Revelations of Destiny | By : Kellendros Category: Kim Possible > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 63461 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Shego gave a long, lusty sigh of relief as she slid into the lukewarm water and sat carefully on the ledge, adjusting the focus of her power to further heat and agitate the water around her as she did so. She was in more pain right now than she had been in years, and all the work she’d had to do after returning to Drakken’s lair in order to deal with that pain certainly hadn’t helped matters any.
“Next time my contract comes up for renewal I’m adding a damn minimum facilities clause to it for my quarters. I should not have to put up with this crap…” Shego grumbled to herself, still exceptionally annoyed over having to go so far out of her way in order to get some relief for her extensive collection of injuries.
Despite this being the biggest, most advanced base of operations Drakken had ever built, containing dozens of sections spread out over multiple levels and housing an entire legion of researchers, support staff, and henchmen to go with it, Shego had been forced to use her powers to literally beat a cargo container into an improvised whirlpool tub with her bare hands, then rip open a water pipe in order to fill it before using those same powers to heat it up, all because showers were the only thing available otherwise—unless she felt like sharing a tank with a giant mutant octopus anyway. At least, she assumed it had been an octopus; it was kind of hard to tell now.
To make matters worse, she’d had plenty of time to stiffen up in the cold air she was exposed to during the long return trip from Middleton via hovercar. The increased pain from that stiffness had made the task of fashioning her makeshift tub nearly unbearable, given the violent movements and impacts required to complete it. Nonetheless, Shego had ground her teeth and bulled her way through the pain; just because she hadn’t been hurt this badly in a long time didn’t mean she’d forgotten how to deal with it.
The icing on the cake had been finding out that the expiration date on the small bottle of Vicodin she kept in her first aid kit had run out a few months ago. So now she was sitting in the middle of a chilly, drafty storage area in a homemade tub waiting for a cocktail of Tylenol, Aspirin, and some Ibuprofen left over from mama Lipski’s last visit to kick in instead.
Needless to say, Shego was not in a good mood right now, but for some reason—perhaps it was shock and disbelief over what had happened—she found herself cataloging all the other irritants that had cropped up in her life lately instead of focusing on this most recent one.
The first had come about three months ago, in the form of the unbelievable news that Drakken had escaped from prison on his own, thus negating the extraction bonus Shego would have earned getting him out, as well as cutting into the time she’d expected to have for her freelance work before needing to break him out herself.
Since then, Drakken had kept Shego constantly busy running around the world acquiring tech for him, or alternately, keeping the henchmen in top form—henchmen that he was actually paying this time ‘round as well, which was almost as shocking to Shego as Drakken escaping from prison on his own.
The next thing to stick in Shego’s craw was the operation to kidnap Hiro Nakasumi a few weeks ago. Despite Shego having personaly overseen the recruitment of top quality operatives in the form of Shadow Hand ninja, as well as training them to use the energy swords Drakken had created both for the operation itself and as part of their payment, Kim Possible had shown up and stopped the highly skilled assassins with ease, when Shego had expected them to at least keep the girl busy long enough for her to get away with Nakasumi. Instead, Kim had gone through them like a hot knife through butter and then gone on to free Nakasumi from Shego’s snatch-line, in the process all but crippling the jet Shego had been using and forcing her to retreat in failure.
Shego still had no idea why Drakken had wanted the Japanese toy maker, nor why he had been so pleased with the little doodle that had fallen out of the man’s coat—the only part of Nakasumi Shego had returned with—but for some reason that little scrap of paper had been enough for Drakken to abandon any further action against Nakasumi, instead moving on to the next stage of his mysterious plan.
The very next night, Drakken had dragged Shego to the Bermuda Triangle club so she could watch his back while he negotiated with Big Daddy Brotherson, one of the most well connected information brokers in the underworld. While Drakken had been playing the fool with Brotherson, Shego had noticed a disguised Kim Possible slipping into the club’s main room, no doubt having snuck in somehow.
As Shego had observed Kim while circling around the outer edge of the club to get closer to her, she’d been struck by how different the girl seemed since she’d fought her in that backstage dressing room on American Starmaker last fall.
The first thing Shego had noticed was how buff Kim was looking now. The girl wasn’t much bigger than she remembered, but she was way more ripped and hardbodied than before, to the point where it had been fairly easy for Shego to see the shape of her various muscle groups under her smooth, tanned skin, even when she had been standing relaxed. The second thing would be the tan itself; Shego had seen Kim in every season and whereas the girl was hardly as pale as Shego was, tan hadn’t exactly been the first thing to come to mind when describing her either, even in the middle of summer.
However, despite those obvious changes, the one thing Shego had thought was most telling was the dress Kim had worn. Or rather, it was how she had worn it that gave Shego pause. Thanks to Drakken’s many convoluted plans to eliminate Kim Possible, Shego had had several opportunities to watch the girl in public and on dates, and if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, there was no way Shego would have believed the girl could have worn that tight, sleeveless sheath dress with such casual confidence. The dark blue silk had clung to her like a second skin, and it was slit up the side all the way to her hip, but Kim could have been wearing her usual utilitarian mission clothes for all the concern she’d showed over the sultry outfit.
It had been that easy confidence along with how effortlessly Kim had defeated the Shadow Hand ninjas the day before that had prompted Shego to attack Kim without any kind of warning or preamble, and even then she’d had to unload an unusually vicious level of attacks on her in order to maintain the initiative during the fight. The entire time Shego had been under the distinct impression that if she had of let up even a little bit, Kim would have flipped the tables on her—figuratively if not literally—and easily put Shego on the defensive if not outright beaten her. As it was she’d had to focus on Kim so completely that the buffoon had been able to blindside her with a serving cart and take her out of the fight.
After a brief admission to Kim of her complete confusion regarding Drakken’s continuing agenda, Drakken had provided Shego with the distraction she had needed in order to break free of Kim, and moments later they had left the girl staring up at them in angry impotence, scowling as they exited the building via helicopter lift platform through a huge hole blown in the roof.
As if being taken out by the buffoon hadn’t been bad enough for Shego, once they were safely away from the club and saw no signs of pursuit by Kim, Drakken had still refused to tell her anything significant about his plans or what information he had gained from Big Daddy Brotherson, merely saying that he’d gotten what he’d wanted and occasionally giggling like a schoolgirl on the flight back to the lair.
Since then, Drakken had become increasingly wound up and aggravated for no apparent reason, though Shego had occasionally heard him muttering things like “why hasn’t she shown any interest in him” and “maybe I should have went with a blond after all” from time to time, and more lately, that “I can’t risk doing anything more until I’m sure she’s distracted.” Shego didn’t know what any of that meant, but Drakken had started getting more snippy and short-tempered than usual as his frustration kept growing. This had of course culminated in tonight’s fiasco.
Drakken had been working himself into a full-blown tizzy ranting about how “it’s been well over two weeks; get on with it already!” when Shego had made the mistake of trying to calm him down while finding out what the hell he was talking about. This had resulted in Drakken ordering her to obtain more materials for his Synthodrone research, and Shego knew a reprimand when she was hit with one; the materials might have been rare and under guard, but sending her to get them was the equivalent of sending a site engineer to pick up some two-by-fours at the local hardware store.
It had been a joke for Shego to penetrate the security around the warehouse and incapacitate the guards on duty there, but after that, everything had gone completely Twilight Zone. Shego still couldn’t believe what had happened, not that she’d had much time to actually think about it. It had been all she could do to survive it while it was happening, and afterwards it had taken nearly all her concentration to fly the hovercar back to the lair given the shape she was in, along with having to make this stupid tub once she’d arrived.
Shego sighed—or at least, she started to, before the pain spiking from her many bruised, cracked, and broken ribs when she inhaled set off a chain reaction as she hissed instead and clenched her teeth, which aggravated the pain from her previously dislocated jaw, which caused her to shift her position, sending multiple lances of sharp agony shooting through her from her broken wrist, upper arm, forearm, and cracked femur, along with an avalanche of comparatively lesser pains from her thoroughly gouged and bruised flesh.
Shego froze, carefully concentrating on not moving and breathing shallowly, letting the heat from the now steaming water soak into her and ease her pain. She blocked what remained from her conscious mind utilizing rusty but still effective mental focusing techniques she hadn’t needed to employ in years. The pain meds were finally starting to kick in too; a fact for which Shego was eminently grateful. In a remarkably short time Shego was able to lean back and relax as much as she could given her condition.
Once more Shego started thinking about what happened tonight—this time without the sighing—but before she could do much more than begin framing the incident in her head, she was again interrupted; this time by something far less pleasant than unbridled agony shooting through her.
“Shego? Shego, are you in here?” Drakken’s inquiring voice echoed through the storage chamber while light from the open door pierced the gloom. A few moments later Shego heard him muttering; “Why aren’t the lights working? If those lazy slugs told me Shego was in here just to get out of changing some light bulbs heads will roll, mark my words! I might have put up with such lackadaisical attitudes in the past, but now that I’m actually paying those peons I expect a certain level of professionalism from them.”
“Shego!” Drakken’s shout turned Shego’s name into a demand for her to appear, and she knew by the tone that he wasn’t going to give up until he found her.
“I’m back here Dr. D.” Shego shouted back, wincing as pain thundered through her from the exertion.
“What are you doing back there in the dark Shego?” Drakken asked as Shego heard him making his way towards her through the various stacked cargo containers in the dimly lit room, continuing to mutter; “For what I paid those Henchco affiliates to build this place there better not be any problems with the wiring…”
A moment later there was a sharp thump followed a second afterward by an equally sharp “Gaahhh!” of pain issued through clenched teeth. A few seconds later an irate Drakken came limping out into the shadowy open area Shego had set up her improvised tub in, growling; “Shego! I demand to know what’s going on here! Why is this room darker than the bottom of an Arkansas coalmine and why didn’t you return with the chemicals and isotope variants I sent you to get?”
Drakken blinked a few times as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, but he recklessly continued approaching the dull green glow he could see radiating up from inside Shego’s ugly little handmade tub, coming from her powers as she continued to heat the water and agitate it with stuttering concussion waves. A few moments later he stood over her, scowling at her continued silence while he tried to figure out what he was seeing.
“Shego, what exactly is this and why… are… you… eeep!” Drakken’s eyes widened to owlish proportions and he quickly backed away from the modified cargo container, stepping back until all he could see of Shego was her head, with the cascade of her luxurious mane falling back over the rim of the tub to nearly touch the floor. Even then he still half turned away from her and looked off into the darkness, examining the shadowy form of a large container with sudden interest as his light blue complexion turned azure from his furious blush.
“Ummm… Shego,” Drakken said almost idly, his voice soft and hesitantly curious, “If you don’t mind too much, would you please tell me why you’re sitting…” Drakken paused, swallowing nervously before continuing, “naked, in a cargo container full of water in this dark storage room? I mean, it is my lair after all, and I really would appreciate being kept in the loop, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Shego inhaled carefully, fighting the urge to sigh after she’d filled her lungs, and responded; “It’s dark because the florescents were giving me a headache, so I pulled the breakers just in case someone came in and tried to turn them on on me. I’m sitting in this cargo container because it’s the only tub outside of the mutant research wing in this entire complex, and I’m naked because I’m sitting in a tub.”
“Yes but why are you sitting in a tub Shego? And what happened to the materials I sent you to get?”
Drakken turned back to Shego now that he had recovered from his embarrassment only to pause again, gasping softly. His eyes had finally adjusted to the murky lighting and he could now make out the swelling and sickly-looking dark green bruises that covered Shego’s face—especially on the right side where her jaw had been dislocated.
“Oh my! Shego, what happened to you?” Drakken asked with concern, taking a step forward before remembering why he’d stepped back in the first place.
“I am sitting in this tub for the same reason that you don’t have your stuff Dr. D, and what happened to me is none of your business.” Shego responded with exaggerated calm.
“But… Shego, if it involved the job I sent you on I really do need to know what happened. And you’re obviously hurt as well; we should really get you some medical attention…”
“No doctors!” Shego winced at the pain shooting through her from yelling. In a less forceful tone she continued; “I’ll be fine; trust me. And no, you do not need to know what happened because it’s my problem, not yours. Understand?”
“Shego, you obviously ran into some kind of trouble that you were wholly unprepared for, and as a result you not only failed to complete your mission but you also ended up in this state… and something that interferes with my ongoing operations most certainly is my business.” Drakken said sternly before continuing in a softer tone; “Plus, you know I do rather think of us as a kind of evil family, and—”
“Dr. D,” Shego interrupted with a sharp but steady tone. “I know you mean well and all, but if you don’t go away right now, I guarantee that out of the two of us, I’m not going to be the one in the most pain anymore. Understand?”
“Shego, despite my fondness for you and your irascible idiosyncrasies I’m still your employer, and as such I demand—”
Drakken cut off suddenly as Shego raised her right hand out of the water and held it up almost casually, her fingers extended and the back facing him while her aura of green energy gently undulated around it. A moment later, in a soft, dangerous tone, Shego said; “Five” before curling her fingers into a loose fist. A second later she extended everything but her thumb and continued; “Four.”
By the time Shego curled her fingers back in and extended only three of them after the pause, saying “Three,” Drakken was already raising his hands palms out to Shego in a nervous, placating gesture and backing away from her once more.
“N-now Shego, there’s no need to do anything rash. This is clearly a personal matter and I’ll just leave you to your…”
Drakken’s eyes widened as Shego curled her fingers in once more, and with a shriek of terror he turned tail and ran for the door, slamming into and bouncing off several heavy containers in his mad rush through the dark room. His grimacing shouts of pain and a loud crashing as he collapsed a stack of smaller canisters in his frantic retreat covered up Shego’s final countdown, but Drakken managed to make it out the door just as Shego reached zero.
Unfortunately, sometimes Drakken didn’t know when to stop pushing his luck when it came to Shego’s moods, so instead of counting himself lucky to have escaped her wrath, he paused once he was on the other side of the door and, using it for cover, stuck his head back in the room and said; “But if you need someone to talk to about this—”
Drakken gave another frightened shriek and yanked his head back into the corridor as a barrage of energy bolts slammed into the upper area of the door, melting tiny, smoking divots into the heavy metal. Before the door shut fully his distant voice carried into the room, finishing; “I’ll be here for you.”
Shego sighed carefully as the room returned to its previously peaceful, nearly pitch-black state, slowly lowering her hand back into the water with a wince of pain.
Drakken was a pain sometimes, but as weird and contradictory as it sounded, Shego knew the big blue dork really was sincere in his concern for her. The problem was Shego would rather peel off her own hide in strips than confide in an emotionally unstable idiot like Drakken—especially about getting her ass handed to her on a silver platter, which, as much as she hated to admit it, was exactly what had happened tonight.
Trying to relax as much as she could given her injuries, Shego leaned her head back against the rim of her improvised tub and adjusted the focus of her power once more, reducing the level of heat she was producing and increasing the power of the concussion waves so the water was churning a little more forcefully. Then she took as deep a breath as she could, ignoring the pain from her ribs and bruised flesh, and concentrated on pushing aside the throbbing agony as much as possible.
After about ten minutes or so, Shego finally felt ready to begin examining her memories of what had happened at the warehouse earlier tonight. She didn’t want to, but she knew from experience that barring being in shock, it was best to go over these kinds of things as soon as possible, so that even the smallest details were still fresh and vibrant. And as much as she really, really didn’t want to relive it, there was no way she was going to accept the alternative of not knowing exactly how she’d gotten the crap so totally and completely kicked out of her by Kim Possible.
Shego was bored… and annoyed… annoyed that she was bored actually. It had taken her all of ten minutes to analyze the security systems protecting the storage facility housing the chemicals and isotope variants Drakken had sent her to get, and another ten to crack them—and that included the time it took to track down all the guards patrolling the place and lay them out. Now she was lugging drums and canisters over to a transport platform in preparation for taking them back to Drakken’s lair, which meant that essentially this job boiled down to nothing more than manual labor, which was not something she considered worthy of her many talents.
Setting down the large silver drum she had slung over her right shoulder, Shego sat on it for a moment, shaking her head. One of the reasons she still worked for Drakken despite his incompetence—aside from the fact that he could actually afford to keep her under full time contract and chose to do so—was that between the ineptitude that kept his plans from succeeding and the seemingly endless font of ideas he had, she was guaranteed a steady stream of action working for him.
Ever since Drakken escaped from jail on his own however, Shego had been doing nothing but grunt-work and sitting around for long periods of inactivity. It had picked up two weeks ago, but now they were back to waiting again, and Shego didn’t consider flying a jet through the middle of downtown Tokyo and a short fight with Kimmie as the only action in a three month period to be nearly enough for her.
“That’s it, I’ve had it.” Shego muttered to herself. “If Drakken doesn’t tell me what the hell he’s doing when I get back, I’m taking a chunk of my private operating time to go do some work on my own. He can’t hold me to the ongoing operation clause if he can’t prove there is one.”
With that resolution Shego got to her feet and stretched, getting ready to pick up the drum and finish the rest of the grunt-work as quickly as she could. The sooner she got out of here and back to Drakken’s lair, the sooner she would either find out what was going on, or be able to go out and find some action, as the case may be.
As Shego turned back to the drum, it was only by chance that she caught a slight glimpse of something hurtling towards her in her peripheral vision. It was even more luck that she reacted instinctively to the oncoming threat instead of hesitating, throwing herself into a ducking spin that just barely got her out of the way in time to avoid something slamming into the back of her head. Even then, she felt it brush past her hair as she moved out of the way.
The hell? Shego thought, but she didn’t have time to give voice to that shocked exclamation like she intended, because as she spun around she saw a rising back spin kick propelling a heavy black leather boot towards her face.
Shego yanked herself upright and swayed back, once more barely evading the oncoming blow by such a small margin she felt the wind of it as it swept past her nose. Before she could recover, she caught a flash of white and tan mixed with ropes of dark red and then there was a hooking overhand elbow hammering down at an angle towards her right shoulder.
Shego was so far off balance that she had no choice but to throw herself to the floor to get away from the attack, rolling in an awkward tumble that was a far cry from her normally controlled, acrobatic movements. Getting her feet under her as quickly as possible, Shego looked up from her crouch just in time to see that her attacker had followed her and was unleashing a viciously angled axe kick down on her.
As the black boot scythed downward, Shego sprang forwards, leaping out from under the blow completely and putting distance between herself and her attacker. As she landed, Shego rolled and then leapt again, going into a series of long leaps and tumbling maneuvers that covered considerable ground as well as putting her more and more in balance.
As Shego finally recovered her full balance, she ended her tumbling retreat by landing facing her original position, and was rather surprised to see her attacker leaping over a crate as they continued to rush after her. A second later her pursuer slid to a controlled halt as they saw she had stopped, and began approaching her in a grounded, gliding stance that was much faster that it looked like it should be.
“All right, let’s dance!” Shego growled as she lit up her hands with her power, summoning a strong kinetic enhancing field to start with until she knew what she was dealing with.
Shego’s eyes widened as the added light from the lime-green nimbus surrounding her hands finally revealed the details of her attacker to her. It was Kim Possible, but not like she’d ever seen her before.
The girl was wearing the heavy, black leather boots with an exposed steel toe that Shego had seen so up close and personal in the last thirty seconds or so, along with a black leather belt holding up some loose, faded jeans, and a tight, midriff-baring white cotton boi-beater T-shirt. On top of that, she had on three-inch black leather wristbands with gleaming metal studs, and her dark red hair had been done up in cornrows that continued into dozens of long, slender braids in the back, each one capped by a single shell bead.
In addition, since Kim was all but naked from the waist up in that tiny little sleeveless shirt of hers, Shego was getting an even better view of how strong the girl looked now, despite her being relatively the same size Shego remembered. The muscles in Kim’s arms undulated as they bunched and flexed in readiness, while her abs stood out clearly from her flat stomach, as did the long lines of her tight side abs and upper flanks. Shego could even clearly see the shape of Kim’s shoulders and the visible swell of her trapezius muscles to either side of her neck now.
As Kim approached, Shego could see that the girl was stone-faced and grim, with her jaw set and lacking even the usual silent snarl she gave while fighting. But the most important thing was her slightly narrowed eyes; they blazed with an intensity that surpassed anything Shego had ever seen from her before, though Shego did think that perhaps she detected just a little bit of wavering in the girl’s controlled focus.
With a slight smile over that perceived weakness, Shego thought; Well well well, what have we here? Little Kimmie’s on a mission to kick my ass, is she? Well, let’s just see what we can do to rattle her cage, shall we?
“Heya Princess; nice one. Didn’t think ya had it in ya. But, don’t’cha think jumping someone from behind is more my style then yours Kimmie? I mean, it’s not exactly very heroic, now is it?” Shego said wryly, smirking as she did.
Shego was surprised when Kim didn’t respond at all, instead closing the distance between them with that odd, ground eating stride that Shego could swear looked so strangely familiar to her, and attacking with a low crescent kick to her inside right knee. The move was so unusual for Kim that Shego almost missed evading the attack, but she managed to pull her leg back just in time.
Shego counterattacked by stepping back in and swiping at Kim with her right hand, but Kim bent at the waist and twisted sideways while simultaneously continuing the motion with her right leg, bringing it up to her chest and kicking out in a side blade-foot that thrust in under Shego’s arcing arm and buried itself in her side ribs with a thunderous impact.
Shego was driven back by the kick even as a considerable amount of air was driven from her lungs. Staggering back while trying to recover her stance, Shego gasped for breath while pain lanced into her from her battered side. She fought the urge to clamp her arm down over her bruised ribs while she watched Kim smoothly recover from her one-legged position. A second later the girl took two steps to close the distance between them and then, to Shego’s amazement, took a third step to come in even closer instead of maintaining the usual distance they fought at.
As Shego tensed and brought her hands up to the ready, Kim grabbed Shego’s right forearm with her right hand, holding it just long enough to keep Shego from using the leading arm against her while she whipped her left arm up and around in a vicious elbow strike, slamming the leading point into the side of Shego’s jaw with tremendous force.
Even as a piercing lance of agony tore into Shego’s brain from her now dislocated jaw, Kim kept turning with the momentum of her strike so that she was back to back with Shego. As she came around, she whipped her right elbow back to slam into Shego’s left side, battering more of her ribs. Still spinning, Kim finished up by twisting around and thrusting her rising left knee high into Shego’s side, striking with enough force to snap several of the woman’s short ribs and send her staggering off to the side.
Considerably confused now, Shego threw herself into a desperate spin as she ignored the pain hammering through her, lashing out with a mid-torso height backfist using her blazing right hand in case Kim was following her. Shego enhanced the feeble attack with a powerful concussion wave even as she released a barrage of barely aimed low-level concussion blasts in an arc towards Kim’s last position.
As she made her frantic attack, Shego growled a loud and garbled; “Wha ha huck?” A second later she looked up to see that her barrage had taken the girl by surprise, forcing her to retreat several yards away in order to avoid the blasts.
Raising her left hand, Shego sent a stuttering cone of mini-concussion bolts at Kim—her equivalent of a shotgun blast, and nearly useless in terms of strength with the rushed way she’d been forced to release the energy, but Kim didn’t know that.
While Kim was forced back into a further acrobatic retreat by the widespread attack, Shego reached up with her right hand and, with a stomach churning, crunchy snap, wrenched her jaw out and then back into it’s socket. A second later she roared, “God damn it!” in pain and brought both hands up to unleash an alternating series of focused, powerful concussion blasts at Kim before the girl could close the distance again.
Panting while she watched Kim recover from her retreat and begin moving towards her again, Shego was angrier with herself for letting this happen than she was with Kim—though that didn’t mean she wasn’t plenty angry at Kim either.
“Well, looks like someone’s been practicing some new moves to go along with their new look, eh Kimmie?” Shego growled. “But really, don’t you think that outfit is a little too butch for you Princess?”
Shego smirked as Kim’s eyes narrowed and the girl broke off her careful approach to charge Shego directly. Unleashing another barrage of alternating concussion blasts at Kim, Shego was amazed when the girl somehow managed to avoid them through a series of fluid side movements and forward flips while still charging her at nearly full speed.
As Kim closed the last few yards between her and Shego, she leapt out to the side and into a forward roll, springing to her feet again only a few feet away from Shego on the woman’s right side.
“What’s the matter Kimmie, did I hit a nerve?” Shego taunted as she broadened her stance and took two quick steps forward, taking the initiative before Kim could close with her and launching a sweeping backhand at the girl, with a hefty kinetic enhancer charging her glowing hand to boot.
“Just shut up and fight Shego!” Kim growled back coldly even as Shego approached, and Shego only had time for her mouth to open slightly in shock as Kim whipped around and, instead of trying to block the blow as Shego expected, hooked her left arm up and out in a brutal arc to smash her clenched fist into the back of Shego’s wrist with a sharp crack of impact. The sound wasn’t the only thing that went crack either, as Shego felt something give way and snap inside her wrist too.
Shego gasped and gave a sharp, growling cry of pain as her arm was knocked back, and then, Kim was there in front of her, her fists and elbows and knees and feet hammering in at her from every angle and direction. It was all Shego could do to keep the girl off of her as she tried to compensate for the short, crowded distance Kim was using. There was no time to try any counters or attacks of her own, all of her efforts were wrapped up in tracking and blocking Kim’s attacks.
It was when Kim somehow slipped past her guard that Shego finally began to suspect that as impossible as it seemed, she might be in over her head here.
Kim hammered a few short, quick upward jabs into Shego’s face before slamming her right forearm into Shego’s left cheek. As she twisted while following through, Kim unloaded a brutal cross-body left underhand up into Shego’s sternum. As soon as her right arm cleared Shego’s head, Kim pistoned her elbow back into Shego’s jaw again, then snapped her coiled forearm back to backfist her in the face. Then she followed up with an overhand that just barely missed breaking Shego’s nose, as she managed to instinctively drop her head and take the blow on her forehead instead.
The blossoming pain from her new injuries assaulted Shego as she reeled back, and she lashed out with a series of half-controlled strikes that carried a heavy concussion charge now; she had to get Kim off of her. To her great dismay however, Kim bobbed and swayed under and around her broad, sweeping attacks like they were nothing, gliding and bending with a fluid, liquid grace. Then Kim was inside her guard again, hammering blows up into her ribs and stomach with her knees while using her arms to batter and block Shego’s own arms away from her as she attacked.
Shego was growing desperate; she’d tried to disengage fully twice now, and each time she suffered heavy hits she thought had cracked or broken more of her ribs. Abandoning any pretense of technique, Shego fell back on the one move that was at the very least guaranteed to break Kim’s momentum, letting her try and regain some semblance of initiative in the fight, if not give her control once more—not that I ever actually had it, Shego thought disgustedly.
Action followed thought as Shego swept her arms in and, with far greater difficulty than she expected given how close Kim was to her, managed to grab the girl’s arms and swing her around into a nearby crate, pressing in close to keep Kim from using her legs on her.
Panting furiously, it took everything Shego had to keep control of Kim, despite her size advantage over the girl. Kim really was much stronger than she had been before—as strong as she looked now for sure—and if it wasn’t for the adrenalin thundering through her along with the enhanced strength her powers gave her, Shego knew the girl could have easily broken free. For the first time in well over a year, Shego seriously considered using her powers to fry Kim’s arms where she gripped her.
Fortunately for Kim, Shego also happened to notice that despite her barely being able to control the girl, the look in Kim’s eyes was growing increasingly uncontrolled, meaning that she had finally found something that was getting to the girl.
“What’s the matter Kimmie?” Shego growled raggedly as she pressed Kim into the crate with her body using even greater force, trying to goad the girl further. “Don’t like the fact that big bad Shego can take your new hits and still come back to hold you down just like she always does?”
Snarling, Kim shocked Shego once more as she snapped her head forward and slammed the top of her forehead into Shego’s three times in rapid succession. As Shego staggered back, her vision blurring from the rapid strikes, Kim swept her right foot up in a crescent kick that snapped the blade of her foot into Shego’s left forearm, striking so hard it snapped her radius like a twig and cracked her ulna as well. As soon as Kim recovered her stance, she used the opening to slam her right foot into Shego’s chest in a side kick that sent her flying back over ten feet to smash into the side of another crate.
Fueled by fury and the latest burst of adrenalin flooding through her, Shego pulled herself out of the crater formed by the boards her impact had broken and surged back to her feet, shouting; “God damnit Possible! What the fuck is your problem?”
Kim was already right on top of her, and Shego saw by the twisted look on Kim’s face and the wild, unrestrained gleam in her eyes that the girl‘s control had slipped completely. Unfortunately, her unchained emotions didn’t seem to have any affect on her technique, judging by the vicious but well controlled axe kick Kim sent avalanching down towards Shego’s skull while shouting; “I!” nearly at the top of her lungs.
As Shego threw herself to the side, Kim’s heel smashed through the entire upper corner of the crate in an explosion of splintered wood, and Shego’s mind reeled as she thought; Kim Possible did not just try and shatter my skull!
A second later Shego was jerking back to the other side as Kim sent an extended thrust punch pistoning in towards her head while shouting; “Don’t!”
Splinters flew from the board Kim shattered with her strike, and Shego only had time for the disbelieving thought; Kim Possible did not just try and crush my throat! before the girl attacked again.
Shego rolled out to the side completely as Kim roared “Want!” and buried her right knee into the crate all the way up to her hip at a height that would have impacted Shego’s sternum otherwise, leaving Shego to mentally rebuff; Kim Possible did not just try and cave in my chest!
Kim ripped her leg out of the crate in a spray of splintered wood and half turned to face Shego, her left foot rocketing up towards Shego’s jaw in a brutal extended snap kick that would have most likely snapped Shego’s neck had it connected, but Shego managed to jerk her head back just far enough to avoid it as Kim’s shouted; “You!” rang in her ears.
Kim Possible did not just try and snap my neck! Kim Possible is not trying to kill me! The thoughts thundered through Shego’s brain one after the other, and between her injuries, growing exhaustion, and the multiple shocks she’d just experienced, Shego’s conscious mind disconnected from her in confusion and disbelief, leaving only her instincts running the show.
With a roar, Shego tacked Kim and they both went down in a rolling heap, a dozen or more sharp pains knifing through Shego from all her cracked and broken bones as she tumbled across the floor. As they bounced along, Shego lost her hold on Kim and the girl quickly rolled away from her.
Shego immediately launched into a straight-legged kip up, digging her shoulders into the floor and drawing her legs up to her chest before flipping herself upright in a fast snap. A few yards away from her Kim had already spun herself to her feet using a breakdancing variant, and stood tensing for the attack, but before she could spring, Shego beat her to the punch, figuratively if not literally.
Leaping forward, Shego launched into a mid-body spinning reverse roundhouse kick that could only be avoided by Kim vacating the space she was standing in completely, but instead, the girl squatted down slightly and took the full impact on her raised forearm and shoulder in a full-on stop block.
If Shego were in her right frame of mind, she would have been amazed that the thunderous impact of her leg only sent Kim skidding slightly to the side instead of knocking her off her feet completely. As it was, she simply dropped her leg and unleashed a sweeping backfist with her right arm that led into a continuous barrage of strikes from every limb she could use as soon as she could use it.
As Shego slowly recovered her wits and realized what she was doing, a spike of fear shot through her. Aside from the fact that she was going nearly all-out against Kim, her every blow meant to cause the girl serious, lasting harm, her powers were fluctuating wildly as well, alternating between the dull hum of lethal concussion charges and the jagged whine of sharp cutting planes as she continued attacking. As soon as she noticed what she was doing, Shego automatically altered the focus of her power, toning back to a strong kinetic enhancer instead.
Wait a minute, what the fuck am I doing? Shego thought as she realized what she’d instinctively done. This girl is trying to fucking kill me here! Fuck that!
Despite the cold thought, for some reason she couldn’t understand, Shego maintained her power at its current level; strong enough to shatter bone if she connected even a little, but not so strong that she would slice through Kim like a hot knife through butter or blow a bloody chunk out of her like a shotgun blast.
Not… that it particularly mattered, Shego realized, because now that her moment of fear and confusion had passed, she realized that despite her using nearly everything she had while fighting Kim, the girl was holding her own nearly to the point where you could say she was doing it easily. Certainly Shego was doing some damage with her constant avalanche of attacks, but it was all peripheral as Kim blocked or evaded every strike Shego sent flying in at her during the ceaseless offensive. Despite all her effort, Shego had yet to land a single clean hit on the girl.
More to the point, Shego was starting to run out of steam, as even her inhuman endurance was put to the test by the level of exertion and injury she was at now. For the first time in her life, Shego was starting to really sweat and breathe heavily while fighting Kim, and her movements were showing the initial signs of slowing down from exhaustion. Shego knew that as impossible as it seemed, her young opponent now outclassed her, and that it was only a matter of time until she lost the initiative to the girl and ended up on the defensive once more.
That time came much faster and more brutally than Shego expected as she slipped up just a hair while attacking a few seconds later. Seizing full advantage of the split-second opening, Kim disengaged from Shego’s assault and spun out on Shego’s left, avoiding a clawed swipe that passed within inches of her back as she did so.
Even as Shego tried to turn and face her, Kim slithered her left hand under Shego’s left arm to hook her wrist just above Shego’s elbow. Then she fully extended her right arm up and to her left while stepping in closer, pressing her side against Shego’s as she pulled up with her left wrist while hammering her right elbow back and down into the center of Shego’s upper arm, breaking the bone with a sharp, clean snap that was clearly audible.
At the same time as the agony of her newly broken limb shot up into Shego’s brain, she was also struck by a pair of hard open-palm thrusts to her shoulder and flank as Kim coiled her arms tight and then slammed the blows into her, shoving Shego away before she could recover and strike at Kim in her vulnerably close position using her right hand.
Shego went stumbling off to the side as the wind was knocked out of her, but despite her reeling stance and pain-soaked mind, she managed to sweep around with her right arm in a broad swipe to hold Kim off. With her left arm incapacitated, a nearly blinding agony throbbing and lancing through her, and her reserves dwindling to the point where she was starting to have trouble keeping focused on holding her stance, let alone fighting, Shego began considering options other than fighting for the first time since this whole mess had started.
She’s beating me. I can’t believe she’s beating me! How in the fuck is she beating me? Shego thought frantically as Kim began approaching with those infuriatingly familiar gliding steps she was using.
Despite having lost to Kim in a variety of ways over the years, the girl had never actually beaten Shego in a fight before, only held her off to the point where another factor intervened, giving her the win. Half the time Shego just gave up because there was no point in fighting anymore; the plan was ruined or the authorities had shown up.
Maybe I should just give up here. The thought crossed Shego's mind for a second before she shook her head with a snarl. Aside from the fact that she wasn’t entirely sure if Kim would even stop if she surrendered—an idea which Shego found far more disturbing than she expected, and surprisingly not because of the threat to her life—she was not going to admit that little Kimmie had actually outfought her when she was no longer holding back against the girl—she’d rather die first! Which the rising voice of fear in Shego said was starting to look like a distinct possibility.
No. No! I won’t be beaten by her! I won’t! Not when I’m really trying now! Shego raged both against Kim and the threads of fear building inside her, threatening to grow into full-fledged tendrils and coils—never mind the fact that she knew she was lying; she still wasn’t using killing strikes or her powers to full lethal effect.
Roaring, Shego lashed out at Kim with a couple of sweeps from her right arm and then launched a full-leg outside crescent kick to Kim’s mid-body. As her right leg swept up and around towards Kim, the girl stepped into the blow and caught Shego’s outer calf on her side with a hollow thump of impact. Then, in a continuous fluid motion that was as quick as a striking snake, Kim grabbed Shego’s leg right behind the knee, twisting towards the trapped leg while reaching straight up to the ceiling with her left arm. Then she dropped almost to her knees while simultaneously dropping her left elbow straight down into Shego’s thigh like a hammer.
The impact sent a white-hot bolt of agony searing up into Shego, and for the first time that night Shego screamed as the pain overwhelmed the inhuman tolerance her powers and years of experience had given her.
Hobbling back as Kim shoved her away, Shego knew by the fact that she could still stand that her leg wasn’t broken, but she also knew by the way it felt like someone was driving a blunt chisel into her thigh with ever step she took that it was likely cracked, and could give way completely under further stress.
Ok, ok, so I guess I can be beaten by her, Shego thought with equal parts disbelief, amazement, and disgust, blinking tears of pain and frustration out of her eyes while continuing to retreat from Kim, watching with fearful wrath as the girl rose up and turned to face her once more.
Gotta get out of here! Shego thought hysterically as she desperately threw a barrage of low-powered, high-quantity concussion bolts at Kim while fighting through the searing pain of forcing her left arm to move enough to fumble with the controls hidden in her belt-buckle.
As Kim danced her way through the barrage with an almost frightening ease, a thunderous boom and concussion wave filled the warehouse, throwing Kim off balance just enough that Shego nailed her with one of the weak blasts she was throwing out as fast as she could, knocking the girl several yards back to land on her ass. Shego continued to throw quick little bursts at Kim, forcing the girl to roll and tumble across the floor awkwardly, while a huge section of the roof collapsed next to the area Shego had set up the loading platform in.
A tremendous crash echoed through the warehouse when the twisted wreckage slammed into the floor, kicking up a small cloud of dust while a few more smaller pieces of debris fell from the gaping hole in the roof. A moment later a soft roaring filled the warehouse as a heavy cable ending in four smaller lines with hooks on them lowered itself down through the hole in the roof.
Praising the merits of programmable autopilots and shaped explosive charges, Shego broke into a limping run towards the cable, hobbling as fast as she could go and gritting her teeth tightly against the lances of pain shooting up into her with every step, silently praying her femur would hold out just a little while longer.
Reaching the cable, Shego planted her left foot in one of the hooks before turning to look for Kim, finding the girl up on her feet and rushing towards her. Her eyes widening in fear, Shego whipped her right hand up and fired a strong concussion blast not at Kim, but rather at the floor between the two of them. As the explosion rocked the warehouse and filled the air with smoke and debris, Shego threw out a barrage of three more blasts at other areas of the floor. Then she activated the controls in her belt once more before grabbing onto the cable tightly.
Shego was halfway to the hole in the roof when she saw Kim come hurtling out of the smoke in a different area than she had previously been coming from. As the girl looked around and spotted her, Shego prepared to use her right leg to defend herself if she had to. Although she was fairly certain she was too high up for Kim to reach now, she wasn’t about to risk her life on that assumption—plus the girl might pull that stupid hairdryer out of her ass and then where would she be?
Fortunately for Shego, the only thing Kim did was move closer to the hole so she could stare up at her, watching coldly as Shego was pulled higher into the air by the hovercar the cable was attached to. Normally Shego would have waved or given Kim a parting goodbye barb, but between the girl’s uncharacteristic grim, stone-faced expression and what had happened—as well as the pain from her numerous injuries—Shego just held onto the cable and hoped she would have enough time to get into the vehicle once she was on the roof before Kim found a way up there.
Shego discovered that she needn’t have worried however, as Kim just stared up at her silently with those angry eyes while Shego stepped off onto the roof and brought the hovercar down again. A few moments later she climbed into it with difficulty and took off, heading back to Drakken’s lair, still totally confused and shocked over what had happened and hoping she could manage the trip in her present condition.
Shego shook her head, and then winced at the pain that caused—the swelling was already starting to go down thanks to the enhanced healing ability she possessed, courtesy of her powers, but she still had a long way to go before she was going to be able to move without wishing she was dead.
Sighing carefully, Shego closed her eyes and let her mind drift. She’d gone over the events in the warehouse a half-dozen times now, examining them from every angle and approach, sifting through every scrap of detail and impression she could remember, and she’d come to the same conclusion every time. There was just no getting around it. Despite how completely insane it sounded, Kim Possible had tried to kill her earlier tonight. And it hadn’t been because Shego forced her to or because she’d needed to stop her; from the very beginning the girl had come after her hard and fast, at the very least intending to put her in traction it not kill her outright.
It just doesn’t make any sense. Shego thought to herself. Kimmie doesn’t play hardcore like that, and it almost seemed like she was pissed off at me… like I’d done something to her or something.
It was the sheer strength of emotion that had been in Kim’s eyes as she’d fought that had Shego convinced of that. And then of course there had been that damn unfinished phrase in the middle of it all, before things had gotten really unpleasant for her.
I! Don’t! Want! You!
What the hell did she mean by that? Don’t want me to do what? Shego pondered. It was starting to drive her crazy actually. She had no idea what she could have done or was doing to make Kim come after her like this, and she doubted it was anything connected to her work for Drakken either, since aside from escaping from prison and building this complex, Drakken didn’t seem to actually be doing anything at the moment.
Unless she meant want want, Shego thought idly. Then she snorted softly and winced from the pain it caused.
“Ye-e-e-eah, riiiight. Ohhhh-kay, oooobviously gettin’ a little loopy from the pain and the drugs there Shego if you’re thinkin’ somethin’ like that.” Shego said to herself in wry amusement.
Want want… Shego shook her head and chuckled over the thought, despite how much it hurt her to do so. She just couldn’t help it; the idea was so damn ludicrous it had her cracking up—and the pain wasn’t helping either; triggering a reactive increase in her urge to laugh in response to it. It was a vicious cycle that Shego had to use all her will to break out of, clamping down on her hilarity and ruthlessly crushing it until nothing remained.
Once she’d sobered, Shego was left with her original conundrum. That despite how unbelievable it was, Kim had tried to kill her tonight, and that at least in her mind, there had been a definite reason for the action above and beyond their usual nemesis relationship.
The more Shego thought about it, the more certain she became that there was something screwy with the whole situation—aside from Kim having beaten her so easily and thoroughly that is. There was some other factor involved, Shego was sure of it, and before she went off half-cocked she was going to find out exactly what was going on with Kim. After that, then, and only then would she decide how she wanted to respond to what had happened tonight. But one thing was certain; someone was going to pay for this. Of that, Shego had no doubt whatsoever.
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