Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 190
Mu was more than ready to go by the time the twins and Zuko arrived. Katara was no longer just talking to her imaginary friend; she was singing and swaying. As she sung she wove multiple arcs of water through the air all while lying on her back with her feet propped on the window sill giving the appearance of making love to an invisible partner. His slight toe fascination was burgeoning into a full blown foot fetish. Sandals were common in the Fire Nation so even the most pampered feet had some type of wear. A lifetime in the polar tundra meant that Katara’s feet spent most of the time in thick warm socks which protected them from exposure. They were evenly tanned; a rarity among feet in the Fire Nation unless they belonged to poorer farm workers who spent a lifetime barefoot in the sun. He was on the verge of reaching over and grabbing them to see if they were as soft as they looked when he heard drunken off key singing signaling the return of the others. He leapt to the feet and ran out of room, “Thank Agni you’re back. I was about to break the vows of my marriage.”Zhao 2 pushed his twin in the room. “What do you mean you were about to break the vows of your marriage? I thought nothing could make you do that.”“Oh, she’s not wearing shoes or socks. Mu likes toes,” Zhao 1 slurred stumbling into the room face first and tripping over the rug. He landed not far from where Katara was laying and pushed himself up onto his forearms. “Hey Katara, do you have panties on?” he asked crawling towards her to get a closer look.“Mine!” Zuko screamed leaping onto his back; an action that would have been more successful had he not been riding on the back of Zhao 2. All three of them landed in a heap with their sober member in the middle.Katara turned to face them, “You’re dirty.” With a quick flick of her wrist the water rushed from the tub, going over and underneath their clothes to remove all of the mud before being hastily thrown out of the window.“Wasn’t that…” Mu began before shaking his head and hastily muttering “Nevermind.” Far be it for him to ruin Jianguo’s and Zuko’s drunken happiness by telling them she had just repurposed her dirty bathwater on them. He’d share that tidbit with Jiangun later to punish him.“Hey Katara,” Zuko said crawling from between the two larger boys to loom over her, “I missed you. I always miss you when I’m not next to you. And sometimes when I’m next to you but you’re mad and not talking to me.”“You look funny,” Katara commented reaching up to touch Zuko’s chin. His hands were by her side and his knees were behind her head. He was looking down at her at an angle which made him appear to be upside down.“He always looks like that,” three male voices said at once.“Nope, most of the time his head is turned the other way around. Like this,” Katara said attempting to turn his face around. Zuko swung his body sideways to match her movements.“It’s still not right,” Katara sighed letting go of him.“Don’t forget what you’re supposed to be doing!” Zhao 2 whispered loudly while slapping Zuko’s bottom. The prince lost his balance and landed heavily on Katara’s stomach. She yelped more in surprise than actual pain and he began peppering her stomach with kisses in apology, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m sorry.”“We’re leaving,” Mu announced helping the sober twin to his feet when he saw Zuko’s head traveling lower.“Oh yeah, definitely time to go,” Zhao 2 agreed grabbing his drunk twin by the hair.“Ow, stop it! That’s my topknot not the reins to an ostrich horse,” he yelped swatting at his twin. He bellowed at Zuko “And you, that’s not how or where your lips are supposed to be moving! Keep your drawls up Katara; that is if you’re wearing any. Are you wearing drawls?”“What are drawls?” Katara asked confused having not heard the term used or pronounced that way in relation to underwear.“Merciful Agni, thank for you this ordeal in a town without a brothel. I am only a man, I might have done something stupid I’d regret for eternity” Mu muttered tripping over the semi-prone drunkard in his haste to get out of the door, “Next time you get to babysit her. I’ll take those two drunken idiots over the cold baths and wrist strain in my future any day.”“Yeah well your fault for being faithful a husband and using hornyweed 5 gazillion miles away from your woman,” Zhao 2 said hefting his brother onto his shoulder then slamming his hand over his mouth to kept covered so Zhao 1 couldn’t finish his question “Hey Zuke what does Katara tast-mpehjrm”?Zuko was the type of drunk interrogations involving alcohol were invented for. He spoke freely, answered any questioned and volunteered additional information with a cheery openness he didn’t normally possess; best of all he didn’t remember most of it when he was sober. Mu grabbed Zhao 1‘s feet to help speed up the removal process. They slammed the door just as the prince began speaking. Mu and Zhao 2 dropped Zhao 1 and covered their ears just to be certain they couldn’t imagine what he was saying even thought it would have been impossible to hear him over Jianguo’s cursing.
Katara giggled as Zuko described what she tasted like. She would have been offended at squirrel had she not seen the way he devoured one during a break as they were traveling to this village. She stopped laughing when he began nuzzling the fabric between her legs with his face explaining that in some of the colonies the short style undergarments Mine made for her were called drawls, drawers or panties.
The finely woven cotton was soaked by the time Zuko slid them down Katara’s legs to get access to the honeypot beneath them. He took his time gently mouthing the newly exposed area intrigued by how the alcohol on his breathe affected her taste and scent. He formed his lips into a loose slightly parted pucker to give her unhurried kisses. Katara absently placed her hand on the back of his head when he began adding lazy tongue movements. She began making small circles on in his scalp when his lips found her clitoris and he began to suck.Zuko vaguely noticed that the tiny hitches in her breathe corresponded to the light tugs on his hair and a slight rocking of her hips to match his tongue’s movements. Her thighs had clamped shut on his head several times before she arched off the floor pushing his head down with one hand and digging into his calf before slumping back downward. He waited until she was no longer trembling to curl his tongue down into her opening and ravenously attacking. Her soft pants from earlier had gave way incessant mewls and whimpers. Her feet were spread as far as the windowsill allowed and she was using it as leverage to lift upwards. She moaned piteously when Zuko broke rhythm to reach behind him and guide her hand to his erection. He kept his hand between his legs guiding hers as he reburied his face in her pussy.The fingers between his legs seemed to twitch even more than wildly than those in his scalp. Zuko pulled Katara’s hand away abruptly when it wrapped around his dick and squeezed. In one continuous motion he lifted the leg closest to him and crawled under it. He turned so he was facing Katara, lowered his pants, hooked his hands beneath her knees and pushed forward.Katara screamed when Zuko folded her almost in half and slammed into her without warning. The action reminded her all too much of the times he’d tied her down and brutalized her. She put her hands beneath his chest trying to push him off of her but just as suddenly as he began he stopped moving and collapsed on top of her.“I’m sorry Katara. I tried to last longer. I wanted to make you feel good too. The next time will be better I promise,” Zuko murmured kissing her cheek and lifting himself off of her. He slid backwards to rest against the wall beneath the window. His knees remained positioned beneath her lower back. He kissed insteps of both of her feet before placing them back on the windowsill and kissing the inside of both calves resting on his shoulders.He closed his eyes inhaling and smiling peacefully. He frowned when he opened them. She was crying. Zuko leaned forward resting his body weight on his left forearm as he clumsily wiped her tears with the hem of his shirt. “What’s wrong, Katara? What’s wrong? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I wanted to apologize and make you feel better.” “I’m so stupid. Everything I do is wrong.” Zuko let go of the shirt and started hitting himself in the head with his fist, “Stupid, stupid, stupid, useless. All I ever do is screw up. Every time I try to do something good it goes wrong. I tried to show you it was better not to run away from me and not to trust anyone because they would hurt you so much worse than I ever could but I hurt you so badly and my child. I tried to protect you and ended up killing a woman. I tried to protect Jin and her family but I ended up breaking her arm. I tried to let know you how much I care for you and that I choose you above all over women but I made you feel worse.”“Everything I do is wrong. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Katara. I always mess everything up; especially when it comes to you. I don’t want to hurt you or make you cry. I want to make you happy. I want to protect you. I want to protect everyone. All I ever wanted was to be good leader and do what was right for my people. I got my half my face burned off, banished and I still can’t protect anyone. Why do I always hurt you?” Katara lay beneath Zuko, tears running down her face, staring up into the moonlight slowly realizing she wasn’t hurting. Yes, he been fast, rough and had taken her off guard but there had been no physical pain. She wasn’t hurting. The stabbing, burning and ripping sensation she’d expected was absent; all she felt was a slight tingle and emptiness. She bit her lower lip indecisively before gently touching the dry skin of his scar, “You didn’t hurt me.”The word were low Zuko wasn’t sure he heard them. When a palm covered his fist to stop him from hitting himself he tilted his face towards hers in confusion. “You didn’t hurt me.”The words were just as soft and this time he had the additional benefit of watching her lips moving. “You don’t have to lie to me Katara. I know I’m a brute and a monster.”“I’m not lying. You didn’t hurt me,” Katara repeated.“I didn’t hurt you?” Zuko asked quietly. Katara shook her head and turned away so she wouldn’t have to see his expression. “But you were crying. Why were you crying if I didn’t hurt you?”“You scared me. The last time you…” Katara bit her lip and looked away from him.Zuko slowly pushed away from her to retake his position against the wall. He let his head fall heavily against the windowsill and resettled her legs on his shoulders. He had pounced on her without warning. He hadn’t hurt her but he scared her. He didn’t know which was worse. “Katara, how much do you hate me? I know I deserve it but how much?”Zuko’s voice was cracking and Katara could feel him trembling against her. Her hatred for him was fathomless. The space between the heaven’s and the ocean’s depth was not large enough to contain it but she wasn’t cruel. She didn’t have it in her to answer that question, not at the moment while he was crying because she was, “Ask me later.”Katara reached up touching his shoulder, allowing her hand to slide to his and taking it loosely into hers. She brought them both to the mostly healed cut on her lip, letting it graze the sallow bruises on her cheek and beneath her eyes before releasing it “Ask me later when I don’t look like this and when you haven’t just done what you just did. Ask me when I can see my brother and my friend clean, well fed, and smiling.”Zuko closed his fingers around hers and gently ran his thumb along the inside of her palm. He kissed the broken skin on each individual knuckle then gently massaged her hand. She had only recently stopped flinching when he touched her. She was starting to become accustomed to being near him and he stupidly did something to spook her. He set her right hand down and picked up the left one, kissing her palm and fingertips before beginning the massage. When he was done he picked up the other so he held one in each of his. “I love your hands Katara. You can fix things with them.”Zuko let go of her hands and moved her feet so they were once again resting against the window. He brought his hands up and looked at them in the moonlight, “All I do with these is destroy. I would give anything just to be able to bring back the things I’ve ruined and undo the hurt I’ve caused.”Katara rolled onto her side. She didn’t like looking at Zuko in the moonlight. Its soft glow wasn’t as harsh as the sun’s brightness and showed the sadness in his eyes and the pain masquerading as a scowl. She whispered, “I’m cold.”Zuko wordlessly removed his shirt and tucked it around her body before lying beside her, warming her backside with his front. She was nestled securely against him with her head on his bicep and his arm around her waist. She linked his finger with hers, then tucked his hands against her belly and sleepily mumbled, “Your hands are always warm.”Zuko pressed his face in her hair and nodded. Katara had once told him that warm hands were considered a sign of a warm generous heart but after meeting his family she no longer believed that myth.“Katara.”“Hmm?”“If I were to teach the Avatar Firebending and help overthrow my father would you hate me any less?”“No.”“Is there anything I can do so you won’t hate me as much?”“No, I hate you for all the things you’ve to done me and I always will. No matter how much I like you at times that hatred will always linger. Every time I’m in danger of forgetting this you and the other you are the same person, you do something to make me remember. I’ll hate you forever and always until you stop doing things to make me remember.”“Katara, if I gave you another child, would you hate it just because I was the father?”“I don’t know. What difference does it make? I probably won’t be able to have another one.”“If you could, would you want to? I can tell by how you take care of the people around you that you’d make a great mother.”“It doesn’t matter, that was one of the things you took away from me. It’s useless to think about children now.”“Katara if I…”“I’m sleepy Zuko. I think Mu drugged me, at least that what Yue said when I saw her earlier. Stop talking and let me go to sleep. If you keep talking about babies and families I’ll dream I have one then I’ll be sad when I wake up in the morning alone and without one.”Zuko closed his eyes forcing himself to ignore the wetness on his arm just as Katara did to the wetness on the back of her neck and growing sense of hunger between her legs.
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