Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 258
Katara guided Korhi as Zuko leaned heavily against her. Haru and Tyro were alive. Convicted felons had been executed in their place to make her believe she had gotten them killed. Zuko was in on the deception. The cracks in her relationship with Sokka had started to form because of that incident.She knew she should have gone back to the hotel but instead she steered Korhi towards the meadow. Once they reached the small brook she allowed Korhi to drink but did not linger. There were disturbances that suggested someone had found their haven. Korhi’s head lifted and the animal looked from side to side before slowly backing away. Katara let one of her hands fall and discretely guided water through the grass beside them. They were able to make it back to the town safely without further incident although she wasn’t able to shake the feeling she wasn’t alone; by the way Korhi stopped every so often to look around before continuing at a brisk pace she knew the animal also felt it. She was relieved to see Mu in the stables when she returned. He was fuming but said nothing as he helped her and Zuko dismount. He washed his hands and slathered more painkillers on Zuko’s back then waved a smoking pot of medicinal incense beneath his nose.
Pipsqueak placed his hand over The Duke’s mouth without being told by General Fong. Katara was there within a stone’s throw but they could do nothing for her. They had come to the meadow to gather water while it was dark. They would be moving again soon, farther away from the town now that more soldiers had arrived and the patrols had increased. It was too dangerous to remain in the area and they needed to gather enough water for themselves and the animals to cross the Si Wong.
They had been following the underground stream for days searching for the best place to tap into it without disrupting the water table when they found the place where it emerged. Fong and a few of the other experienced Earthbenders could tell the change was not natural. The dirt surrounding it did not have the correct density or porosity for the water to surface. But now seeing how the Waterbender had come to the location, frown then quickly leave, it now made sense for the water to have drastically changed its course and why it seemed as if the water had been yanked upwards. Once he deemed it safe they finished collecting the water they came for and quickly retreated underground to make the long journey back to camp.General Fong was once again forced to re-evaluate his thoughts of the Waterbender. Min-sik and Hiro had told them how her tears had moved the prince to create a place for the rape victims and how she made rounds twice daily to collect and purify their water for them. They now had a small surplus even with the addition of the new gardens. So far it was more than enough to water two weeks’ worth of crops. Her efforts also increased the amount of clean water each family had hidden. It would have to be boiled again before drinking but each drop she saved gave them hope they would be able to survive a little longer under the rule of the Fire Nation.This time when The Duke tugged on his pants legs begging for her rescue he didn’t completely dismiss the idea; the rainy season was several weeks away but they had to be gone by that time. The presence of a Waterbender when crossing the desert would no doubt save lives.
Mu and Katara draped Zuko’s arms over their shoulders and began the long walk back to the hotel. Unlike the drunken singing, the swaying and buckling beneath his weight was not feigned. They had gotten Zuko fed, bathed, and medicated by the time Amayu arrived. She cursed and fussed quite literally like her occupation of sailor after seeing them out and about earlier.
Having grown weary of her tirade Mu groaned, “Dr. Amayu, your common is showing. Fine ladies of noble breeding do not carry on so crassly.”She stalked over to him, reached up, grabbed his topknot and pulled him down to her level, “Listen here you Little Meathead, Zuko has had two major surgeries within the past ten days; Katara’s body is still recovering from the beating she received three weeks ago then there is the additional trauma of what Zuko has been doing to her and him falling on her. You are on the verge of exhaustion and wound so tightly if one more thing went awry you are going to snap. I know you were in the 41st and what the prince has done for you. That along with your friendship, the loss of so many animals, the current state of so many others and the number of children in the Ursa House is distressing you. Those idiots have sense enough to sleep. Right now I’m more worried about you,” Amayu said taking a boar-q-pine’s quill that had been soaked in a sleep aid from a pouch she’d strapped to her back and jabbing him.Mu’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped, “You stabbed me!”“Yes, this is a special formula created exclusively for use on gigantic Meatheads and their scrawny little brothers. Seriously you two are almost the same height but he must have 40 pounds on you. What did he do, steal your food when your mother wasn’t looking?” Amayu said guiding him towards the pile of sleeping bags she’d piled in the corner.“50 pounds not 40. I stole his food. I have Mom’s metabolism. He has Dad’s. He would always put extra on his plate so there would be enough for both of us,” Mu yawned sleepily as he lay down. “What was in that?”Amayu smiled, “A little something I learned from your mother.”The doctor had checked Katara and Zuko once again; then decided to take a nap on the small sofa. She was short enough to lay on it comfortably and had just gotten to sleep when someone began tapping lightly at the door. It was the Zhao twins. They were clean, smelled of soap and looked as if they had been crying. She opened the door and pointed towards the pallet where Mu was laying. When they turned their heads she injected both of them with the same substance she’d given him. The twins were larger so it took longer for the drug to work on them.Zhao 1 undressed, and climbed into bed with Zuko and Katara. He was wearing pajamas beneath his clothes. 2 lay on the pallet next to Mu. Amayu had almost fallen back asleep when Zhao 2 spoke softly, “Dr. Amayu, do you think it is possible for a person to rid themselves of the ugliness instilled in them?”Zhao was a bastard. His oldest daughter had been her division when she was in the Army. The girl would often come back from home visits with burns and bruises from sparring with her father. She was also smiling brightly enough to show her molars and practically glowing with glee. Each time they fought her impulsive and easily angered father was left with far worse injuries and the humiliation of having been bested by his daughter. It was the least she could do to avenge her little brothers…at least she returned smiling until the boys went through puberty. It was then she had been saying she wished she had the strength to forget he was her father and kill the bastard. He was teaching her sweet little brothers to be just like him. He had forced her youngest brother to rape the servant he hoped would be his girlfriend to teach him the only purpose for Earth Kingdom women. Zhao had also forced the older of his twin sons to rape the daughter of a different servant to discourage what he considered “effeminate tendencies and unmanly behavior”.She inhaled; she knew what he was asking. She had often seen Zhao 2 going into the refugee chambers and selecting the same girl – a teenager whose quiet grace led Amayu to believe she was once a member of Ba Sing Se’s Upper Ring. He was high enough ranking that like Zuko once he pinned a symbol of his station upon her collar she was left untouched by the other soldiers. The girl never once required the services of the Ursa House but often cried quietly while sitting alone in the corner. The other women who had not been shown such consideration shunned her.She chose her words carefully before replying, “The world is an ugly place, Jianjun, and we serve one of history’s cruelest Fire Lords. Yet here we are rallied around a formerly banished prince who was punished for speaking up for his people; an enemy of our nation that we all agree has shown far more humanity than any of us although we are taught to believe her people are savage barbarians; and a veterinarian who believes the bodies of animals must be committed to Agni but he went against those beliefs to feed hungry children. Admiral Zhao was a monster in every sense of the word but here you are questioning whether or not the ugliness he instilled in you can be left behind.”Amayu sat up to look at him, “You would not ask such a question if it were impossible to do so. If the ugliness had truly taken root inside you, you would not be able to recognize it as ugly. You are also human as we all are. We each have our shortcomings and make decisions which cause us to second guess ourselves and our morality. If your ethics were truly compromised we would not be having this discussion. You would have no reason to question your actions or feel as if there is something you must atone for.”Amayu smiled when she saw he was having difficulty keeping his eyes open, “Go to sleep little boy, all that thinking will give you a headache.”Kain: All I can about the recent abscence is work...grr. Ty Lee is more sympathetic towards Katara because of the situation with her own fiance. Unfornutately Yue can't do much more than what's she's already doing. She's still a baby in terms of being a spirit so the things La and Roku did are currently beyond her. Yes, Azula does hate losing control. Katara knows it's dangerous and unhealthy but she is grabbing onto any form of emotional support she can.The Zhao's are a special case. I think you may have missed a few hints about them.
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