Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 266
Mu pretended he didn’t see the bruises on Ty Lee’s upper arms as her sleeves shifted and that he had no clue of what she was doing with the Water Tribe boy. He and his wife had no secrets and Ty Lee kept nothing from Quanli. Before the Ursa left she had told him to keep Ty Lee away from the crewmen. The time with her fiancé had damaged her. Ty Lee had offered herself to Lord Asami hoping he would be able to make her feel something after shutting herself off while spending time with the old man. To Lord Asami’s credit he mentioned it in the restroom where it would be overhead by their father. They were the only two in the restroom and Asami quickly disappeared after letting her request be known. It assuredly saved his life and as well as Ty Lee’s reputation.It was also the reason her parents agreed to her fiancé’s request to move their marriage up to her fifteenth birthday instead of seventeenth. She had ensnarled herself deeper in the trap while trying to escape.Mu walked over the stall of a young eelhound and clucked softly to lure it to the edge of the stall. He placed the lead over his head and attached it to a long rope before announcing, “I’m taking this one for a run. If we’re not back in two hours send a squadron.”“Yeah, yeah go away,” Sokka snorted dismissively with a wave of his hand.Ty Lee looked at him, “You should take someone with you. It’s dangerous out there.”“It would be far more dangerous if I were to remain in here,” he snarled harshly before exiting.“What’s his problem? It’s not like his little sister by blood is an enemy loving slut,” Sokka commented carelessly.Ty Lee dropped her rake and ran out of the barn.Sokka picked it up and put it where it belonged. He finished cleaning the barn then began petting various Komodo rhinos while waiting for the local magistrate to come get him. He’d learned a lot about the animals during his captivity. They were herd animals and there was a hierarchy among them. He didn’t have to sway all of them, only the alpha females; the rest would follow their lead. He hadn’t thought of a plan yet but somehow they would be his ticket to freedom.Worst case scenario he’d kill Aang, leave Katara behind and escape by himself. This Avatar had proven himself to be mostly useless, an infant new one could be raised to fight and in twenty years they could end the war. He had not told anyone of the second event he’d seen in Wan Shi Tong’s library. In twenty years the moon would be closest to the planet than it had been in a century. If he could make it back home, give the information to his dad and they could steal a few Northern Waterbenders and Swampbenders they’d have another chance at ending the war.~*~*~Mu placed his arm around the young animal’s neck and ran as fast as he could but the bandits were still gaining on them. The eelhound was too young to ride but if he did not it would be certain death for both of them. He took a few large steps and leapt sideways onto it, “I’m sorry young friend but I must do this.”As if sensing the direness of their situation the animal ran without breaking stride with the addition of its first passenger. Mu cut the rope and removed the animal’s lead. The child would run straight to its mother. She would hear its panicked bleats and lead the others to them. Mu turned around and released another blade at a bandit who got too close. He only hoped the animal’s heart and his weapons lasted long enough for them to be heard.
For the first time since being diagnosed with blood poisoning Zuko felt like himself. He began stirring with the graying of the sky and opened his eyes when sunlight began filtering through the room. It wasn’t long before nature began to call alongside Agni. Katara whimpered and nuzzled Zuko’s chest as he slowly pulled away from her. He kissed her forehead, “Go back to sleep I’ll be back shortly.”
He tucked the covers around her then hurried to the restroom. He smiled at the mass of messy curls sticking out of the blanket Katara had cocooned herself in then walked over to the window. He pushed back the curtains and extended his arms to feel the early morning sunshine on his skin and stretched slowly. He had missed this feeling. He began to speak as the warm sun washed over him. “Agni Eternal, ruler of us all, thank you for finding me worthy of the gift of fire. Thank you for choosing me for the honor of being born among your line. I pledge this fire, this life you’ve given me to your bidding.”Zuko smiled and repeated the vow pledging oneself to Agni once more. He had said it every morning as a child while Grandfather Azulon lived. The former Fire Lord insisted that every male member of the dragon line and their servants meet in the spire at sun rise and repeat the vow before starting the day. His father only required it be done on festivals and special occasions. Zuko shook his head and snorted derisively; knowing what he now knew about his Grandfather those servants were mostly likely uncles hiding in plain sight.Zuko looked over at Katara and groaned. Yan was always with them, even after his grandfather passed and the male members of the royal line consisted of him, his father, and uncle, Yan was always with them. His father listened to Yan and trusted him. What if Yan like Ching Pei was a hidden but known sibling? Yan wanted to take Katara away from him. He had seemed unhappy when his father allowed her to leave with him. What if Yan was still back home working against them?
Zuko forced the thought away from his head stretched again before going to lie down beside Katara. She snuggled against him once more and he slid an arm beneath her to hold her. He used the other to caress her cheek and ran his fingers through her hair until her eyes opened.Katara yawned and blinked. A smile slowly spread across her face. Zuko hadn’t woken with the sunrise before his first surgery. She yawned then sighed, “You woke me.”“Yeah, I did. Are you angry?” he asked nervously. It was rare for Katara not to be in a bad mood when she was woken up.“Nuh-uhm,” she uttered while sliding closer to put her head on his bicep. Her eyes closed and Zuko thought she’d drifted off when she mumbled, “It’s nice.”“Being woken like this is nice,” she murmured as she scooted closer to him.Zuko smiled and kissed her forehead as she dozed off again. Katara’s eyes opened a few minutes later and she smiled at him once more. The two of them cuddled before Katara slid out of his arms. Zuko smiled as she pulled his shirt over her head and lumbered the short distance to the restroom. He felt moth-bats dancing in his stomach when she removed it before getting back into bed and settling on top of him.She had never done that; most of the times after having sex or waking she would get dressed after going to wash up. Last night she didn’t leave the bed before falling asleep in his arms. This morning she’d gotten up, put on clothes to go use the restroom and undressed before getting back into bed with him. She was naked. He was naked. They were naked together and they’d slept that way.Zuko leaned forward and kissed her nose. She smiled and brushed her lips against his neck in return. After all he had done to her Katara trusted him enough to sleep naked in his arms. Zuko thought of Li and Lo in the mud bath with Uncle Iroh. If she trusted him enough to lie skin to skin he would not ruin that trust by listening to his rising dragon.
Mai woke early and went to train with Azula before she went to the stables looking for Mu. Ty Lee had not come back after spending time with Zuko and the Waterbender. She was avoiding her. She knew if she could find her cousin, she could find her friend and confront her. She walked into the stables and only saw the Water Tribe boy mucking out the stalls.
She swore softly and approached him, “Peasant, where is my cousin?”“Sorry the henhouse is on the other side. Pheasants can be found there,” he answered flippantly before entering another stall. To his surprise the eelhound was standing stock still with her head raised. Sokka commented, “I guess you really want to be groomed.”Mai was turning to leave when she heard that. She’s spent enough time with Mu’s family and eelhounds to know they were territorial. They rarely remained still when someone entered their space. She still had to bribe the one she frequently rode with treats to get it out of the stall. Mai walked forward and grabbed Sokka’s shirt and pushed him against the wall.
“I didn’t know you Fire Nation chicks were so kinky. I thought it was just Ty Lee,” he said with a leer.Mai flicked her wrist and a knife emerged against his neck, “You will tell me the location of my cousin or I will cut the back of your filthy hand. You will die slowly and pitifully if the feces on your hand finds its way into your bloodstream.”Mai lowered the knife towards his hand, “Now speak.”“He went for a run,” Sokka replied nervously.“When?”“About an hour ago. He said send someone after him if he wasn’t back in two.”“Did he go alone?”“Yes, but he took an eelhound, one of the little ones.”Mai turned away from Sokka, the eelhound whose stall they were in was a mare. Her teats hung low beneath her. Her neck was still craned and she stood still as if searching for something. “Which way did my cousin go?”“Out. What am I his keeper? Last time it checked I was the prisoner and not the warden.”Mai slammed his head against the wall for that comment and began looking around the stable. She found Mu’s bag and leaned over it to see which way the senbon in it pointed – north. She stopped a soldier on the street and told him to sound the alarm. She closed the eelhound’s stall and ran back to the hotel. She could not chance it running off to find her child before they were ready to follow.Ty Lee had just finished bathing. She pulled the towel around her body when Mai burst into the room and ran began ransacking her belongings.“Mu’s in trouble. Get dressed. We’re going after him,” Mai stated while strapping on every one of her numerous weapon pouches including the short knives Zuko had given her. She had not worn them since they had broken up.She stalked down the hall and rapped four times loudly on Zuko’s door. It was their childhood warning signal their parents were coming and if they didn’t hurry up they would get in trouble.
Zuko was rewarded for his patience when Katara truly did wake. They kissed and touched slowly and he was able to remain on his back as she received him. Afterward, they continued to talk and touch until the world intruded on them.
“Battle stations!”“We don’t have to go Zuko, you’re injured,” Katara insisted as she rose up to sit on Zuko’s stomach.“I wasn’t planning to,” he replied.“The two of us are staying…” Zuko stopped when someone banged on his door four times. He pushed Katara off of him and cursed, “Shit. I have to go. It’s one of my friends Katara. They’re in trouble.”“But...” Katara protested knowing it would do no good.He growled, “Katara if you knew your brother was truly in trouble would you let a little pain stop you from getting to him?”Katara blew on the aloe to cool it before smearing it across his back and covering it with gauze. She got dressed and paused before putting on the armor Ozai had given her and filling the waterskin. Zuko didn’t have very many friends and she knew it would devastate him to lose one. She too would be saddened if it were Mu or one of the Zhao’s or even Ty Lee. She was slowly starting to like the girl.Zuko stopped and looked at her in surprise.“Your back is still injured. I’ll protect you this time.”
The two of them got downstairs in time to see Zhao 2 bringing a fully dressed but disheveled girl from the rape rooms. Katara knew of their true purpose and refused to call them by the benign name they’d been given. Katara stopped when she recognized the girl. It was one of the girls from Ba Sing Se that Sokka had snuck back to their apartment. The haiku master looked down at the floor in shame as Zhao 2 pinned the symbol of his rank on her shoulder and yelled for a lower ranking soldier to look after her. Tears came to her eyes as the other women, who were in various stages of being dropped off were given no such consideration, began to glare at her.
The Waterbender stared at the other girl until Zhao 2 was at their side and Zuko pulled her away. Katara continued to look behind her stealing glances at the only person who might be able to understand her relationship with Zuko.
Sokka saddled the animals as quickly as he could hoping the Fire Nation soldiers would leave and forget about him. It seemed to be working until Zuko walked in. Sokka dropped the saddle he was holding and walked forward to be sure of what he was seeing. The girl beside Zuko looked like his sister but she was wearing the armor of the Fire Nation. There was blue mixed in with the red and gold; she carried a water skin, her skin was tan and her eyes were blue but she was dressed in the colors of the Fire Nation. He forgot all about his plan to blend in and escape as he called her name in disbelief, “Katara?”
She looked at him, at Zuko, then at the twins standing on either side of him; Mai and Ty Lee were racing ahead on eelhounds. Mai had freed the agitated mare who’d begun kicking the doors of her stall and given her mount free reign to follow it.“I’ll be back, Sokka, I promise,” Katara vowed while climbing on Korhi’s back with Zuko.Sokka swallowed thickly. His plan to leave everything behind and run for it had one flaw - he couldn’t abandon his baby sister. Seeing her dressed in Fire Nation armor preparing to fight with the enemy made his decision easier; Zuko would take care of her until he could come back for her. Sokka took a step toward the animal stalls, eelhounds were faster but didn’t fare well in the desert. Komodo rhinos were slower but they had the ability to find water. He already knew which one he’d take. He was looking for a bag to put supplies in when a meaty hand dropped heavily onto his shoulder, “Not this time. If I let you get away I’ll be fired for certain.”Sokka turned his head. General Mung’s scarred face stared back at him. The man smiled and called for one of his subordinates, “Natsumon, come put the brat in the box.”Those were the last words Sokka heard before everything went dark.
Mu saw the clouds of dust approaching before he heard the cries of the angry mother eelhound. He looked over his shoulder, there was only a short distance between him and his pursuers but the young animal had been carrying him at full speed for fifteen minutes. Much longer and his heart could be damaged. Mu decided to take his chances. He swung sideways so both legs were on the animal's left and lowered his feet so he was once more running alongside it. The pace was slower but he had enough weapons to let go of the animal and defend himself until help arrived.
He put more distance between them and let of go the animal when he gained sight of the dam. She would kill him if she saw him clinging to her agitated child. He continued to run forward until he saw the mother veer sideways and lead her child to safety as the ones with riders rushed toward him. Satisfied the foal was safe Mu turned. He reached inside his pocket as he whirled and hurled powdered pepper packets. Fire Nation animals had been trained to ignore its scent and he knew there was no way to immunize ostrich horses against it. Their delicate olfactory senses were one of their most easily exploitable weaknesses. Only two balked and threw their riders before crashing into the third. The rest continued to pursue him. He should have known anyone willing to traffic women and children would have no qualms about snipping an animal’s olfactory nerves. He had wasted precious time by turning around and given those after him a chance to get closer. He reached into his pocket and blindly threw a handful of caltrops when he felt something large approaching from his right.“Duck!”Mu could hear people screaming at him in Fire Nation and quickly tucked his body in and rolled forward. He felt the sand and rocks scraping at his skin then smelled flesh burning. He hoisted himself up and took off at a dead sprint. He had seen the shadow flying overhead and recognized the voices screaming for him to duck. Azula and Chu-hua had commandeered a war balloon. The War Minister had sent them to be tested in desert conditions. He knew if those two were at the helm everything beneath them would be incinerated.Mai was guiding her eelhound towards Mu when Ty Lee abruptly cut in front of her. The acrobat let go of the reins and leaned sideways so the loose saddle turned with her. She used the momentum to grab Mu from behind and swing him forward. The eelhound ducked beneath him without slowing and Mu landed with a thud on the lower portion of its neck. He managed to grab Ty Lee’s arm and pull her upwards as he scrambled onto the animal’s back.“And you said I’d never learn anything useful in the circus,” Ty Lee laughed as she pressed the chi points in Mu’s upper and lower back to help orientate him.His eyes were still swimming as he looked over his shoulder at her.“You don’t remember the two little leopard-monkeys and the pygmy puma they rode?” She asked while steering the eelhound around the fire to where the mother was checking her child.“Well Chim-Chim rode it and pulled Hoppi up on it,” she clarified as her mount sidled up beside them.“You rescued me using a trained monkey trick?” Mu whimpered as the exhaustion caught up to him.“It looked fun and I always wanted to try it. Besides I knew you were flexible enough to do it. Fluffy had fun, didn’t you?” she asked petting the eelhound. It was born the same year as their nephew. She’d spent several weeks at the farm helping her sister and getting to know that litter.Mu let his head fall forward against the animal. He was too tired to even remind her the eelhound had been given a more appropriate name. As he was bemoaning her refusal to call the male animal anything but Fluffy, Zuko and Katara rode up. The veterinarian groaned when Korhi, short for Komodo Rhino, licked him, “I should not have expected better from someone related to Zuko.”“What are you talking about Mu and are you okay?” Zuko asked.“I’m fine. I’m tired. Why did you let Ty Lee rescue me using a monkey and pygmy puma trick she saw at the circus? Korhi’s a good girl but she’s not an eelhound. I want to give that foal time to rest before heading back. I know he is far more tired than I am. He has surely earned his position as breeding stock. I’ll see which one of my paternal cousins wants to relocate to make sure he isn’t snipped. I know a few who are looking to dodge arranged marriages. I don’t think any of their intended’s will come looking for them. Well except for Kagura. She’s rather persistent. I think Kyo could dig into Koh’s lair and she’d find him. She would probably be waiting when he got there with nice drugged meal. I don’t know why she thinks two equally unattractive people could produce beautiful children. They should be also be unattractive if not uglier,” Mu rambled.“Katara check his head, he’s rambling. I can’t remember the last time I heard him say this much in one breath,” Zuko said as he attempted to slide off Korhi.Katara reached around Zuko’s head and grabbed his nose to stop him. “You aren’t going anywhere. You wouldn’t even be up here if the twins hadn’t picked you up. We’ve rescued your friend. We’re going back. Mu’s welcome to come to our room if he doesn’t want to go to the infirmary.”“Will you call Moon Spirit Yue?” Mu asked excitedly, “I’ve always wondered if spirits have toes? I know ghosts don’t because their legs are anchored to Koh’s lair. What are spirits anchored to? Katara were those moonbeams behind her or did she tie her hair to the stars so she wouldn’t get lost?”“Zuko don’t move. Can one of you help me back up?” Katara asked turning towards the Zhao twins. “I don’t think his examination can wait until we get back to town.”“Sure I’ll help you,” Zhao 2 replied.Katara bit her lip. This wasn’t the time to mention what she’d seen. Carefully not to disturb Zuko’s back she wriggled away and slid down Korhi then walked the short distance to the eelhound. To her surprise Ty Lee said, “Fluffy, bow” and the fearsome creature kneeled to bring Mu to her level.“Fluffy?” Katara asked while pulling the water from the skin and settling it over Mu’s head after making sure the rest of the stragglers had continued forward obeying Chu-hua’s orders to follow their returning ostrich horses and ambush the bandits at their hideout.“He was really fat when he was little,” Ty Lee replied as she petted the animal.Mu closed his eyes and sighed as the pounding in his head and the ringing in his ears stopped. His assignment aboard the Ursa was considered a light duty transition back to full duty after his injuries at the North Pole. He’d been warned another blow to the head in the next year could end his career if not his life before he turned his back on bandits with slingshots. He was fortunate none of them could bend. He winced as Katara moved his hair aside to inspect a small knot. “The skin isn’t broken and I don’t see any blood. Look at me,” Katara demanded when his gaze began to stray downward. Mu focused his eyes on her but after a few moments they began to drift in other directions. This time Katara saw the slight shift before they veered to the right. She took a step forward and placed her hands on either side of his eyes to shield them from the light, “Mu, I’m going to check your pupils but I have to stand really close to do so. Is that okay?”“Yeah, it’s fine” he agreed happily.Katara moved closer and rose to her tiptoes but she still wasn’t tall enough. She didn’t want to ask Mu to bend but didn’t have a choice. She startled when a set of larger than normal hands settled about her waist and a deep voice said, “Let me give you a boost up.”It was Zhao 2. His voice had a huskier quality than his twin’s. His touch was surprisingly light and gentle for one so large and strong. He lifted her easily and for a brief moment Katara felt as if she were a little child in her father’s arms. She remembered her purpose when she was nose to nose with Mu.“Your eyes are really blue. I mean they are blue, blue like the ocean or something blue; I don’t know maybe the sky? They are really blue," he observed in astonishment. Katara placed her hand on Zhao 2’s, “You can set me down now. He definitely has a concussion.”“Again? Quannie’s going to be so mad at me. She made me promise not to get hurt,” Mu pouted.Katara smiled, “I promise not to tell her if you get back on the eelhound with Ty Lee and take it easy once we get back to town.”“Okay, but the baby needs water before we go back. He’s too young to ride and he really pushed himself,” Mu said as Zhao 2 hefted him upwards.Zuko and Zhao 1 petted their komodo rhinos once and gave them the command to seek; the other humans followed on foot. After going east for a mile they began to stomp the ground to get to the water beneath. Zhao 1’s rhino began eyeing Katara but stopped after not so gentle nudge from Korhi. Zuko smiled, “I guess I really do have a thing for bossy women.”Katara stuck her tongue out at him and began helping the rhinos lift the water. Off to her side the Zhao twins began mimicking the rhino’s actions by holding their hands against their heads with their fingers extended, kicking their legs forward, stomping ground then sliding their feet back. Katara didn’t notice it became easier to work the water beneath the rocky ground with each of their movements.The twins stopped when the first drops of water trickled upward and they allowed the rhinos to expand the depression to a large shallow pool. All it took was a simple command of “no” to prevent the animals from wallowing. After they’d drank and rested they retraced their steps and began the slow journey back to town.
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