Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 286
Bong Cha took one final turn in front of the mirror. The flared ankle length skirt was completely impractical for fighting and made her realize that she had indeed lost a few centimeters of height since the last time she’d worn it. The fitted shirt which exposed her slender but sagging mid-riff was made for a woman several decades younger. Her heeled boots bent her arches at an unnatural ankle and pinched her bunions but for a woman of sixty-seven she looked fantastic for her age. She had born children almost fifty years prior but unlike most Fire Nation women she insisted on working alongside her husband through each of her four pregnancies and returned to work immediately after childbirth. It was not an uncommon occurrence to see her riding across the battlefield alongside the current war minister breastfeeding. As the years progressed Qin more frequently sought the company of his mistress and a part of her was happy to see him go. If she were being honest she preferred the children he had with Tsubaki to her own. They were all hard working and industrious while that trait was only passed on to one of hers.Left to her own devices she had re-enlisted as a member of the navy; Qin had taken it upon himself to ensure she remained under the command of someone willing to die to protect her so he’d saddled her with Chu-hua. He had been incensed she made the journey to the North Pole along with Chu-Hua. The assignment to the Ursa was as much a punishment for her as it was a promotion for her protector. Normally the ship sat idly docked in Nini’s secret harbor a few short miles from the Soizin City Caldera. The capture of the Avatar and the Fire Lord Ozai’s unusual deployment of the Ursa was an unforeseen blessing. Chu-Hua’s assignment was meant to keep her close to him not send her on a cruise to the Earth Kingdom.Bong Cha wagered her dear husband would piss himself once he learned of her latest exploit to escape the boredom of being a spoiled noble hausfrau. She was certain he would come up with some spectacular new device the likes of which the world had never seen before to get her attention. The war balloons, the drill Princess Azula used to break through the walls in Ba Sing Se and the train that could travel overland without tracks were all his desperate attempts to appeal to her curious nature and lure her back home to him. The old coot refused to believe that instruments of destruction no longer excited her and that he was much better off with Tsubaki, his long-term mistress. Qin’s latest toy, a new type ship which she technically should have no knowledge of, might have briefly drawn her attention long enough for her to visit her husband and family had she not been inspired by Prince Zuko’s Waterbender.A craft that traveled beneath the water had nothing on the challenge of creating a means to recycle it. So many people in such a small arid place provided just the right amount of pressure she lived for. She literally would have the power, true power not the self-induced authority of her husband, to decide whether these people lived or died. Her heart was fluttering like a sixteen year old’s just to think about it.Satisfied her garments were in place and that no amount of adjusting would make her appear any less ridiculous she strode out of her hotel room and downstairs. Kisa, the woman who’d arranged the palanquin for her offered a shawl but otherwise made no reference to her odd attire. The meeting was already in place when the waltzed through the doors.She silenced all objections to her interruption by making a simple declaration, “I, Qin Bong Cha, Red Orchid of Soizin appoint myself governor and hereby name this place New Ursa.”“What? Have you gone mad?” Azula yelled.“There is no such person as Soizin’s Red Orchid; it is a myth made up by prostitutes to explain the origins of their bastards!” the man who’d reported Lt. Colonels Wen’s corruption in hopes he’d receive the division shouted. Mung would be commander of the outpost but he was still hoping for a political appointment as provisional governor. He was a nobleman so the hope was realistic. He was rewarded with a fireball, in the perfect shape of an orchid, enveloping him.Bong Cha let her hand remain extended, holding the white flower’s shape as it committed the man who’d insulted her, a strong Firebender himself, to nothing, not even ashes remained. She glanced around the room and questioned, “Does anyone else doubt that I am Princess Bong Cha, legitimate daughter of Fire Lord Soizin and his second wife, Fire Lady Kokoro; the one referred to in historical documents as Soizin’s Red Orchid?”General Mung, his second command, the ranking officers from the Ursa, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee looked from one to the other searching for a clue the unassuming third engineer from the Ursa was speaking the truth.Chu-hua rose, removing her sword from its scabbard and calling fire to her hand as she approached her, “Trung Chu-Hua, heir to the Kumanishi Clan, mother of Jian Ru, mother of Galin, daughter of Mahoja do hereby swear upon my life that Princess Bong Cha, oldest daughter of Fire Lord Soizin and Fire Lady Kokoro is the royal to whom I have pledged my troth and sworn my vows.Chu-hua placed the hilt of her sword in Bong-Cha’s hand and guided her blade to her own neck. She lifted the hand holding the fire to her heart and used her free hand to guide Bong Cha’s empty one below it. Chu-hua put her other hand behind her back so she was defenseless before the older woman, “My life is yours, my Princess. Your blade awaits instruction and guidance.”Zuko blinked. The scene was familiar. He, his mother, maternal grandmother, Chu-hua, Great-aunt Mahoja, Grandfather Azulon and another woman gathered in one of the secret rooms in the palace. An older cousin he recognized as Chu-Hua’s oldest daughter, Jian Ru, had bowed before him with a blade in her hand. She held it tightly after pricking his finger with it and it was covered in both of their blood. His Grandfather had placed a hand on both of their heads and declared them bound. The adults seemed upset; his grandfather more sad than angry. The other lady one whom he was starting to believe was his great aunt had placed her hand on Azulon’s forearm to comfort him saying, “It must be this way. Your guilt spoiled your son. Ozai would not be this way if not for your own actions. You must deal with the consequences Brother. The sages warned you.”The woman had given him sweets afterwards and Jian Ru hugged him. Until this day he had no way of discerning if it was a dream or a faint childhood memory. Zuko rose and bowed before her, “Great-Aunt Bong Cha, younger sister of Grandfather Azulon, forgive me for not recognizing you sooner. I thought it was a dream.”Zuko smiled sheepishly, “I never forgot the watermelon candy.”“Rise Zuko, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation and honored great-nephew, there is no need to seek apology; my identity was deliberately kept from you. It is a joy you remember me if only by the candy,” she replied with a smile. She removed her hand from beneath Chu-Hua’s to reach inside her skirt pocket and placed two wrapped red objects in Zuko’s hand, “One for you, one for your companion; Father would have also approved of such a worthy concubine.”Bong Cha reshaped the flame in Chu-Hua’s hand and lifted so that it floated above them before disappearing. She took the sword in both hands, Trung Chu-Hua, daughter of Trung Mahoja, Heavenly Guardian of the hidden and most trusted of Soizin, step forward.”Blade still at her neck the admiral stepped forward as the princess withdrew it, flipped it so the dull side was against her skin and guided it along her neck. Bong Cha returned the sword to its rightful owner hilt first and clasped her hand while doing so, “My first loyalty is to the Fire Nation. Chu-Hua, you have been appointed by my nephew and Fire Lord as one of its protectors. It is my wish that you continue in that duty. We will speak privately regarding the one who shall take your place as my personal protector.”Azula who had been watching the ongoings in disbelief spoke up, “No, this is impossible. You can’t do this! I won’t allow it. Father won’t allow it!” She had her own plans for the city and person she wished to appoint as provisional governor. It was in a prime location to become a hub in her spy network that would allow her to keep a much needed eye on Ba Sing Se. It was also the perfect place to build and train the army necessary to stage a coup if her father appointed Zuko as Fire Lord.Bong Cha smiled confidently, “I can and I have. Are you so ignorant of our nation’s history, traditions and laws that you do not know this? I am sixty-seven years old. Why would I expose myself in such a manner if not to display my father’s signet tattooed on my belly and the red orchid tattooed on my back by his own hand to acknowledge me as his child? A crown is given to all acknowledged princes and princesses of our nation but a scepter is only given to those who will not rule. Is this scepter not identical to yours except the crest at the bottom belongs to the man who sired you?”Azula decided to try another approach, “But it is treason to declare personal authority over lands conquered on behalf of the Fire Nation unless you have been given permission to do so by the Fire Lord himself. My father gave you no such authority. I would know if he had.”Zuko snorted drawing Katara’s fearful gaze back to him; he lifted her hand and kissed her signet. Unlike sneaky Azula, he was caught almost every time he misbehaved. His most frequent punishment was to spend time copying scrolls in the palace library, “There is no need for either of us to be afraid.”Bong Cha smiled, “I see your brother does not share your ignorance. Crown Prince Zuko, please enlighten your little sister.”If it were possible to burst with happiness Zuko would have done so. He smiled, “The Inheritance Laws of Fire Lord Soizin Unabridged Codex 7582, section Ra paragraph 32, sentence 1 ‘So long as she acknowledges the authority of the current Fire Lord, does not engage in criminal or unlawful activities, as defined in the legal codex of Fire Lady Boudicca, The Red Orchid of Soizin barring the throne itself, shall have and possess whatever she wills.’“Sentence 2 same paragraph, ‘So long as the Red Orchid abides by the rules of good citizenship as defined by Concubine Izayoi, pledges an oath of loyalty to the nation to which she was born, commits no act of treason or subversion as defined by Fire Lord Kozulon, The Red Orchid of Soizin is free to operate as a separate entity without censure or interference from the sitting Fire Lord.’“Sentence 3 same paragraph 3 states ‘The Red Orchid may establish a separate but loyal entity on conquered lands in which she and her issue may claim sovereignty with the understanding they will be acknowledged and supported as a city state loyal to the Fire Nation and sitting Fire Lord.’ Sentence 4 states ‘Any Fire Lord who moves against the Red Orchid so long as she abides by the conditions set forth in this document willingly abdicates his throne and his successor will be chosen by her from among his issue’.“Sentence 5 states, ‘No Fire Lord who sits after Fire Lord Azulon may overturn this law otherwise they will face the penalty set forth in sentence four. Azulon may do so only after publicity acknowledging his weakness and greatest shame.” Zuko stopped and looked at the older woman, his eyes widening in wonderment as he began to speak slowly, “You are a law and nation onto yourself.”Azula had turned a deathly shade of white. She had not thought such a thing was possible or that her plans to use the Dai Li she’d planted at the restaurant and among the refugees to gather the names and locations of all the rebel leaders would fall apart so quickly. She needed this town and its provisional governor to be loyal to her now that Mung had pledged his allegiance to Zuko. So far she had been unable to convince Mai to submit to a medical examination to prove she was a virgin and her friend knew her too well than to be caught unawares and convinced to do so by the Dai Li. She needed this place to be loyal to her. She needed this place to be her base of power on the off chance Zuko was chosen to be her father’s successor and she needed to overthrow him later. Bong Cha, the damned ship’s engineer had messed that up. Azula was still regathering her wits when Ty Lee began speaking.“Princess Bong Cha I don’t mean to be rude or presumptive but I am curious, why wasn’t that law overturned by Fire Lord Azulon?” the acrobat asked curiously.Bong Cha smiled, “My older brother adored me. I and my sister were the only two of his siblings whose mother had no desire to advance her station through us and no designs of putting her own child on the throne. We simply enjoyed being around him and Father because we loved them and they loved us.“I am only a few months older than my nephew Iroh so in many ways he saw us as the daughters that Lady Ilah was unable to give him. Iroh and I squabbled like brother and sister. He gave me my first black eye and I knocked out the first of his milk teeth. There was turbulence in our nation due to the war and new assassination attempts daily. If brother were to be killed and Iroh ascended to the throne as a child he did not want some fool to honor Iroh’s frequent request to feed me to the dragons, make me tame an eelhound, send me to the South Pole or be trampled by Earthbenders for both our sakes.“To maintain my safety even Iroh is unaware of my true identity. All he knows is that my mother and his were very good friends. He knew my mother was not a concubine of his father’s so there was no chance we were siblings. The second reason Azulon never overturned the law and why I was betrothed to Iroh’s best friend is because he was afraid that one day our closeness and Iroh’s ignorance would become problematic. If Kesuk’s curse were to affect Iroh he wanted me to have protection.”“Kesuk’s curse? Don’t you mean Fire Lady Nini’s? There is no such thing as Kesuk’s curse.” Azula scoffed.Bong Cha shook her head, “You are truly the child of Ozai. He too once believed in only the things he knew of. Kesuk hated Kozulon but she hated his mother more. If not for Nini, Kozulon would have never had access to her. She cursed his firstborn seed from the moment forcibly put it inside her, as she carried it and as she gave birth. She even nursed it so it would drink the hatred directly from her. The curse only affects the firstborn son as the firstborn son belongs to the father.”Katara closed her eyes and bit her lips. There were several curses among her people but only the worse targeted the firstborn son as a means to destroy a family. It explained what Bong Cha had told her about Takamine and Azulon being forced to admit his greatest shame.Bong Cha noticed the action and explained, “Your prince is exempt. He is the firstborn son of the second child. The second born child regardless of gender belongs to its mother. Kesuk knew the curse she was placing upon the first child she carried and took measures to protect the second. Besides her curse was fulfilled six years ago- the father was the father no more; the spawn of Nini lost his pride and joy. The second rose against the first; the royal family’s bubble burst.”She stared at the Waterbender a bit longer. As a girl her father and mother had filled her head with historical facts hidden in plain sight as myths and legend. Her father was best friends with her great-uncle, the Avatar. His grandmother, Nini never denied being a witch and Bong Cha had often seen her spirit roaming around the palace. She was taught to look for and accept explanations among the supernatural and esoteric along with the logical. Kesuk’s curse had run its term but Katara was most likely the one Nini had spoken of.Bong Cha walked towards the Waterbender and lifted her hands. She fingered each knuckle, caressed each finger, and stroked her palm. Her hands were cold. Nini was rumored to have the warm hands of a healer. Bong Cha let her hand slide farther to the girl’s wrist and forearm; they were cooler. Katara’s hands were warm; they only felt cold to her because she was a Firebender. She placed her hand on Zuko’s head then lifted his hands and arms. As she suspected his head was cooler; a benefit of his rashness being tempered by the Waterbender.Bong Cha looked at Katara, “Do you claim to be among the descendants of an Avatar?”Katara nodded, “Avatar Kuruk. He was given a virgin a week from the onset of puberty until his sixteenth birthday. I am descended from the last woman he lay with before beginning his journey.”Bong Cha nodded, “Fire Lady Nini was descended from the first. Kesuk’s ancestors were not counted among his descendants. We have a uniqueness being the scion of Avatars. In our bodies there is fire, water, wind and earth. We are strongest with a mate of the opposite element particularly if they are also descended from an Avatar. I need not tell you of the magnitude of power your children will possess if that Avatar is also of the opposite element. Yin and Yang. Life and death. Creation and destruction. Agni and Kali.”“Kali?” Katara repeated confused. Zuko had told her she was the one who allowed them to see their dead.“The spirits you know separately Tui and La are a single entity in the Fire Nation known as Kali. She is the ocean in which Agni makes a home, the shade that gives respite from his brightness and the balm which calms his heated spirit. Kali is the one Agni reveres above all others. Both nightfall and the moon are formed by Agni’s devotion to her. To show the world his reverence he lies beneath her allowing her darkness to overshadow his light. It is through the love she has for him that we are allowed to go into the spirit world and bring back children and for our dead to visit us twice a year. Kali is our link to what we have lost and what we have yet to gain. Without her, the water and the darkness, there would be no rest from the blinding and scorching sun. Without her to balance him Agni would bring only death.”“What is the blasphemy of which you speak?” Mai hissed fully understanding what she was saying about her fiancé and the Waterbender.“It is not blasphemy young Lady Mai. It is the true history that has been hidden. I am also saying this for your benefit. You and Azula have much in common. Along with the fact neither of you values friendship, you strive for a crown which will never fit. Azula you were given the scepter for a reason but you choose not to see it; same with you and your crown Princess Katara.”Katara jumped thinking Bong Cha had figured out Chief Hakoda was looking for his missing children. She relaxed when the older woman continued, “Or did you think I did not know the last virgin given to our mutual ancestor was the daughter of Chief Unukut and his second wife? There is a reason that both Kesuk’s crown and Nini’s armor fit. You have royalty in your blood along with that of Avatar Kuruk. Kesuk is descended from the son Chief Unukut fathered with his first wife. You are well suited to this role and fit to bear the title of princess. When the time comes it will be a privilege to be your mentor as I was his mother’s.”The newly revealed Princess turned to Zuko’s outraged fiancée, “Mai I tell you this out of respect for your paternal grandparents; at the time my brother agreed to your marriage arrangement he was out of his wits. Su Ying drugged him after Lu Ten’s going away banquet. My brother had many regrets but tying Zuko to you while he was inebriated was the thing that troubled him the most. Use the power you were given to secure your future happiness. Now all of you under the rank of Captain and age of 40 leave; I must discuss plans for my city and those who reside in it.”Mai’s jaw dropped as she looked from the elderly woman to Zuko. He was smiling at Katara but made no effort to move. Azula also noticed Zuko’s lack of mobility. “You heard Auntie Bong Cha, Zuzu. Get up.”Zuko smiled triumphantly at his sister, “What makes you think I have to?”“Because you are not yet 40, Captain Zuko,” Chu-hua answered for him. “Now shoo.”Bong Cha raised her hand, “It is fine, Chu-Hua. The prince may stay. As crown prince he has the authority to veto any of my plans in lieu of his father. Princess Katara may stay as well; it will save me the trouble of seeking her out later.”Azula’s and Mai’s jaws dropped. Both began to sputter and both began to visibly twitch; Azula after hearing Bong Cha say Zuko could stay and Mai after hearing the daughter of Soizin address the water peasant as princess.The elderly princess dismissed without much though, “Mung, take Azula and Mai to the infirmary for treatment. They seem to be having some type of fit. I will wait for your return to begin.”Katara lowered her head to hide her smile and placed her hands in her lap while Zuko covered his mouth to disguise his chuckles as coughs.
Kain: thank you so much for the feedback. I loved the animated gifs. Foreshadowing indeed. Did you catch all the hints I laid out leading up to this chapter?
Arraye: Nice to hear from you. Does this chapter help to alleviate your fears regarding the fate of this colony?
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