Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
After breakfast, broth and rice stuff, Zuko insisted upon taking Katara back to the infirmary. She shied away when Bingwen approached her but when Amayu asked she consented to an exam. After they stepped into another room Zuko asked approached Bingwen and gave the oil back to him, “I was careful but she was crying. I know she doesn’t want it and I don’t want to force her but I just don’t know what to do anymore. How can I make her accept her duties as concubine?”
Bingwen sighed, “Prince Zuko I can tell you what to do so she will not suffer physically but unless you truly are the nephew of General Iroh and manage to successfully woo her, Lady Katara will hurt every time you touch her. She does not wish to be your concubine. You can use all the oils, tenderness and technique in the world to assuage her body but each time you lie with her wounds her heart and mind.”
“So what do I do?” Zuko asked pitifully. “There has to be something I can do so she won’t start crying.”
Amazed by the prince’s thick-headedness, Bingwen sighed, “Where were your hands?”
“Huh?” Zuko uttered dumbly.
“Your hands where were they? Did you stimulate her breast and clitoris as I advised or did you merely grip her shoulders and hips so she couldn’t get away from you?”
Zuko lowered his head.
“Prince Zuko, those areas are key points of contact for female pleasure. As a doctor it shames me to say this but for centuries it was thought manual stimulation was the best cure for female hysteria. It will be better for her if you touch those areas while taking her.”
Outraged by Bingwen’s statement Zuko argued, “Katara is not hysterical. She has legitimate reason to be upset.”
The doctor nodded, “Katara’s situation is indeed grave but it is impossible for one person to look into the mind of another and judge whether or not they have reason to be upset.”
“But I raped her. She should be upset,” Zuko said quietly.
“Are you saying she has reason upset out of genuine concern for her or as a result of your own guilt ?” Bingwen asked to get a better idea of what the prince was thinking. He had known Princess Ursa and spent much time doing charity work on her behalf. He still found it difficult to believe her son was capable of committing rape despite seeing the bloodied results of his action. Fan had explained during his banishment Zuko had not shown such tendencies. He confessed that under Iroh’s watchful eye he doubted the boy had even been with a woman.
Zuko’s voice rose in anger, “How can you say that after seeing what I did to her?”
Bingwen studied the prince and arrived at the same conclusion as Fan. It complicated matters that the Waterbender was definitely his first rape and possibly his first woman. “Prince Zuko there are things that you need to understand if you wish to continue on your current course of action. I am merely trying to assist you in spite of your folly. The rest of society says you are foolish to even feel guilt for exerting your rights as a prince over some captive peasant. The rest of society says she is in an enviable position having attained status as your concubine and earned so much favor. You openly prefer her over the woman you intend to marry. She calls being given the crown of our nation, your royal signet, two of our most legendary vaults, the approval of our Fire Lord, and your affection hellish. Your fiancée calls it unfair.”
“Leave Mai out of this,” Zuko growled. “I want nothing to do with her.”
Bingwen shook his head, “This Water Tribe woman has stolen all your fiancée wishes for but the rest of society says the recipient of such a favorable marriage arrangement should expect to be neglected by her future husband. Katara is most likely the first of many women whose legs you will crawl between instead of crawling between hers. Lady Mai knows this after witnessing her mother’s marriage and countless others but she stupidly expects faithfulness from you. Katara is a prisoner but she stupidly expects not to be touched, Lady Mai expects you not to touch other women. You wish to sheathe your dragon in a tight wet cavern but select an unwilling woman instead of your dutiful fiancée as your primary source of pleasure. Prince Zuko you do realize you would have far less troubles and everyone would be happier if you did not insist upon lying with Katara?”
Zuko bit his lips, inhaling and exhaling slowly before answering. Someone had been taking their sheets while in the infirmary. He doubted it was Bingwen but he could not risk revealing that he was trying to protect Katara in case whoever it was overheard him. “It has to be her.”
Bingwen found his answer troubling. He needed to know why Prince Zuko insisted upon the Waterbender. What factor in their relationship was he missing? He was starting to suspect it was more than Chu-hua’s belief that he was trying to protect her from the crewmen. It would help him to understand how to best care for both of them if he knew what the prince was thinking, “But why her? She is beautiful but so is Lady Mai. What difference does it make which of them you lay with so long as she has a wet opening?”
“It has to be Katara,” Zuko growled.
“But why would you subject yourself to such guilt when you have a willing fiancée? Is Lady Mai so unpleasing?” he asked seeing the prince’s rising anger and knowing he would soon have his answer.
“Mai is not the Avatar’s Waterbender!” Zuko yelled having grown frustrated with Bingwen’s questions.
“I see,” the doctor nodded, Zuko’s outburst having confirmed his suspicions there was more at play than Zuko’s desire to protect her.
Bingwen leveled a cool stare at him and bluntly asked, “Are you seeking help for Katara or is the son of our benevolent Princess Ursa seeking help for himself now that the blood of his forefathers’ has been awakened? Do you fear making her wetter and more relaxed will give you all the more reason to like how your stiff penis feels inside her? Or will knowing some drug has made her docile take away the joy you receive from taming the Avatar’s Waterbender?”
Zuko gasped and shook his head in denial, “I…I…”
“One simply seeking a quick sexual release would choose the path of least resistance. You chose not to bed your fiancée or any of the servants on board even when the Waterbender was unable to receive you. You even go so far as to seek a means to make your coupling easier on her but have the nerve to reject the solutions I am giving you. You became offended when I mentioned hysteria. Was it because of guilt or because besting an impaired opponent is a cowardly tactic and not a true measure of strength?”
“No, I wouldn’t…Katara…,” Zuko stammered as the doctor voiced the questions he’d been asking himself.
“You can relax Prince Zuko,” the doctor stated harshly, “Whatever your motives may be it is not my place to judge or reveal them. However I do suggest you reconcile your thoughts on the matter to the deeds you have committed before continuing upon your current course of action. You are making yourself unwell. As a physician it is my job to restore you to health and counsel you on ways to maintain it. You came to me asking how to make your coupling easier on your partner. She is also a patient in my care but I am placing your whims above her well being my Prince. Katara’s sorrow is the direct result of your decisions. You waste both of our time by asking for something to make her pain go away then refuse the suggestions given to you!”
The doctor stared at the trembling prince. Tears had come to his eyes when he accused him of deliberately wishing to harm the Waterbender. Zuko had lowered his head and wrapped one arm around his stomach as though he were on the urge of becoming physically ill. The actions along with the memory of the kind child hiding behind his mother’s skirts as she visited sexual assault victims made him realize Zuko was more conflicted about his actions that he had initially thought. He had seen such deep remorse several times over the years and it was one of the reasons he left the battlefield.
The military manuals advocate rape to relieve battlefield stress as it served the dual purpose of breaking the spirits of their opponents but those with tender hearts found it difficult to accept their actions. Boys like Zuko were not meant to rape. They were unable to separate the mental from the physical or see it purely as an act of violence as it utilized the same body parts and deeds as a consensual sex. They looked for means to justify how and why they were able to ejaculate and achieve physical release from such a vile act without that allowed them to preserve the more innocent side of themselves – “I only did it because of orders. If it wasn’t me it would be someone who’d cause more damage.”
The excuses took root and became reality as the perpetrator sought to ease his guilt. Bingwen pinched his brow before allowing his hand to fall heavily upon his desk in that situation one should not be told to use words such as “I love you” to convince a woman to move her hips. He had forgotten that Zuko was not just the nephew of a master seducer such as Iroh. He was the son of Ozai and Ursa; a pair who fell in love at young age and it grew to the point of obsession. He should have never told the child born of such a devoted couple to use love as a way to pry a girls legs apart.
He hoped had not provided a safe haven for Zuko’s mind to justify his actions.
Bingwen held Zuko’s right hand between both of his and pressed the returned lubricant into the prince’s palm. His voiced softened as he stated, “Prince Zuko, I cannot easily provide a solution to your present quandary. All I can say is that recent advances in science and medicine have proven orgasm releases chemicals in the body that makes it feels calm and relaxed. For centuries it has been enough for doctors to know it soothed mentally distressed patients when there was a hand inside their pants. They were docile for hours sometimes days after climaxing. The question you must ask yourself is do you wish to see her suffer or don’t you?”
That final statement and the quiet way in which it was delivered turned Zuko’s stomach. He knew what Bingwen was asking him and why he had posed the question. It was the dilemma which most troubled him. His mother had often told him that he was like a pile of wet leaves and a fire of inestimable strength burned deep inside him. One day that fire would break free of its confines and astound all those who knew him. She had told him not to worry if he could not Firebend as well as Azula; his sister was a large forest of dry wood, alight and burning bright but in time would dim as her fire burned itself out of ammunition. A pile of wet leaves grew larger even when no one tended to it and when the heat trapped inside its very depths combusted it burned hotter and brighter for much longer.
He had been looking forward to the day when he finally became a son his father would be proud of but now his mother’s prophetic statement scared him.
Zuko had seen the surprise in his father’s eyes when he forced Katara to her knees before him and announced he had claimed her. Even though he was disgusted by what he had done to her in front of Ozai the part of him yearning for his father’s approval had been overjoyed his father wished to view them coupling. Katara was the woman he had chosen, watching him join with her meant he trusted Zuko’s judgment and endorsed his decision. Fathers only watched if they believed their sons had brought home a woman worthy of being accepted into the family.
He was now certain the hand on his back and taste of smoked meats, wine, and ash was not imagined as his father leaned closer to hear Katara’s quiet whimpers the morning he had watched them. His father had placed his hand on his back, signifying support and approval, and exhaled smoke into his face, no their faces; that afternoon he’d called Katara daughter for the first time.
The breath of fire was the breath of life. A father blowing smoke into a newborn’s face was an acknowledgment of paternity; doing so during illness was a way to give strength to the child he created. During so at any other time was a sign of pride and affection as it showed a father’s willingness to share his life with his child and reaffirmed their familial connection. It was done during marriage ceremonies to welcome a new bride into the household and bless any potential heirs their union would create. His father had also ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. He had been six the last time he’d received such a clear sign of affection.
Zuko took the oil before the doctor, the very man who had made those advances in science and medicine by experimenting on Earth Kingdom prisoners, could further modify it. Fan was not the only living national treasure aboard the Ursa. Bingwen had received the honor several decades earlier after placing captured Earth Kingdom soldiers in Fire Nation uniforms so their own people would harm them to test which surgical method worked best to treat injuries caused by Earthbenders; research which had saved his grandfather’s life.
As a reward Bingwen was granted free reign to test his ideas. Entire villages were eradicated due to his desire to know how certain illness and injuries affected men, women, and children and the best course of treatment for each. That knowledge he gained was carried back across the ocean; for every Earth Kingdom life he ended there were at least 100 saved in the Fire Nation. Bingwen, not his esteemed father, was the one summoned when Lu Ten broke his leg after being thrown by an Eelhound. He was there any time a member of the royal family had any illness or injury outside of the norm forcing his father and legitimate siblings to sit back and learn.
Bingwen had twice committed himself to the sages, not those who served his father, but a more elusive sect with whom the Fire Lord dared not to interfere. He, like Uncle Iroh, had reconciled the terrible things he’d done in his youth with the man the spirits wished him to become and reached the first stage of nirvana. Bingwen, whose unsurpassed knowledge of the human body and advanced spiritual enlightenment , would be able to tell him if he wanted the oil to make things easier for Katara so he wouldn’t hurt her or if his Uncle had been right in saying goodness and evil would always be at war inside him.
If there were anyone on the planet capable of explaining why his penis liked being inside Katara even though he knew it was wrong it was Bingwen. Bingwen could tell him why even though he hated hurting her, seeing her tears and knowing he caused them were like a knife to his heart, he still thought it would be a good idea to hit her, throw her onto a table, cut away her clothes and attack her like a rutting beast to show her what the crew would do to her. Bingwen could explain what possessed him to counter her attempts to defend herself with such calculated violence or why seeing her screaming and bleeding beneath him had fed his inner flame like nothing before and why it had felt so good to lose control of himself and give into the inferno raging within him.
Bingwen could tell him if the pounding in his head, difficulty swallowing, inability to catch his breath and writhing intestines that seemed to only go away when he was near Katara and she was at peace were due to the physical injuries she had caused him. Bingwen could tell him if the feeling of invincibility brought on by being inside her was the result of losing his virginity to her. If the feeling of triumph that came over him when he was holding her down, pushing inside her knowing that he was stronger, and more powerful was a sign that he was facing yet another crisis of conscience or a sign that he had already lost.
Bingwen could tell him why it felt as if he had tamed lightning the rare moments she smiled at him, why he hung on to her every word during their conversations as if Agni himself were speaking to him and why he wished he had asked to stay the moment he stormed into her village. Bingwen could tell him why her touch lingered months after they were trapped in the cave beneath Ba Sing Se and why for months after tying her to that tree he dreamed of those wide blue eyes staring up at him and why he put so much effort into taking care of her necklace when he found it and why it felt like the world had crumpled when Fan said only engaged women wore them.
Desperate to learn why he felt as if he lost and regained all knowledge of himself when around her Zuko’s asked, “How will I know if I do these things because I wish to see her suffer?”
“Prince Zuko, I am old. Your grandfather took me under his wing when my own father wished to have nothing to do with me. At one time both Prince Iroh and Fire Lord Ozai were like brothers to me. My maternal grandmother’s identity is not hidden nor is it acknowledged but as a direct descendant of Fire Lord Irohulon I know firsthand the passions, madness, and bloodlust which runs inside our veins. If you truly wished to see Katara suffer you would not go through such lengths after realizing you are causing her pain.”
His voice was barely a whisper when he questioned, “So how do I end her suffering while keeping her in my bed?”
Bingwen sighed and patted his shoulder, “I am not a woman that is a question only Katara can answer.”
AlishaDarling: Thank you for your kind words. Zuko has a few Mai issues he’s working through. I hope you enjoy how he does it.
Author’s Note: I’m slowly but surely pulling everything together. These next few post were written very recently and don’t haven’t received the same lengthy review so please let me know of any mistakes so I can correct them. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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