What's wrong with me? | By : ItwasMerlin Category: +G through L > How to Train Your Dragon Views: 79744 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 12 |
Disclaimer: I do not own How To Train Your Dragon, or any of the associated characters. No profit is being made from publication of this |
A/N Hello everyone, Merlin here. Hugeeeee thanks for the reviews, really do motivate me to keep on writing. Just quickly, this has no beta so expect mistakes.
Now, this chapter is a big one, not in size as its relatively small for my normal ones but it kick starts the next faze of the story. No sexual content as this goes onto a second part of the chapter wich may or may not have that in;) but who knows what that will entail ay. I am currently half way through that so i hope not to leave you hanging.
i know plot is a big no no for some, but i promise if you read it you'll realise its for good reason this time haha. Anyway, do me a favour and leave a comment again will you? i mean this is free an all ha ha.
anyways enjoy, Merlin
What’s wrong with me?
Chapter eleven
Revelation’s part one…
Astrid's home ....
The sun shone through the window of Astrid's home and into her room. The blonde slept soundly, relaxed and under her bear skin covers until the light began to bring her round.
Grogginess hit first, a yawn second as she stretched relaxed and content. Until like a ton of bricks it hit her as once more a vivid dream began replaying in her mind.
Why Mildew again? This was the third time in so many weeks that old bastard had appeared in her dream. Or nightmare.
But she was meant to hate nightmares, instead her body had clearly loved every second of it. Her pussy still moist as she woke up.
Sitting up, Astrid’s face scrunched up in discomfort as she felt her body tighten, and aches appear that she had no idea how she had gained. And worst of all, she could feel pain begin to radiate from her rear. It felt sore and throbbed slightly in discomfort. The dream had felt so real, had my body reacted that intensely to it? Astrid thought to herself, running her hand through her blonde locks in frustration. Mildews commands and the Loki stones power stopping the shield maiden from putting two and two together. The only reason she could come up with was it was merely an intense dream.
What she didn’t realise, is just last night, the last of her Virginities had been taken by none other then Mildew. Even worse, she still hadn’t realised the man in question had taken every virginity of hers she could even offer.
Why am I dreaming these dreams? Why am I having these thoughts? The man in the mask wasn’t right, no matter what he tried to tell me ... I'm not a whore, I love Hiccup and he’s all I need.
Shaking her head, she began to rise from her bed. Trying to put the soreness and the pain she was currently feeling to the side. It was just over a week from her wedding to Hiccup, and today she would meet with his father, her own and Hiccup so they could begin plans. The blonde knowing, she needed to stay focused.
But staying focused on anything but the thoughts that scratched away in the back of her mind. Was becoming harder and harder.
Later that morning...
Mildew planted his stick in annoyance in the ground as he marched towards a house, he never enjoyed venturing towards, he should have been home plotting for what to do next with Astrid. But alas, while his friend Johan ported at least once a month, and Mildew would buy supplies directly from him. On occasion he would need to go elsewhere, and annoyingly as he needed some supplies, he had to go local. And that involved stopping by the Thornston house. While the twins were insane, there mother was not far off being on par with them. But alas, she had things he needed to help his farm prosper.
Once he reached the door, he could already here the shouting, rolling his eyes the old Viking knocked. Wanting to get the bartering out of the way so he could get back to his schemes. A few moments later an irate Ruffnut opened the door to the Thornston home.
“What? !!!”
It was as she shouted Mildew saw the change in her eyes when she saw him, the crazy blonde's eyes lighting up as the Loki stones power kicked in.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for shouting at you like that Milly, what can I do for you?”
Mildew had to smile devilishly, forgetting he had taken control of the blonde. One of his commands demanded she was always nice to him. And when a deeper male voice was heard from behind, belonging to none other than her twin brother. A thought cropped up in his head.
“What can I do for you? Why are you being so nice to him, what witchcraft is this?”
Not wasting a second, Mildew walked straight into the home of the Thornston clan pulling the Loki stone out from under his tunic as he did.
“Tuffnut, why don’t you look at this?”
As Mildew set about giving the same commands to the whole Thornton family, he had to Ruffnut, a realisation was made. He didn’t have a back up plan encase this went south with Astrid and he was caught. While he couldn’t control everyone, him wanting Astrid to generally kneel to him and not from a direct command something she wouldn’t do willingly if he controlled everyone she knew. He could still set himself up nicely encase he needed to leave Berk.
The old man decided that was a good enough reason he’d be getting his supplies for free. And once traders and men of importance passed through Berk again, he’d be ready to take things of value from them to.
Fucking the future chiefs soon to be wife was risky business after all.
Stoics/Hiccups home…
Astrid listened in, trying her best to ignore the aches and pains her body was feeling from her intense dream. Sat around the table, Stoic, Hiccup, herself, and her father discussed the details of their up-and-coming union. While Berk kept to the traditions of a dowry being given, and other normal Viking details, Berk after the dragons had arrived had become laxer on the intense rules. Allowing her and Hiccup to have their say on a lot of matters, luckily Stoic seemed to love her, though if he knew anything that was currently happening behind his son’s back, well it would be a different story all together.
“Ay, the dowry is more then acceptable stoic, I can not wait for your boy to join the family.”
Stoic let out a booming laugh as he slapped the back of Astrid’s dad in agreement, the two men having high respect for each other.
“And I your daughter, now, time to discuss a Berk tradition you’ll need to carry out three days prior.”
Astrid wasn’t sure what Stoic meant when he looked at herself and Hiccup, although it seemed Hiccup did as his nasaled voice spoke up.
“The passing of gifts...”
“Ay that’s right Hiccup...” Stoic replied, nodding in agreement as he did. The giant of a man making his chair looked tiny as he rested his elbows on his table. Before the large man explained it to his child and soon to be wife. “So, as it has been for years, you will as a couple, go to each house on Berk three days before your to be wed. And each household shall grant you three gifts, simple, and inexpensive as it’s a mere gesture. But this will show a blessing from each home and shall bring favour from the gods. The homes that don’t bless the marriage, and don’t have a valid reason too contest shall be shunned by Thor himself.”
All of them nodded in agreement, unless a true issue had happened, then no one should deny a Viking marriage. A thought hit Astrid quickly, her stomach twisting in knots slightly at the thought. So, without thinking she spoke allowed.
“Every house?”
Luckily Stoic let out a laugh, he had been known to be against singling out people in his tribe, the man wanting them all to be equal. But he almost seemed to read her mind. Everyone thought going straight to one man.
“Ay lass, that even includes the backside of a sheep Mildew.”
As the other began talking about other details, Astrid inwardly sighed, she wanted to keep as far away from that man as she could. Dreaming about him like she had been, all she genuinely wanted was him out of sight and out of mind. It’s only one thing, you can get through the awkwardness Astrid thought to herself, as the wedding plans rumbled on.
Four days later….
It had been a long four days for Astrid, the man in the mask had struck twice, every other night. She had been subjected to fucking this horrid man. Each time, she had come and like always, each time she refused to go on top, refused to let him win. But she was getting tired, she felt worn down, everything that was being thrown at her. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but she wouldn’t be broken, couldn’t, she was Astrid Hofferson. But why when he asked her to fuck him, asked her to get on top was it harder and harder not to just give in. Not to just enjoy the pleasure her body was seemingly desiring. But all she could do was repeat the mantra, she wasn’t a whore, she wasn’t a whore, she wasn’t a whore.
Calm down Astrid, Calm down, your marrying Hiccup that’s all that matter’s….
That’s what she told herself as she spent the day walking around the village with her future husband. Today was the day they needed to collect the gifts from everyone, so far it had gone well, but as they made the walk to the last home, dragon riding not allowed for this, she felt another load of dread creep in. As the last house they came too was the home of Mildew, the horrid old man who had spent a few nights plaguing her dreams.
“I know we don’t like him Astrid, but lets just get this out of the way, no matter what he say’s or does, he has no real right to deny our marriage without being shunned….” Hiccup said as they approached Mildews home.
Astrid gave him a nod, trying to cover up how uncomfortable she was. She had done her up most to stay away from him since that intense dream that involved him fucking her arse. Unfortunately, he was the last house to get out of the way.
She watched, as Hiccup knocked on the door and took a step back. The noise of a sheep could be heard as things clattered about until the door was pulled open hard, revealing Mildew, a face like Thor’s thunder standing at the door.
“Oh, look its Thor and Freya themselves, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
The sarcasm was evident to Astrid as she didn’t look Mildew in the eye, but the blonde could feel his gaze boring into her. Almost like he knew what she was thinking.
“We’ve come to ask the village’s blessing...”
Mildew rolled his eyes, Berk, and their stupid traditions. They never did do things like real Vikings.
“And I suppose if I don’t your father will have my head.”
If it wasn’t for the thoughts currently weighing her down. Astrid would have laughed at the way Hiccup nodded, a nod that caused a scoff of annoyance. Instead, she stood quiet, not her usual, witty self.
Luckily, it seemed like he would barely even kick up a fuss as the old crochety Viking began muttering to himself as he turned, leaving them at the open doorway as he went looking for their ‘gifts’.
“Maybe he’s turned over a new leaf.” Hiccup quipped, once again the sarcasm evident as he knew the chance of that was next to none. This one did get a slight chuckle from the shield maiden beside him, her blues eyes lightening up slightly from the man she loves words. But something was about to happen to the blonde that she didn’t expect in the slightest, that she didn’t expect, especially at the doorstep of this horrid old man. As she casually peered into Mildews home from his doorstep, her eyes naturally scanned the room, much like most people would. But the blonde stopped almost suddenly, as her gaze caught something on the table at the back of the room she was looking into. It was a pair of black gloves, every instinct in her body cried out that she recognised them, and just why of all things would Mildew have a pair so similar. A breath caught in her throat without even meaning to as Astrid’s heart begin to beat rapidly. Nausea hitting her in an instant.
“Are you okay Astrid?” Hiccup said breaking the silence, his soon to be wife’s face as white as a sheep’s fur.
Astrid didn’t reply, her mind racing a mile a minute. It couldn’t be, no, it couldn’t it was just a coincidence. But she needed to know, needed to know for certain and there was only one way. She needed to get in this house when the current occupier was out. Because she had to be sure, for the love of Thor she had to make sure he wasn’t anything to do with it, that he, that horrible disgusting old man Mildew was the man in the mask. There just gloves, just black gloves, anyone on the island could have a pair like that…. But it wasn’t just anyone who she had been dreaming about. And there weren’t many rack thin old men on Berk either. Her mind biggening to worry more and more as she put more coincidences together, what she didn’t know, was seeing the piece of clothing, seeing it not on the man, just on its own had trumped any commands Mildew had placed on her with the Loki stone, any commands that had hidden the link between the two. Instead of her brain being unable to piece it together, more and more connections began being made. Began making her feel sicker by the minute.
This time it was a bit firmer as Hiccup spoke to her, causing her to swallow nervously and turn to her soon to be husband. She needed to snap out of it, needed to get herself together, she wasn’t certain, not yet and she couldn’t let Mildew be onto her if it were true.
“Sorry, I just came over all funny.”
Hiccup didn’t seem to look as though he believed her, but he let it go, as Mildew eventually arrived back at the doorstep. An eaten apple, a tattered sack and a rusted dagger that had no use. It was clearly Mildew’s way of mocking them, but Hiccup rose above it, they were technically still gifts.
“Here’s my blessing” The old man mocked as he passed them over to the auburn-haired chief to be. The boy keeping his cool and merely nodded before tugging slightly at the blonde’s arm that stood beside him.
Mildew looked at Astrid, the blonde not looking him in the eye, not to mention more dishevelled then usual as the two turned and walked away from his step. He merely thought it was the dream, merely thought she couldn’t stand to look at him after what she had ‘imagined’. Little did Mildew know as he closed the door to his hut, she was one step closer to finding out his whole plan.
Later that day…
After recollecting herself, Astrid put everything to the back of her mind, got herself into the mindset that she was doing what a good Viking would do and find out if they had a threat. She didn’t want to think of what could have happened to her at the hands of Mildew, it wasn’t true, she just needed to make sure. That’s what she kept telling herself as she sat hidden, watching Mildews home for him to leave. She had told Hiccup when they had finished, that she wanted some alone time to practice with her axe and let of some steam, after all the wedding was stressful for them both. Being the man he was, he agreed, so she had then snuck off using a back root and camped just outside Mildews farm and watched.
It seemed as the hours passed, he would never leave, but eventually, the old man skulked from his hole, walking with his stick as he made his way down towards Berk’s main part. She wasn’t sure what for, and she didn’t care but she needed in his house.
Leaving it a good ten minutes, she made sure he didn’t resurface as she moved swiftly towards his hut. Making sure not to alert Fungus who was currently eating grass outside, his sheep nothing but loyal to him. When she was at the door, she made quick work of unlocked his door, the blonde ever resourceful as she entered the home of Mildew. Glancing around, she once again took it in, his old, tattered bed, dragon bones adorning the wall and different trinkets he had collected scattered around the room. Her eyes the caught sight of his small firepit, to the side of it a wooden chest. The room elsewhere empty of anything that linked him, it was the chest left only. Taking in a deep breath she made her way towards it, kneeling in front of it, her knees against the solid floor as her hands reached slowly and unsure.
Opening the chest, it didn’t take long for her to begin to wretch, vomiting aggressively on the floor as sitting atop items of clothing, all a dark colour was a mask… a mask she had come to know too well.
It was that mask…. The mask…. And to her horror, it was confirmed. Mildew was the man in the mask, the most hated, disgusting man on Berk had used her body for his own pleasure.
She tried to block out the worst realisation though, it was said man who had brought pleasure to her body as well.
But worst of all, over everything, she heard a voice coming from behind her, from the doorway to the hut.
“So, whore, it seems you’ve worked it out…”
Please… Please for the love of Odin make this a dream as well.
Unfortunately for the strong, beautiful blonde of Berk… This moment wasn't one of imagination, it was all to real.
A/N sooooo, am i dick for ending it there? probably but this is a long time coming so . Anyway thanks again
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