Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 150
Not many things confused the Fire Lord, but it was perplexing to hear the girl crying even though the other sounds coming from her indicated she very much enjoyed what she was doing. The gag in her male prisoner’s mouth was twisting at a remarkable pace as he chewed on it. His face was red with emotion and if it weren’t for his bonds and chi being blocked Ozai imagined his rage would allow him to take flight like an Airbender.
Ozai waited until things grew quiet to return next door.
“I love you Katara. I promise I won’t let anything or anyone separate us. We’ll be together always,” Zuko crooned in Katara’s ear as he shuddered one final time before sliding out of her.
Zuko tightened his hold on Katara as the door opened. He turned to his father, a look of challenge clearly on his face, but said nothing. Katara closed her eyes and let her tears fall. She couldn’t Waterbend her way out of this without injuring Sokka and Aang.
Ozai stared at his son contemptuously, “You love her and plan to be with her always?”
“I do,” Zuko replied brusquely.
The Fire Lord took a deep breath and advanced towards the bed. His foolish son did not move. His eyes narrowed and he took another step. Zuko’s glare never wavered and the boy did not flinch. The girl continued to sob.
“Why should I let you keep her when she’s clearly proven to be too much for you to handle?” Ozai inquired.
“Why would you take her now that I have her tamed?” Zuko parried.
“It was not her voice I heard screaming ‘I love you’ at the top of her lungs and promising to never part,” Ozai replied.
Zuko answered honestly, “That is because she hates me. Even though she knows it is impossible Katara still hopes that one day she will be able to escape.”
“How do you know she will not?” Ozai asked. “She obviously has an advantage that you don’t.”
Zuko rolled Katara so that her back was to his father, then pulled them up. He made sure to keep her covered as he situated her in his lap and spoke, “My Katara is not going anywhere. I’ve already let her go. She returned. She cried, begged and screamed for me to take her back.”
“Is this true girl?” Ozai barked.
She nodded; her hands curled into tightly clenched fists.
“Open your mouth. Did my son free you?”
“Yes,” Katara ground out through clenched teeth.
“But you came back? He let you go and you willingly came back?” Ozai asked in astonishment.
“Yes,” Katara repeated angrily while wiping away her tears.
The Fire Lord looked at Zuko. For once the boy’s expression was unreadable. Ozai sat on the foot of the bed, unable to hide his curiosity, “Why?”
“Because I was half naked, had no money, no shoes, no clothes and nowhere to go.”
“I see,” Ozai nodded. It was a novel approach. “So the rumors I’ve heard about you wondering about unchained are true?”
“What about him taking you shopping and buying you gifts? Are those stories true as well?”
“Yes,” Katara said quietly. “Zuko has gotten very good at pretending he cares for me and my happiness.”
“It certainly sounds like he cares if what I just had the misfortune to listen to is any indication. You sounded like a well loved woman just as my son declared,” Ozai commented.
Zuko nuzzled Katara’s neck with his face and licked one of the hickeys he’d given her. He raised his good eyebrow at his father, “I do love Katara. I love her every time she pleasures me.”
A portion of Ozai’s anger dissipated as he considered his son. Zuko had spent the past three years with Iroh. Freeing a prisoner without a means to survive then making them beg to be taken back and cared for sounded like something Iroh would do. He had grown up watching his older brother declare his love for his enemies’ sisters, wives and mothers. He too had been taught by Iroh that love was not a feeling; love was a weakness to be exploited and an instrument of destruction.
Ozai tilted his head towards his son and pointed at the Waterbender, “So you love her?”
“With every inch of my dragon and every drop of its milk,” Zuko answered cruelly. “My little Katara’s cavern twitches delightfully every time she hears me say it.”
Ozai laughed. That made sense. History had proven there was an undeniable effectiveness to a simple seduction tactic. Azulon had literally conquered the Earth Kingdom one strategic bed at a time, “Well, Katara, do you believe him?”
She raised her head, “May I have permission to speak freely Fire Lord Ozai?”
He waved his hand dismissively, “By all means, if I did not wish to know I would not have asked.”
“Yes, I believe Zuko. Unlike you and Azula, Zuko is a terrible liar. I know he speaks the truth when he says he loves me and will never let go of me again. I am his most prized possession and proof that he is a man. He loves what is between my legs and the feeling of power it gives him. He loves knowing that no matter how hard I fight and how much I plead and beg he can take it at any time. Every time he crawls on top of me it is proof he has fully regained his honor and captured the Avatar. He loves that. He loves me for what I represent. I am his trophy; walking, breathing, fucking, screaming, crying, proof of his triumph and manhood. He buys me things, treats me kindly, and tries to make me happy so I do not lose my shine. No one wants a dull trophy; it devalues the significance of the win. Zuko will keep me with him and try to make me happy for as long as he possibly can,” Katara said sadly.
“I see. Ozai inquired. “Is that why you cried out in pleasure while he was bedding you? Because he loves you and wants to keep you with him?”
“So it was because you love him in return?” Ozai teased
“Your son knows I hate him,” Katara replied venomously.
“It’s true. Katara hates me father,” Zuko nodded against her shoulder in agreement.
“I could agree with that statement the last time I saw him. He had a black eye, a lump on his cheek, and his lips were split. I found the noises you made absolutely delightful but let’s be honest; it did not sound as though you were enjoying yourself. Now there are different types of scratches on his back and bites across his chest and neck; surely you don’t expect me to believe you hate him after seeing them?”
“Katara, that is not what a woman does to a man she hates. Those are created in a moment of passion. I found the sound of your earlier activity rather disturbing but it certainly sounded like you were enjoying yourself,” Ozai chided.
These past few times with Zuko had not been unpleasant but saying she enjoyed it was…would be... Katara inhaled and exhaled slowly. She knew the answer the Fire Lord was looking for and saying anything else could further jeopardize her life but to say she enjoyed it? There was power in words. The things you spoke into the universe could be heard by the spirits and you never knew if one passing by would hear and grant the request. Katara lowered her head and mumbled quietly.
Ozai placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted it, “Speak up, Katara, were you enjoying yourself?”
“I was,” She spat between clenched teeth, “I was enjoying myself. That is why I hate him so much. Because he has been finding ways to make me enjoy it.”
“That makes no sense. How can you hate what you enjoy? You either hate it or you like it,” Ozai argued.
Katara snorted harshly at the Fire Lord, “If you’ll indulge my impertinence, I can explain.”
“Go ahead,” Ozai said calmly before reminding her of her station, “But remember you are on the volcano’s precipice.”
“I’ll save you the trouble and throw myself off,” Katara said as crossed her legs and made herself comfortable against Zuko. She looked the Fire Lord in directly in his eye “Lady Sakura told me how much you love your wife. She told me that she has to muffle her voice, hide her face, and leave on her gown when you take her from above because her nipples aren’t the right color.”
Ozai’s eyes narrowed, “Tread carefully girl.”
“Fire Lord Ozai, I can tread lightly or I can answer your question. Which would you prefer?” Katara inquired.
“Answer the question. If your answer is not satisfactory I will kill you,” Ozai said glibly.
“Please do. Even great La was not merciful enough to remove me from Zuko when I poisoned myself,” Katara sighed.
Ozai laughed and patted her foot, “You do amuse me, Katara. Go ahead; say whatever you wish to say and I will listen.”
Katara smiled politely, “Let’s say you meet a colonist at the next port whose bone structure, facial features, stature, and hair color are exactly like Princess Ursa’s?
“They could pass for identical twins. Upon closer inspection you realize that this new woman’s amber eyes are several shades lighter, but the color is absolutely alluring. Lady Sakura told me that in spite of her best efforts you found her performance lacking satisfaction in some areas because her lips were too thin. Not only are this new woman’s eyes the wrong color, her lips are plumper than Princess Ursa’s.”
“In spite of your best efforts you find her fascinating. As time progresses you start to realize this new lady’s mannerisms are similar to Princess Ursa’s but instead of being an artist she is a musician. Her fingers are longer, slender, and calloused in different places; places that feel amazing when they slide along your skin and stroke your penis.”
Ozai’s eyes narrowed and Katara smirked in his direction as she continued speaking, “Of course the ladies at court will not welcome her. I speak from experience when I say they will be jealous beyond belief that a foreign usurper has stolen what they feel is their rightful place. Let’s say this new woman takes it all in stride but you begin to notice that everyone who crosses her has suddenly acquired a bad luck streak. They trip or stumble at the inopportune times like right before or during an event while carrying a glass of that wonderful Fire Nation red wine and ruin their beautiful gown.”
Ozai chuckled lightly at the imagery, “Bad luck? Is that what happened to Lady Emiko’s daughter? I believe she attempted to spill wine on you?”
Katara shrugged slightly and replied innocently, “My peasant feet are unaccustomed to such finery Milord and I slipped on your well polished floor.”
Ozai laughed heartily, “My dear, why couldn’t my Ursa have met you?”
“I imagine that if I had the honor and privilege of meeting Princess Ursa my situation would be very different. Zuko told me she tirelessly advocated for the less privileged among your people. I know how you love the sound of torture in the morning. Zuko also shares that trait as I am sure does Azula, but in most other aspects Zuko is nothing like the two of you. There is kindness among the monstrosity and I can only believe that a portion of your wife’s spirit lives on in your son. Am I correct in saying that Princess Ursa did not derive a sense of pleasure from others suffering?” Katara inquired.
Ozai’s face expression grew tender and he replied, “You are correct. She was a fighter who believed in justice, but she did not like to see people in pain even when it was punishment for their own actions; an admirable trait in a wife and disgrace that I’m happy to see my son has overcome.”
Katara’s voice hardened, “This new woman, whose lips have the perfect amount of plumpness, whose nipples are the right color, whose eyes are captivating even though they are the incorrect color, enjoys the sound of torture in the morning.”
Ozai’s head jerked upright but Katara merely smiled wryly at the silent warning. “She likes the sound of torture in the morning, Fire Lord Ozai. This one enjoyment you were unable to share with your wife is one that you can experience with her.”
“One day you arrive at the prison and you see a maze has been set up on the grounds for the prisoners. Each twist and turn has a different peril for those who attempt it. Your woman who is so much like Ursa, but so different has arranged this a gift for you,” Katara said sadly.
“Each morning the two of you go and watch the prisoners face the obstacles presented by the course. To make things interesting you have promised that anyone can clear it they can go free. Of course not all of your prisoners are stupid. After several days one finally has sight of the exit. Just when you are faced with the dilemma of dishonoring yourself by breaking your word or the horrible notion of freeing the prisoner, the ground shifts and the obstacle course changes. All of the prisoners scream in frustration and pain as this sets off a new set of traps.
It is at this moment you realize that this beautiful woman, so much like your Princess Ursa, wears long dresses to hide her dainty bare feet and that you have never seen a shoe upon her. All of the women who have fallen at those inopportune times stumbling seemingly over nothing lost their balance as the earth shifted beneath their feet.
Your perfect imitation is an Earthbender.”
Ozai was now frowning.
Katara read his irritation, “Just I can sense your displeasure so can she. This woman who is so much like Princess Ursa and yet so different apologizes for presuming to know what you like. As she is saying that, she is kneeling between your legs and reaching to open your pants. She begins stroking your dragon with those exquisitely talented fingers. She takes it between those plump lips and you realize that Princess Ursa’s tongue is no match for the way playing multiple woodwind instruments has developed this woman’s oral abilities.
“This impostor who was a virgin until she came to your bed has learned to move the way you like. Her voice is similar to Princess Ursa’s but there is a desperate quality in the way she begs for you, in the way she moves for you. It is as if she had never known her body was capable of such things until it was touched by you; unless it is being touched by you. There amidst the sound of torture you realize how wonderfully you fit inside her.
“Princess Ursa has born you two beautiful children but each of those precious gifts changed a very enjoyable part of her. With each thrust you realize there is unparalleled tightness to this woman’s newly opened phoenix. When you are completely sated and she is gazing at you expectantly, you notice this impostor contains several of Princess Ursa’s most pleasing characteristic and very few that you found less desirable.”
Katara paused before quietly asking, “Fire Lord Ozai, if you were to meet this woman and she is everything that I have described would you love her for all the ways she is similar to Princess Ursa?”
Ozai looked as though he had been slapped.
“Of course, you wouldn’t. You’d hate her. You would hate the bitch with everything that you are worth. There is only one Princess Ursa. She is the woman who shared your childhood. She is the woman you fell in love with. She is the woman who birthed your children.”
“You would hate her because she is not the original. You would hate her because you enjoy spending time with her. You would hate her for making you forget how sad and lonely you are without your beloved Princess Ursa. You would hate her because in some ways she is better than the original. You would hate her because if you were to suddenly part ways, you would feel her loss just as keenly as you felt Princess Ursa’s.”
Katara met his gaze head on and she trembled with anger “You would hate her because she makes you hate yourself.”
The Fire Lord nodded in understanding. He’d felt guilty both times he’d taken a lover. He loathed himself more each time he gave into his physical desires, “I see. Is that how you feel about my son? You hate him because she makes you hate yourself?”
“Yes,” Katara said quietly lowering her head as tears of anger welled in her eyes.
“Why does he make you hate yourself, Katara?” Ozai asked inquisitively even though he already knew the answer. If he had not missed fucking her while she was away he would have never killed Sakura.
Katara bit her lips and allowed her tears to fall, “My crown is in the Ursa’s vaults. My personal vaults in the Fire Nation are worth more than your children’s combined but Zuko insists on buying me everything he thinks I might fancy. His ring, an official royal signet of the Fire Nation, is on my hand.
“Zuko is well read, intelligent, and surprisingly good at saying things to make me feel better. Even though communication is not his strong suit we talk, laugh, but mostly we argue. In spite of his intellectual abilities he lacks guile and cleverness. He has this naïveté and stupidity that I find endearing. I find myself showing him things just because I am eager to see his reaction.” Katara clenched her teeth before continuing, “Zuko is a wretched person and uses me horribly but I want to trust in the lies he tells me.”
“I do not want to believe I am just a trophy or a convenience. I no longer find his touch repulsive but I do not want to believe that I am loose woman; that I have no morals. I do not want be the traitorous whore that my brother calls me. I was a virgin. I want to think I react the way I do…” Katara paused taking large gulps of air between sobs. “Even though he is the enemy, I want to think I move and moan because of sentiment. Because there is love and genuine affection but if that is true then my brother is right. Only a traitorous whore would feel….”
“You’re not a whore or a traitor. You are my concubine, Katara, I love you Katara. You are supposed to enjoy my touch and feel affection for me. There is nothing wrong with returning my feelings or reaping the benefits of our relationship,” Zuko crooned cradling her head against his chest and consoling her. His words were kind, but he glared coldly at his father.
Katara swiped at her tears with the back of her hand and said weakly “Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess. That one day she will live happily ever after with the prince who has fallen in love with her. I am but a simple little girl.”
Ozai clapped, “Well done Zuko, my son! Congratulations on successfully taming the Waterbender.”
Ozai leaned forward as if to ruffle Zuko’s hair but instead straightened his fingers and extended a blade of fire from them, “Before I decide if you get to keep your little pet, I have one question. Where is your Uncle?”
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