Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
The sun was close to setting when a knock at the door woke them. It was Ty Lee and Amayu. The doctor had come to examine them as promised and Ty Lee had come to see if Katara needed an escort while gathering the water. She rather liked watching Katara Waterbend. The activity brought some of the vibrancy back to her aura.Amayu rolled her eyes and groaned when she used the key Zuko had given her to walk into the room. It smelled of sex and the prince was lying on top of the Waterbender.Ty Lee voiced what she was thinking, “Eeww, are you two fucking?”Zuko yawned before grumbling, “No, we were asleep. Besides I don’t fuck Katara. We make love and yes there is a difference.”“I can see,” Ty Lee exclaimed moving closer. “Zuko I don’t think your aura has ever been so pink and fluffy. Yours either Katara. It’s almost as bright as Wei and Meili’s. You two must really love each other. Grammy Nima says people with bright auras make-”“We should let them bathe and get dressed. Take me to your room. I want to see where the ghost was standing,” Amayu’s hand clamped down over Ty Lee’s mouth and she began dragging her from the room before she could finish her sentence. She’d met Grammy Nima and the woman was just as strange as she was nice. Even she would approve of using semi-violent methods to prevent Ty Lee from telling those two bright auras made fat happy babies.Amayu’s efforts to spare their feelings were futile. Nima was Zuko’s great-grandmother and he’d heard the phrase often while growing up. Katara had heard it from Aang. There was a mural in one of the Air Temples depicting scenes of the monthly gathering beneath that statement. Neither one of them admitted they knew what Ty Lee was going to say but they could tell the other knew by their mood and actions. The two of them washed up and helped each other get dressed in silence. Katara didn’t try to hide from him and Zuko didn’t make a single lewd comment. He kissed her on the forehead and she kissed his chin as she kneeled between his legs to help him into his boots. Once they were laced she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as he stroked her hair. They pulled apart when she heard his stomach rumble. Katara spooned out the last of the stew she’d made earlier and promised to bring back more food and enough water for a proper bath.In spite of his hunger, Zuko insisted upon feeding her the first spoonful. Bowl in hand he walked her the short distance down the hall. He gave her hug and more food before kissing the top of her forehead. As she was leaving with Ty Lee he called out, “Take care.”
The journey to collect water was awkwardly silent. Normally Ty Lee chattered about the children she’d entertained at the Ursa House but Mai and Azula had been in the hallway earlier. She and Amayu had not fully closed the door thinking they may need to make a hasty retreat. They heard Zuko say he made love to Katara and her own comment about their auras and being in love. Mai had been hurt but Azula had been angry. The princess had slammed her into the wall and gotten in her face to defend Mai, “Mai expects those types of statements from me. You are supposed to be the one incapable of such cruelty.”
Mai had also seen Zuko walk Katara to the stairway and feed her from the bowl which he was eating. Ty Lee had turned away when her friend looked at her in confusion then slowly began to blink the tears away from her eyes. Mai was her friend but Zuko was her cousin; she wanted them both to find happiness. She couldn’t help it if Zuko’s happiness was not with Mai and she couldn’t begrudge Zuko a chance at happiness by siding with Mai. Mai's aura had always contained more brightness than Zuko’s; even at its dingiest stage hers was brighter and showed more contentment. Zuko’s had been dull since the death of his mother and Lu Ten.Ty Lee didn’t see him after he was burned until they were hunting him down. The color of his aura was abysmal. It brightened slightly after they conquered Ba Sing Se and he was able to return home but the colors were all wrong. It was fully of muddy browns, greens, and blues. Mai had told her Zuko had changed. He was full of self-doubt, insecure, questioning his actions and beliefs - things Ty Lee already knew from his aura. After capturing the Avatar the colors of Zuko’s aura changed. At first it had only been the colors of a determined protector mingled with fear but after their time in the infirmary it was a color she’d never seen. She’d written a letter to her sisters and grandmother describing it and their replies had confirmed what Zuko said later about him killing the child inside of Katara and hurting her so badly she’d never have another – those hues and combination meant sadness and regret.It changed again when they reached the Earth Kingdom and peaked in the coastal port before heading inland. It continued to shine brightly during their journey; even after he beat her it flared like fire at night but the colors were all wrong. He’d done the hitting and although she was angry at Zuko for striking her, Ty Lee could see her cousin’s soul was in pain. But the colors of Zuko’s aura shifted once more. They shone with the creation of the Ursa House and the Waterbender’s forgiveness. It remained pink throughout his surgery. There was pink mingled with the yellow grey and sulfur of illness and pain; pure pink, deep pink and mauve – the colors of trust and unconditional love and endurance.The pink of Mai’s aura when she and Zuko were together paled when compared to the current color of Zuko’s when he was with Katara. Mai’s had never reached the deep pink, the color of trust, thankfulness, mature love and marriage, when she and Zuko were together. But she had seen that color when Zuko was with another. It was a secret she would share with no one and would take to her grave but Katara’s aura would sometimes shift to that color. It was seldom and fleeting but no matter how brief or rare the color of love would tint the Waterbender’s aura.Ty Lee wasn’t sure if it was a good sign or a bad omen that Katara’s and Zuko’s auras had begun drawn so close to one another. Katara’s aura had once turned black. A black aura meant a person had lost all hope in the world and lived only to ease their pain – most often through violent forms of vengeance. Katara’s aura had brighten considerably but traces of the darkness remained. Her aura often complimented Zuko’s and merged when they were next to each other. She genuinely feared the Waterbender’s darkness would affect her cousin.Ty Lee had seen merged auras among battle torn soldiers and the Kyoshi Warriors. She had also seen them among elderly couples who’d shared lifetime. It fit Grammy Nima’s explanation of deep love or shared soul scarring pain but Zuko’s aura had first merged with Katara’s in the infirmary. It puzzled her that an act of cruelty and violence would bring them together. She’d asked Quanli what it meant when a young couple’s auras merged and her sister, the strongest aura reader among them had simply replied they were deeply in love or seeking something treasured that had been ripped away.Her sister, the only person she’d told of her activities with Sokka, had asked if she had miscarried.In her next letter to Quanli Ty Lee explained that she hadn’t miscarried and swore she was using the birth control Eun Lee had given her but once again questioned if those were the only circumstances. Quanli’s answer had been a resounding yes. Auras were the visible portion of the soul - the only way for auras to merge were if the souls had also merged. Ty Lee received that letter before she’d learned they’d lost a child. Their souls had bonded to create a child even through forced contact. Ty Lee wasn’t so naïve that she didn’t know children could be made at any joining but it had to have meant something for Zuko’s and Katara’s auras to intertwine when they were surrounded by so much ugliness so she asked Quanli again.Ty Lee didn’t know if her sister hadn’t believed her when said she hadn’t lost Sokka’s child or if Quanlie was really telling the truth when she wrote back, “Young couples whose auras merge like that are meant to be together. If they miscarry it is because their love drew a jealous spirit. Their happiness would no doubt be returned tenfold. The stolen child would bring joy to the spirit and restore kindness to its heart. It would come back to repay those whose precious gift it had taken.”Ty Lee was inclined to believe there was truth to her words. Mai and Zuko’s auras were brighter when they were together but they had never merged. Ty Lee believed Zuko and Mai could find happiness as a couple but it would not be the same level of happiness Zuko and Katara would attain if she were willing to accept his feelings and admit her own.Ty Lee watched as Katara finished the hotel and barracks then moved along to the original residences. She had completed the Ursa House and was taking the previously used water to the garden when Ty Lee glanced up at the hotel. She could see Zuko standing in the window watching them or rather he was watching Katara. Ty Lee glanced at her own window. Azula and Mai stood side by side like angry Agyō and Ungyō. Ty Lee chewed on her bottom lip debating if she should follow through with her appointed task. Her head still hurt and the scent of sulfurous smoke still burned her nostrils but Azula was right, as a friend she owed it to Mai. Her voice was hesitant as willed herself to ask a very personal question, “Katara, how often does Zuko feed you?”“What?” Katara asked not sure what she meant by the question.“How often does Zuko feed you?” she repeated. Katara’s confused expression was similar to Sokka’s so Ty Lee rephrased the question, “Does Zuko often give you food from his own bowl?”“Oh, yeah,” Katara replied absently as she moved to the extended part of the garden where she and Zuko had fallen asleep the morning they came to view Ursa’s star. It didn’t seem so long ago that she had sucked the life out of the grass and he had burned it away but there were already little plants peeking through the soil. She kneeled, extending and lowering her arms so the water would fall more gently upon them. Her tone was more contemplative as she spoke, “I probably would have starved to death before reaching the Earth Kingdom if not for him. I know why he did it then but I don’t understand why he does it now.”Ty Lee lowered her head and bit her lip; waging an internal war on if she should conceal the truth. Her conscious won out and she revealed, “The sharing of food, especially the first and choicest morsel or in times of true hunger is a symbol of devotion among us. The acceptance of food is a symbol of faith and trust.”Katara paused and Ty Lee could see the change in her aura; it was as though the Waterbender was in deep thought and on the verge of understanding a great truth. Ty Lee decided not to go more in depth with her explanation as Katara’s aura shifted once more. The answer appeased her spirit and the truth had been accepted, whether her mind admitted it not, deep down she knew that Zuko cared for her and she trusted him.Ty Lee smiled sadly; the Fire Nation was not always a string of islands. It was a solid land mass before Agni dedicated a portion of it to Kali, his true wife. When he sank the land Kali made sure the creatures upon it survived by adapting them to her watery domain. They pledged loyalty to her in return for their lives. Spirits feed on those who worship them. Agni knew he was sacrificing a portion of his power to his mate but he was willing to do so to strengthen her so that she would always remain with him. All but one animal native to the Fire Nation fed itself first before taking food to its mate and offspring. Dragons flying through the skies with whole Komodo Rhinos, eelhounds, cowhippos taking them back to their nests were once a common sight. The animal would first be presented to the female then shared.She did not tell Katara what it meant for couples in a relationship for a man to feed his mate first.A man giving a woman first bite meant he placed her health and wellbeing above his own. Continuing to feed her from his own bowl was a promise to always provide for her and that he would gladly go without to do so. Zuko was showing his willingness to sacrifice himself for her but Katara had no idea what each time she took a bite meant. By leaning forward she was showing a willingness to meet him halfway. By opening her mouth she was opening herself to receive his sacrifice and swallowing signified the acceptance that she was first and foremost in his life. Tears came to Ty Lee’s eyes as she watched Katara select vegetables to go with the meat she had gotten from the butcher. The preparation of food was also part of their marriage and fertility rituals. Even among nobles a hunt on the groom’s lands preceded the wedding ceremony. Their catch as well as vegetables from the bride’s garden were presented to the intermediary that finalized the marriage agreement. They were prepared as part of the ceremonial meal that took place before the consummation which would take place at the intermediary’s home. The combined meal symbolized the collaborative effort, patience and care it took to build a home and family. The careful preparation of a meal expressed a wife’s desire to nurture and gratitude for her husband’s effort to acquire the ingredients. Its deliciousness was a way to please her husband and his appreciation of the food she cooked showed his appreciation for her care and her efforts. Mai had only once cooked for Zuko and he’d gotten sick afterwards. Katara had cooked for Zuko and her food had helped to restore his health. Ty Lee didn’t think he’d ever fed Mai. The ice cream cone he’d purchased at the beach fell into her lap and demanding servants bring fruit tarts with rose petals didn’t count. She knew they had never been intimate and Zuko’s aura had never turned pink when they were together. They were engaged but Auntie Ringo had taught her to look for the little gestures when measuring the success of a couple. She was the Fire Nation’s premier matchmaker and the only person with the courage to tell Cousin Ozai he should give up on finding a husband for Azula. After seeing this she knew without a doubt Auntie Ringo would tell Mai to give up on Zuko.“Ty Lee?”She screamed as Katara touched her nose to get her attention. “Sorry, I was thinking. What were you saying?”“I was saying it’s getting late. We should go back. I’m a little worried about Zuko. Today was the first time he told me to take care,” Katara explained.Ty Lee didn’t correct her. The common language phrase “take care” was a bastardization of the Fire Nation sentiment “take care that you safely return to me”. Two wars were averted six centuries ago over the inadequate translation so it was somewhat of a famous statement in the Fire Nation and certain parts of the Earth Kingdom.A Fire Nation princess had married a monarch of the Earth Kingdom. He was going to invade the territory of a neighboring warlord. They were newlyweds in a political arrangement but she wanted to give him a sign of her growing affection. He didn’t speak much Fire Nation and she spoke little Earth Kingdom so she settled upon the uninspiring “take care” after consulting their interpreter.Insulted he ordered his servants to pack her belongings and make sure she was gone by the time he returned. He was at the edge of his territory when the interpreter caught up to him and explained the true meaning his wife wished to convey. He had gotten so upset because he too felt strong affections for her. He turned to go back to her without thought of his troops. With no orders the army he was leading withdrew; following behind him as he raced back across his territory to chase after her. By the time he caught up to her she had reached the delegation sent by her father to witness the marriage. They were planning to attack his territory to avenge her honor when he showed up with all of his troops to take her back. Her older brother was ready to fight until his wife, a noble from a different island, reminded him of how he thought she was referring to him as fish instead of husband for the first four years of their marriage.The place where they met was renamed Taku in honor of their misunderstanding
Zuko sat up when he heard the key turning inside the doorknob. He rose and walked slowly across the room when Katara entered. He greeted her with a smile and reached for the things she was carrying as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, “You’re back.”
“I am,” Katara replied smiling as she gave him the smallest and lightest bundle while rising to her tip toes to kiss him. “Did you miss me?”“I did,” Zuko answered as she slowly began opening the wrapped cloth.Katara snorted, “Me or the food I was bringing?”“Both,” Zuko answered sheepishly while lifting a carrot.Katara swirled water over it and washed away the remaining dirt. She laughed at Zuko’s satisfied moan as he bit into the orange vegetable and smiled tenderly at how happy it made him. She had picked it for that reason. During their afternoons in the meadow she learned Zuko and Korhi both liked carrots. Watching the two of them squabble over the last one before sharing it was one of the funniest things she had ever seen. She began to hum contentedly while washing the remaining vegetables so she could begin making dinner.
Arraye: More about Ursa will be revealed in the upcoming chapters. The first mention will be a quick blip but I’m confident your keen eye will catch it.
I’m a woman so it really pains me to say this, but the world can be a bad place for women. Every day we make great strides toward safety, equal pay, confidence and ownership of our bodies, happiness and freedom to just be ourselves but there are still events that make us stop and think, “Did that really just happen?” Each person has their own sense of justice, equality and tolerance so the little things that bother one of us might not bother another but each day in our own ways we fight our battles, celebrate our victories, dust ourselves off after our losses and keep going.
Katara is experiencing all those things and fighting several battles. She is fighting Zuko, the war, her brother, herself and all the things she’s ever been taught about how a “good girl” is supposed to be. She has a strong sense of justice and morals but she’s spent the majority of her life in an insulated environment. This a terrible ordeal for her to endure but she’s learning things about herself she never would have learned. Most of those are shaking her belief system and fueling her internal struggles. Only time will tell how she fares but there is a significant difference between Katara and Azula. Unlike Azula, Katara is grounded in reality. She has had people in her life to chastise her and tell her she is capable of wrong. She’s had to struggle to learn to control her element. Everything has come easy to Azula and she has been indulged by all but Ursa. Azula’s break with reality starts when easy victories escape her.
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