Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 193
Katara was drooling on Zuko’s shoulder when she heard the clang of Fire Nation armor. Her eyes popped open and she jackknifed up screaming, “Aang, Sokka, Toph, get up! It’s the Fire Nation!” while frantically searching for the enemy soldiers. Zuko’s eyes popped open and he sat up wheezing; Katara had kneed him in the solar plexus. He shut them just as quickly to avoid the sunlight, “Katara what are you screaming about? My head hurts.”His voice broke through her panic. She slumped, the adrenaline leaving her body as the approaching din grew louder. It was too late to run. They were already captured.Zuko grabbed her hips turning her so that she was no longer kneeling sideways on top of him and spread her legs so her knees were on either side of him. He let his hands slide upward and patted her hips attempting to comfort her until he had to pull his hands over his ears. “What is that racket?”The sound was coming from the hallway and was getting louder. Katara’s gaze was already on the door. She placed her hands on Zuko’s chest to push herself up but he grabbed them used them to cover his ears. He clamped his hands over hers but it wasn’t enough to block the noise. He groaned, “Agni my head. Make it stop.”Katara winced when the combination of alcohol and morning breath hit her, “What did you drink?”“I don’t know. Zhao 1 gave it to me,” Zuko whined as the sound of clanking armor was joined by off key singing, moaning and someone beating the door. “Make it stop.”The beating moved from the door to the walls as carved stone was pushed inward. Mu, the twins, Chu-Hua, Ty Lee, Fan, Azula, the innkeeper’s children and several others poured into the room. All but Zhao 1 were singing. He like Zuko, was clutching his head, groaning, and begging for them to make it stop. Azula’s shrill voice was the loudest; she was taking immense pleasure in her brother’s misery.“Get up, little Zuzu, this is what happens to little boys when they get sloppy drunk in enemy territory while under my command,” Chu-hua sang as she brought the hilt of her sword down against her helmet. “If you’re going to drink that much you should at least be a professional alcoholic like Fan and remain capable of fighting.”Zuko’s only response was to grab Katara’s hips and pull her forward so her inner thighs were muffling his ears. “Silence blessed silenced,” he moaned tightening his grip so she couldn’t get away as he closed his eyes and resumed his slumber.Katara sat numbly on top of Zuko. He’d pulled her onto his face and went back to sleep leaving her to deal with his actions. The cries of “Eww”, “Disgusting”, and “Lucky bastard”, did nothing to wake Zuko or loosen his hold on her. Neither did Chu-Hua’s cursing.The old cook proved just how capable he was when he began reciting laws from the Fire Nation codex as he bodily removed the admiral from the room, “It is a crime of high treason to interfere with a royal concubine in such a manner that it prevents his majesty from enjoying her. Death by fire is too good for those interrupt a royal’s act of copulation.”“Ozai will thank me for killing that fool. How dare he be so stupid as to shame our family!” Chu-hua screamed attempting to break away from Fan.“Damnit woman calm down, you know the boy’s parents!” the cook yelled not caring she outranked him.Their exits made room for Azula’s re-entrance. She was not alone. Katara had forgotten that Chu-hua had placed Sokka and Aang in her room in case last night’s commotion was a diversion to free them. Sokka’s eyes widened and he quickly turned away from her.Her brother said nothing but in her heart she heard his words clearly, “You whore. You shameless whore. You allow him to do this to you? In front of all these people. I wanted to think better of you. You disgust me Katara.”Katara blinked back her tears even though none were coming. She had asked for this. She had asked for the moon spirit’s judgment. She opened her mouth to explain it wasn’t how it looked but words failed her. Even when Chu-hua barreled back into room and lifted the hem of her nightshirt she remained immobile.“Fan was right; I should have expected this from the child of Ursa and Ozai.” Chu-hua muttered shaking her head when she saw Zuko’s sleeping face. She and Iroh had spent years getting the young couple’s alcohol tolerance to an acceptable level. The Waterbender was sitting on the edge of his chest; those weren’t moans, he was snoring. His mouth was in no danger of contacting her intimate areas. She let Katara’s hem drop back to her lower thighs. She had only slid it upwards a modest two inches; that was far enough to confirm her suspicions without compromising the girl’s dignity more than Zuko already had.Chu-hua slapped both of Katara’s knees, “Next time open your mouth, girl. Don’t let people make such gross assumptions. You’d be tied to a bed in the red light district where any man wishing to save his money could have you if Fire Lord Ozai thought for one moment that his son held you in high enough regard to place his mouth beneath your pussy.”Katara nodded mutely.“What did I just tell you? Open your mouth!” the older woman barked sharply while slapping her legs again. This time was much harder. Her knees rattled against the side of Zuko’s head startling him into awareness.She tucked her nightgown around her legs. “We are not doing anything improper. His head is mostly between my knees. He is hungover and asleep. His mouth is not…he is not…his mouth is nowhere that is not supposed to be.”Sokka turned to face his sister when he saw Azula frowning. He smiled in relief; that act had meaning to their people. His little sister was naïve and foolish, she might believe Zuko actually cared if he did that to her.Katara missed the look of relief on his face. Her eyes had been on Zuko. When her knees hit him he looked at her with that same confusion as he had last night. She mouthed an apology and turned away from him. Zuko fought the urge to close his eyes completely instead forcing them into a narrow squint. Chu-hua was standing too close to them, Katara looked upset, and Sokka was glaring at him. Zhao 1 was lying on the bed with a pillow over his head. Azula’s hawk-like eyes were watching him.“Leave.”Zuko’s mouth was dry. It felt and tasted like something had died in it. He grimaced; licking his teeth and gums before repeating the command, this time more forcefully, “Leave!”Katara looked around the room. She had left clean water in the pitcher on the dresser in case they got thirsty. She called a small amount to her and placed it on Zuko’s lips. This time when he screamed there was enough volume to actually command attention.“All of you get out of my room now! I should have you all blinded for looking at my concubine in her night clothing! Leave!”Sokka’s hands clenched into fist as he noticed their apparel. Katara was wearing a nightgown. Zuko was bare-chested. His shirt was twisted beneath his head and his pants were bunched around his thighs. Katara had been on top of him when they came in. He was mostly naked and Katara was on top of him. His sister was on top of the Jerkbender. She wasn’t pinned down beneath him or being held beside him; she was on top of him. She was sitting comfortably on a man who may as well have been pants-less in her nightgown. “Katara why are you on top of him?” Sokka asked through clenched teeth.Katara flinched involuntarily. There were times Sokka’s voice sounded eerily like their father’s; this was one of them.“Why are you sitting on the Jerkbender?” he questioned angrily. “Do you want to be there?”“She is on top of him because Zuzu is a pathetic loser. Why else would he be content to wallow beneath a filthy water peasant?” Azula smiled prettily. “Or maybe you’re right and she does want to be there? I imagine that recognizing a sinking ship is one of her innate skills as a Waterbender. Zuzu is a loser but his status as Fire Nation prince means he’s less pathetic than the Avatar. At least we know she’ll fit right in at Father’s court; most of the women there understand wagging their tails is the fastest way to get what they want. That would explain why he spends so much time screaming ‘I love you Katara’ and why he can’t seem to get enough of her.”The princess’s lips twisted into a sneer, “Or maybe your sister just likes the way he fucks her? Wouldn’t be the first time a member of royalty fell prey to a common whore.”Azula easily dodged Sokka making him trip over his chains when he lunged for her. Zuko’s fireball would have caught her squarely in the chest if Chu-hua had not intercepted it.“Azula if you ever call Katara a whore again it will be the last thing you ever say,” Zuko bellowed sending more fire at her as he sat up. “Leave! All of you out now.”Azula’s eyes narrowed. She was about to send a retaliatory fireball at Zuko when his eyes caught hers. His expression was one of cold fury. She froze. Zuko did not look like that when he was angry. Only their father looked like that when he was angry.“Fine. Have fun playing with your little toy. I’ll have fun watching her brother listen to her,” the princess said flippantly to hid her discomfiture as she backed towards the door.“No, please leave me alone. I just want to sleep,” Zhao 1 groaned when Fan attempted to rouse him.“Let him be,” Zuko growled taking pity on his fellow sufferer. “The rest of you leave.”As soon as the door was closed and locked Zuko scrambled to the restroom and threw up. When he returned he laid his head in Katara’s lap, “I don’t feel good. Katara, make it feel better.”She used the remaining water in the pitcher to ease his headache. “Go to sleep Zuko. When you wake up again you’ll feel better,” she said quietly as a tear dropped onto his forehead. Zuko pulled her down beside him, “You’re not a whore. Azula always lies. You can’t listen to her.”Katara shook her head and mumbled against his chest. The words were garbled but Zuko understood her, “You were sleep and I climbed on top of you. I forced you to…” He placed his hand under her chin, “You didn’t do anything wrong Katara. You made my dreams come true. Get some rest. You’ll feel better when you wake up again too.”Too tired to argue with him, Katara closed her eyes and imagined she was on the ground instead of a well kept and hard-packed dirt floor. The breeze drifting over her head was not coming through a window and these weren’t two hungover Fire Nation boys in the room with her. Zhao 1 snored almost as loudly as Sokka. The cacophony was peaceful as it reminded her of the way Toph, Sokka, Aang and Momo sounded as they slept. She slowly drifted to sleep.
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