Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 140
“Hey, you two know Sapphire and Wang Fire?”
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” Toph asked cautiously.
“Are you still waiting for your carriage to get fixed? That’s been over a week ago. I’ll sell you an ostrich horse so you can get that medicine to your mother, Ur-something or another
“Ursa, her name is Ursa” Iroh smiled recognizing the name of Ozai’s personal ship.
The pair was stopped several more times as they made to their way into the city proper, each person telling them Sapphire Fire was looking for them and many of them throwing Iroh dirty looks.
“Pops, you been here before? Toph asked. She could feel the hostility being directed to Iroh.
“Yes, I have,” Iroh replied cryptically. He didn’t think Zuko had done too much damage to this port. But it was the Earth Kingdom, new leaf or not, he was still the Dragon of West.
“Let’s find a nice tea shop and have a bite to eat,” he said hoping to find a member of the White Lotus who could explain what was going on.
The looks they received at the tea shop were just as rancorous they those they received on the street, only since they were not moving Iroh was able to notice subtle nuances like anger and disgust directed at him while pity and protectiveness were sent Toph’s way.
“The restrooms are this way if you would like to clean up before you eat,” a waitress said kindly placing her hand on Toph’s arm.
“Gramps?” Toph turned to Iroh, she could feel the vibrations from the people in the room and could tell there was something going on she was missing.
“I think we should select another dining establishment,” Iroh said moving closer to the Earthbender, “Please let go of my granddaughter.”
“Like hell you Fire Nation pervert!” one of the men yelled rushing towards Iroh.
Iroh sidestepped him and used his assailant’s own momentum to send him into the counter, “I assure you, I have no untoward intentions for that child. We are merely separated from our family and trying to get back home.”
“You’re separated from your family alright, General Iroh,” One of the men said bending a piece of the floor at him.
“Come on little girl, we’ll get you someplace safe where he won’t be able to hurt you again,” the woman said picking up Toph and running to the back of the restaurant.
“Put me down!” Toph screamed kicking and thrashing wildly panicking because the woman had rendered her blind.
Another woman grabbed her feet, “It’s okay. Come with us. The men will make sure he gets what he deserves.”
One of them threw a chair at him, “What’s wrong you too big of a pervert for the scar-faced rapist you call a nephew to let you on the boat?”
The question caught Iroh off-guard. Zuko wasn’t a rapist. He would never force himself on a woman.
“Gramps, help! I can’t see!” Toph screamed as she felt the air around her shifting.
Iroh who had been using non-bending moves only and trying to reason with his attackers created a huge wall of fire to separate himself from them and turned to chase the female kidnappers.
“Let me go. Put me down. He hasn’t done anything!” Toph went limp and the women stepped in closer and she was able to kick one in the stomach when she straightened back out. That was enough for the woman to let go of one of her legs giving the Earthbender enough contact to send up a wave of earth to trip her captor and free her other foot.
“Let’s see how you like being grabbed,” Toph said encasing both women dirt up to their necks and running back into the restaurant. She slid her foot back pulling Iroh to her side and then stomped making the earth ripple beneath her attackers.
“Miss Toph, at least one of them is an Earthbender. Do you think you can contain them so we can find out what’s going on?” Iroh asked.
“You’re even sicker than most Fire Nation scum. Never thought I’d see the Dragon of the West hiding behind a little blind girl,” The Earthbender growled lifting another piece of the floor.
‘Name’s Toph Bei Fong, greatest Earthbender in the world, not little blind girl,” Toph corrected taking control of the floor in his command and sending it towards his head knocking him unconscious in one fluid motion. She raised her arms and twisted her feet burying all of the room’s occupants up to their necks. “Now unless you want to end up like your friend, talk.”
Everyone began chattering at once.
“Okay stop, one at a time please,” Iroh said raising his hands and motioning for them to quiet down.
His companion, having the same idea, took a different approach. She sank them higher so they couldn’t part their lips without getting a mouthful of dirt.
One by one, they were allowed their chance to speak and each pretty much told the same story. They wanted to help the Avatar and his friends but couldn’t do much since the ship they were on was capable of bombarding the port. He and the Water Tribe boy were placed in stockades in the town square and heavily guarded. But a group of outsiders had tried.
They had been executed. Everyone who talked to the Waterbender had been jailed and their place of business burned out.
The Waterbender was spared that but Prince Zuko bastard kept her tied to him at all times flaunting just what he was doing to her. She did manage to get free, he was hot on her heels before they could spirit her away. When they saw Iroh and the little Earth Kingdom girl they decided they’d had enough. They would do whatever was necessary to help her.
Iroh pinched his brow, ran his hand over his face, then pinched the bridge of his nose. His mind was in turmoil, they couldn’t be implying…
He knew his nephew was attracted to the Waterbender. There were always extra sheets in the laundry after they’d encountered their little group and the boy would spend additional time in the shower, but he wouldn’t. Ursa had raised the boy to respect women and he did everything he could to reinforce those teachings.
He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Could he?
Zuko was sixteen, well past the age most boys in their county had lost their virginity to their betrotheds as well as taken a mistress or two. Zuko’s engagement was never consummated and Iroh refused to let him give his first to whore. While he frequently took Zuko to the pleasure districts, he paid double for the madam to send only novices who were untouched. Those girls were still learning to use their hands and mouths please a man and had more at stake than he did. Even if Zuko had offered extra money, which he didn’t have because Iroh controlled his funds, they wouldn’t have allowed him to do more. Their very futures depended on the amount they could fetch when their virginities were auctioned off. A girl who allowed herself to be deflowered beforehand would become a common use commodity and never have a chance at becoming a wealthy man’s mistress.
None of the girls ever reported Zuko had asked that of them even though he often requested more of what they offered. His nephew couldn’t have raped the Waterbender. He couldn’t. He had taught Zuko to respect women. Ursa had taught Zuko to respect women. Her primary social cause was putting an end to the practice of noble males forcing themselves on commoners without consequence. He wouldn’t…He could…
Yes he could…
Iroh wanted to ignore that part of his mind that told him Zuko was capable of such an act. He lost Ursa’s influence when he was ten. He went through puberty in the company of men who thought nothing of exercising what they referred to as a man’s right and a noble’s privilege. He was viewed as weak in the eyes of his father and the rest of the men at court. He had Ursa’s temper and Ozai’s pride. He was sixteen, hormonal and impulsive. He’d often been shamed by the Avatar’s group. The girl personally had vexed him at several points from one end of the earth to the other and back down. He could… but surely he wouldn’t…
Zuko was Ozai’s son and eager to impress him. When they were still children and Ozai had no chance at the crown, he’d ruin those who embarrassed him. He and Zuko were more alike than either of them realized. This would be the most despicable and satisfying form of payback possible.
Iroh pushed those thoughts out his mind. He needed to focus on what the people were telling him. Now that they knew the girl was the Avatar’s Earthbending instructor and that Iroh was slated for execution for twice helping the Avatar they were very informative. It didn’t hurt that Toph had resurfaced the floors to well beyond their original condition.
They learned this was the first stop of many on the way to recapture Omashu, but the Ursa had headed north when it left the port. Iroh decided trying to catch them at every port would be futile. It would be more efficient to go South and wait for the faster moving ship to catch up. He had an idea of which ports they would be likely to dock at.
The owner and woman who’d attempted to rescue Toph had sent for a smuggler famous for losing every game of pai sho he every attempted but was supposedly high up in a rebel organization to help them arrange passage to the South. She also re-extended her offer to let them clean up before lunch.
With Toph out of earshot, Iroh decided to get to heart of what he’d heard about the Waterbender, “Prince Zuko is my nephew; are you certain of what you said about him and the Waterbender.”
“I saw them. Her hands were bound in front of her with a piece of red silk about three feet long. He’d tied another piece cloth to the center of it and secured it to his wrist. He led her along like a tamed hogmonkey.”
“I don’t doubt your words for a moment. It’s very difficult for female prisoners onboard a Fire Nation ship. Perhaps he had placed her under his protection. His mother taught him to respect women of all statuses. I reinforced those teachings. I raised him better than to force…”
The other woman cut in, “Look Old Man, I know it’s difficult to face when your young veer off the path you set for them, but I heard ‘em. I was in the market and she’d gotten away from him for a minute. He was griping at her for running. She told him she needed wraps and herbs else she’d ruin the clothes he just bought her. She flat out said it was a miracle she’d started her monthly considering how careless he’d been and that she needed the herbs to make sure they kept coming. He shut his mouth and paid for items. Not once did he deny it.”
Iroh closed his eyes and lowered his head, “Thank you for the information and for trying to assist Miss Toph earlier. Will you tell her I’ve stepped outside for a bit of fresh air? I need a moment to consider what you just told me.”
“Humph, what’s he feigning upset for? Helping the Avatar or not, he was once a member of the Fire Nation army, murdering and raping bastards, the lot o’ them,” the woman who confirmed Zuko was a rapist spat angrily.
“No, that one’s different,” the man who’d recognized Iroh but came in after the fracas grudgingly admitted. “I was at Ba Sing Se when he laid siege to it. I and most of my friends were members of the resistance. My sister and a few others got captured. She was missing for over a year. We feared the worse. Everyone that went in a virgin came out the same way. He didn’t let his soldiers sexually abuse any of the prisoners. He punished those that tried. When he retreated after his son died, he freed the female and young male prisoners. He arranged it so those most likely to be attacked could overpower their guards since he knew the next person in charge might not be so honorable.”
“But I thought the Dragon of the West was a cruel man,” the man who’d been knocked out earlier said.
The one who’d defended Iroh snorted, “I never said he wasn’t a cruel man only that he didn’t allow sexual abuse of his prisoners. Beating and burning them was fine, just no raping.”
Iroh wandered the city aimlessly. Zuko had raped the Waterbender. His heart hurt every time he imagined the possibility that his kind hearted, but conflicted nephew had done such a thing. It didn’t make sense for Zuko to have done such a thing. Zuko was rash and foolhardy at times but he wasn’t cruel. But he was sixteen. Boys that age tended to think rape was about sex instead of power and domination. One of the rites of passage into manhood was the loss of virginity. A successful male could be 83, but if he’d never lain with a woman he’d still be considered a boy in the eyes of his peers.
Iroh’s spies had told him that Mai didn’t seem eager to advance the physical aspect of their relationship, which was prudent on her behalf, but she and Zuko should have crossed that threshold three years ago. It was entirely possible that Zuko thought dishonoring the Waterbender was his only way to become a man without anyone knowing he’d reached the shameful age of sixteen as a virgin.
Iroh stopped in the dark alley he’d been walking down. It was his fault Zuko had raped the Waterbender. He tried to tell Zuko that being with a woman did not make a man, but when he acted childishly the first words out of his mouth were usually “could you at least pretend to be man” or “only a boy would think in such a manner”. He’d once even told him that “perhaps letting him waste his inheritance would be worth it if it put an end to his infantile whining”. When Zuko got too high strung the first thing he did was take him to a brothel for a little relaxation saying “nothing eases tensions like a well rested dragon”. He paid for all the blow jobs, hand jobs, and titty fucks, and touching the boy could ever want while telling him some women were born for solely for the purpose of calming raging dragons. He taught Zuko that most men were not lucky enough to find a woman with a greedy cavern and the virtues necessary to be a wife so it only made sense to find a woman to fuck that made him happy and respectable woman to bear his children and present to society.
He’d done all those things while telling Zuko to respect women and that a man’s virginity was a precious thing that should only be bestowed on a worthy woman. He’d stopped telling him that he should save himself for the woman he was going to marry when they’d been at sea for a year and he hadn’t received a single response to the letters he’d written to Mai. The day Zuko was banished Iroh knew that Su Ying and Thanh would find a reason to break their engagement and find a more lucrative match for Mai.
He’d told Zuko to save his virginity for a worthy woman; was there any woman more worthy than the Avatar’s Waterbending instructor?
He had thought Toph and the Water Tribe girl were merely traveling companions and sparring partners, but the little Earthbender had been quick to correct him. Katara was beautiful, ferocious and kind; the princess of her people, her homeland’s only Waterbender, a master of her element and the Avatar’s instructor.
A princess with those credentials; women did not get more worthy.
He’d often teased Zuko about his crush on her, saying peasant girls couldn’t resist a prince. Maybe if he did something other than scowl and demand the Avatar she may even give him a kiss. He had known the boy was conflicted, but he perpetuated the antiquated beliefs that he’d grown up with even though he no longer believed in many of the practices. His beloved wife had cried for weeks when she learned about his mistress. Three decades later it still hurt knowing that when she gave her life to bear his child she doubted the sincerity of his love for her. But he’d taught those things to Zuko.
Iroh was still berating himself when he heard voices outside the alleyway.
“I’m telling you, Haru said the Waterbender was a traitor and a slut. They came to his village a few months ago and he almost had her the first night they met. Said he had her naked and on her back in five minutes flat. She pretended to be a virgin and didn’t give it to him. Said he and his dad watched her take that Fire Nation bastard out to that big sandbar north of here and fuck him in broad daylight. Said she pushed him down and rode him like the winning jockey at the races.”
“You’re lying. No way, the Avatar’s Waterbender is fucking the prince of the Fire Nation.”
“I’m telling you she is! My sister worked at that fancy perfume place. Said the Prince brought her in and told her to find something she liked. She picked the most expensive bottle and he paid the full price for it. A man doesn’t drop 100 gold coins on perfume and smile about it unless she’s doing something really good to keep it there.”
“I don’t believe you!”
“Well, believe it kid,” a woman’s voice chimed in. “They came in my shop too. I didn’t see what they bought but I heard him tell her ‘I don’t mind since it makes you happy’ with my own ears. She smiled and thanked him. What idiot tries to make a prisoner happy and what idiot smiles and bats their eyes at the person raping them? Those two are lovers; a pair of the happiest I’ve ever seen.”
The voices left and Iroh emerged from the shadows. Those people were certain what was happening between his nephew and the Waterbender was consensual. It was easy for circumstances to get misconstrued, but his heart felt lighter. Perhaps Zuko hadn’t fallen off the straight and narrow. He returned to the diner to collect Toph.
Instead of going South and waiting on the Ursa they would go North, find Zuko, and ask him.
C.G.: Thank you for your feedback. The questions about Katara will be answered, but not yet.
MsScarletTaylor: Thank you for your feedback. The questions about Katara will be answered, but not yet.
Mimi Feye: Thank you for your feedback. The questions about Katara will be answered, but not yet.
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