Jessica Rabbit: Summer Rain | By : johntrumancarteriii Category: +S through Z ? > Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Views: 34617 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Who Framed Roger Rabbit or Superman, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. All characters are TM and C their respective license holders. |
Author's note: This is a loose sequel to my earlier story 'Jessica Rabbit: Showtime', set many years later and exploring a pairing often depicted in Julius Zimmerman's famous series of Jessica Rabbit drawings.
All characters are TM and (C) their respective license holders and their appearance here is parody. This story should be read only by those who are 18 years or older.
Lightning flashed behind the Hollywood sign, threatening an oncoming storm.
It had been one of those summers where the heat made you more aware of your own body as it sucked the moisture right out of you. The kind of summer that when the rain did finally arrive, it hissed with the steam that came with it.
But it wasn't raining. Not yet. And as Jessica Rabbit hugged the curves of the Hollywood Hills in her convertible Rolls Royce, the engine roaring, she kept glancing at the horizon, wondering when the clouds were finally going to break.
The wind was whipping through her lush red hair. A human woman would worry about looking dishevelled but it wasn't a problem for the toon beauty. She knew that wherever she arrived, no matter what, she would look good. After all, she was drawn that way...
Looking good, however, was the furthest thing from her mind. In a town like LA, friendship was a commodity hard to come by. With things falling down around her she needed a friend more than ever, and there was only one person she knew she could count on.
Jessica took one last curve at top speed before jerking the wheel to the left, the wheels bumping up over the curb as she pulled into the long, winding driveway. The car idled to a stop outside the mansion, where a solitary light emanated from deep within.
She could hear jazz music playing as she killed the engine and walked up to the front door, curling her mink stole around her shoulders. She knew he'd be home and was grateful to have been proven right.
Jessica pressed her finger to the doorbell. A needle scratched and the jazz music stopped abruptly. She heard footsteps walking determinedly down the hall.
Some homeowners might have stopped at that point to struggle with the dead bolt, but not in this house. No, the door swung open unlocked, the handle held by a man unafraid of the possibility, however remote, of someone with ill intentions darkening his doorstep.
"Jess?" Clark Kent said with obvious surprise. "What are you doing here?"
"I've left Roger," Jessica replied. "May I come in?"
Clark's mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide. He stared at her numbly, but nodded his head.
"Of course, of course." He stood to one side, allowing her to strut inside on her towering high heels, and closed the door behind them.
As Jessica walked down the hallway, her eyes scanned the walls. Amongst the photos of Clark in his Superman guise and of Clark at the Academy Awards, she found the one framed black-and-white that she was looking for; her and Roger on a double date with Clark and Cinderella, Clark's ladyfriend of the time.
"Good times." Jessica said with a wry smile, not realising that she'd come to a stop standing next to the photo.
"Yeah, until Cindi gave me my walking papers..." Clark said, laying a gentle hand on Jessica's bare shoulder. She glanced at him. "Jess, what's going on?"
"...Do you have anything to drink, Clark?" She asked, pulling away and walking into the cavernous lounge, the only room in the house that was lit. The golden light bounced warmly off the curves of her body; an observation that Clark was in the habit of trying to ignore.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah. I was just helping myself to a scotch." He said, following after her. He was dressed in a smoking jacket and slippers, and a copy of The Collected Works of Nietzsche sat bookmarked on the table next to a leather armchair.
"Spare a lady a scotch and soda?" Jessica asked, running her fingers over the gilded lettering on the book's cover, before adding, "On the rocks...with ice."
"Don't worry, I've mixed enough drinks to know what 'on the rocks' means." Clark said as he ambled over to the drinks cabinet.
"Sorry," Jessica said. "Obviously I've been working in too many toon clubs."
"No problem," Clark said, plucking the ice from its bucket. "Now, please...what's going on with you and Roger?"
Jessica didn't seem to hear the question, or simply ignored it, as she continued to amble around the room, absently looking at all the framed photos.
"Do you ever keep in touch with Lois?" She asked, staring at a picture from the set of the Fleischer Studios Superman shorts.
"She's doing radio work over in New York these days," Clark replied, pouring the whiskey. "We catch up whenever she's in town but we never really had all that much in common."
"And the directing?" Jessica asked. "How's that?"
" is work." Clark said. Ever since the Superman films had come to an end, he'd been finding it hard to get any work on-camera. He'd been working behind the scenes the past few years under the pseudonym Kent Dalton.
Clark turned, two glasses in his hands, to find Jessica holding one of the pictures, scrutinising it after having pulled it down from the wall.
It was a photo from the lounge act days. Over ten years ago, he and Roger had been doing some moonlighting as a comedy duo. It was an act that the press would eventually dub the 'toon equivalent of Martin and Lewis', but in those days it was just a bit of fun, with Clark playing the straight man and Roger, as always, the wacky clown.
The picture Jessica held in her gloved hand was a promo shot, featuring the voluptuous redhead the duo would fight over as part of the routine. Given how good a friend Clark was to not only Roger but Jessica as well, it was only a natural to include her in the act.
The three of them beamed out from the sepia-toned photo, their lives so wonderfully uncomplicated. Jessica couldn't help but notice the sharp contrast between the grinning girl in the picture and the face that reflected back at her in the glass frame.
"Your drink." Clark said as he sidled up next to her.
"Thank you." Jessica said, taking the glass and putting the photograph down. She pressed her lips to the rim and took a sip.
"You going to tell me what the problem is?"
For a moment, Jessica stared deep into his eyes and Clark was overcome. But then she turned, strolling over to the brown leather couch where she perched on the edge of the seat, her stole sinking in behind her.
"I heard they were talking about doing a new Superman series. For TV." She said.
"Yeah...but live action," Clark replied, sitting down beside her. Without realising it, he took a large swig from his glass, the whiskey hot in his chest. "No place for a toon."
"It really is hard, isn't it?" Jessica said. "Being a human toon in this world...not quite belonging to either side."
"You got that right," Clark said, taking another hit. "It's been tough, Jess, I won't lie to you. Sure, I'm directing, but it's all small stuff. Mostly commercials, all of them featuring toons. They got me pegged in a box I can't leap my way out of. I'm paying the bills, but I'm hardly living the life. It's not like it used to be."
"No. No, it's not." Jessica said, glancing back over at the photo of her, Clark and Roger. Clark, noticing where she was looking, took her by the hand.
"Enough games now," he said. "Tell me."
Jessica drew in a breath. Held it. She turned her head to look out the glass doors leading onto Clark's balcony. Hollywood lay spread out beneath them, glittering in the dark.
"I can't keep doing this anymore." She said, breathing out.
"Doing what?"
"Acting like everything is okay," she said, turning her gaze to Clark. "Acting like I'm still in love with him. Like I'm in love with a child."
"A child?"
"He is. He's a child, and I'm his nursemaid," Jessica said, bitterness creeping into her words. "I've had to sacrifice so much for him. My dreams, my career, any hint of a sex life..."
Clark almost choked on his drink.
"What?" He blurted.
"All I'm doing is spinning my wheels," Jessica said. "Stuck in a two-bit club singing for deadbeats and lowlifes. Oh, sure, Roger will toss me the occasional bone of a walk-on role in one of his shorts, but that's only to offset the jealous breakdowns he has every time a director even considers casting me in something without him..."
"That's terrible, but, uh...not what I was asking about," Clark said gently. "How exactly have you sacrificed your sex life?"
"Oh, come on, Clark. Think about it." Jessica said, growing more agitated by the moment. Her glass was already more than half-empty as she took another sip, downing it faster than Clark could keep up with.
"Think about what?"
"Roger was always a sweetheart, but his innocence borders on naivete. He thinks playing pattycake is like getting to third base!"
" always gave the impression that he was an ace. A real stud." Clark said, thinking back on all the times he'd secretly wondered to himself how a guy like Roger could possibly get a girl like Jessica, let alone keep her around.
Jessica sighed. Looked away.
"He's a eunuch." She said.
"He's not packing any heat. He doesn't have anything...down there."
"Really? But---"
"What goofy toon does, Clark?" Jessica said. "There's a reason most of them don't wear any pants."
"That---that really blows my lid, Jess. Right off. I never even knew!"
"Well, can you blame me if I didn't want people knowing?"
"So there was never any...intimacy...between the two of you?"
"When we were first going out, we would kiss and I'd spend the next two hours bringing Roger back to consciousness. He'd do the whole bit, with the alarm sirens going off and his head bursting like a steam engine. People think it's an act when it happens in the films but it's how he really reacts, and while it was sweet and charming to begin with it gets tiring after years of marriage. I can't imagine what would happen if I were to actually try fucking him. Not that I could..."
Jessica looked across at Clark, who was staring at his drink as he swirled the glass in his hand.
"I'm sorry. That was vulgar."
"Not at all. I just don't know what to say. He's still a pal of mine. But..."
"Well, if things were like that..." he said, looking up to fix her with his eyes. "Why would you marry him in the first place?"
"Because he made me laugh. Because he was fun to be with. Because I felt safe with him," Jessica said. "Just before I met Roger -- and I mean about the week before -- I had met a man. A real man. A human. I didn't know him for very long, but he was the most incredible..." Jessica trailed off
"The bottom line is, I got my hopes up, and something bad happened, and Roger was there to pick up the pieces, without even realising that that was what he was doing. Our felt safe. It felt like a way to never be hurt again. To never put anything at risk. I've learnt pretty quickly, however, that without any risk..."
"...You don't have any passion either." Clark said, finishing her thought, to which Jessica nodded sadly. "If you don't mind my saying though, you seem pretty, well...agitated. There's not something else that's----?"
Clark didn't even need to ask the question. Jessica's stiff body language said enough. Something had definitely happened.
"He's been away the past month," Jessica said. "The studio got a tax break for filming in Canada so they've been shooting on location. He called me this afternoon. Told me he'd met a minx onset. A literal toon minx. They've been playing hopscotch the past fortnight. Hopscotch!"
Jessica's tone conveyed a significance that Clark didn't fully understand. Jessica looked up at him expectantly, her eyes verging on tears.
"You mean..." Clark said, trying to wrap his head around. "...that's like Roger having..."
"An affair?" Jessica said, her lips twisting from the sourness of the word. "Yes. Exactly."
"But he's not," Clark said. "Not really. Not if he doesn't have any..."
"To him it is!" Jessica snapped, the tears running down her cheeks now. "To him, he may as well be fucking the bitch doggystyle every night!"
"Ah boy," Clark said heavily. Unsure of what else to do, he put a consoling hand on Jessica's shoulder. She leaned into it, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Jess."
"He says it doesn't mean anything, and that he's sorry, but...what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to feel? I've done everything for him, and this is how he repays me? I should have let Doom have him!" Jessica said, referring to the events of Roger's being framed for murder that had become Toontown legend in the ensuing years.
Clark couldn't help but be shocked by the sentiment. Jessica looked at him under from her brow, finishing off her drink as she wiped away her tears.
"Of course I don't mean that. But you know..." She said, swallowing her last sip. "...It's hard not to be mad."
"Sure," Clark said. "That's understandable."
Jessica exhaled.
"Why couldn't I have fallen for someone like you, Clark?" She said. Clark, stunned for the second time in as many moments, struggled for something to say. He needn't have bothered as Jessica continued, "I mean, really, you're perfect. A toon like me, drawn like a human, a perfect physical specimen in primary colours. I bet you have a dick, don't you?"
"Huh---." Clark choked in an incredulous laugh. "You know I do."
"Oh, of course," Jessica replied, thinking back to the holiday that she, Roger, Clark and Cinderella had taken to Mexico and the drunken evening that had culminated in some innocent skinny dipping. Roger, of course, had been knocked out cold by the tiniest sip of liquor. "If I remember correctly -- and it's hard to say, given how dark it was -- but you have a lot to be proud of in that department, don't you?"
"Jess." Clark said gently, as if her name was enough to snap her out of whatever line of reasoning she was following.
"I'm sorry, Clark. I don't mean to embarrass you. It's just -- it's been so long. I'm starving for attention, I really am. And I don't think it's wrong to say that I've always found you very attractive..."
She looked at him now out of the corner of her half-lidded eye. He had the same sensible hairstyle he sported in the movies when he was dressed in his civilian identity but, in not wearing any eyeglasses, his piercing gaze was unobscured.
Though his jacket was by no means as form-fitting as the blue costume he was famous for wearing, it nevertheless showed off the athletic physique that Jessica had thought of on so many lonely, unfulfilled nights...
"You did? I do?" Clark said, his heart leaping at the prospect.
He tried to ignore it, tried to think of his buddy Roger and how he must have been feeling at the moment, but as he looked at Jessica he couldn't help but reflect on all the glances he'd stolen of her, all the times he'd gone home after spending time with the couple to while away the rest of the night thinking of Jessica, the curves of her body, the sumptuous sheen of her lips...
He didn't even realise how close they were drawing to one another, how their bodies sparked against one another as they mouths came closer and closer together.
"Sometimes, Clark...sometimes I wish I'd met you first."
They kissed, her loveheart lips on his, his strong hands pulling her in tight before going slack as he pushed himself away.
"We can't do this," he said. "Roger is one of my...he is my best friend."
His tone was slightly desperate, almost consolatory, but it seemed mostly to be melancholy.
"You're right, Clark. I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm in a bad place..." Jessica said.
"That's okay. It was my fault. I shouldn't have..." Clark's sentence trailed off as he lost himself in the ocean green depths of the one beautifully animated eye unobscured by Jessica's signature peek-a-boo hairstyle. His expression alone set off Jessica's sense of guilt, as if adultery could be committed with a simple look.
"I need some air." She said, rising up from the couch. Clark sat frozen, his base instincts seizing control as he lost himself to the pendulum swing of Jessica's derriere and the bongo beat of her bouncing breasts as she slunk across the room.
She reached the balcony doors and slid them open, letting herself out into the warm night air. She stood staring down at the golden jewel of Hollywood below and the silver flashes of lightning above. When Clark joined her on the balcony she felt surprised, relieved and, more than anything else...hungry.
"Storm's on its way," she said. "Looks to be a big one."
"Jessica..." Clark said, his tone hushed but firm. An adult tone. The kind of voice she never heard at home...
"I shouldn't have come here tonight." She said without looking at him. She wrapped her arms around herself, her breasts pressing tightly together. She felt his hands heavy on her shoulders and she leaned back, his body firm against hers.
They stood there quietly, the shimmering light of their toon bodies illuminating the dark, making them beacons in the night. Finally Jessica turned, looking up into his face to find his expression inscrutable. He was taller than she was, but only a little. She was able to press her lips to his without having to go up on her tiptoes.
She drew back from him, her voice low but urgent.
"I'm tired of trying to be good. I want to be bad, Clark," she said. "Please, I want to be bad! Won't you be bad with me?"
"Oh, Jessica...that's all I've ever wanted." He said, running his hands down her back and pulling her in close.
Their kiss this time was deep and ravenous, tongues entwining and hands running all over each other's bodies. Thunder boomed in the distance and lightning flashed with the same kind of pulse-pounding charge that was running through the both of them.
Years of repressed desire now bubbled up from deep within them, powering the passion of their embrace. As if to quell their fire, the heavens suddenly opened up in a torrent of rain. It fell from the skies thick and fluid, but still warm, and as Clark moved to take Jessica inside, she stopped him.
"No. We're not watercolours. We won't run," she said. "I want you now, out here. I want you in the rain!" She leaned up and kissed him again, the rain spattering on her cleavage, her quickly slickening hair cascading down her back in a waterfall of crimson.
Clark responded by crushing his mouth to hers as he ripped off his jacket and shirt to leave himself exposed to the downpour. Jessica gurgled with appreciation, massaging his muscles as she planted suckling kisses all over his torso.
He took her in his arms, tasting her lips, her mouth, her skin, all with insatiable need.
His hands found her rear, cupped it, squeezed it, pulled her closer into him so that he could feel the soft crush of her breasts against his bare skin, the rise of his trapped member pressing against the warmth of her.
"Clark! Oh, Clark!" Jessica breathed. "I need you! I need you to -- to -- tear my dress, Clark. Tear it right off me!"
She expected him to hesitate, to need cajoling, but instead he demonstrated the determination that had characterised everything he had done in years past as, with Superman strength, he ripped her dress from her body, the material tearing with a cartoonish sound effect.
Rrrrrrppp! The red gown was tossed to the side no sooner than it had been pulled from her body, and she stood revealed before him, her breasts free to be licked by the rain, her entire body bare save for the gloves and shoes she still wore.
Clark couldn't help but murmur with gratitude and awe as he looked her up and down.
Her tits were satin smooth and technicolour shiny, capped by magenta pink nipples that stood out proudly on her chest. Her thatch was as brightly red as the rest of her hair was, and it coiled in sketchy curls around her pulsating pussylips.
She was everything he had always hoped for, everything he had always dreamed about.
"You''re not wearing any underwear." He finally observed.
"For you, lover," she said, pressing her now naked body against his. Her breasts swelled against his chiselled torso, collecting the rain that poured down between them. "I've wanted you to see me like this for so long."
Jessica noticed for the first time how the rain had made Clark's hair fall forward, curling it into Superman's famous S-shaped forelock. She could barely contain herself anymore. Her hands were practically trembling with need.
"Oh, Clark! Take me!"
Her little pink tongue parted his lips, played inside his mouth. She tasted of strawberries and cream. It was a taste that Clark could live on for the rest of his life, but he knew there were so many more flavours she had to offer...
Sealing their kiss with a pattering of smaller ones on Jessica's lips and chin, he displayed rotoscope smoothness in flipping her around so that she faced out over the balcony.
He pressed his chest in between her shoulder blades, his rapidly stiffening crotch rubbing against the rounds of her ass, his hands encircling her stomach.
"Oh!" Jessica gasped with delight as she felt his muzzle on the slope of her neck, kissing along her shoulder.
Her eyes fluttered shut as she lost herself to the rain on her skin and the kisses that came with it, her round hips pressing back against Clark's of their own volition.
Clark ran his big hands all over Jessica's body, tickling her stomach and teasing her navel, before running up the underside of her tits to grope her more-than-ample breasts, squeezing and stroking them.
"My Walt, Jessica!" Clark whispered, his cock surging at the heft and texture of her exposed tits. "Your breasts are...they're perfect!"
He emphasised his point by tickling her stiff nipples, an action that caused Jessica to groan.
" think so, Clark? That makes me they taste 'perfect'?" She asked, throwing a dangerously seductive look over her shoulder before leaning forward, her ass pressing into Clark's swollen crotch, to run her little pink tongue across her tits, skimming down along her cleavage to flick at the areole, before pushing forward to suck fully on the hard nubs of her nipples.
Clark groaned, as much from Jessica's pressing against him as from the sight of her sucking on her own breasts.
They were so big that the act posed no difficulty for her, but even so Clark still gripped them firmly, pushing them up and granting Jessica's mouth even easier access.
She suckled hungrily, lewdly, at her breasts, her mouth popping and gulping around the flawless titflesh. Jessica turned her attention from one breast to the other, making sure both received their fair share of attention from her wonderful mouth.
All the while Clark held her breasts for her, squeezing them and offering them up like appetisers.
A small whine of disappointment escaped her lips as one of his hands dropped away, leaving her left breast to swing freely in the air. Her whine was cut short, however, when she felt his hand slip around her thigh, his fingertips nestling in her crotch.
"Uo!" Jessica exclaimed as Clark's fingers slide up the length of her slit, skirting the edge of her clitoris. "Oh, Clark! You bad boy!" She moaned, shifting her thighs apart and pushing her round hips and sweet ass back at him eagerly.
With surprise, she found something long, hot and hard waiting for her. She thrilled as she felt Clark's bare, rigid cock pressing against the valley of her asscrack. She couldn't work out when exactly he'd managed to remove his pants but, more importantly, she didn't care.
"Oooh!" She groaned as she rubbed herself against the pulsing rod of his dick, his hands busily squeezing her right tit and massaging her moistening mound.
His fingers were tracing patterns in her gaping folds, teasing her with the prospect of penetration -- something she needed so desperately.
When finally he pushed a finger in between her pink pussylips, Jessica reacted with the thrashing of a wet cat.
"Fffhhuh! Uck! Oh, fuck, Clark! Oh, that feels good!" She said throatily as he dipped his knuckle in and out of her pooling dampness.
"S-so soft! So smooth!" Clark's breath was warm against her ear as he whispered into it, his words sending a chill down Jessica's spine as he pushed a second, thick finger up inside her.
His mouth sought out the curve where her neck met her shoulder, kissing and nibbling on it as his fingering grew faster, their mutual excitement mounting.
"Shhhuh! Sh-shit!" Jessica cursed, her knees wobbling as she threw her head forward, the rain beating down on her back. "Fingerfuck me, Clark! Make me cum! Please, make me cum!"
Her words were frantic, urged on by too many years spent without any kind of intimate touch from anything other than her ample dildo collection.
Clark was only too happy to provide the relief she was looking for, his fingers working at her cunt and her clit, the underside of his erect cock wedged between the cleft of her asscrack and slipping up and down between her cheeks.
Jessica's orgasm snuck up on her, taking her completely by surprise, but when it hit her it was with more power than a locomotive.
One moment she was in the thick of her pleasure, her head bobbing like a buoy on the water's waves. The next, her pussy was exploding around Clark's fingers, her nerve-endings igniting in a fiery mess of supercharged feeling.
"AaAunHH! Huurrnh! Awwwuh!" Jessica squealed and screamed, words failing her completely, her eyes screwed shut. She slammed her crotch down on Clark's hand, grinding her clithood against his thumb.
"Oh, fuck me! Fffuck meeeeeeee!" She wailed, more in release than anything else, but Clark seized on the offering.
"With pleasure!" She heard him say, and the next thing she knew the bulging head of his shaft was pressing at the entrance to her cunt, the flared helmet pushing in past her folds. Faster than a speeding bullet, he was balls deep inside her, and she was still cumming!
"Uuo! Nnnnnhh! Hhhuh!" Jessica gasped as stars blasted before her eyes, her pussy clamping and clenching around Clark's burly cock.
"Oh, Jess! You're so fucking tight!" Clark said, his jaw clenched, and Jessica quietly thrilled at the loss of control his swearing represented.
With her cunt still tingling, Jessica bent over, presenting more of herself to Clark's super cock, allowing him to push in ever deeper. Her hair hung in her face as she leant forward, her breasts pouring over the side of the railing.
"Fuck me, Clark!" She urged him, her mouth curling around the words with wicked delight. "I want to cum again! Make me cum all over your great big dick!"
She could hear a sound escape from Clark's chest that told her that her words had had the exact effect she'd intended for them. His strong hands on her hips confirmed it as he pulled back, paused, then ploughed forward, fucking her with the power of the pounding surf.
"Ohhn fuuckkk!!" Jessica screamed as Clark fucked her with the single-minded focus you'd expect of a Superman, her breasts slapping against each other as she thrust her hips back at him, taking his cock eagerly with every stroke. "Fuck it! Fuck my sweet little cooch!"
Hi cock was so wonderfully big and pushing in so deep it felt like her eyes would pop out of her head. She'd never felt so incredibly filled by anything in her life.
Only once before had she been fucked as good as this, but even then that had been with a human and had come with all the physical limitations you'd expect of their anatomy.
It was clear, however, that 'physical limitations' was not a term Clark was familiar with.
His rhythm built up quickly until he was fucking Jessica with all the superspeed he had to offer, her ass turning a deep cherry red as it took an absolute pounding from Clark's thrusting pelvis, the sound of his balls slapping against her like the thundering of the storm overhead.
"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Jessica urged him on, her entire body rippling, the rain warm on her bright pink skin.
Clark's hands found her breasts again, gripped them, kneaded them, tweaked her nipples as he drove his cock in and out of her throbbing pussy.
Jessica started toying with her clit, adding to the intensity of her experience, her slit gushing around Clark's big, hard dick, the power behind his fucking thrusts truly herculean. . "FFfffhhh! Hrhh!" Jessica panted, her thigh muscles tightening. She leaned her chest forward, offering more of her breasts to Clark's squeezing hands, while at the same time she pushed her hips back.
"Jessica!" Clark grunted. "Fuck!"
She could feel his cock thickening inside her and knew exactly what it meant. She rolled her hips as she clutched his shaft with her cunt muscles
"I'm going to---to---!" Clark stammered, and a second later he was bucking wildly as he came deep, deep inside her.
Jessica's fingers dug into the railing as she held on for dear life, his cock ejaculating into her uterus with the power of an artillery blast.
"FFFFUUUUUCK!" Clark and Jessica's screams of pleasure mingled with each other, emphasized by another boom of thunder.
Clark's fucking slowed down to a languid rate and Jessica felt a brief sense of disappointment. She had been getting so close...
...but she wasn't done yet.
"That feel good, baby?" Jessica said, her lips pouting as she glanced at Clark over her shoulder with batted eyelids.
"Oh Walt yes..." Clark said, rubbing her ass and back with his greedy hands. " have no idea how long it's been. How long I've wanted you..."
"I have some idea." Jessica replied with a knowing smirk. She pushed her ass back again and squeezed her pussy. Clark was still at least semi-hard. Good.
She pulled herself forward, his cock slipping from her gushing cunt as she turned around to face him. His eyes drifted down, getting another good look at her fully naked body.
"Clark..." She said, securing his undivided attention. "Do you like my tits, Clark?"
He glanced back down again as she thrust her chest forward, the rain bouncing off her mind-bogglingly large breasts. She ran her gloved hands over her nipples as he nodded, lost for words.
"Do you want to fuck them?" She asked, her lips curling into a dark, satisfied smile.
Clark looked up at her, stunned. She didn't wait for him to answer.
"Well, you can," she said. "But you'll have to fuck my mouth first."
Clark's cock stirred at the prospect, returning to hardness at the mere suggestion. Jessica smiled at it with terrible satisfaction.
She noticed his dick was still covered in the slick juices of her pussy and the hot white syrup of his own release. The rain was doing its best to wash it all away, however, and Jessica didn't want it all going to waste...
She dropped to her knees and deepthroated Clark without a second's more hesitation.
"Oh shhhit!" Clark gasped as he felt the sudden surging warmth of Jessica's incredible mouth.
"Mmmnnnhhh!" Jessica moaned around his heavy shaft, lapping up every drop of their mutual fluids.
She'd tasted the spunk of both humans and toons over the course of her animated life and could easily say that toon jizz was by far the tastier of the two, with Clark's a particularly appetizing specimen.
It tasted like a syrupy glaze, and mixed deliciously with the honey-flavoured nectar of her own cunney juices. Jessica swallowed it all eagerly, filling her belly with every last drop, holding her breath as she took every inch of Clark's foot-long cock without gagging.
His pelvis moved back and forth, pushing and pulling his cock from between her lips. It was gentle at first but, with her groaning encouragement, he gradually built up speed until he was facefucking her with all he had.
"Mmmmn! Mmmuuuh! Nnmmmmnn!" Jessica moaned contentedly around Clark's thrusting dick, lathering it with her tongue and playing with his dangling balls.
Her head moved in time with Clark's pelvis, her red hair whipping back and forth, rivulets of rainwater running down her back and following the slope of her breasts. Her lips smacked and her tits jiggled as she took everything Clark had to offer her.
"Fuck, Jess! This is---I've never---!" Clark's eyes squinted shut as he humped Jessica's face, her emerald eyes looking up at him dreamily. She could feel his balls growing tight and bouncing against her chin -- time for the second half of what she'd promised.
Pulling her mouth clear of Clark's dick, she allowed him a moment of needful confusion before rising up on her knees and jamming his erection into the exquisite reservoir of her tits.
"Chuck fucking Jones that feels so good!!" Clark groaned as Jessica started to fuck her breasts on the rigid mast of his cock.
"You like that?" Jessica whispered, her lips offering a knowing smirk.
"Yes!" Clark enthused, thrusting his dick in time with Jessica's tits. "Fuck yes!"
Jessica's breasts were so huge they engulfed Clark's supercock, the head and shaft disappearing entirely in the glossy cleavage that had for so long been one of her most memorable trademarks.
Pllp! Pllp! Pllp! The sound of Clark fucking Jessica's tits was amplified by the water that had pooled between them, the impact of his thrusting cock sending ripples through both the liquid and her warm, tender flesh.
Jessica gripped her breasts on either side and held them tight around Clark's dick as he intensified his fucking, his hips surging uncontrollably as he lost himself in the soft, silky smoothness of her cleavage and the feel of it wrapped around his rigid dick.
"Oh, Clark!" She whimpered as she bounced on her knees. "I've dreamt of you like this! You have no idea how many nights I've spent touching myself, fucking myself, fingering my sweet little pussy, just imagining what it'd be like to feel your skin on mine, to taste the flesh of your dick, to feel it on me and in me and taking everything you have to offer me!"
Her words had a tipping effect as, with a deep, animalistic growl Clark lurched forward, his cock pulling out from between her breasts. He collected her in his arms and nailed her down once again on his shaft, taking her balls deep like she didn't weigh anything at all.
Sshhlllrrrpppuppppp! Her pussy squelched.
"Ahhh fffuuuuuccckkkkk mmee-eeeee!" Jessica squealed, feeling so wonderfully girlish in his strong arms, pinned on his incredible dick.
"Unn!" Clark grunted simply, the physical exertion meaning nothing to him as he took Jessica firmly by her tiny waist and slammed her on his cock, her breasts flying up and down.
Thunder boomed and lightning flashed, louder and angrier than at any other time during the night as Clark leaned back, letting Jessica take control.
She gripped his hands with hers, her knuckles going white beneath her gloves, as she lent back and rode him like the stallion he was, her blue eyeshadow showing as she closed her eyes tight, her lips curled and her teeth gritted, her long legs wrapped tightly around him.
"Fffhh! Fhhhh! Shhhiiihhh!" She muttered and moaned, her folds pumping Clark's cock for everything it was worth. Out of slitted eyes she stole a glance at him, and shrieked with alarm when she noticed for the first time what was happening.
They were floating over the roof of Clark's house, Clark grinning as he flew them up, up and away.
"Relax," he said. "I won't drop you."
Jessica nodded, her vagina resting at the base of Clark's cock. She slowly started to raise and lower herself again, watching with wrapt attention as they flew over Hollywood, the rain whipping at their naked bodies, the wind howling as if it shared the ecstasy they were both feeling.
Clark kept his body rigid, holding it at a 45 degree angle, allowing Jesica the leverage to fuck herself up and down on his cock as he continued to levitate them higher and higher, bringing them up through the falling rain, piercing the slate grey clouds to bask, cool and dry, in the luminous shine of the full moon.
It was quiet up here, so quiet that Jessica could hear the squelsh of her pussy as she eagerly milked Clark's cock with it, her breasts jiggling in the blue light of the night sky, both their bodies beaded with all the rain they'd been showered in.
"Oh my fucking Fleischer brothers!!" Jessica cried, her hands ripping out of Clark's grip to clamp to his chest, her breasts pressing together as she rode him like a cowgirl out to prove herself. He grinned, content to let her go, his thighs firm beneath her bouncing ass.
They started to rotate so slowly that Jessica didn't notice it at first, but when she felt Clark's hands on her ass and waist she realised what was happening.
"Ohhh! Whoa! Clark! What---what---?" Jessica exclaimed as she dangled high up in the atmosphere, her body firing with both sudden fear and the desperate need for sexual release.
"Trust me." He said with a simple smile, before he fired them back downwards with the focused power of a rollercoaster, their descent curving on a purposeful trajectory.
"Wwwwaaauugh!" Jessica screamed in a heady mix of exhilarated joy and controlled terror as they streaked toward the Earth like a comet, his cock still lodged deep inside her.
She needn't have worried for a second, however.
They rocketed through the doors of Clark's balcony and landed dripping wet in his bed with pinpoint accuracy, Jessica's back slapping up against the headboard, the sheets whirling around them like the sails on a ship.
Clark, using his forward momentum, pushed his cock deeper into her body than Jessica had ever felt before, her scream now completely unrestrained.
The excruciating joy massed as Clark fucked her with all the power he had to offer, first the bed pounding beneath them, then the entire house, his shaft a glowing blur in her sticky mess of a cunt.
Seeing his chance, Clark swallowed as much of her tits as he could, sucking on them like they were ripe melons. He swirled her stiff nipples with his tongue, lashing the supple flesh and soaking it with his saliva.
Jessica shook uncontrollably beneath him, her face flushed as red as her hair, her back arched, her whole body boiling over like a coffeepot.
"Clark! CLARK! I---I'm going to fucking CUM, Clark!! You're making me fucking cum, baby! I'm---I'm---!!!"
It hit Jessica with the power of a thunderstorm, gushing from her pussy and blasting through her body like a savage stroke of unbridled lightning. Fireworks burst from her slick slit and steam shot from her ears as she rode the wave of the most intense orgasm she'd ever felt.
She thrashed on the bed beneath Clark like an epileptic, twisting as if to get away from the intensity of an orgasm that wouldn't stop, wouldn't let her go.
"Aw shit, Jess! Shit!" Clark grunted through clenched teeth. "I'm gonna spend again!"
"On my tits, Clark baby!" She cried with throaty need. "I want to feel it on my tits!"
Clark nodded, his head swaying, as he pulled his cock from Jessica's still-pulsing pussy.
He pumped his shaft one, two, three times, and then roared like a lion as he fired chunky blobs of boiling hot seed all over the undulating body of the infamous redhead beneath him.
"Ahhh fffu-uuu-ckkkk!"
Jessica offered her tits up to his salvo, cooing as she felt splash after splash of sticky, steaming cum land on her navel, her breasts, spattering on her nipples and coating her chest.
"Fuck yes, baby! Fuck yes!" She cooed her approval, her hips rolling in the tangled sheets, her pussyfolds puckering and pulsating, her tits shimmering with his shiny white jizz.
It felt so wonderfully filthy for Clark to be cumming on her like this, as if she was being rechristened with carnal knowledge after so many years without it. "Oooooh that feels sooo goooood!"
"Huunh! Auuhh! Hu!" Clark panted through the rushing surge of his orgasm, mightier than a roaring hurricane, leaving Jessica completely drenched in the thick, viscous fluid, her hair wet from the rain, her tits and torso sticky from Clark's superhuman load.
He crouched coiled and straining over her, the last globules of his cum spattering on her crotch and matting her pubic hair, before crashing forward, collapsing on top of the woman he had secretly desired for so many years.
"Oh Clark!" She said breathlessly, her chest rising and falling. "Oh my fucking Walt! That was...I have never...I'm..."
"I...I know exactly what you mean." He said, raising his head to press his firm mouth to her ruby red lips. She flicked her tongue out and they plunged into a kiss that gripped their hearts with its hungry passion.
They lay curled in the sheets for an hour, Clark's cum drying into a flaky crust on Jessica's skin, before she finally excused herself to use the shower. Over the sound of the jets, Clark called out to her.
"I've wanted that for so long and I love you so much, but I..." He stopped short for a second, realising what he'd just said. Feeling exposed, he rushed to finish his thought. "...but I can't help but feel bad for Roger. I mean, we just cuckolded him..."
The taps squeaked as Jessica turned the shower off.
"It was nothing that he hadn't already done, if only in his own mind," Jessica replied, her voice echoing from the steamy bathroom. "I can't live my life for Roger anymore. I can't keep tiptoeing over those eggshells. And Clark?"
She stepped from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel that barely covered her, a second towel curled in a bun on top of her head. Clark was overcome. She'd never looked so lovely as she did right then.
"...I love you too." She said sweetly, and he rushed to her, gathering her up in another passionate embrace.
One towel was thrown away, and then the other, and within moments they were on the carpet, any misgivings now banished forevermore.
The rain thundered on the roof above them, its intensity never wavering.
It was going to be a long, wet summer...
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