Azula's Lost Chapters OR Azula's New Cook | By : DecieverGod Category: Avatar - The Last Airbender > Het - Male/Female Views: 13955 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The swamp creature came crashing down, its face just where the Captain was standing, where Azula had been standing not a second ago. The Captain had had to stop to toss Azula out of harm’s way, and with the creature’s viney body came crashing down a tidal wave of swamp water. Tatsuya turned just in time to see the buck of the creature hit, and the wave come crashing over him.
Tatsuya turned and dove to the ground, hoping to just have the wave wash over him, but he was still mid air when the torrent crashed over him. It snatched him out of the air and brought him with it, tumbling him about the churning mouth. He battled his eyes open against the foaming lashing chaos, and planted his halberd in passing tree with all his might.
The supplies were torn from his back bringing his shoulder pads with them and he feared his legs would be next for the wave to remove. Vines tangled themselves around his ankles and as the torrent waters pulled them they tightened and threatened to crush his armor along with his legs. The Captain through his arms over his halberd and scanned the trees. He smiled a little as he saw Azula clung to a tree trunk a few feet above the raging waters. The vines pulled on him as something snagged on them and he winced. Azula looked over at him, he smiled. “Princess! You go on ahead! I’ll catch up!” He yelled and let go of his halberd.
Tatsuya was pulled under in a second, but the vines about his legs went slack as he was pulled right along with them and he freed his legs with a little kicking. He managed to struggle to the surface, but his heavy metal armor weighted him down and he was under again.
The water tossed him about, tumbling him around like a fly in a hurricane. One minute he was up right scratching at the surface and the next he was kicking the earth and stumbling to free himself from tangled vines or tree roots. A moment later the torrent crashed his back against the trunk of a tree, knocking his breath out of him, something particularly hard to do to, and extraordinarily dangerous for a Fire Bender. His armor took the front of the blow, and had it not Tatsuya would have slipped unconscious. As it was he managed to spread his arms and legs to either side, effectively wrapping himself around the tree.
The Captain panted fighting to catch his breath without swallowing any of the water crashing against his chest, and striving to remove him from the tree so that it might thrash him about again. But he held fast, vines lashed against him pressed against him by the same force that held him to the tree trunk. He worried about large debris crushing him, but none ever came.
The waters calmed, and the Captain floated down the tree with the water level. When the waters finally receded, or passed, he sat at the base of the tree, panting madly, vines tangled about in front of him.
Once he’d caught his breath Tatsuya struggled to his feet, he was sore all over, his arms from fighting the current, his legs from being pulled on by the vegetation, his chest from the impact of the tree, and his neck from forcing his head out of the raging waters time and again.
He took a deep breath and hooked his thumbs in his belt. “So… where am I?” He looked around. “Still in the swamp, somewhere…” It was a swamp everything looked the same, and different at the same time, the Captain couldn’t tell one mucky sandbar from another. “Alright...” He scratched the back of his head; his top knot had come undone by the wave and his hair was tangled with leaves swamp muck and a several other things that were possibly alive. “Let’s recap; I’m lost in a swamp with a giant vine monster in it… My Halberd is on the other side of a tidal wave long expanse, in…” He looked around trying to figure out which direction was the way he’d come. “Some direction…” He sighed again. “And Princess Azula is probably plotting my death as we speak… plus she might or might not kill me even if I do manage to find my way back to her in a timely fashion.”
Tatsuya adjusted his armor a little, he realized that his shoulder pads had been torn off with the supplies and just unclasped his chest plate. His baggy undershirt was soaked through and dripped as he slung his armor plates onto his back. “And I have no supplies, weapons or map…” He sighed again; all and all things probably couldn’t get much worse. “Well might as well start walking…” He just sort of picked a direction and started walking in it, he was actually going somewhat the way he’d come, but a little more north that he needed.
It wasn’t long before he found life, it was a swamp the place brimmed with all manner of creatures, Cat-Gators, Screamer Birds, even the occasional Dragon-Fly. Most of it left him alone, the Cat-Gators knew better than to bite off more than they could chew, and he stayed out of their way so as to not disturb the locals, but it wasn’t those locals he had to worry about.
Coming to investigate the torrential destruction of the tidal wave were two swamp benders. “What do you reckin’ it was?” Asked the tall skinny one bending the boat forward, his companion manning the rudder was a shorter rounder swamp dweller.
“T’was probably just Huu, scarin’ off some fokes what weren’t respectin’ the swamp… I heard from one o’ the others that there was a Fire Nation box, sittin’ outside the western edge. Was all made outta metal and was bein’ dragged around by a rhinoceros.” He looked around at the path of the wave, it wasn’t really destruction, most of the swamp things that might have suffered from the current had been covered by the wave, and everything else was strong enough to weather it.
“Huh…” The bender stopped and just let their craft drift forward. “Say weren’t the Fire Nation the one’s what we’ve been warin’ with for like, ever?”
“Yep, that’s them…”
“What’d ya suppose they’ve got a rhinoceros draggin’ a metal box around fer?”
Tatsuya noticed them before they noticed him, and ducked behind a tree as they passed. The Captain kept an open ear as to their conversation however, he was lost and if he could he would like to find out where he was from the two.
“How should I know? Maybe they’ve got some big swamp wave makin’ weapon sittin’ in the back an’ that’s what caused the wave.” The short one suggested, with a little sarcasm.
The bender scratched the back of his head. “Huh, do ya really figur’ they’ve got somethin’ like that?”
“Well I figure they’d had themselves some better machinations what when they started the war, and no one’s been able ta attack the Fire Nation itself nearest as I can figure for near a hundred years. So who might know what things they’ve been buildin’ back there?”
Tatsuya blinked a little, he hadn’t really expected guys wearing leaves for hats and pants to be brilliant, but he’d hadn’t figured they’d be well, as dense as stone. On the Brightside this meant he could use them. He walked out from behind a tree. “Uh, hello there, excuse me my friends but I seem to have gotten myself a bit lost.”
The two swamp dwellers looked over at him with rather blank expressions. “Who the heck are you?” Asked the one manning the rudder, the bender just kind of watched him.
The Captain paused for a second, he was still wearing clearly Fire Nation clothing, and he could easily be made for a soldier, but then he got an idea and smiled at them scratching the back of his head. “Well actually I’m an Earth Kingdom spy…” He chuckled a little.
“Well what cha doin’ here? Spyin’ on the gators?” said the scrawny swamp bender.
Tatsuya stopped chuckling but kept scratching the back of his head. “Well… actually I’ve kinda been separated from those that I’ve been assigned to spy on.” He smirked a little and took a few steps toward them, wading out toward their boat. “Perhaps you’ve seen them? Three girls, one’s pretty upbeat, another’s a bit of a downer, and the third’s drop dead gorgeous?”
“Hmm… Don’t reckon we’ve seen anyone like that, you said yer supposed to be spyin’ on em? What’d they do? Are they like real nasty fire benders, what are here ta destroy us?” The round one scratched his chin a little as the boat drifted to a stop a few feet in front of the captain.
“Well… No, not exactly, they’re just some people of interest to the Earth Kingdom, and I’m supposed to be reporting back on their movements.” Tatsuya figured it was best not to tell the swamp benders everything; they probably weren’t so dense as to ignore the fire nation princess traveling through their swamp.
“Well how ya gonna do that if ya don’t know where they are?” The Captain twitched a little at the swamp bender’s question.
“Well that’s why he’s askin’ where they are Due, come on, think before ya talk.” The round bender pointed out, Tatsuya smirked a little, mostly because he hadn’t really wanted to have to be the one to point out the obvious.
“Oh… so he’s talkin’ about them three girls what were skulkin’ around just west o’ here. Though I don’t know about none of ‘em bein’ too upbeat, they all seemed kinda down ta me. But there was one what had a long braid an’ some big boobies.” The swamp bender held his hands up to his chest to demonstrate, the Captain twitched again. “An’ then there was the one what was lookin’ kinda like a drowned mole-rat, had all sorts o’ black stuff leaking out her eyes.” Due looked back at his companion.
The round swamp bender snapped his fingers. “Yeah… and then there was that last one, what reminded ya o’ something what was gonna eat cha!” The two nodded pleased with their recollection of the Fire Nation girls.
The Captain was trying to restrain himself, sure their recollections had be more or less dead on, but he still didn’t like people talking about the noble girls the way that the swamp benders were. He grit his teeth and smiled. “Hehe… Yeah that’s them alright. So you wouldn’t happen to have seen where they were camped would you?”
“Well yeah… but it’s gonna be dark soon, an only an idiot goes out inta the swamp after sundown.” Tatsuya paused to think for a moment, after sundown his bending would be significantly weaker, and he had no supplies to speak of, plus even if he did rendezvous with the princess they’d still have no way to get out of the swamp. “Why don’t cha hitch a ride with us back ta our place, we’ll get cha all cleared out on where yer goin’ and you can head out ta find yer Fire Nation ladies tomorrow.”
“Well…” The Captain rubbed his neck; he was hesitant to leave Azula to her own devices, particularly while walking into an enemy camp. “I could use a map…” But then again he was hopelessly lost.
“Hope in kid, we’ll get cha all set up right an’ you can tell us ‘bout how the war’s goin’ outside.” Tho said with a smirk, bringing up a wave behind Tatsuya as he waved his arm toward the boat, the wave carried the Captain up enough that he stepped, a little shocked into the swamp craft.
“Hehe, thanks, I’m afraid I was having a hard time finding my way around on my own.”
“Yeah that happens pretty easy ‘round here.” Due said starting to wave his arms about as he started the boat forward, the Captain sat down fairly quickly as the small swamp craft got going pretty fast pretty quick.
“So tell us kid, how’s the war goin’ out there? Anyone won yet?” Tho asked as he drove the craft around a tree, and back toward the swamp bender camp.
Tatsuya chuckled a little. “Heh, well not yet I’m afraid. The front line is pushed forward a little more each day, but right now everyone is looking for the Avatar. If the Fire Nation captures him then they will have essentially sealed their victory, Ba Sing Sei is the only place they can’t touch and soon enough it will be the last place to hid from them.”
“Well ‘sides our swamp, Fire Nation hasn’t been here in forever...” Due added in.
“No place will be safe, the world’s changing, and the Fire Nation is the driving force behind it.” The Captain said this a little somberly, yet with a trace of determination.
The three men road the craft up to the swamp bender camp shore in silence after that. Even the swamp benders could tell that there was no reason to continue the conversation after that. The only thing was that they felt it because they believed that the Fire Nation was changing the world for the worse, Tatsuya demanded that it was for the better.
The Captain maintained his façade through dinner. He entertained the swamp benders with tales of foolish Fire Benders and Earth Kingdom surprise attacks, he left out the part where the Fire Benders won and the attacks failed. He regarded the insect feast with hesitant but open minded eyes and had himself two or three of the large swamp bugs before retiring. He didn’t actually go to sleep till late. His mind was preoccupied, it wasn’t that he didn’t trust that the Princess could survive without him, she was a better bender that he’d ever be, and with Mai and Ty Lee at her sides there wasn’t a force he could fathom that could defeat her. He worried that she’d leave without him, life in the swamp did not interest him, and while he could easily pass for an Earth Kingdom citizen, he didn’t want to.
The next day he thanked the swamp benders and left at sunrise. They supplied him with leaf sacks of fish and insects, along with a rough map of the swamp, it didn’t show much but it had the center tree and their camp along with enough detail to figure out your own location, but didn’t actually show the edges of the swamp. He eagerly trudged off into the swamp toward where the swamp benders had last seen Azula.
After about an hour of trudging through swamp muck passing trees that all looked the same and exchanging glances with Cat-Gators his mind started to wander. He didn’t really pay any attention to where it wandered to; he just concentrated on the path in front of him.
He didn’t stop walking till he froze dead in his tracks. The color was pulled from his face and he was left with an unnatural pallor. Tatsuya swallowed his heart down and scanned the trees. He smirked a little and rubbed his forehead lightly as the vision passed. “Heh… I’m hallucinated… Probably shouldn’t have had that third bug…”
“Or that first…” He started walking again though his breath was still coming in short breaths and it took him a while to regain his color. He turned his mind to trying to find a way to cook insects that would remove any toxic properties, theoretically if you boiled anything long enough, the question was would that make strip the insides of their naturally fluid texture, and was that necessarily a bad thing?
Then, roughly an hour later, the Captain froze again. This time he grit his teeth and tensed, prepared for the onslaught of his past, he waited it out where he stood. And it, like the first vision passed shortly after it had appeared, he shook his head, trying to clear the memories out. “They’re gone.” He pressed a fist to his forehead. “They’re not coming back…” He started walking determinedly forward. “I’m stronger now.” He hissed to under his breath as he glared down at the muck around his feet and allowed a small curl of flames roll out over his teeth.
He paused again, not a moment later. “The past should stay past.” He glared at the woods, his eyes rolling over the trees and shrubs, as if searching for the culprit that had been summoning his past. Once he was certain there wasn’t another vision waiting behind a tree he trudged on. He didn’t meet with another vision after that.
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