Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 283
Ironically the argument over the fortune of the Earth Kingdom people in that city was solved by General Mung. Zuko had been deemed healthy enough to resume normal activity so he and Katara had begun spending a portion of the afternoon sparring or rather Katara practiced her Waterbending while Zuko desperately tried not to get hit. Even after the unexpected rainfall fresh water was still too precious to waste so Katara only used water that had been purified and boiled for her bending. Zuko easily accepted wearing clothes that had been doused with water that was not 100% percent clean since the impurity of the water was balanced by a liberal dose of soap but he could not accept the same soap free water landing on his naked skin – a fact which several people found amusing.Despite of the humiliating nature of it all, Zuko could not argue that it made sense for the lower level Firebenders to have their most vigorous training sessions while Katara and water were nearby if things got out of hand. The city would need protection and that meant well trained Firebenders. Each master level bender, including Zuko, had a smaller group of novices they instructed in their area of specialty.His group was sparring near Chu-hua’s group when one of the refugee women ran to the training grounds screaming for Mung. The admiral and Katara were able to suppress the errant flames but the woman continued running and screaming as if she hadn’t interrupted a group of intermediate level Firebenders. Seconds later Mung sprinted in the direction she came from leaving her to struggle to keep up with him. Chu-hua swore and gave chase while a figure farthest away from them unleashed a torrent of fire into the sky.“Zuko, what’s happening?”“I don’t know but it must be bad. Chu-hua never stops in the middle of a training session.”“We should go,” Katara said nervously.Zuko nodded and turned towards the soldiers, “All of you pay attention and be alert. We’re going back to town.”They heard screams and commotion coming from the comfort station before they got close enough to see the man on the roof of the tallest barrack. Mung was bloody and the woman who’d come to get him held a crying child to her chest. He was doing his best to comfort them while Chu-hua attempted to pull him away, “You mustn’t Mung, you mustn’t. It could be the end of your career.” They weren’t expecting the admiral’s voice to hold such desperation. Mung smiled calmly at Chu-hua and covered the child’s ears before yelling, “The Fire Nation thanks you for your service.”Laughter could be heard coming from the roof before a voice called out, “Am I dismissed?”“Yes, soldier you are dismissed. The Fire Nation is no longer in need of your service and you have been released from duty. You are dismissed!” Mung screamed as Chu-hua attempted to rescind the dismissal.“I’m free! I’m free! I’ve been dismissed from service!” could be heard as the man dove head first to his death.“Do you know what you have done?” Chu-hua shrieked. “He was a member of the Fujiwara Clan and a survivor of the Takamine Campaigns. Do you know what they can do to you for dismissing him? You could have just ended your career!”Mung shouted back at her, “I don’t care about my career! He had my daughter! He should thank me for not killing him and allowing him an honorable dismissal. You all should thank me for dismissing him. Or don’t tell me you really believe that crap about sticking Takamine survivors in a place where they can be useful and cause the least amount damage is actually our patriotic duty? Patriotism has nothing to do with it! It’s guilt!“We gave so many kids to that sick fuck and did not listen when they tried to tell us what he was doing to them! I feel just as guilty as you and everybody else for those kids, but dammit he’s grown man now! This girl is a child! She’s my child and by Agni I don’t give a shit if Fire Lord Ozai himself wanted to play with her phoenix and stick his dragon in her mouth nobody is doing that to my kid until she’s a decade away from being a toddler! Hell he should thank me for putting him out of his misery.”Mung stopped yelling at Chu-hua long enough to notice the group around him. He spoke loudly the anger replaced by calm authority, “My outpost my rules. Jail anyone, Takamine survivor or not, that’s touched anyone too young to have fully grown in pubic hairs. Do not harm them if they come quietly. Do what is necessary if they resist. We’ve gone long enough without battle to use bloodlust as an excuse for this sickening lack of discipline!”Katara watch stunned as several soldiers of both genders raised their hands and dropped to their knees, “Zuko, there are women. Why are there women? Why? What could they have done to these children?”Zuko pulled her closer to him, “Women can rape, Katara. They do not have the same body parts as a male but they are also capable of forcing sexual contact upon others.”“But…” Katara stammered.Zuko exhaled deeply before explaining, “Every Ursa House has a list of contributor names next to the door. Those women aren’t donors; they are perpetrators never to be allowed onto the premises. Those women have raped someone, Katara, and contributed to the number of victims who need assistance. Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power. Those women have realized it and because they feel powerless in their own lives they seek to exert control over others. Lord Asami didn’t learn to rape from his father or uncles, he learned by watching his mother and older sister.”Her next question was pre-empted by Mung approaching them. He was still carrying the child and the woman walked a frantic but dutiful two steps behind him. He bowed before addressing Zuko, “Prince Zuko, I know I have breached military protocol by giving a survivor of the Takamine Campaigns the order to kill himself but I could not allow him to hurt this child. Once I learned of his predilections I’ve done what I could with his duty schedule to keep him on the outskirts of town so the little ones would be safe from him but it disgusted me to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to his behavior. Women and young men are one thing but children are another.”Mung shifted the child so Zuko could see her face, “Tell him your name, sweetie.”Zuko gasped as the ham-faced child looked up at him and whispered, “My name is Lily.”Mung held the little closer, “My Lily, the precious flower you knew, has been lost to the world but the spirits have given me this one. One as young as yourself does not know the pain of losing a child or that one child can never replace another but she eases the part of my spirit that longs for my lost daughter. I do not know what I did to deserve such comfort but I will not cast aside this blessing. This child might not have all of the opportunities I was able to give my Lily but she will grow up surrounded by the love I am no longer able to give her. She will have the protection I was unable to give my daughter when she needed it most. You may court martial me and execute me as one would a traitor but I ask for a probationary period of fifteen years so that I might teach this child to defend herself and her younger siblings from monsters like that creature.”“Forty. You may have forty years probation from any punishment arising from this incident. Lily wished to become a teacher to improve the lives of our nation’s children. So long as you carry out her will and protect the children of this town you may have forty years probation. I should be Fire Lord by then and will grant you a pardon in her name so long as you uphold her ideals,” Zuko replied as he stared dumbfounded at the little girl who looked so much like a smaller version of his friend.Mung bowed, “Thank you Prince Zuko, so long as I am the father of these two beautiful Lilies I will smite anyone who attempts to besmirch your name.”The woman behind Mung bowed as well. Two of her friends had children who had been hurt by that monster. She had seen several others whose eyes had lost their light whose awkward movements revealed they would never again be a child; the prince and Waterbender had allowed the abuse but Mung had saved her child. She was beginning to think there may have been truth to his words that the spirits had brought him into her child’s life instead of her earlier beliefs demons had given her daughter his child’s name and likeness. Her voice was like wind chimes as she spoke, “I too will uphold the name of those Mung-danna honors. In front of you, the Prince of his nation, I pledge myself to him and vow to forever be in his service.”Katara closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as Zuko congratulated them; her eyes had been drawn to the child. There were tear streaks on her face, scratches on her cheeks and chin but no further evidence of assault. She was holding onto Mung with all of her might and his bloodied hands held her just as tightly in return. It hurt to look at him and see her own shortcomings. Yue had told her not to interfere and it disturbed her greatly to allow a child to be injured but she sacrificed that child to protect her brother. This man who had oppressed the people of Jang Hui was willing to throw his career and life away for a stranger’s child because she reminded him of his daughter. The words were out of Katara’s mouth before she knew she was speaking, “How can you do this now but you let the children of Jang Hui suffer? Adults should always be the children’s protectors.”Mung rose slowly and his voice was tired as he addressed her, “It is a general’s job to keep his soldiers healthy. There was only so much medicine I could order and supplies I could stockpile for trading without it becoming suspicious. I do not deny being a tyrant but because I was a tyrant no one realized one adult dosage could fortify ten ill children. It did not make them healthy but they did not die either. Those people were poor. People expect the poor to rifle through their betters garbage and find things that are useful. After seeing how New Ursa is run do you really think the factory cooks were that wasteful? Fan is truly amazing but do you really think he would be able to feed so many hungry and train so many to make scraps delicious without the support of those in charge?”Mung continued to speak to Katara as he helped the woman next to him to her feet, “You have the body of a woman but the mind of a child. Once your brain catches up to your appearance you will realize that no matter who you are or what strength you have there are things in this world that will always remain ugly. You would do well to learn from Prince Zuko’s example. The little boy who wished to beautify the entire world has grown into a man who knows the effectiveness of working inside your canvas then gradually extending the reach of your brush to reduce the ugliness of your surroundings.”Zuko’s eyes widened and the surprise could be heard in his voice, “General Mung, thank you for your praise and your vote of confidence. Thank you for your support also, Miss…”“My name is of no importance your majesty but it is Ilya if you would like to know it,” the woman beside Mung replied.
“Miss Ilya, thank you for your support as well. In many ways it is far more important than General Mung’s. Eventually he would have been forced to choose me or my sister. You are Earth Kingdom; you do not have to choose either of us. It makes me happy to hear that you are willing to accept me in spite of the misery my nation has brought to your people. I truly wish I were able to do more to ease it,” Zuko answered humbly.
Ilya blinked slowly, she had always been able to tell when someone was lying to her and was shocked that child in front of her was sincere. It was almost as shocking as the day they were captured and a blood stained Mung lifted her crying daughter and sang until she quieted. “My prince you have done far more than was expected for that we are all grateful. Milady, I know it does not seem like it, but we are grateful to you as well. We are able to let our children drink their fill and still have a means to bathe and wash our clothing. We have all worked in the new garden and see the how quickly the plants are growing. It gives us hope that our children will not go hungry with so many here.”“Thank you. Thank you so much,” Katara whispered. Tears came to her eyes as she gave the woman a hug. She was the first of the refugee women Katara had spoken to that did not blame her for ruining their lives and causing them to leave the city. Mung raised his eyebrow but did not say anything to express his displeasure. He gave the little girl a kiss on the cheek as he handed her to her mother, “I’ll be there after we tend to the more unpleasant matters. Ilya, take care of our daughter.”Ilya nodded “I will,” before excusing herself to Zuko and Katara.Katara watched as Mung called four of his soldiers over to help him with the body. They gently lifted the dead man and somberly carried him to the mortuary that had been built across from the infirmary. Katara was surprised a place of death was so close to a place for healing but Zuko explained mortuaries were always next to hospitals in the Fire Nation. They attracted the goddess of death to the departed so she would not heed the pained cries of the living. She couldn’t help but notice more soldiers arrive to help carry the body, “They’re being so careful with him.”“We always pay respect to our dead, especially those who fell in battle. They’re going to bathe him and build the funeral pyre where he died so all of his soul can rest peacefully,” Zuko explained.Katara shook her head in confusion, “It doesn’t make sense, the bodies of the traitors were allowed to rot but you funeralize him and the man who broke into the Ursa House?”Zuko shook his head in return, it boggled him that Katara couldn’t see the difference, “Those traitors took a vow to uphold the ideals of the Fire Nation and swore to protect their comrades. They dishonored themselves and broke that vow to their countrymen. A person who turns his back on his friends and attacks them does not deserve a peaceful eternity. The man who broke the sanctity was just stupid and a bully. He disobeyed the law but didn’t betray anyone while doing so. That man, Shinji, was broken serving his country. It was his sense of duty and loyalty to his comrades which brought him so much misery. Even after what he had gone through he rejoined the military.”“It still doesn’t make sense,” Katara argued.“You don’t see things the way I do Katara. His uniform was always immaculate, his boots were always shiny, his topknot didn’t have a hair out of place, his back was always rigid, and he was always on duty even when he was supposed to be relaxed. Look at all those people helping to build his funeral pyre. I’m willing to bet that if we talked to them they’d say he volunteered for extra shifts and was always eager to lend a hand to a fellow soldier. The monster was only a part of him that he was unable to suppress. He’d still be out in no man’s land doing fine if the corruption wasn’t reported and he wasn’t under so much stress. I know it’s not an excuse for the terrible things that he’s done but don’t you think that anyone who’s so messed up they’d come all the way out here so they wouldn’t hurt their own children deserves to find eternal peace?”“I can’t think that way Zuko. I can’t allow this Fire Nation rationality to seep into my mind and change the way I think. It feels like I’m losing more of myself day by day. I can’t let that make sense. If that makes sense then…” Katara shook her head unable to finish her sentence. Accepting Zuko’s explanation would mean she hadn’t been wrong to hit Jin. It absolved people of their bad behavior simply because they’d lived through a horrible experience. It justified her bad behavior and the things Zuko had done to her. She could not allow herself to believe that anything that made you feel better no matter how much it hurt another person could not be wrong.Zuko held her tighter and allowed his chin to rest on the top of her head, “Do you want to stay or go back to the room?”Katara thought quietly for a moment. She could hear in Zuko’s voice that he wanted to stay but she wasn’t sure she wanted to witness a ceremony to honor a man who hurt children. She also didn’t want Zuko to lose face in front of his people. There were people in her village that went mad after the raid and certain allowances were made to excuse their behavior but none of them had ever hurt a child. One or two of them would sometimes grab a spear and run through the streets chasing away Fire Nation soldiers that only they could see but they never hurt anybody. She sighed, “We can stay.”“Are you sure?” Zuko asked.Katara nodded, “You are the Prince. It would be bad form if you left. I don’t want that to be the reason someone violates the order protecting the restaurant family or doesn’t intervene when a comrade attempts to do so.”
Kain: “Just because things are not as bad as they could be, does not mean they are by any stretch 'good'.” I love how you said that. Katara’s been through so much that has to remind herself if that very thing. Destroying the town to save the Avatar seemed like something General Fong would do; in canon he deliberately endangered Sokka and Katara to force Aang into the Avatar state regardless of the danger it posed to those around him.
Yes I had to work through a few things to move them on. I’m going to try to push out the chapters quickly but real life is still beating up on me. Right now I’m procrastinating on my job search and homework. Gotta love escapism as a tool for coping.
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