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Reviews for Choices

By : syndromia
  • From ANON - M on November 26, 2006, just no. I cant see any universe where Iroh would be proud of Zuko letting some guy rape him just to save Zhao. He'd be proud if Zuko say...had the choice of letting Zhao fall off a cliff or not and saved him.

    ...So yeah, no. This makes no sense.
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  • From ANON - Sexy Spork on September 04, 2006
    I have to say the summary caught my eye, as it was boldly unique.

    Then I read some. And read some more. And then walked away from my laptop with varying degrees of horror.

    I will say flat out that I don't like this piece of work. To me, it does not stay true to the characters. Zuko more likely would have killed the man than be raped by him. I agree that I don't think he would have left Zhao there (no matter how much the bastard deserves it, but it can be considered one of those "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy" type of things), but I don't believe Zuko would simply roll over and allow something that traumatized him in his childhood to happen all over again.

    I also do not believe Iroh would have told Zuko he was proud of him. Iroh is a -general-. He is the Dragon of the West, and he obtained that title through war and conquest. War isn't pretty; there isn't anything nice about war. He probably saw his far share of rapes during his stint as an officer, and he must know how absolutely -devastating- rape can be. And just like war, rape cannot be glorified. And the instant he had known that Zuko had been an unwilling participant, no matter what the cause, I would bet that he would have hunted that son-of-a-bitch down like the dog he was. Not pat him on the back and say "I'm so proud of you". Because to me, Iroh was simply telling Zuko it was -okay- to be raped, that there was -honor- in it because he saved a man who wouldn't hesitate to put a knife in Zuko's back (among other things).

    Under serious revisions, this fiction could be quite worthwhile. But at its present condition, I cannot take it seriously.
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  • From ANON - Tugera of Deviantart on August 03, 2006
    Hmmm, I liked this...
    but I DO wish the sex seen were longer...

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