Trio of Tales | By : Pokeprof Category: +S through Z > Static Shock Views: 2211 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Static Shock, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
-The Path Less Taken-
“Gear! Behind you!” Static shouted, focusing the electric charge into his hand and releasing it, thrusting his hand forward. The powerful blast of energy flew through the night, striking the large Meta-human known as Brute before he could slam his car door sized fist onto the black heroes partner. Brute gave a roar of pain, falling back from the attack, his chest smoking where the shock of energy had hit. How a large, ugly thing like that could sneak up on Gear, Virgil had no clue, but as he charged up another blast to keep the monstrous meta-human down, She-Bang and Rubber-Band Man flew past him to double team Checkmate, the little leader of the merry band of Meta-humans that the group had been fighting. “Looks like you could use a recharge!” he taunted his foe, before coating Brute's body with electricity once more.
This is what life had been like in Dakota, after the effect of the Second Big Bang. Though the cure had been spread throughout the entire town, the new Bang Babies took measures to retain their powers, while Gear, being the genius that he was, created an anti-cure so he, Static, and Rubber-Band Man could all keep their powers and their lives as crime fighters. And there was plenty crime to fight, with several different meta-humans popping up to give the heroes an challenge, both old with the likes of Ebon and his crew, and new, such as Checkmate and her own ragtag band.
Richie gave Static a thumbs up before staring down at Slicer, a meta-human that reminded the technopath genius very much of Shiv with the bang babies use of arms that became sharp steel blades. The one thing that always interested him about Slicer was that he seemed to have his own code of honor despite being a villain, including fighting his opponents face to face. With a grin, the green clad hero skated straight at his opponent. Slicer gave a grin of his own, completely convinced that he had trained enough to cut Gear down with ease, and charged forward himself, his blade-arms behind him to increase speed.
The Bang Baby wasn't allowed a second thought when Gear raised his right arm, a small disk firing from it and attaching itself to Slicers chest, metallic tentacles shooting out of it and wrapping themselves around the villains body. Slicer balanced on his feet for a moment, trying to halt his momentum with his bound legs, before falling over to the ground, his limbs bound tight enough to prevent him from even struggling against his bonds.
That was just one of the many differences that Richie had given himself, often calling himself Gear 2.0. Gone were the days of throwing easily blocked and returned balls of metal, thanks to his newest invention with his new disks. Though there was little to support his calm, the facts that he had told the genius that when he and Static were exposed to the Bang Baby gas once more (Or in Gears case, exposed directly to it) they received a boost in their original powers, allowing Static to use electrical energy in fashions never before thought off and making Gear himself all that more intelligent, especially when it came to computers and such.
Checkmate gave out a growl of anger. How could these guys always beat her?!? Slicer was out of the fight, and she didn't know how much longer Brute, despite his fearsome strength and stamina, could stand Statics attacks. Nimbly flipping backwards to avoid She-Bang's powerful punch that caused the ground to spiderweb, Checkmate went though different strategies in her head, looking for the best way to win. When she and her gang had first planned to attack, she thought that she would only have to deal with Static and Gear, with a slim chance that She-Bang would appear. Rubber-Band Man had not been a part of the equation at all. It seemed that though the second Big Bang had given Checkmate the ability to think and plan with such accuracy that would make even the most skilled tacticians bow their heads in shame, she was still fallible when she didn't have all the information possible.
No matter what attack or defense the Bang Babies altered mind went through, there was no way to win this fight without resorting to her other power, one that drained her very essence to use and control...but desperate times call for desperate measures. “Come forth, my pawn!” She shouted, using her rarely used power of mind control to bring in one of her back forces.
Adam and Shenice gave each other a raised eyebrow at their opponents shout, pausing only for a moment to wonder what the technician Bang Baby had plotted this time before the man of rubber formed bounced his way to attack Checkmate once more, his genetically altered team mate right behind him. Before either hero could lay a super powered punch on the young woman however, whose very eyes now glowed a bright red, a burst of ice and snow pummeled them back.
Standing before Checkmate in nothing more then a ragged coat and pants, her eyes just as red as the woman behind her, stood Maureen Conner, the Bang Baby otherwise known as Permafrost. With a roar of power that was mirrored by her puppet, spears of ice shot up from the ground, forcing She-bang to jump and spin wildly to avoid being squired while Rubber-Band Man let his body relax, the ice cold points doing little to effect his rubber body and giving him the height needed to pull away from controlled ice princess.
It was a moment of great glee for Checkmate, as she forced Permafrost to summon more of her freezing power to dominate her opponents. That moment vanished and her attack interrupted as Brute crashed through one of the very frozen stalagmites she had created, the massive beings body twitching with electrical residue. Slicer followed a moment later, still bound tighter then a Christmas present in July, rolling to a stop before the Bang Baby. Above her fallen allies was Static, palms filled with energy and a dark glint in his normally warm eyes.
There was no quips, no little jokes, no jabs at her person. There was only pain as the black super hero hit Checkmate with almost the full force of his power, her body jerking and flailing about as the electricity surged through her. A moment latter, she joined her henchmen, extra crispy to Brute's well done. With the master cut down, the puppet fell to the ground as well, Maureen free from Checkmate's grasp, though drained of energy.
“Static? Are you alright?” Gear asked, stepping beside his best friend and looking at the damage he had caused. Virgil gave a deep frown as he picked up Permafrost, cradling her legs in one arm and her body in the other.
“She had no right, Richie, no one has the right to take another's will away.”
The entire team nodded in understanding, remembering how only a year ago a mind controlling villain had gotten a hold of Static, nearly coasting him everything and everyone he held dear. Though it was clear to all four that Static had gone overboard with Checkmate, they found it hard to fault him, the memories still fresh in their minds. After a moment longer staring down at the girl in his arms, Static rose on his disk, flying off to the base, his team following behind.
Three years, easy. That was how long since Static had least seen Maureen Conner, back then a young girl of 14, homeless and afraid. She had lost her mother at a young age, a pain that Static knew only too well, and while his own father was a great man that helped Virgil become the hero he was today, Permafrost's father was the kind of man that even Ebon would detest and scorn. After calming her from her anger, relating to her with his past, Static had thought that Maureen would find a good life with the church's help. Apparently not so...
Now she was before him, asleep on the couch, Richie finishing up the last bit of tests on her to ensure that Checkmate's power didn't do any lasting damage, She-Bang and Rubber-Band Man having long since called it a night. She had changed greatly since he had last seen her, but it was abundantly clear that little had changed, her clothing little more then dirt rags after use and signs of lack of care everywhere on her body. It made Static sick to his stomach that such a poor girl could be treated in such a way.
Her snow white hair had grown quite long, reaching down her body, and her clothing was little better then used dirt rags with holes and patches everywhere. She clearly wasn't eating as much as she should have nor getting that much sleep if the overall gauntness of her face and body were any sign. Overall, Static guess that the Church's homeless program had not did it's job at all, the teen super hero willing to bet his college institution money that she was back out on the streets, surviving on her own in a matter of weeks.
“How is she, Richie?” Virgil asked, keeping his hawk glance on the unconscious girl.
“Well, surprisingly other then being underfed and malnourished, she's ok.” The genius Bang Baby replied, reading the paper that fed the report to him. Though his power didn't make him skilled in the medical field, he could figure out the basics and easily project what might be wrong with a patient. “It's actually kinda surprising. You'd think someone who's been homeless for most of their lives would be riddled with aliments galore. Maybe it has something to do with her powers....”
“I can't believe she ended up like this again...” The black teen muttered, ignoring his friends theories and staying focus on the girl before him.
“We couldn't have done any more then we did, V. You know that.”
“That still doesn't change that she was back out on the street, Richie.”
The technological hero just placed a comforting hand on his partners shoulder, unable to think of anything else he could say that would ease the guilt that Virgil felt. This wasn't the first time that Virgil had felt like he had done more harm then good in his life, having several of the other Bang Babies he had 'helped' not exactly ending up in the most desirable of situations, both D-Struct and Nails ending up as pieces on the cutting board when they had thought they were helping to find a cure.
A small moan broke through the boys thoughts, Permafrost's eyes fluttering as she returned to consciousness. She gazed over at the Electric hero, confusion and fear forming on her face. “Static...” She whispered, grasping at his hand and clenching it in her fingers, cold frozen tears falling to her face. It was all Virgil could do from breaking down himself as he gathered her into his arms, soothing her much like he did so long ago. “Don't worry, Maureen, I'll make sure that you'll never have to go though any of this again.”
Maureen smiled despite herself and let her eyes close once more, not a sound leaving her lips as she felt Static's arm brace under her legs, lifting her from the couch. He was warm, something that she had long since forgotten about, being a being of ice and cold. Such a touch comforted her.
She heard the hero say his farewells to his partner, suddenly bursts of wind blowing against her face as they took flight. There was something different from the teen boy that had helped her out those years ago, a new protectiveness she hadn't before sensed. It was as if he had a more personal stake with her now, something that went beyond their relation of dead mothers.
Permafrost opened her eyes once more, the feeling of Static's warmth leaving her body, causing a shudder across it. He had laid her on a bed in a small room that had sparse anything else in it, the black hero floating on his disk at the window, preparing to leave. Instantly she was sitting up, reaching out her hand to him. “N-no! Please, stay!”
If it wasn’t for the Permafrost’s state already making the black teen hero feel overprotective over the poor girl, it was that heartbreaking cry for him to stay with her that prevented Static from leaving. “Alright,” He said, moving back to the bed, laying beside her and wrapping around his arm around her. “I’ll stay. I’ll keep my promise, Maureen, I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again.”
Years ago, when Virgil had first obtained his powers, he would have never imagined revealing his secret identity for the sole purpose of keeping a promise. Constant troubles and experiences that he’d rather never have again changed all that, even more so with Nails and D-Struct meeting their ends because he hadn’t been closer to them. With Permafrost, the black hero promised himself that it wouldn’t happen with her.
Surprisingly, Richie and Shenice not only agreed with him, but were alongside him in showing the ice bang baby their true identities, Adam having no need to do the same thing with his publicly known. It was from that point onward that the four decided that they would do everything they could to take care of Maureen, not wanting the poor girl to end back up on the streets.
Living arrangements weren’t that much of an issue, the small apartment building that Virgil and Richie shared having more then enough room to let the young girl live with them, though it soon became apparent after the third night that Maureen could not sleep peacefully without the electric hero nearby. Static was surprised to find that he, too, felt more at ease knowing that Permafrost was safe and sound, often staying up till the late hours of night watching her, almost afraid that if he took his eyes off her, she’d disappear.
“You know that you can have more then that.” The black teen had commented on the fourth day, noticing the small portion of breakfast that she had taken. Maureen looked surprised for a moment, her eyes searching his, before reaching and taking another helping of egg and toast. Though she almost never spoke, Virgil was glad that she had responded, since it had been the first thing other then survive since he had brought her here.
That was only the start of the teen hero’s attempts to open Maureen up, attempting to make her more responsive to the world around her. Having lived on the streets so long, both mind and body had payed a deep toll, but Virgil, feeling as if he needed to repay the ice girl some kind of debt, decided that he’d do everything in his power to ensure that she’d never have to experience life like that again.
Shenice had taken it upon herself to give Maureen a make over the following day, tossing away the Bang Babies old ratty clothing away and buying her an entire wardrobe. It was a little surprising to see the girl in something other then the blue overcoat and pants that he had always known her in, but Virgil couldn’t help but smile and comment when Permafrost sported a pair of new clothes, often eliciting a small smile from her, something he’d never thought he’d see.
It was a few days after that Static began to notice small changes in the young woman, who grew stronger with each passing day. No longer was her body gaunt with lack of food and rest, slowly becoming stronger and fuller with constant meals. She had also become more responsive, actually moving about the apartment instead of just staying in her room as she did the first few days, even striking up a conversation with Richie, though she let the genius do most of the talking.
“She’s really pulling through, isn’t she?” Virgil said with a smile, watching Maureen make a small little figure of ice on the table, the features on it easy to make out despite its size, the control she had on her powers growing with her health.
Richie nodded, drinking his coffee from a mug that said ‘Number One Inventor’. “Yeah, she’s been through a lot. I don’t think I could have ever survived like that on my own.”
“And if I’ve got anything to say about it, she won’t ever have to do that again.”
The genius looked at his best friend as he mentioned this, noting how intently Virgil was staring at the young woman. Richie knew better then anyone how bad his friend had felt after finding out what had happen to Nails and D-Struct, the electric hero feeling personally responsible for their deaths. It really didn’t hit him till he saw how Virgil was staring at the ice Bang Baby that he really understood that it was more then another death on the hero’s conscience. How much more, even the super intelligent Gear 2.0 couldn’t say, but he knew that the electric hero cared for Maureen, and would move heaven, hell, and the earth itself before he’d let harm ever come her way again.
It was a cold that night, enough so that even Maureen, used to the frozen nature of her powers that left her with little to no warmth in her life, shivered. Not even the three large blankets that Static had gotten her made the girl feel warm could ward off the freezing feeling that crept over her body. Shuffling out of the large blankets, Permafrost settled herself in Static’s bed, enjoying the warmth his body gave off as she pressed against his naked back, her arms circling around him.
“Maureen?” muttered the sleepy hero, wondering for a moment why the girl was next to him in his bed. Or perhaps, better yet, why she as next to him in his bed wearing nothing more then a light t-shirt and panties to his boxers.
“I’m cold.” She replied, snuggling up even closer to Virgil, making him that much more awake and self conscious, both of her body and his.
“Let me go get you another blanket, then.”
This statement made Permafrost cling even more to the electric hero, her arms tightening their hold even more around Static’s body. “Please, just let me stay.” She whispered, her fingers sliding up and down his arms.
Virgil, despite his better judgment, did as she asked, trying as much as he could to relax against her, realizing just how much of a woman Maureen was with her bosom pressed against her back. Her wandering hands didn’t help all that much either, tracing little things into his arms, moving down to his chest, groping and rubbing. All of it made the heroes boxers a very tight place to be.
To Maureen, Static was like the glow of the sun, finally giving her the warmth that she had always wanted, the heat from his body thawing her own frozen form. And with each of her touches, the teen grew hotter, the source of it all moving lower and lower in his body. The girl craved the heat, letting her fingers move to it until she was grasping something quite long and firm in her hands.
“Maureen…” She heard him gasp, his body jumping at the touch. In her hand, the thing pulsed and grew bigger, amazing her both with it’s size and it’s warmth, both of which made a new heat rise within her own body, one that wanted nothing more then to claim Virgil’s heat for her own.
“I want to be warm…” She whispered, letting her other hand join in, both normally cold palms circling the black teen’s stiffness, basking in the feeling of the fire in her fingers.
A whimper escaped her mouth as he broke away, missing the heat that she held, only to be surprised by Virgil’s lips pressing against her own, a new heat finding her as his arms wrapped about her. Her enjoyment only increased as she felt the return of the stiffness she had held pressed against her body, throbbing and pulsing.
When his hands grasped her bosom, Permafrost couldn’t help but let out a coo of pleasure, the feeling of Static’s dark, warm hands pushing under her shirt and against her icy orbs spreading more fire through her body, yearning for more. Her fingers once more grasped around his stiffness, rubbing it through the restraint of his boxers, enjoying its heat.
“Virgil…” She whined, moan’s preventing her from continuing as her shirt ended up on the floor, the black heroes mouth at her breasts. Maureen could feel her nubs hardening his mouth, the heat from his orifice and the rising feeling in her belly causing her to quiver. The ice Bang Baby yelped as she felt Static’s hand move between her legs, brushing up against the source of her heat. With his strong fingers rubbing against her, Maureen could do little more the write and moan in Virgil’s arms, her hips responding to each feel her made.
Laying the girl down before him, Virgil took in all of Permafrost, her stark white hair, blue tinged skin, petite and beautiful breasts, and the silky smooth body against his own. With his errection strong against her thigh, there was nothing the hero could do other then continue their, rubbing his member against the wiggling bang baby.
As his heated thickness pushed into her, Maureen couldn’t help but squeal as she felt the heat invade her body, lending it to her, washing over her. With his kisses returning on her neck and bosom, his length pushing and filling her, she felt her legs wrap around his hips in want, insuring that the warmth would never leave her.
Every time Virgil made to withdraw from the pale woman, Permafrost would grip him back, causing the constant friction and pleasured moans from both, dark meat constantly kissing against the cold, white pussy made molten by his touch. “V-vir…” The icy bang baby gasped, unable to form any more words while her breath left her with each thrust, her hips rising in response, always making her want more.
His hot kiss, burning lips touching hers with a tongue like fire dancing in to her mouth, was all that Maureen could take, her entire being shuddering, gripping onto the length within her, her moans skyrocketing to new heights as she felt his errection push into her, far that it could go, before releasing the most blessed feeling of warmth that the ice cursed woman had ever felt.
Even after the pairs respective highs, both feeling content and pleased, the girl clung to Virgil like a dream, unwilling to let it go even for a second. Once again, the black hero’s heart went out for the girl, his arms cradling about her. “Don’t worry, Maureen.” He muttered again, brushing his hands through her hair. “I’ll always be here for you.”
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