Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 153
Zuko ran through the hallways and eventually found someone to fetch his fiancée. When he returned his father was still talking animatedly with Katara. They were discussing the contents of Katara’s vaults at the palace and preservation of the Water Tribe history book.
Mai had taken a shower and was practicing calligraphy to center herself when the steward knocked on her door, “Lady Mai, Prince Zuko would like to meet you in the Fire Lord’s quarters.”
Mai smiled. It was only a matter of time before Fire Lord Ozai separated Zuko from the Waterbender. She quickly placed her supplies on the desk and followed the older woman through the large doors. She bit her lip to hide her surprise at seeing Fire Lord Ozai chatting cozily with the water whore.
“Fire Lord Ozai, Prince Zuko, you summoned me?” she asked bowing politely while refusing to acknowledge Katara’s presence.
“Yes, I did,” Ozai replied, “Tell me future daughter-in-law, how would you kill me?”
Mai’s head jerked up, “What? Please forgive me Fire Lord Ozai. I’m afraid I misunderstood the question. Did you ask how would I kill you?”
“Yes Mai, I did,” the Fire Lord replied woodenly.
“But why would I kill you?” Mai questioned in confusion.
Ozai sighed, “Because I am asking you to do so. How would you kill me Mai?”
“I wouldn’t Fire Lord Ozai! I am your loyal subject,” she maintained.
“I see”, Ozai responded in disappointment. “How would you kill Katara?”
Mai’s voice was laced with jealousy, “I would throw a knife at her heart and another at her throat.”
Katara laughed, “I win, Fire Lord Ozai.”
“So you do. I will not kill, maim, mutilate, torture, mar, burn, or otherwise cause permanent damage or injury to your brother nor allow anyone else to do for the next year,” The Fire Lord acceded. “Now tell me, how did you know she would say that?”
“Those are the textbook targets for those specializing in projectile weaponry. It is a foolish assassin who strikes once per attack. One blow may suffice, but a second is insurance,” Katara replied.
“That is true,” The Fire Lord agreed, “So tell me, how would you kill Mai?”
“I wouldn’t,” Katara shrugged. “Killing her would be a mercy. I would let her marry Zuko, birth his heir and make her watch as we created a real family which included her child. If she really made me angry, I would ensure my little one became the next Fire Lord.”
“What makes you think I would allow that to happen? That I wouldn’t make sure my child knew they were better than some misbegotten bastard whelped by a Water Tribe peasant,” Mai hissed.
“You clearly do not know Zuko very well if you think he would allow that,” Katara stated with certainty.
“So you really think a Water Tribe half-breed is fit to sit on the throne of the greatest nation in the world? The very idea is insulting to our royal family. The nobility would never stand for it,” Mai said haughtily.
Ozai hummed, “So it isn’t fitting for someone who is half Water Tribe to rule the Fire Nation?”
Mai stood ramrod straight and answered proudly, “No Fire Lord Ozai, it is not. It’s a blasphemous to even think of tainting the bloodline of the royal family in such a manner. It would take several generations of careful matches to remove the unpleasant stain of Water Tribe savagery.”
“Several generations to remove the stain, interesting,” Ozai nodded thoughtfully “I personally agree that only someone who is pure Fire Nation should ascend to the throne, but I think Grandfather Soizin and Great-Grandfather Kozulon would find fault in that statement.”
Mai bit her lip realizing her error. They were two of the greatest leaders her nation had ever known. Their mothers were Water Tribe. She stuttered, “Fire Lord Ozai, I…”
“Tell me, Mai, as a woman who is pure Fire Nation and can trace her roots back several generations, how many careful marriages would it take to remove the blight of a mixed ancestry? It is a legitimate fear that Kesuk’s and Nini’s recessive genes could place a Waterbender in line for the throne. How many proper Fire Nation women such as my mother and my beloved wife would it take to eradicate that possibility? Or am I and the children of my beloved Ursa also the bearers of water barbarian taint?” Ozai asked angry the girl would insinuate he was tainted or that his revered ancestors were unfit to hold the throne thereby challenging the legitimacy of his reign.
Mai quickly justified her statement, “Fire Lord Ozai, I did not mean that Fire Lord Soizin or Fire Lord Kozulon were unfit; their mothers were respectable members of the Northern Water Tribe. Princess Kesuk was the child of the Chief and Fire Lady Nini was the child of Water Sages.”
“It is any child Zuko had with this peasant would be unfit. She is ill mannered, uncouth, uneducated trash. She has no name, no lineage, and no respectable heritage. The Southern Water Tribe is not even fit to be called a true nation. It’s merely a group of tents on a block of ice. She is not fit to shine his shoes much less bear his child,” Mai insisted.
“You seem to forget that the juices of my cavern shines his oh so worthy royal dragon until it glistens every night. I do not want Zuko. I do not want his child, but you do. You my dear Fire Nation noblewoman are the one who lusts after a man that have but I do not want. What does it make you to covet this ill mannered, uncouth, uneducated, savage piece of barbarian trash’s cast off?” Katara asked angrily in perfect Fire Nation. No one insulted her heritage and got away with it.
Mai gasped. She spoke Fire Nation. The uneducated whore spoke Fire Nation and was throwing her relationship with Zuko in her face in her own language.
“Did you not understand me? Allow me to repeat it,” Katara said asking the question again in the common language.
Mai looked at Zuko waiting on him to come to her defense. He’d defended Katara to her more than once.
“Is the education granted to Fire Nation noblewomen so lacking that you are incapable of comprehending the complicated words you spout off when used in a different context?” Katara asked angrily.
“Let me rephrase my question in a way one as simple minded as yourself will understand. I have the misfortune of being his concubine. He spreads my legs and rapes me every night. I do not want him, you do. What type of parasitic scavenger…oh sorry. I’m using big words again,” Katara said venomously.
Katara spoke slowly and deliberately, “Do you remember yesterday morning when you learned a koalaotter is Zuko’s favorite animal? A koalaotter is Water Tribe slang for vagina. I do not want Zuko. My koalaotter does not want Zuko but my koalaotter is his favorite animal. What does it make you Mai since you want my leftovers so badly?
“Zuko is a piece a shit that I can’t seem to get rid of so perhaps that makes you a dung fly?” Katara suggested placing her finger on her chin and looking upwards as thought she were in thought.
Mai’s lip quivered as she spoke, “Zuko are you going to let her speak to me like that?”
Katara turned to the smiling Fire Lord, “Fire Lord Ozai, do you think dung fly is an appropriate description for Mai or should I just call her a fool? I admit I do not know much about the Fire Nation political climate but I am certain only a fool would think the Fire Lord answers to that bunch of simpering, self-serving, sycophants I saw I at the palace.”
Ozai giggled like a two year old, “You are correct my dear. I do not answer to them. Excellent example of alliteration by the way. Where were you educated?”
Katara shrugged, “We have these things in our tents called books. It gets very cold on our block of ice so we do this thing called reading to amuse ourselves. It’s not going outside and throwing pointy metal at unmoving objects for recreation but we seem to like it.”
Mai repeated her earlier question, “Zuko, I am your fiancée. Are you going to let her speak to me like that?”
Katara shook her head, “Unbelievable. She chases us for months, refuses to trade her brother for King Bumi, helps to bring down the Earth Kingdom’s last stronghold but turns into a helpless cunt and tries to hide behind a man the moment I tell her something she doesn’t want to hear. Zuko, please marry her and put her child on the throne. If we haven’t escaped and ended the war in five years I will allow you to impregnate me just so my child can tell hers Daddy likes my Mommy best then seize the throne when the perfect little heir runs away crying.”
Fire Lord Ozai watched as Mai’s mask crumbled. Her eyes shone with unshed tears, her face was turning red, and she was shaking with the effort of holding them in. He had tried to get a reaction out of her on several occasions but the most he had ever gotten were a few twitches. The Waterbender had managed to crack several years of rigorous noblewoman training in a matter of minutes.
The Fire Lord turned to his son, “Zuko, do you have anything to say about all of this?”
“No,” Zuko said tiredly, “It is unseemly for a man to get between two squabbling women. Mai will be my bride and Katara is my concubine. This is not the first and I’m sure it will not be the last time they have a disagreement. It is best they learn settle it among themselves.”
Mai stared at Zuko and pointed accusingly, “You defended her. Every time I’ve insulted her, you’ve come to her defense. You heard what she said to me, but you allowed it. I’m the one who will be your wife, not that piece of Water Tribe trash. Why Zuko? Why won’t you defend me like you do her?”
Zuko perused his fiancée, “Do you really need me to defend you or do you want me to stroke your ego? Katara has never wanted me to defend her. I just did so because every time you’ve attacked her she wasn’t in a position to defend herself. Today she is. You were the one who insulted her. Do not become upset now that you see how well she’s able to fight back.”
Katara inhaled and exhaled slowly calming her temper so she couldn’t reach out and clock her. No one called her trash. If she were trash it meant her parents were trash by default, “Mai, I am not trash. You will not refer to me as such.”
“Fine garbage. Zuko, why did you not defend me to this garbage?” Mai said angrily.
Katara stood up walked over to Mai and curtsied low like a servant should, “Noblewoman Mai.”
“So you’ve learned your place peasant garbage?” Mai snarled.
Katara politely asked, “How did you like the taste of my trashy peasant garbage pussy when you were sucking Zuko’s dick? I am told that you displayed quite an uncharacteristic bit of enthusiasm when you wrapped your lips around it. You grabbed his hands and held them so you could keep sucking when he tried to push you off.”
Mai covered her mouth and took a step back. She shook her head in disbelief looking at Zuko but he also looked shocked. The Fire Lord’s eyebrows had risen and he looked rather like a child who’d just received the much longed for puppy at a surprise birthday party.
“Next time you try and pick a lock, don’t be so noisy if you don’t want the room’s occupant to wake up. So tell me, scion of the one of the Fire Nations finest families, which of the four times you sampled peasant phoenix was your favorite? What part of its distinct flavor made you so eager to gobble down his dragon just to get more of it?”
Tears began running down the taller girl’s face.
Katara smiled, “I’ve been told that at some point all proper Fire Nation noblewomen are voracious consumers of koalaotters so I’m guessing that’s why you enjoyed it so much. It wasn’t the same bland flavor as standard Fire Nation. I will be utterly disgusted but maybe if you beg, I’ll take pity on you and let you try it straight from the source so you won’t have to lick his dick to taste me. Or maybe it is not just my taste you enjoy, but the taste of our joining? Would you prefer to kneel before me and enjoy the taste of his freshly withdrawn dragon from my cream filled cavern?
“I am told the people of the Fire Nation are the product of Agni’s union with dragons. If your heritage is as pure as you claim then maybe your tongue has retained some of the reptilian qualities possessed by Zuko and your draconic ancestors. I highly doubt it considering they clearly did not find you worthy enough to be blessed with the gift of bending as I was by my ancestors,” Katara finished pulling water from the portholes, desalinating it and wiping Mai’s face.
“Isn’t the mark of proper Fire Nation nobility how many of your ancestors were related and can be traced back to a single ancestor? No wonder you aren’t bender. You have been perfectly breed, coiffed and trimmed like a perfect little mink-poodle. Aren’t their bitches also highly prized for being able to trace their lineage to a single ancestor?” Katara asked innocently.
Her voice hardened, “Lady Mai, remember this moment the next time you even think insulting me, my parents or my heritage. As you stated the Southern Water Tribe is small. Every member is able to trace their lineage back to its formation. Unlike you noble mink-poodles we take great pains to ensure we do not run the risk of corrupting our bloodlines through inbreeding. Our people are among the strongest in the world. We don’t run away yapping the moment an opponent shows some teeth.”
Mai raised her hand to slap Katara but Zuko grabbed it, “You are in my father’s quarters. I will not allow you to disrespect him any further by physically attacking his guest.”
Mai raised her head preparing to lash out at Zuko but she saw his scar and remembered what happened when he disrespected his father’s guest in the war room. She lowered her arm and wiped her face, “Fire Lord Ozai, please forgive me. I meant no disrespect. Please forgive my rudeness for arguing in your presence.”
“What no apology for my guest?” Ozai asked flippantly
Mai wiped her tears, “Katara, I apologize for treating you in a manner unbefitting a guest of the Fire Lord.”
The Fire Lord shook his head. The girl was finally showing signs of life then all of a sudden she reverted to her old drab self. Ozai waved at her dismissively, “Begone. Minkpoodles bore me.”
Mai held her head high as she walked out of the door as Azula was walking in.
“Greetings Father,” the princess bowed politely.
“Azula, my daughter, you’ve missed the most delightful conversation,” Ozai smiled, “Zuko, Katara, as much as I have enjoyed our time together I must speak to my other daughter.”
“Yuliang! Follow them back to Zuko’s rooms and make the appropriate sketches,” The Fire Lord barked.
Ozai placed both hands on Katara’s shoulder before lightly hugging her, “It is a pity you are not Fire Nation. I am sorely tempted to allow you the privilege of calling me Papa Ozai just so I can see Mai’s reaction.”
Zuko watched as his father whispered something in Katara’s ear before letting her go and clapping him on the shoulders. “My son it is both your mother and my greatest regret we were unable to do more to prevent my father from arranging your marriage to that milquetoast. You clearly have excellent taste in women’s character if not their nationality and heritage.”
The Fire Lord shook his head and sighed several more times as they left, “Water Tribe. Beloved Ursa, why must the girl be Water Tribe? It’s unfortunate. She makes me wonder of what it would be like to have the grandchildren you wanted running down the halls of the palace.”
Azula smiled. When she told Mai that she was certain the girl would be willing to admit Zuko had not touched her. Her delight was short lived. Her father was giving her the contemptuous look he normally saved for Zuko.
“Now Azula, about you damaging the wedding gift I gave your mother to perpetuate this habit you have of listening to your brother…”
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