Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 280
Warning: mentions incest
Qiaolian wandered around helping wherever she could before Jianjun’s twin found her. It amazed her how easily she could tell the difference based solely upon the way they looked at her. She couldn’t describe Jianjun’s expression easily but his older brother’s stare closely resembled contempt. His hand closed around her arm, not harshly just firm enough to keep her from running off as he dragged her towards the hotel explaining, “They’ve completed the hotel and rebuilt the barracks. There were several badgerholes injured and my brother would kill someone if they used you for substitute entertainment.”Qiaolian followed meekly. She didn’t trust him but she trusted the bond he shared with his brother to know that he like Jianjun wouldn’t hurt her. She was led up a set of newly created stairs and they stopped in front of a familiar room. He knocked on the door but no one answered. A few moments later an argument could be heard from the stairwell:“Zuko let go of me.”“Not a chance. You don’t think I know what you were doing Katara? What if someone other than Amayu had noticed none of the people you brought in were seriously injured despite being trapped beneath a collapsed building?”“It was luck,” the Waterbender argued.“No one is that lucky let alone twenty people,” the prince replied as he stepped into the hallway an unhappy Waterbender in tow. His eyes narrowed as he saw the girl and standing next to the older Zhao, “What’s going on? Where’s your brother?”“We caught a few flies. In the interest of time, upper management decided his particular skillset would be useful. I know how he gets after those proceedings so I slipped away before to save him a bit a trouble later by fetching his companion. I brought her here hoping she and Lady Katara could keep each other company while we deal with what will most likely be a very long and unpleasant meeting,” Zhao 1 explained.Zuko glanced sideways at Katara and growled as he opened the door, “Good thinking, Chu-hua had the Dai Li building a conference room not too long ago. If I know her she will summon everyone of rank so she will not have to repeat herself.”“And to think, the Fire Lord wasted his time appointing a general for this outpost before Admiral Blood took her absence,” Zhao 1 commented with an eye roll once he was safely inside the room and door shut.Zuko snorted in agreement and walked towards the dresser.“Wait! Your hands are dirty,” Katara screamed as he reached for the drawer where their underwear was stored.“What difference does it make if I plan to take a bath,” he retorted.“A big one, if you think I am going to let your filthy hands anywhere near my clean undergarments,” Katara answered as she covered his hands in soapy water and washed them.Zuko smirked, “So I can touch them as much as I want now that you’ve cleaned them?”“Zuke, Katara and I both know that you are a dirty dog but, have you forgotten that there is another person present? I am sure Qiaolian could have happily lived out the rest of her days without knowing the Prince of the Fire Nation is a raging pervert,” Zhao 1 teased drily.Zuko lifted a finger in his friend’s direction and muttered, “Fuck you.”He blew a kiss at Zuko while grabbing his own crotch, “You wish. Beg all you want damn Fire Nation bastard, you’ll never get any of this good dick.”“Trust me I don’t want any,” Zuko murmured as he picked out clean clothing for him and Katara.“That’s not what you said last week. I distinctly remember you getting out of bed with Katara to come lie next to me. I’ll never forget the sickening sensation of waking to your hard-on against my ass,” Zhao 1 countered.Zuko turned bright red and made a sound that strongly resembled a cat choking on a furball. Scandalized, Qiaolian’s eyes widened and she looked from the Prince to her gentle assailant’s gay older brother.Katara stopped laughing long enough to whack Zuko on the back, “Come on you horndog, let’s go get washed up. I am sure Zhao 1 would find you more appealing if you smelled better.”“Katara! How can you say that? You know I wake up like that! It had nothing to do with him!” Zuko shrieked.“Uhm-hum, if it had nothing to do with him why did you get out of bed with me to go lie with him? I got up to use the restroom and saw the two of you spooning. I suppose I can tolerate your infidelity so long as it’s not another woman. I know precisely what he has that I can’t give you,” Katara replied in mock seriousness as she pointed at Zhao 1’s crotch.“I…ugh...gross,” Zuko sputtered as Katara and Zhao 1 high fived each other and burst into another round of laughter.“That’s not even funny,” Zuko muttered as he picked up the soap and stomped towards the restroom.Katara was still giggling as she followed him with a stream of water trailing behind her. The prince came out a few moments later clean and fully dressed. A second stream of water snaked its way through the slightly cracked door before the Waterbender emerged in a different outfit.“We can set up a privacy screen in the corner and get a robe from downstairs if either of you want to bathe. I have to wash our clothes and another set won’t be any bother,” Katara offered as she dumped their dirty clothes in a small tub.Zhao 1 refused citing it was pointless he’d mostly likely be pulled into his old duties. Qiaolian said nothing but she stared wistfully at a second tub of untouched water.Zuko noticed her gaze and sent a blast of fire at the water, “We’ll step into the hall to give you some privacy. Let us know when Katara can come in and do your clothes so you’ll have something to put on once you’re finished.”Qiaolian nodded and the three of them stepped outside so she could get undressed. Once she was in the water with her knees drawn up to her chest she called for Katara. Katara made of point of standing with her back to the other girl as she swirled the water around their clothing. She tossed the first water out of the window and called water from a third larger tub to finish their laundry. That water was directed outside too along with any that remained inside their clothing.Katara placed hers and Zuko’s on top of the dresser and left Qiaolian’s draped over a chair. She paused at the door, “If you want, I can wash your back and hair.”Qiaolian bit her lips then accepted her offer; to her surprise she felt the water creeping over her back, up her neck, and to her scalp although the Waterbender never turned around to face her. The water moved over her skin before flying out of the window and Katara slipped back outside the door. Qiaolian finished washing and opened the door once she was dressed.This time both twins were outside. Jianjun looked tired and somewhat upset but smiled once he saw Qiaolian. He placed his arms around her back and hugged her. She had learned not to stiffen at his embrace and placed her hands at his sides. He kissed her temple and whispered, “I am glad my brother brought you here. I think you’ll get along quite well with Katara. I’ll be back later. Stay here where it’s safe. If anything happens the two of you look out for each other.”The prince left after giving a similar farewell to the Waterbender. The older twin gave the girls the food his brother had brought and the two of them stepped back into the room.The two girls sat in silence, neither one of them certain of what to say to the other only having met the day of the lynching. Qiaolian eventually broke the ice by asking, “Do you mind if I read one of your books?”“They belong to the hotel, help yourself,” Katara replied. “I was just about to get one.”Qiaolian chose a book of poetry while Katara picked up a romance novel.Qiaolian rolled her eyes and snorted, “I don’t see how you can read that garbage.”“You sound like Zuko and my brother. They both tell me the same thing. I guess I can’t help but seek out stories of true love that have happy endings,” Katara answered as she sat on the bed.“There’s no such thing as true love and happy endings. Love never ends well and happiness is a state of self-delusion achieved once you’ve made the decision to stop crying. It’s better to forget about love and focus on forming a mutually beneficial agreement with a powerful wealthy companion.” Qiaolian stated practically.Katara’s jaw dropped in disbelief, “How can you say that?”“How can you not? You’re the Avatar’s Waterbender for Hou-T’u’s sake but you’re also the concubine of Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. Talk about a mutually beneficial arrangement.” Qiaolian’s eyes widened and she sputtered, “Unless you really are in love.”Katara quickly dispelled that notion, “I hate him. I am waiting on my chance to kill him and escape.”“Why would you do that when you can use him to secure your future?” Qiaolian asked genuinely confused.“What? Why would I do that?” Katara replied in a tone that conveyed just how much the idea of using Zuko for financial gain offended her.“Because he’s a prince of the nation currently winning the war and totally enamored with you. It’s not like he hasn’t already been between your legs,” Qiaolian replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.“I’m not a whore,” Katara reiterated angrily.The upper class young lady from Ba Sing Se shook her head, “I never said you were only that you should use him to secure your future. You know more jewels, your own property and not just some forgotten wing of the palace, something to call yours when he moves on to another woman.”“There won’t be another woman,” Katara informed her nastily.“Oh? So you do love him?” Qioalian quipped returning Katara’s previous remark with her own attitude.Katara glared at her, “No I plan on killing him first chance I get. He won’t live long enough to take another woman.”Qiaolian shook her head at Katara and sighed, “You’re rather stupid aren’t you?”“What?” Katara yelped indignantly.Qiaolian lowered her book and stared incredulously at Katara over the top if it, “I said you are rather stupid. I mean look at your situation. You’re a prisoner just like the rest of us but the prince has placed you under his protection. You have your own room, your own crown, clothes and a place to put them. I admit I am fairly lucky but Jianjun hasn’t given me any of those things. I would love to have a place of my own let alone more than two sets of clothing.”“You whore! To think I got angry at him for forcing you,” Katara screamed.“How dare you judge me when you lie on your back for his prince? At least I am honest with myself and do not feign innocence of the good fortune that has come my way because someone high ranking likes what is between my legs. We would not be having this conversation if Jianjun was some no named foot soldier. I’d be downstairs with the others or cowering in that hovel for victims receiving pity from strangers. My fellow whore, there is no need for you to be angry on my behalf,” Qiaolian replied haughtily.“I am not a whore!” Katara argued angrily.“So what do you call yourself?” Qiaolian prodded, “Concubine, companion, lover, mistress? What fancy name do you give yourself my fellow recipient of the benefits of being the toy of a man with power since you belief whore does not adequately describe a woman such as yourself who receives certain privileges for letting a man of power and means have his way with your vagina?”“I call myself unlucky! There is nothing good that has come from drawing Zuko’s attention,” Katara shouted.“Unlucky? Now you’re just being foolish. Who cares if he’s ugly as sin at least he’s the only one you’re fucking. Have you not noticed the homely girls have only one suitor but the pretty ones have multiple men sticking their dicks inside them? They barely have time to sit and shed a tear before another soldier strolling through the Pussy Garden decides he wants a go at her,” Qiaolian fingered the symbol of Zhao 2’s ranking, “This trinket has preserved my puss several times over and I’ve learned not to dwell on the fact those impure intentions were directed at some other poor girl.”“Not only are you a whore you’re cruel. Only a monster could take joy from the fact another woman is suffering the brutality meant for them,” Katara replied.Qiaolian snorted, “You are a hypocrite and a fool if you think the men who lust after you do not bury their desire inside another. I was a virgin eight months ago. I was violated in my home. It wasn’t a full month before I stopped counting the number of men who’d used me for their pleasure; I had made it to the double digits by then. I know if not for that big stinking brute my womanly hole would have been stretched beyond recovery and they would have begun using my anus. Have you seen the number of toothless flowers in the garden or counted the ones who emit a foul stench? I am grateful Jianjun has reserved me for his own personal use.”“But he…” Katara sputtered.“He has made me his own personal chamber pot so no other may shit on me,” Qiaolian answered vehemently as she leaned towards Katara, “Do you think me ignorant of his sin or unable to grasp the lifeline he has thrown to me?”“Unlike you, stupid little Waterbender, I know if not for this pin everyone would be using me. I would drown in their filth instead of simply wading in his. Yet you complain because the prince has given you raft. Who cares if it flows down a river of shit; you are floating on top of it. Your mother should have taught you how to seal your lips and hold your tongue so it wouldn’t rot your brain.”“My mother is dead. She was killed by the Fire Nation,” Katara hissed angrily.Qiaolian smirked, “So you aren’t as stupid as I thought. You realize the life she gave you is worth preserving by any means necessary.”“How can you say that?” the water in the room lurched as Katara spoke angrily.“Because that is what my mother told me!” Qiaolian yelled back at her.“They turned my home into a whorehouse and made us their playthings. I saw what they did to her. I heard the things they said while doing it. She got up, cleaned herself off and smiled in my direction as she thanked them for visiting our home and giving us their protection. Each night she was there to bathe and comfort me. Each night she told me none of it mattered so long as I was healthy and breathing; it didn’t matter what hell I was currently in as long as I was breathing there was a chance for things to get better.“She told me to lie beneath those men, next to those men, open my mouth for those men, bend over for those men. Fuck those men! Live for the day I would have my revenge! If your mother was any kind of woman she would have told you the same. Live, remember every face, every deed, hold onto that anger and get revenge on each and every one of the bastards by making my life one filled with happiness.”Katara wrapped her arms around herself to defend herself from Qiaolian’s words. They were not something her mother would have told her; at least not the mother who birthed her. Her mother didn’t question the source of her temper but she did often wonder where she learned to hold a grudge. She said it must have been something that traveled from the Northern Water Tribe with Gran-Gran. Amnak, Bato’s wife and the woman she regarded as a second mother, often told her to hold onto her anger until it became useful. Amnak was the one who told her to keep a calm head when Sokka and Taruk teased her then pounce later when it was unexpected. Amnak was the one to taught her to get up and fight; to be strong and live a good life so the Fire Nation did not triumph with the death of her mother. It was almost as if Amnak were speaking to her through Qiaolian.The Earthbender’s voice was quiet and filled with anger as she upbraided Katara, “I watched my mother get fucked by two men at a time and beg for more because she knew if she gained their favor she would be able to continue to protect me. She smiled as they pissed on her and made her lick semen from their boots. She would recite the most beautiful poetry with her hand between my legs and because I knew how much it would hurt her I willed myself not to cry.“I made myself hold in my tears as I suckled the breasts that had nursed me and kissed the place that gave me life because I knew if I shed one tear it would be the end of my mother’s life. I knew there was no end to my mother’s love so I remained strong for her. She loved me enough to endure and give me hope but I knew she would have killed me out of that same love the moment I began to waver. She would have poisoned my cake and held me as I slipped away from this world before entombing us beneath the city so I might have a proper burial. She would have remained with me dying slowly keeping the eight day vigil necessary to ensure I crossed safely into the spirit world.“I could not let my mother die of starvation or suffocation so I smiled. I smiled when those men touched me and made me touch her. I sang sweetly when my mother’s mouth was upon me and the man in charge of the city fucked her. I sucked his dick with ferocity knowing his cream would soon replace the taste of my beloved mother. I did whatever was necessary to obtain those bastards favor as I knew it was the only thing keeping the two of us together. My father was lost. She was all I had in this world and I refuse to go to my grave knowing I did not do all that I could for her.“My one regret is that when it was time to flee the city she did not come with me. She made me go and I let her. She made me promise that no matter what happened I would continue to move forward and feel no shame for doing whatever was necessary to survive and find a measure of happiness in this life. I do not regret being a whore or fucking my own mother, I regret that when the time came for the caravan to leave I did as she asked and not stay behind to wait for her. I regret leaving my mother in that city. I regret loving her so much that I could not let her sacrifices be in vain.“Each day I wake hoping that today is the day I get to see my mother again. Each day I sit in the corner and cry as I watch children sit next to the mothers who love them. Each night I cry myself to sleep wishing I was being raped on a hard floor in front of my mother instead of in a soft bed next to a man who treats me like a lover and respects me enough to think of my comfort. I know my mother well enough to know that this is what she would want for me. A man of means and station who is able to provide support and protection; a man who knows what I have done but thinks me worthy of kisses on the lips and holds me with all the tenderness one would show a virgin.Qiaolian’s voice hardened as tears slipped down her face, “I am no fool Katara, this war has been waged for 100 years and we are no closer to winning than we were the day it started. There are Fire Nation colonies all over this kingdom, Ba Sing Se has fallen, the once mighty Southern Water Tribe has been reduced to a single captured Waterbender, the fortified Northern Water Tribe has been breached and King Bumi of Omashu is 113 years old. The Fire Lord is young and strong; so are his children. The Avatar we all hoped would return to save us grins and waves as we are taken away to be raped. We have no heroes, Katara. They have all been taken away.“It is time for me to move forward and find happiness in this world. I do not wish to be a kept woman; months ago I dreamed of marrying a strong Earth Kingdom man and looked forward to the things we would share after the wedding but now that will never happen. I stopped shedding tears for my lost virginity and faced reality. Our men die to protect us and we still end up raped. It is better that I accept this colonial who gets upset when I call him Fire Nation and hides what little remains of my virtue behind his rank. He has never penetrated my anus nor forced himself into my mouth. He does not wish to watch another man take me or see me with another woman. He has risked himself to ensure my safety just as my mother has risked hers. He has a button from her cloak as a sign of her trust. I can deal with having his twisted brother in the room watching us because when he is there Jianjun is so very tender.”"I can live with this false feeling of happiness. For my mother’s sake and what she has done for me I can live like this for as long as necessary,” Qiaolian’s voice broke as her bravado failed her. Katara wrapped her arms around her and hugged with all of her might. She had not known the other girl had endured so much or that Zuko had not exaggerated about the depravity of the Fire Nation. There was nothing she could say. “I am sorry” seemed insulting after being so well protected and Qiaolian seemed to be the type who would have become angered by words of sympathy.Katara held her until she could no longer fight her own emotions and she whispered, “The day we were captured Zuko chained me to his bed and raped me. I was a virgin. It hurt so bad that I thought I would die. The second time was worse because he promised he wouldn’t and I believed him. He said he had to because his father would take me away and give me to the nobles. The third time he said someone was watching. The fourth time he said he wouldn’t and I still wanted to believe him; he said he wouldn’t but his father came into the room and demanded he make me scream. Every day for months, no matter how hard I fought, how much it hurt and how I begged for him to stop, he raped me.“I fell pregnant. I didn’t know at the time and I angered him. The pain of that night was worse than all of the others put together. He wouldn’t stop. I hit, screamed, kicked, scratched, and bit and he let me. He just kept pushing; harder and harder until I passed out. I woke up in the infirmary. I cleansed myself with my bending and saw it; the child he placed inside me was in my hand. I watched my baby slip through my fingers and down the drain. I don’t even remember getting back to bed only that once I was comfortable the doctor told me he’d damaged me so badly I’d never be a mother. I’d never be a mother but I’d just bent a child from my womb and let it slide down the drain without a single prayer. I want a family. I want a family so bad, a little girl to love, a son to spoil. I want children and he took that away from me. He took that away from me and I didn’t f-f-find out until after I’d killed my baby.”Qiaolian gasped, nothing like that had been done her. She’d been humiliated and treated roughly but educated girls were not the ones brutalized. They brought pretty girls up from the Lower Ring to satisfy those urges. Many of them never made it back.“I fought, I fought so much harder. He chained my hands and ankles, he had me drugged so I wouldn’t fight him and I said nothing. I let him so it didn’t hurt but I couldn’t keep pretending He has done so much to me and hurt me so badly but I offered myself to him to protect my family. I lay beneath him and call his name so my brother will have food, fresh air and clean clothing. He hates me. Sokka hates me but I fuck Zuko for him.”Qiaolian looked at the sobbing other girl. There were medical examinations every week and sometimes more frequently to ensure her body retained its value. If she or one of the others so much as limped they were taken to the doctor and the last man who’d had them was fined for his carelessness with a shared treasure. There were bondage games mostly with loosely tied silks so no marks were left to ruin the next man’s enjoyment unless extra payment was rendered before and afterward. Only three paid extra to mark them, the rest used the poor girls for whom there would be no penalty.They were given herbs and medicinal douches to prevent pregnancies. She wasn’t sure how long that would last as the men seemed to enjoy the mother daughter shows and men of that high rank were long term strategic thinkers. There were also pedophiles among them. Two had expressed extreme regret they had not invaded Ba Sing Se when she was younger. The girls whose ages fit their tastes most often had unappealing mothers but if she were to birth a daughter…If she were to birth a daughter she would do all the things to protect it her mother had done for her. She couldn’t imagine being hurt so badly as to never fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. She had already resolved that if her situation had not changed in the next two years she would bear a child for Jianjun and permanently anchor his support. He seemed as though he would be the doting indulgent type of father. She couldn’t imagine being with a man who had injured her the way the prince had undoubtedly hurt Katara yet each day the Waterbender smiled at his face, kissed him, caressed him, held his hand, and made her body available to him. She could never do those things to a brute who’d caused her to lose a child.Qiaolian also could not fathom losing her family’s love. The bond between she and her mother had grown stronger not weaker because of the things they’d been forced to endure. She’d seen the way Sokka would look at her and at his sister. She received glances of hopelessness, frustration and pity while he’d plied his very own sister with hatred and anger. She could not understand it. She could understand the prince’s actions, Jianjun’s, Katara’s and her own but she could not fathom how anyone in their situation could abandon a family member.“Your brother has always been rather full of himself. I daresay it makes him rather stupid,” Qiaolian sniffled between tears. “Do you know he tried to double time me with one of my friends? It’s a good thing my mother came along or else I would have given him a good thrashing.”“You should have,” Katara sobbed. “He deserves it.”While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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