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Reviews for Grow, Adapt, Overcome.

By : DebbieCync
  • From WhiteWhiskey on March 05, 2023

    First review on the site in a long, long time and also first one after the big read-only lockdown, and I'm using it to say I hope you might touch base on this again someday. Was quite interesting to catch up on it during the read only period

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  • From LotusFury on December 18, 2021

    Really love this, makes me sad that it takes so long to update

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  • From Volkodlac on October 27, 2021

    It freaky how much this story reminds me of SCP 2610.  An SCP which also has an 18+ rating.

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  • From Kingoffish on October 14, 2021

    Absolutely love the story it's so wholesome and ever joke make me so upset I can't share them in context incredible work

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  • From ghost on July 14, 2021


    Have been followinh this story since it was posted and i was wonderinf if there will be any further uodates to it ?

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  • From beowulf77 on October 25, 2020

    Apparently I missed an update for this story. Happy that I finally got to catch up.
    Not gonna lie, I'm not super enthused about that development at the end of the chapter, but that's my specific hangup. It doesn't affect the overall quality of the story. Everything else was the same high quality I expect from this story, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment. Keep up the good work!

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  • From LotusFury on September 20, 2020

    Really love this story

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  • From Brig on September 01, 2020

    I have to say I really like this. So many other fanfics that pair Lincoln with multiple  of his sisters simultaneously come off as all about the sex, and don't bother with any romance or love. So it's really refreshing to have this story go into very deep detail about the love he shares with all of them. Plus it's just an interesting story, great lovemaking scenes and a cool premise that involves superpowers.
    Overall well done, and I can't wait for more

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  • From VaultHunter18 on August 30, 2020

    Ah another wonderful chapter to one of my favorite stories, and a very hot one too. I can't wait for the rest of the "family fun" that the guys and girls will now have. A pity that the virus is only genetically viaiable I bet Sam would've loved size altering powers. 

    Honestly looking forward to next couple of chapters, with the changes to the hospital or Loud Base as I call it, you know Lisa is going to go wild with modifications, and Lincoln is going to geek out and give suggestions. 

    Like I said this is one of my favorite stories, you've done some excellent work and it's not boring or thank you (not political), a great reread A LOT of times. 


    Keep up the great work and stay safe!!!

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  • From tcm on June 13, 2020

    Had to leave a short review, finally signed up just to make sure I could.

    Solid writing for a modern day comedy sci-fi take with quiet, careful foreshadowing. The emotional bonds feel goofy and sincere but not cringeworthy. I really appreciate the way Lincoln develops meaningful non-sexual relationships with his sisters that matter instead of the classic harem blank-slate-with-bitches anime approach that is so easy to borrow when adapting material designed for younger audiences.

    Im looking forward to more chapters featuring Lincoln and his sisters. The current alternate universe doesn't grab my attention because there isn't an obvious sibling relationship to really explore,  but I'm eager to be proven wrong.

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  • From beowulf77 on May 16, 2020

    I was delighted to see that you'd updated this story, and even more delighted to see a fairly lengthy shout out to my story. Got a nice chuckle out of that, thanks :)

    Great job, as always. Really like the way you write Lynn and Lincoln, they have a very nice, easy going relationship, but they're also adorable together. And as much as I enjoy the other sisters, particularly your take on Luan, its nice to get a little Lynncoln time every now and then. New plot development really threw me for a curve, looking forward to seeing where things go from here. Keep up the good work :)

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  • From Frederick_Jubilance on May 16, 2020

    Great story, cant wait to see where it goes.

    It's a nice execution of the otherwise tired tropes of the MC getting superhuman  qualities and of Lisa facilitating the plot. Usually the later is an excuse for the author to not have to write good characters or motivations.

    Lincoln's relationship and pre sex arc with each sister, while brief, is at least something.

    Aging them up just a little bit works for keeping the loli-shota. 

    All the talk about possible impregnation is cool too. I hope that's not just something for the ending or epilogue. A follow up with some Sin Kids would be cool.

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  • From Killan on May 06, 2020

    Amazing story, impeccable writing, funyy humor, and most importantly of all, really, really arousing, this alone was enough for 3 days from how long and good it is, 1 suggestion for next part, Licoln and Linka, then Linka and everyone else, very similar to the older chapters but gender swapped, but in the end with their new powers Linka does it with Lincoln again and the (power concetration thing, don't ask me make up your own sceince) is enough to combine both universes into a über universe with all of them combined into 1 for infinite more kinky matchups, just a suggestion though I'm sure it'll be good no matter how you make it, navea nice day!

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  • From Sithlordshades on April 27, 2020

    I love the SCP reference in the end.  So glad this exists.  Good work and keep it up.  Made my day to see a new chapter

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  • From beowulf77 on February 27, 2020

    Really happy to see that this story has been updated since the last time I checked, it's consistently been one of my favorites since I stumbled upon it. Really looking forward to seeing how things pan out with Luna and the Twins (and Sam? Possibly?)

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