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Reviews for Revelations of Destiny

By : Kellendros
  • From ANON - Josh84 on December 09, 2008
    Oh, thickening the a bit more, are you? Why not? After all, it's only gotten so thick that you could cut it with a... no, scratch that. It's gotten too thick to cut. Even Shego, with her claws and her powers combined, could barely put a mark on it.

    Seriously, Lord Kellendros, is there an actual end to this in mind? =P Just pulling your chain, I trust you know what you're doing. Til then, I'll enjoy the ride. :) Okay on to the story.

    You keep coming up with interesting characters. Case in point: Grand Master Uzochi. Based on their conversation, it would be an interesting scene if Uzochi did come face to face with Kim and Shego. I think it would end a little better than their confrontation with Pai Mei, given the way you described the Grand Master.

    Seems that Uzochi doesn't have as big a problem as Pai Mei does with Corscan teaching Kim [The Way].

    The "coniving snakes and cowardly, creeping spiders", as Pai Mei put it, who brought Corscan to the Masters' attention? Needless to say, this has me curious.

    I'm always wondered just how strong Corscan is, and now I know. There's something I'd like to see (read); Corscan VS. Pai Mei! Uzochi basically told us that she could fight the Ancient Master and hold her own, even if he was to cheat. Well, that certainly seems to put a damper on the idea of Kim and Shego beating her in a fight, which is sort of depressing.

    Good chapter. The next one you post will put you at 60 chapters! You think you will reach the 100th mark? Even if you don't, there is no doubt that your story is, officially, the longest KP based story out there.

    Keep up the great work. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Ancy on November 25, 2008
    Wow, I just finished reading all 58 chapters. And I really love it. Thank you for a wonderful read and please update as soon as possible.
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  • From skoshi4 on November 16, 2008
    Dear Kellendros:
    That was some knocking about that the girls took, and Kim getting beaten twice in the same novel isn't something that's guaranteed to improve her disposition, I'm sure. She should probably take a .45 to her next meeting with Pai Mei, but the sucker will probably just pluck the bullets out of the air with his fingers. I am definitely going to have to see the Kill Bill series.
    The Master's reason for not killing Kim and Shego reminded me that this story is about Kim's predestination, not in the Calvinistic sense of the next world, but of this one, and that intrigues me, however, if she starts hearing voices and gets outfitted for a suit of armor, I'm so out of here;^)
    I have forgotten the chapter where Corscan has the brusque encounter with Nana Possible, would you refresh my memory?
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on November 14, 2008
    WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA! Awesome, awesome... ****ing AWESOME!!! This was a great chapter!

    Pai Mei as the Ancient Master -- nice touch!

    Very impressive how Shego managed to maintain her self-control. She's definitely come a long way. On that point, I was suspecting that Kim would be the one who would act first, that's just her nature.

    Loved the fight... if you can call it that. Even though Kim and Shego did better than expected, against the Ancient Master, it was still pretty much one-sided. =P I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Those two were very lucky -- Understatement of the Year! -- to leave in with everything attached and in their proper place. If I'd been in Shego's boots, I would've been pissed with Kimmie, too.

    So, it seems that on the list of people that Pai Mei hates -- which is just about everyone but himself -- Corscan seems to be at the very top.

    So, the plot thickens... again. Seriously, LK, every time another piece of the puzzle is added, you just swap it out for an even bigger puzzle that requires even more pieces!

    Loved the stakes that Kim and Shego set for each other for right/wrong answers -- So hilarious! I'm still laughing!

    Again, great chapter! I'm looking forward to whatever you've got planned for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on October 04, 2008
    As always, a fantastic chapter.

    Not much to say other than I liked the whole closet cleaning scene. Very humourous stuff. Especially liked the banter between the two of them while trying on clothes. ;) They seem to be warming up to each other more and more.

    So, Shego and Kim plan to try and find this Master of [The Way] to (hopefully) learn more about Corscan's past. I'm curious to see how this "mission" might be, as Shego said, "dangerous".

    Again, fantastic chapter, LK!
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on September 10, 2008
    It's fun to see (or in my case, read) Shego getting occasionally flustered and distracted by Kim.

    The sparring was good. I can understand Shego getting very frustrated. Even though she's physically stronger and has incredible endurance, Kim's faster and more skilled. Sure, with her powers Shego could outlast Kim and eventually beat her, but it wouldn't feel as satisfying winning that way. This really is like how it was with Kim when she first fought Corscan, only now the roles have changed. I'll assume now that the two are going to be training together, Kim will help Shego with her techniques the way Corscan helped Kim with hers.

    So, got to meet the staff. Like some of the other OC's you've come up with, they seem interesting.

    Great chapter as always, Lord Kellendros. Looking forward to the next one! Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Classic Cowboy on August 30, 2008
    I just wanted to stay first off I'm really enjoying this, you don't see many true erotic dramas around this place, so it's a welcome addition. the Kigo was pretty obvious but one thing I didn't really notice till I was rereading the story. First time through I was thinking this would be straight Kigo romance, but upon rereading I notice you have potential to bring Ron in to confuse our hero even farther.

    It seemed especially in chap 25&26 Ron did the natural Ron freak out at finding out Kim was batting for the other team, but uppon reading exactly what he said, especially the "how am I going to compete with that?", shows he may have more than best friendly feelings for her. It's highly possible even he doesn't even realize his feelings, which added to Kim's new sexual preference would confuse her normally confused partner even more than normal.

    That and the content code includes bi. And it would be fun to see Kim's reaction if someone brought it to her attention that Ron has feelings for her. But alas you are the authur so I will leave it to your more than capable hands. Keep up the great work and update soon!

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  • From ANON - Cujo on August 12, 2008
    Fantastic story so far! I've been reading it whenever possible and have just finished everything you've written to this point and I can't wait to see where you take it from here!! Keep up the good work and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Tomo on August 12, 2008
    well, first off, i must say, well done thus far.

    you have an AMAZING story here....easily the best Kim Possible story I have read to date, and among the top 5 overall. You are quite descriptive, you write inner torment extremely well, your action scenes (be they fighting, dancing, or H-scenes) are obviously researched, and well mapped out. you give your original characters enough description that the reader can see them in their mind's eye, and when you write the scenes, it's not hard to be able to see THEM, as well.

    One of the things I like most in slash and fem-slash stories is a little self-doubt about sexuality, something which, in Kim, you did perfectly.

    The only thing I can suggest to make this story even better is get yourself a beta-reader, because you make the occasional spelling or grammar error.

    Other than that, I itch to see the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - m00mba on August 02, 2008
    For chapter 44: Lol. Is Shego bringing a U-Haul to the second date? Great fic so far.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on July 31, 2008
    Now Wade's on the same page as Monique. As Shego said, went better than expected. BTW, good job working in how Wade knew about what had gone on between Kim and Corscan.

    Got to learn a little more about Shego. Liked the way she turned it around and got Kim to divulge a bit. As she had pointed out, it has been pretty one-sided so far with the secrets.

    As to Kim's little dirty secret-You know the one I mean-... Damn! Did not see that one coming at all!

    The conversation that followed was good, once again showing how much thought Shego's put into how this relationship will go.

    Man, I love when Mo goes all psychologist on us. She helps point out possible things about Shego that Kim would not have thought of.

    To bring up a certain point in their conversation; it must be frustrating for Kim to be so close to Shego, yet having to wait to take that step with her. But it can't be anywhere near as frustrating as it is for me (and the other readers) to wait for the time when it actually happens. LK, I respect you wanting to keep us in suspense, but c'mon! =P

    So, Drakken's Li'l Diablo scheme is underway. And for the most part, everything's going according to plan.

    Another awesome chapter, LK! Looking forward to Kim and Shego's training together in the next chapter.
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  • From inked4chaos on July 27, 2008
    Just wanted to say this is one of the most well written stories ive read in a long time. And i love how you showed kims character mature more into her own person and you attention to detail is very good but i gotta say i do wish there was more going on between Shego and Kim.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on July 14, 2008
    It's understandable that a big place like that would need one hell of a security system, and Shego's got that in spades! I don't see why Kim is uncomfortable with this. After all, Corscan's facility was kind of the same thing, with armed security guards who shoot intruders on sight unless ordered otherwise.

    Loved the kitchen scene! In her defense, Kim did warn Shego that letting her cook was not a good idea. And on a brigther side, other than a batch of ruined pizza dough, nothing in the kitchen-or any part of the kitchen itself-was destroyed in the process.

    Okay, let me see if I've got everything straight.

    Monique is the only one who knows all that has happened to Kim, including what's going on between Kim and Shego.

    Ron and Rufus know about Corscan, but neither know about Shego. They're currently keeping secret their little visit to Corscan's facility.

    Kim parents are completely in the dark about what's going on with their daughter.

    The Tweebs know that their sister is gay, and that she is seeing Shego. Presumably, they don't know exactly what went on between Kim and Corscan. They apparently haven't let on that they know, and they haven't told anyone else.

    Lynn Possible a.k.a. Nana, knows about Kim and Corscan's relationship, presumably doesn't know about Shego. She's currently keeping secret her past with Corscan.

    Drakken - oblivious to everything outside his current evil scheme.

    Wade, like Kim's parents, doesn't know what happened between Kim and Corscan, and, like Ron, doesn't know about Shego. He's presumably got something on the data he recovered. And now, Kim's fixing to tell him where she is, who she is with and why. Okay, chances are if she does tell him, it will lead to her having to explain her relationship with Corscan. The poor boy's going to have a nervous breakdown.

    Am I right about the info above? Anyway, as always, terrific chapter. And, as always, looking forward to the next... especially looking forward to the next.
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  • From ANON - Slave2Writing on July 13, 2008
    This was an excellent story up until when Kim went to Shego's house. Your ability of description is impressive but excessively annoying. Every recent chapter is Shego telling Kim off, Kim taking it mildly, and a new impossibly large room added to the house. You don't talk at all about the attraction between Shego and Kim. The story doesn't seem to be going anywhere especially since the mystery with Corscan has been forgotten. I really wish that the next chapter will have a lot less description of the house and more Kim and Shego exploring their attraction and more discussion on the mystery of Corscan.

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  • From ANON - Josh84 on July 05, 2008
    Wow! Two chapters in two days. I love it!

    No impressive house would be complete without an equally impressive garage, plus some awesome bikes and cars! ;)

    So, Kim's first tour of Europe was pretty cool. Got to see some of the sights, and got to learn some of the history.

    Great stuff, Lord Kellendros! Looking forward to more!
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