Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 303
It was close to lunch when Zuko and Katara emerged from their room again. They went downstairs to check on Sokka and Aang before heading elsewhere. Sokka was in the stables working. Aang was not in his cell.
"Katara he's probably upstairs. I saw a war balloon arrive earlier," Zuko hastily explained.
"I know," Katara replied. Aang's absence didn't worry her as much as it would have it Sokka had been missing. She knew the Fire Nation would not harm the Avatar they'd sought for over a century.
Zuko relaxed. He'd been expecting the worse seeing how upset both Katara and the Avatar were earlier. He wrapped his arm around her, "Come on, let's go see where they've taken him and who is here."
Despite his outward calm, Katara could tell Zuko was nervous. She stopped and motioned for him to lean down towards her, "Zuko, this mountain is covered with snow. We know where Sokka, Appa and Aang are. Sokka's eaten and I know he's healthy. We can fight if we have to. I am not letting him take us back to the Fire Nation."
Zuko wrapped his arms around her and held her for several minutes. Katara hadn't paid attention to her words but Zuko had noticed the way she said "we". We can fight; we know where they are; we as in the two of us, together. Zuko understood that he was also a part of the us that Katara would not be allowed to be taken back to the Fire Nation. He pressed his lips against hers, kissing her gently for several minutes before pulling away, "I love you."
"What in Koh's name is wrong with you?"
Zuko turned sharply to face the voice, Eun Lee was standing a few feet away completely horrified.
"You love her? You love this whore? What about your fiancee?" Eun Lee shrieked pointing to Mai who was standing next to her. "How could you do this to her? Mai has been by your side since you were children but you declare your love to this whore! Zuko what is wrong with you? How could you do this? How can you love her? How?
"How can you toss aside someone who's loved you and only you for all this time? And for what? Some whore you just met? What is it? What is it about her do you love? Tell me! What is it about her that you love? What does she do that Mai doesn't? How could some foreign whore steal the love you should only give to one woman? Does she suck you better? Spread her legs wider? Move better? What does she do? Tell me! What does this green-eyed whore do?" Eun Lee shrieked rushing forward.
Zuko pushed Katara behind him to protect her as Ty Lee grabbed her sister. Eun Lee was dangerous. There was an incident a little over a year ago that left her slightly unhinged. He relaxed when he saw a tall shadow out of the corner of his eye striding forward.
Eun Lee began to struggle as soon as her sister's arms were around her. She began yelling louder, directing her anger at Zuko and her approaching husband, "Does her tongue go farther up your hole? Does her pussy taste sweeter than my phoenix? Was it because her small breasts were firm and hadn't lost their shaped nursing your children? Was it because her hips were still slim? Her pussy tight because she'd never brought life into this world? Tell me Eiji, what was it about her that made you want to put your mark on her body? What do you see in this whore that made you give her one of your precious children?
"Haven't the ones I've born been enough? Haven't I been enough? I was always there for you Eiji, always! I never once complained about being barterted off to a bastard child that was fifteen years older. I gave you everything! My first kiss! My first time! I've never let another touch me but you fathered a child with another woman! How could you do that! How could you give yourself to another knowing how much I love you? How could you hurt me like that knowing how much I love you?" she sobbed as he lifted her and carried her down the hallway. "How could you betray me when you know how much I need you?"
Mai remained as still and emotionless as stone as Zuko hugged and apologized to his precious Waterbender.
War Minister Qin shook his head as he approached, "Prince Zuko, Princess Azula, Lady Mai, Ty Lee. I'm sorry you had to witness that shameful display. My son spoiled her for too many years and she forgot her place. Let that be a lesson to you all, we can't have all you going berserk like Eun Lee or missing like Bong Cha. You are to care for your husband, your home, your children and any others he may bring home. Don't worry about where he places his dragon so long as you lay claim to his name and residence."
Azula's nostril flared and she forgot all about earning the support of the War Minister. He had included her in his foolish statement, "Thank you for the wisdom War Minister Qin, it truly shows you are a progressive man to acknowledge even the most lowly of children. Tell me does a man such as yourself have such libertarian views of visiting dragons? After all the cave will still bear your name and you will still hold title to the residence long after it's buried its snout and spewed upon the phoenix's welcoming wings?"
Qin's eyes narrowed but then he laughed, "I suppose I should expect such a question from a woman of the Kumanishi; you are a rather non-traditional lot. I suppose the dragon's blood also explains a few things. But to answer your question directly Princess Azula, a man should not expect such a thing when dealing with a proper woman. Ty Lee, I mean no disrespect as we both know Eun Lee is ill but look at Lady Mai, her fiance has clearly declared his love for his concubine and she hasn't batted an eye. She is a shining example of a lady who knows her place."
Qin shook his head sadly, "I blame myself for this, none of this would have happened if I'd insisted Eiji take a mistress within the first year of their marriage instead of waiting fourteen years. It's a good thing poor Eun was only bedridden and didn't miscarry.
"Excuse me ladies, I must go visit my youngest grandson. I am told his nap should be over. Prince Zuko, we should talk later. There are some things happening in the homeland I think you will be rather interested in," he said politely excusing himself as he wandered farther into the residential area. Despite having his own paramour, War Minister Qin was a true man how understood how their world worked. Mistresses, even long term ones like Tsubaki, were not to be acknowledged unless it was first done so by their man. He stopped short hearing his name being called.
"War Minister Qin."
"Yes Prince Zuko."
"I will not tolerate your rudeness towards my concubine," Zuko then put the older man firmly in his place. Higher ranking people were introduced to lower. "Katara, my love, meet Qin. He is a former friend of my uncle's, Aunt Bong Cha's estranged husband and our nation's current War Minister."
Qin's eyes narrowed shrewdly. Iroh had said the boy knew nothing of politics. "Prince Zuko, I apologize for the lapse in decorum. Lady Katara, although we have met before it is nice to properly make your acquaintance. It has been quite some time since our nation was graced by the presence of such a formidable Waterbender. I am certain that unlike Fire Lord Irohulon and Fire Lord Kozulon, Prince Zuko knows the value of the treasure he has in hand."
"I do, War Minister Qin, I do," Zuko replied the threat clear in his voice.
Qin nodded in understanding, "Perhaps, if time and our schedules permit, I should arrange for an introductory tea with Tsubaki. She would most certainly be delighted to meet a young one with her level of intelligence."
"I would like that," Zuko replied warmly, smiling for the first time at the War Minister. He'd heard enough about Qin from his uncle to know that Bong Cha was his wife and a source of pride but Tsubaki was his heart.
"Let's go Mai, Ty Lee. There's nothing here but an old dog teaching a puppy how to bury its bone," Azula said insulting both her brother and Qin now that she knew any chance of gaining his support was lost. Unlike her brother she was current on all of the gossip. Qin fought alongside Bong Cha but he fought for Tsubaki; arranging tea for her and the Waterbender was a sign of confidence and trust.
Zuko wrapped his arms around Katara once they are alone in the hall, "I'm sorry Eun Lee attacked you and that you had to hear that. The day she confirmed she was pregnant with Hikko she walked in and heard her husband's secretary delivering the same news. They were undressed. All of them work for the War Ministry’s Office of Scientific Development. She almost miscarried seeing a woman she knew and liked naked on the couch she'd purchased as a gift for her husband and where they also made love announcing she carried his child. She hasn't been the same since that day."
He snorted, "I know my father hates me but at least I was given a proper name. Eun Lee insisted upon naming the child Hikikimogomo. It means bittersweet. She was farther along than his secretary but the other woman went into labor first. She and her child died two days before Eun Lee gave birth."
Katara lowered her head, she'd been angry the woman had called her a whore but now she only felt pity for her. Amnak had been distraught after learning of Bato's affairs but he'd never brought another woman into their home or associated with a woman his wife considered a friend.
"I don't see what the big deal is, why doesn't she just get over it?"
Katara raised her head to look at him, "You don't mean that? Do you?"
Zuko's puzzled expression was explanation enough. It, Qin's words and all that she'd seen and heard these past months helped her to realize Zuko really did mean it. He had no idea why Eun Lee was so badly hurt. A man's infidelity was to be expected. After all the things Zuko had told her about his parent's marriage and the affectionate lies he'd told her she felt a great deal of sadness that he had no way of understanding something as simple as this. "Zuko, do you really not understand why she is upset?"
He shook his head, "No, it's a man's right if he wants to bed another woman."
"Would you bed another woman?" Katara asked quietly.
"I know at some point in time I'll have to sleep with Mai but that will be on our wedding night and only until she gets pregnant. I won't have to again for a few years so there will be a second child to secure the line." He replied in all honesty.
"You don't get it, you really don't get it," Katara muttered in astonishment.
"Get what Katara, what am I missing?” He asked innocently.
Katara asked quietly, "Zuko, how would you feel if I laid with another man."
"Don't be ridiculous. We both know that won't happen. You're too pure and virtuous for that."
"But if I did? You've said over and over again that Mai will be your wife but you don't plan on letting go of me either. How much time do you think we'll spend together? We both know I'll be locked away in some isolated part of the palace until your Father decided to show me off. Don't you think I'll be lonely? What if there was a person there, a guard you'd trusted to keep me safe, that I approached after years of loneliness. How would you feel knowing I'd turned to another for the companionship and affection I should only receive from you? We both know you're jealous and protective Zuko, but how would you feel knowing it wasn't someone else lusting after me but that I'd intentionally sought another to give me the things I should only share with you?"
Zuko's stomach turned as he imagined Katara holding another man, kissing another man, caressing another man, talking to another man, laughing with another man, "I'd kill him."
"Why? I was also in the wrong? What would you do to me?"
"Don't." Zuko rasped harshly. "Just don't. I don't even want to think of such a thing."
"If you feel this way now just thinking of me sharing my affections with another, imagine how Eun Lee feels? He is her husband. She's birthed children for him. On what should have been one of the happiest days of her life she learned in the worst way possible that her husband had shared the things only meant for her with another. Don't you realize what you are saying, the hurt you are causing each time you say you will keep me and marry Mai?" Katara asked softly.
Zuko inhaled and exhaled slowly. He'd known he was hurting Mai, but he'd only thought she was upset because his relationship to Katara was a blow to her pride. Every man knew mistresses were to be kept hidden; any and all affairs were to be carried out with the utmost discretion. An open affair, like his and Katara's, was not viewed as a sign of disrespect for the woman in the relationship or behavioral shortcoming on the man's.
Open affairs meant only one thing - the woman was flawed.
Minor such as personality differences and sexual dissatisfaction could be pushed aside for the greater good of maintaining the social, economic, and political connections offered by their union. No man would be willing to insult his parents by flaunting his displeasure at their choice of marriage partner, or risk his own potential ruin unless he had been saddled with a severely defective woman.
The times he was forced to acknowledge Mai's pain, like the night at the palace, and the day she learned he hadn't gotten rid of Katara he felt awful. She had done nothing those days but be kind to him and it hurt to know his actions hurt her. He saw her tears the night at the palace. Mu, the twins, Ty Lee, even Fan had told him how despondent she was after standing outside their room and listening to him make love to Katara. The old cook's exact words were, "sometimes there are things in this world that you have to learn no matter how much it hurts to learn them. You hurt Old Stoneface bad Zuko, even I could see it, but you have to decide if it will kill you more to see her or Katara in pain because one day just as sure as shit stinks you're gonna hurt Katara just as bad. If I ain't mistaken it’s gonna be the day of your wedding. Now you just stop and think what can you do between now and then and how you're gonna fix it afterwards. You can't have it both ways, a friend you care for or the woman you love is going to be in pain."
"Does it hurt you when I say that?" Zuko asked quietly.
Katara's eyes widened and she blinked startled by the question. She shook her head stammering, "I...Zuko...I...I know I mean nothing to you. can't...I won't let you. I won't let you hurt me more than you already have."
Zuko nodded, his lips twisting into a sad but understanding smile. It did hurt her when he said those things. He'd been hurting her physically all this time and hadn't even thought about causing emotional pain. He always believed his first woman would be the one he planned to marry and that he would maintain the same level of faithfulness as his father after he took his vows but Iroh's influence had been strong enough that he'd made no real decisions as to what would happen in between.
Katara grew up believing she'd never have sex outside of marriage and he hadn't even thought how she would feel each time she heard him say that he would marry another.
Even thought it was for a good cause, he knew a part of him would forever be broken because of how he lost his virginity with Katara. It pained him to know that he could never give one hundred percent of himself, mind, body and soul to her because his grandfather had bound him to Mai but he'd never stopped to think how it must feel knowing the person who'd taken what should only belong to a spouse would marry another. He knew no amount of explaining the significance the ring exchange or what his father watching had truly meant would ever take the place of a ceremony performed by sages in which they bestowed upon her the title of First Wife, Fire Lady Consort of Physical Agni, Mother of the Nation.
He had to find a way to end the war so nothing he or anyone else did or said would hurt her. "Katara what if I said I wouldn't marry her? I'd find a way out of it?"
Katara laughed in spite of herself, "Then I'd know you were lying."
Although he'd asked in seriousness he knew there was no way for him to get out of the contract without ruining his grandfather's name and his own honor. He smiled, as much as he hated being called a liar by Katara, it made him happy that she knew him so well. He kissed her forehead, "Come on, let's go find the Avatar and hope we don't run into my father."
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