Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 223
Zuko had finished Katara’s manicure, pedicure and was giving her a foot massage when there was a second knock on the door and a call of “Delivery”.Katara pulled her foot away reluctantly and pouted, “I guess we have to get out now.”“No we don’t, come here,” Zuko replied once again pulling her sideways in his lap. He let down her hair so that it floated on top of the water and created a small fireball in the area she just vacated so the makeshift spa filled with steam. As if that wasn’t enough he removed one of the towels from behind his back and stretched it across the tub so that it covered them further.“Come in,” Zuko replied loudly to those on the other side of the door. He nuzzled Katara’s face with his, “Now that we have food and drink we can stay in here as long as we want.”After being on or near the ocean for so long Katara had taken for granted the feel of her element; being in such an arid climate with limited plumbing, little rain and no running water had been harder on her than she realized until Zuko created this tiny hot spring for her. She lifted her face and gently kissed his lips, “Thank you my handsome Prince.”“You’re welcome my beloved Princess,” he replied returning her kiss.Zuko was kissing her again when Ming asked, “Prince Zuko, where would you like us to set the food?”He withdrew his lips to answer, “Please bring it to us. Come around the privacy screen on the side opposite of the bed.”Katara sat straighter to turn around and reach for the toiletry and bath sets. “Zuko we need to move the-” she stopped and smiled.Zuko was reaching over the side to pick them up. She reached up to take the objects in his hand, “Give them to me, I can place them on the other side easier than you can.”Ming now understood why Ami had been so insistent that Jin remain in the restaurant and not help carry the meal the prince requested. The water was opaque but she got a glimpse of tanned shoulders and a slender back as the mass of dark brown hair shifted with Waterbender’s movements as she set the items down.That same dark hair floated on top of the water surrounding them once she resettled sideways in the prince’s lap. What little she could see of the prince’s muscular arm and torso was magnificent but the Waterbender and a strategically placed towel blocked everything else.Ming kneeled and began unstacking the food containers in her hands. She had set down the top two layers then paused, “Prince Zuko, would it be easier if you had a table so the food would be in front of you instead of to the side? We can wash the coffee table and set it across the tub.”“Thank you for offering Ming; that won’t be necessary,” Katara said kindly looking over her shoulder at the older woman. She raised her hands, lifted water from the other tub and lay it across the one she was sitting in. She blew on it until it was frozen solid then quietly asked, “Can you pass us a blanket from the closet please?”Ming had grown up surrounded by Earthbending. She’d seen more Firebending than she had ever hoped to but this was the first time she had ever seen ice or Waterbending. Still marveling at the display of bending and the frozen creation, Ming rocked back and turned her head sideways to locate the closet. Ami had set down the tea set she had been carrying to take the tiered bento box from Jin. Seeing her cousin’s hands were empty and knowing Jin was more familiar with the hotel she unthinkingly repeated the request, “Jin, hand me a blanket.”“Don’t!” Ami cried out in warning but Jin was too frightened for her cousin to heed it. She had never heard Ming sound like that and she mistook her wonder for fear. She stepped to slight opening and gasped. She dropped the blanket on top of her cousin and fled.Ami had placed the food on the table next to the tea set and was already moving towards her friend. She wrapped her arms around Jin and caught her before she could leave. Jin had been accosted the night before. New soldiers were steadily arriving and there was no guarantee they knew of or would respect the protective order guarding her virtue. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t let her run out of the door without carrying something to identify her as one of the protected daughters of the restaurant or the hotel. Those items drew the attention and if need be the assistance of the soldiers who’d been there longer otherwise it was certain she’d be dragged into alley and robbed of her virtue.A small face appeared next to Ming and young voice asked, “Is she your grandmommy?”Ming had been so enraptured by perfectly frozen unmelting table she had forgotten about Jin’s feelings for the prince and that her son carried the desserts.“No, she’s not my grandmommy,” Zuko replied amused.“Then why was she in the bathroom with you and is taking a bath with you? My Mommy told me that the only women I can do that with are her and Grandmommy. Cousin Jin can take me to the potty but I can’t take a bath with her,” the four year old said.All the women in the room froze out of concern for the child’s innocence. Ironically that question was one Zuko was prepared to answer. Having grown up in the palace surrounded by noblemen, concubines, mistresses, and whores he gave the answer his mother had given him.He rearranged Katara and reached around her body to display the matching rings on their hands then called the boy closer. “Do you see these?”The boy nodded. “The ring she is wearing is just like mine because it is one that I outgrew and gave to her. Do you know why I gave my ring to her?”The boy shook his head.“I gave it to her because she is special. Out of all the girls I know she is my favorite and the only one I love. Do you have a favorite girl?” Zuko asked kindly.The boy nodded his head and answered with all the love and admiration a toddler could muster, “Kagome. She doesn’t run away, scream, or cry when I give her bugs. She eats them.”Zuko laughed, “One day when you’ve grown to be as big and strong as I am, you’ll stop wanting to give Kagome bugs. You’ll know when it happens because each time you look her you’ll start to think she’s prettier and prettier and you’ll get a funny feeling in your stomach every time you see at her. Eventually she’ll become so pretty that it makes you want to do anything she asks and give her everything you have. When that day comes you’ll give her something special, like this ring I gave Katara, to let her know how much you care about her. If she accepts it you’ll become her man and she’ll become your woman. You’ll get to give her hugs, hold her hand, and kiss her. She’ll get to play with all your best toys and you’ll have to give her your dessert.”“Will I have to take baths with her and let her take me to the potty?” he asked as his face scrunched up in distaste.“If you want her too,” Zuko replied knowing what the boy was going to say next.“Gross! That sounds yucky! I don’t want her to take me to potty or give me a bath” the little boy replied sticking out his tongue.“But you will still have to let her play with your best toys and give her your dessert,” Zuko added for good measure.“Eww, no way, I’m never gonna give anything but bugs to Kagome!” he screamed running away to go pout in the corner.Katara covered her hand with her mouth to contain her laughter. Ming did the same. When she calmed down the relieved mother asked, “How did you know to say that? I didn’t know what to tell him.”“I had a cousin that was ten years older. Mom told me that when I complained he’d rather look at girls than play with me. My uncle never let me forget how horrified I was to hear I’d want to share my toys and give my dessert away. I went to the head groundskeeper and asked for something like what he used for rodents to keep girls away,” Zuko explained smiling brightly. “He told me he didn’t have anything like that and that one day I’d want to have a pretty girl next to me.”“I went to the palace physician demanding medicine so I didn’t catch whatever stomach flu that made you want an icky girl beside you. He was sneakier than the groundskeeper. He mixed fish liver oil with liquid vitamins and told me a teaspoon first thing in the morning with a full glass of water would stop it from happening.”“I’ll have to remember that,” Ming giggled.Zuko kissed Katara’s forehead “I am so glad it didn’t work.”Katara didn’t reply; she wished the exact opposite. Instead she asked Ming to hand her the blanket. The smell of food was becoming too much for her empty stomach. She blew on the ice table again and laid the folded blanket on top of it. Her stomach growled as she was asking Ming to hand her the food so she could set it on the blanket. Zuko placed a dumpling against her lips and ate the other half after she bit it.The action reminded Ming she was next to two lovers sharing a bath. She increased her speed, quickly emptying, and arranged each layer of the bento boxes, as well as the tea set on the blanketed table while leaving dessert in easy reach on the floor next to them. She bowed formally, “Is there anything else you would like?”“No thank you,” Zuko replied while lifting another dumpling to Katara’s mouth.Katara opened her mouth to protest but after seeing his expression she decided to let Zuko feed her. After they finished eating Katara melted the table and placed it in the basin to be used later and Zuko reheated the lukewarm water they were sitting in.
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