Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 246
As promised, Zuko was a docile as a well fed kitten as Katara tended to his wounds. She partially froze the aloe gel to provide an additional numbing effect before applying it to his back and covering it with cloth strips. He placed his hand beneath hers to help hold the bowl as she spooned a cup of stew mixed with liver broth into Zuko’s mouth. He smiled when she kissed away the portion that dribbled down his chin. He didn't punch, bite, or kick when Toshio checked the pulse at his wrist, head, neck and ankles. His heartrate was still too fast but he had maintained his end of the bargain; Katara had to maintain hers. She held his hand as Mu and Toshio helped him walk to the bed. He sat on the edge and looked expectantly at Katara. It would draw suspicion if Toshio waited in the hallway but he had to remain close by in case something went wrong. Last night had proven the wisdom in having second physician on hand and Mu was one of the fastest runners onboard the Ursa; it was decided he would stay in case someone needed to get Amayu. Ty Lee took one glance at the two of them and said something about auras, mirrors and making sure the doctor and runner maintained their dignity so she also remained in the room.Katara looked over her shoulder as the privacy screens were moved and blankets were placed over them so there would be no silhouettes of their activities. “We can’t see anything,” Ty Lee confirmed quietly.
Katara bit her lip as she undid the shirt and stood in topless in front of Zuko. His normally warm hands were cold as they slid around her waist to pull her closer. She placed her hands on his cheeks and lowered her head to rest on top of his. His skin felt cold and clammy. She wanted him dead, but not like this; not after shielding her with body then hiding his injuries due to years of systematic abuse. He couldn't die from injuries he'd received protecting her. The little boy who was ridiculed for catching pneumonia couldn't die from a stoning meant for her. She couldn't let him go to his grave after doing something so selfless.
She wouldn't let him go to his grave after doing something so selfless. Those who sacrificed their lives for others were granted places of honor in the spirit world. Someone saving the life of a loved one such as a mother who gave her life to save her child was not given the same reward as one who died to save their village or community. A person who saved the life of a stranger received more spiritual blessings but the highest reward of all was given to one who saved the life of their enemy. She would not let the monster who raped her have a better afterlife than the mother who gave her life then died to preserve it.Zuko would live. He would survive this ordeal and she would nurse him back to health then slaughter him like the rabid beast he was.She wouldn't let him die lie this, helpless and with her pity. She wouldn't let Zuko become another lost life on her conscience. She wouldn't let him die after he'd done something no one other than Aang had done: placed his life in her hands with such complete and utter trust. She wouldn't let him die, couldn't let him die after he'd become the one person in the world who knew everything there was to know about her, all of her deepest and darkest secrets, and yet he was the only person who did not judge.Zuko whispered, "I lub you Kataba" as he pushed his face between her breasts. He wet his lips with his tongue then flicked it over her right nipple as he cupped her left breast with his right hand. His left caressed her bottom before skimming her thighs. She spread her legs when it worked its way forward and upward. He took advantage of the fact she was wearing his underwear and slid his tongue inside the front opening as his fingers crept inside the leg hole.
This was something they'd done so often that even in his inebriated state he was able to bring her pleasure. Katara's fisted his hair as she clamped her lips shut to prevent the quiet moans from escaping. He continued tonguing her clitoris and flexing his fingers inside of her until they were covered in her juices and quiet whimpers assaulted his ears. He waited until her half-lidded eyes were on him to demand, “Kiss me.”She lowered to her knees and brought her lips to his. The kiss was surprisingly gentle but Zuko’s insistence was unmistakable. She used their position to open Zuko’s pants and place his penis between her breasts. She rocked forward, sliding her breast on either side of the shaft with the motion. His hands were warm as he kneaded her breast and pinched her nipples as she moved them alongside his penis.Katara’s mouth was wet when Zuko broke the kiss to begin moaning but she still took the time to gather spit at the tip of her tongue and steel her nerves before flicking it over the head of his penis as it emerged from between her breast.“Oh fuck Katara! What in Agni’s name are you doing? Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Stop! Stop! I need to be inside you!”Katara turned her head sideways and licked her shoulder to cleanse her tongue before allowing it back into her mouth. She stuck it back out again when she tasted him. She licked her way up his torso hoping sweat would exorcise the taste of his penis. She stood again and looked over her shoulder. The blankets and privacy screens were in place. Zuko’s hands were on her hips, sliding down her underwear.She stepped out of them and moved forward. She took one last look over her shoulder and settled on top of Zuko. It was determined that medically that would be the best position to ensure he didn’t overexert himself as she would be doing most of the work. It was difficult to remember to keep her hands on his head, chest, face or neck and not wrap herself around him as she normally did when sitting in his lap much less when he was inside of her. His hands were on her hips. He was holding her. She knew that no matter what she did Zuko wouldn’t let go of her. She placed her hand on his forearms, tightened her knees against his thighs and arched back, completely back so that her hands were on the floor and shoulder blades were touching his shinbones and rode.
Zuko was always vocal during sex but he wasn't using the standard vulgarities, declarations of love or even tone. He was screaming both her name and Agni’s with a desperation she had never heard. It was almost as if he were in pain. Katara lifted herself upwards and placed her hand on his heart. It was beating too fast, way too fast for her liking.
Zuko screamed “I love you” and Katara was relieved by the familiar hot gushing between her legs as his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed onto the bed. Her hand was on his chest. She felt a huge surge against her palm and then nothing. His heart stopped.“Zuko? Zuko! ZUKO!”
The prince looked around and saw nothing. It wasn’t truly nothing, it was more like an emptiness or great void made of living shadows but he could hear Katara calling him. The shadows took shape and Katara’s voice grew frantic and muffled. The shadows were moving. They were getting closer.
Zuko heard Katara scream his name again and felt someone pushing him. “You always were a bit confused about certain things. I often let you get away with it because I wanted to see where that little head of yours was going. It figures I’d have to use this gift so soon after it was granted. Sorry Zuke but this time I’m unable to let you move along at your own pace and timing. We both left behind loved ones in need of protection. This is my reprieve. You are my redemption.”
Zuko’s eyelids fluttered briefly. He opened them still unsure if he really did journey into the realm of spirits or that Lu Ten had wasted no time in sending him back to the land of the living. All he knew was that or a moment he felt peace unlike he had ever known before and that Katara was calling for him. Zuko opened his eyes and smiled at her. The room was bright unlike the place he’d just been and it briefly occurred to him that Katara may have truly called him back from the spirit world. He laid his hand over the one on his chest and whispered, “My sweet phoenix.”
Katara removed her hand from his chest. It was her imagination; Zuko’s heart had not stopped. It was still incredibly sluggish after the rapid staccato from earlier but still beating. She wrapped her arms around her body to cover her breasts and sobbed. Zuko had raped her, beaten her, thrown hot food at her, but she still licked the tip of his penis and offered herself to him. There was a foul bitter taste in her mouth emanating from the tip of her tongue. She could feel his semen sloshing inside her and dripping down her walls now that his softening penis was withdrawing. She had done this for him because if he died she was afraid would lose everything. She'd done all those things and he’d just called her something so demeaning.Zuko placed his hands palms down on the bed and forced himself upwards. He wrapped his arms around Katara and began wiping her tears, “Don’t cry my phoenix don’t cry. Katara, you’re my concubine and I love you. I love you so much. Don’t cry. It’s okay if we have sex. You’re my sweet phoenix.”
Ty Lee covered her ears. With the exception of concubine those were the exact same words her geriatric fiancé would say to her. As if his claim of ownership and feelings were enough to make up for the fact that she didn’t want him anywhere near her. She promised Katara she wouldn’t leave the room but she couldn’t listen to what Zuko was saying to her. All this time she had thought Katara was in an enviable position but now, hearing those words, she understood.
Mu glanced at his sister-in-law and pulled her hands away to ask, “Ty Lee why are you covering your ears?”She elbowed him and snatched her hands away as she began crying as well.Mu pulled her into a brotherly hug and asked, “Little Sister, please tell me what’s wrong?”Ty Lee curled against his chest and warbled, “That’s what he said to me Mu, when he took me away after your wedding. He told me what Zuko is telling her. That is was okay because he was my fiancé and he loved me. I didn’t want to but my parents had given their permission. I was on his estate with nowhere to go; I couldn’t refuse him. I didn’t want to but he would have broken the engagement. My parents are using my bride price to improve my sisters’ options. I couldn’t say no or they would also end up with old men and I still wouldn’t have my virginity.”Mu held her tighter and began rubbing her back. He and the Zhao twins had been given a specific task at Ty Lee’s betrothal ceremony - make sure Quanli, Ty Lee’s closest older sister and his best friend at the time, didn’t interfere. Quanli’s ceremony had been canceled and her reputation ruined when the sages declared she was not a virgin. She admitted the deed but she refused to name the person who deflowered her. Her fiancé, also an older man looking to start a new family, was still willing to accept her but she snuck out through an open window, presumably to run away with her lover, before they could finish renegotiating her bride price. The scandal was finally dying down when her parents were approached by the wealthy businessman wishing to become Ty Lee’s fiancé. They had two younger daughters to think of; if Ty Lee’s engagement were not solidified all three of their chances would be ruined.Mu was there when the sages declared Ty Lee pure before her betrothal was consummated and when she walked stiffly back into the room, pale as a ghost, fighting back tears as the sages presented the ashes of the soiled sheet to her family. Ty Lee, the innocent child they raised was no more; from her ashes had emerged Ty Lee, woman, fiancée, future wife and mother. Mu held an enraged Quanli and together they watched the tears run down Ty Lee’s face as she forced herself to smile while she and her beaming 70 year old fiancé accepted congratulations.Mu was also there when Quanli was finally able to whisk her away. Ty Lee had broken down the moment they were in private. He and Zhao 2 had to physically restrain Quanli once more. She was going to kill the man who’d raped her sister and their parents for allowing him to do it. Unlike Ty Lee she did go into the military and had enough money saved to comfortably support her sisters in the colonies if anyone ever discovered the bodies. It took three hours to catch her. That was almost eighteen months ago; he still wasn’t sure his new wife had given up the dream of kidnapping her sisters and killing the parents willing to sell them to the highest bidder. It had become a sticking point with them. If he wanted to stick with her then he had to understand that she was willing to do anything to prevent her younger sisters from living the hellish life of her oldest sister and suffering the fragile existence of her second sister even if it meant she’d never be able to set foot on Fire Nation soil again. Mu had also made a similar condition. If Quanli wanted to stick with him then it meant that when Zuko made his bid for the throne she had to understand that he would be right beside him even if it meant committing treason. Quanli agreed just as wholeheartedly to treason as he had to murder and kidnapping.Mu swore. He'd forgotten how much Ty Lee and Zuko were like. He and Quanli viewed both of them as younger siblings who needed protection. Like Zuko, she was too soft-hearted, stupid, self-sacrificing and especially stupid to think of themselves when those they cared for might suffer. “Shit! I am such an ass!” Mu swore. Ty Lee’s words had helped him to see that the idiot on the other side of privacy screen, the one he yelled at and called a selfish bitch, possessed their same type of stupidity. Belatedly he realized Zuko stopped looking like he’d lost a cage match around the same time the prince had asked him and the Zhao twins to make sure the Water Tribe boy and Avatar were fed, washed, and given clean clothes regularly.
Zuko held Katara until she stopped crying. He was somehow able to remind her of their conversation the night before and the true meaning of phoenix. His legs were numb when she slid out of his lap and put her clothes back on. After she was dressed she extended her arms to help him stand.
He reluctantly admitted, “I can’t stand up right now. It’s not my back. It’s my legs, I can’t feel them.”“Are you saying I’m heavy?” she joked poking her lip out and crossing her arms. Zuko was being cooperative and she wanted to ensure he stayed that way. She wasn’t expecting Zuko to pull her back into his lap. “You are heavy," he whispered."You weigh on my mind and on my heart like nothing has before but this,” he said tapping her thigh, “is not heavy enough.” “You’ve lost weight.” Zuko said nuzzling her neck with his face, “I’ll try to be less worrisome and bother you less. Maybe if I were less trouble you’d be able to keep something on your stomach. It sickens me; the things I do to you and knowing I enjoy them even though I know you hate them. I’m losing weight too. How disgusting do you have to be to become sick of yourself?”Katara was still aware of his taste on her tongue when she rested her forehead against his; it had been in her mouth so long that it was no longer foreign. It coated her lips as she murmured, “I’m sick of myself too Zuko. It gets worse every time I talk to you, touch you, hold you, and kiss you. Lay with you. I am so disgusted with myself right now you’ll never understand it.”Zuko caressed her cheek, “Marry me. If you agreed to marry me neither one of us would have a reason to feel bad. You’d really be my wife and I’d be your true husband. Married people are supposed to make love to each other and enjoy it. You should marry me, officially. I wouldn’t feel disgusted with myself for touching you and you wouldn’t feel disgusted with yourself for enjoying my touch. I promise I’d be a good husband. You’re the first one that came back. Stay with me Katara. Be mine as I am yours.”Katara looked down at the floor; even in an altered state Zuko knew her so well to accurately discern why she was disgusted with herself. Zuko adjusted his arms around her waist and let his hand rest on her stomach, “If we are lucky and the spirits bless us with another child, I promise to be a good father. Even if we are not that lucky I would love you the same regardless.”Katara wrapped her fingers around his and squeezed briefly before gently lifting them and quietly saying, “We need to bathe and get dressed.”
Kain: Thank you for seeing Katara’s actions that way.
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