Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 296
Katara growled then rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and sat up. She took a peek at the insect filled water in the makeshift basin then decided to pull what she could from the air. It was a meager wash up and by the reactions of those they encountered did little to disguise the scent of sex after several days without a proper bath.
“You two smell worse than breeding season at the Soizin City zoo,” Chu-hua huffed as their scent drifted across the table she was using to go over the plan to infiltrate the next town.
The Admiral smiled then spoke to those around her, “Change of plans people. Instead of going in hostile we use subterfuge. Our Prince is on his way to Ba Sing Se from the Hu Xin provinces and we are his escorts. He is seeking a place to bathe and rest for a few days as he obviously is unable to resist the charms of his concubine. This city is slightly larger and we will have a better chance at learning the identity of the culprits instead of rushing in angrily and threatening to burn the place down. The primary group will move in a wide V Formation. Those flanking will remain at the edges and move in slowly to close the gap so nothing escapes the city. The strongest scents detected by the Sniffalongs came this way.”
Katara sat behind Zuko and closed her eyes letting the familiar rhythm of Korhi’s movements lull her back to sleep. When Zuko tapped on her leg and called her name to wake her, their destination was in sight. This village was larger than the others she’s seen in the area and was close to earning the title of city. Large sun-bleached stones formed a wall around the city and she could see movement inside watchtowers. Her heart constricted as she thought of Sokka rushing from his on the day which led to this. She had overheard enough of the conversations to know that the Fire Nation believed the majority of the perpetrators were somewhere in this city. She knew that somewhere in this foreign town there was an innocent girl watching the scurrying watchmen with a mix of fear and curiosity just as she had done when the Fire Nation came to her home. She also knew that unless that girl was carefully hidden she too would be held down and stripped of something precious.
Katara inhaled deeply and added the upcoming atrocities to her own list of sins. Her inability to refuse Zuko had just become the shorn sheep whose wool the Fire Nation wolves draped themselves in. She didn’t pretend to be embarrassed when Azula demanded the location of the nearest place to bathe because “it is an insult to the Fire Nation for its prince to wander about smelling like Waterbender crotch.”
Chu-hua glared at Azula then addressed the men who’d come out to greet them, “Unfortunately our princess’s words are crude but true. We are traveling from the Hu Xin provinces to Ba Sing Se and are in need of a suitable place for bathing. Especially our prince and his Waterbender.”
She then rolled her eyes and grumbled, “Teenaged males should never be allowed to take concubines on these types of journeys.”
A few of the townsmen glanced at each other hoping to decide if the other had some idea of what to do. Chu-hua sighed and turned to Zuko, “My prince, perhaps this would be easier if you were to ride forward and allow them to smell you? I know you well enough to know that as a male the particular aroma you boast of is a source of pride, but Lady Katara is a young woman. As a female I am certain she has a far different perspective.”
Zuko could feel Katara’s face pressing farther against the center of his back. She was hiding her face from them. He urged Korhi forward with a gentle press of his heels against her side. He glared at his cousin and sister, “I am doing this for Katara, not you.”
He turned Korhi so she, and Katara, faced opposite the Earth Kingdom people and dismounted. He walked the short distance to the Earth Kingdom men and asked politely, “Is there a place in this town where two travelers may bathe privately?”
The men’s noses began to crinkle and one of the older ones shuddered while muttering, “Never thought I’d meet a truthful person from the Fire Nation.”
“Ugh, there is a hotel in the city but we can’t allow all of you in,” another replied.
“Our prince must have escorts,” Chu-hua insisted.
“They can kill him for all I care I require a proper bath and will incinerate anyone who stands between me and hot water,” Azula corrected as she, Mai and Ty Lee rode forward.
Mai threw a knife at man stepping towards them and blandly commented “What’s blood other than more dirt to wash off?”
The men took a step backwards to allow the Fire Nation into their village.
The hotel owners eagerly rented every available room and ordered their workers to fetch copious amounts of water after viewing the Fire Nation gold. Zuko and Katara were the first to be shown to theirs. They didn’t hear Chu-hua order infinite rotational baths. An infinity rotation was a tactic based on deception. Eight soldiers split in groups of two entered their target from different directions. Two from each group met up to form a group of four which exited loudly while the others hid. They passed the information they saw along to others while another group of eight entered and repeated the pattern. It was a slow and tedious process that eventually got all of your troops inside your target.
After bathing Zuko and Katara took full advantage of the bed - they quickly fell asleep. They woke a short time later then went to the hotel dining room. This hotel, like the one in New Ursa also made concessions to the town’s sole restaurant. They only offered tea, dumpling and few desserts. They ordered all three. Zuko frowned when he was served an irregular golden brown circle alongside his tea.
Their server curtsied, “I am sorry if the appearance displeases you, but they are rather delicious.”
Zuko said nothing but lifted the small cookie. It was heavier than it looked and had a unique texture that was dry and moist at the same time. He took another bite and felt a mixture of hope and anger arise. Either Aunty was alive or her recipe had been stolen by those who caused her demise. He rose then grabbed a server who was passing by, “Take me to the woman who made this.”
The boy’s eyes widened, “I…I”
“I’ve made a simple request, take me to the woman who made this unless you want to die,” he growled as Katara gasped. Zuko’s grip tightened as the terrified boy led him across the dining room to a door hidden by a large tapestry. The boy stumbled as he walked up a set of stairs leading to the family rooms.
The ten year old stopped at a door then said, “Please mister don’t hurt her. She’s nice.”
Zuko turned the knob, Aunty was reading to a girl who appeared to be no older than five. The woman smiled and patted the child’s head, “Well little one, I guess that’s it for now. It appears I’ve been found.”
Zuko rushed forward and to both children’s surprise pulled the old woman into a crushing hug. Aunty indulged his affection then tapped him lightly against his head, “Prince Zuko, such displays are inappropriate for one of your station. Calm yourself.”
The prince stepped back blushing but kept his hands on her shoulders, “I apologize. I am just so happy to see that you are alive.”
The woman smiled, “I am happy that you remembered me and I am overjoyed that you are happy to see me. I wasn’t so certain after hearing what happened with your uncle.”
Zuko lowered his head but said nothing.
The woman sighed and reached up to ruffle shaggy stray hairs that didn’t quite reach his topknot, “I suppose that if you are here there are others.”
Zuko nodded, “That town was very important.”
“We’d best be getting downstairs then,” Aunty sighed before smiling sadly as she lifted the youngest of her host family’s children.
“You!” Chu-hua shrieked as she saw the old woman accompanying Zuko. Her arm trembled as she pointed, “You’re alive!”
Two of the soldiers inside the hotel ran outside to tell the others that Prince Zuko had found his lost person. The remaining soldiers in the city converged on the hotel. One who hadn’t lost any family members had the presence of mind to signal those outside the city to come in. Katara heard screams as they began invading homes searching for surviving loved ones.
“Rumors of my demise seemed to have worked better than I expected them too,” Aunty huffed as she smoothed the hairs of the frightened child on her hip. “Chu-hua, you of all people should have known better.”
The old woman then shook her head in disappointment while glaring at Chu-hua, “And here I was thinking I’d managed to beat all that stupidity out of you. More of it than must remain than I anticipated if you are here but not searching for me. Tell me are you looking for that woman?”
“And if I am?” Chu-hua replied defiantly.
“Then I feel sorry for your children. She and hers are alive. She works at the restaurant. Has for years. She was visiting her mother when it happened. These people here have no idea” Aunty snorted disdainfully, “Can’t rely on her children’s father for certain.”
The older woman shook her head and rolled her eyes, “At least his family is reliable. Stupid but reliable.”
Aunty patted Zuko on his head, “Pity child. It’s a wonder you made it this far with those role models. Your uncle’s just as stupid as that girl, challenging Kali for his son’s soul. And Ursa…”
Aunty let her words drop with a sigh. This was not the time or place for that discussion.
“What do you mean?” Zuko demanded hearing the name of his mother. “What do you mean by that?”
Another group of soldiers barged in. Unlike the others who’d left to spread the news one survivor had been found these were determined to look for their lost loved ones. They began banging on doors and jumping up and down on the earth floor searching for any indicators what lie on the other side was hollow. They ripped art off the walls and Aunty shouted when they ripped the away the tapestry leading to the living area belonging to one of her favorite families in the area.
The soldiers froze; if nothing else years in the military had taught them how to recognize an authoritative voice.
Aunty strode forward; despite the child clinging to her, all demeanor and mannerisms of a kind old lady were long gone. In their place was the mien of a battle hardened warrior. A few of the older soldiers gasped in recognition then rapidly saluted. They grabbed their younger comrades, forced them into a salute then quickly pulled them out of the restaurant.
“Wait!” Aunty screamed once more. “There is a child, newly born in a house two streets over from here. I think he may be of interest to one of you.”
Katara watched as the old woman pushed the doors of the hotel closed then pulled the lever to release the heavy stone doors behind it. She sank heavily into a chair and pulled the little girl she was carrying into her lap. She beckoned the Zuko and Katara over as the parents and brother of the little girl emerged from hiding. They quickly barred the windows as waited unsure of what to do next.
Aunty smiled sadly at them before speaking to the adults of the family “Kimiko, can you fetch the batch of tea cakes from the oven. Bin, can you bring tea leaves and cups?”
She placed her hand over Katara’s “Girl, I don’t know your name, but I don’t suppose you can get an old lady a bit of water?”
Katara kept her eyes on the old woman as she lifted her free hand then slowly circled her wrist to call the water to her. She guided it to the teapot taking residence over the small stove at the center of table. Aunty placed a hand on either side of the teapot and brang the water inside to a boil without drawing a single flame.
“You’re a Firebender,” Kimiko whispered in hushed tones at the traveling physician who’d attended the birth of her youngest child.
“Yes, but please allow me a few more moments of being a kind old lady. Have a tea cake all of you, I wish to see the smiling faces of children I love before our lives are disrupted by this terrible war. That includes you too, Zuko. Have a tea cake, smile and eat up. Tell me, is this young lady the one you’d like me to teach my recipe to?” Aunty replied with sadness.
Zuko recognized the tone as one used by his uncle when the Dragon of the West could no longer play gentle old man. He looked at the woman he called Aunty and wondered if Uncle Iroh taught or learned the trick from her. He glanced back to Katara before nodding and answering, “Yes Aunty. Katara is a very good cook; I think your recipe would be safe with her.”
“I seem to remember you having a fiancée, are you sure you don’t want me to give the recipe to her? I’ll only give this to one woman so you need to be certain it’s the one you want next to you if you want to share these with your children. I can’t imagine I’ll be alive much longer or any woman willing to trust her children with a mistress’s cooking,” Aunty admonished kindly.
Zuko nodded, “I’m certain, Mai’s one attempt at cooking gave me food poisoning.”
“Yes well I suppose that can’t be helped. She was raised by a woman with vinegar fingers. I can tell this one was raised by a woman with grain hands just by looking at her,” Aunty reached inside her blouse and removed a small key. She gave the key to Katara. “You will receive a box when the time is right, the recipe will be inside.”
They finished the cookies then Aunty pulled the lever to remove the large stone covers from the window so they could see the chaos that went along with the screams outside. She broke no stride as she returned, picked up a knife from one of the abandoned tables then smoothly slit the youngest child’s throat. The little girl didn’t have a chance to scream before she was laid gently on the floor and the knife slid across the throat of her older brother.
“What are you-” the father began before the blade was thrust between his legs severing both his femoral arteries.
“My family! You monster! What have you done?” Kimiko screamed as she charged the murderess that she trusted.
Aunty stopped her enraged rush with a palm of her hand against the younger woman’s forehead. “You do not seem to understand the kindness I have bestowed upon you and your family out of my love for you. I have given those two children the gift of a swift and painless death just as I gave to those born from my own womb.”
Aunty ignored everyone’s gasps and continued to speak, “You have lived here in the safety of this forsaken place all of your life. You do not know what war does to women and children. Ask the Waterbender how it feels to be held down while your virginity is stolen from you and ask yourself if that is something you want for your children. If I had not sent them into the waiting arms of Kali with their innocence intact they would go her sullied within the hour. The rapists of the Fire Nation prefer no gender and the age of their victims has no limit.
“Tell me, Kimiko, do you love strongly enough to kill that which you love? Could you have killed your children and man to spare them the horrors to come? I killed the children of the one man I truly loved because I knew their birth would destroy our nation and that which would have destroyed our nation would have most certainly destroyed him. Twice I bound myself to a tree allowing the babes he gave me to leave my body inside a swiftly moving stream. I held them down so they drew no breathe before allowing the one I serve to take them away.
“Could you have killed Bin’s children to spare him a man’s pain? Could you have killed your husband to keep him out of a torturer’s hand? Those men outside have lost their women and children. What do you think they would do to a man who took what they held dearest to them while he held on to his own? What do you think they would have done to his family? What do you think a man who’d lost his wife and children would do to the wife and child of their slayer to avenge his own?”
Aunty turned the knife and offered it to Kimiko hilt side first, “Can you kill me who has just killed your family? Can you kill yourself to join them?”
Kimiko took a step backwards, “You’re a monster. A monster.”
“Without doubt,” Aunty replied stepping forward, flicking the knife around and driving it into Kimiko’s stomach. She lunged sideways slitting the younger woman’s belly open. “I saved you for last, Kimiko. This family is yours, go and take them with you to the spirit world.”
Aunty carefully arranged the bodies so the belly wound of the shorter Kimiko was lined with her husband’s as she laid her to Bin’s right. She positioned Bin on his side so his left leg bled inside her wound. She then placed their daughter on top of her so the child’s blood leached into her injury as well. The boy was placed at Bin’s right with his head resting against her stomach as well. “The seed of man is nothing without the blood of a woman. His children would not exist without her. The family is rooted within the woman. It begins and ends with her. It is the blood of a woman which unites us all. Kimiko it is the sharing of your blood that will keep your family together as you journey to the spirit world. Kali, my goddess, heed your humble servant’s plea and take them all.”
The dying woman gasped and found the strength to hold her children one last time as they were engulfed in fire.
Katara screamed. All of the liquid in the building rushed to the aid of the family. There was a small explosion as the house-made wildgrass liquor ignited. Aunty condensed the fire so it was smaller and hotter before allowing the water Katara had desperately pulled from the air to scatter then evaporate the remaining ashes.
Katara charged when Aunty expressed her gratitude, “Thank you young Waterbender. Your libation has certainly pleased my goddess. I can already feel her presence among us. She takes great joy in receiving this family of spirits.”
Aunty dodged Katara’s lunge easily but stilled unexpectedly. The old woman suddenly sprang forward, her movements graceful as a dancer as she grabbed Katara’s wrist, spun them in a circle and forced the Waterbender against the wall. Aunty hissed, “Quiet child and be still.”
Katara’s eyes widened and she obeyed out of habit. Gran-Gran used that tone and exact phrasing so often it was instinctive. She began to struggle then stopped when Aunty whispered in her ear, “The lost one you search for also searches for you. You will meet at the crossroad of joy and sorrow. There a burdensome gift awaits. Peace and trouble will take each other’s place. Katara, our goddess delights in you.”
Aunty stepped away when she felt Zuko approaching. She easily sidestepped him and forced him to the wall beside Katara. She spoke but neither could tell who her words were meant for as she faced both of them but seemed to see neither of them, “You have much to lose before all can be gained. Sorrow such unspeakable sorrow before the day your hearts burst and heal again. Sword is salvation. Salvation is sword. Love, life and death, none will remain. The one you hurt is balm to your pain. In life, in death there is no change.”
Zuko pulled Katara protectively into his arms and yelled at Aunty, “Who the hell are you?”
A fireball emerged from his hand as he yelled, “Old lady, who the hell are you?”
At the sight of the fireball the woman’s expression changed; it became sharper as if finally recognizing those to whom she’d been speaking.
The soldiers Chu-hua left stationed outside to protect Zuko ran to find her when they saw the flash from the burning alcohol. The admiral gave orders to the soldiers inside the restaurant to allow no one to leave but don't hurt them. She’d yet to find her quarry but right now Zuko came first.
Zuko's eyes widened as his uncle's friend, the kind woman who'd baked for him easily extinguished the fireball in his hand and laughed viciously, "Would you like my name, my title, my rank, or my relationship to you and little runaway Ursa?”
“Aunt Mahnaz! Shut up!” Chu-hua screamed in a panic. This was not the time or place for Zuko to learn the truth about his mother. He was young, wild, and possessed a tremendous amount of raw power. He could very easily kill them all with the emotional outburst brought on by such dangerous knowledge.
Her outburst had its intended effect. Mahnaz turned her attention to her, “Oh so the foolish little heiress has broken her mother’s law? Tell me little Chu-hua, what would Elder Sister Majoha do if she knew you still address her mother’s bastard by that title? We know how impish Big Sister Mamoru would react.”
“Elder Sister Mahoja? Big Sister Mamoru,” Zuko muttered in confusion as he recognized the names of Chu-Hua’s mother and his own grandmother.
“Yes boy, or did you think I told you to call me Aunty because I was a friend of your uncle's? You’re almost as stupid as that one over there,” Aunty grumbled pointing at Chu-hua.
“Mahnaz, know your place!” Chu-hua yelled.
“Know yours, Admiral! This is a place of war not clan grounds! That boy is as easily distracted as a kitten. I could have twice slit his throat while he stands there gawping simply because I dropped the name of his maternal kin. Both you and Iroh have failed our country by failing him! We cannot lose another crown prince!” Aunty yelled back.
“Yes ma’am Madam Undersecretary,” Chu-hua replied while snapping to attention then executing a bow. War Minister Qin could never let go of a good woman. When her aunt declared herself retired from battle after the death of Lu Ten, Qin didn’t revoke her title as Undersecretary to the Minister of War. He simply hired a new one whom he named his second and promoted her to first believing that one day she, like Bong Cha, would come back again. Six years and no signs of her later most assumed she was dead and paid no attention to the Second Undersecretary’s lack of title change.
Aunty slapped the back of her head, “And this is why I call you a fool. Not even fifty years old but you’ve forgotten the very first thing I taught you. Tell me Flowerbud, do you truly wish for me to take the head you’re so freely offering?”
Chu-hua quickly straightened and took a defense stance. Lesson one in a murderous clan beholden only to the devious Fire Lord: learn to always protect your neck.
“Good, you may relax child. I am only teasing you,” Mahnaz advised as she patted Chu-hua’s cheek, “It’s been so long since I’ve been among children of my family.”
She approached Zuko, her hands extended in an open gesture whose meaning he couldn’t guess. She placed her hands on his shoulders and gently squeezed before patting both of his cheeks as well, “I mean you no harm child. I merely wished to test your awareness.”
Mahnaz’s tone changed from playful to firm, “Zuko, you really must work on keeping your head. If I didn't love you, you really would be dead."
The old woman looked around, "I don't see your little sister, Zuko tell me, how’s the little hellion your father insisted upon naming after that old fool Azulon? She would have been unstoppable if I’d have raised her. Tell me has the untrained blood of the dragon rotted her mind yet or is the old man’s gift still festering?”
“Watch what you say about my grandfather,” Zuko snarled.
“Do you object to my criticisms of the man who ordered your father to take your life?” Aunty brazenly retorted. “I wouldn't be so generous towards a man that took everything from you. Besides if I were you I wouldn't concentrate so much on the dead, considering your woman looks as if she's about to keel over. The words of the goddess affect us all but they seem to have taken a powerful hold within her.”
The old woman smirked knowingly at Zuko, “Or is it something you've squirted in her twat making one strong enough to pique the interest of Kali green about those Water Tribe gills? I heard your reason for needing to come into town. Did you poke her so hard that big stick of yours addled her brain or did you leave behind something that took a powerful hold in her belly?”
Zuko shrieked, “Aunty!” and covered Katara's ears. He’d completely forgotten the old woman had a six year old’s mischievous streak.
Aunty waved her hand and laughed, “Be gone child. Take her upstairs and let her rest. It is an awful truth to learn the goddess of life and death favors you. Even I am feeling the effects of the prophecy; I imagine it is worse for her. Her moon and ocean spirits are benevolent while our goddess is the gateway between life and death. It is said that Blessed Nini went into seclusion for several years before she was fully able to accept her gift.”
Zuko was about to protest but he realized Aunty was right. Katara was practically dead on her feet. He carried her back to the room they rented earlier and held her long after she passed out.
Once the two children were gone Aunty gave her undivided attention to Chu-hua, “You should leave also. That woman is attractive and who knows how long those men will obey your orders.”
Chu-hua grit her teeth knowing Mahnaz was right. She'd taken the worse of the men from New Ursa and any one of them could easily claim to be following the military code and a that a game of hide the dragon never hurt anyone. “This isn’t the last of this Aunt Mahnaz; we have business to discuss on behalf of the Kumanshi clan. Rest here. I will return with that woman and her children.”
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