Lust and Pixie Dust | By : Praetor Category: +S through Z > Tinkerbell (movie, Disney) > Tinkerbell (movie, Disney) Views: 52471 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Tinkerbell or Disney Fairies, which are owned by the Walt Disney Company. Nor do I own Lava, lyrics from which are sung, that is owned by Pixar. I do not make money for this project and write only for my own amusement. |
Thank you for viewing, usual tags apply except for scenes of cartoon violence and sci fi/fantasy action. Nothing too graphic but it's there.
Terrance looked up into the night sky trying to find the moon, seeing that it hung as a thin crescent amidst the stars.
‘It’s gotten late. I don’t think we should go to Winter while it’s like this.’ Said Iridessa
‘Yeah, I agree. Tomorrow morning we’ll go.’ Terrance said
‘Sounds good, I’ll prep my winter clothes. Make sure you get some rest in case we get busy before we leave.’ She said with a wink before taking off
Terrance turned and took off for his own home by the great tree in Pixie Hallow. He fluttered through the darkness, staying low above the trees to keep his line of sight clear. He looked up at the sky, looking for the lights of the Hallow to guide him. He looked up at the sky, stars dotting the blackness like a blanket of shiny dots. He then noticed something odd.
Some of the lights flickered on and off, in a pattern. Something was flying overhead, blocking the lights as it did so. As he wondered what was trailing through the sky the shadow obscuring the stars grew larger, less and less lights being visible. He then heard the telltale screech.
Something grabbed him, snatching him out of the sky. He was no longer in control of his flight, being entirely at the mercy of talons that gripped his body. At this distance he could see easily the eagle that now had him in its clutches. He screamed and writhed, trying to make enough commotion for it to let him go but the bird did not relent. He was caught.
Then he saw something hit it. A long rope arced through the air and wrapped around the big bird’s neck. At the ends were larger rocks that gave weight, causing the rope to wrap around the neck of the beast as it twirled into itself. The bird snapped its head aside when the rocks smacked into the side of its beak.
It fell from the sky, thrown off balance by the bolas that ensnared its neck. It crashed into the trees, landing in a thicket of branches and leaves. It let go of Terrance with one foot to catch itself and the fairy began writhing to escape the clutch.
Other fairies appeared, touching down on the branches around them. He heard shouting but could make no sense of the words as he was too frantic in his removal from the grip. He saw ropes and nets fly out onto the eagle or whatever grabbed him as the fairies were trying to subdue it.
He then saw one approach where he was and drive a hard, pointed stick between the bird’s talons. Using it as a lever, she put a foot down beside him and pushed on both limbs, shouting as she spread the tallon’s grip a bit. Enough for the tall, thin, blond fairy to slip out from eagle’s clutch.
As he got to his feet besides her, the spear snapped as the bird began spinning around. It flapped with its wings, knocking several of the fairies back as the wind caught them off balance. Planting its now empty feet, it twisted its body to pull on the ropes pulling it. Those fairies were yanked off their feet and it snapped with its beak at the two.
She grabbed him and dropped, landing on the branches beneath them. The eagle, with no other obvious targets since the fairies fell down, followed those two. He felt himself being helped along by controlled hands and looked up to see his savior. A scout fairy.
They wore brown leather suits and metal cuirasses, they were the hunters, police and defense force of the fairies. He followed her as she went from branch to branch, the predator bird on their heels. The scout fairy’s sharp eyes caught a hole in the tree and headed towards it. It was a tight fit but the two fairies managed to cram into the hole in the tree. The eagle’s beak barely fit in but started snapping at them anyways, inches from their faces. The scout pulled Terrance into her, shrinking as far into the corner as she could go.
The bird pecked in and out of the tree’s hole, widening it with every thrust of its beak as the edges splintered. He mused for a moment that it was like his own monster cock stretching any hole he fucked. Terrance turned his face to the side as a snap caught him in the face, sharp pain streaking down his cheek. He ended up burying his face into the chest of the scout, who pulled him in while holding out her spear. The bird snapped it with his beak and she threw the broken half. The bird knocked that aside and she offered up her left arm. It was calculated, something had to give and with her nondominant arm she still had three limbs to act with.
She still screamed when the bird bit her arm, and then in fury as she let go of Terrance to strike at the eye of the bird. Terrance grabbed onto her waste when the bird tried to extract her, the numb side of his face pressing into her ass he pulled her back. The bird let go and the two fell back, her sitting on his face. The bird did not return. The two fairies poked their heads out and saw the other scouts had ropes and nets on it, detaining it in the branches below.
The scout pulled a vial from her pocket and shuck it, causing it to begin glowing. With the light she set it in the middle of the small cavern in the wooded tree.
‘Are you alright?’ she asked as she began looking him over
‘Yeah, I’m fine. Your arm?’ he said back, more worried about that
‘I’ll be fine, you’re bleeding.’ She said
She opened a pouch on her hip and pulled out a bandage roll, using the spongey fabric to soak up the blood from his face, then to his chest. The talons had cut him through his vest and he had a scrap along his ribs. Then she put the gauze on his thigh, having gotten a scratch along his leg.
She pulled out sheers and began cutting at his trousers ‘Sorry, I have to expose the wound. A bleed from this area could be fatal quickly.’
What he was afraid of happened as his semi hard penis flopped out. Her eyes widened ‘What the-‘ before returning to her work
She pulled the thing aside and began bandaging the wound on his thigh. She had to use her bad arm to hold his cock out of the way due to its size. Her hand was callused, having hard and coarse surfaces due to all the training with weapons she did. He couldn’t help getting aroused as she held his privates, even if she was stopping potentially bad bleeding.
After she bandaged his leg, she turned his attention to his hard cock, which was now at full mast and pulsating in her hand.
‘Is it… erm… always this big?’ she asked
‘No, only when a beautiful woman is stroking it.’ He said with his attempt at a sexy grin
Then he noticed the bleeding from her arm.
‘Your arm!’ he exclaimed
She noticed it then too after he mentioned it. Cool, she grabbed another roll of gauze and began tightly wrapping her forearm.
‘Help me hold this.’ She said more than asked
He held the fabric in place as she wrapped up and down the top of the limb, then cut the excess with sheers from her waist pack and secured it in place with tape.
‘Thanks, now make yourself decent so we can get out of here.’ He said
‘I can’t, once it’s hard there is only one way to make it soft again.’ He warned
He began stroking himself, traveling the length of his foot and a half dick with his hand.
‘What, now? You’re not serious.’ She sputtered
‘I am, you can help if you’d like.’ He said
She rolled her eyes and her hands joined his in jerking him off. As he got more and more excited, their stroking increased and he began rocking his hips. He started getting light headed, symptoms similar to when he was having his heat stroke.
‘I can’t, I’m feeling…’ he flopped backwards when discoloration flooded his eye sight
She let go of his dick and grabbed the light, running it over his body as she looked for something she missed. She found a tear in the back of his vest, and through is an impressive gash.
‘Hold on!’ she said as she began cutting off his vest
He laid there, letting her pull off his clothes in the quickest manner. His torn and sheered vest and shirt were thrown to the side and she began wrapping and bandaging his chest and back wounds. All the while his cock floated in the air, twitching with want and aching with need every time it was accidentally bumped.
‘Hey Nyx, are you guys all right!?’ called a voice from below
‘Status!’ she called back
‘The eagle has been detained, all are accounted for.’
As Terrance began fading from consciousness, he looked into the eyes of the scout fairy above him, pretty brown eyes in a pretty brown face, her long, straight brown hair falling around her head.
‘If I cum. My dick will deflate and all that blood will be freed.’
As incredulous as that sounded there was some logic in that and said ‘Fine, but tell no one.’
Her hands went to work on his dick, stroking and pumping his shaft. Her left arm was a lot slower and moved more limply.
‘Take the eagle out of the hallow, leave two for security while I stabilize a casualty. Prepare for transport!’
He was fading fast but wanted to experience the orgasm he could feel mounting. He made no effort to control it, he just wanted to get off. The scout fairy bent and opened her mouth, taking the head straight into her oral cavity. He felt her begin sucking him off and after the night he was having, that was enough. He closed his eyes and brought a hand up to her ass, resting a palm on the firm cheek and squeezing it through the leather. As he passed out he could feel his release impending.
He felt the rush of hormones and flush of his body as his balls emptied their rapidly depleting reserves of cum. Nyx, she was apparently called, sputtered as his sour spunk filled her mouth. She yanked her head off his cock and began spitting what was in her mouth in wads as arcs of cum shot out like ropes into the air where they landed on the wall and in the ground. She drooled what was left of the jizz in her mouth as his dick finished spasming and his sights went black…
Tarrance lay on a bed soft enough to feel like he was floating on a cloud, which was helped by the fact that the ceiling of the room was white and awash with magical lights. He was in the clinic again, having been brought there by the scouts. He woke up naked, new sterile dressing on his wounds, a nurse tending to his facial scrape and two nurses tending to his cock.
It was the same cast too, with the younger Rose doing her actual job and tending to his wounds and the older Lora and Ace taking care of his dick. They must have done their magic from earlier since he was now aching with need and desire again, his balls feeling over stuffed and back logged.
It was fairly quiet in the room besides the slurping and sucking sounds from below. They must have been having an easy night, especially since three nurses could be spared to treat him. His view of the ceiling was interrupted by Rose walking over to his head, her large cantaloupe boobs obscuring his vision. She tugged the dress top down so her creamy white tits could flop out and jiggle before him.
‘Shush, relax and let the boobs work their healing magic.’ She said, leaning over him so she could press them into his face
He was clearly dazed still because he should have really been enjoying this but he just wanted to sleep. He thought he did as the warm tits smothered his face and blocked out all light. But he could still feel the suction and messaging of his massive cock by the two other nurses. His balls were so congested that he couldn’t tell if he was about to cum. All he felt were the fingers messaging the bloated spheres in the distended sack, trying to coax some of the juicy white exudate out.
As warm spit from hot mouths trickled down the long exposed shaft he felt hands spreading the lather around evenly. He then felt the clenching of his loins and knew he was cumming. His brain went numb as man juices was pumped through his shaft into the eager faces of the nurses, who began drinking like it were a fountain from the sounds of things. He didn’t know, he passed back out...
Sadly, when he woke back up there were no tits pressed to his face. He was in another room, a wooden area that looked to be more lived in, with shelves and such instead of an empty and sterile room. He was clothed in a new gown and in a new, clean sheeted bed. He found himself to be in slight pain from his still heeling wounds but otherwise okay. He had lost all understanding of time and space and knew not where or when he was. He was aware of another presence though.
‘So you’re finally awake.’ Said a familiar voice
Except it wasn’t charged with battle furry or authority. He turned and saw Nyx by the door with two other Scout Fairies. She was still in her armoured breast plate and leather clothes, though her spear was elsewhere.
‘I think so. How long has it been?’ he asked groggily
‘Three days.’ She said
‘Three days!’ he repeated, now alert and awake
Terrance noticed that there was a splint on her left arm, wood covered and bound in a rough wrapping.
‘You’re arm?’ he said
‘Bird broke it. How are you?’ she asked nonchalant
‘Sore all over.’ He said simply
She approached before changing her tone back to one of authority ‘Terrance, by the authority of the Queen, you have been summoned to Pixie Hallow for conference.’
‘What? Why?’ he asked
‘The Queen demands an audience. She does not say why.’ She said although the two other fairies giggled behind their hands as if they knew
So Terrance was marshalled from the hospital and allowed to redress himself before being whisked away to the height of Pixie Hallow’s great tree. The three fairies brought him from the sun setting light into the majestic and grand throne room. The wide hall was very spacious, being mostly for ceremonies and gatherings, the most notable feature being the wood carved throne at the centre of the end. Queen Clarion stood from the throne as they touched down.
‘My queen,’ declared Nyx as they approached ‘we have brought the one called Terrance before you.’
‘Excellent,’ she said as she closed the distance
She floated as she approached, long glittery gold robe flowing behind and beneath her like a mystic veil made out of magic. Her medium length dark blond hair was done up in a regal fashion and held with a glimmering tiara. Her large golden wings trailed the magical sparks behind her as well.
‘Nyx, you may stay. The others are dismissed.’ She said
The two other scout fairies giggled and fluttered off, leaving Terrance alone with the queen and the captain of the guard. He looked at the mother of all fairies. She looked noticeably older than the rest, even more so than Rosetta. She was still regal, elegant and beautiful though, with a warm expression and pretty blue eyes. She, like the rest of the fairies, also had a magnificent bust that her low cut golden, sparkly dress supported and displayed. He averted ogling her tits though until he discerned the nature of their meeting.
‘Terrance, there have been disturbing reports lately. Sightings of a blond haired stud fairy engaging in wanton public displays of public fornication with a cock fir for a horse.’ She floated around him as she repeated the tales
‘River ways, in the garden, the flower fields, all over Pixie Hallows there are fairies getting fucked into shrieking orgasmic oblivion by the same well-endowed fairy.’ She said
He was a little alarmed as she felt like she was checking him out as she floated on her magnificent golden wings and traced a circle of glittery sparks around him.
‘Then Nyx had a most interesting encounter.’ She said
The darker skinned fairy said ‘Erm, yes… scouts found a pair of sheer green panties floating down river from where fairies were heard screaming to the high heavens. We feared the worst and went on a body recovery mission in the night. That’s when we found you and the eagle. While detaining the bird, we were injured and I saw… That’s when I figured out…’
Queen Clarion spoke up ‘She found that the beastly donkey dick fairy fucker was our very own Pixie Dust keeper.’
Nyx averted her gaze and said ‘Yes, I saw his cock.’
The Queen smiled at them ‘She’s such a prude. Now Terrance, the archaic laws on our books frowns upon sex in public in Pixie Hallow. However, I don’t think there is anything wrong with living and loving in the light. You have a gift Terrance, and it would be rude, wrong even, to make you keep it hidden.’
He really didn’t understand what he was hearing, was the Queen telling him she was okay with him fucking her subjects like a dog in heat? She finished her sentence with her hand on his waist, playing with the strings to the top of his trousers.
‘Now Terry, are you really going to make your Queen undress you?’ she asked with a smirk
He stared at the busty Queen dumbfounded, was she just asking him to strip for her? She was always a saintly figure, so motherly and caring. He never thought of her as a woman with urges before.
‘Very well, it seems having the cock of a god makes you feel like one. No matter, Nyx will undress you.’ She said as she turned her back
‘Uhm, ma’am?’ she sputtered
‘We will go to my bed chamber, where you will strip him for me.’ She said
‘Wait, don’t I get a say in this?’ he asked
‘You haven’t said anything yet, do you object?’ She said and asked
‘Oh, uhm, well…’ he began muttering
Her eyes drifted down and she smiled ‘Oh, well your other head has made up its mind.’
He cursed his over eager dick as it bulged out his pants. He followed the Queen as she went back to her room behind the throne. She flew up a stairwell and he followed wordlessly with Nyx.
They entered into her opulent bed chambers. It had wide open wall windows on the side facing her large royal bed. It was draped in gold coloured sheets and had the four corner posts for suspension rods for the silky curtains and drapes. The whole interior shimmered and glowed with magic like her dress, which was probably why the drapes were there.
Light from the setting sun shone through the windows to help illuminate the room with its orange glow. Lights could be seen in all the houses around Pixie Hallow as they entered night time. The walls and floors were carved flat from the wood although branches with leaves and pretty flowers jutting in from all over. The Queen fluttered over to a tall clothing rack and pulled off her cloak, draping the long, flowing golden robe on it.
Without the mystic garment, she appeared as a winged woman with long, toned legs. She had golden yellow slippers and a long dress under that. Nyx floated over and helped to remove her layers of dresses and robes. Each one that was removed made the matriarch look more and more fairy like.
It also revealed more of her physique. She was fit for her age, with tone to her body, and had volume as well. When her dress was unraveled, she had short shorts as undergarments and a corset. She had a full womanly ass, he could see from the shape, and her large tits were bigger than his head and supported by the industrial strength cups of her corset. The straps on that were removed as well and Terrance got painfully hard at the sight of her magnificent, white tits.
They didn’t sag an inch despite her age and weight, he guessed from the magic of the dust that always enshrouded her. Her shorts were pulled down her long legs and she floated before the blond man naked.
She was tall, well endowed and surprisingly fit, aged but by no means haggard. She still glowed with that golden aura as she took off her tiara, now completely naked. She floated to her bed and lay down at the head, eyes on the scout and dust fairies.
‘Well, I’m waiting.’ She said
Nyx turned and began helping Terrance take off his clothes. She threw his hat in the corner and began tugging at the strings of his vest. He began undoing his belt and in no time both were off. With the extra set of hands, his shirt, trousers and shoes were off in moments. Nyx peeled the pants off his legs and was hit by the falling hardened man wood like it was a tumbling log in a forest.
‘Oh fuck yes.’ the Queen moaned from her bed, getting hot just looking at it apparently
She ground her thighs together, the golden patch of hair over her pussy getting damp. Nyx looked at it awestruck, holding it in shaky unbelieving hands.
‘Hey Nyx, you’re good with a spear. Have you ever held one so magnificent?’ asked the Queen
‘No,’ she said in a drawn out whistle as she gripped it with two hands ‘it’s soo big. It’s pulsing in my hands.’
‘It feels better in your mouth.’ Terrance said
‘Yes, I remember.’ She said as she continued to stare at it with her brown eyes
The Queen cleared her throat for attention and said ‘Well if you’re not going to put it in you then let him serve his queen. You can watch if you like, you can even join us. You are my most trusted advisor and guard after all. Or, not. The choice is yours, but I would rather you stay by your queen’s side.’
The brown fairy stood and stepped out of his way. The blond haired, blue eyed ivory fairy with the forward pointing horse cock approached the bed on foot. It bobbed before him, engorged with the sight of the fairy queen on the bed naked and ready for him.
‘Come here stud, feed your queen.’ She commanded
He walked on his knees across the bed as she moved onto her side like a Roman emperor in recline. Propped on her elbow, her huge head sized tits sat on top of each other as she took his cock in her hand. She pointed it to her face and he groaned as the sparrow man meat disappeared in the moist cavern of her hot mouth.
The regal, beautiful woman took his cock into her mouth like a champ, easing her head down the mighty shaft until the tip of the foreskin clad cock was sliding down her clenching throat. He wanted to grab a fist full of the golden hair of his queen and fuck her face like a pussy but didn’t know how well she would like that.
So he leaned back as she devoured his cock. The ease at which she slid half his dick in her mouth lead him to believe she had done this before. He wondered if she did this often, procuring lovers for an evening with her influence. She must have been rather lonely with Lord Milori having to live in Winter even under the best of circumstances.
He shimmied closer and closer as she sucked up his dick. He could see her neck bulging from the side as his cock traversed it on the way to her stomach. He looked around and saw that Nyx had closed some of the drapes, leaving them in slightly obscured isolation. She however stood by the door, guarding her queen as ever.
He felt his ball sack smack her on the side of the face as she lovingly slurped on the fat dick stretching her lips. Her eyes were closed as she sucked, depriving her sight as she savoured the humungous cock in her gullet. He just stifled groans as the Queen treated herself to his prick.
Eventually she began pulling off and he pulled back as well. With a sucking slurp his cock was yanked from her throat and 18 inches of slimy man meat came back into view as red as ever. The queen sat back gagging momentarily before swallowing the backlog of saliva.
‘My, such a magnificent cock. You hurt my neck trying to swallow it all.’ She laid back on the bed and said ‘come Terrance, mount my chest and fuck your queen’s tits. I know you want to.’
She was apparently a very lazy fuck but he didn’t care, she was right. He straddled her chest and lay his fat fuck stick between her glorious tits. The thing disappeared between the valley of tit meat and the heat pointed to her handsome face. She took the tip between her lips and began sucking as he grabbed the royal boobs and scissored them around his cock.
Gently, he began grinding his dick on her, the cock sliding between the great warm golden glowing boobs and into her mouth as his nut sack dragged along her chest. The warm, firm masses of tit flesh formed a loving canal for his cock as the veiny shaft was softly gripped. His other head was squeezed and sucked on by the lips and tongue of the queen as every thrust shoved it further into her mouth.
Nyx was growing more and more fascinated as she watched, now she was kneeling besides the bed, resting her elbows on it as she peered closer, examining her queen and her consort. Her hair began falling from her updue and stray strands falling around her face as her lips sealed tight around the end of his spear. His balls grew aching and he knew by now that he would need much stronger stimulus to come.
‘Madam Queen, your highness…’ he muttered
‘Please,’ she said after spitting out the cock ‘no titles, no talking really. Just give me a royal fucking worthy of a queen.’
He was totally cool with that and shimmied back down her body until he was between her legs. She kicked them apart and fish hooked them behind his legs. Her wet pussy was spread before him as he poised his cock at her entrance. The two blondes met eyes and she said ‘Fuck your queen, I demand it!’
Her command turned into a squeal as he pushed it in. Instantly his cock was washed over with pleasure as the head was squeezed by her moist lips and then gripped by the muscles of the royal pussy. He pushed on, his cock compressed along every inch of its life as he tunneled on through her. Due to her wetness and what he could only politely call experience, he slid right in and once thrust sent him halfway down her cunt.
He was starting to really love the Milfier women, as they were already pre broken in and he could skip the adjustment phase and go straight to pound town. He repositioned his hands beside her shoulders as he bottomed out, his balls smacking off of her ass as he went all in on his queen.
Nyx was now laying on the bed, watching as her queen was mounted by the blond sparrow man. His whole horse cock was buried in the queen and she writhed in pleasure around him. He took control, something the queen had until now, gripping her by the hip bones and pounding. He did fast, short thrusts, pulling about six inches out before going right back in.
He stirred her guts through her cunt with his cock. Pinning her hips in place with his hands, he drove in and out of her with slight bends in his trajectory, aiming to churn her around his massive prick. The queen reached above her head and gripped the bars on the head rest, moaning all the while as she was fucked rotten.
Nyx had a hand down her leather pants and another on pulling herself closer across the top of the bed. She was now close enough for Terrance to see approaching. He continued pounding unabashed even as she got close enough to touch them.
‘Oh- ooh, Nyx. Come deer. Hey, why don’t you- ooh, ah- unencumber yourself- ah- of that armour?’ she asked between fuck induced gasps
Nyx began unstrapping and undoing the pieces of her armour, moving the pieces of her plates and leather off the bed. Terrance watched her strip as he pounded the Queen into the bed into the floor. The whole thing creaked beneath them as they fucked, the queen letting go of the bars to grab his arms as she tried to get a grip on her pleasure.
Terrance groaned at the sight of Nyx’s nude form when she got the tops off, exposing the warrior’s massive melons for him to see. She was apparently compressing and containing her head sized boobs inside her armour. She had to take care taking the clothes off her splinted arm but once that was off she tossed it.
The Queen spider trapped Terrance with her legs, clamping them behind the naked fairy as he bucked against her. Her toned legs crossed over his white ass and pulled him in as she groaned and then froze. Her whole body clamped and he felt the life get squeezed from his dick. She came hard, he could feel her whole body rock and spasm around him as he buried his cock in her like it was some sort of sacred treasure.
She screamed and then went limp, eyed rolling as her body became lax. He pulled out of her then, not wanting to continue fucking his Queen after she came so hard. She came fast too, that was a new record for him. He was actually a little disappointed.
‘Hey Terrance…’ she whispered as she recovered ‘why don’t you treat my most faithful servant Nyx here to that wonderful fairy dick?’
She was now completely naked, the brown skin, haired and eyed fairy fingering herself to the sight of her queen getting fucked. She was quite muscular, thick in the legs with a hardened core and well defined muscles, doubtlessly from all her training.
‘Oh, uhm…’ she said, the normally confident and brazen soldier suddenly bashful
‘Oh come on Nyx, you know you want this monster cock.’ She said
Terrance stroked himself slowly, pushing her cunt secretions along his cock for her. She drank in the sight of his cock coated in her pussy juice before moving over on hands and knees, large brown tits dragging along the golden surface of the silken sheets.
She got her face to his cock and took it in her mouth, suckling the tip like her queen just was. What she lacked in experience she made up for with enthusiasm. For once, the confident and authorities figure was haphazard and confused. She had her eyes closed as she shuck her head around his cock, slurping and sucking the juices off of it.
She warranted little of the respect and fear he showed the Queen and so he grabbed thick handfuls of her coarse brown hair and began fucking her face. His cockhead travelled down the warrior’s neck as he bounded, thrusting his ivory spear into the brown woman’s body. She gagged, retched and choked around his oral invader, saliva slipping from her mouth as he went balls deep on her face.
His balls flopped about, smacking the underside of her chin and neck as the brown skinned woman’s cheeks bulged with built up saliva. She was a woman who looked fear in the eye though and had her big brown eyes on his all the while. She bounced about on her tits, the large brown melons forming a cushion as he thrust against her head.
He realized that she was in fact a novice though and gradually withdrew, pulling his dick out a little more than he was putting back in on his thrusts until he was completely withdrawn. The captain of the guard drooled a little as she stared at the oral invader that so freshly pummeled her mouth, a long string of saliva still connecting her lips to the head of the shimmering organ.
‘Want to take it up your cunny?’ asked Clarion as she diddled herself watching the two
‘It’s strange,’ said the composed warrior fairy ‘I want to, but I am afraid.’ She said
‘She who dares, wins.’ Said Terrance as he stroked his damp cock
‘How do I even…’ she said then petered off
‘Tell you what, I’ll mount you from behind and just tell me what to do. Too soft, too hard, too fast… and I’ll adjust accordingly.’ He said
‘That sounds all right.’ She replied
‘Do it facing me though, I do enjoy a show before bed.’ Said the queen
Nyx crawled before the queen, positioning her face before the spread legs as she fingered herself back into a ready state. Terrance walked on his knees over the top of the golden silked bed until he was behind the brown skinned warrior fairy and mounted her. He ran his hands over the tight, firm masses of her tanned dark skinned ass before locking his hands on her hips and pointed his dick at her clean shaven pussy.
She stifled a moan as he entered her, massive cock pushing into the tightest hole he ever squeezed into. The tough fairy clearly exercised a lot, evidenced by the muscular shape of her body that was almost body builder shaped. She also had little interest in sex, as he noticed. So she was quite tight when he entered her despite her wetness. Even though she was a prude, she was still clearly incised by his fucking of the queen as she was well and wet enough.
Terrance assaulted the captain of the guard from the rear, hitting her from behind with his mega cock as she moaned at the new sensation of being so full. It was a very tight fit and he had to fight for every inch but with enough effort, he got all eighteen inches of his horse cock crammed into her tight pussy. The warrior sprite groaned at how stuffed she was, having never had so much man meat in her at once.
Even though she didn’t say anything deterring, he asked ‘Are you alright?’
She nodded over her shoulder at him and said ‘Oh yes, I’ve been through worse. Us scout fairies are tough.’
He gave her firm as a jiggling pat/slap and said ‘Good to hear.’
Terrance immediately began the fucking, using his grip on her hips to pin her as he thrust in and out. The Queen laid back in her gilded bed idly playing with her pussy as she watched her greatest warrior get mounted like a stead in combat by the blond sparrow man.
She moaned and shrieked with every thrust as his mammoth cock pounded the air out of her lungs by way of her cunt with every thrust. Her ass clapped against his hips with every bound, his balls flopping around happily in the loose leathery sack below them.
‘You okay Nyx?’ he asked
‘Oh- fuck yeah! Oh by the Hallow…. Yeeees. Keep it up Terry…’ she groaned
Clarion apparently tired of watching him mount her and kicked her legs up and wrapped them around the neck of Nyx.
‘Nyx, my friend and guard, eat out your queen!’
She buried her face in the Queen’s muff. The sight of the brown skinned soldierette eating out his queen sent Terrance into over drive. With his grip on her hip bones, he pounded into the busty warrior like it was his job. She shuddered and writhed around his cock, her tongue and lips at work on the queen’s cunt.
Terrance gritted his teeth as he went into overdrive on the captain of the guard. He was buckling her hips with each thrust, pushing her face into the Queen’s cunt with every bump. Clarion’s tits washed around on her chest as she writhed in bliss. The blond brought her arms up under the sides of the great white golden glowing tits and grabbed fistfuls of Nyx’s hair.
The heat grew more intense as Nyx grew tighter around his cock, leading him to suspect she was cumming soon too. What was with these orgasmic fairies? He reached around with his right hand and began playing with her distended clit, finding the swollen nub easily since she lacked hair on her sensitive region.
The warrior fairy moaned from between the legs of the Queen as she lapped and licked, he tits swaying beneath her bent form. The royal tits wobbled alluringly between her outstretched arms like inviting pools of jelly. He would have dove into them if he wasn’t buried in Nyx at the moment.
He was begging to feel his own orgasm mounting, but the scout fairy came first. She moaned into the Queen’s cunt and convulsed around his cock. He continued drilling her from behind as Nyx locked up, spazzed out and then went limp. He pulled his still hard and throbbing donkey dick from her, a loud slurp sound announcing its withdrawal before a torrent of girl cum leaked out as she was vacated.
Nyx collapsed between the legs of her queen, task of pleasuring her orally forgotten as she faded into an orgasmic stupor. Terrance just stroked his cock that shimmered in the glow of the pixie dust lined room with the juices of the two women.
‘Oh, it seems that our dust keeper hasn’t cum yet, though he made us both.’ She noted
He guessed she just came easily and Nyx was just new to all of this. Either way, he was still ready to go or they were not. The queen propped herself on her elbows and rolled over, crawling on hands and knees before him as Nyx recuperated.
‘So tell us Terry, where do you want to put it?’ she asked
She rubbed her face along his cock, the slime of their love juices coating her golden glowing face. She ran one cheek along it and then rolled her face under it, the massive, veiny cock sliding over her forehead before running the other side along it. Her hair was a mess around her head now as she caressed his cock with her face and began licking over it.
‘Your Queen has asked you a question.’ Reiterated Nyx
It was absurd that she put authority in her voice while she was laying naked with girl cum oozing out of her stretched snatch but the tone reflected her perceived status.
‘I want to bend you over your captain and fuck you into the wall.’ He said
‘You wish to bow your Queen and have her fuck her personal guard?’ she said before spiting on the jutting cock most unlady like
‘I wish to fuck my Queen into a world of pleasure she didn’t know existed. Her majesty deserves the best and I have the greatest cock in all Neverland.’ He said
She sat up on her knees, the cock sliding down her body as she rose to his level, falling from her face to her shoulder and then into the cradle of her melon sized breasts until they were face to face with his pulsating fey dick between them radiating heat like fire poker.
‘Very well then, my stallion. Your cock will be my scepter.’
She gave her stallion a kiss and two handed jerks to her new scepter. His cock stood proud between the Queen and her subject as they kissed while she stroked everything under her breasts. He had on hand on the tit in front of him and another around her back groping her fairly plump ass cheek.
Nyx flipped over and laid on her back, long brown hair fanning her head on the golden sheets as the Queen let go of the blond sparrow man and kicked a leg over her guardian. Straddling her hips, the queen mounted her captain, the huge titted, golden glowing blond on top of the muscular tan and brown fairy. The regal woman began grinding her hips against Nyx while leaning over her, sinking her white hands into her abundant tit meat.
Terrance walked on his knees behind the Queen as she bent over her captain and began kissing her. Nyx returned her embrace and their tits displaced each other’s between them as they did a horizontal love dance. The queen did not get lost in the lesbian show and dug her knees into the hips of Nyx, propping her ass up and bending down her back.
Terrance groped her ass, streaking the plump white ass with red hand prints, tainting the golden glow scarlet as his cock danced in front of him eager with anticipation. The brown and white women deepened their embrace and kiss despite the Queen raising and wagging her ass for him, love juices running from her nether lips with excitement as he stroked and palmed her bum.
Then without warning, he grabbed her ass by the fat of the cheeks and shoved his dick between the pussy lips like it the bullseye on a dart board, except he was hurling a javelin. The queen bent backwards, hair tossing about as Terrance traveled without interruption into her previously violated snatch.
He bottomed out onto her bottom, bending over the tall, regal fairy as Nyx silence her lustful groan with her mouth. The woman of browns held the convulsing matriarch from below, lips locked and arms around her sides over her back. Queen Clarion tried to support herself on wobbly arms to avoid laying on the two pairs of great white and brown tits between them as Terrance pounded her into her captain, into the bed, into the wall, as promised.
The loose flesh of her pleasantly large rump wobbled between his fingers as he drove cockfirst into the queen. Clapping sounds erupted from his hips hitting her ass and his heavy cum engorged balls dragged along Nyx’s bare pussy on its way to slap the top of the Queen’s. They needed to breath and the Queen pulled her head to the side.
‘Oh fuck! Terrance, Nyx! Oooooh…’ she groaned
She buried her face in the pillows while Nyx pulled her closer, putting her chin over her shoulder as if comforting the Queen as she was jackhammered by Terrance’s mighty rod. The blond haired, lean muscled dust keeper bent over his Queen, buried to the hilt in her as he lifted her up by the cunt with his cock in her. He planted a kiss on the surprised lips of Nyx.
The woman of browns returned it as best she could, hands still on her Queen as she gasped out the air his cock forced from her lungs. He stood back up on his knees and resumed fucking the bent Queen.
As the queen smothered herself in her best soldier’s breasts, she ground her stretched pussy into Nyx’s yearning, gaped but unoccupied one. The stimulation of the cock stuffing her and the crotch rubbing on hers was driving her back over the edge. He could feel her heat rising and cunt clenching.
‘These multiorgasmic bitches…’ Terrance grunted as his massive manhood pistoning into the Queen pushed her to another climax
She ground and shuck all over, crying into Nyx’s brown boobs as she began leaking lady love juice from her nether lips. Terrance gave gentle nudges and pulls to Queen Clarion, guiding her off her partner and onto her side. She dropped into a curled fetal position as she rode out the wave of another orgasm. Nyx propped up on her elbows, her fat tits splaying out as she kicked her legs up and spread for Terrance.
He knew by the smirk on the usually stern, tanned face of the already dark brown fairy that she was ready. With a hand he drove aimed his cock at her lips and pierced them with a thrust. She gasped wordlessly as he drove into the far looser but still very tight fairy. She closed her muscular legs around him as he pushed in, driving his cock as far into her as it would go.
He began bucking in earnest, seeking the exciting end of his own mounting orgasm. Nyx snaked her arms under his and reached around his lithe back, grabbing hold of him from under as her whole body shuck in the rocking bed. Stretched past her limits and stuffed more than she ever imagined possible in her wettest dream.
‘Oh- fuck! Terrance, ooooh oh ohh… I never knew, I never thought…’
He silenced her babble with a kiss, moving a hand to fondle one of her wobbling boobs as he rocked her world. The queen got out of her daze and began cuddling with the warrior, bringing a hand to her vag to help her clit along as she was rammed. With her other she played with the free tit and even brought it to her mouth to suck on it.
He came up for air and stood on his knees. He could feel the end coming and wanted to make a thing out of it. He ran down a short list of where to dump his load. Stuff the warrior woman like he’d done others, spray over her front as she played with her boobs, feed it to her like a fleshy straw of coconut milk. He decided as she began panting uncontrollably that he’d make use of the situation to decorate her face and the queen.
‘Oh Terry, I’m cumming again. I’m cumming…’ she moaned, face flushed a shade of red he didn’t think she could muster
He gave one last, long thrust as her legs began shaking and her whole body writhed around the massive love making invader. She lolled her head around as her eyes fluttered, catching and letting go of her breath. With her legs weakened, he could begin breaking out of her lock and pull out.
As he removed the super hard, sex engorged and hot rod from her quivering, gaped lips there was a gush of fluids and their mixed juices leaked. His hand joined hers and the queen as they began playing with her pussy. Fingers and thumbs flicked the clip, stroked the lips, probed the open hole and all sorts of other things as she came hard and a stream of girl cum began arcing from Nyx as she bent backwards.
‘Ohhhh FUCK!’ she shouted harder than any battle cry emitted in an impassioned frenzy
Terrance let go of her as the stream became a dribble and walked on his knees to her head. He began stroking himself with his cock pointed at her face as the Queen kissed her orgasm recovering captain.
‘I’m about ready your highness.’ he said
Her hand joined his on the rod as she began stroking him off. Nyx recovered quickly despite the rush of her massive climax and noticed the hands on the mighty spear at her face. She smiled and joined them. All three pairs of hands still couldn’t cover the length of the slimy, vein engorged cock but still loved him hard enough to get off.
He merely grunted wordlessly as the pleasure emanating from his loins travelled his body and he felt the arrival of his orgasm. A geyser of frothy white man juice erupted from the tower of his cock and spewed in ropes onto the face of the queen on her side. Caught by surprise, they opened their mouths and closed their eyes to try and catch some and protect their vision.
There it dribbled onto the brown face of Nyx. Successive splurts sent more globules and ropes of cum onto them, coating them egregiously in layers of his warm ball batter. Soon the golden face of the queen and bronze face of her captain were coated white by the viscous, bubbling cum blasts that also stained the bed, matted in their tangled, sweaty hair and began leaking down their necks to her heavenly bosoms.
Their mouths were overflowing with the cream when he finally began to wilt. They were facialized like a trip to the spa and twin holes opened in their masques as they finally peered out their closed lids. As best they could, they closed their mouths and swallowed, gulping the froth as what they couldn’t swallow leaked out the corners of their lips.
Terrance just flopped over onto the bed and splayed like he owned the place. The queen and the soldier began wiping with their hands, sheets and licking their lips to restore some sense of hygiene after the fuck session. Terrance didn’t care. He was covered in sweat and girl juice, his flaccid foot long dong still shimmering with all the cunt mix on it and the head still leaking some residual cum out the foreskin onto his thigh.
He just watched the sun go down and basked in the afterglow of another great session, newly conquered fairies and kept the thoughts of what he would finally say to Tinkerbell at bay as the two women cleaned up and then cuddled with him. All three were naked on top of the sheets and watched the orange turn to darkness in the night as they drifted off to sleep in the warm silence.
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