Borealis: A Zutara Story | By : jaded_priceless Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > AU/AR - Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality Views: 33965 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, any historical figures or events, or easily recognizable persons, places or things. I make no profit from this work of fanfiction |
Chapter 126
Zuko would have liked nothing more than to keep kissing Katara, feeling her fingers on his scar, pretending she actually cared for him and that she was girlfriend who fully accepted him, but he was more afraid to face her question. He was terrified of getting caught up in his emotions and doing something stupid to her. He settled on telling her, “We’re still being watched. You can see the sun glinting off a spyglass directly across from where we’re sitting and right above the ostrich horses.”
Katara turned her head slightly. She could see it, “Can you tell who they are?”
“It’s too far. I guess our best bet is to keep doing what we are doing in case it is someone spying for Azula or my father. They’ll think we really did come out here for a picnic instead of this being one of the more likely places Uncle and the Earthbender will cross into the Earth Kingom,” Zuko replied sitting up and pulling her into his lap.
Katara lay her head against his chest and asked, “How do you know he’s coming here?”
“He has to leave the Fire Nation or risk being discovered by my father at some point. He often told me the Earth Kingdom had plenty of places a person could disappear and what type of terrain would allow a ship without papers to safely dock. That’s why we went to Ba Sing Se, to disappear and start over. I was actually happy after rescuing the bison and moving into the Upper Ring,” he stated.
Katara’s head sprang from his shoulder, her jaw dropped as she looked him in the eye, “Is that why Appa licks you? Because you were the one who freed him from Lake Laogai?”
Zuko nodded shyly, “I saw the flyers. I started to come after you but I was tired of chasing you and tired of running from my own people. Uncle told me to make up my mind and determine what I really wanted. I just wanted a place that wasn’t moving to call home so I let him go.”
Katara hung her head in shame, “I’m sorry. I saw you in the tea shop and turned you into King Kuei and what I thought was the Kyoshi warriors. I didn’t know it was your sister and her friends. I guess all of this is my fault. You hadn’t chased us for months and I should have just let you be. If I had done that Aang wouldn’t have died, the invasion would have been successful, and we would have never been captured.”
Zuko shook his head and argued, “Azula told me the king told her about the invasion. Mai told me that before Azula ever saw you she’d begun swaying the Dai Li. Ba Sing Se still would have fallen. There’s a chance you could have been captured there. If that was the case I wouldn’t have known and wouldn’t have been able to protect you. Besides Azula didn’t kill the Avatar; he’s alive.
“Zuko, Aang died. I used the water from the spirit oasis that I offered to use to remove your scar to bring him back to life. I held him in my arms and felt the life leaving and returning to his body. It was terrifying,” Katara admitted.
“You can revive the dead?” Zuko screeched backing away from her.
“No.” Katara intoned sharply. Her tone softened, “It worked because Aang is the Avatar and he had been possessed by La earlier. I guess that was La’s way of thanking him for letting him borrow his body.”
“Don’t sell yourself short Katara. You had to have had something to do with it otherwise the water wouldn’t have responded. Do you know how many kooks I let put spiritual water, sacred mud, and holy oil on my burn wishing it would magically go away? I dunked my head in that oasis after I knocked you out at the North Pole but it didn’t work. It was you, you were the one who saved the Avatar; you were the one who saved Ching Mei, the water only worked because of you,” Zuko replied quietly. “You’re special.”
Curious about testing her abilities Katara made him an offer, “Help us get free and I’ll get more spirit water and try to remove your scar.”
“No, thank you, I’m no longer sure if I want to be rid of it,” Zuko confessed.
“What do you mean?” Katara asked touching the damaged skin lightly with the pads of her fingers.
Zuko leaned into her touch, “When we were in Ba Sing Se I let the scar define me instead of letting why I got it define me. Being with Mu and double Zhao and seeing those people at the banquet reminds me the reason for my scar.”
“I don’t regret speaking out in my father’s war chamber. If I had to do it again, I would,” Zuko stated confidently. He paused then smiled at the realization before repeating, “If I could get this scar again I would.”
“I thought you were banished for speaking out in the war chamber?” Katara blurted.
Zuko blinked a few times then looked at her sadly. He hadn’t told her the whole story, “I was. That was only part of my punishment.”
Katara frowned in confusion, Zuko was a prince. There should have only been on person with the authority to punish him. She tentatively inquired, “Zuko, how did you get that scar?”
Zuko lowered his head, “We have these fire duels called Agni Kai’s that we use to defend our honor. When I spoke up against Bujing I thought he was the one I’d insulted and that he’d be the one I’d have to fight. He wasn’t.”
Katara swallowed heavily, he couldn’t mean…
“When I saw my father I got down on my knees and begged for mercy and forgiveness. I loved my father I couldn’t fight him. He burned me to teach me a lesson,” Zuko whispered. “He banished me three days later. Uncle Iroh says it was out of guilt so he wouldn’t have to look at what he did to me.”
Tears came to her eyes and she leaned forward and kissed every inch of his scar. No wonder Zuko was so screwed up. She couldn’t imagine what it must have been like growing up in the Fire Nation with a mother who placed abrasive material in your clothing and a father who burned off half your face.
Zuko clung tightly to her waist. She was crying for him and kissing his face. He felt something in his heart melting then lifting. His father, Lu Ten, Wei, Mu had all tried to tell him the moment you fell in love, truly fell in love, you’d know. He didn’t believe them, but now he could feel the love for Katara welling up in his chest. He felt like his heart was about to explode. He pulled her closer to him and sobbed freely about his injury for the first time since days after it happened.
Katara stroked Zuko’s hair and continued to lavish her affections on his burnt flesh. He couldn’t be all bad if he was willing to go through that pain again to save the lives of. She looked at all the bruises she’d left on him and felt a mixture of shame and pity. She couldn’t fix his scar, but she could make sure her actions didn’t leave permanent damage. She called the water from the bay and bended the salt from it before lifting her glowing hand to his face.
“Katara, what are you doing?” Zuko asked pulling back when he felt something cool tingling against his jaw.
Katara gazed at him kindly, “Some of the marks I left on you will form permanent scars when they heal. I’m making sure they don’t.”
“Leave them. I deserve to be marked for what I’ve done to you,” Zuko murmured placing his hand over her wrist to stop her.
“Yes, you do,” Katara asserted taking his hand into hers and resuming the healing session. “I’m going to remove them because it will make me feel better. Akesato told me you were confused but mostly good and I didn’t believe her. You’ve done so many terrible things I thought you were born evil. I thought the scar was the spirits way of punishing you for the darkness in your soul. I could never imagine how it feels looking in the mirror knowing that your own father harmed you deliberately. Children are supposed to be loved. Discipline is supposed to be exacted with patience and firmness not abuse. No child should be treated the way that your parents have treated you. If my parents raised me like yours did and told me the only way to come home was to capture the Avatar, nothing would have stopped me.”
Katara raised the water to the stitches anchoring the eyelid she’d almost ripped off, “My parents raised me with so much love, kindness and compassion but I don’t hold back in a fight or when I’m determined. Compared to what I would have done you were unbelievably pleasant when you came into my village. This is my way of apologizing for thinking you deserved the scar while being ignorant of how you got it. Now take off your shirt.”
Cathartic tears ran down Zuko’s face long after she finished healing him. When her soft heart could no longer stand to see him so pitiful she lowered herself so she was straddling his lap and gently kissed him. She started at his forehead then moved her lips across his face from the burned area to kiss away the tears rolling down his cheeks. Zuko parted his lips when her mouth found his.
They kissed slowly and deeply like real lovers for the rest of the afternoon. Their hands curiously explored while their lower halfs rocked against each other until the sun began to go down. Katara reluctantly broke the kiss, “Zuko, we have to go back. I can feel the tide rising. The sandbar will be submerged within the hour.”
Zuko rested his forehead on her shoulder, “Before we go back will you touch me Katara?”
“I thought I’ve been doing that already,” she teased kissing and caressing his scar.
Zuko’s heart was pounding. “No, I mean. I’m…aroused,” he admitted his shyly. “Will you touch me there?”
Katara’s cheeks reddened further and she nodded. She kept one hand on his scar and placed the other on the tented front of his pants.
Zuko opened his pants and guided Katara’s hand to his erection. He resumed kissing her as she worked her hand over the head of his cock, coating it with droplets of precum before sliding it down his shaft. His hands roamed from her cheek, her breast, her thigh and her bottom, caressing her as she jacked him off. He moaned, “I love you” against her mouth as he came.
They pulled apart blushing profusely. Zuko lifted her hand and heated it evaporating his semen. Katara pulled water from the bay to wash her hands as Zuko righted his pants. He washed his hands then helped her gather their picnic supplies. This time he wasn’t nervous when he wrapped his arms around her and she bent them back to shore.
Zuko kept watch overhead while Katara desalinated water for the ostrich horses to drink. They kissed again before remounting and riding back to town.
Above them on the cliff Tyro consoled his heartbroken son. They’d heard rumors that the Avatar’s group had been captured and that Prince Zuko had made Katara his concubine. They were on their way to meet up with other members of the resistance when they saw Zuko leading Katara by a chain through the market. They climbed the cliffs waiting for a chance to cut off Zuko once Katara made her move to escape.
“I don’t understand Dad. She was next to a large body of water. She even took him out in the middle of it. Why didn’t she drown him? Why did she go on that sandbar and kiss him? Why did she give him a handjob?” Haru asked numbly.
Katara had seemed so shy and sweet when she was with him. He never imagined her touching another man’s body or that she would be so bold outside in the middle of the afternoon where anyone could see. He watched her initiating most of the kisses. He didn’t want to believe it when his father said they shouldn’t risk their lives trying to free her; that this wasn’t the right time or way to help.
Tyro shook his head and patted his son’s shoulders, “I can’t tell you why. I saw it plenty of times while I was imprisoned, but every woman had a different reason. Some of their families were threatened, some did it for protection, some did it to improve their living conditions; others had been raped and tortured so badly giving in was less painful. Some were simply sluts.”
“Katara doesn’t seem like a frivolous girl. We don’t know what he did to her to make her submit to him. Sokka and Aang are in the stockades, he could very easily be threatening them. Right now the best thing we can do for Katara is to not judge her. We’ll keep tracking their movements and notify the others. I’m sure she’ll try to escape when the time is right, and we have to do what we can to make sure she has the support she needs to do it,” Tyro said sagely.
Haru shook his head, “No, Dad. She’s a slut. When she came to our village she spent most of the night in my room with me before I got arrested. I have never gotten a girl naked so easily. She wouldn’t let me stick anything other than my fingers inside her, but she let me rub my dick against her pussy until we both got our rocks off. He’s not forcing her to do anything. She wants it. I guess she’s found a way to give it up and still play innocent.”
“Haru, you shouldn’t say things like that,” Tyro admonished.
“It’s true Dad. She’s a whore. They said Prince Zuko had chased them from the South Pole to the North Pole. When they finally lost him they found him in an abandoned town and Ba Sing Se. That was after the Fire Nation branded him a fugitive. How did he track them without any resources? Katara was probably telling him where to find them all along just so she could give him her cunt.”
Tyro frowned. He’d also been curious when he’d heard how Prince Zuko always seemed to pop up behind them. “Son, I won’t deny you your opinion, but until we know what is going on keep what you just told me to yourself. Even if it is true, I doubt Hou-T’u herself would be able to save you from Chief Hakoda’s wrath if he heard the way you were speaking about his daughter.”
Haru nodded; his face growing paler. There were stories that when the Water Tribe Chief heard that his children had been captured the man who laughed and joked all the way to Fire Nation went on a bloodbath and wiped out an entire Fire Nation colony singlehandedly.
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