Arranged Marriage | By : ShadowProc213 Category: +S through Z > Star vs. The Forces of Evil Views: 19008 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Star vs the Forces of Evil or any of the associated characters. The series is owned by Disney. I make no money from this story, and no negotiable goods have been exchanged. |
"Considering that your last guidance counselor... well, his previous employers called and informed us of him doing something unspeakable to the students." Announced the principal. "You will all be re-evaluated, by a new guidance counselor. For many of you, this is merely a formality, especially after the amount of work you've put in and for some, the fact that you've already mailed your college applications."
As the students rushed out of the auditorium, eager to do anything not related to their future, Marco took a moment to step into a supply closet, flipping open a demonic cell phone. "Dude, Tom, I get that you don't like me, but you can't just ruin some guidance counselor's life for no reason." Marco scolded.
"Hate to burst your bubble, Marco, but I don't hate you. Mr. Candle was just a horrible pervert. When he broke our deal--" Tom explained.
"To ruin my life?" Marco shot.
"Yeah. When he failed to ruin your life, he broke his promise to me." Tom finished, oddly chipper despite what he'd just admitted. "As a favor to you, I made sure that he's in prison now. Feels all warm and fuzzy, crafting retribution before a sinner's death."
"See ya later, Tom." Marco held the phone away from his ear, and a fiery message sprung forth, unraveling a scroll that said 'You and Me have mini-golf in R'lyeh on the Eclipse!'. It was the nearest thing to text messages that Tom would use, but, just getting him to use the cell phone was a vast improvement over the charcoal pellets that turned standing water, usually a toilet, into a scrying pool.
Putting the phone away, Marco stepped back out into the hall. He bumped immediately into Principal Skeeves. "Mr. Diaz. Just the safe soon-to-be graduate I was looking for."
Though the principal couldn't physically coerce Marco to go anywhere, the young man was not one to defy authority... at least not without due cause. He sat down in the principal's office, and quietly waited, until the quasi-troll instructor dragged Star in and shoved the blonde teenager into a seat.
"Ms. Butterfly, are you familiar with the marriage traditions of your kingdom?" The principal asked, as gingerly as possible.
"I never gave them much thought. My mother said it would be arranged, so I wouldn't get a say anyway." Star answered, holding tight her wand across her lap.
"It's sort of fascinating." Principal Skeeves thought aloud, holding up a book with a tree-diagram. "It actually reads somewhat like the presidential line of succession."
"You mean I'd be married off to some creepy old guy?" Star grimaced. "Eww..."
"No. The princess will be married to solidify peace with our dimensional enemies..."
"The Mewmans don't have pandimensional enemies." Marco commented.
"Which is why she would marry a national hero, such as a mage..."
"She's the only mage from Mewni besides her mother." Marco interrupted.
"You're very good at contradicting me. Now shut up for a few lines." Mr. Skeeves snarled. "Other acceptable heroes would be any brave warriors that have saved the princess out of both valor and benevolence."
"Where did you even get that book from?" Star asked.
"Your parents sent it, along with this letter." Skeeves unrolled the letter, "It basically repeats all of those things, then talks about Marco for a few paragraphs."
"I'm not a hero. I'm just... some guy." Marco argued.
"By the age of fifteen, you had slain monsters with your bare hands, trapped chimeras, and made a pact with a demon... to help redeem that demon." Skeeves rattled off.
"Why are you so dead-set about this!?" Star shouted, her heart-blushes turning into skulls.
"I'm not set on anything, but your mother insisted that I explain this all to you. She seemed rather... determined." Principal Skeeves admitted, gulping hard as he glanced at the chest full of gold coins that he hid so poorly under his desk. "She said you were the first human in a very long time to become a mage."
"Wait, I'm not a mage." Marco argued, fingernails digging into his shoulders as he felt the amount of control he'd had over his life just an hour ago rapidly vanishing.
"You have a device called a 'spell gun', which the King and Queen got you for your sixteenth birthday. It says here that you found a way to trap Star's spells in cartridges, which the gun can then fire." Skeeves read from the papers.
"So what? Just because I can make bullets doesn't make me special." Marco argued.
"They assumed you were cautious enough to not let just anyone use it. And I assume that you're too careful to ever bring it to school." Skeeves elaborated. "Did you know that only you can use those bullets? Apparently, the ritual demands that the two magi involved have intertwined souls. I'm guessing that means you two-- bow-chicka-wow-wow?"
"Marco, what the Tom do those noises mean?" Star asked.
"He thinks we had sloppy unsafe teenage sex." Marco explained, and was met with a disgusted look from Star.
"You also have a working knowledge of alchemy and potion recipes, making you an Alchemist." Skeeves continued, and Marco just shrugged. "What really struck me was this last line." He handed the letter over to Star.
"My darling Star, I know that you'll disapprove of whoever I choose as your husband. Hopefully, you can forgive me, but I've found a man who is both valorous warrior, a skilled mage, and handsome to boot. In the end, I'd rather you get to run Mewni with your best friend than some idiot soldier." Star stopped reading it, her eyes quickly filling up with fresh tears.
"Is-- is that all?" Marco asked, ready to hug star, if only to keep her from feeling quite so trapped.
"It says 'Starco', in the magically transcribed lettering they use for royal decrees." Star looked at Marco, and smiled at him. "It looks like you're stuck with me a lot longer than you planned, huh?" Star sniffled.
"There's nobody I'd rather be stuck with." Marco hugged her. Then he turned to the principal. "I guess this narrows our career plans."
"Marco, I'm sure you'll do very well in dimensional politics." Skeeves assured him. "I think your grades can stand one little absence, Mr. Diaz. Why don't you two take the day and work all this out?"
"We get the day off?" Star squealed, "Yay! Come on, Marco." She grabbed her best friend by the elbow, dragging him along as she sprinted out of the office and out of the campus.
It took about four blocks before Marco gained enough composure to break Star's joyful irreverence. "Star, Principal Skeeves did have a point. We do need to take time to plan for this. If your parents are 'decree-ing' us together, then we should at least talk it over, maybe focus on getting to know each other on a relationship level, since that'll be different than just being friends."
"Okay, that could be fun, too..." Star frowned. "How do we do that?"
"What do you mean? We just, spend more time together--" Marco started.
"We spend all our time together! We're only separated when we have conflicting classes or one of us is kidnapped!" Star whined. "Don't get me wrong, I love you, but I don't get how 'together more often' is possible."
"Okay, rewind that sentence a little. For relationships on Earth, 'I love you' is kind of a big step." Marco explained.
"It shouldn't be. We're always together, we care about each other, and we're going to be together, probably forever." Star argued.
Marco's face softened into a smile, "You wanna know what the most common first argument is for couples on Earth?" He asked, and Star nodded. "It's when to say 'I love you'." He smirked at her, and she smirked back.
"What else do Earth couples argue about?" Star asked, putting a hand on Marco's shoulder.
"When their birthdays are..." Marco added.
"My birthday should be the day before the royal wedding, which is gonna be a day before the coronation." Star reminded.
"I know. I'm still holding the letter from your parents." Marco reminded, patting the red jacket pocket with the parchment in it. "And what you just said covers the other big thing. When the anniversary is. Past that, it's all about life choices. Whether to have kids..."
"We're required to produce an heir, that's Mewnian law."
"When to retire..."
"We'll never retire. We get to leave the throne, eventually, but then we're stuck as advisers to the King and Queen until we kick the bucket." Star sighed.
"Buying a house..." Marco teased.
"We get a castle." Star perked up again.
"What the household rules are..." He continued.
"The King and Queen must rub their naughty bits together at least thrice a day!" Star squealed. "And all castle personnel must wear the minimum amount of clothing to comfortably complete their assigned duties!" She announced, giggling at the thought of forcing all of the cleaning staff to run around in aprons... and nothing else.
"Okay, those rules went to a dirty place a lot faster than usual." Marco commented.
"So?" Star asked. "Even if you and I follow your world's abstinence-first philosophy--"
"Which you already know that none of our classmates follow--" Marco interjected.
"Right. Well, even then, this decree took a while to draft, and maybe a few days to get here." Star estimated. "That means our wedding is in a week, tops."
"How can you be so sure of that?" Marco asked. "Is your birthday this week?"
"I dunno. Mewni follows a lunar calendar, based on its three moons. I base my birthday on when my mom acts nicest." Star glanced at Marco with those uncertain eyes. "If it's not next week, could we still have a honeymoon? I know that we're supposed to wait until after the wedding, but I'd really like to do... that stuff with you."
"You realize there's no law against us just doing that stuff whenever we want, right?" Marco explained.
"Then why did the film in health class say that abstinence is the only option?" Star asked.
"Because Echo Creek has a strong Catholic community, and they voted on which video to show us." Marco laughed a bit, "But we're two, eighteen-year-old people, who are definitely attracted to each other. To be blunt, there's nothing stopping us besides ourselves."
"Why would we want to stop ourselves?" Star asked, clearly confused, her head starting to hang as she stared at her feet.
"Because some people aren't into each other, so sometimes a decent gut-punch makes a good deterrent" Marco joked.
"Yeah, but we like each other." Star looked up at him, her eyes clearly watering.
"Yup." Marco took a step closer to this fair blond maiden from another world, "But we're lucky." He whispered, kissing her cheek, one of the hearts on her face echoing the kiss he'd left behind, the heart on her other cheek glowing extra-bright.
Star drew the wand from its holster, a handy attachment that Mrs. Diaz had sewn on to all of her brightly-colored belts, and announced the perfect spell. "Rainbow vortex teleportation!" She shouted, and the ground opened up, a whirlpool of colors dragging them both down, and dropping them both into the room that they'd both shared for the past few years. They bounced onto the bed, and summarily bounced onto the carpeted floor. "Here we are. What do you wanna do?" Star offered, a Cheshire cat grin appearing on her face.
"I was thinking we'd, I dunno, start kissing, and see where it goes." Marco shrugged. "That's how most people do this."
"You're not most people." Star laughed. "I assumed you'd have some kind of plan."
"Speaking of planning, shouldn't we contact your parents to make sure we're not missing our own wedding?" Marco reminded, pointing with his thumb at the mirror in the corner.
"Fine." Star agreed. "But if I'm gonna spend my day making wedding plans, I want you to do your planning thing to come up with the most fun, sexy stuff you can think of!"
"Where am I supposed to find any of that?" Marco asked.
"Look wherever all the other humans look for sex ideas." Star suggested. "In the meantime... Mirror, mirror, Call Mom!" She barked at the ebony glass.
While Marco slinked away to let this argument between Star and her mother unfold, Marco hid beside his computer. He typed in the first search engine he could think of, then just typed the words 'creative sex'. About fifteen minutes later, he was at a list on Wikipedia, describing all of the sexual aberrations. He looked up when Star walked over. "How did it go?"
"Loud." Star answered, setting her wand down beside the makeup mirror. "The wedding is tomorrow." She stared at her feet.
"So, today's your birthday?" Marco asked.
"It would have been today, but we weren't there. I guess Skeeves didn't open his mail last week."
"So, we missed your birthday." Marco sighed, patting the seat beside him.
Star walked right past the second chair, which was usually her makeup chair, and sat down right on Marco's lap. "It doesn't matter. I've already picked out a perfect birthday present for you to give me." She began, and Marco cocked an eyebrow, "You're gonna give me your virginity." She smiled. "What sex stuff did you find?" She looked at the computer monitor. "What's a paraphilia?" She pointed to the word on the web page.
"It's an aberration in human behavior." Marco explained. "Something that is considered abnormal, possibly illegal, by human society."
"Being weird in bed is illegal? That doesn't sound right." Star commented.
"It's not all illegal. There are a few rules that these things tend to follow." Marco elaborated. "First rule: everyone has to agree to whatever they're doing. Otherwise, people would get hurt."
"Wait, if I pinned a guy down and started sliding my way up and down on him, that doesn't really hurt him or anything..." Star thought aloud.
"Not if he's enjoying himself. For example, if you did that to me, I'd be very happy. If you did that to someone on the street, that would be sexual assault." Marco explained. "And not just because of the potential injury, it's about the psychological trauma."
"Okay, that's a good rule." Star agreed. "I don't know if we have that rule in Mewni, but it's a good idea. What else?"
"Second rule: the people involved should be mentally capable of taking on the responsibility." Marco explained. "No kids, no crazy people, no mentally handicapped people."
"Alright..." Star agreed.
"Third rule: no hurting people." Marco said authoritatively. "Now, this is a bit of a gray area, since some people like getting hurt. The general consensus is that you shouldn't cause any injury that won't heal in a few days, weeks at most."
"If you've never been planning for this, how do you know so much about it?" Star demanded, and Marco pulled up his phone from his pocket.
"Three texts from Janna." Marco smiled. "She also congratulated me on 'bagging Star'." He admitted, and Star pouted. He showed the phone itself, and the text read 'tell Star B congrats on bagging Marco's D!'
"A lot of this stuff is way too weird." Star thought aloud as she read the list, letting Marco scroll down as she mouthed each oddity. "I mean, I wouldn't kick a person out of bed because they were missing a leg, but I wouldn't get off on it!"
"Some people do." Marco explained. "They don't want to cut off the limb. They just want to find a lover that has one missing."
"I guess cripples need love like everything does." Star muttered, nibbling on her thumb.
"Disabled." Marco corrected. "'They're not broken, they just function differently."
"Whatever you say, politically correct dude. What's next on your list... al-go-lag-ni-a," Star did her best to sound it out, then, skimming the description rapidly, "This would be, like spanking someone?"
"Not just spanking. If the pain is what's getting them off, that's the ticket." Marco explained. "I've gone over some of these for the AP Psych courses. Algolagnia usually falls into the forms of Sadism and Masochism, and those can be expressed in many different ways."
"Okay, Doc. Why don't you pick one out?" Star swatted her bestie on the arm with a light punch. Then whispered, "By the way, I can feel that tree you're growing under my dress, sweetie." She teased, hiking up her dress, past her thighs, scooting further back on Marco's lap.
"Okay," He scrolled about halfway down the list. It landed right on the term for breast worship.
"That doesn't even seem so odd. Boobs are hot, right?" Star asked.
"Yeah, but I guess anything can go too far. I was actually aiming for the one below it."
When she saw it, Star couldn't help reading aloud. "Suffering... Being beaten, bound, or humiliated..." She blinked a few times as she heard herself saying that. "You would want to do that to me?"
"I wouldn't want to really hurt you." Marco assured her. "I'd want to tie you with silk rope, your hands on your breasts, your ankles stuck behind your ears, then lick you... down here." His right hand stayed on the mouse, but his left hand traveled down, meeting Star's hand beneath her skirt; he angled his fingers to tickle at the lips of her pussy.
"You don't need rope to get me to pose for you." Star assured him, leaning back against him. He felt the Mewberty wings pressing flat against his chest. She kicked her legs further back than she was even sure she could; and while a human would have definitely hurt herself, Star felt fantastic. Of course, in this process, she had basically torn her dress in half, its pieces lying on the floor. Her feet were so far back, she could actually tickle Marco's face with her toes. She reached up, and cupped her chest in hand, fingers resting atop the silk of her bra.
"It's not about the poses." Marco explained, unhooking the bra. It fell away, sliding out from beneath Star's grasp. Marco brought his right hand up from the mouse to Star's right leg, caressing the toned calf. His left hand rubbed its way around Star's nether-region, drawing little circles with the fingertips. "Its about power, and control..."
"You want to control me?" Star asked, real worry showing as her tone wavered.
"We both know that nobody could control you." Marco laughed, "But I'd like to pretend I could."
"Okay, well, we can definitely get some rope." Star agreed. "But, do you know what I want to do?"
"Tell me." Marco urged her, his fingers sliding inside of her. As he did, he felt her tense and gasp.
Star arched her back, craning her neck to look at her beloved friend as she said to him, "When we're finished here, you and I should begin courting your mistress."
"What?" Marco asked, a confused smirk appearing on his face.
"Your mistress. You know, the girl you make love to when I'm not there, or not in the mood." Star smiled at him. "I was thinking Jackie Lynn Thomas, maybe Janna." She explained. Marco gaped at the suggestion, and Star took the opportunity to kiss him, pressing her lips to his, sliding their tongues together. When they parted, she repeated. "So, which one should we try for? Jackie or Janna?"
"You're serious?" Marco demanded.
"Yeah. Every king takes a lover, and I want to be there for you." Star explained.
"Jackie." Marco smiled at Star. "We'll ask her out in... five hours."
"I guess that's when school gets out, but what can we do until then?" Star teased, lowering her legs as Marco continued fingering her. Her hands fell from her chest to skillfully unbutton and unzip Marco's pants, yanking them roughly down his legs, and exposing the erection she'd spoken of earlier.
"Well, we could talk, watch funny internet videos, or..." Marco teased in return. "There's this one blond girl. She even has horns." He tweaked Star's horned headband. "And you know what, I want to... Wreck. This. Chick."
"Marco Diaz, you're such a charmer." Star continued her teasing. She rearranged things down there a little. She pulled his hand away from her crotch, but not that far. She motioned for it to move up, and he did, tracing a line up past Star's navel. Leaving a trail of both tickles and feminine juices up to her perky little breasts. Meanwhile, Star used one hand to hold open her vaginal lips, and the other hand to press Marco's cock inside of her. She slipped further down on his shaft, her eyes rolling back, and let out her delighted "Oh,ho,ho..." gasps as she pushed herself further and further down. When she started grinding against the base of his member, she let her tongue hang out, panting as Marco slipped in and out with her grinding motions. The two of them kept this up until Star noticed her lover's breathing changing.
"I'm-- I think I'm--" He managed, tensing up terribly and gripping her tight. Star's eyes opened wide, her hands gripping atop his hands as he squirted something deep inside of her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"Don't be silly, sweetie." Star assured him. "Whatever you did, it was perfect. It must be some human magic. It feels all..." she watched as Marco's cock lost its stiffness, flopping out of her. She saw those sticky strands of white, those drips falling from her womb. "It feels all gooey inside."
"That's bad, Star. People get pregnant from that." Marco reminded her.
"So, what? That's not really how Mewmans mate." Star asked. "And even if I get pregnant, that's what we're supposed to do." Star smiled, sliding down from the computer chair. Planting her feet on the floor, picking up a towel and bringing it to hold against her crotch. "Don't wanna let this stuff drip on the carpet. it looks super sticky."
It took Marco a minute to process all of that. "Wait, how do Mewmans mate, then?" He asked, kicking his pants off completely and following her into the bathroom.
"The royal guards explained it best when talking about their wives' lovers." Star began, handing Marco a wet washcloth. "During face-to-face sex, the male penis and female tongue become paired exchange ovipositors." She explained. "Do all human boys squirt this stuff, or is this a Karate thing?"
"All boys do it, but I'm not sure how much comes out for everyone else." Marco explained. "But, when you say 'ovipositors'--"
"You know, tubes to deposit the eggs." Star said, nonchalantly patting away the last of what Marco had left inside her. "The eggs develop in the abdomens of the partners. The eggs themselves creating a disposable womb inside the man's belly, or in the pre-existing vessel, for the women. Usually, this meant that the soldier men and women would lay together, and their respective husbands and wives would lay together."
"And everyone was just cool with that?" Marco asked, setting down the washcloth that had been cleaning his dick.
"The academics and alchemists all theorized that this resulted in stronger and smarter children, but there was no reason to force peasants not to choose their own spouses. It's one of the few pleasures the peasants get in life." Star finished.
"So, does everyone just cheat on each other?" Marco asked, tossing his red hoodie and white shirt both atop the pile of Star's clothes outside their bathroom door.
"No. It's not cheating if everyone agrees to it. It's just a different set of rules than you're used to." Star looked in the mirror as she plucked a few hairs from her eyebrows, doing a little extra maintenance. "You and I will ask Jackie to be your mistress. I figure, since you seem to really care about her, you two could be together long-term. I'm planning on a short-term solution. Assigning groups of royal guards to fuck me... or court advisers. Whatever I'm into that week."
"Sounds like a good plan, I guess." Marco admitted, "But, if that's how all of this works, then what are you and I to each other?"
Star turned and kissed him, and they pulled each other close as she reached down to cup his manhood, the shaft engorging between her fingers. "You're better than a lover. You're not some guy that we'll hire to fuck me en mass when you're tired. You're my best friend." They stood, wearing nothing, their bare flesh ready for a second carnal embrace.
"You do know that I don't have an ovipositor?" Marco asked, a bit concerned.
"I do." Star reminded. "When the time comes, you'll have our baby." She rested her hand on Marco's washboard abs. "It's gonna be a shame to ruin this tummy." She thought aloud as she started stroking his cock. "But it's something we can make work."
"Huh. As long as you warn me before... laying an egg inside me." Marco agreed, tickling Stars belly enough for the girl to recoil full of giggles. They both fell to the floor and continued that, tickling each other.
"When the time comes, I'll warn you." Star promised. "But for now, how about you do that thing a few more times where you squirt all that gooey stuff inside me?" She suggested.
"Sure thing, but you know that it sort of knocks me out whenever I do that, right?" Marco asked, pausing their fun.
"Knocks you out? You seem like you're doing just fine." Star smiled at him.
"Well, yeah, but if we do it a lot more, I'm gonna pass out." Marco explained.
"So? We'll set an alarm, do our thing, then we can take a nap before we ask Jackie out." Star planned, flipping Marco away from her, then rolling over, presenting her luscious ass and dripping pussy. "For now, pick a hole. It's King's choice!"
Marco knelt behind Star, spreading the cheeks of her ass with his thumbs. Just the sight of this hot blond on her hands and knees had made him hard. Now he pushed the tip of his cock against her asshole. He paused, grabbing some of the lotion from the counter, spreading a big glob of it right between her cheeks. He saw her shudder at the cold sensation, then went back to using his thumbs, sliding both thumbs inside of her ass. He pulled in two opposite directions, widening the tight little hole before thrusting inside. Star gasped, and she pressed her face against the floor, but not from pain. Marco kept on thrusting, sliding his shaft inside her most sensitive part. "Star, your ass is so tight, and firm..." He trailed off, Star reverting to her panting from earlier.
Anyone who knew her could tell that this was a 'cute boy fantasy' expression. The fact that her cute boy was actually inside her just seemed to amplify that beyond her usual limit. She was heaving breathlessly as her lover pumped his cock into her ass, twisting her body in tantalizing paroxysms of desire, clawing at the towels that she'd left on this floor from just this morning. She needed to hold onto something, anything, as she felt a heavy sort of twisting pressure. It radiated out from her backside, twisting up a knot of pleasure in her belly, and pulling it more taut with every thrust. She felt it all snap apart at once, that pressure in her belly being freed to flow through her entire body.
Behind her, Marco felt her ass squeeze extra-tight around his cock, and felt her pussy spray something new all over the floor, and his knees. That spastic tightening of her sphincter milked the cum from Marco's cock. It squirted deep inside of Star's body, and then fell aside, withdrawing as Marco went soft. Star rolled herself over, her eyes closed and that smile pasted across her face. "That felt... amazing. I even squirted stuff out... the way you do." Star laughed with each fragmented sentence, "You're right... it was... really exhausting." Star curled up, her eyelids still drooping as she looked at Marco. "I think I need a nap."
Marco picked her up, lifting her easily onto his back. "You really did squirt a lot. I can even feel how wet you still are." He walked her from their little shared bathroom and into the bedroom. He set Star down on her luxurious bed, atop her silk sheets. "I'll be right back." He promised, only walking a few steps away to wipe the lube and cum off of his cock.
Star never really took good care of the finer things that she created with the wand. It wasn't that she didn't value them, but the objects could all be easily restored to perfection with the simplest incantation. It made delicate things into easily-cleaned trinkets. The cum that Marco had left inside her was leaking slowly from her ass, staining the sheets. Star's own juices would be likely to leave stains as well, but Star was grinding her thighs together, which kept the wetness well between her legs. "Come here, Marco. We need some rest." Star urged, enticing him to lay down beside her. He just took one wipe with a cloth, clearing away the most slick part of Star's lubed up ass.
Marco snuggled up behind her, doing his best to curl up with her. She pulled the covers over them, and he slipped his hands around Star's waist. "The alarm is still set." He whispered.
"Five hours." She breathed. "Then you and I will seduce ourselves one thick-thighed skater girl." Star fell asleep, the warmth of her lover's arms wrapped around her. Marco fell asleep as well, so happy to be resting beside his dearest friend. The feelings of their nakedness became inconsequential, compared to their natural closeness. A normal pair of teenagers might be driven by pure lust, these two were content just being together.
End of Chapter One
Next Time... We'll meet Jackie Lynn Thomas!
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