Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 17
They took the direct route to Zuko’s room making Katara grateful for the less popular corridors they used earlier. These halls were full of women either upset they or their daughter, sister, cousin, niece or granddaughter was not selected to be Prince Zuko’s concubine or insulted on behalf of Lady Mai. The men’s comments were not as vicious or insulting; they were primarily lewd. She’d heard her fair share of lewdness during her travels from members of the opposite sex or from Toph repeating things she’d heard at Earth Rumble.
When they arrived at the prince’s chambers the servant began setting a table in a small salon while Zuko untied Katara’s hands and led her to the restroom so they could clean up. He made sure the foods were all things Katara ate before dismissing the servant.
“Thank you for not causing a scene earlier. I’m sorry for locking you in the closet. I needed a moment to think and didn’t want to take a chance on someone coming in here while I was gone,” Zuko said after they sat down across the table from each other.
Katara considered his words then reluctantly admitted, “I was mad, but then someone came in here looking for me and I was glad to be hidden.”
Zuko burned the chopsticks that were on their way to his mouth, “Someone came in here? Who was it? What did they say?”
“I was in the closet so I didn’t see them, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget their voices. One said to hurry you’d just left and he didn’t want to get in trouble for unlocking your door. I heard coins jingling then the other said it was doubtful the Fire Lord would punish a noble in good standing for playing with the banished prince’s toy and that he hoped Water Tribe women were as wild as rumors stated. I never thought I’d enjoy being locked in the closet or being in your presence.” Katara said in between bites of food.
That could have been any number of nobles, but only a few servants held keys to the royal chambers. They were leaving tomorrow and Zuko knew he wouldn’t have time to investigate which one was plotting against him. He’d made Katara a royal concubine to protect her. He knew that those aboard the ship wouldn’t break the law that declared accosting her a criminal offense; but most of them literally didn’t know the half of it.
Only virgins could become royal concubines and only men of the ruling family could bed them. Anyone who interfered with a royal concubine was charged with treason since their act was an affront to the royal family not a crime against the woman. If a woman designated as a concubine had intercourse with someone outside of it she’d lose her protected status. Even if she was raped she’d be demoted to a common courtesan as her body was no longer pure enough to be exclusively reserved for the line of Agni. Any noble or high ranking official could have her including members of the royal family.
Most royal concubines and even common courtesans were nobility so they were afforded legal protection against rape not allowed to commoners. Katara wasn’t even Fire Nation. They could have kidnapped and raped her without facing any consequences. If she identified them it would be their word against hers as they’d most likely vow they’d never insult Zuko.
If they were high enough in Ozai’s esteem they could possibly admit the deed without repercussion as Zuko was not Ozai’s favorite child. The punishment for slighting him would have been minimal. Either way Katara would lose her protected status as his royal concubine and become available to everyone. The disgusting machinations of the nobles made Zuko realize if he wanted to protect Katara he had better strengthen his claim on her.
Zuko ordered a servant bring another set of chopsticks then forced himself to finish eating. It would probably be best for their food to settle before he took her so he suggested they take a nap or read. He tried to read but mostly stole glances towards his bed as Katara fitfully slept. He gave up on the novel deciding to just get it over with before he lost his nerve.
He quietly apologized before securing her wrist to the headboard and rolling her onto her back. She obviously was tired as she didn’t wake up. He felt guilty as he climbed on the bed, and pushed up her dress. He had figured out which cloth strips anchored her wrappings and was in the process of unraveling them when she did rouse.“Zuko, what are you doing?” she asked yawning and trying to sit up. It took her sleep fogged mind a while to register she was tied to the headboard and he was undoing her wrappings.
“I need to take you,” Zuko said quietly as he attempted to corral her knees to his sides before she could start kicking.
“Huh?” Katara said looking up at him.
“I need to take you. You heard what those men said earlier. I need to prove you are my concubine so will be unable to touch you. I’m sorry,” Zuko whispered.
Her gaze lowered and she noticed his freely standing erection.
“No! No!” she screamed straining against her bindings immediately struggling to get free.
“Stop, Zuko, stop. Please don’t do this again. Don’t. Stop!” she managed to knee, kick and headbutt him several times before he was able to grab her shins and pin them between his side and upper arms. Katara clenched her knees and thighs then locked her ankles behind his back hoping to restrain him.
Zuko easily undermined her intention. He slid his knees forward beneath her buttocks, used his forearms to raise her legs and leaned forward trapping her knees against her chest with his weight. He reached beneath her and began fumbling with her wrappings. Katara’s wriggling like an upside turtle to get from beneath him increased the pace at which they came undone. She was screaming and begging him not to rape her and to stop hurting her even louder than she did the previous night.
“I’m sorry. I have to,” He murmured while painstakingly working his cock inside her hole. He ignored her repeated pleas of “Stop Zuko, it hurts,” and took her with measured strokes all the while whispering this would be the last time. While the grip of her tight sheath was amazing; being inside her was slightly uncomfortable at the same time. His flesh had been irritated by their earlier encounter and the slide of dry skin created an almost unbearable amount of friction. He was relieved to feel a small amount of sticky moisture emerging from their conjoined bodies as he continued thrusting the short time it took him to reach completion.
“Stop, Zuko, it hurts. Please stop, it hurts,” Katara cried until all that was left of her voice was a hoarse whisper but he didn’t.
The heated puffs of air against her neck quickly gave way to harsh grunting but the debridement of her tender flesh continued until well after he’d taken his pleasure and finally withdrew. Every move she made was more painful than the last and the burning sensation continued.
Zuko had cleaned and righted himself then noticed Katara was still whimpering. He walked over to the bed and sat beside her, “Katara, Katara, what’s wrong?”
“It hurts. Zuko, it hurts so much. Stop, please stop,” she begged.
“I’ve stopped, Katara,” he said genuinely concerned. He untied her and helped her into sitting position which only made her cry harder.
“It hurts, it hurt, it hurts so bad. Make it stop, please make it stop,” Katara sobbed. She was in so much pain she wasn’t aware of burying her head against Zuko’s chest when he pulled her dress down and lifted her.
Zuko’s rooms were the same ones he’d slept in as a child so there was a secret passageway that led directly to the royal physician. He ran down the corridor panicking and kicked open the door to the medical ward. Katara had passed out while he was carrying her.
The old man lept to his feet and rushed towards the disturbance. “Prince Zuko, what is the matter? Are you injured?”
“No, I’m fine. It’s Katara. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She just kept saying that it hurt before she fainted,” Zuko blurted shaking the man’s hand off of him as he lowered Katara to the examination table.
The noble turned up his nose and drew himself to his full height, “Prince Zuko you do realize I am the head palace physician. I have served your family for three generations. I am not one of the apprentices appointed to-”
Zuko’s eyes narrowed. The head physician tended only to the royal family and their concubines. Lower ranking staffed physicians cared for the other members of the nobility while apprentices were given prisoners to train on.
“I am well aware of your position. Katara is my royal concubine; she is the only woman in the palace who actively holds that position. You will see to her,” Zuko barked angrily.
Suitably chastised the man asked, “What brought on the onset of symptoms?”
Zuko frowned, “What?”
“What was she doing when she began complaining of pains?” he rephrased in a clipped tone.
Zuko’s eyes widened and he looked away blushing before mumbling, “I was taking her.”
The man gasped and shuddered in distaste, “Was the wench a virgin prior to your conquest?”
“No, I mean yes. I took her virginity last night,” Zuko divulged sheepishly.
“Then it is normal for her to experience pain. She will grow accustomed to it the more frequently you have her,” the man said haughtily, relieved he wouldn’t have to touch the barbarian.
Zuko looked doubtful. He’d never heard that women had to get used to having sex, “I thought only a woman’s first time was supposed to hurt?”
The man adjusted his glasses searching for a tactful way to explain the problem without being crass, “My Prince, when I performed the examination to determine if your period of exile deteriorated your health I noticed that Agni has favored you in most areas. Compared to most men, including your father and uncle, you have been extremely blessed one place in particular. The sons of the Fire Nation are gifted with dragons just as the daughters of the Fire Nation are gifted with phoenixes as it is Agni’s will that only a dragon and phoenix become divine mates. I know nothing of the anatomy of barbarians, but even the phoenix most worthy of becoming Fire Lady and chosen for you by Agni himself would need a period of adjustment as he has bestowed upon you a spectacular gift.”
Zuko blushed. He’d thought the crew had been trying to humiliate him when they found him partially asleep but fully erect on deck one morning when they were chasing the Avatar. He had been teased mercilessly about the two of them being up and no wonder the steward had so many problems getting the stains out of his sheets. The helmsmen even suggested the next time that Waterbending girl gave him a problem to skip Firebending and unleash that cannon. She’d fall right into place.
The bigoted physician cleared his throat then looked pointedly at Zuko. “She will hurt until her body has learned to accommodate you. It is nothing to be concerned about, merely a period of adjustment. If she pains you use this to protect yourself,” he said giving Zuko a small bottle of oil used to treat burns.
Zuko was skeptical since Katara continued to beg for him stop after he finished and she didn’t do that last night. Not sure of what else to do he took the doctor’s advice and carried her back to his quarters.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading, voting and reviewing.
Anonymous Reviewer - thank you for your kind words and suggestions but is the only place this story will be posted. I’m running into the editing issue with a different story that is posted here and on I’d rather focus on advancing the main story than spend time chipping away at it until it gets to a point where I think it maintains the integrity of the story while meeting what I feel comfortable placing somewhere I know a 12 year old can see it. (I know they can lie about their ages and see it here but AFF doesn’t claim to be a place for all ages.) I also love the warning system here and how it allows readers to view at their own risks. The chapters are pretty much set which is why I’m posting rather frequently to move it along. Thank you again for taking the time to read and review. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.
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