Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 263
Amayu left shortly after Chu-hua did. She said she would come back and do a proper examination once her male patient had been calmed. Both Katara and Zuko knew what she meant. Katara was expecting to be jumped as soon as they were alone. Zuko had dreamt of his mother and spoke of her, Chu-hua had mentioned his father and Amayu had checked him but none of that had been enough to make his penis go down.Zuko wrapped his arms around her and kissed her after she locked the door. After several minutes he guided her towards the bed. Katara’s stomach was in knots as Zuko removed her pajama top. He still did not have the mobility needed to remove the lower portion of their clothing so she removed his pajama bottoms as well as her tap pants. She was nervous being completely naked in front of him even though it was not the first time he’d seen all of her.Zuko lowered himself onto her and began kissing her before sliding between her legs. His fingers were coated in her juices when he abruptly withdrew them rolled onto his side and instructed her to “Slide up.”Katara did, stopping when her breasts were level with his mouth but he once again instructed, “Further.”Zuko laid practically the length of the bed. She couldn’t go up any further.“How?” she asked finally deciding to sit next to his head.Zuko licked his lips and spread her thighs apart so he could position his head between them. His tongue flickered wildly over her clitoris before dipping into her. Katara was on the way to nirvana when he pulled away, “I can’t wait anymore Katara.”She bit her lip knowing what he was demanding.“Please Katara. Lay down,” his polite word choice doing nothing to hide the insistence in his voice or small bead of wetness gathering at his dragon’s snout. She laid down and spread her legs as he rolled on top of her. It was the same position she’d slept in for two weeks and her body shifted accordingly to accommodate his now familiar weight. His lips brushed against hers as he muttered, “I love you.”Katara whimpered, her hips rising automatically to meet his as his penis sunk deep inside her. Sweet Tui above she had missed this feeling. She gripped his hips just as hard as he held her shoulders as their bodies slammed against each other. Her back arched beneath him and he screamed then all too quickly it was over.
Sokka was in the garden fueling a dispute between Mu and Zhao 2 about which one most needed free Water Tribe labor by interjecting comments while sitting on the ground watching the two of them argue. He moved over to make room for Zhao 1 when he was also yelled at for interrupting. The exchange was rather amusing. Chu-hua was starting to smile when she heard Zuko scream then saw all four boys stop and look up at hotel.
Sokka stood and began walking away. Zhao 1 had been the one to go after him. Sokka knocked his hand away then nodded when the larger boy pointed at the restaurant. Zuko’s life was tied to a prisoner who had instigated an argument between his captors then walked away from work detail. This boy was an even bigger threat to Zuko than his sister. Sokka’s boldness would certainly get himself and Zuko killed.The admiral chewed on a small piece of willow bark then bathed as she had been intending to do when saw Amayu. She dunked her head in the warm water but it didn’t help so she headed to the restaurant hoping a bite to eat would help ease the headache plaguing her. As soon as she walked in she saw the prisoner; Sokka was there along with Zhao 1 and a pile of money. He, Fan, Bong Cha, Mung, and some of the elderly townspeople were huddled over a pai sho board. They also had piles of money next to them and were gambling on equal terms. Each was deliberately loosing slightly less than they won but Sokka was doing it by going all in winning and big then losing instead of adjusting the amount of his bets.It was reckless and working. He was the only one at the table full of cheaters who had not been called a cheat.It brought to mind her thoughts from earlier. Chu-hua had no doubts the Waterbender would kill Zuko. It was only a matter of when. Chu-hua pinched her forehead and groaned; his death would most likely be hastened if Sokka used the Red Orchid gambit to defeat Bong Cha again.
Katara wasn’t surprised that Zuko fell asleep shortly after using his hands to bring her to orgasm. It shocked her that he had even thought to do so after his orgasm or to lick her before lying with her. She slipped from beneath him and kneeled in the empty tub. She rested her forehead on a folded towel and cried as she allowed his semen to drip out of her. There was no hornyweed in her system. It was close, but not close enough to blame the madness on her cycle. This emptiness and longing she felt had no logical explanation. She was wet. Zuko had gotten hard and she had gotten wet for him; was still wet for him. She wished he would wake up aroused and wanting just so she’d have an excuse to give into the feeling.
But she was a good girl.Good girls did not have koalaotters that got hungry for whaleribs, turtleseals with snap open shells or caverns that longed for a nice eel to swim inside it unless they were married. Zuko was not her husband; would never be her husband. She did not want to be touched by him or to even know his name but she whored herself to him for her brother and her friend’s sake.Good girls did not whore themselves for any reason. They worked harder at respectable jobs or married for the sake of their family. She had refused Zuko’s proposal. She would die before she agreed to marry him and yet she allowed him to spread her legs and got wet for him. She had grown accustomed to spreading her legs and getting wet for him; wanted him to spread her legs; wanted to get wet for him.She could not claim to be a good girl any longer.Good girls were not whores. Bad girls thought of none but themselves. She was something different; she hated Zuko, wanted to kill him; would kill him but couldn’t bear to see him suffering. She wanted to feel his whalerib inside of her, wanted him strong, healthy and on his feet beside her once again; wanted him beside her until the day she escaped and killed him.She was an animal. Animals cared for their kin but remained selfish. She was a koalaotter, constantly wet, on her back and waiting for her nose to be rubbed so she’d have a reason to do a trick. She was a broken turtleseal. Her shell was cracked and now instead of getting up and making things happen she laid in wait for a curious eel to swim by. She took thorough enjoyment whenever something got caught in it, wriggling and barking her pleasure.She heard the mattress creak and Zuko yelp so she quickly got up to see to him. He had rolled on to his back and his bandages had shifted. She helped him up then washed her hands and him before applying more salve and bandages. She bathed and washed the sheets when he asked her to read to him. She picked up their favorite book and tears came to her eyes as she read the opening line, “The best friends of my childhood were an Airbender named Aang and an Earthbender named Bumi.”She was not an animal. She was human. Only humans had compassion and the desire to sacrifice themselves for another. She was a human and Zuko was warm, and male, and so very close and gentle as he wiped her tears, and tried to discern why she was crying. His head had lifted from its resting spot on her shoulder and he hefting himself up so he was sitting next to her. She moved forward, sliding her leg over his hip to straddle his lap as he pulled her closer, moaning as the thin fabric covering her genitals came in contact with that covering his. She tingled as blood began rushing inside her body. Tears rolled down her face as she remembered that animals felt no guilt for giving into their instincts but a woman could be trained to accept a whale rib.“What’s wrong Katara? Are you hurting? Did I hurt you? Did you hurt yourself? Did something in the room hurt you? Are you frightened? Did you see Ty Lee’s ghost? What made you upset?”She sobbed harder as Zuko caressed her hair, neck and cheeks. Each of his increasingly frantic questions caused his breath to warm her face and his chapped lips to brush against her skin. She rolled her hips forward hoping to feel more of him. A woman can be trained to accept a whale rib. She tilted her head so his next question would be spoken against her lips, “Were you that worried about me?”A wail escaped her lips as he murmured her name, “Katara is that why you are crying? Because you were worried about me?”Zuko took her lack of response as affirmation. His lips brushed against hers again. The pad of his thumbs wiped away her tears, “Don’t cry. I’m nothing to cry over. Don’t cry for me Katara, I’m fine.”Katara pressed her lips against his before sliding her tongue against his lips silencing his assurances he was fine.A woman can be trained to accept a whale rib.Chief Arnook had said that to Sokka when he and his brother had approached him about arranging a marriage between her and his nephew to reunite their tribes. Sokka had refused citing she had the right to choose her own man and she wouldn’t find Senneyok to be husband material. They responded a woman can be trained to accept a whale rib, especially if it’s for the good of her family and her people. The invasion had put an end to that discussion but the overheard statement remained with her.Several of the women who had come to the keeper’s huts in defiance before the invasion stopped coming afterwards, choosing instead to go to Yugoda’s hut for more traditional marriage lessons. One of the girls closer to her age, Akiak, was preparing to leave with them before the invasion. Her father had promised her to Nauja, a twenty-five year old widower with two small children. Akiak hated him but he was one of the best hunters in the tribe and respected in their community. She was running away because her father let him touch her then laughed when she revealed Nauja had forced her to perform the act of acceptance. Her father died during the battle.Akiak was the oldest.If she left her mother and younger siblings would have no one to support them. The eldest of her two brothers was nine. There was another daughter between them. She was eleven and not ready for marriage but she was a Waterbender. She could very easily be adopted into a family with the promise of a future marriage in exchange for support. Most girls in that situation did not last very long as virgins. She was seventeen, a woman in the eyes of her people and prime marriage material. Nauja could easily support all of them. She agreed to become his wife for their sakes. A woman could not get married without an older male relative’s permission unless she submitted herself to her intended husband in front of the council and they allowed it after witnessing she was a virgin prior to their union.In exchange for a lifetime of protection, provisions and support for her family she went with him before the chiefs, elders, and sages to have her innocence confirmed before performing the acts of acceptance and consummation in front of them. Akiak’s name and what they had witnessed were mentioned the next time Sokka was approached about a marriage arrangement for her. A woman can be trained to accept a whale rib, especially if it’s for the good of her family. Senneyok grabbed his crotch and uttered, “Or she’s manly like Katara and really needs it.”His father elbowed him but there was no real reprimand in the action. The two elders continued their attempt to sway Sokka using kinder terms, “You see what a good husband has done for Akiak. She had the same hardness and hostility as your sister but look at how docile and obedient she has become now that she has a man taking charge of her future. She was against the marriage but Nauja’s whale rib has trained her to accept him and the things he wants for her. I am friends with him. He says prior to their joining her unfilled desires confused her and she thought she hated him. Now that they’ve joined she no longer has that confusion or seeks to behave as a man. She is the perfect wife; each night when he slips into their furs her harbor is anxious for his ship to pull in. “Katara needs a man. You see how she fights, how she acts. She’s desperate and in such dire need of fulfillment that she lured the Fire Nation Prince to the Spirit Oasis then sent Yue away so she could seduce him. Your sister needs a husband. A woman can be trained to accept a whale rib, better one of her own kind than his.”A gasp escaped Katara’s lips as Zuko stiffening penis brushed against her panties as he leaned forward to adjust the position of his back. His eyes widened and the hand that had been on her face moved between her legs. Unable to believe what he was feeling he broke the kiss and looked down; Katara’s underwear was damp and clinging to her phoenix. She was wet and shedding tears of concern for him. He had never imagined that Katara would ever feel that way for him.“Katara, my love, don’t be sad. I’m fine. Don’t worry. You took care of me just like you promised you would. I’m fine because of you. So very fine,” he whispered once again caressing her face and sealing his mouth to hers.They continued to kiss as Zuko’s hands roamed her body, touching her shoulders, back, breasts, sides, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet before pushing her underwear aside to reveal her phoenix. Katara’s hands paused at his waistband; a woman can be trained to accept a whale rib. Katara knew it was garbage but clung to the idea as her fingers fumbled their way lower. She needed something to explain why she wanted to feel Zuko inside her body. Her right hand bumped against her left, getting in each other’s way, as she attempted to unknot his loincloth and get to what lie beneath the fabric. She gave up; deciding it was faster to push his underwear aside and pull out what she wanted.Zuko groaned as her fingers came in contact with his shaft. His left hand abandoned her breast to easily undo the knot which had vexed her while his right delved inside her center. Katara widened her legs bringing her feet to rest on either side of him then arched her back as his fingers went deeper. She reached behind herself with the hand not between his legs and used it to steady herself as she pushed herself forward. Zuko broke the kiss and looked down again when he felt something tap his hand; it was his dragon. Katara was holding it as she moved forward. It took a great deal of effort not to climax as he watched her guide his penis into her body.This time was longer and slower. Katara completely forgot she needed a reason to justify why she wanted to feel these sensations. Why it was wrong to give into the rush of hormones and dive headfirst into her biological impulses. Why this was not something she, an unmarried girl should be feeling.She fell asleep along with Zuko when it was over and dreamt of her father throwing snow in her face then turning away from her and the smiling golden-eyed babe in her arms.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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