Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 260
Katara woke shortly before sunrise. It was the coldest part of the day in the moments before Yue began making way for Agni. She sat up when she realized she was in bed alone. She rose thinking Zuko may have needed assistance and she’d been sleeping too heavily to hear him calling. She rushed around the privacy screen in a panic. There on a pile of torsos, limbs, and hair was Zuko, sleeping as peacefully as a newborn. She watched them for a moment then went to the window to say hello to Yue before going back to bed. She thought nothing of the hotel owner’s son carrying a bucket into the building at such a strange hour and assumed his labored movements were due to its weight.
Katara woke up the next day to the feeling of someone staring at her. She opened her eyes expecting to see Zuko but was surprised to see Zhao 1; she had spent so much time with him she was able to tell him apart from his twin. He looked troubled. She yawned and muttered, “What’s wrong?”
He lowered his head and whispered, “Zuko told me about your mother. I’m sorry you had to live through that. Harusuke was my love not my…. I can’t imagine what I would have done if it was Mommy. I think of him every day and sometimes I…How do you do it? How do you? I can’t…”Katara knew what he was trying to ask. It was a question to which she had no answer. Not caring she was still in her nightgown she sat up and hugged him. She patted his back and cooed as one would to an infant when she felt tears on her shoulder. His arms latched onto her and she felt as if she were being hugged by the world’s strongest two year old. When he let go she lifted the hem of her gown and wiped his tears away. “I don’t have an answer to your question. I don’t know how I made it this far after seeing what I did.”“Gran-Gran, Dad, Bato, Amnak would all tell us how much she loved us. You could see it in her face when she spoke of us and in everything she did. She lived for the happiness and health of her children. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it would trouble Mom’s spirit to know she was the reason I had stopped smiling. I smile and move forward because I know it is what she would want for me.”Katara leaned her head forward and rested it against his shoulder, “I wonder what she would think of me knowing I’m prostituting myself to Zuko to save Sokka or that I’ve learned all Fire Nation people are not monsters and I have friends among them?”Zhao 1 wrapped his arms around her again, “Harusuke was a calligraphy tutor and a spy for the resistance. He knew I could not escape following Zhao’s footsteps in the military but he loved me nonetheless. He said there were paths each of us took in life that allowed us to intersect. This intersection was a grand point of miraculous possibilities in which we could choose the direction of our life. We could choose to do things to make others proud of us or we could choose to do things that felt right to no one but ourselves.”Zhao 1 laughed “I caught him rifling through Zhao’s office searching for military documents and he said that. Do you know what I did?”Katara shook her head, “What did you tell him?”“I told him to stop looking in the office. It’s a front where nothing of importance is kept. He should look in the bathroom in the cabinets in easy reach of the toilet.”As he expected, the truth made Katara laugh.“I fell in love with him at that very moment. He was the first person to tell me I had a choice in life and could decide who I wanted to be. I was ten. It took one year, six months, three weeks, and four days for me to persuade him to go out with me and another year to convince him I was ready for sex. He was four years older and saw me as a child. He kept telling me to wait until I was older but I always replied we might not be around to get older. I was able to convince him after his grandmother’s death. He was vulnerable and I took advantage of it and kissed him. He kissed me back.”“2 thought it was gross but if it got him away from strict Master Harusuke’s calligraphy lessons he was all for it. He covered for us. Looking back, I think Mommy did too. She knew what her husband would do to Haru and me if he found out,” He looked down at his hands and squeezed the third finger on his left hand and whispered, “I wonder if I jinxed us by saying we didn’t have time?”Katara shook her head, “The head sage in our village talks to spirits. He was taken into the ocean’s depths by La himself and returned. The ocean spirit told him our village would need someone able to listen when the Waterbenders were gone. There were still Waterbenders in our village at the time; they hadn’t all been taken. He blamed himself when his older sister was the last Waterbender taken but La just laughed. Tupilek was six when he almost drowned. The last Waterbender was captured a decade later. The ocean spirit told him if one had anything to do with the other the benders would have disappeared the moment he gained the ability to communicate with spirits. He was given that knowledge as a warning so the time with everyone would be cherished and well spent.”“You would have never gotten to know Harusuke and be loved by him if you had not pursued him or had chosen to wait when he asked you to. You weren’t a jinx; you were the recipient of a blessing the spirits had bestowed upon you.”He nodded and opened his mouth to speak but bit his lips and sighed instead. He took deep breath to collect his thoughts and organize his words so they wouldn’t be misconstrued, “Katara, I know Zuko isn’t what you want and this situation isn’t one you want to be in but the spirits have also blessed you.”“What? How can you say that?” Katara shrieked in offense.“Zhao Jianguo, Dungeon Master Level 2, Fire Nation Unified Torture Division. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it with all my soul as it would allow me to be with my Haru again. If I knew I would be allowed to die I and it would not affect my brother I would have refused to follow the orders I was given. I’ve done many terrible things Katara. Things that will never be forgiven, things I do not want to be forgiven. I know what Zuko is protecting you from because I was instructed in the best way to do them. I excelled at them. It takes years to become a second level; I did so in a matter of months. I know Katara, because they were done to me and I’ve done them.”“After Zhao learned of Haru and my preference he requested…” He bit his lips and tears once more began rolling down his face. “Cabin boys serve more than one purpose on a ship during a long voyage. He had become accustomed to the things they provided. After raping me in front of my dying lover he…he…but no son of his would be an ashpot… his boys would like women, would know what to do with them and how to handle them…the servants…He did those things to me and made us do them to others. You don’t want…“Zuko knew…I’ve hurt so many innocents…so many women and children…I don’t… I can’t…I…Zuko knew…he knew what they’d do to you…he couldn’t let…the short one with the round face kept crying for her mother…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…they were orders…I had to…they would have…Zuko loves you” he broke down sobbing.Katara continued to hold him as she realized what he was confessing. He was a torture expert and a rapist but he had also been raped by his father. He was apologizing to her for something as he continued to warble Zuko loved and he knew what would be done to her. The commotion woke the others. Zhao 2 wrapped his arms around his brother and gently pulled him away from Katara to half carry him to the loveseat.Zuko took his place beside her and took his hand in hers while Mu rearranged the privacy screens and relit the censures. He didn’t know what was in them but was certain it would have a calming effect. Katara was about to push Zuko away when he whispered, “Zhao makes me happy to be Ozai’s son. I am so very fortunate to be born of him instead of Zhao. My father would never…”She could hear Zhao 2 apologizing for not being able to protect his older brother from their father. “I should have done more. I should have let him.” “It’s okay. I’m the older brother. I’m supposed to do the protecting. You weren’t born like me. I knew you were okay and he wasn’t doing that to you as long as he was doing it to me. You were safe.”“But he hurt you so much. I could have taken some of it. I should have been stronger.”“It made it easier. It was easier for me knowing that you were okay. That it wasn’t you. I like men you don’t. It would have been worse for you. It was easier knowing that I spared you that pain. I couldn’t stop him from hurting her, or you hurting yourself. I could stop him from brining those girls home or what he made us to them. I could stop him from taking us to those ships but I could stop him from doing that to you. I was strong enough to stop him from doing that. I was able to protect you. I was able to protect my little brother. I can endure anything, will do anything for you, you know that. So don’t cry. Don’t cry, don’t cry little Jun. Big brother was happy to protect you.”She could tell by their silhouettes that Mu was trying to comfort both twins. Katara slowly pulled her hand away from his. Zuko was also fighting back tears as he glanced towards the privacy screen. She swallowed thickly then whispered, “I’m getting dressed and going next door to get Ty Lee. I need to take care of the water.” Katara put on her clothes then paused in front of the upset twins. “If I had my wish we’d be no more and escape this miserable existence.”Zhao 1 nodded and burst into a fresh round of tears before burrowing his face against his brother’s shoulder. That quote was from a classical historical document written by Avatar Anil; an Air Nomad predecessor to Aang and Yangchen. He did not wish to be Avatar, burdened by the weight of the world and his past lives but he was duty bound to end the chaos around him. He wiped out two thirds of the world’s population and would have destroyed all of humanity based upon the premise all life is sacred and must be protected from suffering. If there is no life there is no suffering and all souls can dwell happily in the spirit world. It was still debated among scholars whether he was enlightened or simply a homicidal maniac whose power had driven him insane.Zhao 2 nuzzled his brothers face and gently replied, “like a game of ping pong on a table made of glass in a room full of mirrors and you let the days pass.”Katara nodded, that was the last line of a lyrical verse by the poet Shing02 entitled “Start Again” pondering many of life’s greatest questions. If troubles were the spirits way of preparing one for the next stage of their life or a sign they had been abandoned? Was there a moment, act or decision that would have changed the course of a life and if so would the change be negative or positive? One could choose to embrace life, get up start over accepting that in order to do so old patterns must be broken or live a stagnant existence in which that which was persisted.She walked forward and leaned down to embrace both twins and Mu who was holding Zhao 2 and forced herself to smile. If Zhao 2 was able to acknowledge what had been done as part of the past and move on she could try to share something she hoped would give them hope. Lily had explained the song that irritated Sokka so much was deliberate. It was about the uncertainty of life and chances for better things in the future. Her mouth was dry as she whispered, “Yeah and I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes.”Zuko burst out laughing, “Moku said that to Uncle Iroh and they had a sing along.”Mu untangled himself from the larger boys and crawled over to the censure. The draft from the open window was blowing towards the still giggling Zuko. “Perhaps, I should not have added those last two leaves.”A large plume of smoke wafted up to his nose as he attempted to blow it out. It was still twitching as he rose, spun around, raised his right hand pointed then yelled, “Flameo Hotman!”The twins’ jaws dropped as Mu continued to dance; spreading the overpowering scent of psilocybin, cannabis, psychotria throughout the room with his movements. Zhao 1 managed to ask, “Hey isn’t that what that weird kid who hangs around with Ruon-Jian’s little brother always does?”Katara had no clue who or what a Ruon-Jian was but as they were escaping from the village where Aang went to school and threw a dance party in the cave there was one student dancing to his punishment while screaming that exact thing. It was easy to pretend she had no clue what they were talking about when Mu began flapping his arms and yelling, “Possum-chicken.”“I’ve got to go in case whatever got into him is catching. You guys might want to stop breathing,” Katara giggled as she walked to the door. She peeped around the privacy screen to get another glimpse at Zuko. His eyes were large and glassy, he was on his side curled around his stomach screeching, “Oh Agni it hurts make it stop” while laughing.She decided he was fine then went down the hall to knock on the door to get Ty Lee. Mai was the one who answered. The two of them stared at each other before Katara spoke politely, “Hello, Mai, is Ty Lee in?”“Why? Is my fiancé not enough you plan to steal my friend?” she asked rudely.Katara sighed, “I do not want, need, or steal your fiancé. If I knew what I did to get Zuko’s attentions I would be more than happy to share the knowledge.”Mai’s nose turned up, “As if I would take lessons on my fiancé from a peasant.”Katara frowned, Mai’s face and body language said one thing but her eyes and tone of voice said another. “You do care for him,” she muttered in astonishment.“Of course I do. He’s my fiancé what do you think I am some kind of monster?” she hissed at her.“You should tell him. Zuko thinks you care nothing for him, only his title and wealth, tell him you care for him as a person if you want to win him back,” Katara said quietly as Ty Lee approached the taller girl.Mai’s eyes narrowed and she inspected the shorter, darker girl, “Why are you telling me this?”“I do not want Zuko you do,” Katara replied meeting her gaze head on.Mai took a step back from the door allowing Ty Lee to walk past her. She took another step and another until she bumped into the wall behind her. She was lying. The Waterbending whore was lying. She had seen it in her face when she said she did not want Zuko. There was a twinkle in her eye, a hitch in her voice and those brown cheeks took on a pinkish hue when she said the word Zuko. It was the same thing Ty Lee did when she mentioned the whore’s brother.Zuko made love to the whore. She had heard it with her own ears, how he spoke to her, of her. It was brief, only for a split second but she had seen with her own eyes how thoroughly he devoted himself to her. She wondered if the girl’s eyes had been open would she have been concentrating on him as well. Mai clutched her chest and didn’t bother to hide her tears even though Azula was in the room.“Stupid Mai, when will you learn you’ll be better off as my Chancellor of the Realm than some poor forgotten wife abandoned by my loser brother,” Azula said as she stood in front of her friend and placed a hand on both shoulders before hugging the taller girl.Mai’s face crumpled further and a wail escaped her lips. Azula’s words held only truth, no venom. There was concern in her eyes not malice. Mai threw her arms about the shorter girl and bawled on her shoulder. When her weight sent them crashing to the floor Azula did not pull away from her. She continued to pat her back and kindly mutter, “Stupid Mai.”The duchess clung to Azula remembering why she claimed the princess as a friend; a bit of the kindness instilled in her by Princess Ursa remained. It rarely emerged which made being the recipient of Azula’s once kind and gentle nature all the more precious.
Kain: The Zhaos love Ty Lee like a little sister. They’ve been in this town for almost a month and Ty Lee has felt as if she were being watched from day 1. She doesn’t feel safe in her own room. She doesn’t feel safe at home in the Fire Nation because of her fiancée and now some creeping pervert who has been warned is making her feel unsafe in a strange city far away from home. In their eyes, since he doesn’t comprehend words and a little unfriendly persuasion this is best way to make him understand.
There is also the political climate to consider. Things are finally leveling out. With the addition of the group Mung captured the women being raped now are not locals. If they beat his ass everyone would see the bruises and it could spark more violence since he is a local. This town doesn’t have a standing army or militia. It is isolated and in the middle of nowhere. There are only 3 former Earth Kingdom soldiers who live there. If the townspeople were to fight back, it would be a massacre. The twins know this, they’ve seen it happen. If they raped him and his unconscious sister no one would know unless he told.
The twins specialize in torture. They are telling Yi Chin, “I’m in your home, in your body and in your sister and you can do nothing about it. More importantly it’s your fault for looking at our friends after we told you to stop.” They’ve trapped him. If he tells his parents what happened for the sake of his sister they will blame him because he was looking at the Fire Nation girls. He’s also a male so they know it is unlikely he will tell anyone what was done to him.
I guess we’ll just have to wait to see Katara’s reactions. As for the justifications, most legal systems have something in place that allows defenses based on childhood harm. They don’t always work, but they are there.
Arraye: Thank you so much! I don’t know if you realized this or not but you gave me my 100th review. When I first started this story I wasn’t sure anyone would read it (let alone like it) but you’ve hung with me since the beginning and have been one of the constant voices of support.
I’m surprised the actions of Zhao twins caught you off guard. You’ve found so many of my little hints but you managed to miss some of the ones about them. There are two lurking in Part 1 Chapter 95 and Part 1 Chapter 113 that give more insight into what they are capable of. There are more to come.
Sadly hurting the innocent to punish the transgressor is a common intimidation tactic. People are often more cautious when they know a loved one will be affected. As to what will happen to the Fire Nation, I hope you continue to stick with me and find out.
Raa.Maa.Daa.Saa.Hung: You are not annoying me. Please don’t ever think that. There are a few more chapters before Hakoda makes an appearance. Taruk is at home in the Southern Water Tribe with a broken leg. It still blows my mind how much this fic is loved.
Katara and Zuko have been getting just as cozy as a kudzu vine and an oak tree. We’ll just have to see what happens when they reach the moment of separation…
No, you aren’t loony. Alliances are definitely being made and there are more benders lurking about.
I am still on the fence about what to do with The World On Silver Platter. I don’t want to start another multi-chapter fic until I put an end to the ones I’ve started. Thank you so much for the well wishes.
Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone for reading, reviewing, and voting. I’m flabbergasted and blown away by the response. You have no idea how much all of your comments whether positive, negative or neutral make my day.
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