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Reviews for Revelations of Destiny

By : Kellendros
  • From ANON - Muzzlehatch on April 20, 2009
    Poor Kim! To be sooo frustrated. She's going to be like an old baseball glove down there if she doesn't lay off for a bit.
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  • From ANON - Muzzlehatch on April 03, 2009
    I've decided to reread your novel to refresh my memory whilst waiting for the next chapter. Glad to see that josh84 is continuing to do illustrations for it.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on February 28, 2009
    You certainly got this one out quickly. At least, it seems that way to me.

    You know, I had a feeling there was going to be further confrontation, but I didn't expect the way it was sparked: Motor Ed insulting Alice Cooper and his music in front of Shego, one of his biggest fans... that sound about right! ;)

    Loved the transforming exo-frames. No doubts that was reference to Transformers, right?

    Awesome fight. And it looks like Motor Ed and his goons won't be saying anything about it. He may be a moron most of the time, but even he's got the common sense to Shego and her threats.

    I was a little surpised by the drug use at the end, especially by Kim, but given all of the other things the girl has done throughout the story, I got over the shock quickly.

    Another terrific chapter! Keep it up!
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  • From classiccowboy on February 27, 2009
    good update! the fight scene was outstanding, and I was surprised by the drug use, but hey she's getting more and more openminded as the story goes on. but still no Kigo sex! stop holding out :p

    also curious on how it's going to be when her best friend/sidekick finds out she's in a relationship with her (former?) arch foe. Keep it up! update soon!
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  • From skoshi4 on February 09, 2009
    Oh, that was a mighty fine chapter, Milord. What a concert, and what a battle! I don't mind if you go on with another 250K, with this kind of quality I'm not complaining a bit. Loved the description of the girl's outfits. The two of them together, a calliope, and they're a circus parade. I've never been to an Alice Cooper concert, or any kind of rock concert for that matter, but with your description I feel as if I'd been to one. I hope that Josh84 or somebody will do an illustration of the fight, that would be a something to see.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on February 09, 2009
    Once again, you denied us the Kigo scene, but this works just fine.

    It seems so out of place for Shego to get all giddy like a school girl. I didn't think she could get "giddy." But as it has been proven, time and time again, she's just full of surprises.

    I was shocked by what Kim did to her hair, but that was soon forgotten when I found out what Shego had done to hers. My reaction was similar to Kim's; I liked Shego's hair, too, and to find out that she turned that long, thick, luxurious mane of hers into a foot-high Mohawk, it damn near broke my heart... until I found out it would grow back in about a week. Whew. What a relief.

    Hair aside, loved the outfits they picked out. Rrrawrrrr!

    It's only natural to lose yourself at a concert, so you can't blame Shego for doing the same. She was just unfortunate to have certain abilities that require her to maintain control. At least nothing was blown up.

    Loved how Alice Cooper practically forced Shego onto the stage. And we got to learn a couple more things about the green woman - she had met Alice Cooper and she's a kick-ass guit-- excuse me, bass player!

    Too bad all good things must come to an end. Kim and Shego couldn't just go home after a wonderful evening. No, they had to run into a bunch of dumbass bikers who wouldn't accept no for an answer. Thus a fight broke out. I almost feel sorry for the morons... almost, but not quite.

    And yet another unexpected twist in the form of Motor Ed, the Lipsky Family Black Sheep, a.k.a. Drakken's mullet-headed, air guitar wailing cousin. Oh, this is going to prove interesting in the next chapter!

    For one thing, I want to see how the greasers react, because I get the feeling that during the whole fight, none of them had any idea of who they were messing with. So, for them to find out that they picked a fight with two of the world's most dangerous females... ;)

    Then there's Ed's reaction to seeing Kim and Shego together. On the one hand, I think the whole things going to be hilarious. On the other, this goes not bode well for our ladies should this information finds it's way back to Drakken.

    Then again, I'm sure Kim and Shego will do what they can to keep such information from leaking out. Heh heh!

    As always, a fantastic chapter, and as always, I'm looking forward to the next one.

    Before I close, I'd like to comment on the foreword at the start of this chapter:

    Congrats on reaching the half-million word mark! That is so awesome. Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but I am really glad that you have continued with this thing for as long as you have. One of things I hate most in the fanfic world is coming across great stories that are given up on and never completed. But from what you've said, I assume you plan to see this all the way to the end. For that, I am thankful.

    Keep up the great work, Lord Kellendros!
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  • From classiccowboy on January 26, 2009
    great stuff as always, and judging by that last paragraph, are we going to finally get a Kigo love scene soon? also interested in how Ron'll handle this relationship. It was a touchy situation with Cas, a villian he wasn't that familiar with, but with Shego? Interested in how he'll take this one. Not to mention if her parents find out she's not only playing for the other team but seems to be going for known villians. Anycase, Keep up the excellent work and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Ancy on January 26, 2009
    Hey there, I'm waiting patiently as ever. Still are there any updates coming soon?
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  • From Neihaera on January 25, 2009
    How's Chapter 61 coming along?
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  • From ANON - K on January 04, 2009
    That was a wicked cool chapter. i'm definitely looking forward to the next one.
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  • From ANON - funnygirl on December 29, 2008
    Since you were so kind in giving me your opinion about my review of Hobs story, I thought that I would return the favor and give you my opinion of your story. This story is the longest piece of shit that I have had the pleasure to stop reading. Its overly written with pointless details that weight down and takes away from the actual story, It going nowhere quickly in terms of plot and story development, and the characters are so overly developed they are starting to seem fake and "created." This entire story seems like it is an exercise for you to use your "extensive" vocabulary to show the reader that you are smarter than they are. Trying to read this horrible story is an exercise in futility that I am no longer willing to engage in. If this was an actual printed work that I wasted my money on, the only purpose it would serve would be to wipe my ass on when I went camping. I would rather read "Old Man and the Sea" again then this piece of shit and that is the worst book EVER written!!!! I seriously hope that you never aspired to be a writer because you are lousy at it. Don't quit your day job to be a writer EVER.
    Yeah I know that I'm a bitch, but I got over it and so should you.
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  • From ANON - Josh84 on December 28, 2008
    Now this is what I call a great belated Christmas gift!

    Loved the way you made this into a diary entries based chapter. It was an interesting change of pace.

    Now to comment a little about some of the entries:

    July 13 - Got to learn a little more of what Shego can do with her powers; always a treat.

    July 15 - This was my all-time favorite scene. Huh, I've heard of sleep-walking and sleep-talking, but (pardon my French) sleep-fucking? That's something I haven't seen before! Well, anything's possible for a Possible, eh?

    Especially loved the different emotions Shego experienced from the time Kim said Corscan's name all the way to the point where she "crooned" Shego's name.

    So, the mysteries of the Shego's home has been revealed. I'll admit I was surprised.

    I can totally picture Shego as Lara, wearing the outfit, but without traditional firearms. After all, Shego's got her own built-in arsenal. Ooh, possible idea for fanart!

    July 20 - Quite a metabolism Kim seems to have. I actually envy that. :P

    And I think that the kisses shared by the two here are the first we've seen in awhile. Come to think of it, throughout the rest of the entries, the two are sharing more intimate contact now than they have been.

    July 22 - That's a pretty big secret the 'rents have been keeping.

    July 24 - So, Shego gonna teach Kim how to fix things, including restoring what will be Kim's first car. Cool! Knowing the two of them, they might just get it ready in time for school. Huh, I can just imagine the look on Bonnie's face when Kim comes driving up in her new (or rather old but restored) car. ;)

    July 26 - Aww, a sweet and tender moment. They just keep growing closer and more comfortable with each other.

    That last passage at the end got me very curious! What exactly happened the day and night before? I'm guessing that's what the next chapter will be. Could it be that you've finally decided to reward us, your loyal readers, with the long awaited Kigo HLS scene? Mmm... maybe, maybe not. Knowing you, probably not, but then again... [Growls] This is gonna be on my mind all the time I'm gonna have to wait for the next chapter!

    Oh, well, HLS or not, I'll be looking forward to whatever you have planned.

    Great stuff, LK! And hey, congrats! 60 chapters posted! Keep up the good work.
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  • From Neihaera on December 26, 2008
    Shego's no more a villain than I am, for goat's sake ... she's a MERCENARY, and it ain't a dirty word, either. Sooner or later she'll figure this out for herself, and when she does, I want a picture. And about Kim's "ferret-on-methamphetamine" metabolism, I've seen it before ... I have a (female) cousin who, more than once, no word of a lie, ate a buffet. An ENTIRE buffet. She's been banned from half the restaurants in two fair-sized towns. She's 5'4", as thin as a rail, and a semi-professional barrel-racer. For a pair of cartoon characters, you are doing one HELL of a job expanding their realities.
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  • From ANON - ancy on December 12, 2008
    Ohhh I am so hooked on this story. I hope you update soon cause I´m dying to know things will progress.
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  • From heraldoftruth on December 09, 2008
    You couldn't write a simple 4 page chapter without adding an entire new dimension to the story, now could you. Isn't it complex enough as it is? Not that I am complaining, mind you. The more complex the better as long as you have it planned out rather than adding random stuff at the last minute. I just think it funny that just when I think I am beginning to understand the characters and their motivations you go and add not one but two new (at least I assume the are new) organizations with separate agendas to the mix. I love it. This story just keeps getting better. Are you looking to publish it ever? I know that it is only Fanfiction, but with only a few tweaks you could cut all ties to the KP universe (or so it seems, who knows what you have planned). Anyway, I am loving your story so far and can't wait to see where you take it. Keep up the good work.

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