beginning his escalation all over again, she ever so slowly straightened her legs, propping her upper half up by the elbows but letting the weight of her lower half settle upon him. Since she was breast to mouth, her hips were on his abdomen and she began moving them in coital motions, up and down as if she had mounted him. His hands having nothing else to do, he placed both upon her ass and through the skirt, felt her muscles bunch and relax and she dry humped him. Despite Uncle’s descriptions, the sensations of having a half-naked girl squirming around on him were beyond anything he could articulate. How could full intercourse be better?
After switching breasts again, Jin was fairly bouncing on him, then gave a sudden shuddering sigh and stopped. Pulling free with a quiet snick, she rose back to her hands and knees, then rolled onto her back beside him, panting. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her kick off her slippers and stretch her legs as wide as her long skirt would let them. Even flat on her back, her generous breasts rose in two gorgeous mounds from her chest, quivering slightly from her heavy breathing.
“Oh, Lee, that was wonderful. I hardly ever climax from just breast-play. And this was your first time playing with someone’s titties?”
“Absolutely. Mai and I’d done some pretty good kissing but that was all. At twelve, she hadn’t much boobage and we had only had a vague idea what to do beyond kissing. We’d never undressed nor caressed under our clothing”
“And is she bigger now?”
“I dunno. We’ve managed a couple letters back and forth but the size of her bust has never come up.”
“Well, big or small, I’m sure she’ll be pleased by your attention to them. But what kind of an idiot am I, talking about not-present girlfriends? Kiss me.”
Zuko rose on one elbow over her. Her breathing was back to normal now and she’d closed her eyes in anticipation, lips parted seductively. Zuko accepted her invitation eagerly, closing down upon her open mouthed. There was nothing tentative or half-hearted about this kiss. Lip pressed firmly against lip and both their jaws worked as their tongues played back and forth, extracting the maximum pleasure from each other. Zuko reached down to play with a breast again, and she placed her hand on the back of his in encouragement.
He grew dizzy from lack of air and broke off to look down on her smiling face. “That I’ve done before,” he said simply, “Except the boob-play.” He gave the handful of her flesh a gentle squeeze.
Jin laughed. “If you’ve kissed Mai like that, there’s no worry about her waiting for you to come back. Ten years or a hundred, she’ll be there, hungry for your lips again.”
Not knowing how to reply to that, he kissed her again. This time she caressed the back of his head and they continued to explore each other’s mouths with their tongues. When he grew dizzy again, he broke off a second time to smile at her again. This time her smile back was tinged with a seriousness not there a minute ago.
“I think it’s time to go to the next level,” she said and moved her hands down to her waist. She fished out the drawstring of her skirt and tugged on it, undoing the knot. With her thumbs on either side she spread the skirt’s waist wider, then raised her head to glance down at the loose clothing .
“I’m not going to show you my pussy,” she said, taking his right hand. “Your first view of a girl’s secret flesh should be Mai’s.” She placed his hand on her abdomen, between the slack waist of her skirt and her navel. “But your hand can go exploring, Lee.”
Suddenly embarrassed that the girl who was inviting him to feel her most intimate spot didn’t even know his real name, Zuko felt his cheeks burn. “Oh, Jin,” he said apologetically. My name isn’t—” stopping short as she reached up and touched his lips.
“Isn’t Lee. I know. You’ve a Fire Nation accent, any circus that would have you as a juggler must be a pretty poor circus, and you’ve been three years from home with your uncle, not by choice. Why on earth would you be giving me your real name?” She raised a bit on one elbow to look him in the eye. “The thing is, I don’t care what your history is. If you’re on the run from the Fire Nation, you’re not my enemy. I’m in the here and now and, here and now, you’re a pretty nice boy and your touch feels really good. Your real name is trivial compared to that; your secret’s safe with me.”
She laid her head back down again, eyes closed. Zuko could feel her abdomen move with her breathing. Mesmerized, he slipped his hand under the cloth, slowly descending down the dome of her belly, out of sight. He’d expected to run into some underwear but only smooth, warm flesh passed under his fingertips until— “Hair,” he said in wonderment. “So much hair.”
Another suit in Uncle Iroh’s deck of cards was all pubes, so while Zuko had an inkling of what he would find, the reality was startling – the coarse hair was higher up her lower belly than he’d expected.
Eyes still closed, Jin replied, “Of course. Some girls have more pubic hair, some less, just like boys do. That’s just the borderlands, though; keep going.”
He pushed through the thicket, feeling the soft flesh of her lovemound underneath. Locating the beginning of her labial split, he traced it down between her legs, the thinning hair sliding past on either side. Jin opened her legs as wide as the skirt would allow and suddenly gasped. Zuko felt no hair under his middle fingertip, just smooth, moist tissue with a small rod buried underneath, then the loose skin at its end. “That’s my clitoris,” Jin said squirming a bit.
“I know. Uncle told me about them.” He’d burrowed into the hood and found the round, sensitive head within, and started circling it with his finger. Jin started bucking in earnest and drew his head towards her, breaking his gaze from where his hand was working beneath her skirt.
She kissed him hard, clutching the back of his head in a firm embrace and thrust her hips against his hand. Heels planted on the ground, she raised her knees in an unconscious invitation to be mounted, had she been nude. He felt the curled mass of her pubes slide back and forth in his palm as he continued to manipulate her sweet spot, driving her to ever-higher ecstasy.
Suddenly she convulsed, clapping her knees together involuntarily, trapping his hand between her thighs, broke the kiss and emitted a long, vocalized sigh as she relaxed. Zuko stopped playing with her clit as she opened her eyes and smiled. “That was wonderful. I think I’m jealous of what’s going to happen to Mai when you get back together.”
Embarrassed by her praise, he started to draw his hand from under her skirt, but she stopped him with a soft touch of his wrist. “I’ve more than my clit. Go deeper.”
Obediently he pushed his hand lower between her legs. His middle finger slid down the moist flesh of her center, the ring and index finding the soft flanges of her inner lips. Under his thumb he noticed the pubic hair had stopped and he felt the padded skin of her outer labia glide past. Then his middle finger sank a bit making Jin inhale.
“That’s it; you’ve reached my pussy. Put your finger in me.”
Zuko pushed his hand further under her skirt, raising off of her vulva, bending his middle finger so that, tip embedded it was poised at her entrance. After an excruciating moment, he pushed into her cunt, the clasping walls engulfing his finger. He marveled at the moist heat of Jin’s interior. “Yes-s-s-s. Deeper,” she encouraged.
He shoved his digit into her belly as firmly as he could, then crooked it inside her. “Oh, yeah. Fuck me with your finger,” was the command. Without removing his finger, he shifted so he was kneeling by her hips. With the movements they’d made, the skirt had slipped down a bit and as he started pumping his finger in her, raising his hand off her with each stroke, a tantalizing bit of the top margin of her dark bush showed under the stretched waistband. He pushed his left hand under his right until it had reached her clitoris and started a double stimulation, right plunging in and out her vagina, left teasing her love button’s hood, sliding it up and down the tiny glans within.
With that, Jin started coital motions again, raising her knees and bucking upward, looking exactly as if she had a partner on top of her. The flattened mounds of her breasts jostled until she reached up to play with her nipples. She began grunting evocatively and a sheen of sweat shined on her forehead and torso; she was working hard. Even using just his two hands was hard work. Zuko could feel the sweat forming on his own body.
After another two minutes, though, Jin’s orgasm hit. She bucked upward, and held it as a mindless, “E-e-e-yah!” escaped her lips, then collapsed. Zuko stopped playing and withdrew his hands to let her lie in a relaxed stupor, panting a bit. She opened her eyes and smiled. “That was wonderful.”
Bucking her hips off the grass, she reached down and pulled her skirt back up to her waist, then raised on one elbow, making her breasts move provocatively. “Now it’s your turn. Take off your trousers and pull out your cock.”
Still kneeling, Zuko untied the strings of his trousers and pushed them down to his knees exposing the knee-length, linen knickers he wore underneath. Acutely aware Jin was keeping her gaze fixed on the bulge his erection was making he shifted from side to side, slipping his pants under his raised knees to pull them off completely and toss them aside. Jin was breathing heavily but it didn’t look any more as if it was from exertion, but rather excitement. He saw the tip of her tongue touch her upper lip as he sought the knot at the waist of his undergarment. “I’ve never done this before – when I was mature, at least.”
“Yeah, there’s that time with Mai when you were little. I’ve seen cocks before though, and had a few in me.”
Reassured, Zuko had untied the knot and spread the waist of his small clothes as wide as it would go. He put his other hand in it, at the tip of his penis underneath, holding it against his belly as he pushed the drawers down; it was wet with precum. Heart pounding, he released the linen to let slide down to his knees and released his cock to let it bounce once then settle at a forty-five degree stiff salute. Half of his glans had emerged from under his foreskin and he was acutely aware he could feel the slight breeze in places never felt before. Jin smiled.
“Nice looking, and I like the way your balls hang. Draw your skin back so I can see the whole thing.” Zuko exposed his whole cockhead, pushing the foreskin back as a wrinkled collar behind his glans’ bulge. “Now squeeze.” He squeezed his cock and a clear drop of precum oozed out the tip to slide down the underside. “I’d bet right now you’re aching to put that inside my box. I know I’m aching to let you, and I’ve had a couple orgasms already.
“Yes,” he admitted. His whole sexual apparatus was screaming for release and Mai was very small in his thoughts right now.
“Well, we’re not going to. I’m not even going to touch your cock – with my hands at least.” Then before he could decide whether he was disappointed or relieved, Jin gathered their scattered clothing into a bundle, rolled onto her back using the bundle as a pillow for her head, and grasped the sides of her breasts, pushing the soft flesh together. “Instead, you’re going to straddle me and put your cock right here,” indicating the just formed cleavage with her chin.
He crawled over to her and put a knee on either side of her torso. He settled down, his weight partially on her upper abdomen, partially on his calves. He felt his balls touch her sternum, which reminded him of what she’d said a moment ago. “What did you mean by the way my balls hang?”
“Some boys’ balls are carried close to their bodies, others’ sort of dangle in their sack. That’s what yours do and I like the way they look,” she answered, keeping her gaze on the erect penis before her. “Your cock is one of the larger ones, too.”
Before he could stop himself, Zuko blurted out, “Really? How many have you seen?” then winced. “Sorry! I didn’t mean—”
“—It’s okay,” Jin laughed. “I know how anxious boys are about their size. Let’s just say more than two, less than ten, and you, my friend, are second biggest, maybe even first – I didn’t have a ruler handy at times like this. It looks pretty thick, too. It’s going to be some work when you finally deflower Mai.”
Zuko was on the verge of saying when he and Uncle Iroh were on the lam, after comparing morning woodies, his uncle’s was even a bit thicker and longer. He’d laughed and dubbed them their Royal Parts. Thinking it might not be wise to mention “royal” when incognito, he considered the more important question.
“I put it in here?” he asked, touching the valley at the bottom of her breasts she was still pushing together.
“Yes, right there, then fuck my breasts.”
“Does it feel like pussy?”
“I have no idea. Every boy I’ve done this with reports it feels marvelous, certainly enough to get your rocks off.”
“Okay.” He bent forward to put the end of his cock at the juncture of her breasts and drove it between them while she increased her pressure from the sides. The warm, sweaty tissue yielded to his invading penis and she was right, it felt pretty marvelous, certainly different than the countless times he had masturbated, with and without oil.
“Oh, yeah, fuck my titties,” sighed Jin as his cockhead emerged at the top of her breasts. Zuko drew back for another stroke and could feel his foreskin drawn over the glans by the clinging flesh, only to be pushed back down when he shoved his cock back into her cleavage and he upped his opinion to pretty damn marvelous. If this didn’t feel like a girl’s pussy, it would do until the real thing came along.
As he began thrusting more rapidly, Jin worked her shoulders in counterpoint, her gaze alternating between where his dripping glans appeared intermittently, and his face. The big grin on her face and the hard points of her wobbling nipples showed she was finding the exchange pleasurable as well. “You like doing this,” Zuko asked, breathing hard.
“Oh, yeah!” Jin said between her own panting. “It’s not like I’m going to climax or anything but sliding your meat inside my boobs does feel good, and I’ll get a big kick watching you cum. When you do, pull back so you ejaculate on my breasts instead of shooting in my face, please.”
“I’m there right now!” Zuko exclaimed. The imminent feeling had been building at the base of his cock as she spoke and hearing “ejaculate” made the vivid mental image of him spurting on her chest flash through his mind, triggering the reality. He pulled back, freeing his penis from between her breasts and as he grabbed it to aim it downwards, she clasped her left breast with both hands and rolled a bit to the right to proffer it.
Zuko felt his cock pulse in his hand and a dribble of semen oozed out his meatus to drip right where her breast merged into her chest wall. An instant later a stronger pulse made a small jet of translucent white spurt out. His aim was a bit off as hit her about two finger-widths inboard from the edge of her puckered areola. He adjusted and was rewarded with a direct hit on her nipple by the strongest ejaculation yet. It was a lucky shot for between his and her movements, the several big spurts that followed were scattered between her encircling hands, one hitting her index finger, the rest on her breast’s upper surface. Several more diminishing pulses were more accurate as he got control, then finished his orgasm off by milking his urethra and letting the slow, stretching drip hit her nipple again.
Jin released her breast as he climbed off of her to lie on his elbow. She examined the semen on her finger, then licked it off before gazing on her wet breast. Puddles and strings of jism were slowly sliding down as she commented, “That was a lot. It must have been a while since you’ve jacked off.”
“Yeah; I’ve been busy in the tea shop,” he answered and leaned toward her to lick a sagging puddle that was threatening to reach her chest wall, then continued on around to gather more.
“A lot of boys won’t eat their own cum,” she commented as he tended her.
“If this was somebody else’s semen I’d be more reluctant,” he replied. “Besides, it gives me another chance to kiss your booby. Your nipple here needs a lot of cleaning,” and he drew it into his mouth to suck deeply. Jin caressed his head and sighed until he released her tit, then moved up to kiss her. She moaned appreciatively as their tongues played and he reached down to stroke her right breast, the dry one, and toy with its nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
After a minute, they broke and Zuko laid on his side to watch her stare up at the sky. “That was wonderful, one of the most memorable ever,” she said quietly.
Zuko again wondered momentarily how many she’d had, then let the question die within him. “It was wonderful for me, too. Can we do it again, sometime?”
Jin shook her head. “Too dangerous. Knowing what we know now, instead of discovering things… Well, you’re pretty seductive, ‘Lee’; I think I’d find myself opening my legs for you. Then Mai’d get mad.”
“Who?” teased Zuko, but he knew what she meant. If she were to offer herself right now, he’d probably mount her without any hesitation.
“Your girlfriend, silly. The one with the knives.”
“Oh, yeah. Somehow, I haven’t thought about her for the past half hour or so.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” and they both laughed.
Jin rolled over onto her front, then got to her hands and knees a moment before she levered herself up to sit on her haunches. These movements made her breasts move in all sorts of fascinating ways, and Zuko’s cock twitched in response. “Ho, ho,” she said. “You like watching the girls.”
“They’re the first ones I’ve gotten to play with, never mind their generous size.”
She’d been sorting through the clothes bundle pillow as he spoke and triumphantly came up with her robe, then took a cloth from the sleeve. “Here’s an extra treat for you, then.” She used the cloth to dry off her left breast. He could tell it was as much exhibitionism as cleaning; her movements were unusually vigorous and despite needing to wipe things off, she managed to repeatedly expose the bouncing girlflesh, while her right breast jiggled in sympathy. “Here, you could use a little wiping yourself,” and tossed the cloth to him.
He did find some semen had dribbled onto his abdomen and was tending to it when he saw Jin move out of the corner of his eye. Looking back at her, he saw her with another sleeve cloth in her hand as she rose up to her knees, then turned her back as she casually pushed her loose skirt down. This afforded a fine view of everything she had from the knees on up. He stared agog at his first female ass. A small part of his mind noticed it quivered like her breasts – just more subtle – as she reached between her legs with the cloth. It appeared at the base of her two cheeks then disappeared as she drew it forward and up out of sight. She then used both hands to draw up her skirt again as she turned back toward him.
“You naughty boy,” she said teasingly. “You’ve made me very, very wet.”
“With your hearty cooperation as I recall,” he said defensively.
“Yes, you’re right,” she smiled, and tossed the cloth to him. “Have a keepsake.”
The center of the cloth was wet with her fluids. He held it to his nose and got the strong, rich scent of her vaginal secretions, making his cock twitch again. “Wow.”
She’d retied the drawstring and was tucking the ends back inside her skirt. “Use it when you masturbate as long as it lasts. It thrills me a little to think of you bringing yourself to climax with my scent in your nostrils.” By now the robe was back on and she tied the belt before sitting back on her haunches. “Thank you for a wonderful evening. I’d high hopes when I asked you out and you exceeded them nicely.”
“Thank you, Jin. Does that mean you won’t be coming to the shop any more?”
“Yes, I will; your tea is delicious. Tell you what: I won’t wear an underblouse.” She pulled her robe a little loose and leaned forward, tugging on the lapel. “If you linger at my table, I can give you a non-cash tip.” Inside the gaping robe he could see an astonishing amount of breast. With a little move of her shoulders, one nipple popped into, then back out of view.
“I’d like that.” He started to get to his feet but she made stopping motions with her hands.
“Stay like you are; I’d like my last glimpse of you tonight still naked.”
She crawled to the hidden opening back to the outside world, gave a lingering look over her shoulder as she paused, then passed out of sight. Zuko lay for some minutes, thinking about what had just happened, then smelled the cloth again. The tangy scent of her went right down his spine to his penis, and it began to erect in moments. He could see her in his imagination, on her back, nude, with knees up and wide in invitation. He stopped stroking himself after a few moments, not wanting to be caught if some other couple knew of the hiding place.
After dressing and crawling his way out from the bushes, he wended his way home, his thoughts filled with Jin, and Mai too. Having had a sample of making love, his longing for his acerbic girlfriend was sharper than ever. The two girls were still struggling in his mind, so when he’d entered the tea shop and Uncle asked him how the evening had gone, he was loathe to answer, slamming the shoji screen to their apartment shut. Instantly regretting the action, he felt his uncle deserved an answer for his successful machinations. Easing the screen back open he admitted, “It was nice,” then gently slid the screen closed again, before heading to bed to masturbate with Jin’s rich scent in his nostrils.
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