Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 232
When they returned Zuko called a small flame his hand and ran it around the inside of the tub to sterilize it before she added the water. She sat down on the floor to meditate when Zuko placed the privacy screens around the tub and stepped behind it. She was moving to the second tenet of water healing when he sat beside her. He was shirtless and shoeless.Katara closed her eyes when he pulled her into his lap and started to kiss her neck. She flinched and tried to push him away when he bit her hard enough to draw blood and started to suck. He sucked harder adding more pressure until she cried out “Stop Zuko, it hurts.”His lips were red when he crushed them against hers and forced his tongue in her mouth. He deepened the kiss not caring that she was biting him to make him stop. He captured her tongue between his teeth and nipped her tongue as well before breaking the kiss and resting his forehead against hers. He gently pressed his bloody lips against hers then explained, “Dragons are solitary creatures that live for centuries. They come together during mating season and live as a family unit until their offspring reach maturity. They separate and then return to the same place to the same mate. It takes thirty years for a young dragon to reach its full size. Each mating cycle afterwards is twenty-five years apart.“A male dragon always mates with the same female. If he returns to their spawning ground and she is not there he will search until he finds her. If he is unable to find her he will go to the place where her scent is strongest and wait for her. If he finds a corpse he will curl his body around hers, envelope her with his wings and die beside her. That is the same position mated dragons sleep in, the male curled around the female while she curls around their offspring. He lies with his back to the cave opening while she and their young face the inside. If they are attacked he will be injured first. There are very few records of a dragon hunt where a mated female or young dragon had an injury to their back. The backs of every adult male dragon who was hunted or simply found dead bears extensive injury and scarring.”Katara stilled. Even in their worst moments Zuko would turn her towards the wall and curl his body around hers. She had always thought it was to keep her from escaping but even now when she had now where to go most mornings when she woke up she was curled against his chest with his body between her and the door. She looked up at him in question and he nodded. Zuko always slept closest to the door spooning against her body. It wasn’t done to monitor her movements or prevent her from escaping. He wanted to keep her safe even while they were sleeping. Katara relaxed against him, her fingers gently touching his damaged back; he wouldn’t be injured if he hadn’t protected her.The tone of his voice changed as he explained, “Females are the stronger and more ferocious of the two creatures even though they are smaller. Before they allow a male to mate with him they do battle to see if he is worthy. The fights are often brutal and many times the males are seriously injured or killed by them. If the male wins it proves he will be a strong protector. He then must prove his commitment to her and that he will be good provider for their offspring by caring for the female until her injuries are healed enough for her to allow him to mate with her. There is a legend of a dragon who ripped a female’s wing during their battle. A wing isn’t necessary for mating but it is vital in the protection of offspring. Instead of choosing another who could mate immediately he skipped that mating cycle, carried her, hunted and fished for her and gathered medicinal leaves the year it took for it to reattach and waited until she was fully recovered to give her offspring.”That aspect of Zuko’s behavior had puzzled her for a long time. How he could be so cruel one moment and then so caring. The men she knew of at the North Pole who treated their wives that way always followed brutality and more brutality. She had not heard one woman say after her husband had beaten or raped her he did anything other hurt her again and blame her for her injury. The story about the dragon’s violent mating ritual explained so much about how he treated her.Zuko continued talking, “As dragons mate they mark each other. It was thought the bites and scratches were simply due to the claws and fangs but a scholar two and a half centuries ago thought otherwise. She devoted her life to studying them. Her children and grandchildren continued her work and proved her hypothesis. Dragons mark their mates and allow themselves to be marked as a sign of belonging. They bite themselves before biting the other so the marks will have their shared scent. That way they would always recognize the other as a part of themselves as it was the same scent they would pass on to their children.”“I bit my lips before I bit your neck. My blood has joined with yours and flows through your veins. Your mouth was bleeding when you bit my tongue. There is a vein there, your blood flows through my veins as well. I took your blood but freely gave mine to you. If you were Fire Nation you would know it expresses my desire to share my life with you. I willingly give my life for you; would willingly shed my blood before allowing harm to befall you; I am willing to endure all manner of pain just to be with you,” he didn’t reveal that biting her and forcefully ingesting her blood was a sign of ownership that most Fire Nation women saw as a threat: you will be mine whether you like it or not until the moment I allow you to take your last breath.He pushed those thoughts away and traced the phoenix sewn onto her skirt, “A phoenix is a creature born of powerful undying love; that love is both a blessing and a curse. The first phoenix is a vulture that ate pair of mated dragons. The female had crossed over but the male was barely living. The vulture feasted on Agni’s dying child for days knowing the male would not move from his dead mate’s side to defend himself. Their flesh united in the vulture’s belly and drew her spirit back to his. Their love transformed the vulture from the inside out into something greater. Dragons are Agni’s first mortal children and Agni never envisioned a more perfect creation until he saw his grandchild, the phoenix. Seeing a creature that surpassed his best creation angered him. As punishment for violating the mated pair of dragons and shaming him every phoenix craves love. He cursed the phoenix to live their lives alone and unseen. They are so bright those they seek turn their backs on them and they cry out of loneliness. Their cry is so mournful that most cover their ears and run away. Eventually their vocal cords burn away from use.The idea that love could be so strong softened his anger. A phoenix can only mate with the dragon capable of looking at it without flinching and hearing its song. Of all the creatures in the world there is only that one dragon will be able to with withstand the strength of its inferno. If they cannot find that dragon a phoenix will self-immolate out of desperation only to be reborn in the same situation. If a phoenix is lucky enough to find the one dragon it was made for it is still cursed. The peace and tranquility a phoenix feels during the act of love is overwhelming. They explode at the moment of climax and die in a state of bliss.”Zuko’s lips twisted wryly as he continued to quote the traditional scrolls given to a couple before betrothal, “Agni is also fickle. He loves the dragon as they are his first creation so every mating produces children. He feels the happiness for their love but also slighted when one ignores their own kind by choosing a phoenix. As punishment for the slight, the being that emerges from the dead phoenix’s ashes is not the phoenix the dragon mated with. It is something different; a chimera, possessing all of their parents gifts but not their form. The dragon lives long enough to raise their child to adulthood then dies prematurely of loneliness. Agni is also merciful. In our nation, orgasm is called the little death. Our souls leave our bodies and cross over into the spirit world in hopes of bringing a child back. Even if a child is not found a person’s soul is anchored to their mortal body which calls it back to this realm.“The mating of a dragon and phoenix has the heat of one thousand volcanoes. The temperature increases when they climax. The phoenix explodes and its soul crosses over. It dies because it no longer had a physical body to anchor it to this world. The dragon can see and feel its lover disintegrating so it cries out. The phoenix can hear the dragon mournful call but most don’t answer it. It’s easier to choose an eternity of bliss when all they’ve known is a life of pain. It is rare but sometimes the love the phoenix has for the dragon is stronger than its desire to end its own pain. If the phoenix heeds the call of the dragon and crosses back into the mortal realm they will obtain Agni’s grace and become a rising phoenix. Each subsequent act of lovemaking brings about a spiritual death but they will not physically die again. The love of a rising phoenix and a dragon forms a spiritual bond that grows stronger with each mating. Eventually their spirits reach a point where they can’t be separated and the phoenix attains eternal perfection; once that happens the phoenix can carry the dragon’s spirit with it to the spirit world and back into the mortal realm.”“It is Agni’s will that love which defeats death never cease to exist. Dragons that call a phoenix back from the spirit world receive a special blessing. With each coupling their lifespan increases to match that of the eternal phoenix. The phoenixes orgasms become more powerful and each time the heat increases by 10,000 volcanoes. The dragon’s internal temperature raises and their scales become an impenetrable golden armor to withstand it. A golden dragon is one who has obtained immortality through love.” Zuko blushed, “When we are joined I can feel you dying. I know you have a body to anchor you to this world, but I call your name because I don’t want to let go of you.”Katara blushed and lowered her head unsure of what to say. She was relieved if having to provide an answer when Zuko began speaking once more: “Human Firebenders are the chimera created from the blessed mating of a golden dragon and a perfect phoenix. The phoenix is the messenger of Agni and delivers his messages to those in the mortal realm. The golden dragon carries the messages of humans they deem worthy of receiving Agni’s goodwill. Agni is curious and unable to resist beauty. He was drawn to the human chimera. The royal family is descended from the child formed after Agni mated with a chimera named Boudicca. We place the golden dragon and perfect phoenix on royal crest, our garments and on all official documents in honor of this heritage.”Zuko brought his hands ups and traced the love-bites he had placed on Katara’s shoulder blades, “If you were Fire Nation you would know that the marks I made on your back are wings. You are my perfect phoenix Katara.”Katara flinched when he said that and pressed her legs closed unconsciously. She knew phoenix was slang for vagina and depending on the context could be just as offensive as cunt, whirlpool, or pussy.Zuko noticed her action and caressed the side of her face, “I didn’t mean anything vulgar by that. A perfect phoenix is a physical manifestation of everlasting love strong enough to transcend the mortal and spirit world. Dragons are Agni’s most perfect creatures but they can be transfigured by the love of a phoenix. I am a member of the royal family, Katara. The blood of the dragon runs strongly inside me; saying that you are my perfect phoenix means that you are the angel the spirits sent to me. I am a prince, women were throwing themselves at me and whispering sweet words in my ear before my penis began to stiffen but only you have captured my attention. You are the only woman I see and when you speak I listen. You make me see the world differently and I have become a better man for it.”Katara looked down at her toes unable to face the truth in that statement. Zuko had changed. The angry ponytail prince would never have accepted anything less than burning the entire town of someone who’d insulted him. The Zuko whose first reaction was to burn down a restaurant whose owner insulted her was not the same one who’d used his mother’s name to build a house for rape victims. “Why?”Zuko smiled sadly, “Our line is an enigma. We are mortal incarnations of Agni but his immortal spirit resides inside us. The divinity inside us is searching for the perfect love of the dragons but remembers the transgression of the first phoenix. It is a curse and a blessing to give in to our inner dragon and answer the call of a phoenix as we can either find everlasting love or true happiness. It is rare that we are able to find both since we also bear the sins of the phoenix and must suffer its punishment.”“You are a blessing to me; no other person understands me like you do or makes feel the way you do,” he said tilting her face toward his and kissing her lips gently. “Love is a blessing and curse for our family. I’d heard it often but didn’t believe it was true. How could love be cursed? I feel the curse every time I look at you and our situation. The only way I can protect you is by causing you pain. I’ve hurt you so much to keep you safe that you’ll never love me back. I did not know of my forefather’s dilemma until this evening.”“The Fire Lord who banned mating with siblings to keep Agni’s divinity pure within our line made incest a death crime. It is a death crime to rape a sister and a death crime to rape a princess. It is a death crime to seduce a brother and a death crime to bear a child for one. The soul of the child should be cleansed in flames before it sees the light of Agni. How could Great-Grandfather Soizin kill two of his children and the grandchildren they gave him? How could Grandfather Azulon…?” Zuko stopped abruptly and shuddered. He didn’t want to think about the things his grandfather was rumored to have done. “There’s madness in our line, Katara. Some say the feeling of its flesh being gnawed away drove the living dragon insane; being reunited with its mate in the form of the phoenix made it worse. This new thing they had become was not what it yearned for. It was willing to die to be with its mate for all eternity but they ended up sharing a strange body in which they could not bring each other comfort.”“This paradox is evidence of the curse Agni placed upon us and even now we remain trapped by it. Uncle Iroh loves women but I don’t know if Uncle has ever truly loved a woman. He cared for my aunt and didn’t remarry after she died bearing Lu Ten but he she was never his only woman. Uncle Iroh spent most of Lu Ten’s life fighting battles in the Earth King but he lost his son the first time Lu Ten went to the Earth Kingdom with him.“Lu Ten was the crown prince and could have had any woman he wanted but he loved a servant so much that he wanted to make her his Fire Lady. By law a Fire Lady must have certain titles and lineages that she didn’t have; her half-siblings did. Lu Ten laid siege to Ba Sing Se to win a kingdom for her; Uncle had given up by then but he allowed Lu Ten to do so to teach a lesson to him. Lu Ten died while proving himself strongest warrior in our line. Uncle Iroh claimed the loss at Ba Sing Se so Lu Ten’s reputation would not be tarnished but doing so meant he took credit from his son for breaching the outer ring.“Father says he treats me with hatred out of love. He burned me and banished me so that I would become strong. I am stronger. I am much stronger than I would have been if I had remained at the palace. It hurt so bad to see my father raise his hand and turn his flame toward me but I met you as a result of that pain. I’ve never felt so at peace as I do when I am with you. You’ve seen the depths of Father’s devotion to Mom and the lengths he goes to keep her next to him. I would be just as distraught and feel that same desperation if I were to lose you. I am blessed to be with you but I am cursed because I know you’ll never reciprocate those feelings. I’ll never love another woman and I know you’ll never love me,” Zuko laid his head on her chest, “I know my words will never be enough but I want your heart to understand my thoughts and know there is truth in my feelings.”Katara took note of their position when Zuko rasped throatily, “I hold you above me to show your importance and my own insignificance. So you will know that I look up to you.”She was expecting the worse when he kissed and nuzzled her breast then moved down to her stomach. He laid his head against it and his voice cracked as he whispered, “You would know this means I want us to be a family. You would understand why I hold you this way, why I kiss the part of you I’ve injured so grievously, why last night I placed you so far above me. I would do anything to take back that night I hurt you so badly and for you to still be carrying my baby.”Zuko closed his eyes, he couldn't tell her that proximity to her uterus and speaking to that part of her body also meant he was introducing himself to her womb, allowing it to become familiar with him and encouraging it to accept his seed.Katara put her hands on his shoulders and pushed away from him as it dawned upon her just how long he had been doing some of those things.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. 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