Revelations of Destiny | By : Kellendros Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 63484 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Content Code Warnings (every single thing, even if it’s barely mentioned or only touched upon for a few seconds; these content codes do not accurately represent the overall content of this story when taken out of context like this.)- Anal, Bi, Bigotry, Bond, D/A, D/s, DP, Exhib, F/F, Fingering, Language, OC, Oral, Racist, Rim, SoloF, Spank, Toys, Violence, Voy, WD, WIP.
Read. The damn. Foreword.
Behold the awe-inspiring might of my all-powerful legal disclaimer! Tremble and know ye fear in its dark shadow! Or, y’know, skip over it to the story like 99.9% of everyone else reading these things does…
> Disclaimer: this story contains graphic descriptions of a sexual nature and the reader assumes any and all responsibility for proceeding further, including any legal age requirements that may exist regarding their exposure to such material in the country in which they reside. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Kim Possible and associated characters are the property of the Walt Disney Corporation and are used here for parody reasons without permission.
> Rating: NC-17
> Categories: KiGo, FemSlash
> Distribution: this story is © by me, the author, Lord Kellendros, and may not be redistributed in any altered form, nor in part, but may be freely distributed in its whole, unaltered form so long as no profit is made by the parties doing so.
> Credits: I give thanks to my ever-diligent proofreader Pesterfield and my specialized Beta Reader Creativetoo over at the KP Slash Haven.
> Author’s Notes:
- The first chapter of this story starts roughly a month before the events in "So the Drama." The subsequent "flashback" chapters where the timeline for this story "really" begins are several months after the events in Team Impossible, and about five months before the events in So the Drama.
- The original character Corscan Mataii is © by me, Lord Kellendros.
- I refuse to accept the pun of Wade having the last name "Lode" until it is used in an actual episode.
- The words "gay" and "straight" are not normally capitalized in proper grammar, but it looks funny to me if they’re not when used in the context of sexual orientation, so, I capitalize them. Sue me. ;) :p
- By canon, Kim’s height is roughly 5’3", but that makes her—and more importantly, numerous characters whose heights are queued off her—far too short for my liking, so I made her taller.
> Foreword: This thing is rated M for a reason. My writing is "darker" than that of the KP-verse. That means people swear where appropriate, the bad things that happen (and they will happen, eventually) will be at times very bad; dirty, gritty, unpleasant bad, and when they do, the violence will be violent, the blood will be bloody, and the gore will be gory. As well, there will be sexual situations and actual sex in this story; however, this is not a sex story. It’s a story with sex in it, eventually. Also, this is not a KiGo story. It’s a story with KiGo in it, eventually.
> (Revised) Feedback and Publishing Policy: Now that I’ve posted all the pre-written chapters I had done, you’ll all have to wait for me to write further chapters as I go, which will be much longer in coming out; two to three weeks each probably. But keep that feedback coming in, because even though it can’t make me write faster, it is the thing that’ll make me keep writing on days where I’d rather be doing something else instead.
Ron Stoppable leaned back against the row of lockers behind him, his lean—some would say puny—frame slouching as he looked up the hallway towards where Kim was at her locker and let out a deep sigh. Rufus poked his head out of Ron’s pocket and looked around, spotting Kim as well. Quickly the agile little rodent clambered out of the baggy pocket and up Ron’s clothes to perch on his shoulder, sympathetically patting Ron with one paw while chattering out a noise that sounded remarkably like “Ah-hawww.”
Sighing once more, Ron brushed his unruly blond hair back from his eyes with his right hand while softly saying; “I know little buddy, I know…”
“Another bad day?” a smooth female voice said beside him, and Ron, startled by the unseen approach, jerked back upright and turned his head towards the comment while babbling out; “Hunh? Wha’? No—” before breaking off once he saw that it was only Monique.
With a third sigh that was more a “huff,” Ron leaned back again and quietly said, “Yeah… like you can’t tell just by looking at her?”
“MmmmHmmm.” Monique drawled out as she followed Ron’s gaze back up the corridor to where Kim stood, raising one eyebrow and giving a slow, irritated shake of her head when she saw what her closest friend was wearing again.
Kim had on—or rather, Kim barely had on—a tight, short, soft-purple leather skirt that was just long enough to keep her from breaking the school’s “no miniskirts” dress code, worn low enough to draw attention to the darker purple thong she had on underneath it, the straps riding high on her hips. Belted at an angle around her waist was a loose, silver-studded black belt, and her boots were slick white leather with heavy three-inch heels, encasing her shapely calves to just below the knee and done up with silver-buckled straps instead of laces.
At a glance, Kim’s pastel-pink top looked like it was the same style she wore on missions, just a different color, but on closer inspection it was plain that the skin-tight cotton was practically a short-sleeved sports bra, with no real bra on underneath. She also sported fingerless sheer-lace gloves in the same color, with ruffled bunches at the wrists, and her black ribbon necklace that was practically a collar.
To top it all off, Kim wore soft-purple eyeshadow, bubblegum-pink lipstick with a slightly darker liner, her nails were painted in purple and blue swirl-patterned glitter polish, and her hair was parted in the middle and gathered tight to either side in black leather cuffs before blossoming into a pair of straight, loose pigtails.
The first time Kim had come to school in the outfit, Bonnie had coined the term “inner-city whore” to describe it, all while she was power-playing the at-the-time astonishing event with the school’s inner circle of popularity in the girls’ bathroom at lunch—and even though Monique had come out of her stall to confront the venomous snake that had taken Kim’s position as head cheerleader last year, ripping Bonnie the proverbial “new one” for her trash-talking Kim behind her back, she had to admit that the arrogant, stuck-up shark of a socialite had been pretty accurate with the description.
That hadn’t been the first difference in Kim’s appearance or attitude though, just the most obvious one up to that point. For the last three months Kim had been slowly changing, sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in not so obvious ones.
For one, there was the clothes and hair. For the most part, Kim had always dressed well, but conservative, with loose hair and little to no makeup; sometimes to the point that you could even say she dressed down. But now, Kim had at least a dozen different styles she wore her hair in, depending on how she was dressed, and her wardrobe had shifted from conservative to… confrontational? That was the best word Monique could think of to describe it. All the outfits were stylish and sexy, some even provocative—with the extreme case being the one she had on now, which was certainly the worst of the lot—but they were also almost in-your-face with the fact that they stood out. Monique had mentally tagged a few of the more common looks with a label; biker, street punk, Matrix chic, Asian sultry, and of course, Bonnie’s ICW, and all of them were over the “conservative” line even by a generous definition of the word.
The second change was physical, literally. Kim had always been lean and athletic, with a strong gymnast’s body, but now it was easy—very easy considering how much skin the outfit she was wearing exposed—to see that she was… well, totally ripped was a little too much, but she definitely had a lot more hard curves to her now than soft ones, that was for sure. Her front and side abs stood out in sharp definition, and everywhere else you could see the shape of her muscle groups under her smooth tanned skin. Those muscles weren’t that much bigger, but they were tight and compact, the curves giving her a fit, hardbody sensuality that was similar to a jungle cat’s given the way she moved now; fluid and almost gliding, perfectly balanced and in control at all times.
The last change was a subtler one that somewhat fewer people noticed. Given the radical, almost defiant alteration of her appearance, most people would likely think that Kim had slipped into some kind of James Dean “Rebel Without A Cause” self-destructive phase, but that was the really weird part; she hadn’t… well, not exactly anyway. She still went all over the world at the drop of a hat whenever anyone called needing her help, and she was doing even better in school than she had been previous to the changes, pulling down A+’s in nearly half her courses this semester. But socially, it was a whole other story now.
Oh, she still helped out with every committee and after-school activity she had been involved with before, and she still pushed the cheerleading squad as hard as she could without being their leader, but she totally didn’t seem to care what anyone thought about her anymore. She ignored the increasing comments people made about her new looks, and unless it was to defend someone else like Ron or Monique, Kim totally blew off any social maneuverings or confrontations the rest of the in-crowd made—almost like getting involved was beneath her. It had cost her several rungs on the social ladder, with Bonnie ending up firmly entrenched as Queen Bee of the school now, but she just disregarded everything, like all of it wasn’t a big deal to her anymore.
It was the darker aspects that only her real friends noticed that had Monique worried. Kim wasn’t just more confident about herself and what other people thought about her, she was… edgier, Monique guessed. It wasn’t obvious, and it didn’t happen too often, but over the months, Monique had noticed Kim being a little more aggressive, a little more confrontational than she had to be sometimes when dealing with people—a little… vicious? Even? A couple of times Monique would have even sworn Kim was on the verge of taking a swing at someone.
Her language had changed too. Before, Kim had practically had the sensibilities of an old Catholic nun when it came to conversation. Sure, she’d come up with snarky comments to put people like Bonnie in their places, but mostly it was implication or wordplay that she used, almost always maintaining at least the illusion of civility, if not the spirit of it. Now, she could be as blunt as a hammer or as sharp as a razor when she was angry with someone, and she went straight for the “kill” openly and even rudely. She snapped at people that didn’t deserve it when she was angry now too—though she always came and apologized with sincerity afterwards, seeming almost as hurt as the person she’d hurt herself—which had only happened once in a blue moon before.
The most shocking thing to Monique was that a handful of times she had heard Kim actually swear—and not just little swearing either, but a long string of profanity that Monique would have previously taken a very large bet Kimberly Ann Possible was physically incapable of saying, even if her life depended on it. She still hadn’t done it openly, but honestly, Monique thought it was just a matter of time until she heard the words “Fuck the hell off, Bonnie” coming out of Kim’s mouth in front of a crowd.
Monique worriedly tisk-tisked a few times and said; “What’s gotten into that girl?” more to herself than Ron, but the blond answered her question anyway.
“I don’t know, but I’d bet dollars to Nacos it’s got something to do with that job.”
Monique MmmmHmmm’ed again—that was the other thing that was new: Kim’s job. Well, to be accurate it was some kind of internship/mentoring program with some big corporation from what Kim had told her, but it did seem to take up a lot of her time now.
Every weekday at five o’clock, barring a mission or family emergency, Kim rode her brand-new, sleek gold racing bike to the Middleton airport, where she left by corporate jet to… well, Monique didn’t know exactly where it went, but it was the location of Corsair International’s US headquarters anyway. Once there, Kim spent the night and came back on an early morning flight, going straight to school.
Monique still couldn’t believe that anyone’s parents could be OK with that, but then again, apparently it was an unbelievable opportunity for Kim, and Kim’s parents were kind of… odd, about things like that anyway. They hardly objected or even seemed worried while she was off for days saving the world after all. But still, it was weird.
As Monique was about to ask Ron to come with her to talk with Kim, she noticed another blond head that rose above the crowd heading for the same spot. Monique imitated one of Ron’s initial sighs as Brick Flagg came up to Kim’s locker and started talking to her, looking down with a slightly arrogant smile as he swept his well-styled hair back from his face.
“This won’t end well,” Monique muttered, and Ron answered; “No, no it will not…”
Kim seemed to ignore Brick while she put her bike jacket and helmet away and then collected her books, but as she was getting ready to close her locker, the cocky jock leaned in and put his hand on her shoulder, saying something else to her. With an irritated look she shrugged off his hand and slammed her locker shut, tersely replying as she did. Brick apparently didn’t get the hint, because he said something else to her. This time Kim was anything but subtle in her response—and loud; Ron and Monique could hear her clearly from where they stood.
“I don’t know why you think I’d want anything to do with you Brick,” Kim said, her face scrunching up in… not disgust, exactly; more like she’d just smelled something really rank—or stepped in it, as the case may be—before continuing coldly; “But let me make this perfectly clear: I don’t have time for your sniffing around me. I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last… boy, on earth and it was a cold day in Hades. Now back off, before I put you through a wall!”
“Yeah right!” Brick declared, stepping in front of Kim as she tried to walk past him to class. The big jock locked eyes with the much smaller girl and Kim stopped, matching him stare for stare as her free right hand slowly tightened into a fist.
“Damn!” Monique said next to Ron as the tense standoff continued.
The lean blond stood up suddenly as he saw Kim’s right foot slide back a little, widening her stance, and babbled out; “Here Monique can you hold Rufus for a sec’…” in one long word as he scooped the naked mole rat off his shoulder and thrust him into her arms before tensing himself, one step away from running down the hall to… what? Save Kim from Brick? Save Brick from Kim? Save Kim from herself? Honest to god, at that moment, Ron Stoppable had absolutely no idea… but he knew that he had to do something to stop what was about to happen.
Just as Ron was about to move, three things happened almost simultaneously. Brick’s eyes widened and his angry, challenging expression slipped away as he took a hesitant step back from Kim—maybe it was something he saw in her eyes, but suddenly Middleton High’s star quarterback was more nervous than he had ever been facing down linebackers out on the field. The first period bell went off like a clamoring banshee, snapping up the attention of everyone in the crowd watching the standoff. And Ron tried his best to climb into the air with a flailing, startled jump while shouting “Gaaah!” as the nearby bell scared the living daylights out of him, thanks to his tightly wound nerves.
With the showdown broken by the bell, the crowd broke up as the other students began heading to class, and Brick quickly regained his composure, brushing Kim off with a dismissive; “Whatever Possible” before moving past her towards his own first period class. Kim ignored him entirely, moving off to her first class with a long, determined stride that still had a hint of sway to it, since anyone wearing those boots had to sway a little no matter their stride—or risk tripping and falling on their face anyway.
As Brick headed up the corridor in the direction of Ron and Monique, his wingmen from the football team joined him on the way to class, all of them talking as the halls thinned out. Passing Kim’s friends, none of them noticed the two of them as they stood there, but Monique and Ron sure noticed them—or rather, noticed what they were saying as they overheard the comments from the pack of jocks while they passed by.
“Yeah man, why would you ever wanna touch that skeeze? Who knows where she’s been lately?” “Bonnie might be high maintenance, but at least you don’t have to worry ‘bout her messin’ around behind your back…” “Cunt’s just a little cock-tease anyway Brick, get over it…” “Yeah man; like, I’d tap that ass if I could, but like, seriously, the chick has issues man!” Brick’s teammates were saying.
“Yeah, yeah… what the hell was I thinking?” Brick responded on his way through the door. “Probably would’a caught something from the bitch anyway…”
Monique glared at the back of the jocks’ letterman jackets as they went into class, trying to burn holes through them by sheer intensity alone, while Rufus growled in her arms. After the last one went in and closed the door behind him, Monique blinked as she looked around and realized that she and Ron were the only ones left out in the halls.
Turning back to Ron, Monique stopped cold, a little shocked by what she saw. The whip-thin teen was standing rigid, every muscle in his body tensed. The muscles of Ron’s tightly clenched jaw were flexing so hard Monique wouldn’t have been surprised if she heard his teeth shatter, his face was brightly flushed, his fists were balled so tightly the whites of his knuckles showed, and his normally warm, friendly brown eyes were sharp with… it wasn’t just anger Monique saw, but real fury there. Rufus whimpered “oh-oh” in her arms as he too saw the state his owner was in.
“Ahhh, Ron?” Monique said, carefully trying to get the boy’s attention. A moment later she stepped back with a gasp, almost dropping her books and Rufus as she was even more shocked and startled by Ron whirling and slamming his fist into the locker next to him. But this wasn’t a typical Ron move ending with him shouting and waving his hand around in pain; the layered sheet metal of the door crumpled under his blow with a loud metallic crack, folding and warping the entire door with at least a good three inches of dent.
Ron leaned towards the locker on his out-thrust arm and bowed his head, his breathing hard but focused, coming in, and out, in, and out, while Monique heard him muttering, “The way of Monkey Gung Fu is not vengeance. The way of Monkey Gung Fu is not vengeance. The way of Monkey Gung Fu is not vengeance.” over and over again like a mantra.
“Get a grip Stoppable!” Monique said sharply, before adding softly; “are you OK?” not entirely sure how to deal with this.
With a last deep breath, Ron dropped his arm and raised his head, standing up straight again. “No, no I am not all right Monique,” Ron answered with a sad, calm serenity that seemed surreal.
Ron turned back towards his friend, and Monique saw that his eyes were no longer sharp, but filled with a deep, loving concern as he continued; “Right now, my hand hurts like heck, my head feels almost as bad, and something is slowly trying to twist the inside of my chest into a knot. My best friend in the whole world seems fine half the time and the other half, it’s like she’s a completely different person. And she won’t talk to me about it at all. Oh, we still hang out when she has free time between school and getting to the job, and on weekends, or even on missions, but whenever I try and bring up anything about what’s going on with her, she cuts me off. A few times I thought that she was finally going to say something, but at the last minute she always turns away. I don’t like Kim turning away from me Monique,” Ron concluded sadly, “and I really, really don’t like not knowing what’s going on with her or how to help.”
“C’mon, Ron, it’s not that bad, is it?” Monique said hopefully. “I mean, yeah, sure, Kim seems to be dealing with something, going through some changes, but almost everyone in high school gets these kinds of phases eventually. Kim’s… Kim’s just being Kim and taking it to the max, y’know?”
“No, Monique,” Ron answered, “it’s bad. Real bad. Just three days ago we were at practice and Bonnie was riding her harder than usual, both about the squad and, y’know, other stuff, and I’m pretty sure that if I hadn’t been there to run interference and calm Kim down she would’ve hurt Bonnie.”
“Well, that girl needs hurtin’ sometimes,” Monique answered, muttering “bitch” under her breath.
“No Monique, I mean Kim was really going to hurt her. She had this look in her eyes that I’ve only seen a handful of times on missions, a look she only got when things were really terrible, and the bad guys were close to doing some real damage to someone. And that’s not all…”
“There’s more?” Monique asked incredulously, still hardly believing what Ron had just told her.
“You remember that mission we went on three weeks ago, to stop Lord Monkey Fist from getting his hairy paws on the Mystic Eye of Trinity in the Peruvian jungle?” Ron asked.
“You mean the one you cracked your elbow and bruised your ribs on, falling down those hundred feet of stone temple steps?” Monique answered.
“Yeah, yeah, that was the one; thanks for the reminder,” Ron said with a touch of self-depreciation—the real reason for which wasn’t his embarrassment over what had happened, but rather to distract Monique in case she noticed anything funny from him while she recounted the event that had never happened. Ron didn’t like having to lie to Monique, but there was no way he was going to tell her how he had really gotten hurt unless he had to. As of yet, he didn’t think the situation with Kim was bad enough to do so.
But I don’t have to like it, he thought to himself. Aloud, Ron continued; “So anyway, we did our standard ‘get Wade to track the bad guy by satellite, GPS our way through heavy jungle, and confront the villain in the temple just before he gets the idol—”
“I thought it was a talisman?” Monique interrupted.
“Idol, talisman, headpiece, ring, whatever! The details don’t matter, Monique—try to focus here!” Ron shot back, a little ticked-off that the girl was splitting hairs when he was trying to tell her something important. “Now can I continue? Thanks. As I was saying, we did the whole ‘confront the bad guy’ thing like we usually do. Kim talked me out of my monkey issues, and we went in after Monkey Fist before he could get to the talisman.”
“So it was your usual fight the bad guy deal. So?” Monique said as Ron paused.
“So, it was not our usual ‘fight the bad guy’ deal. You didn’t see it Monique; over half of Monkey Fist’s monkey ninjas had to be taken to the veterinary hospital with serious injuries, and Monkey Fist… well, once she finally went after him, Kim almost took him apart like he wasn’t even fighting back. He’ll be in traction for months. But the worst part was…” Ron’s voice got soft, “the worst part was that near the end, when he went down, I wasn’t sure Kim was going to stop there.”
“You don’t mean…?” Ron just looked at Monique as she questioned him, and slowly nodded, like it was being dragged out of him. “No. No! I won’t believe that Kim would ever do anything like that, could ever do anything like that, no matter what the reason! She wouldn’t even come close!” Monique said with hot intensity.
“You weren’t there, I was! I saw her; saw the look in her eyes, Monique! She had to stop herself from going… any further, I’m sure of it!”
Reluctantly Monique nodded her acceptance of Ron’s story, convinced more by the hurt, lost look in his eyes than anything else.
“So what do we do?”
“I don’t know. I’ve tried everything I can think of and none of it worked. I’m out of ideas…”
“Well, maybe it’s because you’re using a man to do a woman’s job,” Monique joked, trying to raise Ron’s spirits with the subtle compliment. “You just leave it to me. I’ll have a little girl-to-girl talk with our little Kimmie and find out exactly what’s going on with the girl, OK? I really have been meaning to corner her and seriously ask about some of the stuff she’s been doing anyway, this just gives me another reason to do it instead of putting it off more.”
“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” Ron gushed as he hugged Monique tightly, greatly relieved to have both another ally to confide in about what was happening with Kim and more importantly, some hope once again.
“That’s enough of that Stoppable, get off me; personal space, remember?”
“Sorry, sorry,” Ron apologized, letting go. Rufus, who had been caught in the middle of the two friends, gasped for air and shot Ron an irritated look.
“Hey little buddy, sorry ‘bout that too,” Ron said as he took Rufus from Monique and set him back on his shoulder. Smiling now, Ron seemed much more like his old self, since the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders—at least a little anyway.
“I’ll tell you one thing for sure,” Ron said, “this has got to have something to do with that stupid job of hers. Pretty much all of this weirdness started around when we went to meet what’s-her-name at their corporate headquarters.”
“Hmmm… you don’t think…” Monique trailed off as she pondered out loud, looking thoughtful.
“What, what, what?” Ron shouted, grabbing Monique by the shoulders, desperate to hear whatever it was that the A student had figured out.
“PS Ron, PS!” Monique growled out in irritation. Once Ron let go, again, she continued. “I was just wondering. You guys have gotten into a lot of weird— stuff, saving the world and all. You don’t suppose those corporate guys did anything to her, do you?”
Ron sighed and seemed to deflate, his excitement disappearing. “No, no, we already thought of that.”
“Well, yeah, me and Wade were talking, and came up with that idea. But Wade ran every test he could on Kim without bringing her to a lab, and everything he found was normal.”
“MmmmHmmm,” Monique intoned with one eyebrow raised, seeing that Ron was hiding something.
“Well ahhhh…” Ron stalled, embarrassed, before finally cracking under the girl’s stare. “We didn’t exactly tell Kim we were testing her. Y’see Wade borrowed this remote micro scanner thingy from a lab he was doing some programming work for, and for the rest of the tests he used the Kimmunicator to get the tissue samples—Kim never even noticed… really!”
“Not nice, Ron, not nice at all invading someone’s privacy like that…” Ron looked contrite as Monique berated him. “Given the circumstances, though… I guess I understand. But I don’t think Kim would, even if she weren’t… like she is now. So you’d better keep that on the down-low, OK? It’s nice to be able to rule it out, but it’s also going to make things more difficult, since that means it’s definitely something up with her instead of—”
Monique was cut off as a deep, nasal voice shouted out “Stoppable!” before continuing on loudly, “Monique! Might I enquire as to why you’re out here in the halls instead of being in class like you’re supposed to be?”
Both teens jerked around to see the grim features of Mr. Barkin looming over them, waiting for their answer.
“Ahhh, oh, well, ummm… look at the time,” Ron babbled. “You’re right Mr. Barkin, I should be in class now, shouldn’t I? Heh heh… I’ll get right on it.”
“Didn’t you hear the bell Mr. Stoppable?”
“Ahhh, no, no I did not Mr. Barkin. Earwax buildup. My mom’s taking me to her ear nose and throat guy this afternoon.”
“Nice try Mr. Stoppable, but you’ve got detention this afternoon. Now get to class before I make that detention for tomorrow as well!”
“OK Mr. Barkin,” Ron said as he backed away and then ran for class.
“And no running in the halls!” Mr. Barkin shouted after him before turning to Monique and asking; “and what’s your excuse Monique?”
“No excuse sir; I was trying to get Ron to hurry up and get to class myself. We’ve got a project together and I’m having some trouble getting him motivated.”
“I see. Well Monique, I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but I suggest that in the future you not be late for class, no matter what reason, understood?”
“Yes Mr. Barkin.”
“And don’t you worry about Mr. Stoppable’s motivation Monique; I’ll be sure to have a little chat with him about responsibility this afternoon in detention.”
“OK. Thank you Mr. Barkin.”
“Now get to class Monique.”
“Yes Mr. Barkin.”
The stern, heavyset teacher watched as Monique walked to her class before he continued up the hall, his narrowed eyes scanning like a hawk’s for any more tardy students he could come down on.
Later that day Monique headed into the cafeteria and quickly scanned the room. Spotting Kim and Ron sitting alone at a corner table, she quickly got in line to get her lunch and join them. Moving up the line she grabbed food at random, almost totally distracted by the current situation.
Everything Ron had told her coupled with his meltdown had combined in her head with all her own previous worries over what was going on with Kim to blow her concentration straight to hell all morning. She wasn’t wound up as tightly as Ron had been, but she thought she might be if she couldn’t manage to get some “alone time” with Kim this weekend. It had to be over the weekend, because there was no way they were going to be able to work this out in the short time Kim had free on weeknights now.
Paying for her lunch, Monique moved across the floor towards the table, taking a deep, calming breath and trying to keep her expression upbeat and happy—normal in other words. As she approached, she saw that Kim had her head stuck in her books, doing prep work for the homework she had gotten in her morning classes. That was pretty much Kim’s usual lunchtime procedure now whenever she wasn’t doing something for extracurricular activities. Monique had to admit that this was at least one change that she approved of; Kim was really giving her a run for her money as one of the best students in school now.
As she arrived, Monique caught Ron’s eye and he smiled back, waving, and said; “Hey Mo, pull up a chair.”
Her attention pulled away from her work by the comment, Kim looked up and finally noticed Monique standing next to the table. Smiling, she said “Hi Monique, gonna sit with us today?”
“If you can find room, yeah,” Monique teased, looking at the spread of open textbooks and binders fanned out around Kim’s lunch tray and taking up half the table space.
“Just trying to keep you on your toes Monique. We can’t all pull down perfect scores without working like dogs the way you can after all.” Kim joked back.
Monique sat down in a clear spot and the three friends spent the next several minutes making small talk while eating. After a while, Monique casually said; “Hey Kim, my parents are taking my brother and his friends camping this weekend. I don’t suppose you’d wanna come over Saturday morning after they’ve left and keep me company until my aunt arrives at suppertime, would you?”
“That’d be great Monique, but I promised Ron we’d go to the new Solar Warriors movie and then hang out at the arcade this Saturday, sorry.”
“Ahhh, actually KP, no can do on the Saturday fun-fest,” Ron said with a depressed look. “Mr. Barkin gave me detention again this morning, and the parental units told me that if I didn’t manage to keep out of trouble for the rest of the week I’d have to help dad out with the spring cleaning this weekend.” Ron sighed mournfully while Rufus patted his hand.
“Awww… well, that’s too bad, but you know you really should try and stay out of trouble harder Ron,” Kim answered. Turning back to Monique she continued; “I guess I’m free then. When do you want me to come over?”
“I figure my parents will be gone by nine or so, ten at the latest, so how ‘bout we say ten?”
“OK, I’ll be there at ten then.”
Monique let out the proverbial breath she had been holding in her head and glanced at Ron, who gave a slight nod back at her. Now all she had to do was hope that nothing came up that needed Kim Possible to deal with it in the next two days and she would have her shot to find out what was going on and how to help Kim if that was what she needed.
As lunch went on, Monique realized that it wasn’t going to be easy for her to wait out those two days; her worries had come back almost immediately, and it was all she could do to keep up her normal front instead of just coming out and talking to Kim right now. Two days, just two more days…
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