Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 313
Katara giggled when she heard the door slam, "Zuko that was mean."
"I know but I couldn't think of a nice way to get rid of them. It's better than what Lu Ten used to do," he replied shaking his head and smiling, "I think I was four the first time he told me to get out so he and some girl could have sex. The way he said it made me think it was some type of vegetable since he said that if I didn't get out she'd give me some too. How can you tell that to a little kid?"
He placed his head against her shoulder and gave a small laugh, "I got him back though. We were having a formal dinner with all types of yucky things on the table so I asked the servant which one is sex. Lu Ten seemed to like it when she gave it to him so I wanted to try it. Not the best thing to say when I was sitting next to my Mom."
Zuko's voice grew distant as he spoke, "Lu Ten never told me that again. He would always tell me to go play with someone else because he wanted to be alone with whatever girl he'd chosen. I thought he was mad at me for getting him in trouble. I believed that until he asked me to watch Nozumi for him."
"I'm just now starting to understand why things changed when he met her. He always made time for me before her and he'd come find me after he finished with the other girls but after her she was always with him. I couldn't spend any time with him unless it was with her. I thought he was trying to push me away without saying anything. I see now it wasn't about me or her it was about us. He loved both of us and wanted both of us around him because we both made him happy."
"I was glad to wake up and see them there. Eun Lee and Eiji used to live on palace grounds. Ty Lee would often come visit and I would go to their place to get away from her, Mai, and Azula. Eun Lee would keep the girls with her but tell me to keep an eye on Seon. He was a good kid, quiet, and didn't get on my nerves so I didn't really mind."
Zuko laughed softly, "He always had the best toys. Eiji or one of his aunts or uncles from Tsubaki's side would make all kinds of little things for him. I missed playing with him when I was gone."
Zuko leaned back and lifted his hand three feet off the floor, "He was so little when I left. I couldn't believe how big he'd gotten when I saw him at Mu's wedding. He's even bigger now."
"And Aki," Zuko shook his head and grinned, "his mother is a noblewoman so they'd always come to the capital for the season. That kid was an even bigger screw up than I was. He managed to get himself in trouble in ways I'd never imagined."
Zuko looked at Katara, "His Dad is Rear Admiral Qin, the one Bong Cha kicked and drew sparks. He's like some type of idiot savant when it comes to strategy. I heard somebody say Aki hasn't been in the mortal realm long enough for his savant to kick in so he's still just an idiot."
He lowered his head again, "They used to say those same things about me."
He chuckled dryly, "They still say those things about me."
"I had Mom, Lu Ten and Uncle. Aki has Seon. Having someone your age telling you different doesn't mean much when that's all you hear from the adults. I'm glad he's my cousin," He reached out and caressed Katara's cheek, "I want to make a difference for them."
Tears rolled from his eyes as he whispered, "I just keep thinking what if I had someone that I knew believed in me when I was a kid? Would I still have all this self-doubt? Would I close my eyes every night and dream that I was too helpless to prevent someone from taking my world away? Would I dream that I let people like Mao and Pol hurt those I love or that I let Father and Azula destroy the world?...Why didn’t Bong Cha, Auntie or Grandmother Mamoru come forward and stop Father from doing those things to me?”
Katara lowered herself to the floor and held him as he wept. She hated seeing Zuko like this, hearing him talk like this. In these vulnerable moments she knew he was speaking the truth. It was hard to pretend that she didn't hear the difference between his world and the world or that her stomach didn't flutter knowing she was the first.
She sat on the floor with him, long after the tears stopped, unmoving until he slept then woke once more. She smiled when his eyes creaked open without the hint of a nightmare, "Do you want to bathe?"
"Huh?" he asked blinking dumbly.
This time she phrased it differently, "Let's take a shower. We spent all night on the bathroom floor. I don't think that's really hygienic."
"Eun Lee is a clean freak. It's probably fine," Zuko yawned.
"I'll take a shower by myself then," she replied as she began untangling her limbs from his.
After a few moments to let her legs wake up she went back into the room and selected sleepwear for both of them. She tucked his clothes inside her nightgown then went into the bathroom, "If you're not getting in the shower get out."
"Wait, I have to use the restroom," he stammered as he hefted himself from the floor. He finished then washed his hands. He was halfway out of the door when he realized what Katara said, "If I get in the shower I can stay?"
"Yes," Katara replied as she turned on the water and waved Zuko towards her. She wasn't around the last time he killed someone but based on his behavior a full month out this seemed too easy. Pol wasn't dead but he'd beaten him with his bare hands. That had to have a deeper psychological impact than using his element. She knew she would never forget the gouges on his skin after he'd used a cleaning brush to get the blood off.
She took her time soaping him, gently washing his skin twice with the soap and wash cloth before going over his skin with her bending then washing again with her bare hands. She knew she was right in her assessment when he didn't squirm once or protest "it tickles." She washed his hair but the water didn't glow. She bent the water around them one more time intending to exit the shower but Zuko began soaping her hair.
Katara closed her eyes as Zuko's fingers massaged her scalp. He then worked the knots out of her neck, shoulders and upper back. She moaned quietly and leaned against the wall for support when he began working on the lower. His soapy hands moved over her buttocks and down her legs. She placed her hands over his after he soaped her belly and began to move lower. "Stop."
"But I'm not trying anything dirty," he argued.
"I know, it's just," she replied shyly.
Zuko's hands moved back upwards this time he toyed with her nipples as he resoaped her breasts. He removed his hands and whispered in her ear, "You should trust me" before stepping out of the water and leaving her to finish.
Katara expected to see Zuko in bed but he was stretched out on the couch. She walked over to him and asked, "Why are you over here?"
"The bed doesn't have a corner," he replied pulling her down with him.
"It doesn't, does it?" she replied scootching beneath him so her back was against the couch. She kissed his forehead then tucked the blanket tighter around them, "Goodnight."
The two twelve year olds went back to Seon's room. As soon as they opened the door a timid voice whispered, "Where were you?"
Aki lit the torch while Seon walked over to the lump beneath the covers. He lifted them and explained, "I'm sorry By-By, we were in Cousin Zuko's room. I didn't mean to leave you."
Byeol nodded as her brother kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed with her, "I saw that lady again. She was standing at the foot of my bed crying."
Seon pulled his sister into a hug, "Remember what Grammy Nima said when she came to visit?"
Byeol nodded, "This place is full of spirits. Most of them are men but there are a few women. She said the women here are sad because they died without getting a chance to say goodbye to their children. Those women are happy to have children in this place and hear our laughter but seeing us unhappy or upset also upset them. They cry because they are unable to comfort us."
"That's right," Seon agreed. "Grammy Nima said if we see any crying ghosts we shouldn't become frightened; we should take it as a sign that there is another person who cares. Once we feel better we should smile to let them know things are better and thank them for looking out for us even if we can't see them."
"She didn't scare me. She just looked so sad. I hate it here. Even the ghosts cry here. Why can't we just go back home?" she said as her voice broke.
Aki crawled over the two of them and wrapped his arm around the two of them, "Cousin Zuko was crying too."
Byeol rolled over to look at him. There was a look of disbelief on her face.
"He was," Aki repeated. "He was crying and asked Katara to read him a story. We stayed so we could hear it but ended up falling asleep. He had a nightmare and started crying again."
"You're lying. There's no way Cousin Zuko was crying. He captured the Avatar. People who capture the Avatar aren't crybabies," she insisted.
"He was," Seon replied quietly. "I think it's this place. The Avatar was crying yesterday when I went to check on him."
Byeol sniffled, "Grammy Nima said there was a wound here. There are wounds at all the Air Temples but it's worse because of what Mom and Dad do here. It can't heal properly because we make things for war."
"But didn't Grammy Nima say having everyone here would make it better? Not just the weaponry division but all of the offices of scientific development?" Aki asked.
Seon nodded, "Yeah, she said having children, happy children, in this place with people who make toys, cookware, beauty products, fabrics, things to improve people's lives will slowly close the wounds made by the people who make war."
"But Seon, Aki, why does that woman cry so much when the Air Nomads are the ones who started the war?" Byeol sobbed.
"Let's go ask Aang," Aki declared sitting up abruptly. "He's old and an Air Nomad. On Ji said some strange kid from the colonies said the Air Nomads were peaceful and didn't have an army. He got in trouble and was kicked out of the school but there was something about the way he said it that made her want to believe him. We should go ask Aang since he is an Air Nomad and alive back then."
"You just want to believe On Ji because she's pretty," Seon teased as he too sat up.
"She is not!" Aki said with a blush as he put on his shoes.
"Yeah, she has the face of an elephant rat," Byeol agreed as she slid out of bed and put on her shoes.
"You're just mad Hide likes her instead of you," Seon taunted as he stuck out his tongue at his twin.
"I do not like Hide!" Byeol shrieked causing both boys to clap a hand over her mouth.
"Do you want to wake everybody up?"
She shook her head and they removed their hands. Aki poked her and whispered, "Hey since you don't like Hide, you want me to tell Grandfather there's no need to talk to Dr. Bingwen? The only reason I'm even considering her is to clear the way for Hide and you. I can always find somebody else to hang out with when they have the next 'since us old people know each other let's make our kids get married day.' I never should have talked to her to begin with."
Seon shushed both of them and opened the door. They had passed Zuko and Katara' room and were halfway down the hall when they heard screaming. Byeol stopped but the two boys took her hand in theirs.
Aki whispered, "Cousin Zuko had a really bad nightmare when we were in his room. He must be having another one."
"But..." Byeol began as they tugged her along. "He's really brave. He can't have nightmares."
She changed her mind when they reached the Avatar's cell. He was without guards but not alone again. The woman who'd cried at her bedside was holding the Avatar's head in her lap once more as he whimpered beneath the covers. There was also another spirit in the cell, this one was younger and sat next to the woman. Byeol covered her mouth, she'd never seen this spirit but knew her younger sisters had. This spirit wasn't much older than she was. The younger spirit placed her hand on the older spirit's forearm and pointed to them. The older woman lifted her head, tears were still streaming down her face but she smiled at them. She stroked the Avatar's head gently then both spirits disappeared.
Aang woke up screaming once the feeling of being held went away. He sat up clutching his chest as the feeling of violence became suffocating. He shrank back against the wall when he heard the door to his cell rattling, "No, no, I'm sorry I can't help you. I don't know how to make you move on."
"Aang. Aang. It's us," Seon said as he moved forward and shook the Avatar. Wake up."
Aang focused his eyes and smiled weakly when he saw his new friends, "Hey. I didn't think you guys were coming."
Seon lowered his head guiltily. He was right, the Avatar was lonely. "Something happened earlier. We couldn't come sooner."
"It was bad," Aang whispered.
The others nodded and Byeol asked, "How did you know?"
Aang made a face, shook his head slowly and lifted his hands as if trying to determine if something was on them, "I have this feeling. I can't explain it. It's something I've never felt before. It's like pain and fear but trying to run away but can't."
"It's Pol," Aki whispered. "He's haunting the Avatar from beyond."
"He's not dead so how can he haunt anyone, you idiot?" Byeol hissed.
"Stop it, By. Leave him alone," Seon replied coming to the defense of his cousin.
Aki licked his lips and whispered what he'd told Seon earlier, "I saw it. I was on the third floor looking for Grandpa when I saw what Cousin Zuko did out of the window. It was horrible."
"Zuko?" Aang questioned. "What did Zuko do?"
Aki lowered his head, "One minute he was standing beside one of the junior scientists the next he was setting him on fire and beating him. I could see Pol lifting his arms to block the blows and trying to get away but Cousin Zuko wouldn't stop."
Aang frowned. It was true he didn't know Zuko very well but he didn't seem like the type of person who would do that. There wouldn't be a doubt in his mind if it was Azula but Zuko was more honorable. "Are you sure it was Zuko?"
This time all three nodded, "Pol's in the infirmary on account of how bad Cousin Zuko hurt him. They don't think he'll make it through the night."
"But Zuko?" Aang scratched it his head, "Are you sure it wasn't Azula?"
Again all three nodded. Seon spoke, "Pol was drawing dirty pictures of the Waterbender so Zuko beat him up. They went to search his room to see if there were any more but Dad found dirty pictures of us. He killed Pol's roommate and would have finished Pol but Grandpa stopped him."
"Oh," Aang replied weakly. He bit his lip and pulled his blanket tighter as he curled in on himself. There was a rumor that Zuko had killed a woman while they were on the ship but he hadn't paid much attention to it. Zuko didn't seem like the type of person who would kill.
"Aang, are you okay?"
The Avatar nodded, "It's just this feeling won't go away."
"Maybe it's the lady," Byeol suggested.
"What lady?" Aang asked.
"There's a lady here, a spirit. She is wearing clothes the same colors as yours, has blue tattoos and a partially shaved head. She was in here with you both times we came," Byeol explained.
"A lady?" Aang replied curiously. He extended his arm from the blanket and rolled up his sleeve, "Are her tattoos like this one and the one on my head?"
Byeol nodded, "Her hair is mostly dark but it has a few gray strands in it. There's was another spirit in here too, a girl that's older than us. Tonight was my first time seeing her but I see the lady often."
"So do I," Seon whispered.
Aki shivered, "I am so glad I can't see spirits. It sounds really creepy."
Aang shook his head, "But there shouldn't be women here. This was a temple for men."
"A temple for men?" Seon asked.
Aang nodded, "Men and boys lived at the Northern and Southern Air Temples. Women, girls, and babies lived at the Eastern and Western Air Temples."
"Maybe she was part of the army and this is where she was stationed."
"Army? What army?" asked Aang.
"You know the massive Airbender Army planning to attack the Fire Nation."
"We didn't have an Army! We weren't planning to attack anyone. Why do people keep saying that?" Aang screamed.
"But it's in the history books. The Airbenders were planning to attack the Fire Nation but Fire Lord Soizin heard about it so he used the comet to launch a preemptive strike."
"Lies. It's all lies," Aang insisted. "We didn't have an army. My people were non-violent. We don't even eat meat out of our reverence for all forms of life. Who said we were going to attack the Fire Nation? It was a lie. My people are all dead and it's justified by a lie?"
The Fire Nation trio glanced at each other then the distraught Avatar. It was Aki who spoke first, "I've never seen a weapon."
"On the walls or the ceilings. Every time I come here I go exploring. I've never seen a picture of a weapon. Only people flying around, these monkey-looking things, food, and bisons."
"We didn't have weapons. We only learned martial arts to better concentrate and focus our chi and build stamina for flying. Our staffs folded out into gliders to help us harness the wind. We didn't have an army. We weren't going to attack anyone."
Byeol set beside him and put her hand on his shoulder, "I believe you Aang."
Seon set beside him as well. He could see auras and read them better than his sister. The Avatar's aura showed he was speaking the truth. "Maybe that's why the lady was crying. She wants people to know the truth."
"She's back."
"Where? I can't see her," Aang whispered.
"She's right here, in front of us," Byeol replied. "She's kneeling and putting her arms around us."
"She's gone now," Seon whispered.
"I can't see her," Aang whispered. "Is she happy? Hurting or still crying?"
Both twins shook their heads but Byeol spoke, “She's smiling. She's smiling and saying something."
"Take care little ones. Aiama loves you."
Seon heard her words. He could see auras and spirits much better since they'd come here. He could hear her speaking and feel her hand on him just as clearly as he could feel Aang next to him. He debated telling them what she said but decided against it. His mother preferred to downplay their spiritual gifts. He knew she would be alarmed if she learned of the increase in his. It was something he'd mentioned to Ty Lee after they sparred and she admitted that her powers also felt stronger in this temple.
They were unable to have an in depth discussion since Eun Lee walked in but they'd swore to finish the conversation. That was before she'd delivered the news about Zuko and his father. They hadn't had a chance to speak again yet.
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