Revelations of Destiny | By : Kellendros Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 63461 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
“Aw you know it babes! Motor Ed is in the house, yeeeea-a-a-a-a-ah!” Ed dropped the energetic enthusiasm as he continued more soberly. “But that doesn’t answer the question of why the two of you are here, or why you’re waling the tar outta the Main Man’s latest associates, seriously.”
For a long moment both women stood stunned and gaping from the shock of what was happening, as still and silent as a pair of deer caught in headlights while their minds raced to process the unexpected, nearly unbelievable turn of events. Eventually though, Kim gave her head a sharp shake and took a half step forward, squaring her shoulders while boldly declaring; “I’m here because I found out there was supposed to be a super villain coming to this concert, and we didn’t know exactly what they were planning on doing.”
Hmh… she’s getting real good at the whole lying without really lying thing… Shego thought to herself dryly. Fortunately, I don’t have to bother with that semantic crap.
“Yeah, and lucky for me, I managed to recognize Kimmie here before she spotted me, despite the getup.” She stated a moment later, stepping forward as well. “So I started trailing her in order to find out what she was up to, only to see her run into trouble with your little douchebag of a playmate here.” Shego indicated Charlie with a quick, jerking twist of her right hand. “Then when I told him and his pals to take a hike because Princess was mine, the moron ordered all his little moronic buddies to get us.” Shego scowled. “That didn’t end too well.” As an afterthought she added; “Oh, and my hair? None of your damn business!”
“Fuck you cunt!” Charlie snarled rabidly. “You stuck your fuckin’ bitchy nose into somethin’ that was none of your goddamn business, and you and your little dyke bitch friend here got just what you deserved, ya’ fuckin’ cun—”
“Hey!” Ed’s gravelly, aggravated bark bit through Charlie’s ranting with ease. “There is a time and a place for everything dude, and in front of two fine ladies is most definitely not the time nor the place for such heinously foul language, even if they did kick your tail, seriously!”
As Motor Ed berated Charlie, he raised the right arm of his exo-frame, which was nothing more than a fat, rounded-end cylinder from the elbow joint down. With a mechanical whine, the cylinder separated into symmetrical quarters along its length, each section sliding back and outward until the array was twice as wide as it was previously, now resembling something akin to a four-tined circular fork. There was a sharp ratcheting sound as Ed leveled the transformed arm at Charlie, accompanying pairs of fat black ovals sliding up into each of the spaces between the tines, right at the base of the array.
“She-babe’s right, you are a douchebag, seriously, so you can just take this as your walking papers, ‘k? I’ll find someone else to fill the position. Seriously.”
With that, there was a faint blue glow around the tines of the array, and an instant later all of the fat black eggs shot out into the night, fanning outward to reveal they were the weights at the corners of a large, octagonal net that resembled a perfectly symmetrical spider web of pencil-thick black cables.
Taken completely by surprise, a gaping Charlie was hit dead on by the shot, staggering back slightly as he was fully enmeshed by the heavy cables. A moment later he stiffened and jerked upright as the net constricted around him, wrapping him up tight in its entangling embrace until, after much desperate teetering, he collapsed onto the ground like a falling tree. The ordeal was far from over for him however, as, with a high-pitched heralding whine, each of the weights discharged a strong burst of SHOC energy into the net, causing Charlie to flop around like a fish out of water for several long, agonizing seconds while the bluish-white corona crackled and snapped along the cables before mercifully dissipating, leaving Charlie an immobile, insensate heap, save for the occasional spastic twitch.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Ed apologized as he lowered the arm of his exo-frame and turned back to Kim and Shego, “it’s just so hard to find good help these days, y’know? Seriously. So, where were we before that totally bogus interruption ladies?”
“We just told you why we were beating your hired help into a fine paste.” Shego responded dryly. “Now how ‘bout you tell us why that hired help was here in the first place? ‘Cause last time I checked, London is a hell of a long way from Detroit, seriously.” A split-second later Shego’s fingers curled into claws and her arms tensed and trembled violently as she shouted; “Gahhh! Now you’ve got me doing it!”
“Yeah Ed, why are you here?” Kim added suspiciously, ignoring Shego’s antics. “You obviously didn’t see the show, so what other reason would you have for being here with your… car… robo-suit… thingies, anyway?”
“Hey! These are state of the art transforming vehicular exo-frames Red, not ‘robo-suit thingies’ as you so lamely put it, seriously!” Ed’s voice dripped with scorn before shifting to energetic again. “I totally got the idea from this way wicked Saturday morning cartoon I saw after a late night out with the boys—well, that and some design specs I stole from the top-secret government lab I used to work at anyway. From there all it took was a little hard work and elbow grease—along with my rockin’ awesome skills in the shop—to put together these totally righteous rides you see before you, yeeeea-a-a-a-a-ah!”
“Ok, fine, but that still doesn’t explain what you’re doing here.” This time it was Kim’s turn to respond dryly.
“S’all part ‘a my way wicked European tour Red, seriously. Motor Ed is hitting a trifecta of countries over here with engineering greats in them, starting with the most excellent Rolls Royce facility here in England, then moving on to that staple of dependability Volkswagen in Germany, along with side trips to the Mercedes-Benz and BMW complexes, and finally heading down to Italy for a little beach and babe-watching fun after we drop by the Maserati, Lamborghini, and Ferrari facilities—and I gotta tell ya’, I am totally stoked Red, seriously!”
“Ohhh-kaaaay, that… actually makes sense. Well, for you anyway.” Kim responded, still dryly.
“Aw you know it Red! Seriously. Anyway, everything was goin’ along fine until I heard about this here concert, an’ I figured it was an excellent opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, since we were in the area and all, but then someone went an’ got us lost on the way over…” The last was said in a contemptuous growl as Ed turned to glare at his runty sidekick Chops in the second exo-frame.
“Hey’ah what can I say boss? Everything’s all way confusing over here, what with the backwards driving and all those screwy ‘roundabout’ thingies; I’m sorry, ok?”
“Yeah, whatever.” Ed dismissed with resigned disgust.
“So you just wanted to see the show but you got here too late for it?” There was a hint of skepticism in Kim’s voice. That suspicion was confirmed a moment later when Ed answered her.
“Aw hell no Red, we weren’t coming to see this freak-fest, we were going to crash it, seriously! It’s freaky Halloween ghouls like this wack job and his crappy music that give rock and roll a bad name, seriously! So I figured we’d do the world a favor by shutting down this most heinous affront to real rock and pick up a little spare scratch by stealing the gate while we were at it. But now it looks like we’re only going to get to do the last bit since we got here so late.”
“Hey I said I was sorry boss.” Chops chimed in with sincere contrition. At the same time, Kim vented a light, high-pitched sigh that was almost a whine, looking down at her feet and gently shaking her head while murmuring; “Oh this so won’t end well.”
True to prediction, next to her, Shego was twitching and making a series of sounds like a cat being strangled, with a stuttering of words thrown in that were almost, but not quite, intelligible, before the conniption ended with an inarticulate screech that coincided with her whipping her arms straight up over her head and then down again, leveling her energy-enshrouded hands at Motor Ed and unleashing a surging double-barreled stream of lime-green wrath at him.
Fortunately for Ed, a fair amount of his exo-frame’s defenses were automatic, so although the electronic countermeasures that triggered were useless against Shego’s cosmic energy, the heavy blast shields that slid up around the cockpit and the sheet of ablative plating that deployed across the strike point weren’t, keeping the shocked mechanical genius and his vehicle largely intact, though the exo-frame staggered back two steps as its gyros struggled to compensate for the impact of the heavy blast of destructive energy.
“I’m going to kill you!” Shego roared an instant later, bringing her arms down and sprinting forward two steps before crouching and launching herself at Ed, sailing through the night in a long, high arc, legs coiled under her and arms held up to either side in the Leaping Tiger form, her widespread fingers curled into claws and trailing twin lines of dissipating energy as she covered the twenty or thirty yards separating her from her target.
“Aaaah! Wha’d I say? Wha’d I say?” The panicked shout came from Ed’s exo-frame as he frantically twisted it to the right and brought up the left arm defensively, getting it between him and Shego just in the nick of time.
Landing on the upraised arm, Shego planted her left foot on a narrow projection of armor below the elbow joint, drove the empowered fingers of her left hand a good half-inch into the upper arm, grabbing on tight, braced the foot of her folded right leg high on that same upper arm for leverage, and then began clawing away at the exo-frame’s heavily armored shoulder with wild abandon, every frenzied slash gouging deep, jagged rents in the armor and tearing off little pieces that rained outward trailing wispy streamers of lime-green energy as they went.
“I know I love that green magic, but not like this, seriously! Get her off! Get her off! Seriously!” Ed shrieked, his exo-frame stumbling back another step from the repeated impacts while he swung the arm up and down in a desperate attempt to dislodge the enraged, howling green banshee tearing into his vehicle, all to no avail, as Shego clung to the bucking arm like glue.
Finally recovering from his shock, Chops started shifting his exo-frame towards the fight, pausing momentarily to shout; “Well? What are you waiting for? Help the boss!”
At that, Kim took a step forward and stomped on one of the pipes lying around the area, sending it spinning up into the air before snagging it with her right hand, then looping her arm up and around to send the metal rod spinning out into the night and right into the open cockpit of Chops’ exo-frame, slamming upside his head with an unfortunately only glancing impact, given the glare from the vehicle’s lights had prevented her from doing more than aiming at the general area she’d hoped he was occupying. In fact, given the sidekick’s diminutive stature, it was a rather minor miracle she’d managed to hit him at all.
Even so, the blow stunned Chops momentarily, and his exo-frame staggered back drunkenly as if in sympathetic harmony—though actually, it was merely the auto-gyros compensating for his sudden lack of input on the controls halfway through his maneuver.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t until Kim turned back to the small handful of greasers behind her, intending to finish them off quickly while she had the chance, that she realized what the true threat of Chops’ shouted order was, as she saw the biggest greaser toss aside his blowtorch, turn, and start running for the largest of the muscle cars parked back where they came from, while only the two smaller hooligans remained to run interference against her.
“Damnit.” Kim muttered as she ducked under a pipe whistling in at her left shoulder. Rising, she turned and lashed out with a high, extended snap kick as the second greaser chopped his pipe down at her in a two-handed overhead swing, kicking the weapon out of his grasp—as well as breaking his left hand and several fingers—before stepping in and finishing the job by smashing her right forearm into his face, laying him out cold with the strike.
Twisting back to her first attacker, Kim used a forearm-to-forearm stop block on the backhand he was taking at her with his pipe, then hammered a left hook into the side of his head before following up with a right overhand to nearly the exact same spot. As he staggered back, she stepped forward and spun into a low reverse sweep, scything his feet out from under him at the ankles with her right leg and sending him crashing to the pavement in a brutal, bone-jarring fall. Then she sprang to her feet and snapped a fast kick into his head to finish him off.
Despite the fact that she’d dealt with her two opponents in under thirty seconds, it still wasn’t fast enough apparently, as the sight that greeted her when she looked up again was the exact one she’d feared the most.
Less than two hundred feet away, the last greaser had made it to the car and slid inside feet first through the open driver’s side window, and was even now bringing the vehicle to life, only in a way no normal car was supposed to act.
With a series of mechanical whines and clicks, along with some hissing and deep metal-on-metal clanks and thunks, the vehicle hunched upward in the middle, the passenger compartment rising and folding in on itself as it reformed into the upper torso and cockpit of an exo-frame, while the center of the engine compartment and trunk joined together underneath it to form the lower torso. At the same time, the sides of both engine compartment and trunk split off from the center mass, extending, reforming, and sliding into place as the exo-frame’s bulky arms and legs, until a twelve-foot tall humanoid automaton stood in the parking space a car had once occupied.
Kim groaned even as she sprinted forwards, hoping to reach the vehicle before the transformation was complete, but alas to no avail, as, with a deep, electronic whine, the exo-frame surged to life, the lights on either side of the cockpit flaring bright enough to have Kim blinking back tears as she was nearly blinded by the point-blank glare.
Skidding to a halt, Kim instinctively and wisely backpedaled just in time to avoid a bulky… well, it wasn’t exactly a fist, but the blunt end of the exo-frame’s right arm certainly punched a deep crater into the asphalt a mere yard in front of the backwards-scrambling teen just as if it were one.
Meanwhile, Motor Ed had finally managed to dislodge the enraged Shego from the arm of his exo-frame with his frantic gyrations, flinging her away from him in a high, long arc—though not before she’d clawed a gaping, jagged-edged hole into the thick shoulder armor of the machine, exposing a considerable amount of its inner workings in the process.
As she flew back through the air, Shego twisted around while tucking in her limbs somewhat, gaining as much control as she could over the unplanned flight so that she was able to land in a mostly coordinated, tumbling roll that was followed by two increasingly smooth leaps into shorter, more controlled rolls as she dissipated her momentum, the last one ending with a handspring that sent her flipping up and around to land in a low, ready crouch facing Ed’s exo-frame once more.
“I don’t know what’s got you all torqued up Shego, but there’s no excuse for messing with a man’s ride like that, seriously!” Ed shouted angrily, leveling his net launcher at the snarling woman off in the distance.
Shego was already moving as the first inky net shot out at her, running at an angle and narrowly avoiding the entangling cables, which instead wrapped around the front of a car several yards behind her, a sharp blue-white flash lighting up the area with a hissing, snapping crackle as they discharged their SHOC field a few moments later.
Motor Ed continued firing at Shego as fast as his net launcher could cycle, but the pale woman began working her way back towards him despite the sustained assault, running at angles and taking short, fast hops and diving rolls behind the cover offered by all the parked cars around her, knowing better than to present Ed with an easy target by staying in the air too long with the greater leaps she could have easily performed instead.
While Ed was unleashing the storm of nets at his frustratingly evasive target, behind him, Chops finally recovered his wits and, mistakenly believing Ed had everything under control now that he’d gotten Shego off him, turned back to Kim, searching for her with wrathful, narrowed eyes and finding her flipping away from yet another smashing attack by the third exo-frame, which he was pleased to see had entered the fray.
For her part, aside from evading the machine’s ongoing attacks on her, Kim wasn’t doing too well, nor was she particularly happy with the current situation to put it mildly.
Ok, no grapple gun, no laser lipstick, no jetpack, no rocket skates, no nothing… How the hell am I going to take this thing down with nothing to work with here? The frustrated thoughts echoed through Kim’s head with just a hint of… well, not quite fear, but mild panic at the very least. That uneasy feeling certainly did not improve when she saw Chops level the right arm of his exo-frame at her out of the corner of her eye, the bulky limb reconfiguring into something that at first glance resembled Ed’s net launcher, until a quartet of fat little missiles slid up into the open spaces between the array.
“Oh crap…”
Kim’s sighed complaint was incongruously soft, more dejected resignation than alarm, and a moment later she was turning and sprinting into a series of long, evasive leaps and handsprings that carried her over and through the lines of parked cars around her, while four wispy, gently spiraling cotton trails shot out from the arm of Chops’ exo-frame like dirty white streamers, following the paths of the four incoming missiles now tracking Kim. Seconds later, a line of explosions rocked the parking lot as the missiles slammed home in succession, each sequential blast only a handful yards behind the rapidly retreating teen, the incendiary explosions seemingly following along in her footsteps.
Unfortunately for Chops, Kim wasn’t just avoiding his attack with her evasive movements; she was also putting the third exo-frame between the two of them, preventing further fire from him—at least, theoretically.
As fiery debris—and in one case, an entire flaming car—rained down around the craters left by the missile attack, the night was lit up nearly as bright as day, granting Kim a fully unobscured view as the third exo-frame turned to face her, raising both arms slightly as it did. A moment later the machine’s right forearm split apart down the middle, both halves flattening and becoming more streamlined while a series of angled chisel blades projected from the gap between them, locking into place with a sharp harmony of clicks before the whole array began to move, the blades marching along the track faster and faster until it was readily apparent the blurring configuration was a metal-eating chainsaw. At the same time, the left forearm split apart as well, shifting and reconfiguring into a big, blunt gripper claw with interlocking triangular teeth.
“Oh god, does it never end?” Kim muttered in disgust, flipping back to avoid a snapping grab by the claw moments later.
Meanwhile, with his shot now blocked by the third exo-frame, Chops turned back to see how Ed was doing, only to gape in shock as he found Shego had closed to nearly fifty feet away, despite half the parking lot being lit up like a Christmas tree from Ed’s unending barrage of nets, each one contributing to the blinking, flashing display of blue-white light as they discharged their SHOC energy in a vain attempt to subdue the various inanimate objects they were wrapped around.
Snapping out of his daze with a sharp shake of his head, Chops brought up the arm of his exo-frame, quickly targeting the rushing, springing, flipping form of Shego as she closed even closer to them. As soon as he had a lock, Chops opened fire, another quartet of missiles taking flight as they leapt off the array with a harmony of sharp whooshes from their fiery exhaust. Unfortunately for Chops, Shego saw the attack coming long before he fired, and unlike Kim, she was far from defenseless against such an assault.
Breaking her rule, Shego leapt high into the air just as Chops fired, simultaneously avoiding the latest net flying towards her as she did. Sailing upwards, the pale beauty brought her arms together and unleashed a barrage of her own, with dozens of sharp little bolts of light fanning out from the writhing corona surrounding her hands—and unlike the weak, rushed attack she’d used on Kim months ago in the warehouse, this cone of streaking energy lances was fully focused and destructively empowered.
The deadly rain caught the four fat missiles slightly less than halfway between her and the two exo-frames below, roughly twenty feet from Ed’s lead machine, lime-green fire striking home on each of the rockets to devastating effect as they all detonated prematurely, the four fiery explosions merging into a single misshapen mass that bore the oddest resemblance to a big orange flower for the brief instant it lasted, before turning into a much uglier cloud of thick black smoke that didn’t really look like much of anything.
A dozen or so of Shego’s mini-bolts peppered each of the two exo-frames while the combined concussion wave from the four near-simultaneous explosions roared over them, but thanks to their ablative plating enhanced armor, the overall damage was minimal, even to Ed’s, since the open shoulder plate on his exo-frame had been facing away from the blast due to the stance he’d used while firing at Shego. Even so, the combined impact sent the machines stumbling back as their auto-gyros struggled to keep them on their feet.
At nearly the same time, the blast wave hit Shego as well, but she’d already unleashed a strong double-handed blast of energy into it, using her power to both lessen the impact and push her back so that she rode the concussion wave in a somewhat controlled fashion, flying back nearly as far as Ed had thrown her before hitting the ground in a rough tumble that was thankfully less damaging than it looked.
“Seriously, are you trying to get us killed or something?” Ed berated Chops at the top of his lungs the instant he regained control of his exo-frame.
“I’m sorry boss, I tho—” Chops never got to finish his groveling apology, as a burning lance of lime-green energy slashed through the night, impacting not on his heavily armored exo-frame, but rather the much more fragile—and explosive—missiles readied in his launcher array, all of which promptly acted on that explosive nature. The resultant blast tore the entire mechanism to bits, as well as blowing both machines off their feet, with Chops’ sporting dozens of dents and jagged rents all across the right side, some of the holes still embedded with the shrapnel that had caused them.
Further up the lot, Kim and her dance partner were relatively unaffected by the multiple blasts, allowing their fight—if it could be called that, given it consisted mostly of Kim avoiding the exo-frame’s attacks while doing nothing in return—to continue unabated.
Damnit! I can’t just wait around for Shego to deal with these stupid things! There’s got to be something I can do… The frustrated, angry thought flashed through Kim’s head along with a hefty dose of self-directed reproach over her generally powerless state, none of which was lessened by the sight of Shego’s devastating attack on not just one, but two exo-frames off in the distance.
Ok, ok… think! Kim dove to one side to avoid a slashing chop from the exo-frame’s chainsaw that ripped through the car behind her instead. Damnit! There’s nothing I can work with here! No cliffs or hills to trick him into falling down… nothing to drop on it… no places to get it wedged into so it can’t move… and no power lines, generators, or energy fields I can fake him into attacking in order to fry it. The only weapons in this whole stupid parking lot are these stupid fucking robo-suits!
A second later Kim’s eyes widened in surprise as she was struck by a sudden realization, and she had to throw herself into a clumsy backpedal to avoid another snap from the exo-frame’s claw, nearly taken off-guard by the attack because of her distracting epiphany.
The only weapons are these robo-suits!
If the greaser piloting the exo-frame had known better, he would have become very nervous over the sly, grimly satisfied smile that crept across Kim’s features, but as it was, he didn’t even notice as he continued his attack, completely engrossed in trying to hit the infuriatingly elusive redhead.
A few moments later, as Kim was flipping away from yet another lumbering attack by the exo-frame, she scooped up a stray hubcap that was conveniently lying on the pavement, dislodged in the previous mayhem. Coming to a stop, she adjusted her grip on the metal disk and waited patiently. She didn’t have to wait long, as the exo-frame turned and took a step towards her, swinging its huge chainsaw in a sweeping backhand blow as it came.
Kim rolled low to the ground under the attack and then, as she came to her feet directly in front of the exo-frame, hurled the hubcap at the greaser hard and fast, a mere moment before he started to follow up with the left claw. The spinning metal disc streaked up and took the greaser full in the face, its hard, beveled edge snapping the bridge of his nose like kindling, with a wet, stomach-turning crunch accompanying the hit.
As the hubcap ricocheted off the greaser’s face and out into the night, he screamed and grabbed his ruined nose, blood pouring out from under his hands and running down his chin and neck. At the same time, the exo-frame’s automatic systems took over as he abandoned the controls in favor of his mangled cartilage, the machine straitening and repositioning its arms to either side in a readied state in order to better improve its balance. Even as the exo-frame stood down, Kim was already leaping up towards its left arm, perching on the forearm just long enough to plant her feet and then spring higher, landing in a full squat on the edge of the cockpit.
“Hi there.” Kim said with sardonic cheer as the greaser looked up at her through tears of pain, quickly reaching down into the cockpit and grabbing the front of his jacket with both hands.
The moment she had a firm grip on the heavy folds of leather filling her fists, Kim heaved up and back with her entire body, every muscle bunching and straining to rock-hard consistency as she strove to pull the big, burly greaser out of his seat entirely. Normally she would have had considerable difficulty lifting the man, given his bulk, but in her position of superior leverage, with nearly the whole of her musculature brought to bear on the task, she accomplished the feat with only moderate effort and force of will, hauling him out of the cockpit and back with her as she started to fall away from the vehicle.
Feeling the balance tip toward her as she started falling back instead of pulling back, Kim pushed off the exo-frame with the last of her effort, pulling the greaser into a single backward flip that was almost graceful as she rode him down the ten feet or so to the hard pavement below, his body cushioning the jarring impact so that she only lost her breath, while he lost consciousness instead as he was hit by the double strike of slamming into the parking lot and then Kim’s weight slamming into him an instant later.
While Kim struggled to remember how to breathe, back up the lot Motor Ed was struggling to his feet—or rather, he was struggling with the controls of his exo-frame in order to get it back on its feet. Reeling upright like a drunken, mechanical ogre, Ed turned his machine to look at Chops, only to find his runty sidekick was having far less success righting his own vehicle, given it was missing an arm now. Before he could say anything however, Ed’s exo-frame unexpectedly stumbled forward and to the left, numerous alarms warning him the auto-gyros were encountering substantial difficulty compensating for a heavy impact to the back of the vehicle’s left knee.
Looking down as he staggered around in a circle, Ed managed to catch a glimpse of Shego as she ran in and hammered a sweeping, double-handed blow into the exo-frame’s right knee this time, her energy-wreathed fists catching the molded armor plate just right and nearly tearing it off completely, leaving its twisted, bent shape jutting out awkwardly from the inner hinge joint.
Now that he knew what was happening, Ed desperately tried to bring his net launcher to bear on his pale attacker, but as he did, Shego lifted her arms and filled the inner mechanism of the weapon with a point-blank flood of lime-green fire, raging gouts of her energy jetting out from between the armored tines as she melted the insides of the weapon to hot slag that dripped down to the pavement below, hissing and sizzling as it splattered across the cool asphalt.
“Son of a bitch!” Ed shouted angrily as he stepped back while continuing to raise the exo-frame’s arm at Shego, despite its smoking, ruined condition. “Not cool Shego! Not! Cool! Seriously!”
An instant later, Ed slammed his fist down on a big red button, and Shego found herself leaping out of the way just in the nick of time, almost taken off guard when a series of explosive bolts fired the ruined net launcher at her as an improvised missile.
Rolling to her feet, Shego looked back only to find the left arm of Ed’s exo-frame completing a transformation of its own, the armored end unfolding to reveal a black hole ringed by short, slightly inward curving blades centered around a fat metal spike that projected out of the darkness about six inches, while a series of elongated slots with rounded ends slid open along the length of the reconfigured forearm. A moment later a reverberating hum from deep inside the arm set Shego’s teeth on edge, and a bright green glow replaced the darkness within the various openings. The hazy light seemed to coil and writhe around the central spike like a living thing, pulsing and surging right beneath the blades ringing the gaping opening, giving the impression it was eagerly awaiting freedom from the constraints of that boundary.
“Ahhhh crap.” Shego had seen enough plasma cannons in her life to recognize one as it was powering up. A moment later she was leaping aside again as a fat ring of emerald death shot towards her from the mouth of the weapon, while sprays of dissipating green gas erupted out of the cooling vents ringing the arm.
As a small section of the parking lot erupted into a smoking crater behind her, Shego rolled up to her feet and into a dead run, circling the exo-frame while unleashing a barrage of her own energy at it, her left arm fully extended and her right bent across her waist. Unfortunately, the rapid-fire blasts didn’t do much other than throw off Ed’s aim a little, the ablative plating enhanced armor holding strong, if battered, against the attack and the plasma cannon’s intense magnetic field turning aside any glancing bolts before they could hit it.
Meanwhile, Kim had recovered her breathing, as well as used the bottom of the greaser’s shirt to wipe a considerable amount of his blood off her face, hands, and wrists.
I hope he doesn’t have anything, Kim thought to herself as she got to her feet, jumping up onto the exo-frame’s left arm and then to the cockpit, just like before—only this time, instead of squatting on the edge, she hopped down inside, twisting and slithering around into the seat as she did.
“Ohhhh-kaaaay, let’s see what we’ve got here…” Kim stated to no one in particular as she looked over the countless control systems and readouts arrayed before her.
Less than six months ago, Kim wouldn’t have stood a chance at figuring out how to pilot the exo-frame, despite systems that were so heavily computer-assisted and intuitive that Ed’s goons had been able to handle them. Of course, less than six months ago Kim also hadn’t learned how to fly over ten different types of mostly high-tech aircraft from military-grade teachers—or in the case of Shego, even better than that. As it was, it only took the redhead about a minute before she was sliding her feet into the stirrups of the articulated pedal controls and taking her first shaky steps with the machine, while her hands and most of her attention was occupied by the substantially more complex articulated arms and multi-button handles controlling the exo-frame’s arms. Still, despite the unfamiliar controls, it was only a matter of moments before Kim started getting a general idea of what she was doing—long moments to be sure, but moments nonetheless.
“Ok, let’s do some damage.” Kim muttered as she turned the exo-frame around to face Ed and Chops’ machines, manually deploying the cockpit’s blast shields while smugly adding; “But first, howwwwsabout we put these up so I can’t be taken out by a hubcap to the face, m’kay?”
While Kim was taking her crash course in exo-frame piloting, Shego had been having much greater difficulties dealing with Motor Ed. Because she had to keep moving in order to avoid his constant plasma cannon fire, she couldn’t brace herself for a stronger blast of her own, which meant he only needed to get lucky and hit her once, while in turn, she’d have to blast away at his machine several hundred times before she even started inflicting serious damage on it. On top of that, as the damage to the parking lot around them added up in the form of smoking craters, rubble, and the twisted, more often than not flaming wreckage of what once were cars, her footing became more and more treacherous—if not downright dangerous, in the case of the jagged, flaming deathtraps some of those cars had become.
Even so, Shego was already working a plan, having analyzed the situation as it was playing out and coming to one simple conclusion; if she couldn’t take down Ed with power, she’d just have to do it with precision instead.
Rounding Ed’s machine on the right once again, Shego put every ounce of her concentration into aiming her next blasts, risking a fall on the rubble-strewn asphalt as she took several long strides without watching where she was going, the dull roar of her pulse pounding rhythmically in her ears while the world narrowed down to nothing more than her and her target. Luckily, she kept her footing, and the bright lime-green energy bolts flew from her hands like twin swords of flaming vengeance, each one slamming home right where she wanted it an instant later, in the unprotected right knee joint of Ed’s exo-frame, blowing it out completely.
Bull’s-eye, Shego thought to herself with satisfaction as the exo-frame lurched forward, crashing down on one knee and nearly falling over completely.
Skidding to a halt, Shego crouched low to the ground and then sprang high into the air, her powerful legs uncoiling as she cut across the front of Ed’s exo-frame at an angle, twisting in midair so that she was facing back towards it when she passed over to the left-hand side. As soon as she cleared the machine, Shego fired another blast down into it, this one by necessity much more hastily aimed. Even so, that aim was true, and her powerful energy bolt lanced into the center of the hole she’d clawed in the vehicle’s left shoulder, obliterating the underlying mechanism in a spurting explosion of green fire. Falling back to the ground, Shego grinned as the plasma cannon went dark and the arm fell limp at the exo-frame’s side.
Landing in a deep crouch to absorb the shock of the fall with her strong legs, Shego rose a moment later, her grin twisting to something much more malevolent as she took a step towards the crippled exo-frame barely standing before her, while behind her, lost in the chaos of battle, Chops’ exo-frame loomed out of the night, its left arm raised high above the oblivious woman as she vengefully fixated on her target, the dull roar of fires and the sharper electric snaps and crackles of Ed’s damaged exo-frame masking the sound of the broad, blurring circular saw blade its reconfigured length now sported.
As Chops took a step forward while sweeping his spinning circle of death down at Shego, she finally noticed the signs of his presence behind her, jerking around to gasp with wide-eyed shock at the hungry blade scything in towards her, freezing for a split second before her instincts kicked in and she unconsciously threw herself back from the attack, a geyser of cold dread boiling up from the pit of her stomach as time slowed and she realized she might not make it.
Less than a foot away from her, the yard-wide cutting disk suddenly seemed to stop in mid-swing, slewing back and off to the side wildly as Kim’s exo-frame clumsily plowed into Chops’ shoulder-first—or at least, mostly shoulder-first—sending it stumbling back as its automatic systems desperately scrambled to keep it from falling over.
Not stopping to check on Shego, Kim pressed her advantage while she had it, knowing full well the edge Chops’ superior piloting experience would give him once he recovered. Advancing on the reeling vehicle from behind, Kim reached out with the gaping claw of her exo-frame and just barely managed to get the arm of Chops’ machine between its powerful pincers, which she immediately clamped down with all the strength their servomotors could muster.
Both machines whined and hummed loudly in mechanical protest as they struggled against one another to no avail, until Kim brought her chainsaw to bear on the limb trapped in her claw’s grasp, grinding into the armor just below the shoulder joint in a huge spray of fat white sparks, half cutting, half twisting and tearing the arm off completely a few moments later. From there, it was all downhill for Chops, as Kim used the remains of the arm as an improvised club, bashing away at his exo-frame to keep it off balance while she hacked its legs out from under it with her chainsaw. In only a few minutes, she reduced the vehicle to nothing more than a sealed mechanical barrel with Chops trapped inside.
After hammering a few last smashing blows into the blast shields of what was left of Chops’ exo-frame, just to make sure they were warped enough he couldn’t lower them and escape, Kim stepped back and then paused, considering, before raising the left arm of her machine and cutting it off with her chainsaw. A moment later she cut into the exo-frame’s right leg at the hip until it buckled and collapsed beneath her, the falling vehicle giving the redhead a wild, teeth-rattling ride as it smashed down to the pavement below. After that, Kim hacked away at the other leg until she’d chewed it off as well.
“There, let’s see anyone use this thing now.” Kim declared as she lowered the blast shields. A moment later she powered down the crippled exo-frame and then pulled herself out of the cockpit, hopping up on top of the machine’s chest plate all in one smooth motion to crouch there while she looked around the parking lot.
Despite the area looking like a war zone for at least a hundred yards in every direction, Kim gave a soft chuckle as, off in the distance, she saw Shego kneeling down on top of Motor Ed’s badly battered, almost crushed-looking exo-frame, prying up a big chunk of his blast shields and then tearing it off with her bare hands. A moment later the smoking chunk of high impact composite armor went flying over Shego’s shoulder, and she punched down into the exo-frame two or three times more with her blazing right hand, pounding it even further out of shape.
Hopping down to the pavement, Kim gave a little stretch and rolled her right arm a few times, working the shoulder. Then, after adjusting her thong and pulling her skirt back down so that she wasn’t flashing the greater London area anymore, she started walking towards Shego. Before she even got close, she could clearly hear the pale woman’s irate shouts as Shego leaned down into the hole she’d ripped open in Ed’s exo-frame, the fingers of her left hand clawing deep into the metal in order to steady herself as she reached inside with her right arm, clearly manhandling the imprisoned Ed.
“Say it! Say it! If you don’t say it right now I swear to god you’ll be eating applesauce for the rest of your life, because I’m going to rip out each and every one of your goddamn teeth with my bare fucking hands! Now say it!”
“All right, all right!” Ed cried out with equal parts fear and resignation, “Alice Cooper is a rock god, seriously! He’s the best of the best of the best and will be for all time! No one will ever be as good as he is and only double dumbass losers like me can’t see it! Seriously!”
“And don’t you forget it you goddamn mullet-headed redneck glam-rocking pussy!” Shego bellowed. A moment later there was a bright flare of lime-green light from inside the cockpit, accompanied by a high-pitched scream from Motor Ed.
“Shego,” Kim said sharply, an unsettled edge to her voice, “you didn’t…?”
Shego looked up at the question, glancing at Kim and then pausing when she saw the apprehensive expression on the redhead’s features. After a moment she made a face and gave her head a quick, exasperated shake.
“Of course not.” Shego retorted brusquely, returning her attention to Ed, a maliciously gleeful expression on her face as she looked down into the cockpit. “If I killed him, I couldn’t do this anymore…”
There was another flash of light, followed by another tormented shriek from Ed, ending with a harshly wheezed; “Seriously…”
Kim gave a soft sigh of relief and then shook her head, anxiety giving way to chagrinned amusement. A moment later both women looked up as they heard the sounds of fast approaching sirens off in the distance.
“Well, that’s my cue to book Princess. You want a ride so we can finish up our business somewhere more private, or will you be babysitting these idiots instead?”
It took Kim a few confused moments to figure out what Shego was doing, and why she had that confrontational undertone in her voice. Then once she did, she had to bite her tongue to avoid the potentially telling “Oh. Oh!” that wanted to blurt out of her, possibly destroying their earlier work along with Shego’s current ruse. After a second or two to marshal the proper façade, Kim answered in the serious, focused tone of confrontation she usually used on missions.
“If you think I’m letting you get away that easily you’ve got another thing coming Shego. None of these guys are going anywhere anytime soon, and Wade can let the police know what happened here, so yeah, I’ll be coming right along with you if that’s what it takes to get to the bottom of this.”
“Whatever, just so long as your cheerleading ass is right behind me, because I’m sure as hell not waiting for you or anything.” Shego dismissed indifferently, turning back to Ed one last time. “Now as for you…”
Shego leaned down into the cockpit so far she was nearly nose-to-nose with the frazzled-looking mechanical genius, her dark, narrowed eyes glimmering wickedly in the lime-green light and her exotic features taking on a decidedly demonic cast, one that was only reinforced by the sibilant near-whisper her tone dropped to.
“Let me make this perfectly clear; everything that happened here? Yeah, it was all just a big coincidence, with you and your moronic dipshits saying just the wrong things at just the wrong times; understand? If I hear even a whisper of a rumor that I somehow teamed up with little Miss Goody Goody here in order to stop you idiots from robbing this place, if my reputation takes even the slightest of hits from this, you’ll wish you were never born, got it? Because I will find you, and when I do, I’ll peel your precious scalp right off your redneck skull strip by strip with my bare hands, do I make myself clear? So you keep your goddamn mouth shut, and make damn sure your little peons keep their mouths shut too, because the life of your precious little mullet depends on it!”
As she spoke, Shego slid her empowered fingers through Ed’s hair in a chillingly intimate gesture before clenching her fist tight, trapping a big hank of the thick golden locks in a decidedly painful embrace.
Ed swallowed deeply and tried to nod as much as he could, the whites of his eyes showing and his voice thready with trepidation as he replied; “G-got it Sh-Shego. T-this was all j-just a case of w-wrong time, w-wrong place, s-seriously…”
“Seriously.” Shego replied grimly, staring Ed hard in the eyes for several long seconds before sending a surge of her energy through his system, shocking him into near-instant unconsciousness with the excruciating jolt.
By the time Shego finished her little… chat, with Ed, jumped off his exo-frame, and then made her way back to her Harley while dismissing her power, Kim had finished filling Wade in on what had happened and was putting her Kimmunicator away.
“Everything taken care of?” Kim asked as Shego carefully examined her bike for any signs of damage.
“Yeah, I really doubt ‘Eddy’ or any of his dipshits will be telling tales out of school anytime soon—or ever for that matter…” Shego responded grimly, despite being pleasantly surprised over the apparent lack of harm to her Harley—which was more than she could say for her ripped fishnets, she noted with annoyance as she straddled the bike a moment later.
“Well that’s good then.”
“Just looking out for both our asses…” Shego grinned for a moment, then her tone and expression softened to something else, a hint of reluctance entering her voice as she continued. “Speaking of which… thanks for saving my ass back there.”
Kim grinned at the awkwardly unaccustomed gratitude Shego was offering, letting the pale beauty off the hook as she casually dismissed; “S’no big; you did the same for me after all. Besides, you probably would have gotten out of the way anyway…”
Shego smiled back, appreciating what she knew full well Kim was doing. “Yeah, well, probably isn’t definitely. I owe you one…” Shego’s smile shifted to a wry smirk as she added; “Even if it is just a little one.”
Kim gave a sharp chuckle as she climbed onto the back of Shego’s bike, responding; “Oh yeah, you do owe me one, but not for that…”
“Wha’d’ya mean?” Shego looked back over her shoulder as she kicked the big bike to life.
“So I’m your bitch now, am I?”
Shego knew the hard, dangerous undertone in Kim’s voice was meant for teasing show—at least, she hoped it was.
“Hey, that was in the heat of the moment! You know how I get…” Shego protested sharply, playing along as she put the bike in gear and slowly pulled out into the lot.
“Yeah, I do. I also know what me sitting back here every time we use a bike means too.” Kim responded as she wrapped her arms around Shego’s narrow, corseted waist.
Shego groaned and rolled her eyes while shaking her head, wondering how exactly a girl that seemed to have a pathological aversion to learning anything about the vehicles she drove found out about the “bitch seat.”
“So I suppose this means you’re going to come up with some new kind of torture to jerk me around by my clit with, hunh?” Shego responded, the weary resignation in her voice only partially feigned.
“Oh no,” Kim shot back as Shego pulled out onto the street, “I’m going to actually punish you for this one.”
“Oh really? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” This time Shego was certain she heard laughter in the teenager’s voice.
“Oh I know you… and now, I know you can sing…”
There was a certain unsettlingly… evil, quality to the vaguely implied threat, and somehow, inexplicably, Shego knew exactly what was going through the redhead’s playfully vindictive mind, so much so that she only narrowly avoided slamming on the brakes as the insight blossomed in her head, such was the level of protest that rose up in her like a tidal wave of denial.
“Oh hell no! Not in a million fucking years! No way, no how, no sir! Not gonna happen! Not now, not ever, not so long as there’s a single spark of energy left in these hands! No! No! No! Not gonna do it!” Shego roared loudly as her bike roared up a side street, away from the approaching police cars.
“Oh yes you are!” Kim shouted back, laughing openly now.
“Oh no I’m not! That’s completely out of proportion to the crime!”
“No, it isn’t; it’s just right.” Kim was grinning ear to ear.
“Oh come on! This is cruel and unusual punishment! You’re supposed to be a hero damnit! Can’t you be satisfied with something else, like me going on a date with Motor Ed or something? Because I’d do that—I’d so do that instead…”
“Nnnnope! We are so going to a karaoke club, and soon!” Kim was actually having trouble controlling her laughter now in the face of Shego’s outrageous protests.
Shego groaned, on the verge of tears of frustration, and shook her head vehemently, unable to understand how everything had gone sideways so suddenly and completely.
“Oh god, what did I do to deserve this?” Shego lamented, realizing she was doomed. A moment later her whole demeanor shifted to disgust as she rolled her eyes and dryly muttered; “Oh yeah, right…” sending Kim into yet another fit of giggling laughter behind her.
“Ugh…” Shego groaned as she leaned back into the couch after putting her empty frozen yogurt cup on the coffee table.
“Problems?” Kim teased as she scraped her spoon against the bottom of her own dessert treat, collecting the final dregs for one last mouthful.
Shego sighed. “Not really, I’m just achy from bouncing all over that damn parking lot.” The pale woman pulled one leg up onto the couch, the heavy, muscular curves accentuating noticeably as she braced it bent, knee to the ceiling while examining a long tear in the calf of her fishnet stockings. “Jackass ruined my stockings too.”
Kim set her empty dessert cup down and lifted a leg of her own, taut muscles rippling as she displayed a long run in her own stocking.
“Yeah, mine are ruined too. And I just got them earlier today…”
Kim sighed wistfully and dropped her leg back to the carpet, a sulky pout on her lips. A few moments later she brightened, her air of regret giving way to a smile as she scooted closer to Shego, reaching out and pulling the pale woman’s dainty foot towards her until it was resting in her lap. Then she wrapped her strong, warm fingers over the top of it and began digging her thumbs into the center of the arch, squeezing the sides with the firm balls of her thumbs while she did. After a few moments of the attention, Shego groaned an entirely different sort of groan and closed her eyes, leaning her head back with a smile.
“Mmmm, that’s nice…”
“I know.” Kim’s grin was as smug as her tone.
“Fuck, it’s after midnight!” Shego growled about a minute later, scowling at the clock on the DVD player.
“So?” Kim asked as she looked up from her work, both of Shego’s feet resting in her lap now.
“So even with you trying to melt my feet into a puddle there, I’m still way too wired from the concert and that stupid fight to get to sleep anytime soon.” Shego gave Kim a sharp, no-nonsense look, quickly adding; “And don’t even think about suggesting ways you could help me ‘relax’ Innuendo Girl; I’m so not in the mood for any of that after the whole curse of doom you laid down on me tonight.”
Kim snorted, grinning down at Shego’s feet as she bowed her head and refrained from answering the pale beauty’s mostly feigned grumbling.
Shego sighed and shook her head, reaching down to pick her jacket up off the floor. Rooting around in one of the inner pockets, she pulled out a thick wooden case about half the size of a pack of cigarettes a few moments later. Discarding the jacket once more, Shego opened the case and pulled out a fat, bulbous little polished green Serpentine pipe and a heavy miniature Ziploc baggie stuffed with a finely shredded greenish-brown material. It wasn’t until she’d deftly packed the bowl and summoned her power at the end of her index finger, puffing away as she lit up, that the strong, distinctive skunky odor finally hit Kim.
“Oh what?” Shego barked out from around the blunt pipe-stem in a slightly muffled voice as Kim looked up at her sharply, her big fern-green eyes widening in surprise. “I just need a little something to take the edge off, ok? You’re not gonna go all indignant do-gooder on me, are you?”
Kim stared at Shego for several long moments, watching as the pale woman released somewhat frighteningly copious amounts of fragrant smoke in thick white streams, then her dark purple lips slowly curled into a mischievous smirk, and she slyly responded; “Only if you don’t pass that thing down like you’re supposed to.”
“Yeah right…” Shego wheezed slightly with just a hint of a cough, her amusement throwing off her concentration a little. As Kim held out her hand expectantly and kept staring at her with serious eyes and an increasingly exasperated expression, Shego slowly felt her amusement giving way to shocked disbelief. Wide-eyed, she dubiously demanded; “What? You’re actually serious?”
Kim just made a face and curled her fingers in an impatient, demanding gesture. After a few more seconds, Shego handed over the pipe, a strangely surreal sensation that was most definitely not from the drugs washing over her as she watched Kim take a deep, if admittedly amateurish, drag from it.
“That’s some good shit.” Kim wheezed in a release of thick white smoke as she handed the pipe back to Shego, coughing several times as she did—though honestly, she didn’t have a clue whether she was right or not, having only one other pot-smoking experience to compare it to. She’d just said it to freak Shego out some more.
“Wow…” Shego’s pipe lay forgotten in her grasp for nearly a minute as she just stared at Kim in amazement. Then she chuckled sharply and broke into a broad grin.
“Ok, everything that happened tonight was worth it just to see you do that. Everything…”
Kim laughed at the humor in Shego’s voice—and possibly from the drugs kicking in—and grinned a silly grin. Shego shook her head and smiled back, picking up the remote control and activating the central fireplace before summoning her power again in order to start a big, cheerful blaze in it. Then, while basking in the warm, comforting orange glow, she relit her pipe and proceeded to suck down ten times the amount of grass it would have taken to send anyone else on a quick trip to paranoia-land, all thanks to the requirements needed to overcome her power-enhanced metabolism for more than a few minutes. She even let Kim take another couple of hits as they settled in to unwind enough to go to sleep—a goal which they both achieved around the same time, heading upstairs in a warm, drug-assisted haze about a half-hour later, muzzy and yawning as they went…
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