Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 34026 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 136
The rest of their time together was spent awkwardly. Sokka read. Aang stared at Zuko, the prince was also reading. Then he turned his gaze to Katara, she was sitting on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest sitting next to Zuko. When he asked to see Appa Katara gave him her shoes and pulled a pair of pants out of the drawer identical to the ones she was wearing.
“What no flashing your goods today?” Sokka sniped.
“I’m on my cycle. It started the morning after we pulled into that last port but a few hours before you accused me of fucking Zuko on a sandbar in the middle of the bay in broad daylight,” she retorted.
Aang angrily turned to his friend and began yelling, “Sokka you didn’t! You told me the reason Katara was staying with Zuko was so she’d have privacy. It wouldn’t make sense for her to do that. I don’t even think prostitutes would do that. Is that why you were so mad at Katara, because you thought she and Zuko had sex?”
“Stay out of it, Aang, this family business. You’re nothing but a little kid we just met.” Sokka said trying to control his temper.
“What?” a heart-stricken Aang uttered.
“Don’t talk to Aang like that!” Katara screamed coming to her friend’s defense. “Aang is more of a brother than you are. At least he’s trying to understand my position while you’re just judging me.”
Sokka began in the common language before switching to Water Tribe “Position? Which do you prefer? On all fours like a bitch in heat, sitting in your heels and licking like an anteater sloth or rolling onto your back like a hog monkey? Or does the position not matter? The shell of your turtleseal snaps opens for any boy that walks by. Your koalaotter is so eager it jumps out wet and doing tricks. Your legs are like a venus flytrap. The only shut when a piece of meat is between them. Just because Zuko hunted us like dogs, captured us and killed our friends why should he be any different?”
“I hate you Sokka. I wish you had died instead of Mom!” Katara yelled.
“I wish I had died instead of her too, that way I wouldn’t have to see her daughter rolling over for the Prince of Fire Nation!” He screamed back.
“Next time I won’t roll over. I’ll just let them toss the non-bending trash and resist!” Katara replied. She paused when realized she’d just told Sokka what she was doing to take care of him.
“Was Mom just another piece of non-bending trash to you?” Sokka bellowed advancing towards her.
“What?” Katara’s eyes widened. Her head jerked upwards and her hand flew to her mouth.
“Why did Dad and I have to loose Mom and get stuck with a no good whore like you? You should have died instead of her! They were looking for Waterbenders so why are you still here while Mom is dead?”
Katara crumpled as the image of her mom saying she was the Waterbender and telling her to go find her dad flashed in front of hers.
Sokka loomed over her shouting, “Was the man who killed her into little girls? Did you roll over for him too?”
Zuko’s fist ended Sokka’s verbal attack. Katara had told him how her mother died to protect her. He had the younger boy against the wall with his hands chained behind his back in a matter of seconds. Zuko dragged Sokka down to the brig and tossed him behind the bars.
“Put your clothes on Avatar,” Zuko growled when he returned to the room.
“But” the young Airbender protested.
“DO IT!” Zuko yelled throwing a fireball across the room.
Aang stopped trying to comfort Katara and obeyed. Once he was back in his prison clothes Zuko chained him and drug him upstairs where he could catch a glimpse of his beloved pet before locking him back in his cell.
Zuko went back to his room and picked up Katara. He carried her on deck then tied her to one of the rails where he could see her and furiously practiced his Firebending. He wanted to kill her brother. No one talked to his Katara like that. No one made her cry like that. But Zuko knew she would cry harder if he killed the idiot. When he calmed down, he untied her and carried her back to their room then pulled her into his lap and held her while apologizing for hitting her brother.
Katara had never told her family she was the reason her mother died. She had only told Zuko her mother was killed after proclaiming herself to be the last Waterbender. She was glad Zuko hit Sokka in the mouth and took him away from her. She wasn’t sure how much longer she would have been able to keep the promises she made that she would never deliberately hurt Sokka with her Waterbending.
Zuko lifted her and took her on deck but she could still hear her brother’s words. She should have died instead of their mother. It wasn’t as if she didn’t agree with the statement. She had often attempted to bargain with La to allow her to trade places with her mother. That was probably why he recognized her. Not many little girls snuck out of their beds at night and went to the sacred pier saying they would gladly die if it meant their mother would come back to life or launched their boats off of it so they would have a way to get back.
She should have died that day. Her mom should have never lied to protect her. She should have allowed Katara to die then she never would have found the Avatar. They never would have been captured and her brother would not hate her.
Zuko carried her back to their room and sat her in his lap. She had tried to poison him, but he was holding her telling her that he would never abandon her and that her brother was wrong. She wasn’t a whore or a traitor. She was simply trapped and had to choose between two bad decisions. She choose the most difficult one; the unselfish one, because she was such a good person and loved with all of her heart. She laid her head on his shoulder and cried. She had forgotten that he was so warm and could be so kind.
Katara lifted her head to look at his face. It was a face that confused her. It was the same face that had pursued them around the world. It was the same face she always pictured as being the face of enemy. It was the face of her nightmares. It was also the face of her forbidden crush. It was a face she had accurately assessed and misjudged as a monster. It was a face that was all too easy to understand and loathe equally.
Zuko’s lips twitched slightly in half turn in her direction, “Siblings suck. You feel guilty for hating them and wishing they would just disappear. It hurts when you try to look out for them and they trample on your love. There should be an island to ship them off to. Somewhere you know they’ll be safe and happy but far enough away being their family wouldn’t hurt. At least he hasn’t tried to repeatedly kill you or trick your friend into doing so.”
“Am I your friend Zuko?” Katara questioned.
He laid back and pulled her down with him so her head rested above his heart. He ran his fingers through her hair and after several minutes finally admitted, “I don’t know a word to describe you. Uncle taught me that a friend is a person who makes their intentions good or bad known to you and lets you determine the nature of your relationship. You’ve never lied about wanting to kill me or dying and taking me with you. You saved me the other day when you saved yourself. That is more than most people would have done. They would have let me die and saved themselves. You hate me, but you healed the injuries you gave me so my face wouldn’t tell everyone I’m a horrible person.
“I can talk to you Katara. I know when you call me stupid it’s because of how I’m acting or something I’ve done not because you really feel that way. When you laugh at me it’s for the same reason. I don’t feel inferior just because I’m around you or like I’m unworthy of breathing of my share of oxygen when you’re in the room. Most of the time I feel like shit, like I’m the worse possible person ever to be born, but that’s because of the things I’ve done. I deserve to feel that way. Even after all of the terrible things I’ve done to you, you’ll say something or do something to make that feeling go away and remind me that I am still human and not as worthless as I’ve been led to believe.
“You make me understand concepts that I’ve been struggling to grasp for years with just a few words. I think it’s possible for me to achieve my destiny so long as you’re beside me. You make me angry, sad, and happy, but mostly happy. I think I can live with all of the terrible things I’ve done and that I will be forced to do so long as I can find a way to make you smile. I guess you are my friend, even if you don’t see me as one.”
Katara considered his words, “Sometimes you make it harder for me to hate you.”
The two of them laid in comfortable silence until it was time for Zuko to go downstairs and pretend he had been guarding the prisoners. Three guards came back instead of the original two and the third was placed in the cell next to Sokka.
When Zuko asked why she simply said, “The wrong person heard me collecting gambling earnings. When we left I made a bet that when those kiss-assers who bought their positions on the royal guard found a trace of General Iroh it would be in the first place they should have looked for him.”
“So Uncle Iroh has been found?” Zuko asked forcing his voice to remain even.
“Prince Zuko, I said when they found a trace of him, not him. An elderly caretaker charged a small boat to the Fire Lord’s estate on Ember Island. The woman who sold it said the man looked like a feebler, older version of General Iroh with a full head of hair. She didn’t report him because she knew General Iroh was in jail and that it was impossible for anyone to escape Fire Lord Ozai’s prisons. Smart woman, saved her own life with that compliment,” she laughed.
“I see, so since you are a gambling woman, when do estimate my father will find him?” Zuko asked slyly.
The woman looked at the other two guards and they all pulled out a lotus tile, “Your father will find your Uncle the day after you become a successful pai sho player. Now get, little princes shouldn’t be associating with prisoners.”
“Especially if it means leaving pretty little Waterbenders where anyone with a lock pick can find her,” another chimed in.
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