Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 239
Amayu located Katara on the third floor of the hotel. She was working her way from the top to the bottom of the building. She remained with her listening to the abuse of the refugees hurled at her as she went to the lobby and jail where they were being held. Her brother’s snide question, “I see you finally managed to tear yourself away from Zuko. What happened you find a new Firebender?” didn’t make things any better.It was several times worse when they went to the Ursa House. By the time Katara had visited every home Amayu was angry and exhausted on her behalf. “Why do you even bother to go through such effort for people who don’t appreciate you? Don’t tell me because you like to help and want to feel useful. I’m a doctor I understand the need to help, wanting to feel useful and hating to see the pain and suffering of others. It’s more than that. It’s almost like you have some sick masochistic need to be abused.”Katara froze.An epiphany came over her and Amayu studied Katara, “That’s it isn’t it? You think you deserved to be punished? But why? What have you done to deserve this? Hell not even the princess has done enough to deserve this.”“It’s my fault,” Katara admitted quietly. “It’s my fault Ba Sing Se fell, that all these people lost their homes, that my brother lost the woman loves and that we were captured. If I would have looked before I spoke instead of just assuming those hags were the Kyoshi warriors we could have found Suki and I wouldn’t have told Azula about the invasion. She never would have known.”“I am the one that warned the Fire Nation. I wasn’t strong enough to defeat Azula and Zuko beneath Ba Sing Se. I’m the reason Aang was shot by lightning and General Iroh was captured. It’s my fault and there is nothing I can do to change it,” Katara continued as tears rolled down her face.“You do realize you are an idiot right?” Amayu question straightforwardly. “We’ve had spies in Ba Sing Se well before General Iroh laid siege to it. We have spies in the resistance. We had spies in the Air Temples, in the Water Tribes, in Omashu, the government even has spies in the Fire Nation and military watching over its own people. You didn’t do anything or reveal any information we wouldn’t have eventually learned. Besides I’ve not once heard Princess Azula attributing any part of her glorious victory to you. She mentioned her friends, her brother, her spies, the Dai Li very briefly and only in ways to make herself look better but she has never said a word about you.”Katara chuckled in spite of herself.Amayu took that as a sign to continue, “Did you know that the 50th Earth King, this one’s father who ruled years before the siege ate oats for breakfast each morning but his stools were green just as often as they were brown? Or that King Bumi of Omashu occasionally likes to dress in women’s underthings and dance for his pet goat gorilla? You wouldn’t believe the things I could tell you about King Kuie and his bear. I mean really a bear? A bear? Just a plain bear? Who has one of those?”“Did you know that the mayor of Shu Jing, Lord Ten, can’t get an erection much less father children. His wife is passing off her youngest child as her illegitimate nephew because she thinks he is suspicious she had an affair with a famous swordsman who lives there. She has no clue he used a wooden cock to lay with her or that she should also be worried about the paternity of the oldest four.”Katara sputtered and hastily shut her mouth so she wouldn’t utter the name of Piandao.Amayu ignored her and stated, “It is common knowledge the Air Temples were separated by gender but don’t think they were celibate in between the massive orgies they had every month. I’m willing to bet everything I have including family members your little Avatar knows a thing or two about cock.”“Amayu!” Katara shrieked.“What? I’m telling you they weren’t celibate. Speaking of that, did you know the royal matchmakers are so desperate to find a husband for the princess they’ve asked the sages to hold a séance to summon the last four matchmakers and Fire Lady Nini to intercede on her behalf? There are several gigolo among the younger sons of noblemen but not a single one has made a play for her.”“I wonder why,” Katara asked sarcastically.Amayu nodded, “We have spies everywhere. We know something about everyone including that poor man whose cabbages you are always upsetting. The only person we haven’t been able to get information on is Chief Hakoda. Some say it’s because he doesn’t exist. He’s a myth made up by the Water Tribes so we’ll waste our time looking for him so they can attack freely.”Katara’s eyes widened at the mention of her father. Luckily Amayu didn’t notice and kept right on chattering, “I also have it on very good authority that the reason Lady Ty Lee’s mother has seven children and no sons is because her father made her wear a chastity belt from the moment they were betrothed. He’s fifteen years older than she is and they were engaged by proxy when she was five. He swore no penis not even if it belonged to Agni himself would find its way inside her. He keeps the key on with him at all times. A blacksmith had to be called if she gave birth while he was fighting overseas. Do you remember the Earth Sage summoned by General Fong when he was trying to induce the Avatar State?”Katara’s jaw dropped.Amayu chuckled, “I told you - spies everywhere. Like I was saying he’s into self-flagellation – beating yourself with a whip. You have nothing on him when it comes to self punishment. He takes the term beating off to a whole ‘nother level. Did you know Lady Mai would still be an only child if her mother had not…”Katara half listened as Amayu gave her gossip from the Fire Nation spy network that went from centuries old to very recent and spanned the globe. None of it was useful from an escape and overthrow the Fire Lord standpoint but it did serve to distract Katara briefly.“Hey Katara, medical doctor to Katara, do I need to formally declare you as a patient?” Amayu asked waving her hands in front of Katara.“No, I…,” Katara replied coming out of her daze. Katara’s words were soft and slow when she spoke them, “My brother said the same thing Mu did. I’m selfish and that I don’t think about other people.”“Please don’t tell me you-” Amayu began harshly. The doctor stopped and took a deep breath. The most difficult part of being a doctor was dealing with patient psychology. Katara had guilt issues that she suspected were far older than her perceived failure in Ba Sing Se. “Katara everyone is selfish. You seem to balance that selfishness with generosity more so than others. That is what you should focus on; the good that you do more so than others’ unkind words.”“Now stop moping. The butcher shop isn’t open yet but since we are standing in the vegetable garden you just watered let’s procure something nutritious to keep your strength up,” Amayu said guiding her down the rows.Katara listened raptly as Amayu stopped at each vegetable plant then proceeded to educate her on their various medicinal properties, cooking techniques from her home island and what dishes they went well with.Arraye: It’s great to hear from you again. Mu’s attitude did seem to come from nowhere didn’t it? His overall calmness made it easy to forget he’s a Fire Nation nobleman and Mai’s cousin so I decided to fire him up a little bit…(bad pun I know). You must be psychic to have known what was coming in this chapter. Amayu is very observant and able to emphasize with those around her; that along with her curiosity are the reasons Bingwen decided to take her as one of his apprentices. Katara’s luck has definitely twisted into a few knots and she does blame herself for tying them.
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