It's Different for Boys | By : GeorgeGlass Category: +S through Z > Star vs. The Forces of Evil Views: 28590 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Star vs. the Forces of Evil. I made no money from writing this story. |
It’s Different for Boys
by George Glass
Summary: The week after Star goes through Mewberty, Marco learns one more thing about it: It’s just the teensiest bit contagious.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star vs. the Forces of Evil. I made no money from writing this story.
Spoiler warning: Contains spoilers for the episode “Mewberty.”
Acknowledgment: Big thanks to Fairy Slayer for beta reading!
One last thing, I swear: If you are kind enough to review this story, I’ll respond here:
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It was a sunny Saturday morning, and Star had just emerged from the bathroom with what she deemed to be a flawless shiny-scrunched hairstyle. Marco's parents were already out of the house at some birdwatching thing.
"Morning Marco!" Star cried as her hoodied housemate emerged from his bedroom into the hall.
"Morning, Star," Marco replied in a groan.
"Whoa, someone woke up on the underside of the bed this morning," Star observed.
"It's 'the wrong side of the bed,'" Marco corrected.
"The underside IS the wrong side. That's why only monsters live there," Star replied. Then, throwing an arm around Marco's shoulder, she said, "What's gettin' ya down, bud?"
"I just got a text from Tony Phipps," Marco groused. "We're supposed to be doing a joint project for History class, and now I'm having to do all the work because he won't do anything. And when I confront him about it, he acts like it's all MY fault! 'Oh, the outline's due Monday? You should've told me—I'm totally booked up this weekend.' Like he wasn't sitting right there in class when the teacher gave us the due dates!"
"I'm sorry, Marco," Star said sympathetically. Then, pulling out her wand, she said, "You want me to turn him into a sludge lizard? Because I could totally turn him into a sludge lizard."
"No, but thanks for the thought," Marco said, smiling feebly at Star. Then his smile brightened. "Oh, hey, I almost forgot!"
He ducked into his room and brought out a big string bag containing two plastic helmets and various other pieces of protective gear.
"Oooh," said Star, "are these for some kind of Earth combat sport?"
"Today," Marco said slickly, "I thought we'd go to the park, and I'd introduce you to a little thing we call skateboarding."
"Oh, yes, I've seen that!" Star said excitedly. "At school, with- Heeeey," she said, suddenly sly, "Jackie likes skateboarding. Are we going to the park because she's gonna be there?"
"She...might be there," Marco said cautiously. Then, averting his eyes, he added, "Every Saturday morning. From nine-thirty to eleven."
"Well, then," Star said, grinning and starting to pull some pads out of the bag, "let's go make you look kewl."
"You're the best, Star," Marco said. “If you ever need a wingman with Oscar, I am totally there.”
“But,” she said, holding up one of the helmets, “I’m not putting this thing on ‘til we get there.” Sweeping her hand dramatically over her hair, she added, “Gotta rock this ‘do for as long as I can.”
“Oooh, that reminds me,” Marco said, turning to a decorative mirror that hung in the upstairs hallway, "Let me make sure my pre-helmet hair looks good...Whoa."
"Is this some kind of practical joke?"
Marco turned his face toward Star. There, below his right eye, was a red heart, not unlike one of Star's pink cheek-roses. Star's eyes widened.
"Um," she said, slowly reaching her hand toward Marco's face, "let me just..."
Her fingertips found the edge of the heart, and she peeled it off.
"Oh, no," she said, putting her hands to her mouth.
"Star," Marco said slowly, "what's going on?"
"Okay, um, you remember how, last week, I, you know...went through Mewberty?"
"Do I remember? It took seven hand washes to get all the purple off."
"Well...the thing about Mewberty is...sometimes it can be...just a little bit...contagious."
"Okay, ‘contagious’ is totally too strong a word,” she said with a nervous smile. “It's more like, if a boy who hasn't gone through Mewberty has a lot of contact with a girl who's going through it, sometimes it will kind of...set him off."
"And you didn't think to warn me about this?"
"I didn't know it could happen to Earth boys!"
"You didn't know it couldn't!" Marco cried. "So now what? Am I going to turn into some kind of...moth-guy? Flying around and, and kidnapping girls?"
"No, no, it's different for boys. And it'll be fine; we just need to chain you up in the basement for a few days."
"Definitely no more than a week."
"I can't spend a week in the basement!"
More red hearts began to appear on Marco's face.
"Marco, you need to calm down," Star said. "Getting upset just makes it worse. Now, how about you just wait here a sec while I go get some shackles from my room, and then we'll go down and get you chained up nice and cozy, okay? I'll bring the TV down there, make us some popcorn...It'll be great."
Marco gave a long sigh, hung his head, and said, "Okay, Star."
Star went to her room and quickly dug through her huge wooden chest, hurling all manner of things back over her shoulder—a horned helmet, a warhammer, a live centipede the size of a miniature dachshund—until she found a set of iron shackles. Then she returned to the hallway, where Marco still stood, head hanging, his dark hair obscuring his face.
"Don't worry, Marco," she said as she cautiously approached him. "We'll just snap these on, and then we'll have a nice, relaxing day in the basement."
"Thanks, Star," Marco said in a scratchy voice, still looking down. "You're a good friend."
"Aw, that's so sweet," she cooed, taking hold of Marco's wrist and flicking open one of the iron cuffs.
"And you know what else?" he said as she lifted his arm with one hand and the cuff with the other.
Marco raised his head, and now Star could see that his face and neck were covered in red hearts. The whites of his eyes had gone yellow-orange, and his pupils were vertical black slits like a cat’s.
"You’re pretty,” he rasped hungrily.
“Oh, crud,” Star said, dropping the shackles.
She bolted through her bedroom door and slammed it shut, then threw her back against it. She braced herself with both legs as Marco hurled his body into it from the other side, trying to force it open. Star could tell that the boy was already significantly stronger than normal, even though he was only partway through the transformation that Mewberty inevitably brought about.
"Come on, Star, let me in!" Marco shouted through the door, his voice even scratchier and now somewhat deeper than before. "I'm not gonna hurt you! I just need to do some stuff to your body!"
"No way!" Star shouted. "This body is a temple! And it's not accepting new members!" Despite her peril, she sniggered. "'Members.' I'm hilarious."
Another, more powerful slam against the door jarred Star back to the present. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to keep Marco out for much longer, she pulled out her wand. She would do what she could to avoid hurting him, but there was no way she was letting Monster-Marco violate her body, or mess up her hair.
Suddenly, the slamming against the door stopped.
"M- Marco?" she called tremulously.
Maybe he'd come to his senses. Maybe he'd passed out because his Earth-boy body couldn't handle the transformation. Maybe he even needed help.
She heard a slithering sound from somewhere beneath her. Looking down, she saw a thin red tentacle slide under the door and grip the wood like a finger. Then another such tentacle appeared, and then another.
Nope, Star thought.
She abandoned her position against the door and ran for the far end of the room just as the tentacles tore the door from its hinges. Then she turned around sharply, wand raised.
The thing in the doorway barely resembled Marco at all. Its form was somewhat reminiscent of a mountain lion, but its skin was entirely red, and half a dozen thin tentacles sprouted like a cluster of vines from between its shoulder blades.
"Staaaaaarrrrrr," it growled, its yellow eyes looking at her with feral lust.
It started toward her, walking a bit awkwardly on its four paws. Star figured that being a quadruped probably took some getting used to. Which was fine by her.
Aiming the wand, she shouted, "Rainbow glitter flash blast!"
A storm of brilliant rainbow-hued particles blasted from the wand and straight into Monster-Marco's face. The boy-creature roared as the millions of flashing bits of glitter blinded it.
Star ran past the beast and out her bedroom door, then turned right and dashed down the hall toward the stairs to the first floor. Maybe if she could evade Marco long enough she could tire him out. Then she could safely subdue him and chain him up.
Something caught her ankle and sent her sprawling, stopping her at the very top of the stairs. Glancing back, she saw a red tentacle wrapped around her ankle and wondered whether going face-first down the stairs might have been better.
She looked beyond the tentacle and saw the beast padding down the hall toward her, already more surefooted than before.
She grabbed hold of the tentacle with both hands and, putting her back into the effort, managed to yank it free of her ankle—only to have it instantly wrap itself around her waist instead. And now the creature was extending more tentacles toward her.
"Okay, Marco," she said sternly, "that's enough inappropriate touching for today. Singing sparrow shockwave!"
A blast of kinetic energy and chirping birds burst forth from her wand and knocked the Marco-beast back, all the way to the other end of the hallway. But Star hadn't considered that the tentacle still wrapped around her waist would cause her to be abruptly yanked off her feet and sent flying halfway down the hall like a paddleball on a string.
She landed awkwardly, tumbling to a stop in front of Marco's bedroom door. The tentacle, although still wrapped around her, had gone slack. This was her chance.
She leaped to her feet, ran into Marco’s room, and slammed the door on the tentacle. The creature roared in pain.
"I'm sorry, Marco," Star shouted, "but I've got boundaries!"
The pain had caused the tentacle to loosen its grip enough for Star to pull free of it and retreat to the far side of Marco's room. She turned around just as the rest of the beast burst through the door.
"MARCO DIAZ!" she shouted, raising her wand threateningly.
The creature stopped in its tracks.
"I've been…taking it...easy on far," she said, panting for breath and not sure whether she sounded more intimidating or intimidated. "But I'll...go narwhal on you...if you make me."
She looked right into the creature's cat-like eyes. They were not, she realized, focused on her wand, but on her face.
It didn't stop because it's afraid of being blasted, she thought. It's…holding itself back. Marco's still in there somewhere!
"Marco," Star said carefully, making sure to look right into the beast's eyes, "I know you don't want to hurt me."
The creature spoke, although it seemed to struggle to produce every word.
"Not...h- hurt...Star," it rasped. "N- Never...hurt...Star..."
There was pain and desperation in its voice, and in its eyes. Marco wasn’t just out of control; he was suffering. A pang of remorse lanced through Star's chest.
"Oh, Marco," she said, lowering the wand. "This is all my fault. If I'd told you about Mewberty being contagious, maybe you could have kept from getting it.” She wiped at her eye. “I'm so sorry."
With her free hand, she reached behind her and began to undo the buttons on the back of her dress. Then, almost in a whisper, she said, " what you need to do."
Some of the pain went out of the creature's eyes, and it padded slowly toward Star. Beneath its body, growing to full size almost instantly, was an enormous red penis, more than two feet long and covered in sharp barbs. Star’s eyes went huge.
"But not with that!" she cried. Raising the wand again, Star shouted, "Phallo perfectarino!"
A beam leaped from the tip of the wand and struck the creature's cock, which was instantly transformed into a human-like one: six inches long, tan-skinned, and blessedly barb-free.
"Oh," Star said, her cheek-hearts turning a deeper shade of pink as she realized that this was probably what Marco's real penis looked like. "That's, um, that's...nice."
The beast walked over to her, and now she could definitely see some of Marco in its eyes, and in its toothy yet somehow sweet smile.
"Help me get these off?" she said with gentle sexiness, waving her hands downward to indicate her clothes.
All six of Marco's tentacles went to work, gently but purposefully lifting off her dress, pulling off her shoes as she raised one foot and then the other, removing the white camisole she wore under her dress (not yet having much need for a bra), and peeling down her striped stockings.
Marco then paused, his yellow cat's-eyes taking in the lovely sight of Star wearing nothing but a pair of little royal-blue undies decorated with yellow butterflies.
"I know," Star said with a smile, striking a sexy pose with her hip cocked and one hand behind her head. "I'm magnificent."
Star felt a breeze as a pair of tentacles whisked her panties down to her ankles, exposing her understated blonde bush and the pinkness below it.
"Whoa, okay!" she said, a bit nervously. "Any chance a girl could get a little foreplay before her deflowering?"
The Marco-beast smiled again and, moving close to Star, began nuzzling her neck. As Marco's broad tongue extended from between his jaws, she became nervous again. What if his tongue was rough, like a cat's?
But it wasn't rough at all; in fact, it felt just like a human tongue, only bigger, as it licked the length of Star's neck with surprising delicacy. Then, it moved down over Star's collarbone and onto her chest. She had just the bare beginnings of breasts—little bumps topped by slightly glossy, pale-pink nipples—but they were very sensitive, and it felt heavenly when Marco licked a circle around one of them.
"Ohhh," she said, in a shuddering exhale.
Marco's tongue painted a wide stripe from Star's breast back up to her neck, catching one earlobe with its pleasing warm wetness before descending again to the other half of her chest. This time, the thick tongue traveled right over the small dome of Star's breast and nipple.
"Mmmnnn," Star moaned, lovingly stroking Marco's leonine head with both hands.
Marco licked her again and again, his wide tongue stimulating the entire surface of Star's sensitive little breast. Star, still stroking Marco's head and neck, closed her eyes, not opening them even when she felt what she knew were the ends of all six of Marco's thin tentacles alighting on her skin. One stroked her neck like a lover's teasing finger; one circled her other nipple, making her begin to squirm with pleasure; one traced up and down the subtle curves of her waist; one toyed with the little circle of her navel; and two gently tickled and teased her inner thighs.
"Oooh, Marco," she breathed, "you're really getting the hang of this tentacle thing."
Marco, still licking Star's chest and stomach with his generous tongue, purred in reply.
One of the tentacles ministering to Star's thighs found the warm, wet place between them and teased the tight, slick ring of her entrance. Even as Star gasped at the sensation, the tentacle gently pushed inside.
"Omigosh!" Star exclaimed. "Marco, that's- that's so-"
She couldn't find the words to describe the sensation, which was far nicer than what she had previously experienced while experimenting with the handle of her wand. But she was not without something to say.
"Marco," she gasped, "I think I'm all foreplayed up now."
The next thing she knew, the six tentacles were lifting her into the air and gently laying her on her back on Marco's bed. Then Marco got on the bed with her, his front paws on either side of her shoulders and his lower ones between her ankles as two of the tentacles spread her legs wide apart.
"Marco," she said, reaching up to touch his muzzled face tenderly, "you've been so nice, but I know how badly you need this. You don't have to be gentle anymore."
Apparently, she was right, because Marco immediately rammed his cock into her.
"AH!" she cried in surprise, pain, and pleasure.
Marco pulled most of the way out, then thrust powerfully in again, and again, making Star grunt "Uh!" with each thrust but giving her a moment to take a breath before the next one.
But each time, the grunt was driven less by pain and more by pleasure. Soon, Star's hands were gripping Marco's flanks, and she was beginning to thrust her hips upward every time he shoved his cock into her.
Star had never really thought about what it would be like to have sex with a boy who was in the throes of Mewberty, mainly because such a boy was pretty much a monster by definition, and monsters were for blasting, not…this. But this was incredible. It was like she was doing it with Marco, but without all of Marco’s inhibitions and awkwardness and human-beingness getting in the way. This was…animal Marco. Deep-down Marco. And even though she’d never thought of him as anything but a friend, she realized that wouldn’t trade this glimpse of that part of him for anything.
And suddenly she wanted to do for him what he was doing for her—to show him her animal side, her uninhibited, instinctual self. She fucked her hips back at him harder, driving him deeper inside of her.
"That's it, Marco," she panted. "You fuck me as hard as you need to. I can take it! I want to take it!"
Marco made a feral grunt of lustful enthusiasm and began pumping Star faster. The princess was so turned on that she grabbed Marco's head and made him look in her eyes as they fucked.
"That’s so good," she breathed. "Fuck me, Marco. Fuck me until you cum. I know you need to cum inside me, so cum all you want, fill me up if you need to, just do it, Marco, cum inside me, CUM INSIDE ME!"
Marco roared and thrust as deep into Star as his cock would go, and then Star could feel the hot, thick liquid of his cum literally pouring into her and then she was screaming and thrashing and clawing Marco's back as she came so hard that she thought she might rip herself and Marco apart.
Marco collapsed on her, and a thought briefly drifted through her post-orgasmic haze: Wow, it would be totally anticlimactic if I got squished to death right now.
But she didn't, because even as he fell, Marco transformed from mountain-lion-like beast back into his human self, his naked body laying over Star's like a warm blanket.
"Hi, Marco," she said goofily, waving at the boy’s face with her fingers. Marco didn't respond, although she could hear him breathing. He was out like a light. She shifted a little beneath him.
“Oh, whoa,” she said to her unconscious friend. “You seriously came. I can feel it, like, sloshin’ around in there.”
She wormed her way out from under Marco’s slack body, causing his softening cock to pop out of her pussy. She could feel cum beginning to leak out of her in a steady stream.
Maybe more like a river, she thought.
Sitting up caused even more thick white semen to gush out of her. She grabbed a pillow and shoved it between her legs to absorb the flow. It wasn't like there was anything on Marco's bed that wasn't going to need some kind of industrial-strength cleaning, anyway.
She waddled awkwardly to her own room and threw a blanket around herself before pulling open the curtain in front of her magic mirror.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall: Call the nearest potion store."
The mirror was suddenly filled with the image of a warty, green-skinned woman in a pointed hat.
"Helga's House of Elixirs," the woman said, in a voice clearly the result of breathing cauldron fumes for the past hundred years.
"Hi," said Star. "Do you have the morning-after potion?"
"You want regular strength, or gangbanged-by-unicorns strength?"
"Um, the unicorn one." She glanced down at the now-soggy pillow between her legs. "Actually, I’ll take two of those."
From the other room, she heard Marco's voice weakly call, "Star?"
"Delivery in thirty minutes or less," the witch in the mirror said, "or your next love potion's free. Although in your case-"
Star shut off the mirror and waddled back to Marco's room. The dark-haired boy, still buck naked and lying on his back, looked at her with half-open eyes.
"Hey, Marco," she said, lying down next to him so she could see his face but not his rather distracting nude body. "How ya feelin’?"
"I- I think I'm okay, just...tired. I-"
Suddenly, his eyes opened fully, and his face was filled with horror and penitence as he cried, "Star, I'm so sorry! I-"
"Shut it," Star commanded. "None of that was your fault."
"But- But you lost your-"
"Did I not say 'shut it'? I didn't lose anything. All I ever wanted for my first time was that it be with someone I care about." She took his hand. "So, mission accomplished."
Marco squeezed her hand in reply.
They lay there for a while. Star, getting uncomfortably hot under the blanket, threw it off; Marco wasn't looking at her, anyway.
After another minute of quiet, Marco said, "Star?"
"I'm...I'm really glad you're my friend."
"Really?" she said, turning her head to look at him. "Even though I'm always messing up your life?"
Marco looked at her and smiled. "You may mess up a lot, but you never say it's not your fault, or try to blame somebody else. You just say you're sorry, and you do everything you can to make it right. That...makes you pretty great."
"Oh, Marco. Hugs!" she cried, turning over and seizing him. Marco's arm went around her and held her tight.
"Um," Marco said, "you know what makes this a little weird?"
"The fact that we're totally naked?"
"Yeah, that's it."
They rolled away from each other, suddenly awkward.
"Well," Star said, "it's not like we ended up here on purpose. I mean, you weren't in your right mind."
"Right," Marco agreed. "And you were just trying to help me out."
"We'd never risk ruining our friendship by bringing sex into it."
"Exactly! You're my best friend; I'd never want to mess that up. And besides, we both have crushes on other people."
"Right! I've got a thing for Oscar, you've got a thing for Jackie...we're each other's wingmen. Oh, and we live in the same house!"
"Good point. We're practically brother and sister! It would be totally weird for us to get all...hormonal with each other."
"Totally weird."
They went silent, staring at the ceiling.
"You wanna do it again anyway?"
"Big time."
She rolled over and straddled Marco. He smiled up at her.
"You know," he warned, "it won't be like last time. For one thing, I don't have tentacles anymore."
She grinned and said, "Improvise."
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