Pounce | By : DecieverGod Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > Het - Male/Female > Katara/Zuko Views: 12853 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Inspired in part by http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pic-14723.html
Author’s Comment: It was inspired by that picture, but I never quite got the feeling that I could make that image happen. I got close though. Also my beta reader has no internet for a while, which means two things, one this hasn’t been Beta read, it’s just had me stare at it for hours on end. Two, A Firebender’s Passion, will be updated again; just it will be all at once and in the future. PS: There it's a little better edited, I got ride of at least one instance of actions being repeated. And I have a beta reader... She just doesn't have access to the internet right now...
Katara walked through the woods, she needed to get some water for her pouch, it was late, Sokka and Aang were on the verge of sleep, so she wanted to be quick and get the water as fast as she could, there was a large creek near their camp that had beautiful clear water and that was her target.
Zuko’s uncle had been annoying, trying to teach him life lessons that he really needed to listen to again. So he'd stormed off in a huff and was currently sitting cross-legged on the sore of a nice large creek near his camp. He was currently meditating quietly listening to the sounds of the forest and creek.
Katara marched onto the bank of the creek but was caught by surprise. She jumped back into the bushes instinctively hiding as she saw someone sitting on the opposite side of the creek; she looked out from the bushes to see if the person had seen her. She also wanted to see who the person was; the moon was nice and half full and lit up the forest nicely.
Zuko sat meditating. He was sort of listening to the sounds of nature, sort of meditating, and sort of sleeping. He was a disciplined warrior, but he wasn't a terribly focused one. He slowly breathed in and out and tried not to nod off as his head bobbed up and down as he kept not falling asleep.
Katara recognized him and glared. She felt her blood boil as she clenched her fist. It was Zuko, and he was vulnerable as far as she could tell, she looked about for a way to get behind him and she found it. She started sneaking up stream so she could cross into the dark woods behind him without him noticing and sneak up on him.
Zuko sighed, opening his eyes and yawning. He stretched cracking his neck and back as he stood up shacking his legs out. Then he looked around and sat back down, leaning back against a tree. He sighed again, this time more out of tired boredom than anything else.
Katara was far enough away now; she snuck across the creek, bending the water out of her way so she wouldn't make any unnecessary splashing noises. Once on the bank Zuko was on, she dashed into the trees, heading back in his direction to catch him off guard. Her attack was un-provoked but he had a lot of things coming to him.
Zuko yawned; he was vaguely tired, and sort of hungry, but he crossed his arms and humphed. He wasn't going to go back to his uncle any time tonight. The very idea... That he had a crush on that water bender girl. And all he said was that it was a shame they had to be enemies...
Katara snuck up silently, things were going so smoothly she almost giggled aloud. The sounds of the nighttime forest were covering up any noise she was making, when a twig snapped under her feet a cowdeer jetted away from her, she was a tree away from him and could see him clearly leaning against a tree near the creek. She had to get closer, once she did she could use the creek as a weapon to trap him. Zuko glanced over to the cowdeer. He crossed his arms and growled quietly.
Katara stepped a bit closer and when she got as close as she dared, she raised her hands, and in an instant a big wave from the creek splashed over Zuko.
Zuko gargled water in surprise. He instinctively heated himself up and tried to spray fire into the water to make it evaporate, but failed. There was just too much water, and he wasn’t at all prepared.
Katara kept at it, pushing more and more water over him, hoping to completely overwhelm him and then she'd freeze him down so she could gloat or make fun of him or whatever she felt like doing.
Zuko struggled to keep his head above water. Truth be told he was a pretty good swimmer, he had been in the navy, but it was harder when there was a tree behind you and the lake was fighting back. He kept his head above water but couldn't get a stance to throw any fire back, plus the night, diminished his powers.
Katara finally decided it was time and froze a large amount of the water around him, pinning him to the tree. She made sure his body was spread as such so that he couldn't do any bending except maybe with his face, but she could just freeze it too, if push came to shove. She stepped out in front of him and glared up at him angrily "Gotcha"
Zuko "You! You little water bending..." He ended his sentence there because if he'd continued it the censors would have been mad at him, and so would his uncle. "What are you doing here?! Why did you attack me?!" He would have asked what he'd ever done to her, but then he remembered a couple dozen things, just off hand, and shut up. He was taking deep breaths just above fire breathing, trying to keep himself warm while he was encased in ice.
Katara placed her hands on her hips and smirked. "The great Prince Zuko caught of his guard, how lucky I am." She stepped forward and cracked her knuckles, despite how much it hurt to. She tilted her head up at him as she stepped into arms reach and gave him a good slap across the face
Zuko his face a little red from both the slap and embarrassment. "You won't be feeling so lucky once the sun rises!" He snapped at her like a caged animal. Calmly glaring at her while he kept his deep breaths up. You could see his breath, but he was trapped in a giant ice cube so that wasn’t really unexpected.
Katara smiled. "What makes you think I’ll still be here, after I’m done beating on you I am so going to... oh who am I kidding." She sighed and hung her head as she moved her hands up, she slowly made the ice melt and sent it back into the creek, she looked disgusted with herself. She didn’t really know why she’d attacked him in the first place…
Zuko rubbed his arms. "Hmm? Thanks?" he blinked, and looked at her confused.
Katara sighed. "Yeah... whatever.” She took a few steps away from him and got into a stance, she was expecting him to attack her or run, either way she was going to stop him though she wouldn’t be able to tell you why. It was instinct.
Zuko figured if he tried to run she would try to stop him, and he couldn't take her one on one at night. "Why?"
Katara got out of her stance slowly. “It’s cowardly to beat you while you’re frozen and can't move. I’m not like that... I was just... angry... seeing you after all you've done to me and my friends..." She grit her teeth and looked like she was about to smack him again.
Zuko "Yeah... about that? You wouldn't happen to want to repent your years of Fire Nation disobedience and surrender the avatar to me would you?" He rubbed his arms, they were still kind of cold, so were his legs but they were out of reach.
Katara stormed up to him and did actually slap him as hard as she could in the face. “Like hell I’d ever do something like that you jerk!!!"
Zuko rubbed his cheek and smirked. "Yeah, I kind of thought that would be your reaction." He shrugged smugly.
Katara stomped on his foot and turned marching away from him.
"OW!" Zuko hopped around on one foot. "Is there any other part of me you'd like to smack?!"
Katara spun around and marched back up to him, kicking him in the leg he was hopping on and put her hands on her hips. “you bastard!"
Zuko hopped back and leaned against the three he'd been sitting under earlier. "Ow..."
Katara glared at him. "Keep pushing it, ‘cause I will hit you below the belt"
"You wouldn't dare." Zuko glared at her and stood firmly on two feet. Legs spread a little daring her.
Katara puffed up and took a few steps towards him. "oh just try me flame boy"
"You've got no spine jellyfish girl." Zuko leaned in toward her.
Katara with one well placed punch, jab him in the nuts and turned marching away "Jellyfish girl that hot head"
Zuko smirked and crossed his arms. He was wearing a metal cup. Standard for all fire bender’s armor.
Katara ignore the stinging pain in her hand and spun around, bending the creek back at him, this time it was in the form of large very sharp ice spikes
Zuko dropped into his stance and started A: dodging, and B: throwing fire at what he could. He landed somewhere between the two, as he didn’t completely succeed at either.
Katara’s hand was throbbing as she took nearly the entire creek out of the bed it ran through and flooded him, she was irritated now, he had made a fool of her and she might have broken a knuckle.
Zuko paled and looked altogether meek as the entire creek came splashing down on his head. There was nothing he could really do to prevent it, it was an entire creek and he was just one fire bender.
Katara moved the water around, she had trouble controlling such a large amount but she finally swept him and the water back into the creek bed.
Zuko popped up into the middle of the creek bobbing like a log, he coughed and sputtered water. Kicking and stroking for the shore, his heavy metal armor making it extremely difficult. "What was that for?!"
Katara inspected her bleeding knuckles and ignored him, pouting slightly.
Zuko swam over to the creek shore over by where she was, wadding out of the water taking his armor off as he stormed over to the tree he'd leaned against. Shucking off his damp armor as puddles of water poured out of his shoulder pads and boots.
Katara walked over to a tree and leaned against it, sucking on her bloodied knuckle, when she had hit his cup, she had swung hard, really wanting to bust a nut with it.
Zuko reached down his pants and adjusted his cup. He was pretty sure she'd dented it, but the lake smashing down on his head had moved it uncomfortably and he was pretty sure there was a fish trapped in it now.
Katara winced as her knuckles stung as she sucked and licked at it, she was ignoring him, trying to not get mad at him again.
Zuko adjusted himself and then turned back over to her; he no longer wore a shirt. It was dripping dry from a tree branch. "So." he seemed grumpy, well, more so than usual.
Katara hmph'd and turned away from him, pouting and licking at her bloodied knuckle slowly.
Zuko "would you like me to cauterize that?" he sighed, knowing she could have healed it if she wanted, but he felt he needed to offer. It had been a low blow, on both sides.
Katara sighed and looked at him, her tongue flicked lazily over it one last time before she held out her hand. "Fine" Her lips were died a nice bright blood red, from sucking on her wound.
Zuko smirked, and snapped his fingers a small flame no bigger than that of a candle's flickered to life on the end of his index finger. He then pressed it down into her wound holding her hand still with his other fist. It hissed and sizzled sealing the wound.
Katara gasped and tried to jerk from him, she grimaced and bit her bottom lip so she wouldn't whimper or make any weak noises.
Zuko pulled his hands off her once he was done, he'd cauterized a few of his own wounds, and it wasn't a fun thing to do.
Katara hissed softly and walked around him to the creek, she felt so humiliated that he had helped her.
Zuko "There, now then. Why haven't you attacked me?" He was too confused to put up with it at the moment, he wanted a few answers.
Katara continued to ignore him and dipped her hand into the water, she sighed and tilted her head back. Closing her eyes as she let to cool water rush over her hand, and maybe using a little water bending to heal it.
Zuko continued to meander around plotting silently. He wanted to know how he was going to get out of this. He couldn't possibly wait until dawn...
Katara finally stood up and looked at him. “stop pacing like some caged tiger, it's not like I’m keeping you here"
Zuko "so... I can just leave?" He gestured to the way back to his camp. "Right now?" He took a step toward his camp. "And you won't stop me?"
Katara shook her head. “No I won't… and thank you." She didn't want to see his face and she started blushing, she was embarrassed and feeling a bit timid around him for some weird reason, it's not like him helping her meant anything “but if you want...you can stay...and I won't attack you anymore"
Zuko took a few steps toward her. "Not anymore tonight?"
Katara nodded. “yeah....you did help me"
Zuko "So... I could go and capture the avatar and you wouldn't attack me?" This was his attempt at a joke.
Katara frowned "No, I won't attack you as long as you stay here, you pull anything and I’m going to take you out.” She glared at him " oh never mind just go"
Zuko paused to reflect on what had just been said to him. "You just insulted me didn't you?"
Katara looked blankly at him and sighed “take it however you want"
Zuko "You know, you're probably the only girl who threatens me... Well that I've met, since my banishment. Who didn't have a price…" By have a price he was talking about Jun the bounty hunter.
Katara blinked at him and tilted her head “you know...you're pretty weird"
Zuko "Says the girl who attacks people in the middle of the night." His eye brow twitched as he leaned over next to her. "Besides I'm royalty. What's your excuse?"
Katara smiled "I'm a girl."
Zuko "What proof do you have?" He narrowed his eyes at her. Now he was just being silly, but he liked being silly when the occasion called for it. And in truth it was generally how he acted around girls. On his last date, he'd tried to juggle after all. Though this wasn't really a date...
Katara giggled. "I don't have to prove anything to you.” She smirked at him playfully, she could tell he was being silly, it was a nice change
Zuko "yes you do." he smirked, leaning back and crossing his arms.
Katara smiled and stood up, she reached into her shirt and untied her bandaging, she was inviting him to practically stare at her chest as it became unbound and grew in size exponentially.
Zuko very pointedly didn't stare at her chest. "Please, I am royalty after all." he smirked and got an idea. A hand disappeared down his pants as he took his cup off, his pants were rather right so the removal of his cup showed off how impressively sized his package was. Turned out there wasn’t a fish.
Katara was not royal and her eyes shot down to his crotch, she blushed and gently smacked his shoulder. “Zuko!!”
Zuko "please... Prince Zuko." he smirked and struck a posed.
Katara laughed “then call me Katara....not water bender girl or whatever you call me"
Zuko "most of what I call you." he looked her up and down. "Is not for ears as young as yours." he smirked and crossed his arms.
Katara leaned towards him, pushing her chest up and together, causing the her cleavage to show, she pouted up at him “not for my ears...try me...I want to know"
Zuko "skanky damp annoying bitch with far too nice an ass." he spouted it out like it was his standard name for her.
Katara blinked a bit then laughed and held her stomach, he was funny, and his names for her were even funnier.
Zuko "what?" He looked at her. "What do you call me?"
Katara held up her hand and pointed at her fingers as she went “arrogant, pompous, hot headed, idiotic, bastard, pedofiling ass faced, jerk"
Zuko nodded along with her names for him until. "Pedofiling ass face? When did I get that one?"
Katara shrugged "Stems from my brother thinking you have the hots for Aang"
Zuko "Aang? The Avatar. Ew..." He shook all over. "No, I like girls, preferably lots of girls." He put a hand on his chin picturing something. "At the same time or separately." Obsessed prince or not, he was a teenager.
Katara laughed and shoved him lightly. "Well we all figured with all your ‘Where's the avatar!? Have you seen the avatar!? are you hiding the avatar?’ that you were a little too into Aang."
Zuko "Ew again. No I just need to bludgeon him to within an inch of his life than drag him back to the fire nation where I will be reinstated as heir to the throne, and he will be imprisoned for the rest of his natural life."
Katara made the "blah blah blah" gesture as he spoke.
Zuko totally noticed her actions. "And then I will take you as either my wife or concubine and have that other one become my sister's man servant. For however long he can stay alive with that job."
Katara blushed a lot and smacked him in the shoulder “Sh-shut up you!!"
Zuko smirked. "Just making sure you're paying attention."
Katara pouted and got an idea, she began to disrobe.
Zuko raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" he took a step back from her.
Katara smiled innocently and ignored him, she was down to her underwear in an instant, the bandaging hung loosely at her chest, and she had a crotch strap on. She headed toward the water.
Zuko kept his eyebrow raised and watched her; he sighed and leaned against at tree. Figuring that she was just going to take a bath, or give him a strip tease, either of which he was cool with.
Katara stepped into the water, and let the bandaging on her chest fall off her and slid into the water, slowly slithering down stream with the current like a strange white snake.
Zuko "you've lost your bandages." He smirked pointing to them floating down stream.
Katara smirked back. "oops... look it that.” She ignored it and began to bend the water to slide over her smooth caramel skin.
Zuko stood there leaning against a tree watching her. "You know, for a member of my arch foes. You're not acting much like we're arch anythings."
Katara sighed. "you’re not either, if you try anything I don't approve of I’m going to harm you, so I’m not to worried about you being here."
Zuko "Hey what happened to not attacking me any more?" He smirked, wondering if maybe he should put his cup back.
Katara smiled. “I’m going to defend myself if you attack me; I meant no more non-physically provoked attacks."
Zuko "ahh." He smirked leaning off the tree. He walked over to the edge of the water and kicked off his socks. "Well mind if I join you?"
Katara smiled. "Not at all" she stopped bending the water and started scooping up handfuls and letting it drip down her body, her crotch strap was steadily growing see through.
Zuko smirked; it was his turn to do something naughty. He pulled his pants down, showing off his nice package in nothing but a pair of maroon black boxers.
Katara blushed but hid it well and cleared her throat, making it a goal not to look at his crotch no matter how badly it drew attention to itself
Zuko kicked his pants off staying above the water for just long enough to be tempting. Then he waded out into the creek.
Katara nibbled her bottom lip and decided she'd do the first move, she slowly started removing her crotch strap, and the water was up to her thighs so she could be seen well enough.
Zuko smirked at her, but put his hands in front of him and closed his eyes concentrating. Then a cloud of steam burst off of the entire surface of the creek.
Katara eep'd and stopped removing her crotch strap, she waved her hand about trying to dispel the steam.
Zuko smirked chuckling in the steam.
Katara pouted and sat down in the water, so only her head from below her nose up could be seen.
Zuko's boxers floated past her.
Katara saw them and smiled, she removed her clothes from under the water, they popped up to the surface and floated away along with his boxers.
Zuko "you didn't think I was going to get naked the in cold water of a lake?" He smirked his location hidden by the steam. "I am royalty after all. I had to heat it first."
Katara made the blah blah gesture again and pouted. Zuko couldn't see her so he didn't know she was mocking him again. Katara waved the steam away from her more as she continued to pout. 'Something' possibly Zuko pinched her rear. Katara eep'd and swung around at anything behind her. "Where are you?" 'Something' slid a finger between her thighs from underwater. Katara gasped and closed her legs together tightly. 'Something' slid a finger tip over one of her nipples. Katara arched and squirmed trying to get away from whatever it was “knock it off!!" Zuko leaned in behind her, pressing his body against hers and his penis between her rear cheeks.
"Ok." Katara gasped and closed her eyes, her body went ridged, she should have expected this much, but she wasn't really thinking "Z-Zuko?"
Zuko smirked, taking one of her wrists in each of his hands. "Yes."
Katara blushed heavily “wh-what are you doing?"
Zuko smirked pulling her hands behind her. "What do you think?"
Katara was panicking a little. "w-wait why? Zuko come on let me go" Zuko leaned around smiling playfully. He kissed her cheek mischievously. Katara stuttered so badly what she was saying didn't make sense.
Zuko "I think it's my turn, to assault you." he smirked pulling her hands down a little so she could feel his tip at her finger tips.
Katara gasped and arched her back, trying to get away from him, he was causing her to go into sensory overload. Zuko let her squirm; only holding her in place by her wrists. Katara panted slightly. Zuko held her there smirking. Katara looked back at him "Zuko...please"
Zuko smirked at her. "Hmm?" He didn't know what she wanted from him, but he was having fun holding her in place.
Katara struggled a bit. "Please stop... I don't understand” she honestly was confused, he was just holding her, the suspense on whether he'd let her go, or fix this insane heat that was growing inside her was killing her
Zuko smirked pulling his hips back, then pressing forward sliding his manhood between her legs. Katara yelped and closed her legs around the object between them. Zuko smirked and pulled back a little then pressed back in. Licking her should blades as he held her by her wrists and slowly humped her. Katara panted and arched into him, she was growing wet very quickly and was more then just a little befuddled. Zuko started humping her a little faster, leaning forward and holding her in place still, somewhat forcing her to bend over a little.
Katara did bend over and whimpered weakly "Zuko...d-don’t"
Zuko "don't what?" He kept moving himself between her legs leaning over her a little to whisper into her ear.
Katara gasped and arched, rubbing her wet opening against the top of his moving shaft, it caused her whole body to shiver
Zuko smirked moving a little faster. "Don't... What?" he smirked and stopped moving all together.
Katara cried out and kept moving " don't... don't stop!"
Zuko smirked as he wasn't thrusting anymore. "Oh, don't stop." He smirked evilly.
Katara nodded dumbly, panting as she wriggled, trying to rock against him even after her stopped moving.
Zuko smirked pulling himself out from between her legs completely. He then pressed his tip against the base of her slit. "You want me?"
Katara shuddered her body jerked, arching towards him more she tried to break free from him " y-ye.....n-n....y-ye...I” she couldn't think of what to say.
Zuko "well?" he pressed himself against her a little more.
Katara whined. "I.... I don't know...Th-this has gone to far… Zuko." she was pleading with him to try to see through this situation.
Zuko "true." he smirked and pressed himself against her more. "But it can still go father." He did have her hands held behind her back.
Katara stuttered and tried to look back at him. "Zuko... but... we... shouldn't... we shouldn't take this any farther" she looked doubtful.
Zuko smirked as he got an evil idea. "Well then, let's go back a step." He knelled down. He pulled her upright as he knelt down, so that he could still hold on to her arms. He than leaned in between her legs. His arms over his head to still hold hers.
Katara jerked upright and squirmed "Z-Zuko!?" Zuko leaned up a little and started licking at the base of her slit from behind.
Katara yelped and struggled. "ZUKO NO!!!! STOP!!"
Zuko gripped her arms to keep her struggling from getting her free, and kept licking at her.
Katara yipped and squirmed and jerked about, the water began to slosh about them as she panicked.
Zuko kept her arms as still as he could, and licked at the base of her slit forcing his tongue as deep into her as he could get it.
Katara gasped and arched as she tilted her head back. "Z-Zuko... st-stop"
Zuko kept licking at her, loosening up on her arms a little, he pulled down on them a little to get her to stand strait as he continued to work her with his tongue.
Katara kept struggling she wasn't making it easy, she was confused and very very hot, she was arching and unarching, trying to wriggle her hips away from him.
Zuko tried to keep her as still as he could. He had himself positioned between her legs so she wasn't really going anyplace, and his grip on her arms kept her from trashing about too much. He kept working her with all he had, planning on making he climax with just his tongue.
Katara began to settle as the friction and feeling of his tongue roving over her began to take effect, she started concentrating on that feeling so soon she was very still and only cooing and moaning was heard from her.
Zuko smirked to himself but still he kept her still by holding her arms. He leaned up into her a bit more, pushing his tongue into her as deep as he could, twirling it about and then licking at the base and pushing it back in again.
Katara panted and arched so he had better access to her, she was dripping at this point, feeling as if she was close to something… "Zuko... stop, you shouldn't…"
Zuko "So, I shouldn't stop." He redoubled his efforts, thinking this was cooing him on. He licked at her with renewed efforts.
Katara yelped. "No you need to stop!!"
Zuko kept going; he could sense she was near to something now. He kept licking at her as deep as he could reach. He licked at the base of her then as high up as he could, then plunged his tongue back into her and twirled it about inside her.
Katara cried out, her whole body going ridged as she climaxed, rocking back against him and begging him to stop incoherently
Zuko held his mouth open under her, panting hot breath against her as he sat there on his knees, cold water running over his waist. Hot blood flowing through him and a lovely girl's juices dripping down to him.
Katara squirmed and redoubled her efforts to get away from him.
Zuko let her go, sitting between her legs with a raging erection between his. His arms were tired of holding her and fell to his sides, his fingers trickling about in the water.
Katara shot forward and away from him, she scrambled to the shore of the creek then collapsed down on the ground, shivering and panting, trying to recover from whatever that hell that was.
Zuko smirked at her from about four yards out in the lake. The steam he'd created was fading away now and he watched her with a spark in his eyes and a smile on his face.
Katara curled up on the shore, hugging herself, dripping down across her inner thigh onto the ground beneath her, her face was flushed and she was still panting.
Zuko stood up, still quite erect, he stood there in the water looking at her.
Katara didn't move to run or go near him, she was trying to decide what to do, the feeling still hadn't gone away.
Zuko started a slow, strut, over to her.
Katara was breathing calmer now, her eyes still closed, she shivered as her mind raced for a decision.
Zuko slowed to a stop when he got to right next to her. He was still but naked, and still quite hard.
Katara slowly opened her eyes and stared up at him, her eyes were cloudy and she looked more bemused then worried about him.
Zuko smiled down at her. Then he smirked and licked his lips. "Not bad."
Katara pouted and started sitting up to move away from him “j-jerk"
Zuko knelt down. "What?"
Katara grumbled and scotched herself farther away “Jerk"
Zuko his eyebrow twitched, he wanted to call her something in retort. "Beauty Queen."
Katara stared blankly at him “what?" she wasn't sure to take that badly or well
Zuko "you heard me." he didn't know whether he meant it bad or good.
he was still kind of hard and his top brain wasn't in full control again yet.
Katara glared at him and hmphed “whatever you rapist jerk."
Zuko "Oh you know you liked it." He smirked and tried to imitate her. " Zuko... d-don't, don't stop."
Katara gasped and stood up, with some difficulty, she stomped her foot and started marching away from him, into the woods, she didn't care where she was going or if she walked into camp naked.
Zuko "heh." smirked and went to get his pants.
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