Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 304
They had walked down several halls, seen several people going about their usual business before overhearing Qin and several of the military council had traveled on the balloon. The Fire Lord remained at home. This group wasn't even his emissaries. Qin had ordered the Ursa's crew to Fairy Land hoping to see his wife. He'd brought the council to get her input on new weapons they were developing and had only learned of her self-appointed post after their arrival. There was much speculation on whether he would visit New Ursa at the end of his day or prolong his visit. That changed once he learned Mahnaz had decided to reactivate herself. Both Bong Cha and Mahnaz were formidable women but together they'd earned the name of Terrifying Twosome; even Fire Lord Azulon had been known to go out of his way to avoid their combined wrath.
Zuko stopped, pulling Katara into one of the many open unused rooms that once housed the Air Nomads, "We could send your brother there. If Father doesn't give him another year or six months we could send him to New Ursa. Bong Cha liked his idea about using the windmills to churn the water inside the reservoirs. She could say his help was vital to the colony's income and helped to provide such generous taxes to our homeland."
A chill came over Katara as Zuko's words echoed the thoughts she'd had weeks ago. She'd been afraid to say anything then thinking they'd be separated if a chance to be rescued came but now hearing Zuko mention it as way to save his life if his father didn't grant him another reprieve gave her goosebumps. He was serious. Zuko was serious about protecting Sokka. She nodded in agreement, "I had thought the same thing but I wasn't sure if it would work or not."
"It will. I know it will," he said as they stepped back into the hall.
They were still searching for Aang, when he came to them. He was being escorted by Eiji, Qin, the council members present, Chu-hua and several other soldiers.
"Prince Zuko, perhaps you and your companion would like to join us. We were just giving the Avatar a tour," Chu-hua called out warmly.
Katara paid no attention to what else was said. Aang was disheveled and there was a bruise on his cheek. Someone had hit him. She stepped forward fully intending on attacking Chu-hua when Zuko's arms wrapped around her waist. "Katara, I haven't given you and the Avatar permission to interact. Behave."
"Yes my prince," she said sarcastically through clenched teeth.
Aang's chains clanked as anger coursed through his body, "Don't talk to Katara like that!"
"And what are you going to do about it?" Zuko asked stepping forward. He grabbed Aang's chin forcing the Avatar to look up as he leaned down to face him, "What can a wrapped up little shrimp do?"
Aang stared up at Zuko, he felt a warm pressure on his face from Zuko's fingers and could see Katara shaking her head behind him. He felt Zuko's breath on his face and realized his own helpless as the prince repeated his question, "What can you do?"
Aang looked around. He was in the ancestral home of his people surrounded by Fire Nation military and weapons. He couldn't feel the chi coursing through his body and even if he could in such close quarters against so many he was certain Katara would be injured.
"What can you do Avatar? Answer me, what can you do?" Zuko asked again hoping the Avatar understood.
Aang met his gaze squarely and responded, "Nothing."
Zuko’s deceptively loose grip relaxed and the prince tapped him lightly on the cheek, "Good."
They began walking again and Aang keep stealing glances at Zuko as he held hands with Katara. There was a warm spot on his cheek where the prince had touched it. It was in the same spot he'd been hit earlier but if anything it seemed as if Zuko’s blow was meant to soothe. It reminded Aang of the gentle taps he and the other boys his age would receive from older monks closer to Zuko's age. The only thing missing was something along the lines of, "You got it little brother."
Aang wandered the halls surrounded by Fire Nation soldiers but he did not see the defaced walls or abused treasures. He wondered if Zuko had been wrong the night he rescued him from Zhao’s fortress - that in some strange way they were friends. Zuko had not let them go but he also did what he could to look after them. He knew the boy that had come to his cell earlier with a sandwich had been disappointed when Aang said he didn't eat meat. He gave Aang all four pieces of bread then ate the meat himself and said he'd be back with more food later.
It was only after being returned to his cell did Aang notice the apple next to the door. Sections of the wall had been removed to install bars so the prisoners had very little privacy but it had been placed where only someone in the room would see it after the door had been closed. He made the excuse of needing to use the restroom to walk over to the door. He hid it in one of the pockets sewn into his robes while waiting for the guards to bring the key.
He stretched out on the bed still wondering what was going on as he stared at the untouched artwork on the ceiling and smiled. The ceilings, easy to reach only by those versed in Airbending, contained the only untouched remnants of his culture.
Zuko was expecting the worse once they returned to the room. He'd manhandled Katara, scolded both her and the Avatar so he was surprised when opened the curtain to stare at the snow. He called her name warily, expecting it to break the glass and come flying in at any minute. "Katara?"
She spoke without facing him, "Do you know what an avalanche is Zuko?"
"It's when the snow comes down the mountain like lava from a volcano," he explained the way it had been explained to him.
She nodded, "Do you know what causes them?"
His uncle had never explained that only saying they should be quiet and careful in the mountains so he made up an answer, "They happen because the animals at the top of the mountain like quiet so they push snow over on noisy people beneath them."
Katara smiled at his reply "You're almost right. Avalanches start at the bottom. They occur when the stable base becomes overloaded or something happens to upset their balance. They consume everything in their sight and get bigger and faster as they move down hill. I got so angry today when I saw Aang had been hit I could have caused one. I would have caused one if not for you. Thank you for giving a foundation to my falling snow."
"I never thought that would happen," Zuko admitted.
"What that I'd thank you?" Katara snorted.
"No, that I would actually do something to calm your temper. It's seems as if all I do is make you mad," he moved closer to her and whispered, "I wish Uncle were here to hear you say that."
"What that you didn't make me mad?"
"No, I'm sure he'd never believe that. I wish he could hear you saying that I'd been the voice of reason. Most of the time I only add fire to bad situations."
"Yeah you do," Katara agreed. "Strange isn't it? Most of the time I'm the one telling you to calm down but if you hadn't spoken every bit of snow on this mountain would have come down."
Zuko gulped nervously, "Katara when you said avalanche earlier, you didn't mean?"
"Yeah I did. There were windows in that hallway Zuko. Snow is the first form of water I learned to bend. I could have easily directed it around us and Aang."
His stomach growling interrupted their conversation, "Come on we haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Let's go find some lunch."
At the mention of food Katara remembered her brother, "Sokka we have to get food for him and find something for Aang."
"Don't worry about that Katara, Seon is doing that," he reassured her.
"How do you know?"
Zuko smiled warmly, "Because I asked. The War Minister's permanent residence is on palace grounds. Eiji has always worked for him in some capacity so they lived at the palace as well. At least they did before buying a home a short distance from the grounds after Eun Lee had more children. Seon followed me around a lot when he was little. It used to aggravate me until Lu Ten decided to teach me a lesson and treated me the way I treated him. I was kinder after that. After they moved I didn't see him as much but even Father and Uncle agree watching the two of us reminds them of watching me and Lu Ten.
"I would have done anything Lu Ten asked and would have been devastated to learn he didn't trust me. He asked me to watch over the woman he loved. He trusted me to keep her safe. I know I was only six when they left and ten when they both died and there was nothing I could have done to prevent it but I still feel like I disappointed him."
"Zuko, you can't. That was an unfair burden to place on a child and I'm sure he didn't mean it like that."
"I know, but still it bothers me that I couldn't protect her just like I couldn't protect Mom. The man who killed both of them raped Nozomi and was planning to pass his child off as Lu Ten's so it would inherit the throne. I took part in his punishment and I know there was nothing a child could have done but still. Aren't there things you feel responsible for even though logically you know you aren't?"
Katara nodded as she thought of the death of her mother and so many others. They'd all be alive and the raid never would have happened if they hadn't come looking for her.
Zuko noticed the change in her expression and realized what he'd just asked, "Don't. The raid wasn't your fault. It was Father's and Grandfather's. Grandfather ordered it before his death and Father could have called it off after he ascended. The boats hadn't reached Whale Tail island yet. Father thought it would be a waste of resources if he redirected the troops elsewhere after they'd passed the Southern Islands."
He saw her opening her mouth to protest then asked, "What could an untrained eight year old have done against two boats of soldiers? Even now, fully trained what can you do against that many?" He added "Without hurting the people you care for?"
Katara reluctantly conceded, "Fine, let's go find Fan and your cousin."
It was easy to find Fan. He'd taken up residence in the communal kitchen and was the happiest Zuko could remember seeing him. They took their food and left unable to listen to another word about storage space, perfectly designed burners, ovens built to automatically adjust for the altitude, and counter space before he got started on the things he would do to get it.
They found Seon with his another boy who looked somewhat like him but was much taller. Akihiro grinned mischievous calling out to Zuko before the twins, "Hey Cousin Zuko!"
"Hello, how'd you find out?" Zuko asked completely forgetting the boy always called him that to irritate Seon.
"Huh find out what?" the boy asked reminding Katara eerily of Zuko when he was distracted by food.
"That your grandmother Bong Cha is Soizin's lost princess, the one called the Red Orchid," Zuko replied.
"No Agni-fucking way! I'm a prince! I'm a prince! You hear that Seon? You might be the Fire Lord's cousin but I'm a real honest to spirits prince!"
"It's really nothing to be excited about," Zuko replied dryly. He pointed at his face, "You see what being a real honest to spirits prince has gotten me?"
The boy looked at Katara and grinned, "Yeah and she's hot. I thought Mai was something but she's way better."
Seon's twin, Byeol smacked him before Zuko could, "Pervert! I'm telling Mom."
"No, don't tell. Please don't tell! I'll do anything" Akihiro pled. His aunt took any sign of mannish behavior as an opportunity to have a very descriptive talk about the responsibilities and dangers of sex. He was too young to hear that there were certain diseases that could make his penis rot off.
Byeol smiled, "All of our chores including babysitting?"
"Babysitting? But you know the twins hate me and Yunkumi is still in diapers," he argued.
"But caring for one’s subjects and meeting their needs are part of the duties of a prince. It's only three children, if you can't handle them you're not fit to be called a prince of the Fire Nation," Zuko teased.
"Fine, I renounce my title as a prince and go back to being a regular spoiled brat. Are you happy?" Akihiro huffed.
"Not until I tell Mom, I'm not," Byeol sing-songed.
"Fine I'll do your chores and babysit so long as you help," Akihiro negotiated.
"Deal!" Byeol and Seon agreed. Keeping up with their younger sibling was easier when they could take a child a piece.
Dejected he looked at Zuko, "You didn't just say that to help them trick me into babysitting did you?"
Zuko shook his head, "No, it hasn't been announced yet but your grandmother really is the Red Orchid. I used to see her a lot with Grandfather, now I know why."
"So we really are cousins, wow! I mean that's great! You're nicer than all my proper cousins combined except Yuri but she's a girl and that doesn't count. Can I call you Cousin Zuko?" Akihiro asked excitedly.
"You already do," Zuko deadpanned.
"Yeah but that's just to bother them. Can I call you that and mean it?" he asked hopefully.
Zuko glanced at him, out of all the children and grandchildren of War Minister Qin, Akihiro was the only one who didn't test into the Royal Academy. Qin didn't make a big deal of it, neither did the children born of Tsubaki but he knew among Bong Cha's line his failure was a big deal.
Zuko smirked remembering how Lu Ten and Wei would tease him and Mu. He licked his thumb then slid it down the side of Akihiro's face, "You are now my minion and trusted servant."
Seon eewed and backed away as Zuko took a step his direction. He handed the food he was holding to Katara planning to run as Zuko got closer, "No thanks I can be your minion without the spit."
"But that's part of the binding agreement," Zuko said merrily as he tackled his younger cousin.
Byeol nose turned up in a frown, "Boys are gross."
She wasn't expecting Zuko's whore to reply with a laugh, "Yeah, they are aren't they?"
"Come on, let's get them," Zuko said letting go of Seon. The prince licked his hand and took a step towards Katara. They younger boys licked theirs and grinned Byeol’s direction.
Katara waited until their hands were coated in spit to blow her breathe and freeze their fingers together. She stuck her tongue out, "Picking on girls is impolite. You boys should remember to mind your manners."
"What the?" "My hand is stuck" the younger boys shouted as Zuko melted his.
"It's stuck. What did you do to us?" the new boy shrieked.
"Aki, calm down," Zuko said placing his hand on the younger boy's shoulder. He closed his other hand over Seon's and guided the young Firebender through the exercise, "Remember the lesson on the breath of fire? Take a deep breath in, exhale slowly and warm your hand."
"I did it," Aki marveled as his fingers were freed and his hand became perfectly dry.
"The secret to anything is patience and concentration: bending, martial arts, weaponry, schoolwork. It takes time to learn and you only do worse when you rush," Zuko advised quoting his Uncle.
"Well aren't you full of surprises? I guess all those times you had to redo something finally paid off," Azula commented from the doorway.
Seon and Byeol rushed over to hug her and she began waving fiery hands to keep them at bay. They easily ducked beneath them and wrapped their hands around her waist.
Unlike the other two Aki moved to hide behind Zuko. "Please don't tell her we're related."
Zuko rolled his eyes at the blushing boy, "Don't worry I won't."
"Azula, Azula, they were being gross and she froze their spit to their hands!" Byeol said excitedly. "Isn't that blazin'?"
"Blazing? How can the water peasant freezing anything be blazing?" Azula asked in all serious showing her ignorance of popular Fire Nation slang.
Byeol laughed, "You are the white coals, Azula! How do you keep your face straight while saying that? Zuko's nose would have flared or his eyebrow would have twitched. He lies like a beetle-horse"
"Don't be ridiculous, beetle-horses can't lie down. They rock until they die unless someone takes pity and tips them back over. You might have a point; Zuzu always seems to fall on his ass. He'd probably still be there if I hadn't come along and kicked him up."
This time Byeol used words the princess could understand, "Azula, you are the best."
"Yes, well of course," the princess replied before addressing her brother. "Zuzu we won't be leaving first thing tomorrow as originally planned. We've been invited to dinner tomorrow evening. Eun Lee is cooking."
Seon and Akihiro cheered while Byeol groaned. Her mother was a true noblewoman and believed that all young women should excel at household chores so they would know when their servants were slacking. Men need know nothing about the kitchen other than where it was located. Hoping to get an idea about her workload the twelve year old girl asked, "Did she at least say what she was making?"
"No, and I didn't ask," Azula replied. "I was only asked to deliver the message to my stupid brother and tell him it is family only so there is no need to dress formal."
"Cousin Azula, do you think you can teach me how to do that Firebending trick you use to make charcoal whenever someone tried to teach you how to cook?" Byeol inquired innocently.
Azula's nostril twitched and Zuko burst into laughter, "It's not a trick, Byeol, Azula really can't cook."
"That's impossible, Azula can do anything! You're just mad because you can't do it!" she replied coming to Azula's defense.
"I'm happy I can't do it," Zuko corrected. "If I cooked like Azula Uncle and I both would have starved. She's the only person I know that can burn jook. How can you burn soggy rice? It's mostly water. It shouldn't burn! Even Father was amazed when he saw it."
"It's as Father said, I am a lady, ladies do not need to cook. A true one hires servants to cook for her." Azula said haughtily repeating what her father had told her.
"He said," Zuko began then stopped as he remembered his father's exact words. Their father had told Azula a true lady hires servants she trusts will not poison her but their father had always said only a fool trusts blindly. Anyone unwilling to at least learn and prepare against all of the ways their enemies could attack was stupid and needed to die. His head tilted in contemplation as his father’s words to Azula replayed in his mind. If he interpreted his Father's words they way he did when they were directed at him them then it meant his father had told Azula she was stupid and needed to die. His father had told Azula that she was stupid and needed to die but she took it as something completely different.
The words were out of his mouth as soon as he realized it, "No, he said you were stupid and needed to die for trusting someone who could easily poison you."
"No, Zuzu, Father's never told me that. You're confusing his words to me with what he always tells you."
Zuko decided to let her have that victory. He needed to discuss this revelation with Katara. She was better at understanding and interpreting his father's actions than he was. "Katara, let's go outside. I'm sure it's been awhile seen you've been in the snow."
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