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Reviews for Age of the Machine (Market Comodity 3)

By : Scienceteacher
  • From kuroikitsu on March 22, 2010
    Just noticed, I said that wasn't going to be a long review and it was longer than the other review.... only me. I also noticed that keke is the only casetticon clone... Lets see if I can get some actual writing skill up and try to do something about that. no promises, lol. Have fun writing your next chapter!
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  • From kuroikitsu on March 22, 2010
    Sorry its been over a week since I was able to review (I hadn't had internet), so its been a while since I read teh chapter so it wont' be as detailed a review. Despite this, I really really really loved it. I didn't realize that my rambles actually had anything useful in them, but since they do I will continue to review. In terms of surprises, not only was a Cyclonus clone a surprise, but Opie facing him had me nearly dying in shock. Best way to convince Cyclonus. Truly. That, however, leads me to one specific question. The reason why Bond reacted so strongly to the change (as did Glock) was because he wasn't that close to any of the humans right? Because all the Skywarps weren't effected, and I'm assuming that all the Megatron's aren't as well. Does that mean that all the infected Skywarps prowling around are now infected Cyclonuses? Does that mean that Tron is now a Galvatron? Did he kill Flashback?

    Speaking of the dark side of the clones, the group originally got Opie because they liberated him from Tron. Did they ever do anything like that again? It would be interesting to see how a raid like that went on from their perspective, instead of from the slave's, like how they found out there were captured clones and how they snuck up on the infected's base....

    Speaking of the base, and outside, how is the whole whether situation? For example, they found a lot of humans who were surviving the horrific conditions somewhat like they did everyday life. I'm certain not all of them were able to find a shelter like our lucky first group was, they probably hid in basements until they had to move. Has that had any negative effects on the humans, like asthma or lung cancer or even just a weakened immune system? (morbid thing to think about, but I find myself wondering how healthy can a person be when they live in those conditions especially after being used to a relatively hardship free American life. Most Americans can afford food, a nice portion of them have homes, and though there is pollution, the environment gets no where near as acidic as it reached during parts of this story. People can survive a lot, but I was just wondering about it.

    ...wait a second, because my mind jumps around, I just thought of this. A couple of chapters ago, when Opie started injecting Samie's sperm in Torie, if she gets pregnant and has a kid, how is the custody going to work on that? (Maybe you explained it, but either I accidently skipped over it or I turned into a ditz and just didn't get it...) Will the kid just thinkt that Torie and Storm are his/her parents? Will he know that Samie is the father, even if he acts more like an uncle than a father? Will it be the five of them all taking turns acting as both the mother and father positions so that the title of whose who, wont really matter?

    Also, about the last time we heard anything about the whole Grammy situation, is religion going to attract more humans and clones. In teaching Christanity to Steel and Groove she will ensure that the religion will not be forgotten, but will it catch on? What about other religions? Is that going to become a source of contention in the group, like it just to be for people (and in some cases still is?). For example, many christans believe in abstinance. The group is made up of atleast half, if not mostly pleasure clones. How well does that mesh?

    Here goes my subject skipping again (I'm getting slightly better, I'm putting them into paragraphs so that its not all one giant clump of random), but how does Bond changing into a Cyclonus affect TC, I understand that he was tired of clingy!Warp, but I'm certain he was hoping that one day Skywarp would be able to recover and he could chase after him again. Since that's not going to happen, is he going to give up on having a clone? Is he going to go after that new Skywarp, Cloudhopper. Would Cloud act like Bond did when TC first started showing interest in him? How would his human, Andrea, respond?

    And Charge... I have a feeling hes backing himself into a corner the more and more jealous he gets. Will he ever admit that is what it is? Will Doc get tired of the attitude and cuss him out? What caused Charge's personality shift? I would has if it was Optimus's death, but it was happening before then, if I'm correct, but maybe that sped it up. Is it because Optimus died that his processor balance is out of whack and is causing him to be more violent? Is it something else? How many others who aren't in the situation have noticed? The only ones who comment on it are in teh situation (Doc and Jag). In that case, how does Charge act infront of everyone else when they're there? How much different is it than when they aren't? Does these sort of situations only happen in private (pretty understandable considering how many people want to keep it under wraps. The only ones who don't are Opie and Charge and Charge wants there to be no situation to be in the open. (if that even made sense). Is it that the people who notice don't care (like... Rumble wouldn't care, but would he notice?) or are they trying to wait for them to settle the situation themselves (Seems like something Steel or Flame would do...)

    I can't wait for another chapter, I'm sure i'll have even more to say by then. One day you might get a review thats the size of a chapter lol. Sorry again that it took so crazy long to review, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again!
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  • From kuroikitsu on March 02, 2010
    I've tried to review three times already and it hasn't gone through, stupid sketchy internet. One day I will be able to offer constructive critisism. Today is not that day. Today I just merely tell you how much I liked it and why. I love how Glock's changes were clear but somewhat subtle, still wonder why Opie didn't notice it though. Was Dante's... distrust merely based on the sharing that was constantly happening or was the changes part of the reason? I do love the Starscream clone vs Starscream clone challenge that happened during the Poker game but I do wonder about the total lack of attraction he has towards Jag. To have pined over the clone so long and hard, and to have wanted him (or atleast the security he provided) back when Jag first offered it, I find it a tad suspicious that he just dropped off Scream's radar, especially because of his relationship with Opie. That does make me wonder if that threesome will work out or if Opie will have to chose to just drop Jag back into single life, because at this point Opie will be the one holding that together with nothing more than will power and sex. Why aren't the clones of the dead mechs affected in anyway? Since, from what happened to Glock and Bond, major changes in the original affect the clones, and death is a pretty big change in status, why aren't the others affected? It also begs the question of how will this change affect the Glock we know and love (who didn't send off vague creeper vibes like this one does?) Will there be anymore Megatron clones with sparks? Could any of the other bots just have extra sparks lying around (like Dante did) that they could put into a Megatron clone? Would that even make a difference to Glock, when it comes to his depression over trust? The fact that Scream was the one who decided to prove his trust says a lot about how he's grown since the first saga, hell even since the beginning of this part of the series! I do love the addition of Tune. Is it sad to say that your characters are so dynamic that I totally didn't notice the lack of a Soundwave at first? Is Tune going to become Opie's replacement when it comes to the physical overtures of Dante and Glock, or will he eventually pull away from his Original's instincts and find his own personal clone to grow attach to? What would happen if Charge began to suffer the memory echoes, would he ask for help or would his pride get in his way? Or is it that crossbred clones are immune because they have different bodies and that would break the echo before it started? Since Dante and Glock have been the one to break the Autobot memory echoes, are their any Decepticons that suffer through memory echoes caused by Autobots, or are all bot's fair and able to control their desire for revenge when it comes to that? Now that my mind's on Charge (I have the attention span of a goldfish, please bear with me and the incestant questioning...) will he start to attend more poker nights to ensure that Opie doesn't get his hands on Scream? How is poor Doc dealing with Charges new protective nature? There have been hints that he thinks Charge is being downright unfair to Opie, but nothing indepth about how he feels on the situation. Is he perfectly okay with his mate being so attentive to Scream's suitors? Does he feel jealous over it? Does he just wish Charge would either demand that Scream was fully with them only or just give him up? I only just realized this cuz i've reread parts of teh story several times and I always read the previous chapter before starting a new one (strange habit i know) but I just noticed that even though most of Opie's time in spark realm was spent with Prime, Starscream did visit him as well. Does that mean that he could visit any spark that hasn't found rest within the Matrix, or only ones that have issues with him? Is that his Eve Spark ability, to visit the Spark realm, sync with, and ease dead sparks? I mean Poet's eve spark ability deals with new sparks like when he synced with Scream's baby. (I believe it was Scream... it might have been TC, i'm not sure). Scream sync's with the sparks that are there now, so it would make since if Opie synced with the sparks of the deceased. Or am I just totally taking things that weren't that big at all and totally blowing them up? Oh, and as I sit here just pondering on the series, I do wonder how everyone is reacting to Rhinox. Is he a noisy baby? Is he quiet? How different does it make things, or does it not? And speaking of random ponderings, I do wonder how Steel and Groove's attempt to be saved to become closer to Grammy is doing... Or just basic what's going on with Daniel and Speed and Shado since we haven't heard about that side of the family in forever. Now I just know this review is getting to long and has bi-passed any usefullness it might have had before (it grows by about 100 words with each new review attempt that fails. by the time you get this it'll be a novel lol), so i'll just keep collect any questions that may come up in my crazy head and save them for later reviews. I'll be really glad when you finish the next chapter! There are still people who love the story so please keep writing.
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  • From aniay on March 01, 2010
    You still have me!

    WOW! You made Scream fight his monsters... and for Dante... that was unexpected.
    And what the slagg are you doing to Glock. He is manipulative and I'm still not sure if I we should trust him, but now I'm just sorry for him.
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  • From StarRaider on February 28, 2010
    Wow, they've really come along way. I can't help it I have to say I love Glock too. I wish AFF had a email notification of updates.
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  • From kuroikitsu on February 17, 2010
    Glock is entirely too awesome. he should not be so perfectly manipulative yet unevil. Hell, by the time that anybody (including Opie) realizes what he's doing it's going to be too late to stop him. I'm really mad that everyone got so pissed at Glock at first, he did ask Wheelie's age to make sure first, otherwise he coulda just did his thing and no one would have been able to stop him. Now the question is, since Glock is slowly turning the unit into his own personal crew, will he still need Opie? Opie is his partner, but will he eventually drop him and just be leader? Also, I kinda really wanna know what happens during the poker nights? And I wonder why that dream started teh memory echoes.... I'm glad you wrote this chapter.
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  • From aniay on February 10, 2010
    NO NO NO NO NO! *Cries* How could you? Killing OP is the meanest thing ever. *cries more* but then it grips the heart, twists it and makes the reader think what now because I think everyone wished that Autobots would come and save the day.
    It's great to see another update on your story.
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  • From mapleflavored on February 09, 2010
    Nice chapter! Very interesting, and completely NOT what I was expecting (which is a good thing!) But I would like to know... why aren't there any Dinobot clones?!? I would love-love-love it if a Grimlock-clone happened to be found. And I would be full of even more joy if a Sound-wave clone showed up (wait... didn't one show up?)
    And I hope your wrists stop bothering you so much... *sends healing thoughts your way*
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  • From kuroikitsu on February 08, 2010
    First I just need to say how amazed I am that you were able to write when it physically hurt you and spoke about it like it was something trivial. Wow, you are a real writer to write through pain just for fun and a few words of normal people like me. You deserve some sort of award. The chapter kind of threw me for a second with Opie's trance especially since it started with Glock and Inferno basically jumping him. Threw me for a loop, especially since I was all 'isn't he Jag's now???' But I love what you did after that, explained a lot about the actual Optimus's view. I'm glad that he got to see the clones together like that... Since Optimus died... who else did? What happened to Earth II? What's going on with Tron and Flashback? What about Steel, Groove, and the conquest of Grammy? Has Sharon made any progress in getting Bond back into more of a G1 Skywarp clone than the Animated one? Just a few questions I had atleast. I'm so glad you got this chapter out so quickly, but take a few days and give your hands a chance to rest. Maybe it won't hurt so badly... Until next chapter.
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  • From tanisa666 on February 08, 2010
    I'm loving this fic, but would like to view to more Bumblebee ^ ^
    I loved the cap 15 and can not wait for the next ^ ^

    (sorry my bad inglish)
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  • From Scienceteacher on February 07, 2010

    Your writing style is reminiscent of an older time - picturesc in its emotion. For a second language - you're doing well for your first try. Next time email it to me at first - and I'll fix the formatting/paragraph errors before you publish it.

    Can't wait to see what you do with the wandering Blur clone. I assume he's sparked since he had humans that were emotionally connected to him. So he won't get infected with the Decepticon virus.
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  • From aniay on February 04, 2010

    I'm not sure if you are still visiting here, reading reviews and so on but I just want to tell you how riveting is your whole world of Market comodity. For the last few days I couldn't stop reading and I couldn't stop myslef from falling in love with Scream and his merry band.
    It's amazing how deep and threedimensional you made almost every character in here, how you took the old mechs and reashaped them into those individuals.
    There were moments I loled so hard my hubby was grumbling about me being insane and there were moment I cried because the emotions and feelings in your story are almost palapable.
    You turned the light and porny story into so much more. You, as an author, are like an eve spark yourself, you gave them life.

    Wish you keep writing this. Oh and I'm reduced to total squeeee with some of the cloes' memory echos... I'd never thought I'd love Prime/Screamer so much, and I'm still tempted to write something for Market Comodity 1.

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  • From kuroikitsu on February 02, 2010
    Oh wow, I hope you feel better soon! Take as much time as you need, don't want you to force yourself, have fun with the writing (its most fun to read that way as well). I must say that I absolutely loved this chapter, it was perfect. I wasn't sure if Beachcomber and Rumble had continued their thing since the first time, but this made it perfectly clear! I must admit, I find their relationship as fascinating as Jag Opie and Scream's. As for those two, I'm glad things seem to be looking on the up for them. I do wonder, though, will Scream find out about 'that' night? How will he react? And much along the same vein, if the revival of Jamie works, what would happen if he didn't forget? If the disappointment of Dante having an Oilslick meta was imprinted on his spark? Would he tell Glock? If so how would Glock react? Would he even believe him, cuz despite the fact that he's off kilter for the clone he's supposed to be, sparked clones often are different from the mechs and there are times where he does act like a true Starscream clone. Once Charge gets over the shock, how will he react to Opie's new confidence? Will Storm actually be happy that Torie's pregnant (once she actually is...)? What would happen if they found a clone of Rumble and Frenzy? (a lot of the others are addressed, and we know how Beachcomber reacts to the clones of him, but how would Rumble? Especially since more likely than not there would be one of his twin too?) What is up with the infected clones? if Tron's group finds an unsparked autobot clone do they make it a slave anyway? What happens if their was more than one, do they fight to see which is the 'real' mech? And this is a question about waaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the future but what happens when the planet is okay again? What happens when the Autobots come back with the rest of the humans? Will the Decepticons come back too? How will they react to the clones and the way they've gotten together? Will they look at certain mechs differently Will the clones tell the mechs what memory echos they had? (Like if Jag told Prowl about what happened with Scream and about the memory echoes, would he look at Starscream differently?) I guess I just wonder what the effect on the Autobot Decepticon war would be if everyone knew everything. What memory echoes does Glock have? Was it that Megatron really actually liked Starscream but refused to just be used by him so decided to just possess his body instead but madly jealous of Optimus made up some crazy excuse to start a war so he could kill him? Was it that he just wanted Optimus under him as well? Some pretty crazy theories, but they were the first that came to mind. It's a long review and I just threw a novel's worth of questions at you so i'll quit while I'm ahead. Sorry I threw so much at you at once, its just good stories get me to thinking and this whole series is great and the more I read it, the more questions I have. I'll probably have even more next chapter. I know you probably won't be able to answer the questions (if any at all) but i just had to write them down and a review is the best place. I can't tell you just how much I loved this chapter, and that I hope you feel better soon. See you next time!
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  • From Trelynne on November 01, 2009
    First off: WOW!!! so much happened! And I still have tears in my eyes from Darren's death! He will be very much so missed, and the baby is so cute! ^_^ just cant believe all of the drama is makes things so much better. But I feel so terrible for Opie TT__TT he is going back into the meta set he had when he was taken from Tron T__T And I am very very happy that Jag isn't trying to use this to his advantage to get Opie out of the way so he can have Scream to himself, he is the most perfect Prowl clone! *hearts* As for Glock, i am still very very worried about if he will in the end just take advantage of Opie then drop him and like him take the blame for something. Anyway, thankyou very much for the long chapter! It was greatly loved! ^_^
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  • From coconut81 on November 01, 2009
    AMAZING chapter! I was psyched out of my mind when I saw the update. I love your description of the battle. That was so sad about Darren--but also a really great twist. Opie seriously needs to get it together. And Jag is awesome. Can't wait for more!
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