Ben Tan | By : Clayton Category: +1 through F > Ben 10 Views: 25551 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ben 10, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I don’t own these characters or profit from them.
Ben Tan
By, Clayton Overstreet
“Grandpa, are we almost there?” Ben asked.
Max nodded. “Sure are. And once the sun goes down we can work on getting that old air conditioner fixed.”
“Finally,” Gwen said. “It’s been busted all summer. You’d think with all the alien tech in this thing climate control wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Heh,” Max said. “You kids only think that because you’ve never been orbiting a sun when the A/C broke down. The mechanics in space are really expensive.”
They pulled into the parking lot space Max had reserved for the day. Gwen looked out the window at the clear water and hot sand. “Nice. Hey Ben, you might want to see this. Looks like there are a lot of rules here.”
“Oh man, rules at the beach? What is it, no running?” He went to the window. “Roaming lifeguard. Take extreme caution with riptides, dangerous animals, and all safety precautions. Littering is not allowed and will be severely punished. If you encounter animals do not provoke them. Do not provoke the other beach goers. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. No clothing allowed on this beach.” Ben stopped. Gwen froze in place and slowly turned to read the sign too.
“Grandpa!” They both shouted.
Max came out of the back, completely naked except for the towel thrown over his shoulder and his sandals. “What is it? We aren’t under attack again are we?”
“Grandpa this is a nude beach!” Gwen said.
“I know,” he said. “It’s summer and I’m tired of crowded beaches. This one isn’t usually as full as the others around here and I’ve already paid for the parking lot.”
“But grandpa…” Ben started.
“Don’t start with me Ben. For crying out loud, half of the aliens you turn into are naked and it’s never bothered you before. As for you Gwen, that Lucky Girl outfit of yours doesn’t leave much to the imagination either. Now you’re both ten years old…”
“Eleven,” Gwen said.
Ben frowned. “Are you sure? I thought we were ten…”
“Yes, but we had that birthday at the summer camp where the alien mushrooms tried to eat us.”
“Weren’t we still ten after that?”
“No doofus. We aren’t the Simpsons.”
“And I’m sixty one… right?” Max asked. He picked up a water cooler and nodded at the beach umbrellas, suntan lotion, and the other towels. “Now both of you get out of your clothes and help me carry this stuff.” His flip-flops slapped against his feet and his grandkids looked away in disgust as he angled himself to open the door and walk out.
“Okay, didn’t need to see that,” Ben said. Then he sighed and started taking off his shirt.
“Ben, what are you doing?” Gwen yelled.
He rolled his eyes. “Duh, I’m going to the beach.”
“You’re really going to walk out there naked.”
“Gwen, we have two choices. Head out to the beach… or sit in the Rust Bucket with no working fans or cool air.” He bent down to take off his pants. “I would be too hot doing that if I were Heatblast.”
Gwen turned her back, refusing to look at him. “Well I’m staying right here! Maybe I can find a spell to cool it down.”
“Suit yourself.” He hefted most of the other equipment, leaving behind Gwen’s stuff.
Gwen stood there, listening as she heard Ben walk out. She didn’t even turn around for a good thirty seconds as she sweated through her clothes. But out of the corner of her eyes she saw the thermometer on the refrigerator hit the 110-degree mark. Despite her boast she wasn’t sure she could concentrate enough in this heat to cast a spell. “Aw… hey guys! Wait up!” Stripping fast she picked up her beach towel and wrapped it around herself like she had just gotten out of the shower. Groaning and trying to move carefully she picked up her things and followed Ben and Max outside.
They were waiting for her. Max had the keys to the motor home in his hand and once she was out he hit the button so that the whole thing locked down. “I’m not letting this thing get stolen again this summer.” Gwen winced as she realized she was locked outside and away from her clothes now. “Come on, it looks pretty deserted. Only a few dozen people.”
“Only…” Gwen moaned through clenched teeth. Her face was turning red and it had nothing to do with the heat. She glared at Ben, making sure to only look at his face. “How come you’re so calm about this?”
“Like grandpa said, it’s not the first time I’ve been naked in public. Come on Gwen, you’ve ridden on my back a few times like that.”
“Don’t remind me.”
They walked across the sand and Max and Ben started putting up the umbrellas and laying out the towels. Gwen glanced around the beach. There were people everywhere as far as she could see. Most of them were middle aged or older, but a few were older teenagers and some people in their twenties. Nobody was younger than seventeen. She saw a young man running with a red floatation device who must have been the lifeguard. He was actually pretty cute.
Turning back she saw Ben staring down the beach at two teenage girls who were lying out in the sun and tanning themselves. She couldn’t help looking down and after a second looked up again. Ben’s penis had been slowly growing bigger as he looked at them. “Ben, don’t be a pig.”
“I wasn’t!” He tried to deny, reluctantly but quickly looking away. “I was just looking.”
“It’s alright Ben,” Max said. “You can look. It’s perfectly natural. But try not to stare.”
“Grandpa,” Gwen complained.
“Gwen, it’s not that bad. I mean you’ll have to see it some time.” Max sat down on his towel and opened the cooler. Ben took a seat on his left and they both reached into the cooler for sodas. “You want one Gwen?”
“I…” She looked around again. Her arms will still full since she didn’t actually want to stake out a spot. That would mean taking off the towel. Her feet were already uncomfortable in the hot sand and she started to step onto Ben’s.
Ben pushed her foot away. “Get your own towel!”
Gwen looked imploringly at her grandfather’s, but he was almost over the edges himself. She glanced back towards the RV, but it was locked and hotter than the beach. Shifting her feet she screamed, “Fine!” Wincing she quickly set up her umbrella. “But I warn you right now Ben, if you laugh or make any kind of comment I’m wrapping back up and taking your towel to sit on!”
“I won’t,” Ben said.
Gwen undid her towel and in a quick move laid it on the beach. Then she hopped onto it, soothing her feet. “Ah…” She saw Ben staring at her. “What?”
“Nothing,” he said and looked away. Max threw her a soda and she caught it. Undoing the top she drank fast as she felt the breeze from the ocean wash over her. It wasn’t much of a difference if you were measuring it, but compared to the sweltering temperatures she had been experiencing so far today it was very cool. She felt goosebumps and blushed again as her nipples tightened up. Sitting down on the towel she said, “Grandpa this is so embarrassing.”
“Drop it Gwen,” he said. Tossing the kids each a bottle of sunscreen he said, “Make sure you cover everything you don’t want burned.” Ben didn’t hesitate. Gwen watched him squirt almost half his bottle into his hand and then slather it over his chest, neck, face, legs, butt, and finally his penis. It had gone down a bit since he had stopped staring at the girls. Gwen guessed it was about four inches long. Not bad for his age, she assumed. From what they’d heard in health class the average was six and he had barely hit puberty… she looked away quickly. Max was doing the same. “Hey Ben, get my back.”
“Sure thing grandpa. Gwen, get mine. I can’t reach between my shoulder blades enough.”
“What? Oh… uh… sure.” She said. Setting her own down she picked up Ben’s. His was made for boys and smelled like baby oil. She squirted a bit into her hand and started rubbing the white goop on his back. The rest of it on him had already started fading to skin tones.
Gwen rubbed it in and tried not to think about it. Though she had to admit, Ben’s couch potato body had definitely toughened up over the last few weeks. His skin was soft but under it she could feet some real muscle. Grandpa Max had taught him some good fighting moves and he had been sparring with Gwen too so she knew that when they got back he was a lot less likely to get picked on.
She realized she was spacing out and pulled back quickly. Ben turned and stared at her. “What?”
“Hurry up, I want to go swimming,” he said.
“Right,” she said. Well, Ben had done it. If he wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it neither would she. Leaning down she picked up the bottle of strawberry scented lotion and squirted a little into her hand. Absently she worked it on her arms. Max had gotten out a book to read, some mystery novel. Ben watched her apply the lotion.
As she finished her arms and began on her face and neck Gwen saw Ben staring at her and it seemed that he was focusing on her hands. She glanced down and had to keep a poker face when she saw that he was getting turned on again. It surprised her that boy’s nipples got hard too. Still, it was a little flattering, knowing that he was staring at her instead of those two girls.
Well, if he’s going to stare, she thought. I might as well see if I can mess with him. Just playing around of course.
She lay back and squirted a healthy glob on her belly. Setting it aside she used both hands to rub the lotion into her stomach and ribs before she started on her small breasts. They weren’t large. Some of the girls in her class were much bigger… though sometimes she wondered if some of them weren’t using toilet paper to enhance things. But the point was they were there. Rubbing in the suntan lotion she heard Ben’s breath catch.
Smiling she grabbed the bottle and squeezed more into her hands and began working on her legs, lifting them up and working her fingers between each toe. She covered her vagina with a quick swipe that left a bit hung in the patch of curly orange hair there and then rolled over to start working on her back, starting with her butt. When she got above her waist she said, “Your turn.”
“Huh?” Ben blinked. Then he said, “Right. Um… here.” He held out his hand.
Gwen handed him the bottle and for a moment their fingers touched. Both of them froze and looked up at one another’s eyes. Ben swallowed and Gwen’s breathing came a little faster. Then the moment was over and she lay flat on the towel, looking in the opposite direction.
What was that? She wondered. Nothing. It was probably just the heat.
Then Ben’s fingers began rubbing on her back and the heat wouldn’t explain the sudden shiver moving up her spine. He was rubbing slowly, hesitantly. He was probably afraid he would do something she wouldn’t like and she’d turn around and slap him. It wouldn’t be the first time. As it was Gwen could practically feel his eyes on the parts of her body he wasn’t touching. Normal curiosity of course. After all, she’d looked at him and they were naked on the beach. Nobody could resist taking a peek. It was like being in the bath together when they were younger. Everything was completely… Ben’s fingers brushed up against the side of her breast.
“Uh, Ben,” she said, “I think that’s enough.
“Sorry,” he said quickly. “It’s disappearing and hard to tell where you’d already gotten to.”
Sitting up on her knees she said, “That’s okay.”
“Why don’t you two go swimming for an hour?” Max said. “And Ben, no using the Omnitrix.”
“Aw, come on grandpa. I wanted to use Ripjaw and head down to check out the ocean floor.”
“We can do that tomorrow. I saw an advertisement on one of the telephone poles for a glass bottom boat ride.” He reached into the cooler and pulled out a plastic package. “You go swimming, we’ll have lunch when you get back, and then you can play a game of beach volleyball.”
“We should have brought our booby boards.” Ben said. Gwen laughed and Max smirked openly. “I mean boogie boards!”
“Well I’m not going back to the RV,” Max said. He stood up and both kids looked away while he rooted around. “There are some barbeque pits here. I’ll cook up some burgers and hotdogs.” Gwen snorted and looked away from them. “You two go have fun now. I’ll call when the food is ready.”
“Okay grandpa,” they both said. Ben turned to look at Gwen. “Race ya there!” They leapt up and kicked off their sandals, running over the searing sand. Gwen was slower; afraid someone was watching her. But looking around she saw that nobody even glanced at them. When she looked back Ben was running backwards and his eyes quickly went back up to her face. “Come on slow poke!”
Looking up at his face just as quickly she said, “Ben, I’m not in the mood to race.”
His feet hitting the water, Ben said, “You say that now that you’re losing.”
Gwen glared at him and jumped forward, pushing against his chest so that he landed back in the water. Ben splashed down just as a wave came up and covered his head. He popped back up sputtering. “Low blow!” Kicking out he got her ankles and sent Gwen falling into the sand. She felt her butt hit the hot sand and jumped back up, rushing forward into the water. Ben tripped her as she passed and she fell face first.
“Truce!” She called as she pushed herself up.
Ben started to splash her, but paused. “Well… okay. For now.” He shook himself, dislodging some of the wet sand. Then he dived forward into the water and started swimming out.
Gwen joined him a little while later. Strangely enough, ever since she started using magic she had found that she floated no matter what. Unless she was really trying to swim down she floated back to the surface like she was made of wood or something. Grandpa Max had told her that was one of the ways the old witch hunters used to recognize a witch. Of course the downside was that if you were guilty then they just had to fish you back out and if you weren’t you drowned.
Ben stopped and said, “Man, grandpa was right. I think this is the fewest people we’ve seen at a beach all summer. Nobody else is even out here swimming.”
“What do you expect? It’s a nude beach. And the waves aren’t exactly huge.”
“Yeah. Think it’s a good idea for grandpa to be making hotdogs?” He grinned at her.
Gwen giggled. “At least he didn’t bring any cocktail weenies.” Ben laughed and then stopped fast.
“Hey, I can’t make comments about you!”
“Ben, I’m not.”
“But you said…”
“Ben, you’re not that-” She shut her mouth. “I wasn’t talking about you.”
He turned away from her. “Yeah right.”
“Ben, I’m not going to keep apologizing. You may be a disgusting jerk and the biggest dweeb on the planet, but you aren’t that bad looking. So will you just let it go?”
“Well… okay.” He treaded water. “And you know… you’re not that bad either. For a computer dweeb.”
Gwen smiled at him. “Thanks.” Then they both made eye contact again. “Uh, I think I’ll go swim over here so we don’t start fighting again.”
“Right,” Ben said. “And I’ll… I’ll go over there.” They split up, swimming away from one another.
About twenty minutes later Gwen was lying on her back, soaking up the sun as she floated on the water. A little ways away she could see Ben doing the same thing, though his dead man’s float meant he was bobbing in and out. They both kicked occasionally, to keep from being pulled out to sea and incase anybody was worried about them. But the lifeguard had moved on down the beach and Max knew that neither of his grandkids would have any trouble.
With no kids around and no toys to play with there wasn’t much to do except float around. She absently pushed at the water, working her way back over to her cousin. When she was close enough she called out, “It’s kind of nice, isn’t it?”
“I guess,” Ben said. “But I’m feeling…edgy. Like I want to hit somebody or something.” In the water she saw one of his feet shaking back and forth out of boredom. “I wish grandpa would let me use the Omnitrix or something.”
“Well you can’t,” she said. “The last thing we need is some searcher drone or alien bounty hunter showing up and ruining a peaceful day like this one.” Ben’s eyes were closed as they floated past one another.
Nervously Gwen looked over Ben’s body. She knew what boys looked like naked. She owned a computer after all. And she’d seen him out of his clothes before. Those times had been by accident though and usually while they were in a life or death situation. She had just laughed at him. But floating there in the water, it felt different. The way his arms and legs gently kicked in the water. They were just lying there, relaxed and alone. They were far enough out that grandpa Max and the people on the beach could only just see them.
She made sure Ben’s eyes were still closed and then looked down at his legs again. He was still hard from the beach. Or maybe he had just gotten turned on again. Hadn’t she read somewhere that the average person thought about sex several times a minute? Either way it was sticking up, bobbing in and out of the water with his hips.
“What are you looking at?” Ben asked. Gwen glanced up and saw that he was looking at her.
“Nothing. I was just looking.” She saw his eyes move over her. “What are you looking at?”
“You,” he admitted. Then he blushed and turned away. “Nothing else to look at out here. Besides, for a second I thought you were some kind of weird sea monster.”
Gwen turned in the water. “Oh yeah?”
Ben began treading again too. “Yeah!”
Gwen splashed him. She didn’t know why, but something about the way he said that made her angry. Then he splashed her back. Seconds later they had completely forgotten about the brief argument and were focused entirely on drowning one another. Gwen kicked her legs and Ben waved his arms through the water.
Then Ben jumped forward and tackled her, dragging her down into the cold water. Gwen had seen it coming in time to catch her breath before he dragged her down. Once under she bent in half and grabbed his leg, reaching down to tickle his foot. Ben kicked her hands away and together they both headed up for the surface at full speed.
As they broke the surface they took deep breaths and then started laughing. Swimming face to face, only inches apart Ben said, “That was great!”
“Yeah, it feels good to really let go every now and then,” Gwen said. Her legs brushed against Ben’s in the water and she felt her chest bumps his.
Neither of them moved away this time. They were smiling and looking into one another’s eyes. Both of them had gotten their breath back, but somehow their breathing wasn’t slowing down. Ben kicked forward, just a bit, and Gwen felt something poke her leg. It wasn’t one of his toes. She didn’t move away.
“Gwen,” Ben said.
“Uh, yeah Ben?”
“I was wondering…” Ben bit his lip. “Do you mind if I… you know, just to see what it’s like, not cause I like you or anything…”
“If you what?” She asked. Slowly she leaned in, the very tips of her nipples lightly touching his.
“I wanted to know if I could… you know… um…”
“Hey kids!” They heard a distant voice call out and turned to see their grandpa waving at them from the beach. “Lunch!”
“Coming grandpa!” They shouted. Gwen was going to ask Ben what he’d been going to say, but saw him twist in the water and immediately start swimming back.
Taking a deep breath, her heart pounding against her chest, Gwen watched him for a minute. Then she followed him to the beach.
Max had set the plate of food on top of the cooler, which was now mostly full of sodas and melted ice. Ben and Gwen jumped out of the water and made a dash across the hot sand to their towels. “Hot! Hot! Hot!”
Ben landed with a sigh of relief and Gwen tried to look dignified, but was no less relieved. The coolness of the water had worn off fast.
“I saw you two out there,” Max said.
Both of them went rigid and said, “You did?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t see too well. My old eyes aren’t what they used to be, but it looked like you two were having fun. Honestly though, for a second I was afraid you’d really kill each other. You should be more careful splashing around like that. The lifeguard could think you were in trouble.”
“Sorry grandpa,” they said.
He handed out the food and they put on their toppings. Ben and Gwen ate in silence, not looking at each other. Gwen absently traces the tip of one toe in the hot sand. She looked calm, but inside she was thinking about what had happened in the water. What had Ben been about to say? Was he going to ask if he could kiss her? Or maybe he was going to ask if he could touch her. She knew a lot of boys wanted to know what breasts and other girl parts felt like. To tell the truth, even if it was just in her own head, she wondered what Ben’s body felt like.
But then she got a little mad. Ben was just the kind of pervert who would do something like that. Not a romantic kiss. He’d probably want to grope her or something. I’d even bet that’s why he jumped me in the water, she thought. Lousy stinking…
“What?” She asked turning.
Max said, “Do you want this last hot dog or should I let Ben have it?”
She still had half of her hotdog in her hand. “No, it’s fine grandpa.”
Ben and Max looked at each other. Then they shrugged and Ben snagged the last hunk of food. Gwen stared out into space, a frown on her face. Absently she would take an occasional bite of her hotdog until it was gone.
When the food had settled Max brought out the beach ball and handed it to the kids. Ben tore open the package and started blowing into it until his face turned red. “Hey grandpa, it’s not filling up.”
Gwen snatched it away. “You’re doing it wrong bonehead. You have to squeeze it when you blow or the plug blocks all the air. Like this.” She brought the plug up to her lips and squeezed it between her fingers. Wrapping her lips around it she blew hard and the ball started to fill up. It took a long time. Max had bought a really big one and she was almost out of breath when she finally passed it to Ben.
He took it and started blowing, but in between he kept squeezing it. “Not like that idiot! You’ll let all the air out.”
It took another five minutes but they eventually filled it all the way. When they did it was five feet across. Max got up and said, “Okay then, lets have some fun.” All three of them ran down to the water’s edge, enjoying the feel of their feet being cooled in the water. When they were ready Max tossed the ball up and they ran around under it, hitting it back and forth. Sometimes it would fall in the water, but the waves weren’t bad and they easily retrieved it and started over.
Max eventually called a time out. “You guys keep going.” He looked up at the sky. “I’d say its about three. Will you two be okay here while I head back and work on the Rust Bucket?”
“Sure grandpa,” Ben said.
“No problem,” Gwen agreed.
“Okay. I brought some money. It’s under the cooler. When you two are ready there’s an icecream truck that’s been driving back and forth on the road by the beach.” He winked. “And tonight we’ll do pizza. I know you guys really don’t like my special foods. But since you gave this beach a try I figure you’ve earned a treat.”
“Thanks grandpa!” They said happily.
“You two can thank me by cleaning up our little campsite when it’s time to go. Now I’ll be back for you at sunset. That’s in three hours. Are you sure you’ll be okay until then.”
“As long as you don’t see any UFOs or hear any explosions,” Gwen said. The summer had been a learning experience to say the least.
“Okay then. You two have fun.” He put on his sandals and walked back up the beach, over the road, and out of sight.
Ben and Gwen went back to playing for a minute, but then Gwen snatched the ball out of the air and held it in front of her. Ben asked, “What are you doing?”
“Blocking your view. You keep staring at me.”
“No I’m not,” he said. Then he added, “No more than you’re looking at me.”
She nodded. “I know.” Then she looked away. “Ben, back out in the water…”
“I’m sorry!” He said quickly. “I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“It’s okay. Neither was I. I mean… we’re cousins right?” She smirked halfheartedly.
“Yeah. I mean, besides,” he added. “You’re already so ugly that if we had kids they’d probably come out looking like Ripjaw.”
Gwen could tell Ben didn’t mean that. He was just trying to change the subject. But she was feeling uncomfortable and the urge to play had gone out of her. She heard bells and looked up. “Come on dweeb. Lets go get some icecream.” They set the ball back on their blankets and found five dollars under the cooler. Putting on their shoes they walked up to the side of the road and waited patiently for the icecream truck. When it got there Gwen got a snow cone and Ben snagged a large icecream sandwich. He held onto the change in his spare hand and the two of them walked along the beach slowly, eating as they went. They didn’t talk, using their food to avoid awkward questions.
Suddenly they saw something disc-shaped fly overhead. Both of them flinched and prepared to move, but then realized it was just a Frisbee.
“Wow, heart attack much,” Gwen said. She smiled over at Ben. “Remember the good old days when we didn’t think evil aliens were going to come blasting out of the sky at any second?”
“No-“ Ben started. Suddenly someone barreled into his back and knocked him into the sand. Half his icecream went flying; lost in the dirt.
“Hey kid, watch it!” Gwen saw an older boy, about eighteen, standing there glaring down at Ben. Ben was face down in the sand, but he picked himself up quickly, flinching his naked body away from the burning beach.
Gwen glared at him. “Why don’t you watch it pal? It was your fault.”
Another guy and a girl the same age as the first came running up. The girl said, “Hey Rick, you dropped the Frisbee!”
“Not my fault. I tripped over this little kid.”
“I’m not a little kid.”
The girl smiled. “Yeah Rick, can’t you see? He’s a young man.” Bending over so that her breasts and long blond hair hung down she winked at Ben. “Hi. I’m Stephanie.”
The second guy said, “Stop teasing the kid Steph.”
“Come on Dave, I’m just having fun.” She stood back up. “Besides, he’s obviously here with his little girlfriend.”
Rick smirked. “Shouldn’t you kids be at one of the other beaches? This place is for grownups.”
“So why are you here?” Ben asked. Gwen stared at him. This guy was easily three times bigger than they were. What was making Ben think he could fight with them? Then she saw him reaching for the Omnitrix.
“Look kid, we’ll leave you alone. All you have to do is apologize for tripping me and go fetch our Frisbee.”
“Or I could pound you into the sand,” Ben snarled. “I’d also make you pay for my icecream, but you don’t have any pockets.”
“Oh, a tough guy,” Stephanie said.
Ben reached for his wrist. Gwen said, “Ben, don’t…” He stopped.
“You’d better listen to her,” Dave said.
“She just doesn’t want me to hurt you too bad.”
“You little punk!” Rick said and reached for him.
Ben moved, but he didn’t hit his watch. Instead he grabbed Rick’s wrist and twisted. Gwen recognized the move their grandfather had taught them. Rick dropped to one knee in the sand. His friend, realizing that Ben wasn’t playing around, moved to help, but Ben rolled over Rick’s back and kicked him in the stomach, dropping him coughing into the sand.
Stephanie, no longer playing, said, “Let him go you little brat.”
“Hey Malibu Barbie!” Gwen said and grabbed her hair. Stephanie swung around with her long painted nails to scratch Gwen. Meanwhile Rick was twisting out of Ben’s hold. He had been caught by surprise and even as trained as Ben was, he obviously had the advantage. Ben let him go and jumped back into a defensive position. Dave was also picking himself up and he had murder in his eyes.
Just then a loud whistle blew and all five of them turned and saw the lifeguard running towards them. When he got there he stared around him. “What’s going on here?”
“This little brat tripped me as we walked past.”
“That’s not true,” Gwen said. “We were eating our icecream when these guys slammed into us. Then they started bossing us around and…”
“It was nothing,” Ben said. Gwen turned and stared at him. “Right guys? It was just a misunderstanding.”
Rick stared at him, then looked at the lifeguard. “Right. It was nothing.”
The lifeguard obviously didn’t believe them. “Okay. But…” he turned to the group of older people. “I’ll be watching you. Why don’t you three go back to your things? Weren’t you at the party up the beach?” He looked at Ben and Gwen. “And where are your parents?”
“We’re here with our grandpa,” Ben said. “He’s working on the air conditioner in our RV.”
“Okay. You two go back to your spot too. And I want all of you to stay away from one another.”
“Sure,” Gwen said absently. She glared at the other group, watching them walk away while Ben bent down to retrieve the change he’d dropped. When the lifeguard left she said, “Ben, what was that all about? You go all macho and pick a fight with those guys and then you just drop it?”
He shrugged. “Whatever. They were jerks and so not worth it.” He smiled at her. “Nice moves by the way.”
Gwen blushed and looked away. “It was nothing.” She kicked her snow cone where it had fallen into the sand. “We’d better pick up the wrappers. We’re not supposed to litter.” Back on their towels they snagged the last two sodas and lay back, staring out at the beach. After a while Gwen asked, “Ben, really, why didn’t you keep fighting that guy? Usually you’ll look for any excuse to go hero.”
“That’s just it. You know we’ve been at this a while and I guess I’m growing up.” He smiled. “A little anyway. Besides, we’ve fought aliens, monsters, and dark wizards. Using the Omnitrix on a couple of people at the beach seems kind of stupid.”
“Well, I was really impressed. And it looked really cool when you took those two down.” She kept her eyes on the ocean.
“Yeah,” she said. “Of course in another second he’d have had your face back in the sand while he kicked your butt. Cause you’re still pretty scrawny.”
“So? We went to the future. I grow up to be pretty buff.”
“And I was even more gorgeous than I am now,” Gwen said with her nose in the air.
“Yeah, well miracles happen,” Ben said. “Of course I’ll bet you used magic or had some work done.” He ducked the empty plastic bottle that flew at his head. “Just kidding.”
“Well stop it,” she said. “The only thing funny about you are your looks and your smell.”
“That’s because you don’t have a sense of humor brain queen.”
Gwen sighed and rolled over, laying down on her stomach. “I’m going to sunbathe for a while.”
“Whatever,” Ben said. He lay back with his arms crossed under his head. .
They weren’t sure when they fell asleep, but they woke up with Max looking down at them. He was back in his Hawaiian shirt outfit. “Well, looks like you two decided to take a nap.”
“Grandpa?” Ben said. He opened his eyes and saw that the sun was almost gone.
Gwen groaned. “What time is…Ow!” Sitting up she felt a burning pain shoot down her back.
“You fell asleep in the sun,” Max said. “That was a silly thing to do.”
Ben moaned and sat up. “Ouch! It hurts everywhere!”
“That’ll happen.” Despite the pain Max still made them pick up the stuff and carry it to the RV. “I got the AC working at least.”
“Just in time for night,” Gwen said. She and Ben took seats at the small eating table.
Ben said. “I’m starving. Weren’t you going to get pizza?”
“It’s on its way. In the mean time don’t worry. I saw some aloe growing a little way down the road.” He reached into a drawer and pulled out some thick leaves. “This’ll help take down the itching.”
“How?” Ben asked.
“Just squeeze them until the clear liquid at the base oozes out. Then just rub it on. It’s best if you do each other.”
“Why?” Gwen asked.
“Cause you’ll be too cautious otherwise.” He shrugged. “Or you can just live with it and put your clothes back on.”
“No!” They both shouted.
“Grandpa that would hurt!” Gwen said.
Ben nodded. “I think we’ll try the aloe.” They moved to the back of the RV, taking the leaves with them.
“Me first,” Gwen said. She turned her back to Ben and lay down. Her front was nicely tanned, but fro the neck down her back looked like someone had painted her. Ben reached out and touched her with one finger. It felt like she was on fire and left a brief white spot. “Ow! Knock it off lamebrain! Just rub on the stuff.”
“Right,” Ben said. He squeezed the leaf and pressed the wet part to her back. She hissed for a second and then relaxed. “Oh that feels good. Nice and cool.” Ben slowly and carefully spread the clear ooze over her back. She didn’t even mention it when he did her butt and over her legs.
When she was done he said, “I think I’ll do my own.”
“Are you sure?” She asked. She looked over his front. “You look like you gave Heatblast a bear hug.”
“I’ll be fine,” He said.
Max turned on the radio while they did that, waiting for the pizza boy to show up. When the kid finally showed up he paid him off and brought the pizza back to them. “Are you two okay?”
“We’re fine grandpa,” Ben said. He took a slice of pizza. “So where to next.”
“Tomorrow we’ll go sailing and take a look at the seafloor like Ben wanted. That should be fun.”
“Right,” Gwen said. “As long as we can wear clothing.”
“Deal,” Max said.
That night Max was snoring, but Ben and Gwen were wide-awake. They lay in their beds, listening to him snore. Gwen wondered what she should do. Any idiot, even Ben, could see what was happening. She was…. Okay, I can admit this, she thought… she was in love with Ben. Despite what she always said she knew he wasn’t too much of a dweeb. He was just a boy, which admittedly was usually the same thing.
The fact that he was her cousin was more worrying, but considering how their summer had gone the chances of them living with the embarrassment would be slim. And really if they ever had kids they could just pretend she was ‘Aunt Gwen’ or something…
So what now? Did she just ignore this? Ben obviously felt it too. Or did she do what she really wanted, slip over to his bed, and…
“Gwen?” Ben was standing next to her bed.
Nervously she looked up at him. “Uh… hi.”
Ben smiled. “You are such a geek.” Then to her surprise he leaned down and kissed her.
Gwen’s heart beat in her chest. She wasn’t sure what to do, so she just went along with it. Her breathing got heavy through her nose as her eyes closed and she felt Ben’s too. His face was really warm from the sunburn.
Ben pulled back and said, “Night Gwen.”
“Night Ben,” she said with a smile.” She watched him slip back into bed and then they both quickly curled up and went to sleep.
Author’s note:
Damn and you thought Vilgax was evil. Yes, that’s the end of the fic. They’re 11 you perv! You want a fic from me where they have actual sex? Let’s see how Ben 10 Alien Force goes. There WILL BE NO SEX in this fc or a sequel.
So how did I do on this?
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