Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 215
The walk back to the hotel was over far too quickly. There were still soldiers attempting to clumsily bow and formally greet them but Azula’s method of dealing with them was far more efficient than her brother’s. A quick firewhip six inches in front of them and slightly below their knees ensured they only went so low and quickly retreated. If it weren’t the air of dread the message had brought to both siblings Katara might have seen the humor in the way the soldiers lowered, raised and flailed their arms while backpedaling to avoid the fire. Even Ty Lee seemed subdued.Katara gave Zuko a smile of encouragement as he asked that his package be carried to his room. Azula didn’t wait to open hers. It was a ballgown – a perfectly tailored feminine ballgown with matching jewelry and high heels. The accompanying note from her father stated it originally belonged to her mother; she wore it to their betrothal banquet. Ty Lee’s quick thinking and quicker hands were the only thing that kept Azula from burning the garment.They were about to go upstairs when the messenger politely called out to them. There was a third box that remained unopened. Her expression was grim and her voice was full of derision as she announced it was for Lady Katara before handing the note to Zuko.Confused Katara stepped forward, “Why would your father send me something?”“It’s a family tradition my mother started. She and Father would always get us something on their birthdays,” Zuko explained as he opened the scroll.“No, they always got their children something,” Mai corrected eying the box warily.Katara opened the trunk slowly and gasped. It was armor. Fire Lord Ozai had gotten her armor.“No he didn’t,” Azula hissed lifting the jeweled helmet. The suit was styled similarly to Azula’s and Zuko’s. It had exquisite gold filigree outlining the crushed sapphires and aquamarines that had been hammered into the red metal during the forging process. There was also a large buttersoft waterskin designed to hang diagonally across her back so there would be no mistaking she was Water Tribe.Mai’s fist and jaw clenched; with the exception of Zuko’s royal crest on the back, Katara’s armor was an exact replica of Fire Lady’s Nini.Zuko carefully folded the letter but Azula snatched it away and began reading it aloud before he could burn it:
Dearest Katara, My beloved Ursa was fond of several of Avatar Roku’s aphorisms. I remember her favorite being, ‘the spirits are not without mercy it’s just their twisted sense of humor is far stronger.’ You are proof of the truth in statement. You possess every trait Ursa and I hoped our son would find in a mate. You would be perfect if you were not Water Tribe. Nevertheless this is to ensure that you, like my other children, return safely to your place at my side, I rather enjoy talking to you and find myself growing sick of simpering, self-serving, sycophants.PS- If you see that colonist do me a favor, kill the bitch. You are not the only one who acknowledges the demon kingdom and has reason to fear its seductive entrapment.Convivially,Fire Lord Papa Ozai
“What the hell is this?” Azula shrieked. “I get this stupid dress and the threat of an arranged marriage but this water peasant gets armor! And it is far more exquisite than mine! And what is this junk about the demon kingdom and what the hell does he mean by Papa Ozai?”This time Katara snatched the letter. It was written in Fire Nation with a translation in the common language as well. She recognized the snippets of their last conversation and remembered his explanation for the creased pages in his scrapbook. She read it and folded it seven times to rearrange the letters so the true message would appear. To her surprise it simply said, “If you see this and reply with the following phrase another six months will be granted at the end of the year. Do not disappoint me.”Katara wasted no time in asking for a stationery set. The messengers and soldiers just looked at her. She stomped her foot and this time demanded, “Bring me parchment, wax, an inkpot and a calligraphy brush. NOW!”As soon as she had the items she replied with what the Fire Lord requested in Water Tribe and the common language. She called Zuko over and asked, “Please help me write this in Fire Nation.”His face reddened but he did as she requested wrapping his hand around hers and guiding it to form, Minkpoodles bore me. Once it was written so it could be seen with the paper flat and folded in the manner he’d told her she lifted ink from the pot and coated her signet. She then lifted the shape from her ring and laid it on the paper. She placed it inside another sheet to protect it.“Zuko melt-” she began but stopped when he placed the softened substance on the outer paper. “Thank you.”Katara stepped forward and was about to give the letter back to the messenger who brought it when Zuko took it from her hands. He stepped back outside and called a group of the soldiers who’d attempted to bow to him, “You come here. What are your names?”The six soldiers quickly gave their names, rank, hometowns, and names of their parents. Zuko silenced them with a wave of his hand before they could delve further into their ancestry.“This letter contains an urgent message for my father. You will return to the Fire Nation with these messengers and deliver it to him. I am entrusting you with its safe keeping. Please make sure it reaches him,” Zuko said writing an official military order for them to guard and place the letter in the Fire Lord’s hand.Azula’s eyes widened, “You can’t do that. That is against the military code ratified by Grandfather Azulon. Members of royalty and nobility cannot issue military orders to soldiers unless they actively serve and then it is only at the level of their ranking. Their demands have to be made at a different level and unless they are the Fire Lord or have been given the authority to act in his stead they are subject to approval or denial according to the proper military chain of command.”“I am aware of those guidelines and I am acting within them,” Zuko replied in annoyance. He wanted to hold onto to his secret military ranking a bit longer. Iroh, whom had been given the fancy title but relatively powerless position of Naval Secretariat upon his return to the Fire Nation, had slyly enlisted Zuko in the navy under his own name the day he was banished. Zuko had twice earned the rank of Captain for himself and his alter-ego.“But you…how? I checked the army rosters myself every week” Azula stammered dumbfounded. Military service was an unspoken condition of being Fire Lord. Soizin, Azulon, Iroh and even her father had lead various campaigns for their nation’s army in the Earth Kingdom but only Iroh had risen to the rank of general. “The army is the preferred branch as conquest leaves visible proof of service but it is not our nation’s only military entity. I spent three years at sea Azula. My ship actively transported the wounded, letters, and other goods from various ports to others. Yes, I was banished but I was still a prince of the Fire Nation. Do you honestly think Uncle Iroh, the man who wrote the military code Grandfather Azulon ratified and you just quoted, would have allowed me to serve in various capacities of our country’s great navy without the benefit of being a member?” Zuko asked brusquely.He smirked at his sister, “Or did you think I would have been stupid enough to hand these messengers Katara’s reply knowing they have to acquiesce to the demands of any royal including you and risk the chance of Father never getting it?”Azula eyes’ narrowed and a bit of fire escaped from her fist. She was unaccustomed at how well this new Zuko could read her.“I also spent time checking the military ranks Azula but I didn’t stop at the army. I know you are not a member of any branch not even the homeland defense force. If you were to touch those soldiers or do anything to facilitate the loss of that letter you would be committing treason as you have interfered with an official military communication to the Fire Lord.” Zuko smiled as he taunted her, “Or are you just angry that you’ve been outsmarted and for once I’m so far ahead of you that you will never catch up?”“You are not ahead of me in anything,” Azula hissed.“Really, Civilian?” Zuko teased confidently, “Your military record will never reflect conquering Ba Sing Se. Your military record will never reflect capturing the Avatar, surviving the Siege at the North Pole, defending our homeland the day of the invasion or serving on the Ursa. The greatest accolade you can hope to obtain is defeating a man ten times your age to reclaim Omashu.”Zuko chuckled and pointed to the dress, “But then again you are a woman, you could marry a war hero and cede a portion of your power as Fire Lord for a portion of their military service but even after finding a woman willing to marry you children will still be an issue.”Zuko ignored his scowling sister to look at the soldiers and the messengers, “There is a restaurant in town if you are hungry. Eat your fill but I expect you to be gone within the hour.” He reached inside his cloak and pulled out his coin purse and give each of them one gold coin and ten silver coins, “Stop and rest for the night at the closest province under our control then leave first thing tomorrow. This should cover your expenses for the journey. Where is the rest of your crew? I’ll provide funds for them also. But first please take our packages to our room.”The soldiers Zuko had just befriended tripped over themselves to take the large trunks from the messengers and follow the prince upstairs. Unlike the high ranking members of the Ursa’s crew or the mid-level members from Lt. Colonel Wen’s division, the members of the 58th division were destined to spend their military careers as low ranking general infantry. They were from various smaller and poorer communities throughout the Fire Nation and had no desire for glory or status. The lives they led had stripped away any overwhelming belief in Fire Nation superiority. They simply remained in the military after the mandatory period as the high pay provided the best way to feed their families but Zuko had gifted them with far more than they’d ever expected was possible.Having personally addressed hand-written orders from the Prince which included a bonus of 20 gold coins to be paid from his personal coffers upon delivery of the letter and a month to return to the Earth Kingdom gave them plenty of time to visit their families and show the order to their wives, mothers or whatever family member waiting patiently for their return. He ensured they could enjoy being local heroes as the return to duty orders included permission to board an air balloon bound for the Earth Kingdom. They set down the large trunks expecting to be dismissed immediately but the Waterbender asked them to stay for a moment. They grew nervous when she blew on the outside of the pitcher and poured all of them a drink of water. They accepted out of politeness only to find it was the coldest and most refreshing water they’d ever tasted. As Katara was pouring them a second glass she noticed the wrist of one of the men. He wore thick red and crimson wristbands that she’d seen but couldn’t place where.The man caught her gaze and shyly spoke to her, “Do you like them Milady? They are a gift from my grandfather. He also wears a pair so we’ll always be together.”Katara tilted her head up towards him and tried to imagine him several decades older. She couldn’t place him until he smiled at her. “You’re Mr. Yao’s grandson!”The man jumped away from her frightened, “How do you know my grandfather? Is he safe? Is he alive?”Katara noticed he and the other soldiers had set down their water and were making signs to ward off witchcraft. “I met your grandfather several months ago when I purchased groceries at his stall. He was in good health and rather lively. He spoke highly of his grandson serving in the military. That design on your wristband is unique so I noticed it then as well. The two of you also have the same smile.”“It’s not witchcraft or sorcery only a chance meeting. I didn’t mean to frighten or upset you,” Katara explained as her voice began breaking. “It’s just I miss my Gran-Gran and I wish someone were able to tell me how she is doing.”Young Yao quickly dropped to his knees, “I’m sorry Milady, I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that you travel with the Avatar.”Another dropped to his knees as well and jumped in, “We hear stories of the Northern Siege. The moon came back to life and Ocean Spirit rose up from its bed to destroy the fleet in vengeance.”“Then there were the ghostly howls of the damned the Day of the Invasion” a third added.A fourth said, “And Chief Hakoda fights with water demons and travels with the witch who summons them.”“And the prince, some say you’ve bewitched him,” a female soldier added. She paused and her voice dropped to a whisper, “Quite frankly I was hoping you did as I was going to ask if I could buy a love potion.” Her cheeks pinkened as she glanced at young Yao but averted her gaze before seeing him shyly peeking at her.“Please rise,” Katara instructed. “I’m not angry at you. It’s just these past ten days have been very difficult. Thank you for carrying our trunks for us and for taking my letter to the Fire Lord.”She addressed the woman who was still stealing sly glances at Yao when he wasn’t looking at her. “You don’t need a love potion, only a little courage. Perhaps you should visit Yao’s village and meet his grandfather for a lesson. I’m not sure how far apart the two of you live, but Yao it would be the gentlemanly thing to escort her home.”The two blushed and their comrades who had been encouraging the oblivious pair for over a year began volunteering information on the best route to take and whose family they should meet first, ways to get around the no fraternization rules as well as names for their first children.Katara turned away from their antics and pointed at the sealed chest, “Zuko you should open your gift in case you also need to reply to your father.”
Kain: Ah yes what would the holidays be without threats and gravy? I am glad. I wanted the little crack that began in Ba Sing Se to continue to appear before she went off the deep end. It was a bit drastic in canon. Yes, Katara still has her claws. Right now they are still in the desert and they had to leave Appa behind on the Ursa so she’s had to show more prudence than usual. Poor Jin is in what I call a “stuck out state” right now. Sing Se and Yong are adjusting her to suite to their purposes but they are there to protect her. They truly don’t wish to harm her and in some ways they have helped her. She doesn’t remember being raped by Azula or that her mother was gang-raped in front of her.
Laughs evilly at the femslash comment. If my muse would cooperate to get them out of this city there is another OC coming up that I think you might enjoy. (At least I hope so)
SmilingHoney: Hello! I love hearing from new readers. 3 days! Wow thank you! I am glad that you find the story so engaging. Thank you so much for the kind words and praise. I know this story is rather dark and has squicked quite a few people so it makes me happy to hear there are those that love it.
Zuko is a bit of a conundrum. He has good intentions but he has been exhibiting very foul behavior. I don’t think I’m giving away a spoiler when I say that before the story is over he will truly understand what he has done and will suffer accordingly for his actions.
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